How to name a girl born on December 6th. How to name a girl born in December? Name Variations and Recommendations


What is the first thing a couple thinks about when they become parents? Of course, about what name to give a newborn baby.

Recently, it has become very popular to give children old or old ones. Increasingly, among little girls you can meet Athena, Anna Maria, Isabella, Malvina and other owners of extravagant names. What name would you choose for your newborn daughter on a cold December day?

How to name a girl?

Your baby was born in December, January or July - it doesn't matter. The name of the baby must be selected in such a way that it goes well with the surname and patronymic. The name Athena in combination with the surname Petrova and patronymic Ivanovna will sound rather ridiculous.

But, despite the persuasion of relatives to change their minds, many parents follow the lunar calendar and name the child based on the month of his birth.

born in December, according to the constellation?

Before the upcoming birth, future parents look through the literature with the meanings of names. So what names are suitable for December babies?

It must be borne in mind that the first half of December is dominated by Sagittarius, and the second is ruled by Capricorn.

How to name a girl born in December under Give preference to the following names: Snezhana or Vaselina, Sofia or Stanislav, Marina or Darina, Milena or Milan, Maria or Natalia.

How to name a girl born in December under It would be preferable to choose the following or Natalia, Sophia or Maria, Olga or Karina, Vladislav or Miroslava.

Church calendar and the choice of a name for the December girl

Many believing parents choose a name for the baby based on the church calendar. So, how to name a girl born in December according to church traditions?

Give preference to the following names: Ekaterina, Anna, Tatyana, Praskovya, Maria, Margarita, Matryona, Martha, Tamara, Barbara, Uliana, Kira, Anastasia, Anfisa, Alexandra, Sofia, Angelina, Vera, Zoya, Elizabeth.

Popular December names

When wondering what to name a girl born in December, consider not only the lunar calendar, church traditions and popularity rating, but also think that the child will carry the name given to him all his life. Approach this issue responsibly, consider the name of the future baby and patronymic. The name, first of all, should sound harmonious.

How you name a child largely determines his future fate, as well as his character, so be responsible for your choice. Check with your next of kin. You may want to name your daughter after a grandmother, mother, or aunt. And, perhaps, on the contrary, categorically refuse this idea.

Good luck with this difficult choice!

Our ancestors solved the issue with the name simply - they chose from the names of Orthodox saints, whose memorial day is celebrated on the eighth or fortieth day after the birth of the baby or on the day of his birth. One could also choose a name in honor of a saint especially revered in the family. Now, more and more often, many are returning to this tradition, and at baptism the child receives not only a name, but, as is commonly believed in Orthodoxy, a guardian angel who patronizes him all his life.

Girls born in December, according to the calendar, are invited to be called like this: Anastasia, Anna, Angelina, Augusta, Avdotya, Anisya, Anfisa, Barbara, Vera, Glykeria, Catherine, Efimia, Zoya, Kira, Lucia, Maria, Margarita, Matryona, Martha , Praskovya, Sofia, Tamara, Tatyana, Ulyana, Thekla, Cecilia, Juliana. However, if you don’t like any of the proposed names, then you can try choosing a name in a different way.

Name by zodiac sign

Everyone who is at least a little interested in astrology knows that the baby born in December was born under the sign of either Sagittarius or Capricorn. A girl born in December will be sociable and freedom-loving, brave and friendly, honest, decent and straightforward. She can be trusted with secrets, she will always come to the rescue. But in family life, the “Decembrists” are not always lucky. Good luck in love and a calm family life for girls will be brought by such names as Milena, Milana, Miroslava, Vasilina, Natalia and Marina. And if you want to see your daughter successful and strong-willed, then call her Darina, Daria, Karina, Olga, Stanislava, Sophia or Barbara.

True, it is possible that in this case you will have to put up with and endure childish temper, extreme emotionality and activity, especially if the baby was born under the constellation Capricorn.

Love is the main thing

Of course, many parents do not need to look at horoscopes or calendars at all to figure out how to name a child. The success of the name, in the end, is determined not by the way it is chosen, but by the caring attitude and love for the child for whom it was made. In this case, the parents will never make a mistake with how to name their daughter or son, and they will never reproach the mother and father for the wrong choice.

The name for a person plays an important role, it largely determines his fate and affects the character of a person, despite the opinion and arguments of most skeptics. Therefore, the choice of a name must be taken seriously. There are a lot of tips and advice on how to choose a name for a newborn baby. Here, the signs of the zodiac, and the Saints, and even the meaning of names are taken into account. In this article, we will help you choose the name of a girl born in December. There are various names of girls born in December on our list, we hope you can choose a couple of them for yourself.

In the last century, people did not pay much attention to the choice of a name; at baptism, as a rule, parents were offered several names to choose from, corresponding to the date of birth of the baby.

Name calendars are called Saints, and sometimes there are several names for each day, there is a belief among the people that these Saints will patronize a person in the future if they name him in their honor. Unfortunately, there are few names of girls born in December in such a calendar.

Names of girls born in December:

If there is no name on the date of birth of your daughter in the calendar of the Saints, then you can, according to Christian tradition, choose a name for baptism on the date of the baby's next birthday. For example, your daughter was born on December 27, there are no names of Saints on this date, therefore, according to tradition, you can take the name Sophia from December 29, but in no case take names from dates preceding the date of birth of your baby. It is said that the Saints will not be able to protect the child in this case.

It should be noted that there are a lot of unusual, unusual names in the calendar of the Saints, so if your family is not considered a believer, then you can choose any name you like. For example, few people want to give their baby the name Glykeria, and if you choose from the names of girls born in December according to the calendar, then it is better to give the child the name Lucia, Sofia, Tatiana. Be sure to clarify the meaning of the names, so you can at least a little, but determine the fate of your baby.

You can also choose a name for the child according to the signs of the Zodiac, because the stars also have an influence on the fate of people. Most of December goes under the sign of Sagittarius. Girls born before December 21 inclusive can be given names such as:





And girls born under the sign of Capricorn can be given names such as:




The choice of a name for a child at birth plays a very important role in a person's life. With this name, given at birth, a person has to live his whole life. Among the thousands of names, it can be very difficult for young parents to choose a beautiful and suitable name for a girl.

Going through the names of girls in memory, parents can’t decide for a long time which one to choose. There are frequent cases when one of the family members does not like the chosen name, so you have to choose another one. Also, do not forget that the chosen name should be well combined with the surname and patronymic of the child.

On the one hand, I want to use a name that will emphasize the feminine beauty of its owner. But on the other hand, I don't want to use pretentious and foreign names.

Ordinary names are somehow already boring, so in the last few years there has been a tendency to return to the original Russian names that were popular in past centuries.

The time of year in which he was born can influence the character of a child.

Winter is a harsh time of the year, so girls who are born in the winter show a “hardened” character. They are wonderful friends, workers and housewives, but natural rudeness and severity can ruin relationships with others.

Names for girls born in winter, with the right choice, will help to “soften” the winter traits in the character of girls.

Names for girls born in December

For December girls, you can choose one of these names: Anfisa, Augusta, Angelina, Anna, Barbara, Ekaterina, Zoya, Olga, Cecilia or Ulyana.

Names for girls born in January

In January, you can use the following names: Agafya, Anastasia, Anisia, Appolinaria, Aglaya, Agrafena, Vasilisa, Domna, Eugenia, Irina, Claudia, Leonidia, Melania, Nina, Polina, Tatiana, Ulyana, Felicity, Theodora.

Names for girls born in February

February offers the following options: Anna, Agnia, Agafya, Aksinya, Anastasia, Veronica, Valentina, Evdokia, Zoya, Inna, Xenia, Christina, Maria, Martha, Svetlana, Paul, Theodora, Christina.

Everyone has a different attitude to the choice of names. As a basis, you can take the time of year in which the baby was born. As well as the hypothetical characteristics of character traits that are described in specialized literature. The choice may stop at an unusual name, rare, but you should not go to extremes, as this can complicate the life of the child. If you give your child a common name, then you should not be surprised if there are several namesakes in the class.

When choosing names for girls born in winter, you need to “attach” it to the patronymic and surname. Full name should be combined and sound. Thus, it is possible to determine the type of future occupations. For example, Maria Ivanovna sounds like the name of a teacher; Svetlana Ivanovna - as the director of the school; Kaleria Ivanovna is at least an employee of the education department.

Unusual exotic names

Muslim names for girls born in winter can be represented by the following options: Albina (white-faced, white), Delfuza (silver of the soul), Safura (flickering star), etc.

Having chosen a name, decline it, pick up beautiful petting forms that will make the character more versatile and rich. You can choose from a large number of names offered or choose one that sounds like winter. It will be symbolic to name the winter baby Snezhannaya.

Video materials on choosing the right name for a child

What the name can tell about:

How to choose the right name for the child:

A girl born in December has such traits as independence, straightforwardness, strong will, perseverance, firmness of character. Moreover, outwardly, these male characteristics do not manifest themselves in any way: the girls are gentle, timid, shy and even a little naive. Possessing internal magnetism, they attract the attention of many people, including boys.

December young ladies are not able to “break” life's hardships and difficulties, they endure failures steadfastly, moving forward all the time, while stuffing their own bumps. They don't know how to learn from other people's mistakes.

Girls, especially those whose birthdays fall in the first half of December, are impulsive, emotional, but at the same time, quick-witted and kind. They cannot “carry a stone in their bosom” for a long time: having splashed out their emotions, they immediately forgive the offender and try to find a common language with him.

Increased energy pushes December girls to a constant change of scenery, search for new interests and activities, they need new sensations and acquaintances. At the same time, they appreciate the warmth of home and native people, their life slogan: "My home is my fortress."

Absolutely do not tolerate prohibitions and restrictions. Girls born in December can act against everyone just because others taboo something without explaining the reasons. This style of behavior can create many problems in adolescence. The wisdom of parents, their tact, constant support of their child in all matters and undertakings will help prevent or solve them.

Girls whose birthdays fall in December are persistent and persistent in achieving their goals. They are real hard workers. Increased efficiency, energy and purposefulness will ensure their success in their studies and professional activities. A natural living mind and an excellent memory will also play into their hands. Girls are diversified, and parents should encourage any hobbies and hobbies of their pets, develop their inclinations laid down by nature.

How to choose happy female Orthodox names for December babies?

What name will ensure a happy and long life for a child? To formulate an answer to this question, several factors must be taken into account. For example, it will be difficult to call a child happy if his name causes a lot of laughter from others and teasing peers. Therefore, parents who are ready to name their daughter Christodula, Drezina and Conchita should think about the mental balance of the girl.

The compatibility of the name and surname will also play an important role: every time, naming your data (Petrova Michel or Cleopatra Ivanova), the future girl will blush.

Some people consider it their duty to pay tribute to the memory of deceased relatives or friends by giving their names to their children. Such an act will not make the life of babies happy! Especially if their ancestors died or died a martyr's death. It is categorically impossible to name a daughter by the name of another daughter who has previously died: there is a high probability that the life of this child will be tragically cut short.

Based on the main character traits inherent in girls born in December, many psychologists and astrologers recommend giving them names that will soften their harsh character a little, but, at the same time, they will not turn them into windy and eccentric persons.

Those names whose meanings are associated with such concepts as “peace”, “wisdom”, “glory”, and the characteristics “sweet”, “feminine”, “soft”, “angelic” will positively affect the fate. These names will soften the expressiveness, straightforwardness, stubbornness of girls, at the same time add to them prudence, wisdom, deliberation in actions and words. It is better if these are serious, representative names that do not form a large number of diminutive forms.

Special books will help you choose such names, which contain the meanings of all names, their etymology.

For girls born in December, the following names are especially suitable:

  • Antonina - from the Greek word "antao" - worthy of praise.
  • Angelica - from the Latin "angelicus" - angelic.
  • Victoria - from the Latin "victoria" - victory.
  • Vladislav - a Slavic name, paired with a male Vladislav - owning glory, mistress.
  • Darina - Slavic name from the word "gift" - bestowed, donated.
  • Irina - ancient Greek - peace, tranquility.
  • Karina is one of the forms of the Greek name Corinna - a girl.
  • Marina - from the Latin "marinus" - sea.
  • Milana - Old Slavonic - caring.
  • Milena - Slavic - dear.
  • Miroslava - from two Slavic words: "peace" and "glory" - peace-loving, glorifying the world.
  • Natalia - from the Latin "birth" - native, born on Christmas.
  • Olga - from the Scandinavian name Helga - sacred, wise.
  • Polina - a derivative of the name of the ancient Greek god Apollo - solar.
  • Stanislav from two Slavic words: "stan" and "glory" - establishing glory.
  • Ulyana - from the Latin name Julianus - happiness.

The names of Snezhana and Dekabrina are absolutely not suitable for girls born in the month of December: they will add to their owners the severity and rigidity laid down by nature itself. Astrologers categorically oppose such names as:

  • Valentine;
  • Elena;
  • Lina;
  • Tatiana;
  • Allah.

Christian names according to the church Orthodox calendar

One of the oldest traditions in Rus' was the tradition of naming a child in honor of the Saint, whose commemoration day falls on the baby's birthday. It was believed that in this case the child receives a reliable and strong guardian angel who will always help him in difficult times.

If there is no female name in the Saints for a certain date, then parents can choose the name of that Saint or Martyr whose commemoration days fall on the next number from the daughter’s birthday. But in no case should you call a girl a name whose Angel Day has already passed. For example, a daughter was born on December 6: on this day there are no names of the Saints, therefore it is better to give the child the name Catherine, but not Praskovya. It is believed that the Guardian Angel in this case will be powerless.

Below are the most common female Orthodox names according to the church calendar, whose Angel Day (name day) falls in December.

December number Female name Meaning Patron saint celebrating name day (angel's day)
3 Anna God's grace, God's mercy (from Hebrew) Martyr Anna of Seleucia (Persian)
Tatiana Martyr, novice Tatiana (Fomicheva)
Fekla Glory to God (Greek) Martyr Thecla of Persia
5 Praskovya Russian version of the Greek Paraskeva - the eve of the Sabbath holiday Confessor Paraskeva (Matieshina), nun
7 Catherine Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria
10 Fekla Glory to God (Greek) Holy Martyr Thekla
11 Anna Martyr Anna
Praskovya Russian version of Greek Paraskeva - the eve of the Sabbath holiday Martyr Paraskeva (Fedorova)
15 Antonina Acquirer in return (ancient Greek) Martyr Antonina (Stepanova)
Faith Reverend Confessor Vera (Grafova)
margarita Pearl (Greek) Martyr Margarita (Zakachurina)
Maria Mistress (Jewish) Martyr Mary (Dmitrievskaya)
Matron Mother of the family, matushka (Latin) Martyr Matrona Konyukhova
Tamara From Tamar (Hebrew) - date palm Martyr Tamara (Provorkina), nun
Fevronia Radiant (Greek) Martyr Fevronia (Ishina), nun
17 Anastasia Resurrection to Life (Ancient Greek) Martyr, novice Anastasia (Titova)
barbarian Outlander (Greek) Holy Great Martyr Barbara of Iliopol
Catherine Eternally pure, decent (ancient Greek) Martyr Catherine (Arskaya)
Kira Mister (Greek) New Martyr Kira (Obolenskaya)
Julia Fluffy, wavy (Greek) Martyr Juliana of Iliopol
21 Anfisa Blooming, flowery (Greek) Martyr Anfisa of Rome
22 Anna God's grace, God's mercy (Hebrew) Saint Anna, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Euphrosyne fun, joy (ancient Greek) Martyr Euphrosyne Dzhurinsky
23 Alexandra Guardian, protector of people (Greek) Martyr Alexandra (Ustyukhina)
Angelina messenger, messenger (Greek) Saint Angelina of Serbia (Branković)
Anna God's grace, God's mercy (Hebrew) Anna the Prophetess, mother of the Prophet Samuel
Evdokia Favor (Greek) Martyr Evdokia (Martishkina)
Tatiana Founder, organizer (ancient Greek) Martyr Tatiana (Egorova)
Fekla Glory to God (Greek) Confessor Thekla (Makusheva)
29 Sofia Wisdom (Greek) Saint Sophia of Suzdal
31 Faith From the Latin "verus" - faith Martyr Faith (Trux)
Zoya Life (Greek) Martyr Zoya of Rome

Of course, this article is not a panacea. Any sane person can notice that the character of a child, his abilities are influenced, first of all, by the gene pool of the child, his surrounding reality, the conditions of upbringing and the example of his parents. But in all traditions and beliefs there is always a grain of truth: centuries-old observations of the people lead to the emergence of versions about the influence on human destiny and the time of year in which the child was born, and the name that gives the baby certain characteristics.

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