What is the name of the son's godfather. Can a pregnant woman be a godmother? Can godparents be relatives of a child


A young couple gathered to baptize the baby. And then a sea of ​​​​questions: whom to take as godparents? How to baptize? Where to apply? What is needed for that? The questions were sorted out, the child was christened. And now a new dilemma: who is the godfather of the child's father? And the godmother - the mother of the baby? They became relatives, it is understandable. What are these relatives called? Now we'll find out.

How godparents are chosen

I would like to apologize to readers for this story. It could be called funny if it weren't so sad. The story was published in the book of the priest Yaroslav Shipov. And is true.

A man comes to church. From among the villagers. He needs to talk to his father. They called the priest from the altar, and the visitor right off the bat. And his question is wild: is it possible to rebaptize his son. The priest, of course, would not allow it. Baptized once and for life. But he could not resist and asked: what is the reason for such a decision? To which he received the answer: you can’t drink with the current godparents. The godmother drank herself, and the godfather - tied up.

By no means do we want to say that our dear readers baptize children just for the sake of such gatherings. This is complete absurdity. But let's think about how we choose godparents for our children. What are we guided by?

  1. First, we trust those people who should become godparents.
  2. Secondly, we know: if something happens to us, the godparents will not leave the baby, they will take care.
  3. And thirdly, many godparents help godchildren financially. They buy expensive gifts, walk and entertain. In general, they remove part of the costs from parents.

Well, good people, of course, the chosen godparents.

It's all like that. Just the wrong approach. And before we figure out who the godfather is to the child's parents, let's find out: how to choose godparents.

What should we be guided by

The godfather is the godfather of the child before God. And his task includes responsibility for the spiritual education of his godson.

Spiritual education does not mean helping parents financially and physically. No, no one cancels or forbids this. But the main task is to accustom the godson to the faith, to educate him in the bosom of the church. In other words, the godfather is responsible for the spiritual life of his successor. And it is he who must instill in the godson the love of God.

Therefore, when we choose godparents, we must pay attention to the fact that they are believers. Not just baptized, but familiar with church life from the inside. Otherwise, what can godparents teach a child who do not know a single prayer? And by the way, they have a very big responsibility. They will answer to God for their godchildren.

Duties of Godparents to the Parents of a Godchild

Who is the godfather to the child's father? Kum is the real one. It is believed that from the moment the baby is baptized, the godparents and blood parents are related. Even if they are not related by blood.

This is not entirely true. The godfather does not bear obligations to the parents, except for raising the godchild in the faith. By and large, helping them support a child is not in his competence. Responsible for his spiritual development is another matter. And to feed, water, dress - the task of parents. Godparents and blood parents do not become relatives. Spiritual kinship arises only between the recipient and his ward.

Misconceptions about godparents

Who is the godmother to the child's father? Kuma. What you need to know about the delusions, one way or another connected with godfathers?

  1. An unmarried girl cannot baptize a girl. Allegedly, she gives her happiness. All this is nonsense. Of course, when a godfather has a husband and children, she is more experienced in everyday life. And he knows how to raise children. But she can be completely unscrupulous in faith. Just as an unmarried girl can be a believer, and instill in her goddaughter love for God.
  2. The same nonsense with an unmarried guy. It is impossible for him to baptize a boy, he gives up his fate. Don't believe. This is bullshit.
  3. Pregnant women are not allowed to become godparents. Either the child is born dead, or the godson dies. It was hard to think of anything more stupid. The only point is that it will be difficult for a woman preparing to become a mother to allocate time for the spiritual education of her godson. Only because of this it is more appropriate to refuse the title of godmother.
  4. If a child cries during baptism, God does not accept him. Where this nonsense came from is unknown. But you can still face this savagery. Aunts and grandmothers, who are at the christening, begin to gasp and lament. Like, a baby we have a bad time crying excitedly. This is not a bad baby, this is a problem for aunts and grandmothers. The child is just scared, hot, mom is not around. Here he is crying.
  5. If you didn’t enter into an intimate relationship with a godfather, life is over. Yes, there is an opinion that godparents are simply obliged to sleep with each other. It is unacceptable. Godparents do not have the right to enter into an intimate relationship with each other, the parents of the godson and with the godson himself. This is a great sin, for which they are excommunicated from the church.

How to prepare for christening?

Who is the godfather of a daughter to a blood father? This we found out - godfather. Now let's talk about how godfathers prepare for christening.

The following duties fall on the shoulders of the godparents:

  • purchase of a cross, baptismal shirt;
  • christening fees;
  • expenses for candles and other paraphernalia.

Parents are responsible for the festive table. Is it necessary to give gifts to godparents? And should godparents give gifts to their ward and his parents? This is at the discretion of each of them. Do you have the ability and desire? Why not give a gift.

Before the christening, the future godparents take a course of obligatory lectures. Now this condition has been introduced in almost all churches. You will have to listen to at least three lectures.

How to book a christening

Qom is the one who is the father of the godson to the godfather. And he negotiates with the priest about the christening of the baby.

How to do it? Come to the temple, preferably on Sunday. Defend the service. No time? Then come to the end of the service. Ask for a candle box to call the priest. And say that you want to become a godfather, you need to baptize the child.

The priest will tell you everything else: when to come to the catechumens, how to behave at baptism, what prayers to learn before christening.

It is important

Who is the godfather of the child's father and mother, we found out. What to do with the godmother? Imagine the situation: a course of lectures was listened to, the day of christening was appointed. Father is waiting, the guests have gathered. And the future godmother's critical days have come.

At this time, a woman cannot enter the temple and proceed to any sacraments. They include baptism. Therefore, in order to avoid embarrassment, look in advance at the women's calendar. And ask for a christening appointment after a week of indisposition has passed. According to church rules, a woman is considered unclean for a week.

And one more thing: come to the christening in a skirt or dress. Be sure to wear a headscarf. Godfathers come in trousers. Frivolous outfits, such as shorts, are prohibited. Shoulders and arms must be covered, so T-shirts - "wrestlers" are canceled.


So we talked about who the godfather is to the father of the child. Remember: godparents and blood parents are godfathers. The godfather is godfather. Godmother, respectively, godfather.

The material dealt with the main misconceptions associated with godparents. It also tells how to prepare for christening, what are the actions of godparents and what obligations they have to the parents of their successor.

The topic “godparents and godchildren”, of course, is not comparable with the eternal theme “fathers and sons”, but still it is very relevant in our time. After all, the traditions of reception were interrupted. And it often happens that people who are far from the Church, who nevertheless want to baptize a child, choose a godfather for him for purely worldly reasons. Yes, and in the families of churched people, it happens that stumbling blocks arise in relations between godparents and godchildren. We want to talk about some of these problems.

The role of godparents among early Christians cannot be understood without knowing the conditions in which they lived.
The communities of the first Christians gathered at home. Sometimes the houses were even specially rebuilt - the internal partitions were demolished, a baptismal was arranged. In the photo - such a rebuilt house of the III century. Baptistery in the Assembly House. Dura-Europos (Syria).

According to imperial edicts, Christianity was outlawed as a harmful sect. Initiating anyone into a creed that denied the divinity of the reigning Augustus and forbade making obligatory sacrifices to the gods and images of the emperor was considered a state crime and prosecuted under the law of insulting the majesty of the emperor.
For the Roman Christians, it was important that the newly baptized be trained and brought up in such a way that would help them become true members of the Church. The situation was particularly complicated by the fact that, unlike in later times, the bulk of those baptized were not infants, but adults who came to baptism consciously. This compelled Christians to keep for them a long period of pronouncement to assimilate the essence of the dogma and to help them, keeping them from doubts and deviations.
In the homes of wealthy Romans, domestic slaves lived - servants, educators, nurses for children. In fact, they were the younger members of the family, involved in all its affairs. Christianity gradually spread among them, and it was natural for a person attached to children to try to save a child for a future life. This provided a basis for the secret teaching of children in the basics of the Christian faith and their baptism by people who are not related to them by blood. These people became their godparents.
At the baptism of an adult, the beneficiary was a witness and guarantor for the seriousness of the intention and for the right faith of the person being baptized. At the baptism of infants and the sick, deprived of the gift of speech, the godparents made vows and pronounced the Creed. The 54th canon of the Carthaginian Council provided: “The sick, who cannot answer for themselves, will be baptized when, at their will, others will utter a testimony about them, under their own responsibility.”
In the development of the 83rd and 72nd canons of the Carthaginian Council, the Trullian Council in the 84th canon established that the children found, about whose baptism there is no reliable information, should also be baptized. In this case, the recipients actually became the mentors of the children.
Initially, only one godparent participated in the baptism: at the baptism of a woman - a woman, men - a man. Subsequently, the analogy with physical birth was extended to baptism: both the godfather and the godmother began to participate in it.
Church rules (and, in full agreement with them, the civil laws of the Empire that adopted Christianity) did not allow the physical parents of the person being baptized (people already close to him), minors (people who are not capable of spiritual guidance due to their age) and monks (people renounced from the world).
In Russia in the 18th-19th centuries, in the villages, children were baptized in infancy a few days later, less often weeks after birth. The latter was connected not with any special customs, but, for example, with the remoteness of the village from the temple.
As a rule (exceptions were extremely rare), sponsors participated in the baptism of children. They tried to choose among well-known people, more often relatives.
Among the Slavic peoples, including among the Russians, the custom of having both a godfather and a godmother spread very quickly. They had to be of age, able to responsibly treat their duties. In 1836, the Synod set a lower age limit for godparents - 14 years. When performing the sacrament itself, the duties of the godfather included paying all material expenses for its conduct and the subsequent celebration, as well as taking care of the cross for the baby. The godmother was required to present the baby with rizki - the fabric in which he was wrapped, taking out of the font, a blanket and a baptismal shirt.
Often they tried to find godparents among blood relatives who, in the event of the death of parents, could take responsibility for raising children. This practice was not condemned: it was believed that family relations were only getting stronger.

Yaroslav ZVEREV

Wedding General or Fairy Godmother?

A godfather, or, in other words, a godfather, is a person who assumes obligations for the church upbringing of a child. He makes vows to Christ for the godson, renounces Satan, reads the Creed during the Sacrament of Baptism. After the baby is immersed three times in the font, the priest passes him into the arms of the godfather, who perceives him from the font - therefore the "grandparent".
But now the Sacrament of Baptism took place, it was celebrated, life flowed on, and after a while the parents of the baptized baby have complaints: “the godfather (a) forgets us” - he communicates little with the child, rarely calls, to the point that he disappears from life altogether godson. It’s not even frustrating that the godfather rarely appears (this, of course, is unpleasant, but you can understand, given how busy everyone is today). It's a shame the formal attitude towards the receiver. For example, one girl said that she was invited as a godfather by an authoritative church person for them, but throughout her life he never tried to establish contact with her. Once, long ago, as a child, he gave her a bouquet of flowers - this is her only memory of him. Of course, the godfather prayed for her - this is the duty of a godparent under any circumstances - but this was clearly not enough for the child.
Speaking about the duties of the godfather, it is difficult to enumerate: they say, he must perform this and that. Everything - except prayer - depends on the situation. Often godparents see their help only in the "transportation" of the child to the temple and back. But if the parents of the godson need help, and the godfather has free time, then going for a walk with the child or sitting at home with him is a duty of love. Many “prudent” (in the good sense of the word) parents, thinking about who to ask to become a godfather, choose just such godparents on whom they can rely.
In addition, godparents need to remember how important it is for any children - from church and non-church families - a sense of celebration, friendly communication. For example, one young woman recalled that as a child, her godmother always took her after communion to the Shokoladnitsa cafe or the Yakor fish restaurant. A visit to the temple turned into friendly communication at the festive table, from everything together, the impression of a fairy tale remained in my memory. Of course, the conversation didn't stop there. The godmother took her to monasteries and read good books, such as Nikiforov-Volgin (moreover, she herself read aloud, and did not give the “correct” book for show), and made memorable gifts. You could always call your godmother before a difficult exam with a request for prayer help - and be sure that she would pray for you.

Unchurched Family: To Persevere or Retreat?
Godparents, talking about difficulties in relations with godchildren, most often mention situations related to the fact that the parents of the godson are not churched. For example, at first they promised not to interfere with the churching of the child, they even showed interest in the Church, but soon after baptism they forgot about all the promises. In words, it seems that the possibility of communication is preserved, but in reality ... In the summer it is necessary to go to the country, in the winter - an influenza epidemic. The rest of the time, either a runny nose, or you need to visit your grandmother, or go to the market for overalls, and in general, Sunday is the only day off when you can sleep. And if you manage to get out to church with your godson at least twice a year, that's good.
In general, before agreeing to become the godfather of a child from an unchurched family, consultation with a confessor is necessary. But what to do if the child has already been baptized, and the parents, despite their promises, remain indifferent to the Church?
Godparents who are familiar with this situation advise not to take the child to a temple located far from the godson's house. It is better to go to the nearest church, having previously found out when the service begins and at what time it is more convenient to take communion with the child. If there are several temples near the house, then it is better to find out where it is less crowded, where the atmosphere is calmer and more friendly.
Should the godfather, who is not allowed to fulfill his direct duties, insist on his rights? It can be assumed that aggressive preaching is more likely to cause rejection. Does that mean you have to give up? In response to this question, Archpriest Theodore BORODIN, rector of the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian on Maroseyka, told a good story: “We met our future godmother, seemingly by accident. A woman was moving into our house, and my father was asked to move her furniture. Her father saw her icons. Therefore, when later there was talk of baptizing children, the parents turned to her - to Vera Alekseevna. This accidental meeting changed our whole subsequent life. Everyone thought that we would be baptized - and that was all, but Vera Alekseevna began to enlighten us and, apparently, she prayed very hard for us. She took us to the temple. It was very hard for me. All my childhood memories from the temple are only back pains and sandwiches that she gave us when we, tired and hungry, left the church after communion.
It happens that some godparents pray, worry about the child, but are afraid to be intrusive.
But she insisted, said: “You promised me,” she warned: “In two weeks I will take Anya and Fedya to the temple, please, let them not eat in the morning.” She asked: “Anya and Fedya, did you read prayers?” I remember that she gave us a prayer book and marked three prayers that should be read. Two weeks later she came to us: “Well, Fedya, did you read prayers?” I say yes". She took the prayer book and said: “If you had read it, the first paper cover would have been crushed like this, it doesn’t exist, so you rarely opened it. It is not good to deceive a godmother.” I felt ashamed, and since then I began to read prayers.
And we were also drawn into the circle of Christian enlightenment, which was at the godmother's house. She had several dozen godchildren. She tried to reach their hearts through evenings of reading, Christian rethinking of poetry, music, literature. Because of this, we discovered faith in a completely new way. We learned that Orthodoxy is not old women in the church, that the heritage of all Russian culture is essentially Orthodox. She managed to truly church a very large number of people. Among her godchildren are three priests, many people who live a full church life. Despite the fact that most of us were from families that were absolutely far from the Church.”
If, nevertheless, it turned out that relations with the non-church parents of the godson reached a dead end and your life paths diverged, and the child is still too small to communicate on his own, then you should not turn into a “wedding general”. It would be more honest to just pray heartily for this child.

Many priests and educators warn that at a transitional age, a child will almost inevitably rebel against parental authority and seek support outside the family. “This is the age characteristic of teenagers - they definitely need someone outside the family, an authoritative adult who could be relied on. And the godfather can become such an authority,” says the Sunday school teacher at the church of St. Nicholas in Kuznetsy, teacher Elena Vladimirovna VOSPENNIKOVA. How to prepare yourself for this? First, the godfather from childhood must take part in the life of the child, in any matters, not only those relating to the Church. Communication with the godfather should be versatile - this is help with homework, and joint trips to the theater, and a discussion of what is interesting for both you and the child. Secondly, the godfather should be an authority for the child. And this is possible only when the child sees that you are doing it sincerely, not on duty.”
But it's not just about maintaining a good relationship. The main thing is to help a teenager not to lose faith. How to do it? Just by personal example. Elena Vasilievna KRYLOVA, teacher at the St. Demetrius School of Sisters of Mercy: “If a child sees that it is impossible for a godfather to stay at home on Sunday instead of going to the Liturgy, that the life of a godfather does not exist without a church, only then the words of the godfather can be heard. If a child feels through participation in the sacraments of the Church, through communion with the godfather, that there is another life, then even if he falls away in the ordeals of transitional age, he will then return to the Church. And you can attract a teenager to the temple through common deeds. Now in the youth world outside the Church, everything is limited to parties, discos, and a teenager also needs real deeds.”
There are a lot of such things in the Church: trips to orphanages, helping people, missionary campaigns, restoration of ancient churches with youth from Restavros in the most picturesque places, and much more!

Baptism in an orphanage
In the ancient Church, infants were not baptized without godparents, since a Christian upbringing could not be guaranteed in pagan families. And now it is impossible to baptize a child without an adult godparent. But what about children in orphanages and orphanages? After all, the situation here is quite special. It is very difficult for the godparents of a baby (if they can be found) to trace the fate of their godson
Is this a reason to generally refuse the baptism of abandoned babies? Svetlana POKROVSKAYA, Head of the Board of Trustees of St. Alexia: “Once a month we go to the children's hospital, where newborn abandoned children with severe heart defects are treated. Children are usually unnamed. Batiushka names them and baptizes them. Subsequently, we cannot trace the fate of these children, the hospital administration does not provide such information. Many of them die before they reach three or four months. And we cannot guarantee a Christian upbringing for surviving babies. Therefore, our activity causes a contradictory attitude. It so happened that I applied to the priest for baptism, but he refused to baptize without godparents, and such godparents who would bear their duties in full, up to adoption. But many other priests believe that it is impossible to deprive the grace of babies just because there are no godparents. After all, a godfather can pray for a child, write his name in notes so that a particle is taken out in the altar for a sick, suffering baby, and this is very important. Therefore, we ask those who agree to be godparents to first of all pray for their children.”
The situation when an orphanage child is baptized at a conscious age is significantly different from the previous one. Here the godfather must understand that children are very attached to adults who show attention to them, and therefore it will not be possible to leave the child once you start communicating with him. Many are afraid of such responsibility, they are afraid that the child will want to be taken into the family. Marina NEFEDOVA (she, along with other parishioners of the Church of the Annunciation in Fedosino, helps the nearest orphanage to baptize children), based on her experience, says: “Children over seven years old understand that the godfather takes them to the church, visits, but does not become an adoptive parent. It seems to me that it would be very good if the orphanage children had godparents who would communicate with them for many years.”
It happens that godparents are asked to become too often. But there are reasonable human limits. According to many confessors, one should soberly assess one's capabilities and try to be constant in those relationships that already exist. After all, they will ask us what we did and how we took care of those we received from the font.


If parents have children in previous or subsequent marriages, they are considered half-siblings. The mother's husband, but not the father of her child, is the stepfather. The father's wife, but the child's mother is not a stepmother. A step-son of a husband or wife at the next marriage of his parent (parent) is a stepson, and a step-daughter is a stepdaughter.

In Russian folklore, the stepmother is spoken of unflatteringly: people did not believe that a woman could love someone else's child as her own. It is no coincidence that the plant was called: coltsfoot. Its leaves are smooth and cold on top, and warm and fluffy from the inside. And they say: "The other side is the stepmother."

When adopted or adopted, the child was called an adopted child. The new parents - the named mother and the named father - considered the girl to be the named daughter, and the boy - the named son.

The planted mother and father became close, but not native - people who were invited to the wedding to replace the mother and father of the bride and groom.

And after a newborn appeared in the family, he might need a mother, a nurse, a dairy mother. To feed - it meant almost intermarry with the baby. An uncle was assigned to older children - for care and supervision. Such an uncle brought up the cavalry girl Shurochka Azarova in the film "The Hussar Ballad".

Men could fraternize by exchanging pectoral crosses and kissing three times. They became crusaders. Fraternization was the result of a great friendship or saving a life in combat. Girlish friendship, not related by kinship, was also consolidated by a kind of ritual: the girls exchanged pectoral crosses. Then they called their friends like that - crusades, twins, named sisters.

spiritual relationship

Religious ties were strong and unostentatious in families. As it should be according to the rite, each little godson or goddaughter had a godfather and godmother. The godfather's father became a godfather, the son became a godbrother, and both godparents in relation to the godson's parents became godfathers: he is a godfather, she is a godfather. The godfather and godfather took upon themselves the responsibility of taking care of the religious education of their godson and, in the event of the death of their parents, took their place. Being the godfather of the first or second child in the family used to be considered a great honor.

They chose godfather and mother from close people: relatives or family friends. A pregnant woman was not called a godmother: it was believed that the godson would die. If newborns or young children had died in families before, the first person they met was taken as godfather. Preference was given to godparents who had many godchildren alive.

An unmarried man, who was to become a godfather for the first time, chose a girl for baptism, an unmarried girl - a boy. It was believed that otherwise the girl risks remaining a century-old woman, and the guy - a bachelor. There was a belief among the peasants that if a girl or a guy who was invited to be godparents to the first child is older than the godson's parents, then the girl will marry a widower, and the guy will marry a widow or woman older than him. Therefore, accordingly, they tried to make godfathers younger than their parents.

On Peter's Day (July 12), the godfather baked unleavened pies with cottage cheese for the godchildren. On the day of forgiveness (the last day before Great Lent), according to custom, the godfather went to the godfather with soap, and she went to him with gingerbread. According to the canons of Orthodoxy, godparents could not marry each other.

Relationship Dictionary

GRANDMA, grandmother - the mother of the father or mother, the wife of the grandfather.

BROTHER is a son in relation to other children of the same parents.

BROTHER GOPHAD - The godfather's son.

Brother CROSS, brother on the cross, brother named - persons who exchanged body crosses.

BROTAN, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.

BRATANICH - brother's nephew.

BROTANIHA - the wife of a cousin.

Bratanna - brother's daughter, brother's niece.

Bratelnitsa - cousin or distant relative.

Bratova - brother's wife.

Bratych - brother's son, brother's nephew.

A widow is a woman who has not remarried after the death of her husband.

A widower is a man who has not remarried after the death of his wife.

A great aunt is the sister of a grandfather or grandmother (cousin).

A great uncle is the brother of a grandfather or grandmother.

A branch is a line of kinship.

A grandson is the son of a son or daughter, the sons of a nephew or niece.

Great cousin-niece is the granddaughter of a cousin or sister.

Great-niece - the granddaughter of a brother or sister (second cousin).

Grandchild, grandchild - being a relative in the third generation, second cousin.

Great siblings are second cousins.

Great cousin-nephew - the grandson of a cousin - th brother or sister.

A great-nephew is the grandson of a brother or sister.

A great second cousin is the grandson of a second cousin or sister (second cousin).

Granddaughter, grandson - daughter of a son or daughter, nephew or niece.

A cousin is the sister of a grandmother or grandfather.

A great-aunt is the sister of a great-grandmother or great-grandfather.

A great-great-grandmother is the sister of a great-great-grandmother or great-great-grandfather.

A cousin is the daughter of a cousin or sister.

A cousin is the daughter of an uncle or aunt.

A cousin is a cousin of a father or mother.

Cousin - related in the second generation.

A cousin is the son of an uncle or aunt.

A cousin is the brother of a grandfather or grandmother.

A cousin is a cousin of one's father or mother.

A cousin is the son of a cousin or sister.

A great-grandfather is the brother of a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.

A great-great-grandfather is the brother of a great-great-grandfather or great-great-grandmother.

Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.

Grandfather (grandfather) - the father of the father or mother.

The godfather is the godfather's father.

Grandfather, grandfather - aunt after uncle.

Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.

A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.

Daughter named - adopted, pupil.

Dshcherich is the nephew of his aunt.

Dschersha - niece by aunt.

An uncle is a person who takes care of a child.

An uncle is the brother of the father or mother, as well as the husband of an aunt.

Congenital children (homogeneous) - children born from the same father (homogeneous father), but different mothers).

Single uterine children (one uterine) - children born to the same mother, but from different fathers.

Single uterine - born by the same mother, but from a different father.

A wife is a woman in relation to the man she is married to.

Zhenima, wife - unmarried fourth wife.

Bridegroom - conspiring his bride.

Sister-in-law, goldsmith, zolova - the husband's sister, sometimes the brother's wife.

Son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister.

A knee is a branching of a clan, a generation in a pedigree.

The godmother is a participant in the rite of baptism in the role of a spiritual mother.

The godson is the godson.

Goddaughter - goddaughter.

The godfather is a participant in the rite of baptism in the role of a spiritual father.

Consanguinity - descent from the same parents.

Blood - about kinship within the same family.

A cousin is a cousin.

Cousin is a cousin.

Kum is a godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godmother.

Kuma is a godmother in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godfather.

A small aunt is the sister of the father or mother (cousin).

Small uncle is the brother of the father or mother.

A mother is a woman in relation to her children.

Godmother, cross - the recipient at the rite of baptism.

”, published by the publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery, provides in an accessible form the initial knowledge necessary for those who are preparing for the Sacrament of Baptism or are just starting to live an Orthodox life. The book presents the main provisions of our faith, tells about the Sacraments, the commandments of God and about prayer.

When I have to baptize an adult, most often I perform the sacrament of Baptism without godparents. Because godparents, or godparents, are necessarily needed only for children. When an adult is baptized, he himself can say that he believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and wants to receive Holy Baptism in order to save his soul. He himself can answer the questions of the priest and promise fidelity to Christ. Of course, it is good when there is an Orthodox church person next to an adult who is being baptized, who can become his godparent and help him take his first steps in the church, who will teach him the basics of faith. But I repeat, for an adult, the presence of godparents is not necessary.

Why are receivers needed at all? Godparents are those people who, at the young age of their godchildren, give them the vows of Holy Baptism, a promise of fidelity to God. They renounce Satan for their spiritual children, unite with Christ and confess their faith, reading the Creed for them. We baptize most people in infancy, that is, at the age when the child does not yet have a conscious faith, cannot answer how he believes. His godparents do it for him. We baptize children according to the faith of the recipients and according to the faith of the parents as the closest people. Therefore, both have a huge responsibility. Godparents are not just friends of the family, they are not some kind of “wedding generals” who stand at the sacrament with the “Honorary Witness” ribbon, as happens at weddings. No, godparents are very responsible persons, they become guarantors before God for the souls of their godchildren. At the moment of baptism, together with their parents, in front of the Cross and the Gospel, lying on the lectern, they make a promise to God Himself. What promise? That they will make every effort so that the newly baptized baby grows up as a believer, an Orthodox person. Their duty now is to pray for their spiritual children, teach them prayers, instruct them in the Orthodox faith and take them to the church to take communion, and then, after seven years, to confess. So that when their godson enters perfect years, he already knows how to pray to God, he knows what we believe in and why we go to church. Of course, the greatest responsibility for the Christian upbringing of children lies with the parents, but godparents can also greatly influence their godchildren, become their spiritual teachers and mentors.

Many parents formally approach the Baptism of their children and just as formally choose godparents.

Now a little about the sad. Most modern godparents are very ill-prepared. To the greatest regret, many parents approach the sacrament of Baptism of their children in a completely formal way and just as formally choose godparents. After all, the godfather should not just be a good person, with whom we are pleased to communicate, our friend or relative - he must be an Orthodox person, church-going and knowing his faith. How can we teach someone the basics of faith if we ourselves do not even know the very basics, have not read the Gospel, do not know the prayers? After all, in any field, if a person knows some business well, for example, knows how to drive a car, work on a computer, solve mathematical problems, make repairs, he can teach this to others, pass on his knowledge. And if he himself knows nothing in this area, whom can he teach?

If you are godparents and feel a lack of knowledge in the spiritual field (and none of us can say that he has fully studied the Orthodox faith, for this is an inexhaustible storehouse of spiritual wisdom), you need to fill this gap. You need to educate yourself. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about this, especially now, when no one forbids us to read any spiritual literature and when books, brochures, CDs that tell about the Orthodox faith are sold in all churches and bookstores. The Lord reveals himself to everyone who turns to Him, at any age. My grandfather was baptized at the age of 70 and then he mastered the basics of the Orthodox faith so well that he could even teach and instruct others.

It is necessary to start spiritual education from the most basic, basic books, such as The Law of God, First Steps in an Orthodox Church, and others. Be sure to read the Gospel; You can start with the "Gospel of Mark", it is the shortest, only 16 chapters, and was written specifically for novice Christians from pagans.

The godfather must live according to the commandments of God, pray to God and take communion

The recipient is obliged to know the Creed and read it at baptism, in this prayer the Orthodox dogma is briefly stated, and the godfather must know what he believes. And of course, the godfather must live according to the commandments of God, pray to God and take communion. According to church canons, a child is entitled to one godfather, of the same sex as the one being baptized, but our Russian tradition assumes two godparents - a man and a woman. They must not be married to each other. Godparents then cannot marry their godchildren or marry them. The father and mother of a child cannot be godparents, but other relatives: grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters may well become godparents. Receivers, preparing for the sacrament of Baptism, must confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

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