How to get into power? Social elevators without embellishment. How to make a career in United Russia


There can be only two reasons: The first is that you really want to do nothing, while having everything. This is a philistine approach to the issue - forget and never think about it, this is not for you. The second - I really want to do something Real, but within the framework of the surrounding reality, there is not enough space for the implementation of ideas.

Political life is an amazing world that lives according to its Laws, Principles and Concepts. If you decide to engage in political activities on your own, then you must first understand yourself, no matter how trite it may sound. The first thing to think about is what your goal is. Historical experience shows that the greatest success in the political field is achieved by people who bring an idea that is in demand by society. Finding a point where the interests of all groups of a community in a large space converge is not easy, it requires either genius or experience.

How to make a political career

Entrepreneurs are perhaps the most in-demand in power and useful to society today. After a long journey, our society is gradually abandoning the Soviet stereotype of the idea of ​​entrepreneurs as capitalist-imperialists who drink the blood of the working people. Sitting on a bag of money, a fat man in a top hat is rather the opposite of a modern entrepreneur. In our time, the economically active part of society already sees in a successful entrepreneur a person capable of leading people, who is responsible for his actions and for the fate of people who have entrusted him with the most precious thing they have - their time. Of course, this person must be successful, look attractive, have the charisma inherent in a strong spirit of people who are educated and broad-minded. These processes were objectively reflected in the elections of the Governor of the Moscow Region. Andrei Vorobyov, who won the overwhelming majority of votes, is a representative of a new trend in political life. Vorobyov gained his managerial experience in the field of entrepreneurship, having created a company in 1991-1998, which became OJSC Russian Sea Group of Companies. Today, the company he founded is one of the largest sellers of fish and seafood in Russia. The company owns a factory in Noginsk, is engaged in the processing of red fish and the production of preserves and red caviar. The group accounts for about 7.1% of the Russian fresh-frozen and chilled fish market. The group's turnover in 2006 was estimated at $100-120 million. How can one sincerely not support the person who created such a business, who gave the opportunity to live with dignity to numerous employees of the company and their families. Of course, skeptics may say that an administrative resource was used there, but it was used before, but no one who used it received such support. Phenomenal elections in Yekaterinburg. Residents elect Evgeny Vadimovich Roizman as the head of the city. Any political strategist knows what a candidate of Jewish origin, who is in confrontation with local authorities, has a previous conviction - victory is practically impossible if there is no "trump ace" up his sleeve.

I want to become a politician! But I don't know where to start...

And the secret of Roizman's victory is that he created and successfully managed the Jewelry House company, he gained his experience in entrepreneurial activity and was able to convince people of his ability to solve complex issues, to be responsible for the well-being of their families. His "trump ace" was the efficiency demonstrated in a real case. Entrepreneurs are faced with the most important problem - the inefficiency of the state structure, a complex and cumbersome system of administrative management. At its core, the principles continue to dominate: "Initiative is punishable", "The authorities know better", "I am the boss - you are a fool." Every entrepreneur, at a certain level of development of his business, faces a problem, he knows and understands it better than an official who sets tasks for him and his industry. Our state machine, having slightly changed, has come down to us since the Soviet period. The people who work there are not inherently bad at all. Looking around in your surroundings, you will surely find an official who can be a wonderful, reliable friend, a brave and talented person. And if you communicate in an informal atmosphere with officials, then make sure that most of them are patriots of their country, worry about its future, want to do something useful, and you can’t even talk about the presence of creative thinking, in elections it manifests itself in in all its glory. It's just that they are within the framework of the hierarchical structure of the bureaucratic structure reflected back in the 19th century by Weber, which does not correspond to the challenges of society in the 21st century. Representatives of state power are not interested in the rational use of funds, and officials are even less concerned about the issues of bringing profit for the state in the implementation of certain tasks. Why? Because the money that officials manage did not get to them in the process of entrepreneurial activity, management often has people who have never risked everything to make a profit, have never been afraid not to pay their people a salary, because they did not earn it, did not calculate the situation in in all possible variations, fearing to burn out and deprive his family of their livelihood. All this can be seen on the surface: economically inefficient road construction sites and the constant laying of asphalt on them, seasonal landscaping of the territory with annual plants and cheap disposable lawn, major repairs of houses before demolition, laying pipes without proper engineering calculations - the list is endless ... Natural the desire of an effective and energetic person, if he has the desire to leave his contribution and mark in history, is to change the current situation. For this, it is worth going to power.

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How to become a politician?

There, one young deputy gave an interview, he told so much nasty things (purely humanly) that no one cares about the country, and that activists who want to change at least something for the best in the country are gagged with grenades in the windows ...
Why would you take it on?

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How to become a political leader

Read also:
  1. PR and relations with public organizations, political parties.
  2. A) within the sanction of an article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation or the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, providing for liability for the corresponding offense
  3. abstract and dissertation on pedagogy 13.00.01 for writing a scientific article or work on the topic: Labor and physical education in Ingush folk pedagogy
  4. Analysis of features for individual cost items.
  5. B. 55. Article 317 encroachment on the life of a law enforcement officer.
  6. Hurt? Should I stop? - he asked.
  7. The most important etymological dictionaries of the Russian language (authors, purpose, structure, dictionary entries, specifics of factual material)
  8. The introduction of the post of President of the USSR and the abolition of Article 6 of the Constitution.
  9. Property rights of a person who is not an owner shall be protected from their violation by any person in the manner prescribed by Article 305 of this Code.
  10. Interaction of the state with political parties

It happens that the lust for power completely takes possession of a person. Every day on the way home from work, he hatches plans to climb the political Olympus. Thoughts are ripening in his head, designed to decide the fate of the homeland and the whole world. He constantly imagines the soft rustle of the wheels of government limousines on the Kremlin paving stones - the quiet sound of power. Laminated crusts of a deputy or a member of the government flash before my eyes, plates with a native surname on leather-covered doors, cars with a “flag” on the number ... “But how is it? he thinks, tossing and turning in the dark nights. - There, Vladimir Vladimirovich is there, and Vladimir Volfovich too, but what about me? Am I worse? Nothing!”

As soon as this truth fits into the brain of the future leader, he has an irresistible desire to become involved in the world that is told in the news. HOW? WELL, OF COURSE, YOU NEED TO WIN THE ELECTION. Elections are the best and most reliable social elevator that will quickly take you to the very top - where there is a secretary with a receptionist, a company car with government numbers and a large telephone that you can easily call where ordinary phones cannot reach.
Unable to withstand internal stress, a young (old) man (woman) jumps out of bed, rushes to the computer and launches the Internet. It is there that he will meet people who call themselves political consultants and image makers. They will teach how to make ordinary people have an irresistible desire to put a tick in front of his name on the ballot. So,
Tip 1. Elections today are won only by those who manage to capture the interests of the majority of interested groups and harmonize them with the interests of the majority of voters. Therefore, first of all, decide with whom you are and whose interests you are ready to express - teachers, doctors, miners, single mothers ... Next, you should search for supporters, allies and assistants. Remember that the most unexpected characters can become allies - from the local district inspector to Anatoly Chubais (depending on the scale of the elections). The most important thing is to convince them how much good you have done in the past and what necessary steps you can take in the future, after winning the elections.
If this task is successfully completed, people with serious faces and quiet voices will appear on your horizon, who will offer you "some help" in exchange for representing their interests. For convenience, we will call them sponsors. If the enthusiasts did not show up, you will have to look for funds for the campaign on your own. First, you should find out which of the powers that be (oligarchs, powerful officials, etc.) have their own interests in your constituency. Secondly, determine who will play against you and ask for help from their "frenemies". The enemies of our enemies are our friends! If you manage to lure some oligarch, consider yourself very lucky. Few of them, the poor, remained in Rus'. And those who are still there are sitting quieter than water below the grass.
When raising funds for an election campaign, you should find out who else your sponsors are investing in. It is important to study the experience of conducting campaigns in similar regions.
Tip 2. We vote not for the program, but for the person. Any, even the most ingenious political doctrine requires a charming, disposable and attractive person for its promotion. Therefore, if you have a knee-deep stomach, not a hair on your head, and your face looks more like the opposite part of the body, it is cheaper to pay for a campaign to a “promising guy” who will represent your interests. Recently popular among the political beau monde, plastic surgery is not an option. Voters are extremely annoyed by the attempts of other politicians to become like Michael Jackson.

Tip 3. Today, voters are interested not so much in political programs as in personal information about the candidate (education, family, etc.). People are always worried about the question: “Who are you and can you be trusted?” This information box must be completed. Otherwise, it will be filled with mass consciousness arbitrarily.

Take care of a convincing biography, which should in every possible way bring you closer to the voters - from a simple family (people do not like intellectuals), I achieved everything myself, I know what hard work and deprivation are ... The main thing here is to learn how to heartfelt talk about your childhood, youth, maturity, loss innocence and daily fierce struggle for daily bread. The invaluable experience of a wallpaper pasteurist or a car washer is presented as an important component of future legislative (administrative) activities.

The stories about the candidate's ill wife, about the love that these people carried through their whole lives, remaining faithful to each other, about worthy children and grandchildren, are well received. In such cases, spontaneous Slavic attachment often works, which is not amenable to logical calculation. Remember, for example, Yeltsin's commercials with his family (1995), which in many ways added "humanity" to his appearance..
Be ready to quickly change the emphasis in your biography according to the expectations of a particular audience. For example, the message “I am a native of the provinces” if necessary changes to the truthful but opposite “I have been living and working in Moscow for a long time”, information about the candidate’s academic degree - to information about industrial success, etc. That is, it is necessary to cultivate in every possible way a sense of community between voters and a candidate (the notorious “We are a feeling”: “We are Russians”, “We are collective farmers”, “We are creative intelligentsia”).

Tip 4. Another principle of conducting a political campaign is the use of simple, understandable language for voters. In no case should a candidate break away from the average intellectual level. The effectiveness of long abstruse speeches or articles is usually zero. Peasants and most urban dwellers reject "the cleverness of the egg-headed intellectuals." In other words, the specifics of Russia is that the majority of voters do not feel sympathy for an intelligent and intellectual politician. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to focus on simple everyday issues that are important and understandable to the majority of voters (raising pensions, scholarships, fighting corruption, increasing the responsibility of officials, etc.).

Tip 5 Even more "eggheads" people do not like the notorious money "bags". As a rule, this is why the nouveau riche, who spent millions on the campaign, lose resoundingly in elections. A classic example is Bryntsalov. Enough and other "heroes." The phenomenon of social envy is very strong in Russian society. Plus, almost half of the population is still ambivalent about business in general and businessmen in particular.

Hence the conclusion - it is extremely contraindicated for a candidate to brag about his income. Defiantly emphasizing that he is a successful and well-to-do person, the candidate automatically turns the majority of voters against him. When a man begins to talk about the troubles of the people, dressed in a suit worth several annual salaries of the minister and wearing a gold watch on his hand, this always causes irritation. In politics, modesty has always been and will be in vogue for a long time to come. However, it is important not to overdo it here. Changing into a jersey, changing patent leather shoes for tarpaulin boots, telling everyone about a difficult childhood and starving parents is an old hackneyed trick. Today, he is hardly misleading.

Tip 6. The psychology of voters is very similar to the psychology of children: both of them value sincerity above all else and do not accept falsehood. And they are very well recognized. That is why even a “cracked” speech, spoken sincerely, is perceived by the audience much better than the ideal impromptu speeches of an experienced demagogue. Remember how annoying the smooth, streamlined speeches of the first and last president of the USSR caused.

Perfect acting and persuasion are two different things. This is often forgotten by “serious” political technologists who are trying to cast an effective image out of a candidate. Sometimes a whole host of image makers teach a person how to answer journalists' questions, how to behave in front of television cameras, how to talk to the "common people" All the "costructural" pronunciation and speech errors are burned out with a red-hot iron. The problem is that along with the shortcomings, what is called personal charm and charisma often disappears. As a result, the "creators" get a candidate that looks a lot like a plastic Barbie doll. He annoys everyone just because everything in him - from the hairstyle to the color of the socks - is chosen in such a way as not to cause irritation to anyone. (There are many “plastic” ones in Russia, for example, in SPS and Yabloko)

An ideal image cannot work effectively even on a virtual level - incongruity and falsehood are felt even in television frames, skillfully "cut" by an experienced editor. The ideal is boring. From the ideal quickly get tired. People are interesting to others not for their banal virtues, but for their cute and original flaws.

That is why any manifestation of natural human behavior in politicians has always caused a massive revival among the people: a drunken Yeltsin conducting a German orchestra; Putin, who promises to kill everyone in the toilet... And Vladimir Volfovich, who poured juice over his opponent in a fit of anger, won the sympathy of the widest audience. The spontaneity of behavior always plays into the hands of politicians. By showing human weaknesses, big politicians become somewhat closer to ordinary people, which increases their attractiveness in their eyes.

The spirit of sincerity is much more important than "set" skills. A politician who sincerely and freely expresses his feelings about a situation, spontaneously expresses his opinion about what is happening, due to such uninhibited behavior, arouses the sympathy of others and thereby sets them up in favor of his opinion. Therefore, the main task of smart image makers is usually, first of all, to liberate the candidate, to remove psychological barriers when communicating with the audience. Let's repeat: the psychology of voters is very similar to the psychology of children. First of all, they value sincerity and do not accept falsehood.

Khrushchev's popularity in America was much higher than in his homeland. If at home he was made the character of numerous jokes, then his visit to the USA raised the rating of the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in this country higher than President Kennedy had then.

How to make a career in United Russia

The simplicity with which Khrushchev carried himself stunned millions of Americans. Against the backdrop of polished politicians, Khrushchev in a baggy suit, with the manners of a provincial farmer and rude humor looked like a "man of the people" - this impressed the vast majority of people.
(Sheinov V.P. "Psychology of great personalities").

Tip 7. Earn the trust of voters. No, you don’t need to beat yourself in the chest and shout in a terrible voice: “Guys, believe me! I won't cheat!" Trust is created in a different way. Try to communicate with voters more often. Do not skimp on personal contacts with people. And most importantly - bring this fact to the attention of a wide audience.

Do you want to know what is the secret of the popularity of the current president of Russia? Everything is very simple. No ads. No administrative resource. No political programs. Just constant news reports and unobtrusive reports from the scene. Here is Putin with the miners. But Putin with the builders. Putin with the military. Putin at the controls of the plane. Putin in the orphanage. Putin in the monastery lights a candle. Putin makes a pilgrimage to the places of Russian history. Putin answers questions from Russians on the phone. Youth rally in support of Putin. Watch with a portrait of Putin on the dial. Rugs with a portrait of Putin on the walls. Bronze busts of Putin in stores ...

Putin is presented in a simple and accessible way. Putin is your boyfriend. Putin is almost a member of the family. Putin is our president! Western experts write: "Trust must be built not on abstract concepts, but on small but convincing facts."

Tip 8 When putting forward your candidacy in the elections, be prepared to experience all the delights of the notorious "black PR" in your own skin. You will learn a lot about yourself.

I was accused of setting fire to the lunatic asylum with all its inhabitants because it spoiled the view from my windows. This was followed by a report that I had poisoned my uncle in order to take possession of his property. The newspaper insistently demanded an autopsy. Finally, the harassment to which the hostile parties subjected me reached its climax: at someone's instigation, during the pre-election meeting, nine kids of all colors of skin and in a variety of rags climbed onto the podium and, clinging to my legs, began to shout: “Dad! Dad!"
(Mark Twain, "How I was elected governor")

If you do not want to be "crushed" by your opponents, do not react to their attacks. Moreover, if instead of retaliatory criticism you begin to justify your actions, the voters will have no doubt that you are guilty of everything that you are accused of. The guilty one is always justified. Or weak. The strong one can only express regret that his opponents stoop to such dirty methods.

Publicly pity your opponents. Be sorry for the fact that they take bribes; for living a double life; for the fact that dirty methods are trying to denigrate you, all so white and fluffy ... Expressing condescending sympathy for your opponents, you seem to take the position of a parent who is upset by unreasonable children. "Parent" is the traditional role-playing status of a leader. Taking on the position of a parent, you carry out a kind of “addition from above” in relation to your opponents. Opponents automatically fall into the position of a "child" who can be rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad. The child is weak and unauthoritative ...

Tip 9. The success of a political leader is always formed on the basis of the coincidence of two factors: the expectations of voters regarding political leadership and the individual characteristics of the leader himself. Here we come close to the concept of a politician's image - the reflection of a candidate's individual traits by his voters, his target audience.

In order for a group to recognize a politician as its leader, it must “see” in him a number of qualities that are important for itself. On the one hand, a political leader must demonstrate such qualities as masculinity, fearlessness, determination, and ruthlessness towards enemies. On the other hand, he must be kind, fair, wise and sensitive towards "his own".
When constructing a leader's type (ie, a set of optimal personality traits that will be demonstrated to voters), it is necessary to take into account the collective tendency of voters to perceive certain myths. Such a propensity is a social experience that is acquired automatically, at an unconscious level. This is a kind of historical memory of the people. Each society has its own "favorite" myths, due to historical, cultural and ethnic factors.

For example, one of the most common Russian myths is based on the opposition: "Good tsar-father - bad boyars." The tsar-father loves the people and wishes them well, but the damned boyars hide the truth about the people's troubles from him... Fancifully transforming over the course of many centuries, this myth lives in the mass consciousness of Russians today. It is actively used by all applicants for the highest state post. Both Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin, having come to power, first of all positioned themselves in opposition to the “bad boyars”: party apparatchiks, bureaucratic officials, oligarchs, etc. This myth is actively used today: "A good president who wishes the people well - bad corrupt officials, criminal oligarchs."
Generally speaking, the coming to power of a new ruler in Russia is always accompanied by general enthusiasm and the growth of popular expectations. Like, here he finally came - a kind and fair gentleman who will judge everyone ... And he will restore order in the eternal Russian mess. In Russia, all new rulers are initially endowed with a large credit of people's trust, in modern terms - a high rating. We will not dwell on the 19th century, when the accession to the throne of the next king-father was always accompanied by general rejoicing and mass festivities. Let's take recent history. Today, it is rarely remembered what kind of popular love Khrushchev enjoyed in the mid-1950s, Brezhnev in the late 1960s, Gorbachev in 1985/86 or Yeltsin in the early 1990s - at the beginning of his reign.
The age-old expectations of Russians for the arrival of a just “father-king” also explains the high rating of V. Putin in 2000-2001. I emphasize that precisely by expectations, and not by semi-mythical “electoral technologies”. (Supposedly, political strategists headed by the cunning Gleb Pavlovsky got together and “made” Putin a rating. Of course, purposeful steps in this direction were taken and are being taken, but they did not de facto determine Putin’s high rating at the beginning of his “reign.” This rating, by the way , gradually begins to deflate in the second half of 2001. Which is fully consistent with the Russian political tradition: “First we love, then we hate.”) Political myths have great power.
However, relying on traditional myths is not enough to permanently reinforce popularity and popular support. This was well shown by the examples of the same Gorbachev and Yeltsin. A leader must demonstrate success, however small. They increase authority and influence on the masses. A leader should always look like a winning hero. - Lectures. No - 2014-2018. (0.033 sec.) All materials presented on the site are for the sole purpose of familiarizing readers and do not pursue commercial purposes or copyright infringement

Young Ukrainians are learning to reflect opponents' arguments in debates and build winning strategies in elections. Some - for the general development, others - intending to make a career as a politician.

Who and why invented the scythe for the leader of the Byutovites, the orange horseshoe of Our Ukraine and the blue and white flag of the Party of Regions, how to organize an election headquarters and win debates in a political talk show - future deputies, young and ambitious, but without millions behind them, today acquire valuable knowledge in numerous courses and trainings.

“Most people will communicate with you on a friendly note, but this does not mean that they will vote for you,” sociologist Yevgeny Kopatko teaches at the three-month “Future Deputy Course”. He and his teaching colleagues, renowned political technologists Dmitry Vydrin and Denis Bogush, and social psychologist Oleg Pokalchuk, teach power-hungry youth how to work with the electorate and campaign. In the audience, no one shouts down, fights or pours drinks on each other - theoretical politics is very tolerant.

Everyone listens with interest and takes notes in a businesslike manner, realizing that in a country where life is divided into before and after elections, there will be little time for self-education. A month of training at deputy courses costs 800 hryvnia, which is symbolic: this is the living wage set by the Cabinet of Ministers from January 1, 2012.

The idea to try oneself in politics looks especially tempting against the backdrop of constantly sounding phrases that there are no worthy leaders in Ukraine. Those who are now from 17 to 33 want to prove that they will be soon.

Schools of future politicians today operate throughout Ukraine. They are organized by youth organizations, political centers, foundations, local deputies. At such meetings, they teach the basics of political science, psychology, law, PR, oratory skills - everything that can be useful in a political career. Courses differ, as a rule, in the level of status of teachers and cost: you can study for 2400 UAH. per month, and absolutely free. The latter option is possible if public organizations get down to business.

In Chernihiv, for example, the association "Youth of the 21st Century" conducts trainings from October to November for those who want to become a political leader. You don't have to pay tuition, but attending classes is a must. Upon completion of the course, a certificate is issued. In addition to him, the participants of the trainings receive an excellent platform for starting a political career in the form of a team of classmates in the courses.

“Politics is the only way to fulfill all the tasks set,” says Oleksiy Belovol, a graduate of the Kyiv political course, enthusiastically, albeit somewhat vaguely.

Alexei has had a passion for politics since his youth: he read books about de Gaulle and Franklin avidly. He made the final decision to embark on this path by participating in the role-playing game "Election of the President of the Republic of Foros". The goal of the game is to win the elections: for this you need to campaign, distribute leaflets and promises - in a word, everything is like in life.

Belovol was so imbued with the idea that he decided: he would work at the headquarters “for his uncle”, understand the nuances of the electoral process and immediately begin the struggle for the deputy chair.

What steps need to be taken to become a successful politician?

He is going to appeal to the youth and entrepreneurs.

The creator of the "Course of the future deputy" Yuriy Lipchevsky from Kyiv welcomes ambitions, but advises to think in a balanced way. His experience shows that in less than 10 years you will not become an influential politician. Here, as in the army, in order to rise to the rank of general, you have to go all the way from a soldier. For those who want to be leaders, Yury recommends “going to the people” more often, communicate with voters (including those who seem not quite adequate) and not hesitate to run for village councils.

A participant in one of the schools of young politicians, a student at the University of Banking, Nazar Odinaev managed to put together his support group in this way. Using membership in one of the parties, in the 2010 elections, he ran for deputies of the district council. He had no budgets, so he distributed leaflets together with a team of like-minded people. Failed to win.
“In order to have a chance to get through, you have to quit your job and deal only with elections for two months,” Nazar shares his experience. The student's triumph was also prevented by the unfriendly interference of third parties - they threatened to beat him up if he was too active a candidate. However, Nazar does not intend to retreat.

“If you don’t get involved in politics, it starts to get involved in you,” says 23-year-old Nazariy Boyarsky. He is the vice-president of the Debate Academy, an all-Ukrainian organization that regularly organizes intellectual role-playing games that are popular in many countries. Teams of debaters try to convince each other that they are right. The range of topics is wide: from human rights to national identity. Persuasion should be done competently - analyzing what was said and giving your arguments, without sophistry and assault. Everyone can become a member of the Debate Academy by filling out the form on the website and paying an annual fee of 60 UAH.

One of the main ideas conveyed here is that debate is not an end in itself. Therefore, to enter into a heated argument with me, for example, that the state language of Ukraine should be made not only Ukrainian, but also Russian, and also, for example, French, Boyarsky refuses. But if this idea were submitted as a bill to parliamentary hearings, Nazariy would begin his speech by saying that this threatens to split the country, and would end up saying that this idea is too costly.

The main thing in the debate is not to separate words and deeds, says Nazariy. That is, if a group of comrades foaming at the mouth (and this happens often) defends the need to take care of the cleanliness of cities, having finished arguing, they take a rake and go to confirm this.

The participants of the debate movement are also inspired by the example of Lesya Orobets. She proved in practice that it is absolutely realistic to change the status of a debater who dreams of becoming a politician to a seat in the Verkhovna Rada, becoming the youngest people's deputy in the history of Ukraine.

The leader of the debate movement in the Donetsk region, Aleksey Verbitsky, became interested in the topic of discussion clubs while still at the university. Now the culture of debating is instilled even in schoolchildren. He is proud of his students - according to Verbitsky's observations, most student actions in Donetsk today are organized by former or current debaters. Such an active civic position, legal knowledge, and most importantly, teamwork skills make the participants in this movement quite real contenders for the role of a new generation of Ukrainian politics.

Olga Nagornyuk

The people in power have great potential. Someone uses this potential for the purpose of their own enrichment, and someone wants to change the lives of their fellow citizens for the better. Therefore, more and more young people are asking the question: how to become a politician?

What qualities should a politician have?

When deciding to become a politician, sensibly evaluate your options. Analyze how your character and temperament correspond to this profession, and at the same time objectively assess whether you have the makings of a political leader.

Good politicians are distinguished by analytical thinking. They know how to build logical chains, skillfully leading their interlocutor to the right conclusions. This skill can be mastered with practice. Try to convince your fellow students of the need to participate in a general university subbotnik, justify your parents' choice of the profession of a politician, prove to your doubting friend that participation in a theater group is a very masculine occupation.

A politician must have a good memory. To be convincing, he needs to keep a lot of numbers in his head, know by face and by name more than one hundred colleagues, opponents and voters, remember historical facts and events of the recent past. If you are not yet able to keep so much information in your mind at the same time, do not despair: there are special exercises that can improve memory.

Diversification is another quality without which one cannot become a good politician. An erudite person always looks more convincing in comparison with an ignoramus. Read scientific literature, follow the events in the country and the world, get acquainted with the analytical articles of political scientists and study the biographies of prominent politicians: W. Churchill, Elizabeth II, M. Thatcher. This not only broadens one's horizons, but also creates an excellent basis for a political career.

The charisma of a leader is the key to political success. People whose energy is able to raise the masses become the first persons of the country. Someone who does not have this magnetism can attend leadership development courses many times, but still remain with the makings of an average person. In this case, choose another profession: it is better to be an excellent doctor or teacher than a mediocre politician.

How to start a political career?

Deciding to finally and irrevocably become a politician, get ready to work hard and hard. Of course, the easiest and surest way to get into the political environment is to use acquaintances and connections. But even in this case, you will have to prove to others that you are not a random person among them. Therefore, it is better to start with work in ordinary positions, because voters sympathize with deputies who made their way to the political Olympus “from the bottom”.

Getting higher education

We advise you to choose specialties related to management, international economics and the study of law. The knowledge gained at the university will become the basis for further study and honing of political skills. As a student, take an active part in the public life of the university: join the student council, take initiatives that will help you win the sympathy of fellow students and teachers and create a good reputation for you.


There are a lot of shelters, boarding schools, nursing homes and other institutions in the country, the inhabitants of which can be patronized. Organize a collection of toys among fellow students for children growing up in an orphanage, give a concert in front of veterans, offer students help to the management of a hospital, hospice, etc. Engage in socially useful work and be always in sight, earning authority for the future.

Membership in the youth movement

Take part in the election campaign. Most likely, at first you will be given the simplest tasks: distribute leaflets, ensure the collection of signatures. But this is also an experience, because you will see from the inside how the candidate promotion system works, and you will be able to learn self-PR.

There is a second option for getting into big politics - to get the position of an assistant to a deputy. This position is quite prestigious, but it is also difficult to take it, because, in addition to good grades in the diploma and knowledge of a foreign language, deputies want to see their assistants also have some experience in politics.

Participation in the life of a public organization

Some aspiring politicians go the other way: they join a public organization and, speaking on its behalf at local council meetings, form their own image of a fighter for justice / animal advocate / champion of human rights (underline as necessary). At the same time, they make useful contacts with well-known people in the city and the region and prepare the ground for their own elections to the council. Further, everything is simple: they become deputies of the district / city council, earn the appropriate reputation and run for the regional council. The ultimate goal could be the State Duma or the Verkhovna Rada.

In politics through production

Most of the men who are now at the helm of the state began their careers not as politicians, but as workers who have gone from an ordinary worker to the head of an enterprise. And only having accumulated vast managerial experience, they entered politics. This way to get into the political environment is the longest, but also the most certain.

Having come into politics, you will inevitably face the need to participate in elections. It's good when you have a party behind you, whose sponsors will support your election campaign with money. However, self-nominated candidates also have chances to win the election race, who enlist the support of big businessmen, promising to lobby their interests in return.

Whom does the electorate vote for? For a person who has an unblemished reputation, who has established himself as a defender of the interests of ordinary citizens and has gone from an ordinary worker to a leader whose name is well known in wide circles.

Voters pay attention to:

  • marital status of the candidate for deputy. Statistics show that married people are more trusted;
  • education. The economist, lawyer, political scientist is more trustworthy than the philologist, culinary specialist and artist;
  • nationality. Alas, we have a prejudice against some nationalities. It is difficult to fight stereotypes, and politicians sometimes even change their surnames to more familiar Slavic ones.

Having decided to become a politician, do not turn into a corrupt politician. Always remember: the fate of people depends on you, and be honest with your voters.

Take it, tell your friends!

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Russia. Numerous reforms in this area have led to the fact that the profession of a politician has become one of the most popular. Many parties of various orientations were created. Naturally, many thought about how to become a politician. The requirements for people in this profession have changed.

The careers of many well-known personalities in this field began with participation in some youth or party organizations of the past. This applies to older people. This is one of the ways to become a politician.

Some, mostly the younger generation, entered the field with no previous experience. They simply share the ideas of a certain political party and strive to bring them to life.

Sometimes the desire to lobby for one's own businesses and professions leads to politics. In this case, it is simply necessary to be in power, to be present in those government bodies that are engaged in the adoption and development of legislative acts of any level.

It should be noted that the question of how to become a politician, you can offer several answers.

The form of policy implementation is One of its types was the political struggle as a way to defend the interests of one's party.

Each politician is a supporter of one or another party or ways of the country's development.

There are a lot of directions in this area and it depends on what strategy you will follow in your activities. Among the main directions of political thought are democracy, conservatism, liberalism, socialism, extremism and political clericalism.

Therefore, before, for example, becoming (which is also directly related to politics), you need to choose for yourself a path that will correspond to your principles.

You can start your political career by working in the ranks. Then, moving up the career ladder, you need to become a supporter of a particular political party and act in accordance with its charter. Next, you need to go to a higher level, moving into republican or district dumas.

Before you become a politician and enthusiastically plunge into this work, you need to choose the target audience whose interests you will defend. The political struggle can be won only by getting the masses interested and showing their readiness and determination to make their lives better. Well, if you manage to bring these projects to life, then you are guaranteed a good political career.

It is also important to find supporters who will share your interests.

If this path has been successfully completed, then perhaps there will be people who are ready to allocate funds for political campaigns in exchange for lobbying their interests. Otherwise, the elections of deputies, in which you will definitely participate, will have to be paid for by yourself.

Before the election race, one must carefully study one's associates and opponents. Perhaps some contacts with them or their support will be useful to you.

Very often, the electorate chooses not a specific program, but a person. Therefore, it will not be superfluous for a politician to have a presentable appearance that inspires confidence and stability.

Here we should also mention the qualities of the character of the future candidate. The people are interested in the marital status of a politician, his education and even nationality. A positive characteristic gives more chances to win the elections. Voters prefer candidates with a simple pedigree (natives of the people), who have come a long way, have achieved everything themselves. In addition, preference is given to family people.

To become a good politician, one must be able to win people over. Therefore, it should be explained in simple, understandable words.

And the last advice: do not advertise your income if it exceeds the average.

Politics is an important social lift that can lift a person to the top of the social hierarchy. However, this does not happen to everyone. It's all about the inconsistency of a person with the requirements of a social institution, as a result of which he does not have much success in this field. And while a true political leader must be born, there is certainly something to be learned.

How to become a successful politician: success criteria

Focusing on the career of a good politician, it is useful to imagine what success in politics is. Within the framework of this subjective concept, we will single out the most objective moments, which will serve as a guide.

  • Probably, the main assessment of any politician is the result of his work. It is expressed both in the private opinion of ordinary citizens, the media, political scientists, and in actually achieved goals. For example, in a successful reform or an implemented project.
  • A politician must inspire the confidence of citizens, have considerable authority.
  • His authority is legitimate. People must be psychologically prepared to obey his decisions, even if they are unpopular.

Steps to success

  1. A good politician must have managerial experience. You can get it from a young age by participating in the activities of socio-political organizations or youth party cells. Another option is to work in informal government structures. For example, in a number of subjects there are youth parliaments, where elections are held and a full-fledged election campaign is organized. All this tempers and forms real ideas about the political struggle.
  2. Constantly learn and develop. There are many requirements for a politician, because he is a public person. The ability to behave correctly, to speak competently and clearly, to be competent in many matters - all these qualities must be had as initial capital. The education of a professional manager will also be useful.
  3. The ability to confidently present oneself in public, to present one's own opinion positively, are the undoubted advantages of a politician. You need to find qualities in yourself (preferably real ones) that can be presented as your undoubted advantages. They will work for the image. For example, one politician is known as a philanthropist, another for a sports lifestyle, and a third is a wonderful family man. Such traits are always attractive to society, which means they will provide political support.
  4. Be more flexible in behavior, thinking. Learn to understand and accept other people's views. A real successful politician should listen to the opinions of others, take the best from other people's experience, catch people's requests in a timely and accurate manner. And all this to combine with their principles, from which you can never deviate.
  5. We must try to work on the development of political thinking. Without this, the policy is worthless. It allows you to clearly reflect the social position and choose the content side of behavior. This concept includes:
  • the ability to perceive the events of reality in a complex way. When an ordinary person looks at the road and sees potholes, this is how he perceives and understands the problem. And the politician behind this sees an article in the budget, an election promise, a demand from the opposition. Therefore, one should try to develop in oneself the ability to evaluate facts from different angles and points of view;
  • the ability to anticipate the outcome of one's promises or actions. Even in ordinary things, we sometimes do not think about the consequences. A politician, like a good chess player, sees several steps ahead. When studying politics, try to predict the outcome of actions, and for this, make balanced and deliberate decisions;
  • the breadth of thinking makes it possible to consider what is happening in a political context. People are demanding higher wages, but is it economically justified? Society calls for the abolition of urgent conscription, but is it geopolitically expedient? Try to look at any events through the prism of political consequences and meanings.

The components of an accomplished politician are a natural gift combined with good preparation. Almost every person who can honestly say to himself: “Yes, I want to go into politics and I know why I need it” is able to develop this foundation.

In your opinion, what skills, knowledge and personal qualities of character should a successful politician have? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

The very concept of a good politician is quite subjective. Everyone puts their own meaning in. But in its most general form, it is a leader who meets the requirements and expectations of the population and expresses their needs.

In order to become a good politician, it is necessary to possess a number of qualities that the population ascribes to an ideal leader. This image is constantly evolving in the eyes of Russians. Meanwhile, it is possible to identify a number of common features that citizens characterize the ideal leader.

Power for a politician should not be an end in itself

A politician must be able to prove to the population that power itself is not an end in itself for him. This requirement is inherent in the political culture. Thus, the analysis of Russian folklore and fairy tales, which was carried out by Russian political scientists, demonstrates that the positive heroes do not seek power, while the negative ones are obsessed with the mania of domination. In them, the sacred function of the leader is protection from the negative impact of unearthly forces, which should ensure stability and public well-being. Such requirements are still present in the political consciousness of Russians, and on the basis of compliance with them, real politicians are evaluated. According to modern ideas of Russians, the leader of the state should, first of all, take care of the interests of the country and his people, and only then - about his own.

High moral character

The ideal leader must have high moral principles and be guided by them when making political decisions. The moral and ethical component is always present in the political demand of Russians. They are extremely intolerant of the dishonesty and selfishness of the leader.

According to public opinion polls in 2000, Russians would like to see a leader, first of all, fair, honest, humane, caring for the people, etc. Now these characteristics also occupy an important place, however, they give way to the parameter of strength and personal activity.

Political will and strength

The request for a strong politician is traditional for the Russian consciousness. Personal strength reinforces the attractiveness of a politician. This parameter is characterized through such components as age, intellectual resources, psychological stability, the ability to protect the interests of the country, and much more. The bearer of power is required to guarantee stability.

Today, Russians primarily attribute such characteristics as firmness and rigidity to the ideal politician. He had to be capable, not indifferent to his citizens, independent. He is expected to be able to clearly formulate the goals of the country's development and possess strategic thinking.

The Russians are not ready to put up with an indecisive and passive leader. And the difficult foreign policy situation only strengthens the prevailing mass opinion that the country needs a strong and decisive leader who pursues an independent policy and is ready to take responsibility for his decisions and actions.

External attractiveness and charisma

Inner charisma is one of the foundations of formation. But according to ongoing research in the field of the image of the ideal president, Russians are quite tolerant of Russians to the external shortcomings of a politician. They are ready to put up with an unpleasant appearance and lack of charm.

Personal characteristics of a leader

The rest of the qualities that a political leader should have are related to his personal skills. He must be an effective leader, wise, able to assemble a team.

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