How to determine if a drawing is drawn. What do our doodles say


In the practice of psychological counseling, a special place is given to the interpretation of human drawings. Typically, the psychologist asks the client to sketch a drawing on a given topic, and then interprets it based on some rules and symbolic meanings. The artistic abilities of the client, of course, are not taken into account.

Rice. How to determine the character of a person by his drawing?

But in order to better understand the character of a person with the help of his drawing, it is not necessary to be a professional psychologist. You can just look at spontaneous doodles created, for example, at a long meeting or a boring lecture. Such a creation can say a lot about its author.

What does the drawing say about the character of the author?

So, for starters, pay attention to the location of the picture and its size. The larger the drawing, the more its author. Accordingly, the smaller the drawing, the weaker the person, the less confidence in him.

Then, on a sheet of paper, you need to mentally draw two perpendicular lines dividing the drawing into upper and lower, right and left parts. Closer to the top edge they draw, to the bottom - insecure personalities. The drawing, located on the left side of the sheet, means the introversion of its author, avoidance of conflicts, orientation to the past. Accordingly, the location of the picture on the right means the extroversion of a person, his orientation to the future.

Pay attention to the picture itself, its content. If the author depicts predominantly rounded figures and smooth lines, he can be described as a kind, dreamy person. Sun, clouds, flowers spontaneously depicted on a leaf. However, if a person draws circles intertwining and covering each other, then he needs the attention, care and support of loved ones.

If there are many sharp corners in the picture, there are geometric shapes, this indicates a person’s purposefulness, his inclination. Sometimes sharp corners are also interpreted as signs of aggression.

Spirals, waves, curls draw self-centered, ambitious personalities. Sometimes these symbols mean that a person is in a difficult situation for himself, from which he does not yet see a way out.

If a person draws honeycombs or cells similar to them, this may indicate his desire. Often this desire may not be realized even by the author of the drawing.

Grids, networks can mean that a person is in a difficult, risky position for himself. The drawing of a chessboard is interpreted in a similar way: a person feels driven into a corner and, perhaps, needs help and support.

The ability to interpret drawings can be very helpful. For example, after evaluating a drawing, you see that a person close to you needs support. In this case, even an ordinary heart-to-heart conversation can be the best help that the author of the drawing expects from you.

11.10.2015 50760 +28

Eyes can tell the most intimate about a person. After all, as they say, the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

We suggest you take a personality test. You need to choose two eyes. The first one that attracts you. The second one is the one I don't like the most. Relax and look at the image of all eyes, try not to peer for a long time, because the first glance is the most correct.

The first picture will tell you what trait of your personality you accept in yourself. The second is what you can't stand in yourself and in other people.

So let's get started!

1. Open soul

You are always and with everyone very friendly, ready for new acquaintances. You are convinced that it is better to take a chance and get a couple of blows than to wall yourself off from the world. You will never pretend that you are scared or defenseless. Try to solve your own problems. But do not leave the other without support, with a smile you will come to the rescue, even if at this moment it is not easy for you yourself. You will always find strength in yourself if others need your help.

2. Conscious

You try to live up to good expectations and everything you do, you do it with integrity. Live with the knowledge that everything you do affects the lives of others. You are a little closed - you will never show if you are upset about something. You have seen enough unhappiness and injustice and carry all your experiences within yourself. You have high ideals, and you yourself strive to be a person worthy of emulation. It's the least you can do for our planet.

3. Badass

You are a person with a reckless past that haunts you even now. There's nothing you can do about it, but at least you don't take life too seriously. You never show your gloomy mood to others. You silently endure all adversity and keep your thoughts to yourself. And always look to the future with confidence. You are a master of getting out of alterations (which you most often create for yourself).

4. Philosopher

You are a person who thinks about everyone and everything. It is important for you to understand the deep meaning of things. You constantly hover in your thoughts, and sometimes it’s hard for you to distract yourself from them. You will never show if you doubt something. Even if you have not reached a final opinion on any issue, you will demonstrate complete confidence. For you, life is like a puzzle: you like to put the pieces together into a whole picture. And, although you may not be completely sure of the true purpose of the world, you feel comfortable in it.

The smallest "artists" (up to 3 years old) draw seemingly meaningless lines and circles on a piece of paper.

A little later (by 4-5 years) the idea of ​​​​a drawing appears - mom, dad, animals, house. How he draws a person, what colors he uses - all this can give the psychologist enough information to interpret the child's drawing.

A specialist, using children's psychological tests based on drawings, can feel the mood of the baby, identify the cause of fears, catch hidden tension and even serious problems of mental development. Parents who do not have professional skills in the psychology of children's drawing can also get an idea of ​​​​the state of mind of the crumbs. To do this, it is enough to ask the child to draw a family, providing him with pencils or felt-tip pens of all possible colors.

Psychology of creativity: what children's drawings say

Interpretation of a drawing by color

Take a look at the child's creation and try to guess what the child's drawing says by the main color. Psychology interprets colors as follows.

  • The predominance of pastel shades in the drawing(blue, pink, lilac) speaks of harmony and freedom of the individual. "Pink" babies are important tactile sensations, hug them more often, kiss.
  • The predominance of red indicates the openness and activity of the child. As a rule, such a baby is excitable, restless and often naughty. However, there is nothing to worry about, because this is only his individual feature. These kids are full of energy. As they mature, they will be able to succeed in life.
  • If the child's drawing is done in blue, in psychology, this is a sign of balance. Such children are more calm and unhurried.
  • Green- the color of stubbornness and perseverance. Light green indicates the need for protection. Dark green should alert parents - the child lacks attention and love. Such children grow up closed, therefore, from a very young age, they need to be brought up with openness and instill confidence in security.
  • According to the psychology of children's drawing, yellow- the color of a dreamy baby with a vivid imagination and a well-developed imagination. Such kids love to play alone, while using abstract toys (various twigs, pebbles, etc.).
  • If a child draws orange sky, orange mom- this is a sign of excitement that has no way out. These babies are difficult to calm down, so it is better to direct their energy to help their parents around the house. It is very good if among these cases there is one that will arouse interest in the child.
  • Prevalence purple is an indicator of high sensitivity. This is a creative person with a rich inner world. These are vulnerable children who need affection and encouragement more than others.

The predominance of dark shades in the children's drawing should definitely cause concern. In this regard, psychology says the following.

  • Brown: negative emotions, health problems, experiencing family troubles.
  • Gray: poverty, rejection, isolation.
  • Black: stress, threat, and even psychological trauma.
  • Dark red (burgundy with shades of black): depression, anxiety.

The predominance of these colors indicates problems with which it is better to immediately contact a psychologist.

Press on the pencil

Weak pressure speaks of timidity and passivity. If the baby constantly erases the lines with an elastic band, this is a sign of insecurity and anxiety. Strong pressure is evidence of emotional tension. And if the pressure is so strong that the paper is torn, this indicates conflict and.

Pattern position and size

The image at the top of the sheet is a sign of high self-esteem or daydreaming. The location of a small picture at the bottom of the page - emotional distress, low self-esteem, depression.

If the drawing turned out to be so large that the baby glued another sheet to it in order to complete the missing one, this is an indicator of an alarming state. Also, such drawings are often drawn by hyperactive children.

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist "Creative clutter in the apartment, how to control it!" Download it and you will not be afraid of children's creative experiments!

Analysis of children's drawing

Interpretation of a person's drawing in psychology is done by art therapists, psychologists, and social workers. When interpreting a children's drawing, it is important to take into account the age of the baby. People at three-year-olds turn out to be "cephalopods", this is normal. However, it is still better to judge the psychology of children's drawing from the point of view of the psycho-emotional state of the "artist" when the baby is 4, 5 or 6 years old.

Joyless faces in the picture or their absence, threatening facial expressions and gestures- may indicate the emotional distress of the child. However, experts reassure: it is not worth judging by one picture. It is a completely different matter when all the drawings of a child created on different days and months have a similar tendency to gloominess.

Analyzing a children's drawing, you should pay attention to its structure by comparing the real composition of the family with that depicted on paper. For example, the girl Olya did not draw her little sister among other family members. There is jealousy towards the younger sister, a feeling of lack of attention. The same is said if Olya draws her sister larger than herself.

If the baby has not portrayed himself, this is a sign of loneliness and a serious reason to think about family relationships.

Also notice in what order the child draws people. The character drawn first is the main one for the child. A family member, depicted sideways or back, in a tense relationship with the author of the drawing or in a quarrel with him.

During the psychological decoding of children's drawings, look at what the family members depicted on it are doing. When they are doing something together, drawn close to each other, all this is a sign of family well-being. But the fragmentation of the characters speaks of discord in the family.

Children's psychological tests according to drawings

In their work, specialists often use children's psychological tests based on drawings for children, in which they ask the child to draw a family, the same girl, the same boy, or other situations. According to the drawing, the psycho-emotional state and personal development of the crumbs are assessed. Let's look at examples.

Psychological analysis of children's drawing with an example.

Download the checklist "Creative clutter" in the apartment, how to control it!

What is a "creative mess" - any mother knows, it is useless to fight it. How to help your child develop and at the same time spend less time cleaning? Follow the tips from the checklist and you will not be afraid of children's creative experiments!

Surely each of us more than once “doodled” something at boring lectures, meetings, while talking on the phone. We draw some kind of curlicues, draw animals and little men and do not even suspect that they can say more about us than we know ourselves.

The fact that a lot can be learned from drawings about a person's personality, character, and mood has been confirmed by many psychological studies. For a long time, psychologists have been using various drawing tests and techniques in their diagnostics. The meaning of reflecting the inner world of a person on paper is as follows: any of our thoughts, processes, ideas in the psyche ends with movement. So, our fears, unconscious desires, feelings accumulate in the form of a certain energy in the muscles, and when a pencil and paper are in front of us, the hand, as it were, splashes all this onto the surface of the sheet.

Pattern Position it can also say something about free space on paper, even if it is a small piece of a notepad page or a corner of a telephone directory. If it is located closer to the upper edge, then you have a very high one, but at the same time you may be unhappy with your position in society (at work, parties) and feel a lack of recognition from others. The picture at the bottom means that you are insecure, indecisive, or not interested in increasing your own worth. If the drawings are predominantly on the left, you emphasize your past experiences, focus on past experience. The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this indicates the desire to quickly bring the events of the future closer, your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

If lines your drawings are “shaggy”, bold, then perhaps something is bothering you or some unresolved problem is very worried. Weak and thin "spider" lines indicate energy savings, body fatigue and. If your drawings are rather angular, the lines are perpendicular, then this indicates some unexpressed aggression, that it is difficult for you at the moment to adapt to something or someone new. Jagged, jagged lines reveal boldness and hostility. And if the lines are smooth, rounded, then you are a soft, calm, feminine person. When you “pull” one contour for a long time, outlining the figure in one movement, this means that you need privacy, you strive for isolation from external events.

Sometimes it happens that we stroke some fragment of our drawing. Short strokes - you are an excitable person, long strokes - measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and stubborn, and if they are sketchy and light - you are slightly anxious and insecure. When you slowly and rhythmically shade some fragment, you are relaxed and free. Horizontal strokes mean femininity and weakness, while vertical strokes mean stubbornness and determination.

Your "I" can easily be seen in size your creations. The drawing is large - this indicates that you have a fairly high self-esteem, you are expansive, prone to vanity and even arrogance. And if you strive to occupy all the free space, then perhaps when you feel insecure in yourself, you compensatory exalt your status in your imagination. A small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.

If you are painting asterisks If you want to be the center of attention, it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But if your star has too many rays or you depict them separately from it, this may indicate.

When you draw wallpaper patterns, this suggests that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or lecture, or maybe even your whole lifestyle. Come up with something new, buy an interesting little thing or clothes that are unusual for you, commit an extravagant act - and longing will pass by itself.

Build on paper honeycomb- you strive for calmness, for harmony, you want to streamline your life. It is also quite likely that .

Spirals, circles or wavy lines mean that other people's problems do not care much or do not interest you at all. Maybe you are even going through a mild emotional crisis: go around the circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to flare up and break loose on others.

Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes- you have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. Usually you are overly vigilant and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

circle figure(especially empty) symbolizes a tendency to secrecy, isolation. You close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You do not like it when not only strangers, but also quite close ones climb into your life and your affairs.

If you are constantly doing something shade or draw grids, then you are probably in an awkward position or have entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative in your own hands, but agree to everything that is offered to you, endure resentment and restrain irritation. The drawing reminds lattice- then you feel cornered or trying to fence yourself off from such an obstacle.

When appear on your sheet of paper chess fields, then, apparently, you are in a very unpleasant or at least difficult situation. If such images appear often, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve a situation or are in search of yourself, your life path, doubt the correctness of your life.

Weaving circles- it seems to you that you are outside some important events, you want to participate in something, join some kind of community. And here interweaving of hearts means that you are overwhelmed and ready

Many people have the habit of unconsciously drawing something, drawing on a piece of paper. We draw when we think, in a meeting, during a telephone conversation, or simply when a pen is at hand. What is this?

It turns out that such unconscious figures, patterns, scribbles can say more about us than we know about ourselves. Psychologists call them pictorial texts or doodles and actively use them in their practice.

These drawings can tell about our personality, character traits and even our present mood. It turns out that in this way we relieve tension, mobilize the psyche, structure new knowledge and information. Sometimes these drawings help us compensate for the inability to gesticulate or concentrate.

Do you want to understand in more detail what the unconscious scribbles and drawings mean?

1. Numbers mean that the "artist" in a given period of time is concerned exclusively with financial and economic aspects.

2. The sun or garland lanterns, strange as it may seem, they speak of a lack of care and spiritual intimacy. A person is in dreams of friendship, care or tenderness.

3. Geometric shapes with corners testify to the clarity of thought, the presentation of clear guidelines in life and the presence of convictions. Their authors openly express their opinions and do not shy away from troubles. These are logicians who think practically and have an analytical mindset.

Also, geometric images mean a love of discipline, a prudent mind, the ability to plan and leadership abilities.

Too pointed corners indicate some kind of internal aggression.

4. Drawn cross carries with it a sense of guilt. Remember, maybe you offended someone?

5. Rounded pattern shapes, spirals, waves give out people who are concerned exclusively with themselves or their problems. They also talk about being secretive or experiencing a crisis.

6. Star indicates an optimistic nature, not giving up and able to cope with problems.

7. Thin trees with bare branches draw upset or lost people. And those who are energetic and cheerful draw trees with a lush crown and thick trunks.

8. Hearts draw those who are overwhelmed with feelings, but they try to restrain their emotions. Such people look very calm from the outside, but their drawings give them away and say otherwise.

9. Honeycombs project a person's desire for orderliness and a measured life. Such people value harmony with themselves and others. Maybe it's time to start a family.

10. Flowers and leaves mean kind character, responsiveness, desire to help, sensitivity.

11. Checkerboard signals that the author is in a difficult situation and is trying to find a way out. The regular appearance of such a pattern speaks of hidden complexes.

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