How Konstantin Evgenievich quarreled with Yuri Yulianovich. A magazine for the intellectual elite of society No more arrogance is born in complexes


Friends, here is a quote from a recent chat with Konstantin Kinchev. Very entertaining.

mikluho:Konstantin Evgenevich, the new song Rock and Roll is such an answer to Shevchuk. What prompted you to "go through" one of your former comrades-in-arms like that?
Konstantin_Kinchev:First of all, Shevchuk remains a comrade-in-arms. Just saying that rock 'n' roll is me seemed brash and presumptuous to me. And so the song was born

After reading this, I was naturally intrigued. Well, I found the text of this very new song on the net. Here he is.


I don't remember exactly, but someone said that rock-n-roll is it.
In complexes, arrogance is born, nothing more.
I remember a time when there was not enough room for every string to ring,
And every sound dreamed of dying for nature.

There were few of us, Makarevich was right - the bitterness of losses grew stronger in battles.
Rock then bordered on a prison, but was waiting for a change.
To the rhythm of Mike, to the chords of B.G. I opened this door
And like Tsoi, he rocked the night with the pulsation of veins.

We move along the strings of hearts
Counting nights as days.
We are few, but while we are on the way
In us it burns with open fire

We were together according to the laws of war - each on his own line,
We exchanged the truth for pain - it was easier to breathe that way.
When one of us broke into a peak on the next turn,
We asked not to vote and not to see off.

The fire of SashBash has not sated life, metal yearns for the Plague,
Krupa's pulse - "And I remain" cannot be changed.
Ori Garik to them, throw out the “Cry” with pain, as Revyakin rightly said:
“When our fires are blown out, you will be shivering.”

Shakhrin, Borzykin, Letov, Nick Rock-n-roll, Shklyarsky, Ay-yai-yai, Ricochet,
Shumov, Grigoryan, Chistyakov, Pig, Parashchuk.
Vasiliev, Fedorov, Samoilovs, Chizh, Sklyar, Butusov, Yanka, Pate,
Prince, Galanin, Chacha, Pot, Damn it Spider.

Of course, this is clearly not all in the list of worthy names,
Who managed to fill the hearts with the pain of the string.
I don't remember exactly, but someone said that rock-n-roll is it
And I decided to put the question: - who are we then?

08/28/2005. Saba

And here, if anyone suddenly does not know, is the text of the song by Yuri Yulianovich Shevchuk, which so angered Konstantin Evgenievich.


There were better times, there were more honorable
Rains burned down and merry coups, nights died without days
There were times and stricter, but they were just - drink, eat, and walk
Drunken faces pounded and writhed the songs of our merry flocks

There were cleaner times, but they were simple - neither yes nor no
Rock and roll was born in one thousand nine hundred and a half years
Our songs are love and hunger, spring rose to our songs
Hammer and sickle thrashed our throats, war blessed our world
Mom, this is rock and roll, rock is me

When power was lying on the street, in front of drunken scourges
And the eagle looked like a chicken, and the country was just a draw
When the wind burned our hands, tore the history of the barricades
On love, only torn trousers, but a cruel hungry look
Mom, this is rock and roll, rock is me

And, stuffed into the pockets of speech, the future is your mother!
You climbed on my shoulders, and on the stage the army died
And we exchanged wine for water, pulling bows from the ashes
For violins that can easily die from this longing
Mom, this is rock and roll, rock is me

So, of course, you will forgive me, but, in my opinion, this is complete nonsense. Showdown in the style: "Take your toys do not pee in my potty." Only we still lacked arguments about who did more for rock and roll - Kinchev or Shevchuk? I somehow understand Shevchuk's song in a completely different way, in the sense that rock and roll is his essence, he devoted his whole life to it and, as it were, dissolved in it. In addition, in our troubled times, you can only talk about yourself. He said about himself that rock and roll is everything to him. And Kinchev here listed a whole list of surnames. It is unlikely that BG in its current state will be delighted at the mention of it in connection with the concept of "rock and roll", it is unlikely that the Samoilov brothers are such rockers, it is unlikely that Spider and Pate are so suitable for this company, not to mention Vasiliev. In general, you must answer first of all for yourself, and others will figure it out themselves. Moreover, the essence of the dispute is absolutely stupid. I remember an anecdote:
Doorbell. A woman comes to the door and asks: Who is there?
- Mom, it's me - a child's voice is heard.
- No, mom is meaaaaa
Somehow even ashamed of our veterans. Only for some reason no one remembers the old song of Vladimir Shakhrin and the CHAIF group. Here's about this one.

Rock "n" Roll is me

After all, we are his children, Rock "n" Roll is me!!!

We played obliviously, mediocre strumming.
We did a lot just like that, in the heat of the moment.
But I love those days of diamond days.
When I was with my best friends.

We took chords, climbing on the table.
And everyone liked this rock "n" roll of ours.
But those who liked him, I have not met.
And those with whom I sang, almost lost.

I love listening to modern Rock "n" Roll.
He is back in fashion, he is undeniably good.
But it seems to me that he will lose a lot without such guys,
After all, we are his children, Rock "n" Roll is me!!!

How to deal with this? Why didn't anyone resent it then or now?

Crosspost in

"Rock and roll
(Rock n roll is us)"
(K. Kinchev)

Included in the album


MK chat with K. Kinchev, 10/18/2005:

New song "Rock and Roll" - turned out as a response to Shevchuk<Имеется в виду песня Ю. Шевчука - из альбома ДДТ "Единочество I" 2002 г. - С.К.>. What prompted you to "go through" one of your former comrades-in-arms like that?
- First of all, Shevchuk remains an ally. It's just that his statement that "rock 'n' roll is me" struck me as cocky and presumptuous. Apparently this was the reason for this song.

K. Kinchev:

Shevchuk once sang: "Mom, this is rock and roll. Rock is me." Beauty is simple! How do you personally feel about the cult of personality in music?
- As well as to the cult of personality in life... Yes, and to the cult in general... Such statements by Yulianich are tendentious and, therefore, superficial, to put it mildly.

From an interview with K. Kinchev, Moskovsky Komsomolets, 2005:

I accidentally found out about a project that has not yet been implemented in the spirit of "All this is rock and roll." Allegedly, in your new song there are lines that sound something like "someone told me that rock is it ...". And the song is dedicated, if I understood correctly, "a little bit of everything", from BG to the late Pig. What is this a tribute to memory, nostalgia for the old days?
Team site visitor
- I'm pleasantly surprised by the level of your knowledge... To be honest, you intrigued me... The song was written at the end of August, and go ahead, you already know?!:) This song has no special purpose, so... reflections about what This is rock 'n' roll in my understanding.

From an interview with K. Kinchev, "Rovesnik" magazine, 2007:

A year and a half ago, a lot of rock musicians took part in the recording of your song "Rock and Roll - This is Us". There were rumors that a big concert was planned, followed by a television broadcast with the participation of all the guests. Will this promotion take place?
- Unfortunately, it won't. For a banal reason: the leadership of Channel One considered it very troublesome to deal with all these self-sufficient people. They are accustomed on TV that those who work with them do everything at the "click and blow of the trainer's whip", and how tame animals jump on the pedestals. But this did not happen here, all the musicians are fully accomplished people, they don’t care whether they show them on TV or not. Everyone has their own concert schedule, it was necessary to adapt in order to bring everyone together, to show tact, which the workers of Channel One were not used to. As a result, the project was buried, because Konstantin Ernst, who was sincerely fired up with the idea, was reported from below "what bastards and bastards they are, these rock musicians" and rolled out a colossal estimate, winding up on all counts. Kostya looked and realized that this is a huge headache that he does not need, and the channel, in general, is focused on entertainment and pop music.
- Will the song itself be released?
- Yes. The song took place, we recorded it! And they waited with the publication because the dates of the concert were postponed, and then this story ended altogether. Well, figs with him, the song will come out anyway.
- They said that the clip should also come out.
- Only the working moments of the recording were filmed. It will be possible to mount if someone undertakes it.
- The word "rock-n-roll" probably sounds most often in the songs of "Alisa". What does it mean for yourself?
- That's what I do. My profession. Moreover, it turns out that it smoothly flows into a lifestyle. For me, it's almost the same. As I live, so I breathe, as I breathe, so I live - this is rock and roll. What's in my heart, I share.

From an interview with K. Kinchev, 2007:

I don't remember exactly, but someone said that rock and roll is already dead. Nevertheless, last year you recorded your song, which is a kind of continuation of the famous "It's All Rock and Roll". Does this mean that Russian rock is alive? And if so, how clear do you think the signs of this life are? What prevents him from living, but what does not allow him to die to the end?
Kinchev: - As long as people who are reverent about the word are alive, it’s premature to talk about any “death of Russian rock” ...

KM.Ru: ...I would very much like to hear your impressions of participation in the recording of the song "Alisa" "Rock and Roll".
- There were a lot of people there! Kostya, I must say, approached the process very thoroughly. In such things, I was usually embarrassed by the fact that people did everything in a very organized and casual way. Say, I composed a song here, and you come and sing it. And here everything was clearly verified. There were no misunderstandings, and Kostya explained everything very clearly. The studio also had a shift ready, and there were no tedious expectations. In principle, such cooperation should be at the level of the uncorrupted meaning of the word "assembly". When everyone brings brick by brick, there is something fundamental in this, on which one can continue to stand and build. Very often, such projects roll down to the level of a party, when everyone seems to be their own, but there is no result. And benefits, because it is not purposeful and meaningless. I won't give examples, but there are many. Strategic participation is already required from us here so that this does not turn into dust, noise and uproar. In general, I have great confidence in what Kostya Kinchev does ...

There were few of us, Makar was right... - apparently, a reference to the song of the leader of the TIME MACHINE group - A. Makarevich (b. 1953) - "Battle with fools". See an excerpt from it:

When the last enemy fell
Trumpet lost the victory
It was only at that moment that I realized
How few of us are left.

Mike (1955-1991) - .

like Tsoi, rocking the night with the pulsation of veins... - see song excerpt (1962-1990)

"In our laughter and in our tears,
And in the pulsation of the veins:
We are waiting for changes!"

SashBash - the nickname of Alexander Bashlachev (1962-1988) - a brilliant rock bard who committed suicide in February 1988.

Plague - the nickname of Igor Chumychkin (1965-1993) - the guitarist of the ALISA band in 1988-93, who committed suicide on April 12, 1993.

Groats - Anatoly Krupnov (1965-1997) - leader of the BLACK OBELISK group.

"I stay" - album of the group BLACK OBELISK in 1994.

Garik - Garik Sukachev (b.1959) - leader of the Brigade C (1986-1994) and UNTOUCHABLE groups.

Revyakin Dmitry (b. 1964) - leader of the KALINOV MOST group.

"When our fires are blown out, you will be shivering" - a line from the song of the band KALINOV MOST "Siberian March". See excerpt:

..We are tired of smoldering.
The humps crackled.
We are ready to burn.
Cheekbones reduces: "In the rear!"
It's up to you
With a skillful hand, bring down the flame.
But when our fires die
You will be pissed off...

Shevchuk , Yuri (b. 1957) - leader of the DDT group.

Shakhrin , Vladimir (b. 1959) - leader of the CHAY-F group.

Borzykin , Mikhail (b. 1962) - .

Nickname Rock-n-roll (b. 1960) - Siberian punk rock musician.

Shklyarsky , Edmund (b. 1955) - .

Oh no no no - the nickname of Evgeny Fedorov (b. 1965) - the leader of the Tequilajazzz group.

Ricochet - the nickname of Alexander Aksyonov (1964-2007) - the leader of the OBJECT OF MISKERY group.

Letov , Egor (1964-2008) - leader.

Grigoryan , Armen (b. 1960) - leader of the KREMATORIUM group.

Chistyakov , Fedor (b. 1967) - leader of the ZERO group.

Pig - the nickname of the punk rocker Andrey Panov (1960-1998) - the leader of the group AUTOMATIC SATISFACTORS.

Parashchuk , Sergey (b. 1966) - leader of the NEP group.

Vasiliev , Alexander (b. 1969) - leader of the SPLIN group.

Fedorov , Leonid (b. 1963) - leader of the AUKTSION group.

Samoilovs - Vadim and Gleb - brothers - leaders,

Chizh - the nickname of Sergei Chigrakov (b. 1961) - the leader of the Chizh and Co group. He also worked in the groups "Extended Day Group" ("GPD"), "Different People", "Colonel and Fellow Soldiers", "Shiva".

Sklyar, Alexander (b. 1958) - leader of the VA-BANK group.

Butusov , Vyacheslav (b. 1961) - leader.

Yanka Dyagileva (1966-1991) - Novosibirsk punk rock singer.

Pate - Leader of I.F.K. ???

prince - Andrey Knyazev (b. 1973) - one of the leaders of the KOROL and SHUT group.

Galanin , Sergey (b. 1961) - leader of the EARRING group.

Chacha - the nickname of Alexander Ivanov (b. 1968) - the leader of the NAIV group.

Pot - Mikhail Gorshenyov (b. 1973) - one of the leaders of the group KING and SHUT.

Crap - the nickname of Ilya Knabenhof (b. 1972) - the leader of the PILOT group.

Spider - the nickname of Sergei Troitsky - the leader of the CORROSION OF METAL group.

Rock'n'Roll Lyrics:

I don't remember exactly, but someone said that rock-n-roll is it.
In complexes, arrogance is born, nothing more.
I remember a time when no string was given a chance to ring
And every sound dreamed of dying for nature.

There were few of us, Makar was right - the bitterness of losses grew stronger in battles.
Rock then bordered on a prison, but was waiting for a change.
To the rhythm of Mike, to the chords of B.G. I opened this door
And like Tsoi, he rocked the night with the pulsation of veins.

We move along the strings of hearts
Counting nights, days.
We are few, but while we are on the way
In us it burns with open fire

We were together according to the laws of war - each on his own line,
We exchanged truth for pain - it was easier to breathe that way.
When one of us broke into a peak on the next turn,
We asked not to vote and not to see off.

The fire of SashBash was not sated with life, metal yearns for the Plague,
Krupa's pulse - "I remain" cannot be changed.
Ori Garik to them, throw out the “Cry” with pain, as Revyakin said with his heart:
"When our fires are blown out, you will be chilled."

Shevchuk, Shakhrin, Borzykin, Nick Rock-n-roll, Shklyarsky, Ay-yai-yai, Ricochet,
Letov, Grigoryan, Chistyakov, Pig, Parashchuk.
Vasiliev, Fedorov, Samoilovs, Chizh, Sklyar, Butusov, Yanka, Pate,
Prince, Galanin, Chacha, Pot, Damn it Spider.

Of course, this is clearly not all in the list of worthy names,
Who managed to fill the hearts with the pain of the string.
I don't remember exactly, but someone said that rock-n-roll is it
And I decided to put the question: - who are we then?

Download the program-collection of chords of the group

I don't remember exactly, but someone said that rock-n-roll is it.
In complexes, arrogance is born, nothing more.
I remember a time when no string was given a chance to ring
And every sound dreamed of dying for nature.

There were few of us, Makar was right - the bitterness of losses grew stronger in battles
Rock then bordered on a prison, but was waiting for a change.
To the rhythm of Mike, to the chords of B.G. I opened this door
And like Tsoi, he rocked the night with the pulsation of veins.

Counting nights as days.
We are few, but while we are on the way
In us it burns with open fire
(everything, highlighted by BG)

We were together according to the laws of war - each at his own turn
(Sukachev and Shakhrin)
We changed the truth for pain - it was easier to breathe
When one of us broke into a peak on the next turn,
We asked not to vote and not to see off

The fire of SashBash was not sated with life,
Metal yearns for the Plague,
Krupa's pulse - "I remain" cannot be changed.
Shout out to them Garik, throw out "Cry" with pain,
(Sklyar and Galanin)
as Revyakin said with his heart:
“When our fires are blown out, you will be shivering.”

We move along the strings of hearts
Counting nights as days.
We are few, but while we are on the way
In us it burns with open fire
(everything, highlighted by BG)

Shevchuk, Shakhrin, Borzykin, Nick Rock-n-roll, Shklyarsky, Ay-yai-yai, Ricochet,
Letov, Grigoryan, Chistyakov, Pig, Parashchuk
Vasiliev, Fedorov, Samoilovs, Chizh, Sklyar, Butusov, Yanka, Pate,
Prince, Galanin, Chacha, Pot, Damn it Spider.

Of course, this is clearly not all in the list of worthy names,
Who managed to fill the hearts with the pain of the string.
I don't remember exactly, but someone said that rock-n-roll is it
And I decided to put the question: - who are we then?

We move along the strings of hearts
Counting nights as days.
We are few, but while we are on the way
In us it burns with open fire

rock and roll
rock and roll
(All) I do not remember exactly, but someone said that the rock-n-roll - this is it.
In the complexes of arrogance is born, not more than that.
I remember a time when all the string was not given a chance to chime
And every sound wanted to die for nature.

There were few, Makar was right - in the battle grew stronger the bitterness of losses
Rock then bordered the prison, but was waiting for a change.
By Mike rhythm, chords BG I would open the door
And Choi, rocked the night throbbing veins.

As we lit the open fire
(All stands BG)

We were together under the laws of war - each in his turn
(Sukachev and Shahrin)
We changed the truth of the pain-so it was easier to breathe
When one of us broke into a dive at the next bend,
We were asked not to wake and escort

Fire SashBasha not get enough of life,
Plague yearns for metal
Pulse Cereals - "I"m staying" not be changed.
Ori them Garik, pain vyplesni "Crying"
(Sklar and Galanin)
how Revyakin said:
"When zaduyut our fires, you will shiver."

We are moving on the strings of hearts
Considering the night the day.
We are few, but we are on the road
As we lit the open fire
(All stands BG)

Shevchuk, Shahrin, Borzykin, Nick Rock-n-roll, Shkliarsky, Ai-yai-yai, Ricochet,
Letov, Grigoryan, Chistyakov, Pig, Parashchuk
Vasilyev, Fedorov, Samoilov, Siskin, Sklyar, Butusov, Janka, Pate,
Prince, Galanin, Chacha, Pot, Hell yes Spider.

Of course, this is clearly not in the list of all decent names
Who was able to fill the heart strings of pain.
I do not remember exactly, but someone said, if rock-n-roll - this is it
So I decided to put the question - and then who are we?

We are moving on the strings of hearts
Considering the night the day.
We are few, but we are on the road
As we lit the open fire

rock and roll
rock and roll

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