How to cheat in a casino? Is it possible to cheat the casino? Reading hole cards.


What is it like - a world of incredible stakes, wealth, jingling coins, grace and gloss? He is passionate, has many temptations and is able to exalt anyone to unimaginable heights and, in the same way, bring him down to earth, destroying sandcastles. But in order not to fall under the power of illusions and not lose control over reality, each guest of this world must constantly control his own mind and focus on achieving maximum profit! Your own strategy and the application of the basic rules developed by entire generations of players are all magical keys to exorbitant winnings and great pleasure from the process. After all, it is always more pleasant when we can influence phenomena and processes. There is confidence in controllability, which means that there are more chances to wrap processes in your favor. But in a casino it is quite difficult to feel it for yourself, because this requires a special knowledge.

Not everyone who spends a lot of time in a casino can be called “experienced”. After all, not everyone spends it there meaningfully and for the benefit of the business - many rely on chance and do not try to make those efforts that will really help to get rich without much difficulty and investment!

Is it possible to win a large amount in a casino, even if the experience of the game is insignificant? Those who know a lot about their business are sure - you can! But the beginning of any game is impossible without an answer to the question of how to win at the casino! Only by clearly seeing the entire winning system in front of you, you can count on success in any game.

An increasing number of gamblers are in virtual casinos and online poker rooms, where there are plenty of opportunities to win poker tournaments. Playing online is not much different from the usual one and has a number of advantages. For novice players, this is an opportunity to install a demo version on your own computer and try out all the recommendations learned in practice without investing a penny! The win, however, in this case is also virtual, but the experience gained certainly cannot be overestimated!

For those who already have gambling experience, an online casino is just convenient. This is an opportunity to play anywhere and at any time, the ability to choose the conditions that are convenient for you and decide who will be your opponent - a car or a living person!

Large online casinos, which are easily recognizable by the simplest parameters of the site and the degree of resource recognition, have many categories of the most popular games that can bring considerable winnings, for example, for those who can beat slot machines. The fierce competition between online casinos and the system of quality control and honesty of games completely exclude the right to make mistakes or dishonesty in issuing winnings by such services.

How to win at an online casino - there are many tips on this issue. And after getting to know them all, all doubts about whether it is realistic to win in a casino of this type are dispelled by themselves!

How to cheat the casino

There are several ways by which you can win at an online casino like in a real one. At the same time, most of them are absolutely legal and do not contradict the rules of these sites.

In which casino can you win? In any case, if it has all the unacceptable attributes of a large and wealthy resource. So, before trusting your savings to an online casino, you should pay attention to the presence of a payout system, as well as not the percentage of winnings in the casino. The higher this indicator, the greater the chance of winning.

How to cheat the casino if you are trying to play more or less consciously for the first time? First of all, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that it will not be possible to deceive an online casino in the literal sense of the word - the automated game control system is too strong. Any illegal actions in an attempt to find out whether it is possible to deceive the casino are severely punished by the site administration: the player may be deprived of basic or additional features or blocked.

That is why when thinking about how to deceive an online casino, it is best to know the methods that have long since proven themselves to be quite effective and quite harmless!

Casino winning system

If such an option, how to win in a virtual casino at any cost, is for you, then a careful study of the proposed methodology can become simply life-changing!

Most often, players use the bonus wagering system. This option is based on the fact that most online casinos offer new players a 1:1 bet bonus. But in order to win back the bonus, you need to make bets that will exceed it by 20 times.

This method offers to beat the casino with its own “weapon”, which, however, will allow you to get a solid win. Let's say the bonus amount that needs to be wagered is $200. Using roulette as an example, you need to bet $100 on red and black. We bet $5 on zero. When black or red comes up, we get a win equal to $200, but we lose $5 put on zero, in the same case, if 0 falls out, the win will be $180 ($5 * 36).

Continuing to win back the bonus, it is obvious that for this you need to make such a bet exactly 20 times. In this case, the main condition will be met, under which the bonus will become won back and in any case, regardless of what fell out during this betting period, the player is in the black. As a result, the player is given the opportunity to win $100 in a matter of minutes! If during the game there is a loss of zero, then the winnings will be slightly less.

The only limitation is the fact that such a bonus is given only once - with the first deposit.

But, today it's not about how to organize your own. You will probably learn about this in one of the following articles (although, what's the point in talking about what is allowed only in special territories?). Today we will talk about one simple instruction of "beating" online casinos.

Since the owners of these online gambling resources earn millions of dollars from ordinary gambling people, then why don't we try to earn our bread and butter with our cunning moves. This way of earning is somewhat reminiscent of the activities of the fabulous Robin Hood, who stole money from the rich and gave it to the poor. So we will try to "deceive" (in the good sense of the word) the greedy and wealthy owners of online casinos. Well, the winnings can be given to someone or used for your own purposes. It's up to you to decide.

How does an online casino work?

The goal of any online casino is to first lure the “victim” (that is, the player), and then beat him. How can an online casino lure you? Naturally, allowing the player to win first. The scheme is very tricky - if the victim won (or replenished the account again), then the casino algorithm changes, and the player loses in any way, no matter how hard he tries. That is, if you replenish your account with $50, the system will allow you to win, for example, $30, but after your account is replenished with this $30, the algorithm will change and you will lose.

Of course, in reality, all this is much more complicated and confusing. But the general meaning of the work of any gambling resource is just that. Of course, in some casinos you can win several times in a row. In others, you will immediately lose all the money wagered. But more often than not, at first you will still be allowed to raise the amount wagered a little. After all, it is with the growth of capital that the player becomes more reckless and, as a result, most often, lowers everything to the last penny. Therefore, we will adhere to just such a theory of initial earnings.

How to stay positive?

You have already understood what you need to do to win - you just need to withdraw and leave with the money won immediately after the first win. And it doesn't matter how much you win. At least 10 dollars, at least 500. They bet 50 dollars, won 80, took the money and left.

You say you can't earn that much. Perhaps that is the way it is. No one argues, but who's stopping you from going back to the casino and winning $5, $10, $30 again? The most important thing here is not to succumb to excitement, and to leave the casino after each win. And don't forget to delete cookies in your browser. And also change the IP address after each visit (in most cases, a simple reboot of the modem helps with a break before turning it on for about a minute). You can also visit different online establishments during one session.

As we noted above, a similar scheme was found by us on the Internet. How it actually works, we can’t say for sure, since we are not fond of gambling (and we don’t advise you).

To be honest, I don’t really believe in the simplicity of this winning technology. If it were that easy, you could be a millionaire in a week. And then, this scheme can be called a real business idea. But in reality, this does not happen. Or maybe it does, but we don't know. In any case, only experiments can give a clear definitive answer. You can still try and risk 10-20 dollars. Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne. Is not it?

Although, on the other hand, having these 20 dollars in your pocket, you can put them into the implementation of some real business idea with minimal investment or no investment at all. For example, buy a domain and hosting and launch your own website or on the Internet. Or buy professional access for a month on some . Or buy a minimal set and do origami (the products can then be sold, and very expensive). Lots of options. So, it's up to you to choose. We wish you success!

Every gambler knows that gambling houses use the whole arsenal of means to keep a person inside. Some methods of influence are very striking, while others remain completely invisible. But all of them in one way or another affect the subconscious, forcing you to experience a positive attitude and fueling the desire to spend money. In fact, the deception on the part of the casino is to create favorable conditions for the longest possible game.

There are no clocks in gambling houses. When people are absorbed in the game, they rarely pay attention to the passage of time. Whatever game a person chooses, be it poker or slot machines, he is often in a trance and is completely absorbed in the game process. The staff of gaming establishments also do not wear watches, so there is simply no one to know the time. In the casino, the night smoothly turns into day, and vice versa. It should be noted that people who come to play are often on vacation or on weekends, so they do not always follow the passage of time, which is in the hands of the casino.

The casino does everything possible to isolate a person from the outside world. So, in such establishments there are no windows. This tactic is akin to not having a watch. When a person is inside, the casino does not want him to know what is happening outside. The change of day and night stimulates the internal clock in the human body. Noticing that it is dawning or getting dark outside the window, the player can inadvertently remember about pressing matters. This is not profitable for the gambling house.

Inside the casino, music constantly sounds, multi-colored lights are lit and flashing, and slot machines make “festive” sounds. People get the impression that everyone around wins. Although the situation is usually reversed. Even when a person has lost, the machines still continue to play joyfully and sparkle. Such methods of influence encourage further play. Well, how not to succumb to such a provocation?

The lighting in the casino is always soft and low. Thanks to him, a comfortable and friendly atmosphere is created, somewhat akin to home, when a person sits at home in his living room in front of the TV. Carpeting in gambling houses is also not chosen by chance. All kinds of patterns, spirals and splashes affect the human brain, contributing to the creation of an atmosphere of comfort and safety. The same role is played by the color of the walls. Purity and relaxing music also affect the subconscious of a person, forcing him to relax and plunge into a state of some kind of trance.

In large casinos, players are often offered free food and alcohol. The waitresses always have trays full of all kinds of drinks. And why not drink, since everything is provided for free? A person who tries to systematize his game, using all sorts of tactics and strategies, after a certain amount of alcohol becomes absent-minded and more stupid. Alcohol slows down the brain and prevents you from making informed decisions. Drunk players lose their vigilance, playing at random, which, in fact, is what the casino uses.

If you take a walk on the Internet, you can quickly find a lot of articles on how to cheat slot machines in online casinos. The authors of these articles confidently declare that they can earn huge amounts in a matter of minutes. Most often, players are offered to try different tricky combinations, mathematical calculations, and even hacking slots. Unfortunately, all this is a hoax and let’s say right away that if someone finds “holes” in online slots that allow them to increase their chances of winning, they are unlikely to tell everyone about it.

The fact is that online casino owners and companies developing specialized gaming software pay a lot of attention to security, because they invest their money in this business and do not want to lose it. Therefore, the code of online slots is constantly being improved, the detected errors and weaknesses discovered by hackers are being corrected. The same can be said about the slot machines of the volcano casino. They are constantly updated and improved, of course, not to the detriment of the honesty of the games, because everything is always decided by chance and you can win only when luck turns to face the player. As a joke, developers advise players to pray before launching slots to increase their chances of winning.

Myths about cheating online casinos

Now we offer to consider the most common myths about how to cheat slot machines.

The first misconception that many gamblers believe is that you have to lose big to win. In other words, the player will lose anyway, but after several failures in a row, he will definitely be lucky. Of course, this can happen, but it will only be luck. It is on such statements and statements that scammers often play, offering gamblers methods of winning, in which you first need to lose large sums. Never trust such sites, but play only on proven resources, for example, here you can find the most famous and popular slot machines, tested by time and thousands of players.

The second common erroneous myth is that many players are sure that you can’t spend a lot of time at one slot machine, and if you suddenly win, you need to immediately end the game and never return to this online casino again. In part, this statement is true, since you should not get carried away much, especially if you are unlucky. But the statement about continuing to play in the same casino after winning is not true. No one will pursue the player and try to take away his winnings, since everything is decided by chance. Perhaps a series of failures will follow, and perhaps another win.

In conclusion, we note that there are no 100% ways to cheat online casinos. Each machine has its own parameters, including the return percentage. This is usually indicated in the description, so to increase your chances, it is better to choose slots with a high return percentage. We also recommend not to play with small coins and actively use casino bonuses and promotions. And of course, you always need to be mentally prepared to lose. In this case, you do not need to be sad, but it is better to get together, think or take a break.

What is it like - a world of incredible stakes, wealth, jingling coins, grace and gloss? He is passionate, has many temptations and is able to exalt anyone to unimaginable heights and, in the same way, bring him down to earth, destroying sandcastles. But in order not to fall under the power of illusions and not lose control over reality, each guest of this world must constantly control his own mind and focus on achieving maximum profit! Your own strategy and the application of the basic rules developed by entire generations of players are all magical keys to exorbitant winnings and great pleasure from the process. After all, it is always more pleasant when we can influence phenomena and processes. There is confidence in controllability, which means that there are more chances to wrap processes in your favor. But in a casino it is quite difficult to feel it for yourself, because this requires a special knowledge.

Not everyone who spends a lot of time in a casino can be called “experienced”. After all, not everyone spends it there meaningfully and for the benefit of the business - many rely on chance and do not try to make those efforts that will really help to get rich without much difficulty and investment!

Is it possible to win a large amount in a casino, even if the experience of the game is insignificant? Those who know a lot about their business are sure - you can! But the beginning of any game is impossible without an answer to the question of how to win at the casino! Only by clearly seeing the entire winning system in front of you, you can count on success in any game.

An increasing number of gamblers are in virtual casinos and online poker rooms, where there are plenty of opportunities to win poker tournaments. Playing online is not much different from the usual one and has a number of advantages. For novice players, this is an opportunity to install a demo version on your own computer and try out all the recommendations learned in practice without investing a penny! The win, however, in this case is also virtual, but the experience gained certainly cannot be overestimated!

For those who already have gambling experience, an online casino is just convenient. This is an opportunity to play anywhere and at any time, the ability to choose the conditions that are convenient for you and decide who will be your opponent - a car or a living person!

Large online casinos, which are easily recognizable by the simplest parameters of the site and the degree of resource recognition, have many categories of the most popular games that can bring considerable winnings, for example, for those who can beat slot machines. The fierce competition between online casinos and the system of quality control and honesty of games completely exclude the right to make mistakes or dishonesty in issuing winnings by such services.

How to win at an online casino - there are many tips on this issue. And after getting to know them all, all doubts about whether it is realistic to win in a casino of this type are dispelled by themselves!

How to cheat the casino

There are several ways by which you can win at an online casino like in a real one. At the same time, most of them are absolutely legal and do not contradict the rules of these sites.

In which casino can you win? In any case, if it has all the unacceptable attributes of a large and wealthy resource. So, before trusting your savings to an online casino, you should pay attention to the presence of a payout system, as well as not the percentage of winnings in the casino. The higher this indicator, the greater the chance of winning.

How to cheat the casino if you are trying to play more or less consciously for the first time? First of all, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that it will not be possible to deceive an online casino in the literal sense of the word - the automated game control system is too strong. Any illegal actions in an attempt to find out whether it is possible to deceive the casino are severely punished by the site administration: the player may be deprived of basic or additional features or blocked.

That is why when thinking about how to deceive an online casino, it is best to know the methods that have long since proven themselves to be quite effective and quite harmless!

Casino winning system

If such an option, how to win in a virtual casino at any cost, is for you, then a careful study of the proposed methodology can become simply life-changing!

Most often, players use the bonus wagering system. This option is based on the fact that most online casinos offer new players a 1:1 bet bonus. But in order to win back the bonus, you need to make bets that will exceed it by 20 times.

This method offers to beat the casino with its own “weapon”, which, however, will allow you to get a solid win. Let's say the bonus amount that needs to be wagered is $200. Using roulette as an example, you need to bet $100 on red and black. We bet $5 on zero. When black or red comes up, we get a win equal to $200, but we lose $5 put on zero, in the same case, if 0 falls out, the win will be $180 ($5 * 36).

Continuing to win back the bonus, it is obvious that for this you need to make such a bet exactly 20 times. In this case, the main condition will be met, under which the bonus will become won back and in any case, regardless of what fell out during this betting period, the player is in the black. As a result, the player is given the opportunity to win $100 in a matter of minutes! If during the game there is a loss of zero, then the winnings will be slightly less.

The only limitation is the fact that such a bonus is given only once - with the first deposit.

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