How to learn to dance street dance at home. How to learn street dancing without leaving home


Almost everyone loves to listen to music. Taste can be very varied. But some like not only to listen to it, but also to move under it. Many also like to watch how street dancers move. There is something attractive about this. Therefore, you can try to start dancing yourself. To achieve a good result, you will have to spend some time, train a lot. However, the most elementary, basic movements can be mastered quickly enough without special training.

Modern dances have become accessible to people from different social strata of society, different ages, etc. This type of art is considered one of the most common and accessible. Through dancing, you can express your own feelings. There are classical dances and there are modern ones. Street dancing belongs to them. They are steadily gaining in popularity. There are a lot of interesting movements, styles and everything. Learning how to dance street dance is quite real.

In almost all major cities there are special dance schools, which will certainly have a street dance class. Usually such dances have a variety of directions, which may differ in style, movement features and other specific moments. Therefore, before going to a dance school, it is advisable to carefully understand everything.

The range of modern dance moves is truly amazing. Over time, it will be possible to master most of them. A responsible approach to classes will certainly allow you to feel freedom of movement. This fact, together with the ability to control one's own body, is a kind of basis for street dancing.

Home dance lessons

It is quite possible to learn street dancing at home. There is practically nothing complicated here. This gives you the opportunity to save a lot of time. Also, you don’t have to perform in front of the public at first, because many are shy in front of strangers, whom they will certainly have to face in a dance school. The budget will not suffer either. In general, it turns out comprehensive savings. If you are not lazy, you can awaken a real street dancer in yourself. Efficiency and full dedication can demonstrate all their abilities. You can take interactive lessons for learning. On the Internet, it is easy to find a large number of different lessons in video format, which can, for a start, master the basic dance technique.

Video - Dance Course for Beginners: Hip Hop Lesson

Video dance lessons

Until relatively recently, there was no such spread of the Internet and everything connected with it. But now there are a considerable number of interesting opportunities for self-study using the Internet.

Today you can see dancers on the street very often. But videos with them as training videos have become very common and available on the Internet. You can give preference to lessons, both street dance lovers and specialized schools. Usually you can see professional street dancers there.

It is easy to take a little time to master the popular dance direction. It is necessary to search the vastness of the global network for video with training, view it. You need to try to repeat any elements that are demonstrated there in order to fully experience all the specifics of such dances, freedom of movement. Thanks to all this, a person will be able to know the capabilities of his body. After that, you can proceed to the direct choice of direction, dance style, which will attract the most.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. The first step is to choose comfortable clothes that will be comfortable, free. It should not restrict movement. The best option for such a case can be loose-fitting sweatpants or leggings that stretch well. You can wear a hoodie, t-shirt or something similar. A lot depends on shoes, because they are considered the key to comfort. You need to choose really comfortable shoes that will fit perfectly on your foot. You can wear sneakers or sports shoes. The main criterion for choosing clothes in this case is not attractiveness, but comfort.

  2. After that, you need to try to carefully plan your training schedule. For self-study, this option is considered optimal, because you can easily choose the best time at which you can always work out.
  3. It is important to prepare a good place for training. In this capacity, a large room or a separate part of it can act. The coolest option would be the opportunity to practice in a large room with a large mirror. This will allow you to observe yourself, draw appropriate conclusions for each of your movements. This will have a beneficial effect on the clarity of the execution of movements.

  4. It will not be superfluous to watch more videos with a variety of street dances. This will help not only in choosing a style, but also in teaching many interesting movements. After choosing a particular style, you need to do a targeted search for video tutorials with it. To date, the network has an incredible number of similar videos for each style of street dance.
  5. The choice of music for classes is an extremely important point. For street dances, modern music is usually chosen, which is characterized by a clear and attractive rhythm. This will make it possible to hit the beat with greater accuracy.
  6. After analyzing the music, video lesson, preparing the space for dancing, you can safely start training. It is important to concentrate on the lesson, carefully follow all the movements of a professional dancer on the video. A lot depends on this. It is important to repeat and very carefully, clearly all his movements.

  7. If you can’t do everything that is shown on the video at an adequate pace, you need to pause, repeat everything separately. You can work through literally every step from the lesson in the video. You can do this without haste, slowly, increasing the pace over time. This approach will certainly allow you to remember all the basic movements, to study them thoroughly.
  8. It is necessary to try to clearly master the key set of all movements. When this is done, you can proceed to their bundle. Consistent performance of all exercises will make it possible to do everything qualitatively.
  9. Connections of movements that will be invented need to be worked out to the music. If possible, you should try to do this until the movements become automatic. Long workouts will translate all this into muscle memory.

The importance of constant hard training

It is hard to overestimate the role of regular training with maximum impact. Only with this approach will it be possible to obtain the desired result. The more time you spend on training, the better the result will be. But everything must be done in moderation, because due to excessive fatigue, efforts can be nullified.

You need to take small breaks during training. During them, you can relax and qualitatively analyze your progress.

When learning to street dance begins, one must be aware that almost everything depends on the person himself. It is not enough just to want to learn how to dance, because nothing can be achieved without effort. We must mentally prepare for the fact that at first everything will not be very easy. There may be problems with flexibility, coordination, but regular training will help to work out everything at the proper level. If something does not work out, do not be upset, worry. Constant practice will allow you to learn how to dance cool. You need to train at least a few times a week.

Video - Complete Street Dance Lesson

  1. It is important to build a schedule of classes that will not be difficult to get used to. The same training time will allow you to achieve results faster.
  2. If there are problems with a particular movement, it would be rational to watch another video. Perhaps there it will be demonstrated more clearly, from a different angle.
  3. Practicing in front of a mirror helps to minimize mistakes.
  4. It is advisable to supplement the diet with healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruits. With proper nutrition, you can improve your physical shape, get an additional boost of energy. You also need to drink enough fluids.
  5. There is no need to be afraid to be emotional during dances, because they are based on this.

Learning to street dance can make a difference. Dancing allows you to keep yourself in optimal shape, they bring pleasure and positive emotions.

Dancing is open to all social classes and people of all ages. With this art you can show freedom, despondency, passion, express love and other feelings. There are classical dances that appeared a long time ago, but also over time, new directions and styles have come that are danced differently. Street dancing has become very popular. In this article, UchiEto will help you learn the elements of street dance.

First steps to learning

In all big cities there are schools that teach dance. If you find a school that teaches street dancing, don't rush to sign up. Why? Because there are different directions in these dances, so figure out which style you want to learn. You will be surprised how diverse the spectrum of dance elements is. But how to learn street dancing if there is no special talent and data? Do not be discouraged, they appear with training, and also if you learn to feel freedom.

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It is the possession to be able to body and the spirit of freedom that is the basis of street dancing.

home school

You can also learn to dance at home. Moreover, you will devote as much time to classes as more than one dance instructor can devote to you, you will deprive yourself of embarrassment in front of other people, and also save your time and finances. You will be able to awaken the excellent dancer in you. Now only desire and efficiency will show that you can. For learning, ready-made interactive lessons are required. They are needed to master the initial movements.

About 15 years ago, people did not even dream of video lessons for beginners. They did not even imagine that the video would help a person learn to street dance, and the street dancers themselves were called hooligans. No one could have imagined that these same hooligans would teach others, and even online. In our time, everything is different. Street dancers are not uncommon, and the internet has provided access to video lessons. Among the large number of lessons, it is worth giving preference to specialized video schools. Only professional street dancers teach there.

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So, if you are ready to master the most demanded and popular dance direction, then read the article, and at the end you will find a pleasant surprise in the form of free video lessons. Try to repeat all the movements to find out the possibilities of your body and feel the freedom.

I want to dance, teach me!

In addition to an empty statement: “I want to learn how to dance street dances,” patience and desire are needed, because before starting training, you need to review all the styles of this direction and choose one. Regularly hone all the elements, bringing them to perfection, repeat even the simplest movements after the teacher.

If we are talking about tectonics, then there are exercises that develop the plasticity of the body. The main thing is to feel the music! Distinguish between weak and strong rhythms. Learn to perceive in order to be able to improvise.

At the heart of the Tut dance are elements that characterize the inhabitants of ancient Egypt. The dancers clearly change positions, a huge number of elements are done at right angles, the hands should always be as straight as possible, and the head must be kept at the same level. The essence of the dance can be seen in the illustrations depicting the rulers of Egypt.

A few more words need to be said about clothing. She does not have a particular style, since there are more than 20 varieties of this direction. It doesn't even matter what color it is. The main thing is that it does not hamper movement. You can wear sneakers with wide jeans, a hoodie, even a formal suit.

Stick to your training schedule and you will be able to achieve what you want!

Video lessons

Street dancing is a magnetically mesmerizing spectacle. Surely you have seen how the dancers turn into robots, simulating mechanical intermittent movements, or flutter above the ground, magically hardly touching it with their feet. Here is a video of one of the most famous street dancers Marquis Scott:

It all seems so impossible, out of reach. I would like to immediately dispel the doubts that most viewers have when watching the video.

Common misconceptions about street dancing

1. This guy is a genius because he improvises

I'll tell you a secret: everything you see here, every tiny movement, is the result of long training and repeated repetitions. Do you see how easily, for example, a “wave” passes through the Marquis’s hand? Before he could do it, he:

  • flexed the wrist a thousand times;
  • bent the elbow a thousand times;
  • pushed the shoulder forward a thousand times;
  • tens of thousands of times consistently connected these movements.

Over time, awkward hand rotations turned into a smooth wave. Actually, here, for clarity:

And so with any element that you see in the dance. Each of them first goes through a long process of cutting and settling in the motor memory of the body. Improvisation is a free combination of such elements.

2. This guy has talent, not everyone is given it

The movements of each dancer, no matter how free and easy they may seem now, were originally as timid and clumsy as yours. The same Marquis Scott, whom many will call a genius, before the start of dancing, moved no better than anyone else. Dance is not some school of magic inaccessible to mere mortals.

Dance is first and foremost a technique. Technique worked to perfection.

Do you hear music, try to move to it, but something extremely clumsy comes out? But the body of the masters "dances itself"! But how can your body dance if it doesn't know how to move? First teach it them, and then it will perform the dance for you. And everyone can handle it.

3. I will never succeed

With desire and effort, everyone can succeed. Get rid of conceited thoughts about your exclusivity.

Surely while watching the video in your head flashed “Wow! I wish I…”, but you don’t even dare to continue this thought to the end, because, of course, “such a talent is not given to everyone, but even more so to me.”

Most likely, many of you watched the video, went to the mirror, tried to portray a “wave”, instead of it you got a real storm with 11 points on the Beaufort scale, laughed and went on with your own business. For some reason, people think that a street dancer is gifted by nature. No, in the same way, he once approaches the mirror, tries to do something and laughs at failure. Only then does he approach the mirror again and again.

Street dance in most cases is an improvisation based on a free combination of elements of various dance styles honed to perfection.

Yes, street dancing is an extremely broad concept that includes breakdancing, locking, house and much more.

So, you understand that there is no magic and mystery in the masterful dance, and the secret of its lightness is completely contained in the study of various movements? Already good. Let's go further.


What is technology development?

  1. Choice of a certain movement.
  2. Breaking it down into its elemental components.
  3. Multiple repetition of each of them separately.
  4. Consistent their connection in the desired movement.
  5. Repetition of this movement, using it in conjunction with others.

Repetition, repetition, repetition - that is the basis of technique. Why? Because that's how our body learns. At first, the path to each movement will lie through great willpower, control and concentration. Everything will happen slowly. But with each repetition, the new movements will be adapted by the mechanisms of your motor memory. And in the end, the movement will be performed naturally and easily, like a wave of the hand. You don't have to think about it. It's like learning to ride a bike.

So, mastering the dance is available to everyone. But the way to it lies through the study of technology. And work on technology is work, long, difficult and sometimes makes you want to cry.

But there is also good news.

You can work at home. And most importantly, it will be interesting for you to work.

Because any routine, unpleasant work gets a motive and becomes much more interesting when it brings some result. And the sooner this result manifests itself, the more noticeable it is, the greater the desire to continue the person lights up.

Believe me, you can learn the simplest techniques of magical plastic surgery in the shortest possible time without leaving your home. Of course, you will not become Marquis Scott so quickly, but you will definitely succeed in surprising your friends and relatives, and even yourself. Let's take the mentioned "wave". By following the instructions from the second video of this article every day for at least 15 minutes, in a couple of weeks you will make the movement correctly, quickly and with the necessary automaticity.

Dancing at home

Now about the main thing. The studio has a professional choreographer who teaches and shows the movements. And at home? And at home there is YouTube, where no less professional dancers have already posted thousands of training videos.

If you are one of those people who thought “Wow! Wish I…” when watching the first video, the action plan is as follows: you go to one of the YouTube channels below, watch dance videos and determine whose style you like, open the training videos and, getting up from your chair, without leaving your monitor (well, if there is a mirror nearby), you start doing what is shown in them. That is, repeat, repeat, repeat the movement.

Don't worry about the small space: we are not learning the waltz, and you will have enough space to learn the basic movements and perform simple connections. Here, of course, much depends on the dance genre. For example, you can master the bottom break only if you have a lot of space and slippery flooring.

Lifehacker has chosen the most undemanding styles in terms of square area, united under the name dubstep. It doesn't matter if you like this music: the elements of the style itself can be used in completely different ways.

3. From foreign channels, one can distinguish TheRussianTiger And El Tiro. Thanks to the latter, you will learn how to perform the “robot dance” relatively quickly.

4. There are good breakdancing videos in schools Break Dance School And " Breakwater". Again, this style is not easy to practice at home due to the large space it requires and the special flooring.

Remember, the main thing is sincere desire and regular practice. Without one, there will be no other. At the same time, desire and practice are a universal remedy for all “failures”.

Good luck with your dancing endeavors!

Do you remember those times when a curious crowd gathered on the street at the sound of rhythmic music and loudly admired the skill of street dancers? Perhaps even then you had a spark and a desire to also drive and move easily. Today, the level of modernity has reached such a peak when you can learn everything, and remotely, without attending training schools and clubs.

Despite the fact that the direction of Street Dance has its branches (new style, hip-hop, R'n'B, funk, house, popping, disco, locking, etc.), they are rarely found in a pure work. In street dancing, you need to improvise, express yourself, combining tricks and dance elements into music. To learn, you need to create your own selection of favorite rhythms or find thematic collections on the Internet. If you do not have the opportunity to attend training sessions, do not rush to get upset, because training video tutorials will be an alternative. You can learn to dance at a convenient time at home. For home training, it is necessary to create favorable conditions:
  • study at a time when no one will distract you;
  • make a training schedule and use the time allotted for training productively, for example, if 1 hour of training is provided, then you should not reduce it periodically;
  • be sure to warm up and prepare the body for the next load.
Hip-hop is what you will learn at the initial stage. The youth subculture is replete with simple, incendiary elements that came to us from hot African and Hispanic people. The movements characteristic of the dance are directed to the body and legs. Every day the style changes and improves: additional elements are introduced, the technique of execution becomes more complicated and perfected. Hip-hop requires absolute liberation, a sense of rhythm and the ability to "show yourself." Another integral part of Street Dance is Вreak dance (Break dance). Spectacular elements require endurance, flexibility and pumped muscles. The fusion of acrobatics and gymnastics emerges in the form of original dance elements. You need to engage in daily power loads, pump the press, biceps, neck muscles, knead the ankles and joints. Train your hands, because during the execution of the elements on the hands, it is the hands that are subjected to the maximum load. For Break, you can use different styles of music, for example: rap, jazz, funk, soul. Break dance is divided into upper and lower (funk styles / breaking). Not everyone manages to love and live the dance so much that they can perform it perfectly, but perseverance and numerous efforts will bear fruit. Video tutorials will help you master the technique of simple and complex elements, all that remains is to repeat or create your own combinations.

As a result of training, you will not only become confident, liberated and strong, but also tighten your figure. The body will gain flexibility, the muscles will become enduring, and the movements will acquire lightness and freedom.

On the dance floor in all its glory, for others - a love for such dances and a desire to develop in this area, for example, create your own team or become a coach. In the first case, it will be enough for you to watch video lessons and repeat after the teacher. In the second case, it is better to choose a school where professional performance is taught, and also do not forget to learn as much as possible about such directions.

Why are they called street?

Oddly enough, ballet and salsa can also be adapted to this style. Street dances - assorted from a variety of directions. They are not danced in choreographic halls, but are performed in the yards of schools and institutes, in nightclubs and on the streets. The main thing in them is to reveal the individuality, express the character, feelings of the dancer and show his uniqueness. Therefore, be sure to try street dancing at home, perhaps it will become a matter of your life.

Street dance styles

Hip-Hop - less aggression and more freedom of expression. The fine jumping technique is what sets him apart from others.

Free Style - as you can see from the name, there are no hard and fast rules. Relaxed improvisation and combination of movements to your taste are the basis of the style.

New Jack - elements of acrobatics are included.

Pop Locking is a synchronized dance that requires a lot of stamina.

Dab Step - dance to the music of the same name. Combines a mix of all areas of street dancing.

Locking - movements in full force and maximum dedication. Reversals, swings, rotations are presented.

House - in this style, the body is subordinate to the melody, while in hip-hop you are subordinate to the musical beat.

R&B - "Rhythm and Blues" is more complex and complex than hip-hop.

Trance is a dance not only of the body, but also of the soul.

How to dance street dance at home

1. Choose loose clothing and comfortable shoes. Nothing should interfere and annoy.

2. To understand faster, listen to more music of the desired direction, listen to the rhythm.

3. The most important thing in achieving success is desire, diligence and diligence. Don't stop there, even if you don't see results (yet). If you study with a teacher, do not compare yourself with him. Naturally, he will dance better than you. The main thing is to compare yourself with your previous results.

4. How to learn to dance street dancing and where to start? Learn the basic steps first. This will be the base. But before that, determine the style that you like. If you want to develop sexuality - stop at R&B, if you want to relax and have fun - Hip-Hop can become your style, if you want striptease, but more chaste - choose Go-Go, Locking will help increase stamina and improve physical fitness.

5. Before you learn how to dance street dance at home, decide on the videos. Nothing can replace a professional trainer, even if that trainer shows the exercises on You Tube. So learn from famous dancers.

6. Remember the basic rule: constant practice is the key to an amazing result! At first, it may not work at all. Do not get depressed, you will see that one day everything became simple and clear, and your movement looks polished and natural.

7. Having learned the basic elements, mix them to your taste - improvisation is an indispensable street dance technique.

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