How to describe yourself in one word: a concise description of the zodiac sign. Personal qualities for a resume


Describing your own personality is quite difficult. When characterizing your character, it is important to remain objective: to the extent of narcissism and self-criticism. The main thing is not to exaggerate or underestimate your qualities, otherwise there will be a considerable amount of error in your introspection. Every possible effort should be made to look at yourself from the outside. Close people can also help here - friends or relatives who have known you for more than a year.

Determine your attitude towards work. So you will understand not only whether you are hardworking or lazy, but also how diligent, responsible, painstaking. Look at how you treat other people's work. All this will help to draw up your professional portrait from the point of view of the need for work in principle.

How do you feel about things? Look at the objects that surround you. Are you careful? Are they petty? Do you value gifts? Or are you an adherent of minimalism and asceticism? In general, the objects on which your life and comfortable environment are built will help determine some basic character traits.

Why is the "why" question so important?

When describing the inner world, pay attention to situations typical of your life. Remember the moments that annoy you. Think why is that? Look at what you like the most: what landscapes, weather, mood, people and various little things in them - the timbre of the voice, hairstyle, smile, manicure, and so on. Always ask yourself "why?" What makes you angry, what, on the contrary, touches. It is important to think about your attitude towards the opposite sex.

Examine your preferences in music, literature, painting, describe your interests. By the way, they explain a lot in a person. And one more thing: tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are. Look at the people you consider friends. Perhaps they will act as a mirror of your soul?

Self-digging is not for you?

If self-digging turned out to be too much for you, endless thoughts drive you into depression, because you cannot find explanations for any traits, try using special resources. The literature on psychology or the usual application with personality tests is what will help you at least partially sort out your character. Tests can be very different, so you can look at one character through the prism of, for example, archetypes, socionic types, even heroes of your favorite works or films! There are many models, but they are not a panacea.

Hair color and length, eye color, physique - all this will help to present your image to a person who has not seen you before. But of course description man is not very accurate. In most books, some characters are described solely from the outside, and therefore each reader has a different image of the characters. However, it is not the appearance that describes people much better and more accurately, but also the behavior.

After drawing up on appearance, go to the description of your character. Describe your own interests, preferences in different areas. For example, what kind of music do you like, what do you prefer, feature films that you liked lately.
Think about what you like and what you, on the contrary, avoid.
What traits attract you and what behaviors repel you.
Describe your ideals: what you aspire to, what you want to achieve, how or how you see yourself in a few years.
All this helps to create your individual and unique image to write description yourself and make it more interesting and rich.

There is a third, deeper level of writing description myself. It consists in formulating one's own reasoning on certain events taking place around, and expressing one's attitude towards them. True, be careful here. Since the opinion expressed should be your own and based on personal judgments, and not thoughts taken from various sources. However, other people's thoughts, you also describe yourself. But description it will definitely not decorate you if someone convicts you of this. Each text bears the imprint of its author, and an experienced psychologist can characterize a person by his manner of narration.


  • nice description of yourself

Coursework on psychology- these are the same final works that show the teacher the knowledge and skills of the student, as well as coursework in any other subject. And this means that writing term papers on psychology Just. You just need to try a little and take into account a few important points.


The first thing to do is decide on a topic. Usually the supervisor offers students a large list of course topics to choose from. It’s easy to spend at least a few seconds thinking about each one. It is best if the student already knows at least something on the chosen topic, and it will be interesting to him.

As a rule, the student is given more than enough time to write the paper. True, few people, having received a task, immediately rushes to carry it out. It is better to start writing a term paper a few months before the expected date: then there will be time for unforeseen circumstances, laziness and corrections.
But even if the deadlines are quite running out, there is no need to despair. For example, diploma and term paper writers who earn money from writing can do very good work in one day. The average student is just as good. You just need to motivate yourself properly.

The easiest and most effective way is to ask your own for help. This is often overlooked by many students. But in vain! If you chat with a teacher on the topic: term paper psychology, he will see your interest in the subject. A competent specialist will definitely recommend the necessary literature, imbue your craving for knowledge, and there is a high percentage of probability that he will tell you almost everything about yours. You just have to write down these useful sayings. The teacher literally dictates the work plan - point by point, and from which author and what exactly can be written off, and what research to include in the practical part.

Be sure to take at least a couple of recommended literature from the library, search for information on the topic of the term paper on the Internet. Even if you don’t have all the information at once, the main thing is the “skeleton” of the work. It is then easier to supplement it with the necessary information than to write everything point by point.

If you can’t distinguish targets, and an object from an object, it doesn’t matter. The Internet will help you. In the databases of the World Wide Web, there is sure to be a similar one. Remember: introduction points are the only thing that can be written off without a twinge of conscience. The rest is better to work on yourself.

We are all individuals and each of us has our own individuality. It can be a hobby or other extraordinary hobby that can stand out from the crowd. But there is one thing that is inherent in every person, we call it character.

Character is a very important part of a person's personality. A person from birth has individual character traits, which become more noticeable during the period of growing up. It is possible to change the character, and many practice it, but before correcting the shortcomings, you need to find them.

Why you need to know your character

Question “Why do you need to know your character?” there are several answers:

describe yourself

Before you begin to describe your own character, you need to remember that the main thing in this matter is objectivity. You must be completely honest with yourself, do not hide personal shortcomings and forget about the stupid cases of your life. Knowing yourself completely, you can make a true description of your own character, it is quite simple and accessible to everyone.
Before proceeding with the description, it is recommended to take a pen and a piece of paper. This way you can write down everything that comes to mind without losing the main idea or missing other details.


Now you know how. This will definitely help you understand yourself better. When meeting a new person, you will be able to tell about yourself and learn new things about the other person. When applying for a job, you will not get lost at the “tell us about yourself” item, now you can describe your strengths and hide your flaws correctly.
The most important thing in knowing your character is that now you will be able to identify your shortcomings and begin to deal with them. You can change yourself, for this you need to apply only some efforts. But before you change yourself, remember, you must preserve the very “zest” that is characteristic only of your character, that which distinguishes you from others.

How to write a good resume for a job?

Recently, most employers have begun to require resumes from job applicants. And if earlier this trend was observed only in large companies, now even small firms are asking future employees to present themselves correctly. Almost always, after receiving a resume, they carefully study it, trying to understand in absentia what kind of person wrote it.

That is why the preparation of this presentation document must be approached quite seriously. If you fail to make the right impression with it, then it is likely that you will not be invited to a personal meeting with the employer.

What qualities of an employee does an employer need?

Qualities that any employer will love

Almost all people who write resumes for the first time focus on skills related to the job they want to get. That is why most of all they try to show how competent they are in what they have to do. Of course, you can also indicate such data in your resume, but as practice shows, most employers pay attention to completely different qualities.

They do this because they understand that no matter how well a person learns, without practice his knowledge means nothing. That is why it is easier for them to take a person who takes the initiative and is ready to learn something new, rather than someone who is trying to prove his superiority without confirming it with any actions.

Qualities that any employer will like:

  • Initiative
  • performance
  • Attentiveness
  • Responsibility
  • Accuracy
  • Punctuality
  • Discipline
  • industriousness

Oh, and remember that a resume is first and foremost a good presentation, so if you want to get the right opinion about you, then try not to overpraise yourself. In no case do not allocate half of the resume to your positive qualities. It will be quite enough if you name 5-7 pieces and, of course, do not forget to mention the negative traits of your character. After all, as sad as it is to admit, each person has his own disadvantages. Therefore, if you do not say anything about them, then the employer will think that you are trying to look better than you really are.

Also, do not forget that the resume refers to official documents, so when compiling it, it is undesirable to use slang words and comic phrases. You should talk about yourself rather reservedly, but at the same time show that you are quite sociable and easily make contact. Believe me, if you take into account all these nuances, you can pleasantly surprise the most strict boss with your resume.

Universal personal qualities for a resume - positive and negative for men and women

Universal personal qualities for a resume

If you realize that you do not have some outstanding abilities, you can always list universal qualities in your resume that are suitable for all professions. Such a little trick will help you form the right opinion about yourself, and it is likely that the employer will not begin to get hung up on some specific professional qualities. And remember that the qualities that are most suitable for the position you want to get should be included in the resume.

After all, if you get a job as a loader, but at the same time indicate that you have good charisma, then this will only make the person who will read it laugh. If you describe yourself in just a few words, it will be quite clear to the employer what they can expect from you. As practice shows, resumes, in which it is written on 2 pages about what a good person is, employers simply refuse to read and immediately cross out such individuals from the list of applicants for a place.

Positive qualities for a resume, for men and women:

  • Learnability (you can indicate that you are ready to attend additional courses and trainings)
  • Ability to work overtime (including weekends)
  • Complete absence of bad habits (assuming you don't smoke or drink alcohol at all)
  • Stress resistance (you are not afraid of any difficulties)
  • Industriousness (willingness to devote oneself to the full for the sake of a common cause)

Negative qualities for a resume, for men and women:

  • Directness (prefer to tell a person everything you think about him)
  • Scrupulousness (do not like to do work quickly because you think that this worsens the result)
  • Demanding (always expecting more from people)
  • Pedantry (always meticulously follow some rules)
  • Self-esteem (think that in some cases you are head and shoulders above the rest)

Personal and personal qualities for a resume - strengths and weaknesses for a man

Personal and personal qualities for a resume

As you probably already understood, a resume is a kind of calling card for an applicant for a job, so it should be compiled as briefly and informatively as possible. If possible, you should make sure that all the information about you fits literally on one piece of paper. And this means that in addition to generally accepted professional qualities, you must also indicate personal ones. Usually, it is by them that the employer judges how ideally the applicant suits him.

But still, keep in mind, no matter how much you want to embellish yourself, you should not do this. If you write that you are a very kind person, but in reality it turns out that this is not the case at all, then in the end everyone will find out about it anyway and you will earn yourself a small minus that will prevent you from moving up the career ladder. Therefore, it would be better if you immediately write the truth about yourself, and if your alleged bosses can initially accept your cons, then in the future you will not get into unpleasant situations.

Strengths of men:

  • Active
  • Contact
  • Conscientious
  • creative
  • Plodding

Weaknesses of men:

  • hot-tempered
  • careless
  • Optional
  • Arrogant
  • Selfish

Personal and personal qualities for a resume - strengths and weaknesses for a girl, woman

Strengths and weaknesses for a girl, a woman in a resume

It just so happened, but in our country it is very difficult for a woman to find a good well-paid job. As practice shows, most employers are afraid that the applicant has children and she will constantly go on sick leave or ask for time off in order to solve some problems associated with her children. In view of this, it would be better if you specify in your resume that you are ready to stay after work when it is needed, and then calmly move on to listing personal qualities.

At the same time, be sure to consider what you will be doing and indicate the qualities that are more suitable for the field you have chosen. That is, if you want to get a job, for example, as an economist, then it is best for you to clarify that you are very diligent, attentive and meticulous. If you wish, you can indicate that you already have experience in a similar field and write a short story. Short means that it should consist of a maximum of 5 short sentences. Ideally, it should take approximately 2 minutes to read. If it takes longer, then the employer may think that you are trying to overpraise yourself.

Strengths of women and girls:

  • Patience
  • Responsibility
  • purposefulness
  • Cheerfulness
  • Determination

Weaknesses of women and girls:

  • Impulsiveness
  • Excessive emotionality
  • revenge
  • Touchiness
  • Intolerance

What to write about yourself in the column of additional information in the resume, personal qualities?

Information in the resume

The column additional information about yourself gives you the opportunity to talk about what you love and know how to do more extensively. In this case, it is acceptable to make small descriptions instead of lists with enumerations of qualities. For example, if you want to tell your future employer that you are very sociable, then write that in any situation you will try to build your relationships in the team in such a way that all colleagues can trust you. Also in this column you can show how much you are in demand in society.

An idea of ​​this will help to give information about what professional useful contacts you have. In addition, you can indicate that you are volunteering or are a member of the parent committee. Such information will show you as a person who can spend his time for the benefit of others completely free of charge. If the job you are trying to get is related to traveling around the country or abroad, then be sure to check that you have rights and a passport.

Also be sure to indicate how much driving experience you have. At the very end, you can talk about what you like to do in life. Although very rare, employers still select employees who like the same things that they like. This makes it possible for two unfamiliar people to quickly understand each other, and sometimes even make friends.

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in a resume for a manager

Positive qualities of a leader

If you were attentive, you probably realized that knowing some of the nuances, you can write the right resume in just 20 minutes. All that will be required from the applicant for the place is simply to tell about yourself as truthfully as possible and do it without any exaggeration. This is how all job seekers should act, including those who apply for a managerial position. True, in the case of a leader, some positive qualities are not enough.

It would be better if you indicate whether you have similar work experience and, most importantly, what financial results your unit has achieved while you were managing it. Also in this case, you need to clarify how well you know how to make plans for the development of employees, how well you understand financial reports, and, of course, whether you know foreign languages ​​(be sure to list which ones and specify at what level).

5 positive qualities for a leader:

  • mentally stable
  • Eloquent
  • Disciplined
  • Leader by nature
  • Responsible

5 negative qualities for a leader:

  • Hypocritical
  • Cunning
  • Arrogant
  • Aggressive
  • hot-tempered

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in a resume to a manager

Positive qualities of a manager

At the moment, the vacancy of a manager is the most popular among job seekers. As a rule, in this case, people are attracted by the fact that they definitely do not have to work in the cold and do hard physical work. And although managers are recruited in different areas (sales, purchasing, advertising, recruitment), employers almost always expect one thing from them. Maximum activity, sociability and, of course, openness.

If you do not possess these three qualities, you are better off not trying to get a job as a manager at all. Indeed, as practice shows, if a person is too slow, lethargic and non-contact, then in most cases he cannot cope with the goals set for him.

5 positive qualities in the summary of the manager:

  • openness
  • Energy
  • Ability to think clearly in difficult situations
  • diligence
  • Decency

5 negative qualities in the manager's resume:

  • Conflict
  • inattention
  • Irritability
  • indecisiveness
  • envy

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in the resume to the secretary

Positive traits of a secretary

A fairly large number of people consider the work of a secretary to be very easy. That is why young girls who have mastered the simplest computer courses begin to storm the offices of large companies, already imagining their future salary.

In fact, the modern secretary has many obligations. In addition to fast and competent typing, he must be well versed in the rules for compiling various documents, have basic Photoshop skills and, if possible, know at least one foreign language.

And only if you have all these skills, you can get a job in a good company. But still remember that in addition to the above qualities, it is very important for the employer that his assistant be organized. Therefore, it will be better if, when compiling a resume, you focus on your ability to organize business meetings and properly prepare documents for them.

5 positive qualities in the resume to the secretary:

  • Initiative
  • Punctuality
  • Responsibility
  • Awareness
  • Politeness

5 negative qualities in the resume to the secretary:

  • talkativeness
  • inattention
  • Rudeness
  • slovenliness

What are the best 5 positive and 5 negative qualities to indicate in a resume for an accountant?

Positive qualities of an accountant

An accountant is one of those professions that require maximum concentration and perseverance. Therefore, when creating a resume for this position, you should clarify that you are the most attentive person who is able to do monotonous work for hours. But still remember that in most cases, employers require from applicants for this place not only the ability to sum up the numbers for hours.

They seek to get an employee who will keep all the financial secrets of the company. In view of this, you are simply obliged to focus the attention of the future boss on the fact that you are not inclined to talk too much and know how to keep other people's secrets.

Another quality that must be mentioned in the resume is high responsibility. Like it or not, sometimes an accountant has to prepare financial statements just when everyone else is resting.

5 positive qualities in an accountant resume:

  • Ability to analyze
  • self-organization
  • Attentiveness
  • perseverance
  • trustworthiness

5 negative qualities in an accountant resume:

  • self-confidence
  • deceitfulness
  • Impudence
  • Suspicion
  • distraction

Non-conflict, high learning ability, no bad habits, sociability: how to prove their presence to the employer?

Example of a good resume

As practice shows, most job seekers slightly embellish their resume, so some employers try to understand how true it is in person. An applicant for a job is invited for an interview and asked leading questions that help to reveal the person as well as possible.

Most often, such questions are asked secretly, for example, an employer may, as it were, accidentally find out your opinion about some kind of conflict situation, and based on your answers, draw a conclusion about how truthfully you wrote in your resume about your attitude to scandals and squabbles.

In view of this, if you want to prove that your resume is true then:

  • Look the person in the eye while talking.
  • Don't look away if you don't like what you hear
  • Try to listen to the interlocutor's questions until the end.
  • Speak calmly, pronouncing all sounds clearly
  • Don't allow yourself to make snarky jokes.
  • Try to surprise the employer with knowledge related to the desired job

Video: How to write a SUMMARY - step by step instructions, tips, mistakes in a resume

Acquaintance is an important stage of human relations. It is often said that already at the first meeting, many conclusions can be drawn about what a given person is like. In this article, we will consider several options for how you can talk about yourself with humor.


Every normal acquaintance begins with an introduction. However, just saying: "Hi, I'm Anya (Petya, Sasha)" is not particularly interesting and original. So, you can try more skillfully. The first option is a poetic form. Here you need to pick up a rhyme for your own name and use it if you need to introduce yourself. As an option - Tanya the jumper (if the person is Natasha - your joy (if the person radiates positive), and so on. However, this phrase should be at least a little truthful. By the same principle, you can introduce yourself in prose, simply adding something to your name something characteristic that determines the personality of a person. This is if you need to tell briefly about yourself with humor. So, for example, you can tell about your profession: "Hi, I'm Sasha, I love torturing children" (if you are a teacher). It should be noted that even if such an acquaintance will not end in friendship, it will definitely be remembered by a person forever.

A little bit about yourself

If the acquaintance is not limited to introducing people, but goes on in a warm, friendly atmosphere, you can also talk about yourself cheerfully. Well, it doesn't always have to be true. Why not just try to make the environment laugh with a little imagination? So, you can come up with a story about yourself that will be similar to the truth, and in this way cheer up the company. However, to tell the truth about yourself with humor in an original way. Interesting phrases that will help with this: “I was born (-s) in secret from my parents ...”, “Childhood was just wonderful, who doesn’t like twisting the tails of cows?” etc. The main thing in this business is to look at the reaction of people, because not always such an attitude towards the company can please everyone present. In a joking tone, you can just say a couple of phrases or even make up a whole story and tell it to others.


You can tell a lot about yourself with humor. So, for example, why not tell us about your hobby? A very funny phrase: "My hobby is abnormal strabismus." It seems that the person answered the question, but also try to understand what he wanted to say. By the same principle, you can answer: “I love music. Favorite singer - Lenin. And the people will laugh, and the new comrade will be remembered for a long time. I must say that there can be a huge number of such trifles. About favorite things - “I love playing snowballs for undressing”, about life position - “I believe in all the colors of the rainbow”, etc.


What else can you tell about yourself with humor? So, why not describe your appearance in a fun way? This is suitable if a person meets blindly: via the Internet or by phone. You can highlight your special features and present them in a fun way. For example, if you are too tall or short, promise the person to grow or shrink. In the event that someone has big ears, we can say that this is in order to better hear others (as in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"), etc. It is important to just show your imagination and not be afraid to joke a little on yourself.


What else can a girl tell about herself with humor? For example, if he knows how to drive a car, you can say that he does it better than a monkey does with a grenade (we are talking about a saying that everyone knows). By the same principle, it is easy to highlight your achievements. Indeed, for some people, such information is very important, and few people want to immediately reveal all the cards at the first meeting. You can try to joke about it. For example, to say that life, like everyone else, is a striped zebra, there are both eases and difficulties. If we are talking about work or study, you can fantasize something (“I am the president of a large international bank” or “I am a secret agent of the security service”) and present everything with a serious look.


Telling a little about yourself with humor, why not dwell on your shortcomings? So, we can say that all of them have already lined up for correction, but they can’t wait for the time being. At the same time, you need to smile meaningfully. It will be, as they say, "in the subject." If we consider something separately, why not note the most common characteristics? You can have fun talking about your laziness (especially if a person is a workaholic) or gluttony (this story will be especially fun to pour from the lips of a lady weighing 50 kg).


Very often today a person, if he wants to register on a certain site, must fill out a small questionnaire. In this situation, you can also joke. A questionnaire can be a little funny or even funny. It's easy to talk about yourself with humor here. However, you must first think about whether they will understand the person correctly, because you can not always joke. So, for example, if you register on a dating site, you only need to hint at what is inherent. After all, a completely humorous questionnaire can be taken by potential gentlemen or brides simply as a mockery, and the real goal - to find your soul mate - will not be achieved, alas. However, a person who can laugh at himself or make others smile is always liked by people, because it is often easy and simple to communicate with such persons. Without restrictions, with humor, you can fill out small annotations about yourself on various sites of interest, where real information is not of great importance.

Basic Rules

Before you tell something about yourself with a bit of humor, you need to learn a few simple rules. The first of them: it is possible, and even necessary, to speak, not always the truth. In such a situation, lying is a sweet thing. Why not, the main thing is that the interlocutor should have fun. The next tip: you need to know where and with whom you can joke. Talking about yourself with humor during an interview for a serious position in a large company is the height of frivolity. In addition, such a person will most likely be treated like a clown and tactfully asked to leave. You can joke at parties, with people in your circle and with friends. However, it should be remembered that awkward situations happen here too. So, the following rule emerges from this: look at the reaction of the interlocutor. If a person decides to talk about himself in a cheerful tone, you need to start with something light and simple. And look at the reaction of others. If the joke has passed - you can continue in the same spirit. If not, then it is better to leave this idea, the company, most likely, got caught more seriously than expected. What else needs to be remembered? So, you should not openly ridicule your own or other people's shortcomings. Few people like this, and it betrays a person who is not particularly confident in himself and is trying to hide behind such behavior. Humor should be light, but not mocking. And, probably, one of the main rules: speak in a beautiful, clean speech, do not use or. Such behavior will betray a person of a low level of culture and general development, and few people will like it.

What to talk about and what to avoid?

It is also important to know what to talk about at the first meeting, and what is better to keep silent and not joke about. So, you can tell everything about yourself and your life, starting even from childhood. Moreover, such stories will be really funny, because while a person is young at heart, he has a lot of interesting, unforgettable and simply funny events and situations. You can also tell a lot about your immediate environment. But what you should not talk about even in a joking tone is about the secrets and secrets of loved ones. No need to stoop to the level of the "yellow press". It is better to keep silent about this. It will most likely even be interesting to others, but subsequently it will leave an unpleasant “aftertaste” about a person. There are some things that women have to hide. You can tell a lot about yourself with humor, but at the beginning of dating it is best to keep silent about the intimate side of life. It is advisable not to admit it even as a joke. The same, by the way, also applies to men, because it is better if personal life remains with a person and does not become public. And people who immediately reveal all the cards will seem to most simply frivolous.

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