How to open your own business in the countryside. The most profitable business in the countryside


Farming is traditional for the village. However, in line with the demand for domestic tourism and interest in rural "exotics", as well as with the desire of an increasing number of people for a healthy lifestyle, agritourism and the Lokavor restaurant business are becoming in demand. Each direction can bring a good income, if you approach the matter correctly.


Analysts say that in the Russian outback today there are many opportunities for those who closely follow the changes in the economy and politics. How, in an era of unprecedented sanctions from Russia's former foreign partners and the country's need for import substitution, how to build a profitable business in the countryside from scratch? Consider the features of the "historical moment" and some of the ideas that our compatriots are successfully implementing.

Why is it beneficial?

Today, more and more foreign investors are investing in the Russian agricultural sector. The essence of this trend was frankly expressed by the Thai businessman Dhanin Chearavanont (TOP-81 in the Forbes global ranking), who is actively developing the agricultural business in a number of regions of our country:

“Russia can feed the 3 billion people of Asia. There are very good opportunities in Russia, which the Russians still treat inattentively and underestimate them.”

What are these possibilities?

  • The low level of competition allows you to choose almost any niche: from animal husbandry, poultry farming, beekeeping to your own production for processing farm products and opening a restaurant with a menu of organic products
  • The high need of the state for import substitution makes it possible to count on long-term loans even for novice farmers who do not have a solid start-up capital
  • Growth of healthy eating habits increases demand for wholesome, naturally grown fruits and vegetables, as well as organic poultry, quality meats and dairy products
  • The desire of urban residents to change the situation and find new ways of low-budget relaxation from stress contributes to the development of a new direction in tourism - ecological.

Let's consider how our compatriots realize these opportunities.

Growing organic poultry

In 2015, in the village of Zelentsino, Vladimir Region, the Free Range business project was launched, the author of which was farmer Dmitry Klimov. He announced crowdfunding on the website of the farmer's cooperative LavkaLavka and raised 100,000 rubles for a poultry house. Today, Klimov sells up to 40% of his products through the shops of this cooperative. Prices match its quality. For example, 1 kg of a turkey costs 1,080 rubles, a thigh costs 1,490 rubles. per kg, meat of reared chickens - 675 rubles. per kg.

D. Klimov knows his regular customers literally by sight, as he delivers groceries to them every week at home. He also uses cooking shows in farm shops in Moscow to promote him, during which he demonstrates how delicious turkey in oyster sauce is and talks with gourmets about the virtues of barbary ducks.

D. Klimov “copied” the model of the “Free Range” project from the farms of Gascony, where he went for experience. The cost of production can be represented in the form of a diagram (see Fig. 1)

The sales margin is 15-18%, the farmer expects to receive additional income from cooking. For example, together with a partner, he plans to produce foie gras near Moscow (at a cost of 3-4 thousand rubles per kg). For this, 120 goose and chicken eggs and samples of special varieties of corn for fattening poultry have already been purchased in Gascony.

However, business ideas in rural areas are not limited to farming. Here is an example of another direction.

Village restaurant

120 km from Moscow, in the village of Mitino, there is a unique place - the farm restaurant "Mark and Lev" (opened in 2014). Its founder Alexander Goncharov took as a model the popular Swedish restaurant Faviken, located 600 km from Stockholm and invariably attracting hundreds of lovers of delicious and healthy food.

"Mark and Lev" is a restaurant of the Lokavor type, that is, the menu in it consists of products produced by farms within a radius of up to 150 km from it. It is small, designed for 30 seats in the hall and 20 on the veranda. The average check is 1,500 - 1,800 rubles.

The project did not start to bring profit immediately: it took time to attract the attention of not only potential visitors, but also partners - farmers, who at first did not trust the city entrepreneur too much.

Today, Goncharov plans to rebuild the Farm for Life settlement, open a farmers' market and a hub.

From colleagues from the United States, he "peeped" the idea of ​​​​hubs - places for storing farm products. A. Goncharov will provide a similar service to members of his farmer's cooperative. This will help manufacturers to ensure the necessary stock of products for deliveries to large retail chains. Thus, a small business in the village from scratch can turn into a large-scale and profitable project.

Agritourism - the exotic of the Russian village

The project of the student of Ulyanovsk State University Konstantin Zakharov "Russian Alexandria" was recognized as the best in the region in 2012.

The attention of a young entrepreneur was attracted by an abandoned village in the Ulyanovsk region with the romantic name Alexandria: beautiful places, a forest, a pond. With his own funds, he purchased the first three houses, investing 200,000 rubles in their repair. Another 300,000 rubles. took a bus to deliver lovers of rural exotics to these reserved places. And in total, according to the business plan of K. Zakharov, he needs 5 million rubles to equip the village for agrotourism: with this money, you can clear the pond and lay the necessary communications, as well as purchase more houses and make a mini-hotel from the former school. The planned payback period of the project is 2 years at the cost of living in a house with furnishings of the 18th - 19th century. 3 000 rub. in Week.

From entertainment, vacationers can use a Russian stove with the possibility of cooking according to old recipes, caring for a garden, fishing, working in an apiary and a bathhouse. During the year, "Russian Alexandria" will be able to receive up to 500 tourists.

K. Zakharov plans to make the project year-round and arrange a ski slope with a lift in Alexandria. And if the local authorities do not refuse to help, the entrepreneur promises to employ up to 100 people.

Russian organic flour

Women in the family of entrepreneur Pavel Abramov have always preferred organic flour for baking. Italian. Because there was no Russian before. And now it appeared, thanks to the fact that Pavel decided to engage in its production in 2012, having mastered 200 hectares for this purpose in the Aleksinsky district of the Tula region, although in general crop production in this region is still poorly developed (see Fig. 2)

The farm introduced an absolute ban on the use of any agricultural chemistry, even the land is cultivated without the help of a plow. Weeds are fought by repeatedly passing the field with a cultivator. Flour is produced using stone millstones.

P. Abramov's fields grow 7 types of cereals, from which he produces 19 types of high-quality products. It has already been appreciated not only by consumers of organic food, but also by large producers. For example, Danon uses wheat and spelled flour from his Black Bread company to make baby food. But this manufacturer has very high requirements for suppliers!

With his activities, P. Abramov confirmed the UN conclusion that organic farming increases the farmer's income by 2-3 times. Having invested 2 million euros in the project, he set a goal to completely “recapture” them in 7 years.

Recently, investors have drawn attention to the case of P. Abramov, and with their help, the entrepreneur plans to establish his own production of cereals, pasta, and bread.

Hotel in the woods

When thinking about what kind of business you can open in the village, pay attention to existing enterprises that, for various reasons, have ceased to bring profit to their owners or are in decline. Perhaps this is your chance!

This is exactly what the Shestakovs from the Arkhangelsk region did when they bought the once popular Golubino recreation center, which fell into disrepair after a fire in the main building and the ruin of the owners.

In 2015, they rebranded the establishment and decided to “develop the tourist complex as a unique platform for northern culture” (E. Shestakova) This is how the new “Golubino Forest Hotel” appeared, located near the unique Pinezhsky karst caves and the state reserve.

Here are the steps that the new owners of the recreation center took to establish their family business:

  • The main building was restored and auxiliary buildings were repaired (the investor was the brother of Elena Shestakova)
  • Income from the first visitors was used to update communications and modernize the restaurant
  • Conducted an audit of personnel: those who did not want to meet the standards of hospitality were fired, the rest were trained with the invitation of hotel business specialists and psychologists
  • We introduced a uniform for employees in the Russian style to create a national flavor, for the same purpose we established cooperation with the local House of Culture to organize leisure activities for tourists with gatherings around the fire, singing Russian songs, folk amusements
  • Since 45% of the hotel guests are from other regions, in 2015 the company became a member of the Arkhangelsk Regional Tourism Association and took part in several tourism forums. So contracts were concluded with major Moscow tour operators

Thanks to these measures, the Golubino Forest Hotel is known far beyond the Arkhangelsk region and brings a stable income to its owners.


If desired, in the countryside today you can develop almost any line of business. Its payback period cannot be called short, but with properly organized marketing, a well-thought-out business plan and interest in the chosen business, you can get a stable income and enjoy life away from the bustle of cities.

Today, many city dwellers leave their apartments in the cities and move to live in villages, which are simply innumerable in Russia. However, the question immediately arises of what kind of business to open in the village. After all, the issue of earnings is an urgent problem even for those who seek to be closer to nature. In this article, you will learn what kind of business to open in the village from scratch without starting capital.

Is it possible to make money without initial capital?

If you think about what kind of business to open in the village, associations immediately arise about growing vegetables, animal husbandry or a bee apiary. However, what if there is no start-up capital that would allow you to invest in a business? In fact, there is a way out of any situation. The main thing is to show imagination and not be afraid of difficulties.

Any innovation can be perceived by the villagers not very friendly due to the peculiarities of the mentality. However, if you prove to people the usefulness and effectiveness of your work or services, you can get a very good profit. Starting a small business, you can accumulate quite a lot of capital to start a big business.

Features of business in the village

You need to understand that the mentality of the villagers is fundamentally different from the urban ones. And this is not about any cultural or social differences. After all, the environment itself obliges to lead a different way of life. In villages, people need to get up early to take care of their household, travel tens of kilometers to work and work tirelessly to feed their families. That is why when planning a business, you need to take into account the needs and pressing problems of people.

In addition, you should prioritize for yourself personally. Decide how much time and effort you are willing to spend on running the business. Also, consider your professional skills and experience in various fields. Your own village should bring not only monetary profit, but also moral satisfaction.

So what kind of business to open in the village? We will talk about this in more detail.

How to start planning your own business?

Before choosing the direction of the future business, a thorough analysis is required, which will include the following:

  • The level of wealth, and the total number of local residents.
  • The remoteness of the settlement from the city and the availability of transport links.
  • The number of food, hardware and household stores and their range.

Once you have a general picture of the condition of the village and the basic needs of its people, you can begin to draw up a plan of action and choose a direction for work.

What kind of business to open in the village without investments?

It is not always possible to invest a large amount of money in your own business. Therefore, we have to look for any possible ways. But what kind of business to open in the village? Ideas can be very different. After all, there are many options for doing business without initial capital.

For example, you can offer people the service of a dairy products distributor. Many villagers are known to keep goats and cows at home for milk. At the same time, people have a problem with the sale of products, because it can be very expensive to travel to the market on your own. And if you have a car or a bus regularly runs through the village, then you can take the goods to the city market every day and sell it at a very large margin. After all, everything natural is valued by city dwellers much higher than store counterparts. The same goes for honey, eggs, meat and other animal products.

A lot of young people live in modern villages, because the country's demographics are growing rapidly. At the same time, everyone wants to dress stylishly and fashionably. So why not become an organizer of joint purchases? It has long been known that this profitable business does not require any investments. In addition, the price of goods from China is quite affordable for people even with low incomes. And information about your services will quickly spread throughout the village.

What kind of business to open in the village in winter?

In winter, villagers need hay more than ever. After all, it is required to constantly provide food for horses, cows and rabbits. That is why haymaking is a great tree business idea. In addition, no investments are required for its implementation. After all, you can stock up on hay in any field near the village. And the profit can be divided in half with a person who has a special harvester for forming bales.

In villages remote from cities, there is a big problem with transport links. Buses often refuse to run in winter due to heavy snow. So why not offer people a taxi service if you have a car? It is enough just to hang up ads in the village - and soon you will receive the first applications.

They always complain about the lack of entertainment, which is especially true in winter. Therefore, you can become the organizer of discos and holidays. In any village there are clubs or houses of culture, which can be rented from a local organization. And to hold a disco, you only need high-quality equipment, minimal decorations, and on New Year's holidays, you can organize a matinee for kids and schoolchildren, which young mothers will be incredibly happy about.

in the village

Undoubtedly, the most demanded business in the village is the opening of a food or hardware store. After all, not all villagers have the opportunity to regularly travel to the city. The same goes for pharmacies, clothing stores and even dental services. However, all these ideas will require considerable investment. Therefore, only businessmen with a considerable starting capital can afford to engage in serious business.

How else can you earn while living in the countryside?

In fact, not all people who leave the city are wondering what kind of business to open in the countryside. Freelancer reviews prove that you can earn good money even through the Internet, because now it is available in almost every outback. A specialist does not need any investments to make money on copywriting, web development, design and much more. In this case, professional skills will not be lost. And working in unity with nature will bring pleasure.

If you nevertheless decided to move to the village and answered your own question about what kind of business to open in the village, be prepared for any outcome of events. But the main thing is not to despair at the first difficulties and go only forward. After all, even the craziest business idea can become very useful and timely for a resident of the outback.

Many rural residents, especially young people, are trying to move to the city, hoping that they can find a good job there or start their own business. But unfortunately, without housing, special education and experience, it is difficult to secure a decent life in the metropolis, so they have to return back. In fact, there are many promising business ideas for the village and village, with the help of which you can earn decent money even in the most remote settlements. Some of them can be found in more detail in this publication.

Carp breeding in the pond

Many recreational fishermen can turn their hobby into a profitable business. Numerous natural reservoirs that exist in almost every region of our country are suitable for breeding different types of fish. If you invest a certain amount of money in this idea of ​​​​a mini-business in the village, in 2-3 years it will show a profitability of 30%.

Requires compliance with simple rules:

  • There should not be any waste or runoff in the reservoir;
  • The depth of the pond is 1.5-1.8 m;
  • The water temperature in summer is at least 24 degrees;
  • To produce 10 tons of fish per year, you need a reservoir with an area of ​​5 hectares.

Diagram of a fish pond

The main disadvantage of this business idea for a private business in the countryside is a long payback period. To reduce it, you can buy two-year-old carps weighing 200 g for breeding. In this case, you will have to invest more money in the business, but the carp will reach a weight of 1 kg in just 1 season. Paid fishing can be a good source of additional income. Small fish farms can sell most of the fish grown in this way. carp breeding is one of the areas of business activity, the profitability of which is not affected by weather conditions.

Greenhouse business

Looking for options in the countryside? In order to start your own business, you do not need to come up with something new and original. Just analyze a few common rural business ideas and make an informed decision. A fairly profitable and highly profitable investment can be your own greenhouse farm. Many farmers grow vegetables year-round and earn decent money from it.

If you want to implement this business idea for a village and a village with minimal investment, you can start by growing greens - basil, dill, parsley or lettuce. A good income in the winter brings the cultivation of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Before investing in this business, first decide on sales. Ecologically clean vegetables and herbs can be sold to kindergartens, supermarkets, restaurants, etc. The most important rule of a successful greenhouse business is not to save on seed. Quality seeds will provide you with a positive result. If you turn to the numbers, then you will need about 10 thousand dollars to start a greenhouse business. You will receive the first profit in the second year of operation. If you can choose the right crops and ensure a constant sale of finished products, the business will flourish and expand.

poultry breeding

Many citizens of our country are not sure about the quality of industrial products, so they prefer to buy meat and eggs on the market from private traders. If you are looking for profitable business ideas in a village in a private house, take up poultry farming. Before choosing which bird is more profitable to breed, first study the market in your area and determine the preferences of your fellow countrymen.

The biggest demand in the domestic market are:

  • and ducks;

A hundred laying hens produce about 30 thousand eggs per year. The average price of one dozen is 0.5 dollars, that is, if you keep 100 chickens, you can earn only 1.5 thousand dollars by selling eggs. If you increase the livestock and engage in the sale of young animals, meat and feathers, profits will increase significantly.

Scheme of a room for growing birds

Associated with the breeding of poultry, they are characterized by simplicity and high profitability. If you are on a budget, you can start by breeding geese or Muscovy ducks. Everyone knows that 80% of the diet of this poultry is grass, so you do not have to spend a lot of money on feed. The biggest expense item is the purchase of young animals.

Recently, many farmers have begun to breed pheasants. They can be sold for meat and live for hunting. Pheasant meat is extremely rare in retail sales, since it is a rather expensive exotic product. Such goods are bought in small wholesale by elite restaurants and grocery stores for wealthy people.

Another interesting business idea for a village and a village from scratch is quail breeding. It attracts start-up entrepreneurs with small financial investments, technological simplicity and good profitability. The main problem is the marketing of finished products. There is not yet a high level of competition in this market segment, but it is not so easy to find regular customers, because there is no constant demand for such products.

animal breeding

Despite the high level of competition, opening your own livestock farm is a very real idea for a small business in the countryside. But the purchase of young animals and feed will require a decent start-up capital. This is the main disadvantage of this line of work.

There are many profitable niches in this market segment:

  • Meat farm;
  • Milk farm;
  • Sheep breeding;
  • Pig breeding;
  • etc.

The success of such a business directly depends on the conditions in which you keep animals. We are talking about the room and feed that are included in their diet. In order for the animals to feel comfortable, it is necessary to create optimal temperature conditions in the room and ensure a normal level of air humidity. In addition to conventional feed, buy complex supplements, which include the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In order to build a farm from scratch, you will need a lot of money. In our country, there are many abandoned farms, including livestock farms, which can be inexpensively rented for a long time. It is desirable that your farm is located outside the city, in a quiet, environmentally friendly place. When choosing a room, pay attention to the fact that there is a reservoir and pastures for livestock nearby.

Growing and selling organic products

Can't find a suitable business idea for a village and village without investment? Recently, the market for organic products has begun to develop dynamically. Modern people began to think about what they consume for food, so the demand for such a product is constantly growing.

Organic vegetables and fruits are grown naturally, without the use of chemical fertilizers. Such products are designed for consumers with high incomes. Usually it is sold through special outlets or delivered to your home at inflated prices.

Growing organic vegetables is not the newest business idea in the countryside, but it has repeatedly proven its efficiency in practice. Experienced farmers recommend growing strawberries, but in this case, you will have to spend a lot of time under the scorching sun, caring for the beds and harvesting. The cultivation of raspberries and blackberries is distinguished by high profitability and simplicity of technology. If we talk about vegetables, in this direction in the summer you need to focus on potatoes, carrots, onions, beets and cabbage. In winter, you can grow cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse. A good business idea in the countryside from scratch is growing green onions, dill, parsley and other herbs in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

Growing and selling flowers

Are you thinking? The answer to this question is sought by many rural residents who want to improve their financial situation. Experienced farmers recommend growing flowers. This is a fairly profitable home business idea in the village that does not require large capital investments.

Start by growing the rarest or most sought-after flowers. To do this, you need to build a thermos greenhouse. This design will allow you to save up to 70% of electrical energy by making full use of solar heat. And this is the main cost item in this business. If you watch a video of this business idea in the village, you will notice that many experienced farmers use such structures in their work.

Cut flowers can be taken in bulk to shops and large flower shops. To attract customers, you will have to significantly reduce prices. The most profitable option is to open your own outlet. If you have never done such a thing, hire an experienced florist. The original design of bouquets will help you attract customers and significantly increase profits.

This idea of ​​​​a home business in the village promises high profitability for aspiring entrepreneurs. For a year, 250 pieces of cuts can be obtained from one rose bush using the classical growing technology. For 1 sq. meter fits 4 bushes. This means that from a greenhouse with an area of ​​​​50 square meters. meters, you can remove 50 thousand sections. The minimum wholesale price of roses is $0.7. For a year, you can earn 35 thousand dollars from one greenhouse. We subtract all expenses and get 25-30 thousand dollars of net profit. The profitability of such a business reaches 70%. Agree that this business idea for a village with minimal investment deserves special attention.

rural tourism

in the countryside? This question is often asked by people who are looking for how to make money in the village without large financial investments. Recently, such a promising area of ​​activity as rural tourism has begun to gain momentum. If you have a large house in the countryside that can accommodate about 10 guests at a time, invite city dwellers tired of the hustle and bustle to your vacation time and provide them with an interesting vacation in the bosom of nature. It is desirable that, in addition to the house, you have a bathhouse and your own household plot, as well as the Internet and good mobile communications. This business idea in the countryside in your home will be especially profitable if your village is located in some picturesque place, near a forest or a river.

Rural tourism has not yet become widespread in our country, so you will have to spend a lot of money on advertising and finding customers. Over time, when there is a profit, you can build several small guest houses and thereby increase the profitability of the business.

Cafe or shop

The demand for quality food and other necessities never falls, even in the most remote villages. People living in rural areas do not always have the opportunity to visit a large hypermarket or shopping center, so they often buy everything they need in local stores.
in the countryside? Basically, these are essential goods:

  • Products;
  • Cloth;
  • Household chemicals;
  • Stationery;
  • Alcohol;
  • Cigarettes;
  • Building materials and more.

If you are looking for business ideas for a small village, open your own shop and trade. Assess the demand for goods, make an assortment and start supplying the most popular products. The shop in the village is a universal trading enterprise. Here you will have to sell everything in a row, from bread to clothes. At the start, you will have to invest 4-5 thousand dollars in the implementation of this business idea for beginners in the village. You will spend another $2,000-3,000 monthly to restock your inventory. The average check in an ordinary rural store is 3-5 dollars. The margin on the goods is at the level of 30-50%. The profitability of such a business idea for a village in Ukraine does not exceed 13-30%. Full payback occurs in 1.5–2 years, but there are times when it takes no more than 8 months.

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Sawmill and woodworking

This is a fairly profitable business idea for a village and a village in 2019, but it requires large investments and has a considerable payback period. Such an activity can attract the attention of the middle class, who have a decent start-up capital on their hands.

It is difficult to compare with woodworking, since it is not only a promising, but also a highly profitable area of ​​activity. Wood is a commodity that is always in demand on the market. Houses are built from such material, furniture is made and various finishing works are performed. Before you open a woodworking company, you need to research the market and draw up a clear business plan.

The village, first of all, is a platform for the production of agricultural products, but the processing business also has good prospects. The closer it is located to the sources of raw materials, the lower the cost of transportation and storage. Large processing and trading enterprises are interested in expanding supplies from domestic producers.


Now there is a favorable environment for starting a business in the countryside, and many entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the opportunities that are opening up. Investing in agriculture and animal husbandry is a good tone and a demonstration of patriotic feelings. Please note: people do not hesitate to ask for help, send applications for participation in all possible support programs in order to receive a grant, subsidy. There are many of them, both at the federal and local levels.

In December 2015, the head of Rosselkhozbank, Dmitry Patrushev, was awarded the title of Banker of the Year by the Association of Russian Banks. Despite the sanctions of European and American partners, the bank expanded its financial support for agriculture this year. The volume of loans issued outstripped the average market indicators.

The review contains 7 real examples. The choice of successful entrepreneurs helps to understand what kind of business you can do in the village, gain determination and start your own business.

Interesting business ideas implemented in the countryside

vending milk vending machine

Mordovia, Kovylkino, Krutenkoe village

Rinat Churakov lives in a small town with a population of 20,000 people and used to be engaged in the provision of consumer services. The idea for a business in the village came while looking for a place for a country house at the sight of fields overgrown with weeds. In three years, with the help of a bank loan, he created a modern European-level milk production complex. When the purchase prices for it fell 4 times compared to retail prices, I thought about creating my own distribution network. Analyzing the market, I came to the conclusion that vending is highly profitable. Buying and installing two expensive machines, I realized that the idea was risky. However, there was a queue for fresh milk on the first day. They justified themselves in 4 months, and now the businessman has purchased another 15 pieces, planning to place them already in Saransk, the capital of the republic.

Rest, like in the village with my grandmother

Rural tourism is rapidly gaining momentum. Reasons: the narrowing of the directions of foreign holidays, the decline in income. A positive role is played by fashion, the offer of a modern level of service. In the Astrakhan steppe, caravans are driven along the Mongol-Tatar trails, somewhere they offer "wild" hunting, and sometimes people are attracted by the opportunity to communicate with nature, wake up with "roosters", and not rush anywhere.

Ermaki village, along the Moscow-Minsk highway, 25 km from Smolensk.

There is no unique natural landscape or historical "estate" nearby. When Arkady Poterlevich started his business in the village from scratch 5 years ago, there were only three residential buildings. He staked on the lake: he launched fry of silver carp, grass carp, pike, perch, carp. Now there are even crabs. The fishermen pulled themselves up very quickly, and when they built 5 comfortable houses, a bathhouse, planted a garden and a vegetable garden, they began to come with their families. Now whole companies are already reaching out for collective recreation. All products in the local "tavern" are natural, there are football and tennis courts, and baths. Plans: construction of VIP cottages and a helipad.

Cabbage on "Indonesian" technology

Staromainsky district, Ulyanovsk region

The worst dream of a peasant is drought. The fear of losing everything in a lean year stops many who would like to start growing agricultural products. The Ulyanovsk region is a zone of risky farming, but Ilmas Sitdikov is getting record harvests using an irrigation system similar to that used for rice fields. First, he used old canals left from Soviet times to accumulate water, after they destroyed and pulled apart all the pipes of the irrigation system. Fregat sprinkling machines are working on the fields, three pumping stations have been built, and an artificial channel for supplying water from the Volga has been created. Fresh vegetables are supplied to Ulyanovsk supermarkets and are in demand. According to Ilmas, no one believed in the success of irrigated agriculture. And now many adopt his experience in land reclamation.

Camelina oil is not made from camelina

Kuytunsky district, Irkutsk region.

Demand for eco-products is constantly increasing, with foreign consumers and investors showing particular interest in them. Camelina oil is actually made from the herb. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia exported it, but then the culture was firmly forgotten. By taste and aroma, it resembles sesame, but richer in vitamin content, has healing properties. Artem Palchik in 2010 bought 50 kg of seeds and sowed a 1 hectare field, receiving 1.5 tons of raw materials. Now his KFH sows 60, and it is planned to expand to 100 hectares. The oil is certified, it is sold in large stores in the region, negotiations are underway on the display of goods in supermarkets. The products are awarded with the diploma of the international Berlin agricultural exhibition. Abroad, this product is in good demand; in Russia, sunflower oil is still more common. The entrepreneur dreams of entering the international market.

Exotic birds bring good income

Central Federal District, Moscow region.

Chickens, geese, pheasants, turkeys and guinea fowls - about 500 heads of different birds are raised by a young couple of farmers, former city dwellers. The question of what kind of business can be opened in the village, Vladimir and Tatyana Tyurin, was not initially interested. Seven years ago, they adopted several birds to feed dietary meat to a child who had minor health problems. Then there was interest, a family farm was born. They received a grant of 1.5 million rubles only this year, they bought 4 hectares of land on them, where it is planned to build a full-fledged eco-farm. Guinea fowl were first bred for beauty, and then it turned out that this was a very profitable business. The bird does not get sick, meat and eggs are valued, used in the treatment of oncology. Previously, it was supplied only from abroad, but now, according to Vladimir, there are so many offers that they intend to bring the number of guinea fowl to 2,000 heads. The organization of agro-tourism is planned. There are no competitors, for the entire Central District there is only one such farm in Sergiev Posad.

If trout is cheaper, more people will buy it

Berezovka village, Kondopozhsky district, Karelia

Northern Russian regions are of little use for agriculture, but have great potential for the use of natural resources. Wood processing, picking, freezing, canning mushrooms and berries - all these are opportunities for creating your own business. But the main wealth is fish. The IP of farmer Nikolai Fedorenko produces about 500 tons of trout a year, and he dreams of doubling the figure. Sanctions on Norwegian fish only please him. Its red caviar, light-salted and smoked fish were awarded the golden international medal "ProdExpo" 2015. Trout is grown in open water, far from the shore - using Norwegian technology. In total, there are about 50 fish farms in Karelia, today their biggest problem is that they have to buy fry and food abroad. Now the farmer focuses on growing his own planting material and selling it. The problem with feed is beyond his power, this is a task for biologists. In Berezovka and Kondopoga there are two shops with his products, numerous tourists are eager to see and fish directly from the lake.

Sheep farming is a profitable business in the steppe regions

Beisky district, Khakassia

Lamb is rarely seen on store shelves, despite good demand. Sheep are unpretentious to food and living conditions, multiply quickly and gain weight, live on pastures until late winter. Alexander Topoev keeps a herd of about 2,000 heads. Thinking over what kind of business to open in the village, he enlisted the support of a large trading network, to which he now regularly supplies meat. But now he has no problems with sales, rather the opposite: his products are willingly taken by cafes, semi-finished products workshop, "Myasnaya Lavka". Recently, he won the tender of the local Administration for the purchase of 1.5 hundred sheep at once for transfer to young families. The farm is growing: he has acquired pigs of a special breed and bought several cows. To feed these animals, they had to sow oats, barley, and wheat. It took almost four years to build the business.

The lack of funds for business development is not the only problem in the countryside; in many places it is difficult to find workers. How to get out of the situation:

  1. choose a place near regional centers, small towns with liquidated production;
  2. buy high-performance imported equipment that requires few maintenance personnel;
  3. they invest in social infrastructure, build houses, which attract people who are ready to move to their place of work.

State support is not "free" cheese. You will need to report on expenses, and when drawing up a business plan, do not forget about inflation. The term for receiving money is stretched to six months, and in agriculture, as nowhere else, a spoon is expensive for dinner. The “village” business also has its advantages: the loyal attitude of the authorities, the cheapness of labor, and the lack of competition.

Find out what grants, subsidies and soft loans you can get to develop a business idea in the village

How I want to quickly and at minimal cost open my own business in the countryside, which will overtake the city in terms of self-sufficiency.

My mini business plan

My name is Arthur. Since my youth, the dream to open and raise my own business has not left me. During the years of perestroika, he tried to engage in trade: he opened a kiosk for the sale of food products, but went bankrupt due to a lack of working capital. He studied in absentia as a manager, then tried to master the profession of a broker.

But as my bitter experience has shown, without money you are not a person, no one takes you seriously.

For the past 2 years I have been preparing to do business in my native village. This is an undeveloped field of activity, both literally and figuratively. I collect information about activities that could actually generate income. I calculate the costs in which I need to meet the minimum, I plan where and what buildings to put.

Last year, he applied to an agricultural bank with a request to provide a loan of 600,000 rubles for the development of farming. The answer is no due to lack of loan security. But immediately, intermediaries in the same bank offered to solve this problem for 50% of the commission of the loan amount ...

During the years of developed socialism, our village was one of the leading in the delivery of agricultural products to the state. At present, the previously fertile fields are abandoned, the farms are half destroyed and plundered, the young population has left for the city, as there is no work.

I would like to revive my village: repair and run farms, plow and sow fields, revive beekeeping. To do this, I will need to start with a few simpler, but most commercially profitable directions.

1. Beekeeping

Beekeeping, with a well-established system of timely provision of raw materials, brings quite a tangible income.

To open an apiary, which will pay for itself during the first year of work, grow 2 times, and bring profit in the amount of the money spent, you need to purchase 50 bee colonies with beehives. 1 bee colony with a hive costs an average of 3500 rubles. In May - June, the bees begin to swarm (1 family is divided into 2). You need to purchase another 50 hives at a price of 1500 rubles / piece.

Equipment and raw materials for 100 families will cost 50,000 rubles. In total, my initial costs for opening an apiary are: (3,500 rubles x 50 p/s = 175,000 rubles) + (1,500 rubles x 50 hives = 75,000 rubles) + (50,000 rubles equipment and raw materials) = 300,000 rubles. In July, the main honey collection begins.

From each bee family, on average, they receive 20 kg of marketable honey at a price of 400 rubles / kg. Implementing it in our region is not a problem. As a result, we get: (100 p / s x 20 kg of honey \u003d 2000 kg) x 400 rubles / kg \u003d 800,000 rubles.

With this money, I plan to 200,000 rubles. to invest in the construction of a winter hut for bees, and 100,000 rubles. for the purchase of raw materials for bees for the next year. 500000 rub. I have remains on DEVELOPMENT.

Due to the fact that next year capital investments are not required, I receive 800,000 rubles from the sale of honey. + from the sale of hatched bees (100 p / s x 2000 rubles \u003d 200,000 rubles) - 100,000 rubles. for raw materials = 900,000 rubles.

2. Store

In the village we have one shop with a free work schedule. On average, he works 4 days a week for 2-3 hours a day. There are no more shops in the area for 8 km. There are 5 more villages near our village, which are often sold in this store with expired goods and at unrealistically high prices.

I want to build a civilized store with an outbuilding that will serve as a warehouse and a collection point. To do this, I need building materials in the amount of 120,000 rubles, construction and finishing work - 80,000 rubles, refrigeration equipment and racks with counters - 90,000 rubles.

For the initial purchase of food and consumer goods, I plan to spend 40,000 rubles.

In total, I need 330,000 rubles to launch the store. With an average expected revenue of 10,000 rubles. per day, minus the seller's salary and taxes, the costs will pay off within 8 months.

In the annex, which I want to use as a shock freeze refrigerator, I will place a warehouse with racks, in which I will receive berries and mushrooms from the population in the summer. In summer, the acceptance price for various types of berries ranges from 5 to 10 rubles. per kg.

In winter, the price increases several times, and according to the results of 2010, the minimum wholesale price was 60 rubles / kg. To start the SHOCK, I need to purchase a compressor worth 80,000 rubles. and some accessories for it.

Total: 100,000 rubles. It is quite difficult to predict the payback period in this case, because this year, due to drought, the berry harvest is poor. But in any case, during the summer season, the costs pay off. There is a good demand for berries at confectionery enterprises and in public catering.

3. Crop production

I have 20 hectares of land on lease for 49 years, which is currently not cultivated. There is an opportunity to take another 40 hectares on the same preferential terms. But for the cultivation of all this land, machinery is needed.

In order to purchase a fairly decent used tractor with attachments in the kit (plow, harrow, cultivator, seeder), you need to have an amount of 250 - 300 thousand rubles. Fuel for the tractor, seeds for sowing and fertilizer will cost me around 60,000 rubles. per season + 10,000 rubles. to force majeure, if suddenly there are any problems with the tractor.

Previously, buckwheat grew well in our fields. Since plant growing is a low-profit occupation in our time, in the first 2 years I plan to receive income not from the harvest and sale of buckwheat, but from beekeeping. Buckwheat is a very good honey plant.

It blooms for 15-20 days, and subject to alternate 3-time sowing, it will be possible to extend the collection of honey by bees from buckwheat up to 2 months.

It turns out after collecting honey from linden, buckwheat blooms and blooms until the end of summer. Accordingly, bees give at least 2-3 times more honey. On average, I get additional honey for 800,000 rubles. Collecting nectar from buckwheat, bees carry out its pollination, which has a good effect on the crop.

With a harvest of 5 centners per hectare, I get 300 centners of cereals from 60 hectares of crops, which in monetary terms, with the wholesale delivery of the product for processing at 8 rubles / kg, is equal to 240,000 rubles.

In the future, I am thinking of building an automated greenhouse complex for year-round growing vegetables and herbs, a bunker for growing champignons and oyster mushrooms. All these products will be sold in shops and wholesale and retail markets.

For 2 years of work and proper investment in agriculture, it can be turned into a successful enterprise that provides a steady income, provide jobs for the population, and, which is very important, will give impetus to my further development.

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