How to dress for the theater? 17 topical tips for ladies. What to wear to the theater, to an exhibition, to a restaurant


The article will tell you about the rules of etiquette in the theater, what is a sign of good taste, and what will cause condemnation of the cultural society, and will also help you choose the right outfit for going to the theater, including for a child.

If going to the cinema has long ceased to be a special event, and the rules of behavior in cinemas have undergone significant changes under the force of time, in particular with regard to eating while watching, the theater is trying to hold its positions.

No one requires strict adherence to the traditions of social life and the rules of etiquette, and most likely you will not be kicked out if you come to the theater in jeans. However, if you consider yourself among the cultured people and respect the rituals of behavior in society honored for centuries, before visiting the theater, especially if you don’t go there often, you should learn or brush up on a few simple rules.

Rules for going to the theater

1. You should arrive at the theater in advance (at least 20-30 minutes)
Time is needed to clean up, check in clothes, change shoes if necessary, visit the ladies' room, view the foyer with an exhibition of theater works, etc., purchase a program and / or binoculars, go to the buffet if you wish, find your seats in the hall or on balcony. It will be more pleasant for you and those around you if you perform all these actions without haste.

2. Your wardrobe shouldn't be random.
The requirements for the outfit will be described in more detail below. One has only to make a reservation that even if you are in a hurry to the performance after work, this is not a reason to appear in the theater in an untidy form and in inappropriate attire.

3. Perfume should not be strong and intrusive
When in a public place indoors, you should always remember that the smell coming from you can bring inconvenience to others, in particular, it can cause a headache, or excessive fumes can cause a neighbor to sneeze. Do not use strong smells to visit the theater and remember the sense of proportion

4. Do not obstruct the view of the theatrical action to the audience sitting behind you
We are talking about a lush hairstyle, large accessories on the head (flowers, hats, feathers, etc.). An excessively high hairstyle will not cause approval, will bring inconvenience to others and will be considered a violation of the rules of etiquette

5. Shoes must be clean
This is a universal rule of good taste for all occasions. Take care of this ahead of time by bringing an appropriate shoe sponge or a change of shoes

6. Keep your breath fresh
As a spectator surrounded by a large crowd of people, do not abuse food products with a persistent unpleasant odor on the day of the performance or use chewing gum, but only before entering the auditorium. After that, not to mention the presentation time, any chewing manipulation will put you in a very unsightly light.

How to behave in the theater?

Now let's dwell on the norms of behavior directly in the theatrical institution itself.

Before the beginning

  • At the entrance, a man presents a ticket, then lets his companion go forward. If the company is large, the actions are similar: one of the male representatives shows the tickets to the theater worker, and then passes the whole company in front of him
  • The gentleman helps the lady take off her outer clothing, after which he undresses himself.
  • A man should invite his companion to visit the buffet, she has the right to refuse or agree
  • To buy or not to buy a performance program is an individual decision. However, if you prefer not to spend money, then you should not ask for a program from other viewers or inadvertently look into a neighbor's program

  • A man enters the auditorium first, if the tickets are checked at this stage, then the gentleman presents the ticket, and then lets the lady through, who follows the usher to her seat. If the theater worker does not escort the audience, the man should go a little ahead to show the place to his companion
  • According to the rules of etiquette, a woman should sit to the right of a man. However, there may be exceptions if the seat is located near the aisle or for some reason is not very convenient for a woman.

IMPORTANT: When making your way along the row to your place, it is customary to do this facing the audience in this row. This rule is characteristic of the European public. In the USA, on the contrary, you should turn around facing the stage.

  • If you are visiting the theater with friends, the seating principle is: do not leave women near strangers, i.e. you should sit down in a chain - a man, ladies (if available, alternating with men) and a man closing.

being late

  • If you came to the theater after the third bell and your seats are in the box, you can go into it while the lights go out. As for the stalls and other parts of the auditorium, seating after the last bell is not allowed.
  • According to etiquette, in this case, you should wait until the end of the first act or overture, if it is, for example, an opera
  • If you were let into the hall, theater workers will most likely offer you free extreme seats in the stalls or on the balcony. In their absence, you can wait for the intermission, standing in the hall at the entrance

Presentation time

  • The rule, which will be reminded more than once in the theater itself: do not use and turn off phones, do not film the performance with a camera and video camera

  • Talking, exchanging opinions, whispering, giggling, rustling, chewing, etc. - all this will have to be left for the intermission, so as not to infringe on the rights of other viewers and not interfere with the cast
  • Applause must necessarily sound after the end of the performance and, if appropriate, after the logical end of the scene. When in doubt, focus on others, your single claps can bring down the actors
  • While watching, do not fall apart in a chair. Occupying both armrests, throwing legs, leaning on the front back, etc. - these are inappropriate cases of familiar behavior that cause inconvenience to other viewers


  • In the interval between actions, the gentleman should offer the lady a trip to the buffet, if she refuses, then you should not leave her alone in the auditorium. Except for short absences as needed
  • Looking at the audience through binoculars refers to the manifestation of indecency. Binoculars should only be used to view the action on stage

  • If you met your (-his) acquaintance (-s) in the theater and briefly exchanged greetings, it is not necessary to introduce the person to the companion/companion. If the conversation went beyond the usual greeting, it will be a sign of good form to introduce them.
  • You should not wave your hands across the hall as a sign of greeting to a friend, a slight bow of your head would be appropriate. Shaking hands through seated people is also unacceptable. Say hello and chat better during the intermission in the foyer or buffet
  • Discussing the behavior or appearance of other viewers, even if they are inappropriate, is indecent. If this brings you inconvenience, you should contact the theater workers, whose functions include order control and elimination of such problems.

Completion of the performance

  • At the end of the performance, a standing ovation should be given.

  • If you bought flowers in advance as a token of gratitude, you should give them after the end of the performance. When presenting flowers, you should not ask for an autograph from the actors, take pictures, kiss with them, etc.
  • It is considered extremely indecent to leave the auditorium during the bows of the artists and until the end of the performance.
  • Shouts "for an encore" are not appropriate in a drama theater. You can ask to perform an encore passage in ballet, musicals, musical performances, etc.

Is there a dress code in the theatre? Dress code for the theater

If we talk about official dress codes, the requirements for which are voiced in the rules of each theater and can be seen, for example, on the corresponding website or stands of the theater institution, then they are strict in nature mainly in relation to:

  • beach and sportswear and shoes (shorts, flip flops, sneakers, sweatshirts

The rest of the rules are advisory in nature. However, there is an unwritten dress code, the requirements for which have evolved over decades. And, despite the fact that no one strictly follows them, a sign of good taste is the observance of certain rules when choosing a wardrobe for an upcoming theatrical event.

Main criteria:

  • no flashy colors
  • conciseness and restraint
  • different from everyday life
  • availability of accessories
  • A little bag
  • a reasonable approach to exposing individual parts of the body
  • rejection of excessive ruffles, lace, fishnet tights

What should a girl wear to the theater? Photo

A universal option is a cocktail dress that meets the following criteria:

  • length to the middle of the red-hot cup

  • discreet color (black, dark shades of blue, green, gray, purple)

  • "calm" not too shiny material

  • not too deep neckline

IMPORTANT: Going to the theater is an inappropriate occasion for a mini dress.

A more office alternative for those who visit the theater after work and do not have the opportunity to change clothes would be a blouse and a skirt. The classic version is a white blouse and a pencil skirt.

However, options may be more unique. The main thing is to stick to the length of the skirt and choose a blouse that is not too transparent, preferably with closed shoulders, and also beware of defiant colors.

As for trouser suits, if possible, preference should still be given to skirts, but this option is also acceptable. A strict dark suit with a contrasting light blouse will not stand out from the crowd.

In principle, any, even casual, outfit can be adapted if necessary for going to the theater. The main thing is to add the right accessories:

  • silk scarf, smart belt, large earrings or other jewelry

IMPORTANT: Women should have a small handbag for such cases, since a bulky handbag will have to be held on their knees, which is inconvenient and not entirely aesthetically pleasing.

Shoes are an important part of a girl's wardrobe. In the theater, you should wear shoes or boots with medium or high heels. If you're driving and/or boots don't look right with your dress, consider changing shoes.

Evening dress to the theater, photo

With regard to the more elegant dresses in which you can meet the female audience in the theater, the following should be considered:

  • scale of the establishment or event
  • day of the week and time of presentation
  • where are the seats in the auditorium (their price category)

For example, if you attend a high-profile premiere, you have a VIP invitation to the first row to a major theater, or you visit La Scala, the Vienna Opera, etc., you can afford, and this will even be required by the format of the event, a floor-length evening dress .

If you're going to a regular performance in a small town after work, this dress will, to say the least, bewildering.

In any case, the dresses may be different.

This dress is quite possible to "walk" at the Bolshoi Theater at the premiere on a day off.

But this is only suitable for exceptional occasions with a red carpet and special dress code requirements, which you will be informed about in advance.

What should a man wear to the theater? Photo

Even though women are more likely to have trouble choosing outfits, there are some tips for men in terms of appearance in the theater as well.

  • Ideally, if it is a suit with a white shirt and tie

  • It is advisable to choose a suit in one color or in a barely noticeable checkered/striped
  • The shirt must be light

  • Instead of a tie, options are possible with a scarf or a bow tie, as you like

  • If a man does not want to part with his favorite jeans, let them not be torn or different shades, and it is advisable to compensate for this image with a plain shirt and, as an option, a less strict jacket

Tuxedo for the theater, photo

A formal tuxedo will be appropriate, as in the case of a women's evening dress, in a major theater at the premiere.

It is important that the companion was dressed in the same style. If a man chooses a tuxedo, then the lady cannot afford anything more modest than a long evening dress.

What to wear to the theater in winter for a man and a woman?

The features of the choice of outfits in the winter include:

  • closed shoulders

  • long sleeve

  • indoor shoes

If you have an open dress, you can throw on a scarf or wear a jacket.

Sweatshirts and sweaters, both for women and men, are too casual options for the theater, which it is advisable to avoid.

For men, it is preferable to wear a jacket, which does not have to be part of the suit. A more modern version, when the jacket is slightly different in style, may also be appropriate for attending an ordinary everyday performance.

Children's clothing for the theater

Of course, no matter what the child is, it is unlikely that anyone will treat this reprehensibly. Therefore, children's dress code should not be perceived as an invented requirement, but as part of the child's moral education for the future. Children who are taught from an early age how to behave and how to look in the theater are likely to adopt such behavior in adulthood.

  • Review the dress code requirements of the theater administration
  • Take into account the time of the performance (daytime / evening), the contingent of the public, the "stardom" of the theatrical performance
  • When choosing an outfit, think about how it will go with your companion's attire.

  • If you doubt the degree of “elegance” and are afraid to look like a “black sheep”, stick to the golden mean: you should look more festive than at work, but more modest than if you were going to a theater award
  • A win-win option for a woman is a dark sheath dress, for a man - a suit with a shirt and tie
  • Consider accessories and matching shoes

Remember that going to the theater is a social event, an opportunity not only to join the cultural life, but also to show yourself, so you should not miss the chance to put on a dress that is lonely bored in the closet after a prom or a friend's wedding. And you can always wear jeans.

Video: How to behave in the theater?

Video: Clothing for the theater

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The freedom of self-expression, including in clothing, which is characteristic of our time, has its unconditional advantages. However, this made it difficult for people to understand the appropriateness of different clothes in a given situation. Maybe the old traditions of dressing in the theater in the best of the wardrobe and smacked of philistinism, but everything was clear: going to a performance meant putting on a dress and shoes. Now everything is not so clear. Not only time dictates its own rules, but also the variety of theater formats. In one, you will look appropriate in labels and diamonds, and in the other, you simply will not be understood. A new era has dawned not only in theatrical art, but also in the corresponding dress code. In this article we will try to figure out what to wear to the theater in 2019.

The article has a lot of interesting)) namely:

What should a girl wear to the theater?

Going to the theater is already a small event, and also a great reason to make yourself nice and beautifully dressed. Consider suitable options for outfits, taking into account the time of year.


The most difficult time for a beautiful appearance. But even in winter you can look luxurious, there would be a desire. At your disposal are long dresses made of wool, knitwear or velvet (when and where to wear velvet if not to the theater in winter?), midi skirts worn with tight tights. On your feet, you can easily and naturally wear ankle boots, over the knee boots or boots with heels. And if you move from car to car, you can afford to wear shoes.


Autumn-spring provides more opportunities to create a beautiful and stylish look for going to the theater. At this time of the year, you can already put on. How amazing these flying free dresses on girls look! But do not think that you have to fit into dresses, not at all!
At your disposal: midi or mini skirts, combined with delicate blouses; suits of bright colors and interesting styles that will allow you to create a "delicious" total look. You can already freely wear shoes on your feet, and if we are talking about early spring or late autumn, then you can wear over the knee boots, narrow boots with heels, ankle boots or brogues.


In the summer, you can not deny yourself anything, thinking over your bow for visiting the theater. Try bright things and unusual styles, for example, long lace skirts or voluminous sun skirts look very festive and not everyday.
Do you know about the new trend - long vests? This is the undisputed must have of the last season. This vest looks very fresh and at the same time restrained, which is well suited for classic theatrical productions. On the feet, of course, sandals or shoes. But, if you are not a fan of heels, then ballet flats or flat loafers will suit you.
Don't forget bright accessories! They will add "raisins" to the image, and in some cases, without bright shoes, a large necklace or handbag, the image will look boring.

What to choose a lady about 50 years old?

Girls of about 50 years old, as an example, can have in mind the beautiful and sophisticated images of Renata Litvinova, shown by her at various theatrical premieres. She, like no one else, knows how to look restrained and stylish, “seasoning” her images with light, subtle sensuality. Yes, she succeeds with such exits with a bang! Approaching 50, Evelina Khromchenko and Svetlana Bondarchuk are not inferior to Litvinova in a sense of style, in their images you can draw a lot of finds for yourself.


In winter, girls around 50 can afford to wear floor-length velvet dresses to the theater, as well as tight dresses and skirt + jacket sets made of wool or high-quality knitwear. Throw a fur scarf or coat on your shoulders - this will add aristocracy and charm to you.


Trouser suit with colorful accessories will be a great choice for a spring trip to the theater. Girls, what do you think about lace? Evelina Khromtchenko and Renata Litvinova prove by their own example that even a 50-year-old lady can afford a lace dress. And judging by how amazingly domestic stars demonstrate them, they not only can afford it, but they are obliged to.


In summer, for going to the theater, choose lighter fabrics, allow yourself flying dresses and midi skirts, wide culottes or, conversely, floor-length trousers. Wear them with heels. Don't stop at just black, you can easily afford white or any other shade.

Theatrical bows for real men

It's great when men take care of their appearance, and not only when they have to go to the theater. Women experience true pleasure at the sight of a beautifully dressed, neat man, especially if he is her companion.
A classic suit is, of course, a win-win option. The costume will always be good and always out of place. If you complement it with a white shirt and bow tie, you get a very solemn look.

But if you put on a T-shirt under your jacket, then your appearance will instantly become casual and suitable for more democratic productions.

For a trip to the theater in winter, a turtleneck is useful, which can be worn again under a jacket. Thus, you will be warmer, while maintaining the elegance of the image.

Do you want outrageous? A velvet suit will help you. Velvet and velor are now at the peak of popularity not only in women's fashion, but also in men's. A velvet men's suit will look very impressive at the premiere of a new performance.

Always a good option is a bright jacket that differs in color from trousers. This bright accent will emphasize your taste and originality.

What to wear to the theater as a teenager?

For teenagers, a trip to the theater can also be a real event. Especially if you dress in festive clothes, which are usually used only on special occasions. Why not make going to the theater just like that?
Let your teenage daughter choose her own beautiful dress and jewelry, perhaps through such small tricks you will instill in her a love of the theater. Girls can afford dresses of any color, bright or muted tones, as well as accessories: beads, hairpins, bracelets, tiaras (why not?). But with floor-length dresses or cutouts, you should not be zealous - after all, the theater is not a prom.

Boys can dress up in costumes just like their dads. How beautiful men of all ages look in them!

If your teenager has no desire to dress up, then there will be nothing wrong if the children come to the theater in more casual clothes. Just try to avoid sportswear, colorful t-shirts or shorts. Give preference to the classics.

What to dress the child in the theater?

Dear ladies, it is much easier to choose clothes for a child for the theater than for yourself. Make your little daughter a princess! Let the child feel the fabulous atmosphere of the theater and the holiday. Pink voluminous dresses and tutus, tiaras, hair ornaments - in all this, the child will look touching.

The same goes for boys. Would you like to dress up your child in a cute little costume? This will look great!

Girls, don't want or don't have the opportunity to bother with beautiful costumes for children? It's not a problem! Trust me, dressing your tomboy in jeans and a comfortable shirt will be fine too. Add a bow tie to the look, and the image of your little man will instantly become more elegant.

And the everyday image of a girl can be decorated with a beautiful brooch and bright shoes.

Theater theater discord! We dress according to the rank of the theater

Valentina Zubkova, press officer for the Moscow Studio of Theatrical Art, said the ambiguous phrase that their theater is famous for the fact that performances begin long before the first bell, already in the lobby. This phrase is relevant for some high-ranking theaters, as well as modern new theaters, where people come to walk labels and diamonds. Indeed, sometimes in such places you will feel like a part of some theatrical production called "who is cooler and richer dressed." However, not everything is so bad.

What to wear to the Bolshoi Theater, to the premiere, or when is evening dress appropriate?

The official website of the Bolshoi Theater contains information about theatrical etiquette, namely the dress code. There you will not find strict instructions to attend performances exclusively in evening dress. The administration of the Bolshoi Theater understands that the rhythm of modern life often does not allow one to find time to change into a tuxedo and floor-length dress.
But think, what could be more appropriate than an evening dress at the premiere of a performance at the Bolshoi Theater? This is a great reason to finally leave your favorite jeans and shirts and feel like a 100% woman. Choose solid-colored dresses made of quality material and high-heeled shoes.
Don't forget about accessories! Leave the big bags for work, here you will need a small theatrical bag with a long chain or a clutch. At the Bolshoi Theater, you can afford to wear jewelry and do evening make-up.

What can you wear to an ordinary performance, to a democratic theater, or can you wear jeans to the theater?

There are also much more democratic theaters that officially declare that they do not have strict recommendations for the clothes of the audience. You can afford a free dress code without crossing the line of decency. You can feel absolutely appropriate in casual clothes in which you came to the theater after work, for example. A theater loyal to the casual style

Modern author's theaters

Modern theaters create a truly creative atmosphere and leave a taste of bohemian life. Here, more than ever, the theme is the combination of a basic wardrobe with trendy trends or designer items. Coming to such a theater, you can dress extravagantly and pretentiously, or you can make one bright unusual accent in your image, and you will join the audience 100%.

Are theater shoes required?

When we think about interchangeable shoes for the theatre, pictures that smell of “Sovietism” flash through our minds: slender rows of Komsomol girls with bags at the ready run to the theater after their shift at the factory.
In our time, replaceable shoes in 90% of cases are superfluous. In the cold season, there will be enough elegant boots with heels or ankle boots . However, if the card lays down so that in the current season you only have uggs or heavy boots from shoes, and you plan to combine all this with an elegant dress, then changeable shoes are a real necessity.
And of course, if you came to the premiere at the Bolshoi Theater in an evening dress, and there is a snowstorm outside, then taking shoes with you will also not hurt you.

Sweatpants and suits

Remember, just no. Whatever stylish sweatpants you buy, they have no place in the theater.

Ultra mini
Very short skirts are just as out of place in the theater as they are at work. No need to shock the audience with your kilometer legs - the whole show takes place on stage.


Generally not the case. Even if you go to a modern theater. This is just the option when it is vital to take replacement shoes, if you do not have another.

Despite the rather large freedom of choice of what to wear, it seems to us that going to the theater is a great occasion to please yourself with beautiful clothes and a good mood. Clothes that are different from everyday ones ... It would seem a trifle, but our life consists of trifles ...

Wherever a woman is going, whether it's going to the cinema or shopping, she tries on a thousand outfits, tries different hairstyles. But her toilet is not always in place.

Not only adult women visit theaters, among young girls there are also amateurs. Before attending the next performance, it is important to choose the right clothes so as not to overdo it with defiant outfits and not merge with the "gray" crowd.

Clothes, shoes and accessories for going to the theater

Color scheme and rules for choosing a theatrical dress

It is customary to wear a dress in the theater. Jeans, short skirts or formal suits are not suitable for such an evening - they will be absolutely out of place. The length of the dress can vary from the foot to the middle of the knee. You can wear a dress above the knee, but no more than 5 cm. Shorter dresses in the theater look cheap and vulgar, and the theater is not a place for debauchery. The color scheme is determined by your choice. It can be a black dress, blue or even red. The dress can decorate the neckline or neckline. It is important that for this kind of entertainment, like a theater, you should not combine a cut and neckline. If the dress has a cutout, then watch its length, you should not expose your hips. Choose dresses with a neckline carefully. The neckline should not expose your chest completely, only slightly. Dresses with a cutout on the back look spectacular on women in evening dresses. This kind of neckline should not completely expose the back - only the upper part, up to the bra.

Stockings, shoes and handbag

Depending on the color of the dress, choose nylon stockings. Yes, yes, stockings. The stockings will not stand out on the back of your dress like tights. Avoid fishnet stockings. Under the dress, be sure to wear shoes with heels. Choose the height of the heel according to your experience: be it a low wide heel or a thin “hairpin”. It can be both shoes and boots (depending on the season). Choose the right handbag for your outfit. Do not take large fashionable tote bags to the theater. You will not need such a volume of a bag in the theater. It will be enough to take a small clutch, which is worn either under the armpit or in the hands. The bag should match the color of the shoes.


To complete the look of the dress, add a set of jewelry. It can be beads or chains with pendants, depending on the model of the dress. The bracelet on the hand looks gorgeous if the sleeve of the dress is 190. Earrings will add completeness to the image.

Smoothly moving away from the outfit, we came to an equally important stage - evening makeup. Remember, you are not going to the cinema or to the disco, but to the theater, so you will have to give up your favorite sparkles and red eyelashes.

Evening makeup in this case should be restrained, but by no means minimal. Apply the same tone to the face and neck area with foundation and powder. Highlight the cheekbones with blush a little, and rub gently. Line your eyes with a pencil. Apply shadow according to your eye color. Brown and beige shades are suitable for any eye color, so you can use standard colors. Apply a lighter tone to the inner corners of the eyes, and apply a dark tone of the same color to the edge of the eyelid. Blend with a brush, and you get a smooth flow of color. The lower eyelid can be left unchanged or brought with shadows that were applied to the edge of the upper eyelid. Gently apply mascara to upper and lower eyelashes. Such eyes will not go unnoticed.

Lipstick pick up 2 shades darker than your natural lip color. Be sure to use a lip liner. In this case, the lipstick will last longer on the lips, and they will have beautiful smooth lines. Evening makeup can be diversified with radiant mother-of-pearl powder. Apply it on the neck and arms, but most importantly - do not overdo it.

We complete the image of theatrical hairstyle

After makeup, tidy up your hair. They must be washed beforehand. Combed and too voluminous hairstyles are not suitable for going to the theater. Favorite tails and braids are also prohibited. Long and medium hair can be collected in a smooth bun and stabbed with hairpins. You can also let your hair down. Make them perfectly flat or wavy. Looks beautiful hair raised up. This hairstyle can be made more attractive, just pull down a few strands. If your dress has a beautiful neckline, then this hairstyle will suit you. Girls with short hair should not smooth their hair. Shining invisibility will look spectacular in the hair. Hairpins, in the form of butterflies or bows will spoil your appearance.

Don't forget to pay attention to your nails. They must have a well-groomed appearance, and are varnished. A win-win option for manicure is a "french".

Your image is now complete. Feel free to put on a dress, shoes, do not forget about a handbag. Look in the mirror - the reflection in it will make you smile and admire yourself.

A girl going to the theater needs to feel like a celebrity walking down the red carpet.

is a place where you can relax, enjoy a great performance by an actor, a wonderful staging of historical and contemporary works. At the same time, do not forget about the rules regarding clothing and appearance. Therefore, the topic of the article on the website today will be: what to wear to the theater for a man.

How to dress for the theater as a man

It is important to note here that the outfit will depends on the type of theater. So, for example, it is permissible to come to a performance at a local drama theater in a business suit of a soft color with a classic cut. This is very convenient when the event takes place after work, and there is simply no time to go home and change. But to visit the opera or ballet is only in evening dress. The place where the tickets are bought also plays an important role. If this is the first place in the box or parterre, then even in the drama theater it is better to wear a tuxedo.

As for them, it is better to refuse them - even if they are of a classic cut in dark blue or black. No, you will be allowed into them and not kicked out of the theater. But such an outfit can be considered by many viewers and actors as a manifestation of disrespect towards them. Therefore, it is better to give up jeans and put on a suit if the question is what to wear to the theater for a man.

The only exception is street theater, which can take place in a square or park without a special stage or seating. For such an event, it is acceptable to come in jeans, a sweater or a jacket worn over a turtleneck, not a shirt. At the same time, the color of the outfit should be a dark, calm color without bright prints and other patterns. In general, with regard to the color of clothing for such an event, it should by no means be defiant. Firstly, in such a place it is not customary to attract too much attention not only with the help of clothes, but also with smell (harsh cologne), hairstyles, and secondly, this is not a podium for demonstrating outfits, but a temple of culture.

And now let's talk in more detail about the style, color of clothes and accessories intended for going to the theater.

What to wear to the theater for a man

When it comes to premiere, regardless of the type of theater and the place in the auditorium, the ideal option would be a single-breasted or double-breasted tuxedo of a classic cut with satin or silk ribbed lapels, the buttons of which should be trimmed with the same fabric as the lapels. As for the color, it does not have to be black, deep dark blue looks no less elegant, representative and noble. A tuxedo is a set of a jacket, trousers, belt or vest. Therefore, the trousers must match the jacket: be of the same fabric and have stripes on the side outer seams of a material similar to the lapels. They should not be worn to the theater by a man with a belt, since they must be kept either on inconspicuous suspenders or at the expense of the belt. If your choice fell on a tuxedo with shawl lapels, then you should wear a sash under it, if with peaked lapels, then you need a vest. As for the shirt, it must be white with single cuffs fastened with cufflinks and preferably a stand-up collar with folding corners. Shoes must be patent leather, but smooth black shoes such as oxfords and brogues are also acceptable. A self-tied bow tie is considered ideal for a tuxedo, however, a matching tie is also acceptable.

And now let's figure it out in what to go to the theater for a man for an everyday performance. In this case, it is not necessary to be in a festive evening dress. The main thing is to look elegant, clean and tidy. You can just wear a shirt, which should be plain, with trousers and shoes. To add a solemn, but at the same time restrained note, a scarf or an interesting tie will help. If the choice fell on a suit, then it should be dark in color, monophonic or in a barely noticeable pattern (cell, strip). Ideally, dark blue or graphite, but if it is dark green or burgundy, it is also acceptable. The main thing is that it should not be the same color as the companion's outfit. Underneath, it is best to wear a light-colored shirt without a pattern, which can be decorated with a dark plain tie.

What to wear to the theater for a man if he is invited to the performance mainly creative, modern youth? When choosing an outfit for such an event, you can afford to wear dark jeans with a shirt and jacket. An appropriate option would be pants with a turtleneck and a jacket or without it. As well as trousers with a jacket and a shirt. No less interesting will sound trousers with oxfords, sewn from different skin tones, a light shirt and a dark neckerchief. You can wear trousers with a sweater, which should not be a bright color without a pattern in a thin or medium knit. If you do not have confidence in the above outfits, then it is better to opt for a classic-cut dark suit that will allow you to feel dignified, comfortable and just enjoy the show, the site advises.

Now you have an idea of ​​what men go to the theater in. And do not forget that your outfit, firstly, should be comfortable, elegant, neat. And, secondly, he should not offend the feelings of the audience sitting next to him, and the actors, with his flashy colors, defiant accessories and ridiculous forms.

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An evening in which you have to go to the theater can be a double pleasure. By choosing a performance or ballet in your city that you like on the poster site, you can enjoy watching it, as well as demonstrate your outfits to others and show the impeccability of your own taste. How to dress for the theater correctly? However, to visit the theater, you need to be able to choose the right dress.
How to dress for the theater correctly?
After all, stylists say that even for different theaters there are specific rules regarding the appearance of visitors. The most solemn of the occasions to dress up exquisitely, of course, appears on the occasion of attending a ballet or opera.
But one caveat must be made here. Perhaps if you decide to go to the theater in an evening dress, complemented by family diamonds, then others may look at you with some amazement.
After all, the predominant part of the public in a similar institution considers it normal to appear in jeans and far from new sweaters.
Therefore, given such features, it is absolutely necessary to find a reasonable line between modern reality and a certain severity of appearance, which is desirable in a normal society when visiting a cultural institution.
What should be the outfit for the theater
Arm yourself with a rule that will give you the right idea of ​​what your theater attire should be. The more large-scale, beautiful and expensive the theater building itself and the furnishings in it, the more elegant and refined your clothes should be.
It is appropriate in this respect to give such a classification. A dress with an open line of shoulders to the floor along with luxurious jewelry and gloves is appropriate to wear to the theater if you are going to a gala premiere.
Also, such an outfit would be appropriate if you go to a world-famous theater or a big “name”, which are located in capital cities. Most often, such an outfit is chosen for going to the opera house. However, this outfit is also perfect for visiting a drama theater, if the occasion is particularly solemn.
In a dress, the length of which reaches the ankles, in the style of which any type of sleeve is provided or without them, you can go to the ballet or any opera. But in this case it is better to wear a dress without gloves. It is appropriate to complement the outfit with luxurious jewelry or high-quality jewelry.
In this case, you may find yourself dressed more elegantly than most other ladies. However, it will not look pompous or too over the top. In a dress of medium length with closed shoulders or even a long sleeve that does not require gloves, in principle, it is possible to go to any ballet or opera in a theater of any level. We can say that such an outfit will be universal for going to the theater.

How to dress for the Bolshoi Theater
In addition to this clothing option, wear modest but elegant jewelry or good jewelry containing pearls and gems. If we are not talking about attending a premiere at the Bolshoi Theater or another institution of a similar level, then it is quite acceptable to put on a blouse with a skirt.
But such elements of the wardrobe should be quite elegant and, if possible, complemented by beautiful jewelry.
Professionals also give such advice on choosing an outfit for the theater and how to dress in the theater correctly. You should not “walk” the dress in your wardrobe with a very original or intricate style to the theater. An outfit in very flashy tones or with crinolines will not work either. After all, you have to sit in a narrow chair for quite a long time.
A simple but elegant cut of a dress will always be preferable for the theater. The material should be in noble colors and elegant texture. According to tradition, in the drama theater you need to dress less smartly than when visiting the opera.
This tradition has been going on since the time when the opera genre was entertainment for the elite segments of the population. Previously, performances were staged for the general public, and they could be watched by anyone from commoners to the nobility.

In what outfit is it permissible to go to the theater today?
In what outfit is it permissible to go to a performance in the theater now? A universal option can be a tight-fitting dress or an outfit of medium length, close in style to an evening one. Do not open your shoulders.
And if possible, try to do without too deep a neckline. Your appearance should embody modesty and intelligence, which is typical for frequent theater goers. A combination of a blouse and a skirt will also be acceptable. But the skirt, of course, should not be too short.
You can also go to the theater in a suit, but it should not be overly strict and gloomy in terms of color. Many women do not understand whether it is possible to come to the theater in trousers. In the traditional approach, they are strictly tabooed as a possible option. However, in modern realities, this rule is violated everywhere.
If you also have a great desire to go to the theater in trousers, then you can put them on. But of course it doesn't have to be jeans. Pants can be complemented with an elegant jacket or a beautiful classic blouse. However, such an outfit will be acceptable if you are not going to the premiere of the play, and it is not particularly solemn. Today, informal theatrical performances are often held in cultural centers.
Performances of a similar genre can even be held in a cafe or in a separate house. And this will be the very case when you can completely relax in terms of choosing an outfit. How to dress in the theater correctly - forget about all the taboos and rules. Wear whatever suits you best.
But even here, try not to look dull and, as they say, gray. Having decided on what kind of outfit you will go to the theater in, it's time to think about adding different accessories to the outfit. On this occasion, certain rules have also developed regarding theater visits.

Theater accessories
Of course, visiting the theater is not conceivable without a small elegant handbag. There are even separate models of bags, which are called theatrical. As an option, it is permissible to complement the outfit with a beautiful reticule. But this is not a requirement either.
Theatrical handbags are like a separate fashion trend. Such handbags are not just very small, they are certainly made of elegant textured material. Often they are complemented by all sorts of decorative elements in the form of sequins, beads, embroidery or lace.
Most often, such a handbag is worn on the shoulder with a long shiny chain. But the handbag can be carried simply in the hands.
Another accessory that will always be appropriate in a theater setting is a fan. In particular, it is recommended to take it if the clothes themselves will be distinguished by special solemnity. Indeed, in the auditorium of the theater it can be pretty stuffy.
Therefore, the fan can be useful for its intended purpose. The fan, however, must be matched to the fabric and shade of clothing. The most elegant version of the fan will, of course, be the one made of feathers.
But a fan made of fabric, carved wood or bone plates is also acceptable if it matches your outfit. In the theater, oddly enough, an evening hat will also be acceptable. And it can be absolutely any style.
Often, ladies wear a “false hat” on a hairpin or hoop to the theater. However, before the performance itself, it is better to take off the hat. Otherwise, you will block the view of people sitting behind you.

Theater shoes
The only acceptable footwear option for visiting the theater are shoes. And even when going to the theater, and even more so to an opera performance in the cold season, you need to take them with you in order to change shoes in the theater.
Going to the theater in boots is considered bad manners!!!
If the model of your dress suggests the presence of a train, then it is permissible to wear ballet flats on your feet. After all, the train clings to the heel very easily, which can interfere with your safety.
There are certain restrictions regarding theater attire.

What not to wear to the theater
They are in the so-called taboo outfits. These include, firstly, jeans and shorts. Such clothes, in a pinch, will be appropriate for a performance in a provincial theater or for an informal production in an apartment.
In the theater it is not permissible to appear in a “radical” mini. After all, you are not going to a club, so you should not bare your legs either. Lacy tights or fishnet tights are not suitable for visiting the theater. Your appearance in them in the refined interior of the theater will be too vulgar.
The clothes in which it is customary to attend the theater should be as elegant and beautiful as possible. Emphasized sexuality in the image is completely unacceptable.
You can’t dress too casually in the theater, for example, in a sweater or T-shirt. As well as coming to this cultural institution in sneakers, slippers, sandals or boots. An abundance of shiny fabrics, sequins or the like will not be evidence of your style.
Turning yourself into a Christmas tree is not worth it if you are going to the theater. For the rest, be guided by your own preferences and make sure that your outfit is not only appropriate for the theater, refined and elegant, but also as comfortable as possible for you.
We told you how to dress correctly for the theater - pleasant impressions!

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