How to properly comment on a child. How to make a business-like, non-offensive remark


" № 22/2011

How this article will help: You will learn when and how to discuss the mistakes of subordinates, as well as whether to criticize the boss.
What will save you from: From misunderstandings or conflicts with employees who considered your comments unfair or incorrect.

Pointing out their shortcomings to subordinates is a common thing, because a rare boss is 100 percent satisfied with his employees. Reasonable criticism is often one of the most effective tools of motivation. However, it is very difficult to correctly and effectively reprimand people. In this article, we will talk about how the chief accountant scolds employees so as not to discourage them from working.

Rules for constructive criticism

Criticism is an art. Competent criticism makes people want to correct mistakes, increases self-esteem and strengthens self-confidence. Therefore, the main task of any manager who makes a remark to an employee is not to scare or punish him, but to help him cope with the situation and lead to the desired result. Here are some tips on how to communicate with a subordinate who gave you a reason to criticize.


Inept criticism will only discourage the subordinate from the desire to improve.

Discuss employee failures in private. A public scolding will not only confuse, but also humiliate a person, and also create a barrier between you. And without the consent and trust of the employee, lost in the educational struggle, it will be very difficult to achieve good results.

Don't procrastinate the conversation, it is desirable to conduct a "debriefing" immediately, as soon as the employee made a mistake. No need to arrange a dressing at the end of the working day or before lunch, so as not to cause additional irritation in the opponent. And do not remind a person of all his sins over the past few years - otherwise you will look like a vengeful fury.

Common mistake

No need to have a "debriefing" at the end of the day - it's better to criticize as soon as an error is discovered.

Calm and friendly tone- one of the main secrets of communication. Do not pretend to be a formidable teacher who reprimands a delinquent student. Remember that no one is perfect, including yourself.

Praise before criticizing. There are positive moments in the work of each employee, voice them. This will create a trusting atmosphere, as well as reduce the tension of the opponent and set him up for a constructive conversation.

Formulate comments clearly and precisely. Those whom you criticize must clearly understand what is required of them. In a conversation, use "I-messages" - instead of condemning the act of the interlocutor, describe your emotional state that arose as a result. For example: "I'm worried about the situation. I think it would be better." With the help of such phrases, you will not be able to offend the interlocutor, because you do not evaluate his actions, but only express your feelings.

Do not identify the person with the problem. You are faced with the task of correcting the quality of the work of the subordinate, and not himself. If you get personal, then the person will stop perceiving your words and move away from you. Do not blame, because you need to find a solution together, and not humiliate or trample the employee.

How to Criticize Employees with Different Temperaments

Discussing with subordinates their weaknesses, it is necessary to take into account their individual characteristics - character, mood, work experience. You can joke with someone, but your ironic tone can offend someone. Timid - to cheer up, and to those who deliberately do not do the work, to make tough demands. Criticize newcomers more gently, be condescending and offer your own methods for correcting errors. Be sure to let an experienced employee speak, perhaps he has good reasons why he did not cope with the task.

Let's consider accounting employees belonging to different types of temperament, and give recommendations on how to best criticize them.


Tatyana, Deputy Chief Accountant. Tatyana is an active and hard-working girl. I joined the company a couple of years ago as a simple accountant and quickly grew to your deputy. Tanya constantly attends courses and seminars, reads professional literature, communicates with colleagues on accounting forums. He likes to learn something new and enthusiastically begins to implement the acquired knowledge in accounting. However, it cools down just as quickly and loses interest, abandons the work that has been started halfway, so you have to make sure that the work is completed.

Sanguine people should be criticized, focusing on their strengths and untapped resources (energy, sociability, hard work). Usually such subordinates constructively perceive the comments of the management and try to eliminate the shortcomings in their work, to make it more efficient. The main thing in a conversation with them is tact and tolerance. With Tatyana, you can use surprise-criticism: “How? Has the report been completed yet? With your knowledge? I have no doubt that you can finish it in a few hours!”


Inna Aleksandrovna, cashier. Inna Alexandrovna is the nature of a fine mental organization. Avoids any conflicts with colleagues, so as not to spoil his karma. Good relations in the team are for her a necessary condition for effective work. One unkind word or a sidelong glance - and the employee runs to your office for support. Without your advice, she cannot decide whether she should go to the second higher education, whether to buy a car on credit and whether a short haircut suits her. Such helplessness in time can tire even a saint. Yes, and Inna Aleksandrovna works in different ways. If in the morning she got up from that foot and no one pushed her into the subway, then she copes with her duties quite tolerably. But if the bus driver slammed the doors in front of her nose and left, it was raining outside or a sad song was broadcast on the radio, then the woman becomes discouraged for the whole day and her work does not go well at all. At such moments, she may forget to go to the bank or indicate the wrong amount in the payment.

A subordinate melancholic can be a real test for a leader. Not everyone dares to make a remark to an upset person, who as a result will be even more sad and will not be able to work at all. However, this does not mean that you should never criticize her at all. First, try to convey to the employee that you understand and support her. With a positive relationship with the boss, melancholic people are loyal and stable employees. Talk about her shortcomings in the work gently and friendly, take an interest in the reasons for failures, offer your help. Reassure her that she can always count on you. The following words will be effective: “I understand you well, my head is also splitting during magnetic storms, but I need a report on the movement of funds tonight. I rely on you a lot!”


Barbara, tax accountant. Your opinion about Barbara regularly changes in a completely drastic way, however, like the mood of Barbara herself. Seeing with what zeal she works, how she grasps everything on the fly, you rejoice and think that you are very lucky with an employee. However, there is a big fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. Varya is quick-tempered, impatient, cannot stand slow and monotonous work. Trying to get the result as soon as possible, the girl fusses, stays ahead of events and, of course, makes mistakes. Therefore, you often have to double-check and redo something after it.

You should be especially delicate with Barbara, incorrect criticism can unbalance her for a long time and provoke a storm of emotions. It is necessary to make remarks to the choleric very tactfully and only when it is really necessary. Start with positive moments, list her merits and achievements, or mark her invaluable contribution to the work of accounting. After that, you can go to one, maximum two points on which it deserves criticism. The girl will not be offended if you tell her: “Varya, you are a great clever girl, without you we would not have coped with the income tax return so quickly. Perhaps you are tired, so you made a few mistakes in it. I'm sure you can fix them playfully!"

"Phlegmatic person"

Boris Borisovich, accountant for settlements with counterparties. Speaking of Boris Borisovich, the hero of the film “Office Romance” Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev immediately comes to mind, whom his boss Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina called a sluggish and lack of initiative employee. So Boris Borisovich is the same - on the whole he works well, but without a twinkle. The subordinate feels confident, performing routine duties that require perseverance and thoroughness. You will not expect any brilliant ideas or rationalization proposals from him, he will sit quietly, like a mouse, as long as he is not touched. Boris Borisovich must not be rushed, otherwise he will get nervous and make several elementary mistakes in the simplest calculation. At the same time, the man has to constantly monitor, specifying at what stage the preparation of documents for the supplier is now, whether the invoices are ready. And since he is very slow, you have plenty of reasons for criticism.

To point out the shortcomings of the phlegmatic, it is best to arrange a detailed analysis of his work, so you show awareness of his affairs. Explain in detail and with reason to the employee what was done wrong and when it needs to be corrected. Inform him that the assigned tasks should be ready by November 15, and on the 16th new assignments await him. As a rule, people with such a temperament calmly listen to any, even the most incorrect, remarks. If the subordinate recognizes your innocence, then he will make every effort to complete the first task on time and proceed to the next one. You can tell him: “Boris Borisovich, I am very concerned that invoices for the counterparty are still not ready. For violation of the deadlines for the preparation of documents, the entire responsibility is borne. I hope you'll be done by Wednesday as I need you on Thursday to reconcile accounts."

Is it worth it to give comments to the boss?

In the case of subordinates, everything is clear - if they do something wrong, you must tell them about it and help correct the situation. But when it comes to your leader, the situation changes radically. After all, we all remember the expression: the boss is always right.

However, there are spots on the sun, and directors are people too and sometimes they can make mistakes. So how can you convey to your boss that you do not agree with him without consequences?

First, let's repeat the rule that we already mentioned. No matter how annoying the director is, you should not give him a dressing down in the presence of other people. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to your work, the boss is unlikely to forgive you for his humiliation, especially in front of colleagues.

Criticism should be such that the boss does not suspect that you doubt his competence. And your comments only demonstrate loyalty and a desire to help. In most cases, people only express their claims, having no alternative proposals. If something does not suit you in the actions of the leader, offer him an alternative option. It is likely that your boss will be grateful to you for pointing out to him something that escaped his attention.

And one more piece of advice. Don't try to criticize your boss or anyone else when the person is agitated or tense. If in the case of a colleague you run the risk of receiving an aggressive response and provoking a conflict, then with a boss the consequences can be more serious, up to and including dismissal. An overwrought leader simply will not be able to switch his attention to other things, no matter how well you present your arguments and no matter how brilliant the idea is given to him.

In conclusion, we note that even fair criticism is always perceived painfully, so you should not resort to it too often. In addition, the habit of criticizing others may hide dissatisfaction with one's own life and unwillingness to solve one's own problems. One has only to take care of oneself, and the desire to condemn others will quickly pass.

Make a remark

Make a remark

warn, warn, warn

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

Make a remark

put on display (official)

Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. - M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 .

See what "make a comment" is in other dictionaries:

    REMARK, remarks, cf. 1. A brief judgment expressed orally or in writing about something seen, heard, read. Make a few subtle remarks. Critical note. 2. only pl. For anything. Comments, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    comment- I'm with. 1) A short judgment, a statement about what l. Critical note. Subtle note. General remarks. Make comments to the dissertation. Listen to the remark of the opponent. Synonyms: reasoning 2) Pointing to ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Sword, mark; incl. suffering past noticed, chen, ah, oh; owls. (unsov. to notice). 1. transition or with the phrases "what" and "how". Perceive with sight, see; take note. Bobrov noticed a lady in an Amazon riding down the mountain on a large bay horse. Kuprin, ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    NOTICE, notice, notice, sov. (to notice). 1. whom what and without additional. To see, pay attention to something. I noticed a tall man in the crowd. Notice the approaching cloud. Did you notice how pale she turned? || that and without additional ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Thierry Guy Spinelli with his wife Olga and daughter Eliza ... Wikipedia

    Prevent, avert, avert; to warn, to anticipate, to warn, to warn, to warn, to warn, to warn, to warn, to warn, to warn, to caution Synonym dictionary

    In a broad sense, this concept means a verbal (verbal) description of experiences, feelings, thoughts, behavior. In special terminology (Helm J., 1978), V. is defined as an accurate verbal description by a psychotherapist of empathic understanding ... Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia

    1. VIEW, a (y), suggestion. about the form, in the form, in the mind, in the mind; m. 1. only units. The appearance of someone; appearance, appearance (usually as a manifestation of a state of health, character, mood, etc.). Sick, healthy, blooming appearance in someone l. Requirements … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Make a warning, warn, make a remark Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Ryu, rish; stipulated; ren, ren, renault; St. whom what. 1. Unfold Raise on whom l. false accusation; slander. O. innocent man. It's not my fault, I was slandered! Why did you slander yourself? 2. what. Agree on something in advance. O. conditions ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


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Men differ from women in that they are more likely to be touchy and vindictive (due to the fact that the culture forbids them to openly express their feelings immediately after they arise). If a woman outwardly demonstrates all her resentment and anger, and soon forgets about it, then men, on the contrary, outwardly retain signs of calm and composure, but in their hearts they harbor strong resentment and can completely close.

To avoid such problems, you need to be able to correctly make comments and give your advice. Men react negatively to criticism.

But everyone makes mistakes, including men.

It is forbidden: humiliate a man, demonstrate his superiority over him. It is not recommended to give your advice in an orderly tone, in a commanding voice.

Remember that a man and you are on an equal footing, he is not a child and not a subordinate who can be given orders. Such behavior of a woman in relation to a man will cause aggression and resistance.

So how do you get your point across?

First you need to compliment the man (pleasant words make everyone happy), and then add the following phrase: “You did well. But it might get even better if you do it like this. Why don't you try doing that?" And a man will accept such advice and will follow it.

If a man made a mistake, it is not recommended to insult him, say that he will not succeed or laugh at his mistake. It is better to tell him with a friendly smile on his face: “Today, apparently, you were busy, since you forgot about it. But please do it next time."

For positive deeds, a man should be praised and encouraged so that he has an incentive to do this or that action even better than the previous one.

You cannot compare a man with another person, while saying that that person does something much better.

It must be remembered that each person is individual, and what is inherent in one may not apply to another at all. It is impossible to completely change a person, but it is quite possible to improve some of his qualities, eliminate negative ones or make them less noticeable, and at the same time the person himself will change for the better.

Following these very simple rules of communication with a man, you can avoid many conflicts and nuances in relationships and build a harmonious and warm relationship between partners.

The most severe disciplinary action is a reprimand at work. Its consequences can be very different, from depriving an employee of bonuses and other incentive payments and ending with dismissal. At the same time, the employer must take into account the seriousness of the misconduct committed by his subordinate.


A reprimand at work, the consequences of which may not be the most pleasant, is a serious disciplinary sanction, and if you repeatedly violate the rules of the organization, it can lead to dismissal. When it is announced, the head must issue an appropriate order. Only in this case, a reprimand at work, the consequences of which do not have the best effect on the employee's work, will have legal force. It is considered a more serious punishment than a remark. Here it should also be concluded that a reprimand at work, the consequences of which may not have the best effect on the reputation of a subordinate, if it is repeated, will be the basis for terminating the service relationship with the employee.

The procedure for reprimanding

A reprimand should be applied by a superior to a subordinate only in accordance with the labor code. In this case, the HR specialist needs to take a written explanation from the employee. In order to compile it, the subordinate is given two days. If the latter refuses to write an explanatory note, an appropriate act is drawn up in which this is recorded. After that, the employer issues an order to involve the employee in the procedure and grounds for issuing a reprimand are prescribed in article 193 of the labor code.

The order must be handed over to the employee for review within three days after its preparation. In the event that the latter refused to sign it, this is recorded in the act.


In order for the boss to be able to hold his subordinate accountable for violating the labor schedule, he needs to fix this fact in writing. The term for imposing a reprimand on an employee is one month. This period is counted from the moment when the boss found out about the misconduct of the subordinate. If more than six months have passed, then it is no longer possible to bring a person to disciplinary responsibility.


Nevertheless, in practice there are situations when bringing to disciplinary responsibility was not entirely correct and legal. In this case, the subordinate can apply to several instances:

To the commission for resolving disputes that have arisen between the head and the employee;

to a judicial body;

To the labor inspectorate.

All these methods of influencing the boss in the future will allow him to prevent such violations against persons who have been reprimanded at work. How can you appeal in such a situation? This question is asked by every second employee who finds himself in such a situation. It is best to write a letter to the labor inspectorate and explain the whole situation, attach documents. In practice, this is considered the most effective way to influence the leader. In addition, you can contact a qualified lawyer who will help you draw up an application to the court and advise on all relevant issues. Therefore, if the boss reprimanded the employee at work, to endure or defend himself - only the latter needs to decide. If a person really violated labor discipline, then it would be best to remain silent and continue to continue to fulfill his official duties. In the event that the employer reprimanded unjustifiably, you should try to protect your interests by legal means.


As the Labor Code says, information about a reprimand announced to a subordinate is no longer entered into his work book. Nevertheless, a citizen is considered to be brought to disciplinary responsibility within one year. But in exceptional cases, the manager can release the employee from him earlier, if he no longer violates the rules of the organization.

In addition, all persons on whom a disciplinary sanction was imposed are interested in the question of what are the legal consequences of a reprimand at work. And they can be quite serious, up to dismissal at the initiative of the organization's management. Also, the announcement of a reprimand will hit the violator's monetary income, because in such cases, employers deprive them of bonuses and other incentive payments.

Practice shows that the courts do not cancel the disciplinary sanctions of the management, which are imposed on the delinquent employees again, after which the service relationship is terminated. Therefore, the consequences of reprimanding can be either minor or quite deplorable if a person commits a repeated violation of the rules of the organization.

Possibility of withdrawal

An employee is considered for a period of up to one year. After that, it is removed automatically. A reprimand at work, the consequences and methods of appeal are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, it is possible to remove the penalty ahead of schedule, but only if such action is approved by the head of the organization. The employee also has the right to ask the boss in writing to remove the reprimand from him, but only if he confirms the fact of his correction. To do this, the employee must, during the entire period of time while the penalty is imposed on him, not commit other misconduct that would violate the labor schedule.


Reprimand and remark are No significant differences between them. Therefore, it should be understood that the remark is the mildest, and the reprimand is the most severe penalty that is applied to the employee before dismissal. However, Art. 192 of the Labor Code does not provide a clear definition of each of the types. What is the difference between a reprimand and a remark? This question is asked by all, without exception, people who have violated the labor schedule. In addition, these two types of penalties have the same terms of application and certain consequences, especially if both the reprimand and the remark have already been announced to the employee more than once.


The reprimand is made in writing in the form of an order or order of the head. It must be signed by the employee within three days. There is no specific pattern for issuing an order, therefore, in each organization it is drawn up in its own way and looks approximately as follows.

Name of the enterprise _________________________

Order No. ____________

Date_________ City________________

About the reprimand

Due to the fact that the senior master __________ (full name) was absent from the workplace for two hours from ______ to _______ without good reason, guided by Art. Art. 192 and 193 TC;


Reprimand the employee (F. I. O.) for violating the labor schedule provided for by the organization’s temporary work permit on the basis of Art. 192 TK.

Responsible for the execution of this order to assign to _______ (full name).

Head of organization ______________ (signature)


Must be written before the manager reprimands the employee. For this, the employee is given two days. In addition, the explanation does not have to be in writing; it can be given orally during a conversation with the manager, backing up your words with certain evidence. If a person was late for work because he became ill and went to the doctor, then this must be confirmed by a certificate from the clinic. If the reason for being late is valid, the boss will not be able to apply a penalty to the subordinate. In the event that after two days the employee does not give an explanation about his violations of labor discipline, an act must be drawn up, on the basis of which a reprimand will be issued. At the same time, a disgruntled subordinate can appeal against it in court or write a complaint to a specialized inspection.


Many personnel specialists who have been working in one place in the organization for a long time and do not violate the work schedule do not know what a reprimand is, how to properly declare and remove it. This question can be fully answered by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A reprimand as a severe disciplinary sanction is applied to a delinquent employee before dismissal, as well as after a previously made remark, for example, about permanent employees. In this case, the employee may be deprived of bonus payments and other funds. After applying a reprimand for the second time, an employee may also be dismissed for violating labor discipline. In this case, even when applying to the judicial authorities to challenge the decision of the head, the authority will be on the side of the head if he provides confirmation that the termination of the employment relationship was lawful and justified.


In the event that an employee writes a complaint to the labor inspectorate on the topic that the manager unreasonably applied a disciplinary sanction to him, an inspection will be scheduled with the demand for all documents. The same can be done by the judicial authority, if a person applies to this authority with a statement. In the event that it turns out that a penalty was applied to a citizen illegally, the legal consequences of a reprimand at work will not be taken into account even the next time a person is held accountable. In addition, the boss will have to pay his employee all withheld bonuses and other incentive allowances. Also, the organization can be held liable, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses.

In the event that the employee was dismissed at the initiative of the management for non-compliance with the rules of the organization, but the court found such termination of the employment relationship illegal, the subordinate has the right to compensation for harm. He will also need to pay all withheld bonuses and allowances. After that, he will be reinstated in his position and continue to perform his official duties.

Reprimands often have more long-term consequences than it might seem at first glance. A drop in labor efficiency, an explicit or hidden conflict between an employee and management, an aggravation of the situation in the team, gossip - this is not a complete list of unpleasant moments that an incorrectly made remark can lead to.

Therefore, in some cases, for example, if an employee who until that day had been distinguished by impeccable punctuality was suddenly late, a reprimand can not be done at all. It is possible that what happened is nothing more than an unfortunate exception to the rule and the situation returns to normal without any effort from the management.

However, if the employee's mistakes are repeated and become systematic, a serious conversation cannot be avoided. In such cases, it is worth remembering the following. In Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates disciplinary sanctions that can be applied to subordinates. These include: remark, reprimand and dismissal on appropriate grounds. Only those comments and reprimands that are made in writing have legal force.

time and place

If it is decided to reprimand orally, it is worth remembering a few simple rules that will help avoid the escalation of the conflict. It is absolutely unacceptable to reprimand an employee in the presence of third parties. Such conversations should only take place face to face. "Demonstrative scolding" will be doubly ineffective, since it will rather infuriate than shame the offender, and it will be embarrassing for colleagues to listen to such things. You don't even need to mention how comments made in public affect the effectiveness of group work.

Ideally, the reprimand should be made immediately after the offense has been committed. However, first you need to find out all the circumstances of what happened, and only then - to act. There is always a chance that the employee was not late, but came to work in advance, but was detained by the head of the neighboring department.

... only those comments and reprimands that are made in writing have legal force ...

The person who is about to reprimand himself should first calm down and gather himself. In no case should you chastise an employee, being agitated and annoyed - such behavior will more likely lead to conflict than to eliminate the cause of disagreement.

Vocabulary and posture

After the reasons for the misconduct are clarified to the end, you can proceed directly to the comments. If the violations are behavioral in nature, emphasis should be placed on corporate norms rather than getting personal. It is worth emphasizing the fact that certain things are unacceptable in this particular company, and not that an employee does something wrong in life.

The remark should be as impersonal as possible. For a more complete understanding, rational arguments can be made, for example, showing how one person's lateness negatively affects the work of the department.

Sharpness and rudeness are completely unacceptable. Depending on the temperament of the employee, in response you can get:

  • rudeness and a letter of resignation of their own free will on the same day (from choleric people);
  • methodically inciting the team against the leader (from sanguine people);
  • withdrawal into oneself and a drop in working capacity (from melancholics);
  • silent resistance (from phlegmatic people), as well as a whole bunch of other problems.

None of the above contribute to a normal workflow. No matter how serious the reason for which the employee is reprimanded, the form of the reprimand should be as correct as possible.

Reprimands are not perceived as sharply by employees if they are positioned as an attempt to help. Immediately before the remark, you can mention the successes of the offender, which were noticed by colleagues and superiors, and then move on to the essence of the problem. It is also desirable to end the conversation on a positive note. If an employee apologizes, they should be accepted favorably.

We demand justice

Before you make a reprimand, you should keep in mind an important detail. One employee can only be punished for the same thing that another was punished for. For the same offense it is unacceptable to reprimand some, and let others get away with it. Justice is one for all, and there can be no exceptions here. Such things in the team are not forgotten for a very long time, and at the same time have an extremely negative impact on the attitude towards the authorities.

Finally, in order for the most correct and tactful reprimand to still lead to the desired result, you need:

  • clearly clarify the factual side of the case, so as not to get into trouble with your remarks;
  • notify the employee about the violation of corporate standards in a timely manner, without waiting until the problem becomes chronic;
  • if necessary, introduce procedures that will allow you to control the situation in the future.

And most importantly: it is worth remembering that in the matter of communication with people there are no and cannot be schemes that work flawlessly in 100% of cases. It's no secret that the same comments from different employees can cause completely different reactions. The tips listed above are not a panacea, but they will help to find a balance between the desire to point out to a subordinate his mistakes and maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the team.

Anastasia Ivanets, expert of the magazine "Consultant"

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