How to learn to draw cartoons with a pencil step by step. funny cartoon


I have wanted to draw a cartoon for a long time. This is a little easier than a real portrait, but it also requires a lot of knowledge and effort. For such a task, of course, you need to choose a famous person. The choice fell on this comrade: It seems that everyone is already familiar with this comrade in a white coat. Or even imagine? Dr. House is the result of the creative efforts of David Shore, embodied in reality by Hugh Laurie. The development of the detective line within the sterile walls of the hospital attracted many sick and healthy people to the zombie man. Before how to learn to draw cartoons Let me tell you a little about Hugh Laurie:

  • Hugh Laurie not only plays a narcissistic doctor, but also acts as a producer on the series.
  • He doesn't watch the show himself. Marvelous. Maybe there just isn't time.
  • When our pet was still joining the ranks of the shkolota, he did not waste his time in vain: he was engaged in rowing. By the way, his dad even once won gold at the London Olympics in this sport. So there was someone to take an example from.
  • American series. But Hugh is English. As a result, in each episode he has to not only portray a lame man, but also fake an American accent.
  • This doctor is the highest paid doctor. Only now his qualifications are not a doctor, but an actor.
  • Lori is a blues fan. And in our native capital, he visited with concerts.
  • And yes, everyone lies.

Enough talk, let's pick up a pencil.

How to draw a cartoon with a pencil step by step

Step one In the very center of the sheet, draw a large elongated egg. This is not an oval, because the figure is more pointed at the bottom. From her down - the lines of the neck. The shoulders are very sloping and narrow. Step Two On the face, we outline the main auxiliary lines. We are already familiar with them, since the face was painted more than once. These are the vertical line of the nose, the line of the eyes and the line of the mouth. Between the lines of the eyes and mouth, we outline a small dash - the nose. Let's draw the ears and hair. Now for the shirt collar. Step Three We continue to work on our caricature. Add short dashes to the hair. Let's show the main lines of a long elongated nose. Wide mouth. A little lower - a bend in an arc. All that's left is the eyes and eyebrows. Be careful, eyes say a lot about a person. Step Four Shade the hair in some places. Let's draw the nose, mouth, wrinkles on the forehead, facial hair. Now let's move on to the details of the clothes. Step Five It remains to complete the shading to give life to the drawing. Imagine that the light falls from the front, which means we darken the side parts. Feather the lines a little. We take a piece of paper and rub it in the right places where a shadow is needed. Well, that's it. I want to believe that this lesson will be useful for you, and will teach how to draw cartoons with a pencil. And I advise you to try to draw more.

Today's business idea is suitable for all those who cannot imagine their life without a canvas of paper and a pencil in their hands. We will talk about creating cartoons and caricatures as a business with minimal investment. In this case, the most important thing is the ability to draw portraits and determine, looking at a person, the main facial features. And also, be able to convey them on canvas. As a rule, good cartoonists and caricaturists are obtained from students and graduates of art schools and universities. Many of them trade in similar cases in their free time from study. And, I must say, they provide themselves with an additional (and for some it is the main) source of income. Before we jump right into the business idea, let's get some terminology out of the way.

Are cartoons and cartoons the same thing?

An erroneous opinion has taken root in society, claiming that caricature and caricature are one and the same artistic genre. It turns out that this is not so. We bring to your attention the definitions of cartoon and caricature.

Caricature is a genre of fine art in which the main character (a person, animal or any object) is depicted in a good-natured humorous manner. At the same time, the artist deliberately displays on the canvas the external features and character traits inherent in this particular hero. Cartoons come in different types, depending on the displayed objects. The portrait depicts one person. On the group - several people united by a common atmosphere. There are cartoons with animals and some special objects for the customer (for example, depicting a house, a car, etc.). A special place is occupied by plot pictures, where, in addition to the main character, the environment is also drawn. In our opinion, this is the most interesting and beautiful type of caricature.

Caricature is the progenitor of the cartoon genre. These are satirical and humorous drawings depicting a person or an object with an exaggeration of its inherent features, both external and internal. Differs from the caricature in social or political sharpness. Most often, such paintings depict famous politicians, businessmen, show business stars.

Now that you have an idea about these two genres, let's return to our business idea.

How to learn to draw cartoons and caricatures?

This is the first question that any person who is interested in implementing this idea, but does not know how to create humorous portraits, will ask. Experts say that the fundamental principle is knowledge of the anatomy and facial expressions of the human face. And, of course, the ability to draw portraits. You can learn all this on your own by studying books and lessons on the Internet. But, don't lie to yourself. This kind of training takes a lot of time. There is a shorter and more correct way - to enroll in an art school, courses or even a university. The teachers there will teach you the basics and tricks of the fine arts and make you a specialist in a relatively short time.

Particular attention should be paid to learning to draw the human body and face, as these skills will be extremely useful when creating cartoons and caricatures.

Once you learn how to draw faces, you can move on to the next step. It is necessary to learn to highlight the main facial features of a person, as well as those features that minimally reflect his appearance and character. Caricature and caricature are built on the ability to exaggerate more important features and the ability to remove unimportant ones.

It will be useful to observe the work of a caricaturist. You will see how the portrait is created. Where does the drawing start? What gets the most attention. Etc. The most important thing is practice. Sit down at your desk, take out paper, pencil and go. The more you draw, the faster you will learn. First, practice drawing from a photo. After a few successful caricatures or caricatures, you can try to draw from life. Ask your friends or relatives to pose for you.

Hone your skill until you can create great humorous pictures quickly and easily. As a rule, it takes 10 minutes for a professional caricaturist or cartoonist to provide a client with a finished portrait. After that, you are ready to offer your services to the general public.

How to organize your business on cartoons and caricatures?

We have identified three ways to implement this business idea. The first is to open your own workshop for creating such drawings. For this you need a small room. The optimal area is 12-15 square meters. m. Here the client will have a place to turn around and you will have space for creativity. On the walls, of course, you should hang the results of your previous work. They will become an additional portfolio. By the way, you will need a beautifully designed portfolio when implementing an idea in any of the three proposed ways.

The second option is to accept orders via the Internet. The advantage of this method is the coverage of a huge number of customers, regardless of their location. You can send finished works to them electronically by email or in printed form by mail. The downside is the impossibility of drawing from nature. Drawing from a photograph is somewhat more difficult and longer. But we think that this is not such a hindrance. The ability to work with clients across the country and beyond more than covers this shortcoming. You don’t need an office for implementation, but you will need your own website and its further promotion.

And the last option (although you can think of other ways to implement this business idea) is to create cartoons in real time. That is, we offer you to become a street cartoonist. For implementation, you need a small stand. Can be homemade. On it you hang some of your work and prices. Several small chairs. You will sit on one, your client will sit on the others. And like everywhere else, you'll need art supplies and paper. It is very important to be at the right time in the right place. The most successful places are parks, squares, squares, beaches. The latter are probably the most profitable place in the world for “draughters of humorous pictures”. The most favorable time is holidays from morning to evening, on weekdays in the evening, on weekends you can try from lunch until dark. As practice shows, heaps of people accumulate around such cartoonists (caricaturists). Some just watch, some wait their turn.

How much can you earn?

As we said at the beginning, creating cartoons and caricatures is a business with minimal investment. For example, to start as a street artist, a small easel, a few sheets of paper and a simple pencil (charcoal, paints - depends on your technique) are enough. Chairs can be borrowed from home.

The cost of one cartoon, even the simplest, is 500-600 rubles. If this is a plot drawing made in watercolor or pastel, then its price can reach up to 5-6 thousand rubles. As for the time spent on drawing one picture, it will be a maximum of half an hour. Then consider yourself.

One thing is certain. The ability to draw cartoons and caricatures can provide its owner with a serious source of income. Primary or secondary.

How to draw cartoons

Usually experienced cartoonists, drawing cartoons, rarely ask themselves: how do they do it.
If you ask an artist to explain to you why he paints this way, he will most likely say that he draws purely intuitively, relying on his creative experience. And this, to some extent, is explained by the fact that so far, the theory in the field of cartoon drawing has not been sufficiently studied and systematized. Those theoretical knowledge of knowledge that exist are not taught in art schools, for the simple reason that they are not yet of an applied nature. Each artist, however, has his own techniques for drawing a caricature, and I want to introduce you to some of them on the pages of the site.
The basis of the caricature is the mobility of the shape of the face. In the portrait, we find this form static, the artist paints the facial features as they exist in reality. In the cartoon, the proportions are distorted, exaggerated, they move, deform, and at the same time, the resemblance to the original is not lost at all. Due to what is this happening? Does the caricaturist's drawing obey any precise measurements or is it born as a result of inexplicable creative exaltation?
Looking at the work of a caricaturist, an uninitiated viewer does not leave a feeling of surprise, which slightly resembles the feeling that we experience when we see the work of a magician. If the drawing of a portrait fits perfectly within the framework of our understanding (we see how the artist only copies nature), then cartoon drawing, sometimes suggests a miraculous ability, which cartoonist endowed from childhood. The ability to learn is almost impossible.
Let's try to figure out now whether everything is really hopeless, or, nevertheless, in spite of everything, there are certain ways and mechanisms by which cartoons any, more or less prepared person can learn to draw.

Facial proportions

The faces of all people differ from each other in minor details: the size of the nose, eyes, mouth, face oval, ears are different for all people, but the proportions - the ratio of the distances between the nose, eyes and mouth for each person are approximately the same. Classical proportions divide the human face into three equal parts. These are the distances between the eyebrows and the roots of the hair on the forehead, the distance between the base of the nose and the eyebrows, and the distances between the base of the chin and the base of the nose.
Also, the distance between the eyebrows and the tip of the nose is equal to the size of the ears, and the line drawn at the base of the lower lip divides the lower part of the face into two symmetrical parts.

The figure clearly shows how the lines a, b, c, d divide the face into equal parts, and how the size of the eye can fit proportionally into the face. But, they may object to me. What if the person's features are not proportional? Do the laws of ratios work just as flawlessly? After all, there are people with long, short noses, small, wide-set eyes. As an example, two completely different faces can be compared. One with perfectly perfect proportions, and the other completely disproportionate.

This portrait shows what a perfectly proportioned face looks like. However, if we take another face, devoid of proportions at first glance, and draw the same lines, then we will find in a completely unexpected way that the size ratio between them will remain approximately the same.

We can therefore conclude that the proportions are a very convenient thing for the artist. Without knowledge of the basic proportions, it is almost impossible to draw a portrait correctly, because it is very difficult to grasp the ratio of the sizes of various parts of the face by eye. Most of the mistakes that novice portrait painters make are errors related to the violation of proportions.

But let's get back to the caricature, for the sake of which we actually started our study. In caricature of a face, the laws of proportion are just as important as in drawing a portrait. What usually happens if the artist draws a long nose instead of a short one, leaving all other proportions unchanged? In this case, the painted portrait seems to us devoid of resemblance to the original. It is not necessary only to lengthen the nose, you can reduce the distance between the eyes too much or, on the contrary, increase it too much. So if we compare the pictures a And b, it is clearly noticeable that by increasing the distance between the eyes in the figure b we have created something strange, ugly, out of proportion. Our consciousness, the mechanism of perception of which is based on purely geometrical laws of identification of human faces, instantly signals a violation committed by the artist, and is perceived by us as a negative, unpleasant fact.
Here it is important to understand the fact that proportions are one of the subconscious mechanisms of perception of a human face. In our daily life, we constantly subconsciously read information from the numerous faces we meet. Even our aesthetic perception is based on proportionality. The more a person’s face fits into the classical canon, the more pleasant emotions and desire to communicate it evokes in us, and vice versa, people with disproportionate, asymmetrical faces cause us, if not feelings of regret, then at least laughter. At the end of the 19th century, the theory of one Italian psychologist, Lombroso Cesare, was popular, who published the book "Criminal", in which he argued that there are certain biological signs, mainly related to the disproportionality of the face, that contribute to the commission of crimes. So, according to his theory, people with massive chins and developed jaws are potential criminals and scoundrels.

And oddly enough, but even today his theory finds supporters precisely because of our psychological desire for ideal proportions.

Maybe this is where the division into caricature and caricature came from. This is the difference between caricature and caricature, many can not understand. In my opinion, certain distortions of facial proportions are perceived by us comically and cause laughter, while others, on the contrary, cause indulgence. We usually experience positive emotions at the sight of a fool and a dupe, we find it funny. Remember at least the Soviet jokes about the Chukchi or Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev with Petka. A completely different image is drawn in his works by the English cartoonist John Law. His caricature of Margaret Thatcher is too exaggerated.

When I was still a novice caricaturist, and took my first steps in this genre of art, I trained in the subway, looking at the faces of the passengers sitting opposite me, mentally imagining what the caricature of this or that person would be like. These exercises later provided me with invaluable help. I learned a very important quality for an artist - to see my work in finished form even before I start drawing it. True, then it began to seem to me that the faces of people at a depth of 100 meters underground seem more caricatured than on the surface. Perhaps our perception depends on the position in space where we are at the moment, but this is a topic for another study.

Let's try to understand what proportions are based on. Undoubtedly, their basis is close interaction with each other. It is absolutely impossible to change any part of the face without affecting other parts. We know from physics that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the cartoon, changes in relation to the nose lead to a certain change in the basic shape, position of the eyes, mouth. So in the picture c an increase in the distance between the eyes leads to a shortening of the nose and an expansion of the oval of the face, the head becomes wider and, in turn, shorter. Further, the shortening of the upper part of the head leads to the lengthening of its lower part: figure d.

Variations of the letter T

Thus, caricature of the face is still based on a change in proportions, but not arbitrary, when we simply take and make the nose bigger, or enlarge the ears or eyes, but subject to a certain method based on the relationship of its various parts. For clarity, we need to introduce some simplification of the form, combining the nose and eyes in the form of the letter T. Now let's try to consider some of the variations that the letter T takes on different types of faces.

As you can see in the figure, the letters T take on various forms, the variations of which are countless, but we are only interested in the most characteristic of them, which are shown in the figure. For me, the shape of the letter T is a fundamental element in the cartoon, with the help of which I can easily stretch and exaggerate the face, not for a second without fear of making any mistakes related to the overall expressiveness of the drawing. To begin with, you can take these six most characteristic shapes of the letter T as a basis for yourself and try to caricature faces according to these schemes, the most important thing in work is the initial observation of the shape of the face: either it is a straight, long, thin nose, or a thick, large, or upturned. The shape of the eyes correlates with the shape of the nose in direct sequence, the main thing is to mentally imagine what shape of the letter T the face will have in each case. When I talk about the letter T, I'm talking about the geometric shape created by the eyes and nose in each case. As a general rule, the eyes and nose always work together within a relationship. To visualize this more clearly, imagine that the eyes and nose are connected by a thread, a thread that moves through the wheels fixed in the center of the eyes and the tip of the nose.

Here's how it works roughly. Note that the eyes and eyebrows are slightly reduced at the same time as the lower part of the face is enlarged and stretched.

If a person's eyes are wide apart relative to the bridge of the nose, then the ropes pull the nose closer to the eyes, and a longer nose pulls the eyes closer together. The mouth, nose and chin have a similar connection. Since the distances between them are constant, the mouth located close to the nose leads to the removal of the chin. Thus, it is easy to conclude that the deformation of any part of the face immediately leads to a reverse deformation of another part immediately adjacent to it.

The figures below show the main types of templates used when caricaturing a face. The peculiarity lies in the fact that, based on the general shape of the face, the caricaturist, stretching the shape, respectively, in the same direction, stretches or compresses the rest of the parts, nose, eyes and mouth. Please note that with the stretching of the lower part of the face, the nose does not remain the same as it was before the caricature, but changes. In one case it decreases, in the other it lengthens.

Now a question? Why is this happening? The answer is the basic principle of any cartoon is that we lengthen the long, shorten the short. So, if the nose was small in relation to the overall shape, then it should be shortened further, which we see in the cartoon on Ron Perlman (artist V. Belozerov). On another caricature of Vladimir Bystrov (artist V. Belozerov), the long nose becomes even longer.

On the cartoon on Leonov (thin. In Belozerov), a rather large nose becomes even more massive.

As you can see in the picture, before drawing a cartoon, the artist makes a small sketch on the sheet. He sketches the shape of the head such as the finished cartoon will have and correctly places the dimensions and location of the remaining parts of the face schematically. So that then it remains only to copy the details correctly.

Thus, it is clear how, on a fairly simple basis, a not tricky formula is based, using which you can easily learn how to caricature a face. To get started, I would recommend that you simply start by drawing the outline of the head, and a schematic representation of the letter T. This is necessary in order to develop your ability to dynamically transform the face. At least ten drawings a day will allow you to master the technique in a fairly short time.

V. Belozerov ©

A cartoon is something between a portrait and a humorous drawing, a combination of real and characteristic features of an object in a drawing. A caricature is, first of all, an exaggeration (of the characteristic features of a person, an object, some details).

In the modern world, the art of creating a cartoon has not been fully studied, not studied in sufficient detail to clearly describe the sequence of steps for drawing cartoons. Some people think that caricature creation is an inborn talent of a certain person, but this is just a delusion.

Let's try to figure out what you need in order to learn how to draw a cartoon?

Firstly, a caricaturist must be both an artist and a psychologist. In particular, when an order is received to draw a cartoon for a person or group of people, you must quickly highlight their characteristic features and build a cartoon on them. To do this, carefully look at the person, pay attention to the features of his face, clothes, facial expressions and movements. After such a scan, you will be able to come up with a composition of the picture and make a unique, memorable caricature.

Secondly, of course, you can learn the basics of drawing cartoons, portraits and caricatures on your own by studying a huge amount of literature and watching videos. But this procedure will take a lot of time. A relatively quick and effective way to learn is to attend art courses that will help you understand if you can draw a cartoon, if you like this activity. Creating cartoons requires a minimum investment. At first, you will need a sheet of paper and a sharp pencil or even a pen.

Thirdly, when studying (it doesn’t matter whether it’s self-study or studying in courses or at an art school), pay special attention to the skills to draw faces and bodies, other details are not so important. In addition, it takes practice to become a good caricaturist. After a certain amount of time, you will be able to create works in 10 minutes.

Fourthly, you should decide how you would like to do your work. Will it be paints or a simple pencil. Of course, without some practice, you will not be able to choose the appropriate option. By the way, practice can and should begin with photographs, and then try to draw from life.

4th November 2013 T.S.V

Beginning artists want to try themselves in all creative manifestations. When a young talent begins to search for himself, he often faces one interesting question - how to correctly draw a cartoon?
It is noteworthy that the details of the description of the caricature technique are not given in higher educational institutions due to the lack of an applied nature. However, as you know, each author has his own style, and the performances of caricatures by different specialists are united by common criteria.
When making a cartoon, you need to remember that some parts or features of the face need to be enlarged or highlighted. This emphasis must be set very cleverly in order to maintain a similarity with the original and, at the same time, distort the portrait in a funny way. Pay attention to some recommendations.
If you pay attention to portraits, then the eyes, together with the nose, form a certain letter T. As you know, there are no absolutely identical people, but below are the main examples of the shapes of the eyes and nose, which are most often used in working with cartoons.

If you are starting to try yourself in a similar style, then it would be useful to use these examples as templates. In the future, you will be able to fill your hand and, without difficulty, improve your skills by inventing your own form of depicting these facial parts.
For example, imagine that in the named letter T there is some thread that moves with the help of wheels that are located between the eyes and at the bottom of the nose.
If the eyes are located far from the bridge of the nose, then visually, with the help of invisible threads, we draw the nose closer to the inner corners of the eyes. We use a similar mirror principle if the nose is extended. Surely you have noticed an interesting principle - a change in the shape of some facial features leads to the fact that other features change back, relative to the first.
Note that in addition to displaying the T-shaped combination of eyes and nose, you need to capture dynamic face shape transformations. Depending on the degree of change in the forms, you make a facial sketch.

Remember that cartoons do not require detailing at the time of applying hatching or color scheme. It is important for us to show the main accents, to highlight what, first of all, should be striking. It will not be difficult for an experienced artist to work in this style, especially if he is a professional portrait painter and knows the basic anatomical features of the face.
At the beginning of the work on the cartoon, keep in mind that the face is the main area that needs to be highlighted. Therefore, the neck or the rest of the body will be comparatively reduced in comparison to the scale of the head. The first steps will be for you the image of an irregular oval shape, and the outlined contour of the bust.

The next step will be the outline of the auxiliary lines, thanks to which we outline the approximate location of the facial features. This is a vertical line passing through the center of the nose, as well as the lines of the eyes and mouth perpendicular to it.

Next, we continue to work on the details. We indicate the basic shapes of the eyes, nose and mouth. Remember the golden rule of the portrait painter: the main thing is to convey an accurate look. It is thanks to this aspect that the drawing will be as similar as possible to the original. Also, strokes can highlight shadow areas on the face and hair.

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