How to learn to dance tectonics for children. How to learn to dance tectonics at home? What is Tectonic


In recent years, the Tecktonik (electrodance) dance style is gaining more and more popularity among young modern people. Tectonic is a dance style mix. The style is based on hip-hop, techno, locking, popping movements. Young people dance tectonics everywhere: on the streets, in clubs, at universities, at home. Young people, carried away by the modern direction, achieve more and more results in its development.

To master tectonics, there are two ways: learn at home or visit a special dance studio. However, the latter option is quite expensive, which is not always suitable for young people who often have not yet reached a stable level of income (for example, students). It is quite possible to learn how to dance tectonics at home. To do this, you need to prepare and follow a number of simple rules.

What you need to practice tectonics at home.

  1. Mirror. In the room where you intend to conduct your home workouts, a mirror should be installed. It is better that it be several mirrors installed in different projections. So, performing dance movements, you can correct them with the help of your reflection. You will be better able to see the mistakes and shortcomings of movements made from different angles. It is preferable that you are fully reflected in the mirror.
  2. Rug. For convenience, you need to put a rug on the floor. It will also help to avoid claims from your neighbors that you interfere with them with your activities. It is better to put a couple of rugs, possibly rubberized.
  3. Educational video. Today, a large number of different instructional videos on the tectonics style are presented on the Internet. You can find tectonics lessons on the Internet using the advice of a professional from specialized forums. You can also purchase an instructional video. For beginners, the "Basic Course" tectonics is suitable.
  4. Music. It is impossible to learn how to dance tectonics without having good tracks at hand. It is necessary to pick up two or three high-quality melodies. Next, you need to learn how to separate the rhythm section in music. You can listen to a variety of melodies, trying to extract the rhythm from it. You can clap your hands or tap your feet. When you can instantly highlight the rhythm in any melody, then you can start learning tectonics.
  5. Wish. Free time. Classes tectonics require not only a fair amount of physical effort, but attention and time. To learn how to dance even the basic movements of tectonics well, you need to spend many hours on home workouts. The main thing is to decide for yourself whether you really want to practice this dance? If so, then you need to take it seriously. Give training for several hours a day, and in a month you will achieve certain results.
Initial preparation.
Before starting classes, you need to train your body for two to three weeks. The basic skills in tectonics are coordination and flexibility. Practice each of these qualities with simple exercises.
  1. Coordination exercise. Stand in the middle of the room, feet shoulder-width apart. Remove all breakable and fragile items. Take an apple, tennis ball, or orange in each hand. Spread your arms out to the sides and close your eyes. Try to fully concentrate. Imagine that you control your body as accurately as possible, feel it to the very tips of your fingers. Throw your chosen object or fruit into the air and try to catch it. Repeat attempts daily until you achieve positive results.
  2. Flexibility exercises. You can take any flexibility course you find online. Basic movements can be:
    • lean forward without bending your knees, try to touch the floor with your palms;
    • lean back, try to touch the floor with your hands. Over time, from a standing position, make a bridge and return to a vertical position without the help of hands;
    • side bends;
    • circular movements of the head;
    • warm-up feet, hands.
Basic movements of arms and legs in tectonics.
When viewing the tectonics training course, you will see that the trainer shows all the exercises slowly. Start repeating after your teacher. Control every movement with a mirror. Further, the trainer will begin to perform the movement faster and faster, bringing it to the desired level and forming ligaments. Try to memorize the link, repeat it several times. The next day, starting classes, start by repeating the learned link. Only after that, start learning new movements.

Basic leg movements in tectonics.
The main movements for the legs in tectonics are swings with the heel and toe. The main point in the movement of the legs is the clarity of each movement. When performing a toe swing, transfer the weight of the entire body to the heel. The sock makes a sharp lunge to the right if the movement comes from the right foot, and to the left if the movement comes from the left foot. When performing a heel swing, you need to get up on your toe, so that the heel goes to the side.

Do not try to repeat all the movements exactly after the teacher. Improvise, performing all movements accurately and clearly. You can only throw out the heel, only the toe. The main thing is to learn to feel the rhythm of the music.

Basic hand movements in tectonics.
When performing hand movements, the main emphasis must be on speed. Start with simple movements, gradually increasing the speed of their implementation. Your brushes will smoothly move up and down. Hands are located one above the other. Hands make circular movements so that the hands do not collide. With such a simple movement, you can improvise. Turn your arms over your head and so on. The basic movement is repeated in many dance combinations. Gradually increasing the pace, connecting the movements of the arms with the movements of the legs, you will achieve positive results in training.

When starting to study tectonics at home, you must remember a number of rules. First, you need to prepare a place for training. Secondly, you need to choose music for classes, as well as a video course. It is better to select a training video using the advice of professionals, since at first it will be difficult for a beginner to master difficult ligaments. Thirdly, learn to identify the rhythm section in any melody. This will make it easier for you to learn the movements. Fourth, start with the simplest. Repeat the learned ligaments daily. Do not start learning new movements without achieving clarity when performing previously learned ones.

After a couple of months of classes, you will definitely achieve positive results. However, if you want to study tectonics at a higher level, then you should enroll in a dance studio. Professional dancers will be able to point out your main mistakes and correct your movements. The main thing is to have a desire to learn how to dance tectonics!

Tektonik is a dance containing elements of hip-hop, locking, popping and techno. The history of tectonics originates in Paris in 2000, or rather, in the Paris metro, where young people who wanted to be “different from others” gathered. The dance has been gaining popularity for 7 years. And in 2007, for the first time, Tektonik left the underground for the general public, making his debut at the Paris Techno Parade festival. After that, an unusual type of dance began to gain popularity simply “like an avalanche”, gaining a lot of new and new fans.

Below we will consider what this dance is and how you can learn to dance tectonics.

The Tecktonik movement is based primarily on music, mainly Hardtech, which comes from the Nordic countries. And the dance itself has often been compared to Jumpstyle, which has existed since 1992 in Belgium. However, clubbers are not Jumpeurs and use their hands, borrowing movements from Vogging and Breakdance, but nevertheless originality and novelty remain in their dance.

Tectonic has no particular ideology. The emblem of the movement is the eagle, which since the Middle Ages has symbolized power, happiness and strength in Germany.

So, after a short introduction, let's find out how to learn how to dance tectonics.

The easiest way to learn how to dance tectonics is to go to a dance school that teaches "tectonic" dance lessons. Such schools already exist in almost all major cities.

However, if you do not have the opportunity to go to a special school where this type of dance is taught, or if there is simply no such school in your city, then the Internet will simply be an indispensable assistant for you.

The media, which for a long time neglected this style, are now actively interested in it. Hundreds of videos from clubs with young dancers or recordings of dance battles held on the streets or in dance schools appear on the Internet. Blogs and websites contain a lot of useful information on how to succeed in this direction. The main help will be special video tutorials, which describe in detail how to perform certain movements, both individually and in combination.

At school, you can always ask, ask again or find out from the coach in detail how to perform a movement you do not understand. And of course, this eliminates the possibility of mistakes, injuries and other things at the initial stage, which is very good. If you train at home, using videos from the Internet, then you do not have the opportunity to ask the coach for advice, but you can plan your own schedule of classes, study in the direction you want.

The ideal option, if you really want to learn how to dance tectonically cool, would be to combine the first and second options. The main thing is not to be afraid to try something new and practice regularly.

The dance wave swept the world! And this is not surprising, because dance is a great means of entertainment and relaxation!

Tektonik is a rather young dance direction. However, it is already gaining momentum all over the world. Usually this dance is performed to Electro House music.

Tektonik is a bit like hip-hop, techno and rave, but still it is a separate dance direction, the essence of which is “dance with hands”.

What's the point?

Electro Dance is also called tectonics, it is based on Glowsticking elements. But the dance is not limited to hands. Harmony should be in everything, which is why dancers actively use their feet, knees and hips to the beat of the music.

Without music tectonics is impossible. That is why we strongly advise you to get the right music in order to learn how to dance tectonik at home.

A little about the appearance of a tectonics dancer: usually it is tight jeans, a tight T-shirt or T-shirt with an emblem, sneakers, wristlets, usually a white belt.

So, here are some tips for those who want to learn how to dance tectonik at home, on their own. They will differ significantly from the recommendations for those who want to.

First, learn to listen to music! Without musical accompaniment, the dance simply will not take place! There is a good expression characterizing the dance:

Dance is music expressed through plasticity.

So first you need to learn to feel the rhythm. They develop it like this: they tap out a melody, slam it.

Learn to highlight accents in music. From the general sound, try to single out one instrument. Aerobatics - to feel music (for example, an instrument distinguished by hearing) intuitively, predicting the next beat, surrender to the will and flow of music.

Music should be sung with your body, and not just fall into it.

As you can see, the level of a dancer depends not only on plastique and acrobatics, but musical nuances. Don't worry, you can develop an ear for music. Moreover, you can learn to dance tectonics, the main thing is to really want it. And let you not perform in tectonics battles, do you really need it? The main thing is to do what you love and have fun.

But if you want to do tectonics professionally, home training is indispensable here. I'll have to enroll in a dance school. The good news is the more you practice, the better you get. It's like going to yoga. Special courses are, of course, better than doing it yourself.

So. Tips for those who are thinking how to learn how to dance tectonik at home.

  • Listen to more different music - a lot and high quality.
  • Learn to tap the rhythm.
  • Download from the Internet teaching lessons on tectonics.
  • Find your idol and repeat it.
  • Don't be afraid to improvise.

How to dance tectonics?

Tektonik - what is it: dance, music or trade brand? Tectonic has turned into a whole movement, a trend in fashion. Therefore, those who want to know how to dance Tectonic should join a certain Tectonic culture, match the style of clothing.

What is Tectonic

In fact, Tectonic is a type of modern dance. A lot of activity falls on the hands, but in general, Tectonic combines such dance styles as Hip-Hop, Breakdance, Liquid-Pop, Poping-Waving, C-Walk, Vogging, Tutting and others. Dancers, borrowing various elements of dance from these directions, create something of their own, unique and inimitable direction - Tektonik.

Today's youth dance Tectonic everywhere: in clubs, on the street, and at home, because everyone can learn to dance Tectonic at home: Tectonic video lessons flooded the entire Internet! Such an incendiary dance, virtuoso movements of young people and girls, specific music will not leave indifferent any passer-by. Take a look at the video, what huge crowds surround Tectonics dancers on the streets of large cities!

History of Tectonics

Where does the popular Tectonic dance originate from: Belgium or France? In fact, it was Belgium that gave impetus to the creation of a new direction. At the very beginning of the 21st century, the clubs in Belgium turned on the music of Hardtech, Hardtrance and Euro Dance, and danced to it in the Jumpstyle style, jumping and alternately moving one or the other foot to the beat of the bass. In France, at the same time, the Metropolis club held "Tecktonik Killer" parties, where young people, striving to differ from the masses, actively rotated their arms to the rhythms of electronic music and imitated the dance concept of Belgian clubs.

How everyone learned about Tectonics

Tektonik gained mass distribution in 2007, when videos from the "Paris Techno Parade" festival were transmitted at lightning speed through YouTube and other video sharing services. There are a great many fans of Tectonics all over the world.

In 2006, Tektonik became a real trademark, the compilation "Tecktonik Killer" appeared. The Tektonika symbolism appears on a wide range of products: energy drink, T-shirts, baseball caps, laces and sweatshirts. Not all dancers liked it, which is why they began to perform not just in clubs, but on the streets of cities. Now the press is also actively interested in the Tectonics movement.

Appearance: how to dance tectonik in public

If you want to know how to learn how to dance tectonics, then you should not neglect the typical style of dress of dancers. After all, Tectonic is a direction of dance with its own special culture, which is also reflected in its appearance. As a rule, young people who dance Tectonic wear skinny jeans - trousers, a tight short T-shirt with a pattern (it may be the Tectonic emblem) and basketball-type sneakers. As accessories, Tectonic dancers often wear wristlets, a white belt, or bright leggings on their arms.

If the dancers of the first generation of Tectonics, who clearly wanted to be different and shock, wore white gloves and a pacifier in their mouth, now everything has changed. In our time, this is a more democratic style of clothing. Those who dance tectonics wear whatever they want: they can perform in shorts, overalls, and even bare-chested.

How to dance tectonics at home

Of course, in order to learn how to dance Tectonic professionally and in the shortest possible time, you can go to a dance school. But the vast majority learn to dance Tectonic at home with the help of video lessons posted online.

First, to understand how to dance Tectonic, you need to learn to feel the rhythm of the music. Believe me, any complex combination of movements can be learned, but not everyone can repeat all this to the beat of the music. Secondly, it is constant training. They will eventually help develop musicality.

  • Watch with us how to learn to dance Tectonic - the video with the lesson shows the slow movements of the dancer, which you will definitely have time to repeat.
  • Adopt the experience of the dancers, try to repeat after them.
  • Listen to more different music and study hard.
  • Tap the rhythm of the music you hear.
  • You will understand how to dance tectonics not only from the video, but also by watching yourself in the mirrors. Be sure to dance in front of the mirror, correct mistakes and watch your movements.
  • Learning to dance Tectonic at home is real! Improvise more. Once you've learned a few of the dancer's moves from the tutorial video, repeat them to your composition. Thus, you will be cool to dance Tectonic not only at home, but also in clubs to completely different electronic music!
  • Never despair! Most of the professionals that you see in the video on how to dance tectonics began to study dance movements themselves, that is, they were essentially self-taught.

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