How does non fiction translate. Non-fiction - what is it in literature? Non-fiction - what is it


Translation and meaning of NON-FICTION in English and Russian

transcription, transcription: [ ͵nɒnʹfıkʃ(ə)n ]

documentary, scientific literature, etc.

non-fiction film - non-fiction / documentary / film

non-fiction novel - documentary novel

we publish only non-fiction - we do not publish fiction

English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary, a collection of the best dictionaries. English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries. 2012

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More word meanings and translation of NON-FICTION from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «NON-FICTION» in dictionaries.

  • NON-FICTION - ■ noun prose writing that is informative or factual rather than fictional. Derivatives ~al adjective
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • NON-FICTION - noun [ U ] books, articles or texts about real facts, people and events: I prefer reading non-fiction. the …
  • NON-FICTION - ˌnon-fiction BrE AmE noun [ Word Family: adjective: fictional , fictitious , non-fiction ; noun …
  • NON FICTION - n. literary work other than fiction, including biography and reference books. øønon-fictional adj.
  • NON FICTION - n. literary work other than fiction, including biography and reference books. Derivatives: non-fictional adj.
    Oxford English vocab
  • NON-FICTION - also nonfiction Non-fiction is writing that gives information or describes real events, rather than telling a story. The series will …
  • NON-FICTION — noun EXAMPLES FROM OTHER ENTRIES ▪ He also produced works of non-fiction . ▪ The books in the library are …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • NON-FICTION — ➡ libraries
    Oxford Guide to British and American Culture English vocabulary
    Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • NON FICTION - (n) non-fiction; scientific literature
    English-Russian Linguistica"98 dictionary
  • NON-FICTION - n documentary, non-fiction, etc. ~ film - non-fiction / documentary / film ~ novel - documentary novel we publish ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • NON-FICTION - n documentary, non-fiction, etc. non-fiction film - non-fiction / documentary / film non-fiction novel - documentary novel we publish ...
    Big new English-Russian dictionary
  • NON FICTION - journalistic work, non-fiction
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • NON-FICTION - non-fiction, non-fiction (etc.) ~ film non-fiction (documentary) film
    Morteza English-Russian Dictionary
  • NON-FICTION - n documentary, scientific literature, etc.; ~ film
    English-Russian Dictionary - Korolev
  • NON-FICTION - documentary, non-fiction, etc. - * film non-fiction / documentary / film - * novel documentary novel - we publish ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • NON - adv 1. not; 2. no; non! no!; si non 1. if not; 2. except, unless it be non- prefixo n a type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • NON- - non- /nɒn $ nɑːn/ BrE AmE prefix [ Language: Old French ; Origin: Latin non "not" ] 1 . books or writing about real facts or events, not imagined ones ≠ fiction ▪ I read a lot of non fiction. non-fiction adj … Dictionary of contemporary English

    non-fiction- (adj.) also nonfiction, 1909 (non fictional is from 1903), from NON (Cf. non) + FICTION (Cf. fiction) … Etymology dictionary

    non-fiction- NOUN ▪ prose writing that is informative or factual rather than fictional. DERIVATIVES non-fictional adjective … English terms dictionary

    non-fiction- er ikke opdigtede bøger … Danske encyklopædi

    non-fiction- Demande de traduction Non fiction → Non fiction ... Wikipedia en Français

    Non Fiction- Infobox Single Name = Non Fiction Cover size = Artist = The Pillows from Album = My Foot Released = September 14, 2005 Recorded = Genre = Alternative rock Length = 11:02 Label = King Records KICM 1146 Producer = Zin Yoshida Chart position = Last … … Wikipedia

    non-fiction- Sachbuch * * * Non|fic|tion auch: Non Fic|tion 〈 n.; ; unz.〉 1. Sach , Fachbuch 2. Sach , Fachbuchliteratur * * * Non Fic|tion, Non|fic|tion [()nɔn fɪkʃn̩ ], die; , also: das; [s]… …Universal-Lexikon

    non-fiction- also nonfiction N UNCOUNT: oft N n Non fiction is writing that gives information or describes real events, rather than telling a story. The series will include both fiction and non fiction... Lewis is the author of thirteen novels and ten non… … English dictionary


    • Nelson Thornes Framework English Access Skills in Non-Fiction 3 , . "Access Skills in Fiction and Non-Fiction" offers the rigor and support necessary to raise the attainment of pupils struggling at Level 4, or at Level 3. It is also suitable for Level C-D in… Buy for 1411 RUB
    • Non-Fiction , Palahniuk C.. "Non-Fiction" proves just how different, in ways both highly entertaining and deeply unsettling. Encounters with alternative culture heroes Marilyn Manson and Juliette Lewis; the peculiar…

    When tear-jerking romance novels and thrilling detective stories, chilling mystical novels and fantasy stories get bored, it's time for non-fiction literature. What is this genre, the popularity of which, according to the information of book publishers, is growing every year? What are its features and for whom is it interesting? We will try to answer all the questions posed in this article.

    what it is?

    The most general classification of all literature is its division into fiction and everything else - non-fiction (non-fiction). In works such as novels, short stories, plays, stories, classified as fiction, there is always an invented plot. They are poetic and prose. In turn, all fiction are divided into such categories as intellectual prose and genre literature.

    Unlike fiction, non-fiction literature does not use fictional stories, plots and characters, and it is represented by:

    • textbooks;
    • dictionaries;
    • encyclopedias;
    • monographs;
    • journalism;
    • biographies;
    • memoirs and other forms.

    What is non-fiction?

    Let's look at the definition of non-fiction, what it is. As already mentioned, in such literature there are no fictitious events and facts, since it is artistic and journalistic in which the author, through the prism of his aesthetic, ethical and figurative perception, documents and realistically states the facts, presents characters and events. Since this is literature, that is, the art of owning a word, the writer uses the compositional organization of the text and various methods of revealing the images presented in the work. Thus, non-fiction is literary creativity, rigidly tied to specific and real facts of life.

    When did non-fiction appear?

    In most sources, the time of the appearance of the term “non-fiction” itself and the first work related to this genre is considered to be 1965, when the book “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote was published. We won’t argue about when the term appeared, but here’s how they are commonly called today, travelogues, or travel notes (such as Radishchev’s “Journeys from St. Petersburg to Moscow”, “Pallada Frigate” by I.A. Goncharov or Herzen "The Past and Thoughts") were created long before the second half of the 20th century. That's just reading them, we had no idea that these are Russian best non-fiction books!

    We will not argue, but we will name several modern classics of this genre. First of all, one of the most famous modern theoretical physicists should be mentioned. Thanks to his books in the genre of scientific non-fiction, most of the earthlings learned about their properties.

    Capote's "In Cold Blood" is considered a classic of the reportage novel. Thomas Wolfe, with the research books The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, which were sensational in the second half of the last century, created a new direction of experimental and research documentary prose.

    Types of non-fiction

    When answering the question of what non-fiction is, it is important to remember its diversity, since it is not only a variety of popular science and reference literature, it also includes descriptions of countries and cities, travel notes, journalism and essays. Works of this genre can entertainingly talk about rather complex things, for example, in the Soviet book series "Eureka" more than 300 books were published that told about various sciences and their history in an accessible and interesting way. Others, such as, for example, the books “Glass” by N. Kachalov or “The Cure for Boredom, or the History of Ice Cream” by I. Bogdanov, can be devoted to the scientific study of the most ordinary and familiar things for us.

    Located at the intersection of journalism and fiction, non-fiction has several classifications, but we will consider the one that is usually used in the book publishing “kitchen”:

    • biographies and memoirs;
    • documentary chronicles;
    • essay;
    • travel notes (travelogues);
    • criticism;
    • Scientific research;
    • textbooks;
    • tutorials;
    • dictionaries;
    • encyclopedias;
    • technical documentation.

    The recent trend is non-fiction electronic publications, which allow you to quickly get the information of interest.

    Genre features

    We have already touched, however, slightly superficially, the features of the non-fiction genre. What it is? We briefly list the main characteristics:

    Lack of fictional plots and characters;

    The story about the events goes through the personal worldview of the author;

    Use of various artistic and dramatic techniques;

    Construction of the composition of the work according to the dramatic principle "scene by scene".

    Who publishes it?

    In Soviet times, quite a lot of popular science and journalistic literature, memoirs and biographies were published. Suffice it to recall such wonderful series of books as ZhZL - "The Life of Remarkable People" (publishing house "Young Guard"), "History of science and technology", "Pages of the history of our Motherland", "Library "Quantum" (publishing house "Nauka").

    Even today it is difficult to name any major Russian publishing house that does not publish non-fiction. One of the leaders of the Russian market of "actual" literature - the ULO publishing house - publishes books in the genre of living history, grouping them into the series "Culture of Everyday Life", and "Eksmo" publishes the series "Biographies of the Great. An Unexpected Perspective”, “Memoirs - XXI Century”, “Women of the Silver Age”. The AST-Press publishing house publishes the Science and the World series, the Languages ​​Without Borders tutorials, the Kuchkovo Pole publishing house publishes memoirs, and the Hummingbird company publishes the Things in Themselves series, whose books tell about the simplest things such as salt and others. "Ajax-press" publishes a series of guides "Instructions for use".

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