How dare you? Why was Buzova cut out of the gala concert on Channel One? Olga Buzova lost consciousness on stage Buzova became ill at a concert in the Olympic.


The famous TV presenter, and now also the singer Olga Buzova, took part in the Big Love Show festival. The beauty performed two super hits: "To the sound of kisses" and "I'm getting used to it." Fluttering onto the stage in a snow-white trouser suit in the company of four dancers, Olga said: “Hello, my beloved city!” The audience greeted their favorite with a standing ovation, and the twelve thousandth Ice Palace of St. Petersburg sang in the voice of her song.

Despite the fact that Olga is now going through a difficult period in her life after a divorce, she is doing well, and plunged headlong into work. Buzova sings in such a way that she reached the first lines of the hit parade, but it seems that this is not enough for her. From her performance, she decided to make a mini-show as well.

// Photo: Mikhail Sadchikov Jr.

Behind the snow-white suit, in which she either jumps or dances, many did not notice Olga's silver stilettos - an obvious new thing from the eminent designer, which Buzova had not yet had time to really “run in”. During her performance, she pointed out these shoes to the dancers several times. When the first song ended, Olga opened her jacket and trousers with an elegant movement, after which she remained in a lace red bodysuit. Toward the end of the second number, she turned to one of the dancers, whispering something in his ear.

Then Olga approached him, and the athletic guy famously picked up the fragile girl, carrying her in his arms to the stairs leading to the stage. All this was done to music. Therefore, some viewers did not even guess that the Petersburger had fainted. However, Buzova's fans began to worry about their idol.

// Photo: Mikhail Sadchikov Jr.

Olga came to her senses for several minutes, and the StarHit correspondent saw her rubbing her sore legs. That evening, the star decided to ignore communication with journalists: pulling the hood over her head, she then rushed past, limping.

In her microblog, Olga Buzova thanked the fans for their support and apologized for being overwhelmed with emotions. By the way, earlier the star admitted that she was very nervous before the performance. "Mocovered palms, legs give way, my heart beats so hard that I can hear it knocking, ”she shared.

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One of her dancers carried her off the stage in his arms [video]

Health has already begun to fail the TV presenter

Olga Buzova does not hide the fact that, due to the busy schedule of filming, rehearsals and promotion of her new songs, she does not have time to eat, get enough sleep, and even works seven days a week. And it seems that health has already begun to fail the TV presenter.

Yesterday, at a big concert Big love show in St. Petersburg, the star of Dom-2 barely had time to finish the song when she felt bad. She asked one of her dancers to carry her off the stage. Since the whole show was broadcast on large screens, the audience of the concert saw that one of the dancers of the singer's group hastily carried her off the stage in his arms. As the TV star herself later admitted on her Instagram, her dad, who was sitting in the hall, was very scared at that moment for her and took a promise from her daughter to take care of herself more, but Buzova’s grandmother decided that such an original granddaughter leaving the stage was part of the act.

Let me remind you that this is not the first time that Olga loses consciousness during performances. The first time this happened to her was on the recording of the New Year's program for Doma-2. Now the doctors recommended her complete rest until her body is fully restored.

Recall that Buzova launched such an active activity after a divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. In a very short time, the TV star bought herself a new apartment and climbed into the I Tunes rankings with her hits “To the Sound of Kisses” and “Get Used”.


Olga Buzova about her fall on stage: It's good that grandma didn't understand anything

Olga Buzova passed out on the Big Love Show. One of her dancers carried her off the stage in his arms.

Olga Buzova feels like a world diva. The former participant of the reality show gave a concert on a Hollywood scale. A new concert at one of the most prestigious venues in Moscow cost the TV star 30 million rubles.

“This is not just a concert. This is a real show with a certain idea, idea, with my mood,— says Olga Buzova.

But they took Olga Buzova in different ways. Some gleefully danced to her rhythms in the fan zone, while others lashed out with angry criticism.

Almost eight thousand people came to listen to Olga! There was a full house in the auditorium, but the VIP zone turned out to be half empty. The VIPs whom Olga was looking forward to did not show up. Alla Pugacheva with her husband Maxim Galkin, Philip Kirkorov and Andrey Malakhov referred to urgent matters and did not come to honor Olga Buzova with their attention.

- An order was given to him to the west, to her in the other direction, - Philip Kirkorov laughs off the question of the Gossip Chronicle.

— you looked atYouTube her show? Did you like it?

- I'm not very good with the internet. Instagram barely mastered it. Actually, I think it's evil!

But former reality show colleagues, with whom she did not have the warmest relationship, came to appreciate the talent of the star: Ksenia Borodina and Alena Vodonaeva. Another outrageous member of "House 2", Rustam Solntsev, did not go to the concert, but expressed his opinion.

- Olga, now I'm also your fan. I especially liked your descent on a rope in shorts and a curtain. I really want to be loved and adored. Plus those famous muzzles. Are you sure that they love you as sincerely as I do or, for example, Kolya Dolzhansky? Everyone knows about your conflict and this conflict has not gone away.

In pursuit, Rustam posted a fragment of Buzova's concert on the net and openly laughed at her.

Many were struck by the number when Olga, with the help of invisible cables, soared over the auditorium like a bird. This trick cost her almost a million rubles!

- There was no insurance. “What are you, how can you rise to such a great height?” And without insurance. The first thing the parents said: “What are you doing with us, daughter?”— says Olga Buzova.

Many publications called Buzova's show an outright failure.

- The number of people in the hall is not always identical to the number of tickets sold. Because a visual full house is good, but it is far from always being ticketed, there are a lot of invitations. The average price there is about three thousand rubles, so the shaft could be around 20 million rubles. We see that even the cost of staging did not even pay off. Well, okay, for her, this is an advertisement., - explains in the commentary to the program " Gossip column» columnist Alexey Ostudin.

It turns out that the net loss amounted to ten million rubles, but Olga can afford it. The singer occupies the sixth position in Forbes magazine with an income of almost four million dollars. Buzova even got ahead of Ksenia Sobchak!

“The worst thing for me is to dance. Because I have no problems with vocals, Buzova proudly declares.

Buzova's concert was also attended by the popular actor and blogger Stanislav Sadalsky. He also posted a photo from the artist's performance and posted a big indignant comment under it.

- In our country, everything is possible ... A girl who cannot sing, does not have a voice, and dances poorly, has become a universal singer. She needs a Grammy.

Despite the solid loss and the angry statements of envious people and haters, Olga was satisfied with her show. And right after it, she went to an after-party in one of the most expensive restaurants in the capital, where she sang all her songs for an encore!

Earlier, Channel Five said that his mistress and his illegitimate daughter criticized the singer's relatives.

Complex and sometimes contradictory choreography has become a kind of hallmark of Olga Buzova. The singer and the audience of her concerts delighted with her pas during a tour of the cities of the Far East. Such selflessness cost her dearly.


After the final performance on her Instagram page, Olga Buzova recorded a story that her tour had come to an end and thanked all her fans. After she posted a short video there, which made her fans seriously scared about the well-being of the star. "I can't walk," admitted Olga Buzova.

Note that earlier she shared with subscribers stories about how her aching leg is treated by a chiropractor, and also how she is trying to bring the limb back to normal on her own. Apparently, the injury turned out to be more serious and requires more careful care. Now fans are afraid that Olga Buzova will not be able to please them so often with her performances.

Note that the singer's tour of the Far East was not without scandals. Some saw in her gesture in the photo next to the monument "Russia Begins Here" a Nazi salute. The most attentive, however, noted that the singer simply showed her signature gesture on her outstretched hand - the letter L folded from the thumb, index and middle fingers.

However, as Vadim Manukyan, a member of the expert council for the development of the information society and the media at the State Duma, noted in a conversation with website, it doesn't justify it. “Olga Buzova often, because of her ignorance, takes such actions and takes such steps that eventually turn into scandals. It’s the same story with this gesture. Doesn’t she understand what an upraised hand is associated with in this form? And if she doesn’t understand It's a pity," he said.

Corporate events, hard work at Dom-2, recording an album and shooting a video - the 31-year-old TV presenter has almost no time left for sleep, and even more so for rest. The girl repeatedly went to the doctors because of poor health, and just before the New Year, Buzova, who had lost consciousness, was completely taken away from the set. Doctors never tire of repeating: the schedule is too busy, it is necessary to slow down. However, Buzova is in no hurry to listen to the advice of doctors, stating in her interviews that she will rest in retirement.

At a concert in St. Petersburg dedicated to the upcoming Valentine's Day, Olga Buzova needed emergency medical intervention. During the performance of the hit "To the Sound of Kisses," the singer felt dizzy and darkened in her eyes. The dancers barely had time to catch the girl who was losing her balance. The headliner of the show had to sing the song in the arms of the men who took her to the dressing room, where Olga received medical assistance. According to the representative of the singer, now everything is in order with her, but the doctors prescribed the artist a strict bed rest.

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