How to properly burn incense. How to use church incense at home


Frankincense has a second name - boswellia. Frankincense grows on the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring islands. The beneficial properties of this plant have been known since ancient times, but recently the number of trees has been rapidly declining, as local residents use wood to heat their homes, but no one makes new plantations.

Our distant ancestors already used the beneficial properties of incense, so let's figure out under what pathologies and conditions the properties of incense can help a person.

Frankincense - useful properties when applied

There are many varieties of incense and the chemical composition may vary. But almost every incense has useful properties and contains:

  • resinous substances.
  • Gum.
  • Essential oils.
  • Camphen.
  • triterpenic acids.

If you cut the bark of the frankincense tree, then a resinous substance is released, which hardens in the air and forms droplets similar to amber. It is this resin that is the source of essential healing oils.

The following medicinal properties of incense can be listed:

  1. Frankincense has an anti-inflammatory effect, it can perfectly replace drugs from this group.
  2. The oil of this tree has a rejuvenating effect on the body.
  3. Frankincense has antibacterial properties.
  4. Perfectly restores.
  5. Serves as an excellent strengthening agent.
  6. It has a hepaprotective effect.
  7. It has a stimulating effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. If we consider the healing properties of incense, then one of them is the ability to dissolve old scars.
  9. It has the ability to improve memory.
  10. Frankincense, when applied, stops bleeding.
  11. Frankincense is also distinguished by its wound-healing properties.
  12. Frankincense exhibits antiseptic properties, it is not in vain that it is used for fumigating rooms.
  13. It has a strengthening effect on the immune system.
  14. Frankincense oil is also distinguished by its analgesic properties.
  15. Normalizes the metabolism of fats.
  16. Helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.
  17. Calming effect on the nervous system.

Isn't there an impressive list of medicinal properties of incense? It is thanks to them that the use of incense is quite extensive.

The use of the properties of incense in traditional medicine

Folk healers advise using incense in the treatment of the following conditions and pathologies:

  • For respiratory diseases, it is recommended to dissolve 10 grams of frankincense in 30 ml of medical alcohol and take 10 drops of medicinal potion until the disease subsides.
  • The use of the properties of frankincense is useful for the treatment of joint diseases. It is necessary to prepare an ointment for this: grind 20 grams of raw materials with 100 grams of petroleum jelly, you can use homemade lard, but not salty. Put in a water bath until completely dissolved. It is necessary to store such a composition in a glass container and in a place inaccessible to sunlight. Excellent remedy for arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Frankincense is also famous for its cosmetic use. Frankincense oil can be added to masks, shampoos. It has an excellent regenerating effect, the skin is rejuvenated, the hair becomes smooth and silky.
  • To normalize the state of the nervous system, it is necessary to add a mixture of 8 drops of frankincense oil and 50 grams of honey, milk and sea salt to a bath of water.
  • A few drops of oil can be used for inhalation for respiratory diseases.
  • Even in ancient times, healers used the healing properties of frankincense oil to treat diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  • The use of incense is justified for a cold, diseases of the throat, tonsils.
  • With the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, frankincense oil can normalize the situation.
  • If you prepare an incense tincture with alcohol, then it will serve as an excellent remedy for pain in the stomach and abdomen.
  • The use of the properties of incense is also recommended for inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Strengthens the immune system, which is especially important during the cold season.
  • The resin of the plant is often used in constipation remedies.
  • The properties of frankincense oil when applied will help get rid of poorly healing wounds, abscesses on the skin.
  • Frankincense oil perfectly restores cartilage tissue, which is simply irreplaceable for joint pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The constituent components of the plant oil are able to relieve pain and swelling.
  • Antiseptic properties explain the use of oil as a means that inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  • If you suffer from nervous disorders, then you definitely cannot do without the healing properties of incense.
  • It will help to significantly reduce the amount of bad cholesterol.
  • The use of incense normalizes the functioning of the liver.
  • Frankincense will help normalize night sleep and make it calm and strong.
  • The use of frankincense to activate the lymphatic system has proven to be effective. Lymph nodes take their normal size, metabolism is normalized.
  • Incense increases the tone of the uterus.
  • If you use oil for the skin, then it will only thank you: fine wrinkles are smoothed out, elasticity returns, and the aging process slows down.

Healthy Frankincense Recipes

Frankincense tincture

You can prepare an alcohol tincture of incense on your own:

  • You need to take 7 grams of incense.
  • Connect with 15 ml of alcohol.
  • Leave to infuse in a dark place for a week.
  • It is necessary to use the healing composition 2 times a day, 10 drops before meals.
  • The composition perfectly helps to get rid of pain in the abdomen, sore throat, gonorrhea.

Frankincense ointment

You can also prepare an ointment at home:

  • Take 10 grams of raw materials.
  • 100 grams of vaseline and combine everything.
  • Place in a water bath until completely dissolved.
  • This ointment perfectly helps to cope with pain in the joints, get rid of purulent wounds and boils.

If your child is sick, then you can put a napkin smoked with incense on his chest at night. Recovery will come much faster. To soothe loosened nerves, you can massage or take a bath with the use of plant oil.

Before you start therapy with such an excellent remedy, you need to find out if there are any contraindications to the use of incense. Otherwise, you can only harm your body.

Contraindications to the use of incense

There are a number of conditions in which it is best to avoid using the properties of frankincense for therapy:

  • In the presence of psoriasis, incense treatment is prohibited.
  • Parkinson's disease is also a contraindication to the use of frankincense.
  • Lupus erythematosus does not allow the use of this plant.
  • The presence of oncological problems is a contraindication for the use of incense.
  • The period of bearing a baby is also a contraindication to the use of incense.
  • If there is an individual hypersensitivity to the plant.
  • You can not simultaneously carry out therapy with incense and take drugs with iron.
  • With multiple sclerosis, it is also better to choose other herbal remedies for use.

Before using the oil, you should always check the reaction of the body, for this, apply a drop on the elbow bend and wait 20 minutes. If the skin does not turn red, then there is no allergy and you can start therapy. In the process of using the oil, you must be careful not to get into your eyes.

Any therapy, even if it is the use of herbal healers, needs prior consultation with a doctor. Do not neglect this advice, then you can get the maximum benefit from the treatment.

Applying the properties of Frankincense: video

Frankincense is a fragrant tree resin that is used in worship. In ancient Israel, it was part of the 11 incense burnt in the Temple of Solomon. In the Gospel, incense was presented by the magi to Jesus Christ, along with gold and myrrh. In the modern Orthodox Church, incense is used in the temple when burning the altar, icons and believers. In addition, incense is used by clergy when performing rites, for consecrating houses, work premises, cars, etc.
In Christianity, it is generally accepted that incense symbolizes the holiness and fragrance of a righteous life. “We bring the smoke of incense to You, Christ our God, as the aroma of a spiritual fragrance, having accepted it into Your Altar, which is above all heaven, send us the grace of Your Most Holy Spirit” - this is how, translated into Russian, the prayer sounds, which the priest must read before every censing in the temple. Thus, asking to accept the aroma of the censer as a sign of the spiritual fragrance of people and their prayers before God, the priest asks to send down the grace of the Holy Spirit on people in response. Therefore, the fragrant smoke of incense is also a visible image, containing the invisible presence of this grace of the Holy Spirit, which fills the temple, spiritually rejoicing the faithful.
The Old Testament psalmist King David speaks of the use of incense and its allegorical meaning: “May my prayer be corrected, as a censer before Thee” (Ps. 140, 2). When incense is melted on the altar, then puffs of incense smoke, full of a pleasant aroma, rise and spread throughout the temple (or around the house), which symbolizes our prayer, which ascends to God as a pleasant fragrant aroma of the soul ... In addition, incense has various allegorical meanings, it, for example, means the rapture of our mind and heart to Heaven during prayer. Therefore, burning incense can be performed at home and in any place, just as we can perform our prayer to God at any time and in any place. After all, the earth and everything on it is the Lord's. That is why incense can be used for censing on graves, for consecrating wells and other places with holy water.
At home prayer, along with the lighting of candles and lamps, it is also appropriate to burn incense. It is good to use incense during special prayers for health and repose, when reading akathists, canons ... Zealous Christians do this at almost every home prayer, which is not forbidden by the Orthodox Church. According to pious belief, incense can drive away the spirits of darkness, who are trying to break the prayers of believers with vain thoughts. However, it should be remembered that incense is not a fetish and does not possess supernatural powers in itself. Only with a Christian attitude towards him can we receive God's help and protection from demons.
Incense is stored in a special incense box (clean, beautiful box) in a holy place, in front of the icons. Before starting a home prayer rule, you need to put a few “grains” of incense in a katsia (hand-held censer) on a burning coal, light a lamp or a candle in front of the icons, wait a bit until all feelings calm down and with humility, without rushing to start reading prayers. You can burn incense on a special metal stand mounted on a lamp.
Frankincense symbolizes that human prayers acceptable by Christ turn into fragrant incense, meaning the most intimate essence of prayers: their sincerity, purity, resulting from good deeds performed according to the will of God and from pure love for Him. For as it is said in the apostolic epistle, “we are the fragrance of Christ to God” (2 Cor. 2:15).
Of course, our fervent, sincere prayers to God will be accepted by Him even without incense. But a believer has a need for all the feelings granted to him by God to participate in the glorification of the Almighty, so that nothing remains passive. The eyes look at the icon, the ear hears prayer and singing in the church, the taste feels the Holy Communion, the smell feels the fragrance of incense. Praise God with all your feelings and rejoice in the Lord!
As you know, incense is extracted from the incense tree, but at present such trees cannot provide for the needs of the Christian world. Therefore, there is a whole tradition of “incense brewing”, that is, the preparation of incense from several components. In the Orthodox monasteries of the Russian, Greek, Romanian churches on Old Athos in Greece, almost everyone has their own recipe for making incense, which is kept secret. There is, for example, the incense of the “Studite Monastery according to the Optina recipe”, the “Ohrid Bulgarian Monastery”, the Romanian monastery “Brynkovyanu”.
The most famous and popular in Russia are various varieties of incense made by the hands of the monks of the Vatopedi Orthodox Greek Monastery and the New Thebaid Desert of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos.
Compound incense is often made from the resins of local trees: pistachio, juniper, pine, with the addition of essential oils, for example, rose. In compound incense, real powdered incense is also used. So, for example, they make incense, known to us among the Orthodox flock and clergy under the name “Jerusalem”.

In our online store "Grains" you can purchase various incense, both from the resin of the incense tree, and composite. We wish you to feel the beneficial fragrance of incense during prayers. Praise God with all your feelings and rejoice in the Lord!

You will need

IncenseCharcoalCenserLamp "Spider"


The first way to kindle incense is on coal. To do this, you need to take coal, ignite it. But in no case do not put incense on hot red coal. First you need to let the coal cool down a little. To do this, wait 10-15 minutes until the ember is covered with ashes. After that, you can put incense on it.

The second way - incense can be kindled in a censer. To do this, you need to pre-heat the coal on a gas or electric stove red hot, while it is better to heat the coal on both sides. For convenience, you can use large tweezers or tongs. Then the heated charcoal should be placed in the censer, and pieces of incense should be carefully laid out around it and closed with a lid.

If you do not have a censer, but have an oil lamp, then you can kindle incense in the "spider". "Spider" is a special metal attachment for a lamp. First you need to light the lamp, then a stand is placed on it. On the stand...

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Everyone knows that fumigation with incense cleanses the premises of bad energy, helps to calm down, relax, cheer up, and also cleanses of viruses and pathogenic bacteria. The Holy Fathers recommend doing incense at home in order to be cleansed of the impurities of the world and diseases, to drive away the spirits of darkness. At home, incense incense can be done every day, any number of times. It depends on the needs of the soul and body, a person himself must feel his "measure".

When chasing, you must follow certain rules. Since frankincense is a tree resin and is sold in solid pieces, people often have difficulty burning it.

In order to light incense at home, you will need only three things: a censer, coal, and, in fact, the incense itself.

So, as a censer, they use a censer for the house (they are also called cell censers, incense burner, katsia or kacea (Greek)). The home censer is a little...

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Of all the incense that exists in the world, the most revered, of course, is incense. After all, one of the first written mentions of him is on the biblical pages. He did not become less popular in the era of modernity. Now the use of incense occurs in several areas:

Christian worship;

Manufacturers of perfumery products;

Treatment of various diseases with the help of aromas (aromatherapy).

You can also use incense within the walls of your own home, where it will create an amazingly pleasant and calming atmosphere for you and your guests.

What is incense?

Frankincense is nothing but a type of tree resin. A slight difficulty may arise in the process of smoking, because a piece of incense is a fairly solid object, which is also non-combustible.

To kindle a piece, you will have to use some external source of heat, and only under its influence the incense...

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How to light incense at home:

Frankincense, like any other aromatic resins, is not in itself a combustible substance. Therefore, for its incense, an external heat source is required, under the influence of which the incense begins to melt and release fragrant smoke, that is, to smoke.
Traditionally, in churches, special vessels - censers - are used to fumigate the premises with incense. A censer (or, as it is also called, a censer) is a closed metal vessel in the shape of an elongated bowl, suspended on chains. Hot coals are placed in it, and pieces of incense or other fragrant mixture are placed on them. The smoke comes out through the holes in the censer and fumigates the room.
In order to light incense at home, you will need a censer, a small brazier or a fireproof bowl in which burning coals can be placed. You can also use just a metal plate, fixed over an open fire of a candle, alcohol burner or lamp. On plate or...

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Frankincense is an aromatic tree resin used for incense in church services. Incense, including incense, was used in the Old Testament. Incense symbolizes the grace of God, which is given to a person during prayer. In Orthodox worship, censing is carried out with the help of a special vessel, which is called a censer. Charcoal is placed in the censer, then the coal is kindled, after which a particle of aromatic resin is placed on it and incense is burned. Frankincense has a calming effect, it helps to tune in to prayer. During church services, the deacon usually censes.

Church incense is widely used, and not everyone understands how to use it. Frankincense can be used not only in church rituals, but also at home. To do this, you must have at home: a censer, (a censer is a small vessel with which incense is fumigated), matches, coal, incense. In church shops...

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The various properties of incense are one of the most powerful means in the fight against evil spirits. It is not for nothing that people say that they are afraid as hell of incense. The fumigation of the possessed with incense helps well. It is necessary to put incense on a burning coal and bless it three times with the sign of the cross, while reading the prayer: “We bring the censer to You, Christ our God, in the stench of spiritual fragrance, send down to us the grace of Your Most Holy Spirit.”

How to use incense

If an evil spirit lives in your house, then for three days in the morning and in the evening it is necessary to fumigate the house with incense to expel it.

Spoiled sick in the morning on an empty stomach should take a piece of incense, washing it down with water consecrated in the church.

For spoilage in children, take a piece of frankincense and mix with three parts of honey. In the morning and evening, apply a thin layer of the mixture on sore spots.

Mix one part of crushed incense with three parts of thick fat. Use this ointment for burns.


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People who comprehend the secrets of esoteric teachings must have heard of such a substance as incense. This is a powerful tool used to fight impure entities that can settle not only in the house, but also firmly cling to the human energy shell, and in order to get rid of this, you need to know how to use incense to cleanse the aura around you. This substance, which is insoluble in water, and which is a resin, begins to smoke heavily if it flares up strongly, so it is worth using incense, following certain recommendations, in order to get the desired effect. Many people are familiar with the smell of the unique exotic resin, especially those who are church members. It is recommended to use incense at home in order to reduce emotional arousal and tension, its smoke can make breathing measured, and the heart rate uniform. If necessary, use incense, it is best to use a special aroma lamp -...

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The healing grace of incense

Incense, performed from apostolic times at vespers, matins, liturgy and other services and rites by deacons, priests, bishops, occupies a special place in the worship of the Orthodox Church. It is carried out with the help of a censer - a special vessel suspended on chains, for which the clergy hold it. The vessel contains red-hot charcoal, on which incense is placed, which emits fragrant incense during combustion. This incense is incense to the throne, the High Place, the altar, the icons in the altar, the iconostasis and in the temple, as well as other shrines and people - clergy and laity.

In ancient times, the censer was somewhat different from the modern one: it did not have chains and was a vessel with a handle for carrying, and sometimes without it (these are now sold to the laity for censing at home).
Only in the 10-11 centuries. censers on chains, which are used to this day, became widespread.

After the fall, people began to offer sacrifices to God...

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Esotericism has always been quite popular among the people. People loved to use special incense in everyday life to improve physical condition, increase tone and cheer up. One of them is incense. How to use it in different occasions?

Frankincense is a mixture of hardened juice (resin) of the mass of African plants of various varieties and species. Its main feature is considered to be a strong aroma that occurs during the heating process. The smell is sweet, heavy and thick and belongs to the balsamic type. If the pieces of incense are heated further, then in this case they will light up and smoke heavily. This substance does not dissolve in water or alcohol, but forms an emulsion. How to use incense at home? And what properties are generally attributed to this variety of hardened resin of exotic plants?

Basically, the use of incense is clearly demonstrated in churches. It is often set on fire, and believing parishioners are fumigated with smoke. Frankincense is already known to people very ...

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Frankincense is a dried resin with a specific thick smell, which is emitted by a tree of the genus Boswellia, which grows on the Arabian Peninsula.

Most people associate incense with church incense. But only a few know for what purposes and how to use incense at home.

How to use incense at home

Before using frankincense, it is useful to learn about its properties. The smell of incense relieves stress and nervous tension. Due to this property, incense is used in meditation. Inhalation of frankincense vapors normalizes the heart rate, makes breathing more even and deep. Therefore, you can simply burn incense indoors to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

Frankincense has healing properties and is used to treat a number of diseases:

To make an ointment for burns, you need to mix crushed incense and thick fat in a ratio of 1: 3; for hemoptysis, mix 1 teaspoon of frankincense powder, 500 ml of red fortified wine, 50 ml ...

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To date, the resinous compound is used in church churches, incense is widely used for perfumery purposes and as a means of aromatherapy. Housewives want to kindle the product at home in order to enjoy all the delights of wood resin. With the help of incense, you can normalize the psycho-emotional background, get rid of insomnia and stress. Resin comes to store shelves in a slab (solid) form, which is why many women have difficulty lighting it.

Frankincense Properties

As mentioned earlier, frankincense has many health benefits. Among them, the fight against negative factors, the removal of nervous tension. In addition, the resin is used as a means of aromatherapy in the process of meditation and church services. Due to the regular inhalation of the vapors of the compound, the activity of the lungs, bronchi, nasal sinuses is normalized, and the work of the heart muscle improves. The use of incense is considered especially useful for people who ...

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The resin of the Lebanese cedar, in addition to a pleasant fragrance, has many useful characteristics.

Where does incense come from, what is it and what is it used for - people have long found answers to these questions. After all, the resinous substance is inseparable from the religious rituals of most cultures, although it has found wide application not only for church needs.

To characterize this natural product and understand what incense is, you should get acquainted with the source of its occurrence.

The hot dry climate of the Arabian desert proved to be the most suitable for a tree like Boswellia. It is also called Lebanese cedar.

Place of growth - territories with specific conditions of the Arabian Peninsula. Also found in East Africa.

A similar resin is produced by another tree that grows in China, India and Vietnam - the red pear (Protium serratum). The plant is actively used in the creation of incense because of the aroma, which is almost identical to the substance in question.

Note! Natural olibanum is a rare thing. For mass trade, fakes or substitutes are often used, for which dyes and flavors are added to ordinary resin.

The resinous substance was obtained from a tree and was valued very dearly. The number of cedars has been greatly reduced, so they were classified as an endangered species. In the Middle Ages, Europeans became intimately acquainted with a fragrant substance brought from the East. In Latin, they called olibanum (oliban) and began to actively use it in religious rites.

Where does incense come from?

The French strongly asked the Arabs what incense was made of. In Europe, they immediately appreciated the overseas curiosity and wanted to grow trees in droves.

With all the desire it was impossible in those days, just as it is now. The substance emits only Lebanese cedar. Arab nomads noticed that if you make a cut on this tree, then the oliban begins to show through.

The resin had a strong aroma, and after a while it solidified in the form of small pieces. Their color was light - pink, yellow, sometimes with a white tint.

When the dried resin is ground, it easily turns into a powder. Then they set it on fire, like, for example, church incense, the use of which creates that very fragrance.


According to the chemical composition, fragrant oliban consists of different elements. It contains boswellic acid, named after the type of tree. There is a substance olibanoresen, gum, cymene, terpene.

All components are volatile, while the resin does not completely dissolve in the liquid. Frankincense as a substance becomes softer under the influence of temperature. The higher it is, the faster the ignition occurs.

The smoke from oliban releases its own compounds that affect the psycho-emotional state of a person so much that they can induce trance or euphoria.

For most people, oliban is not only not harmful, but even beneficial. Volatile substances in smoke stimulate the immune system, disinfect the air, and have a beneficial effect on nervous activity. The use of incense helps to get rid of insomnia, anxiety, nervousness.


The aroma of incense is recognizable and sweet, a little cloying. Unfortunately, the photo is unable to convey this smell, which has spicy, tart notes.

The resinous substance is combined with other fragrances and essential oils, for example:

  • pine,
  • neroli,
  • rose,
  • lavender,
  • eucalyptus,
  • orange,
  • myrrh,
  • sandal.

Also, as part of a perfume composition, it enhances all the shades of aromas that are related to flowers. Olibanum often acts as a fixer for perfumes. The resin itself does not smell strongly, but due to the gradual and uniform evaporation, it is used in perfumery.

This fragrance plays a big role for religious people. They believe that the smell of incense helps the spirit to tune in to the divine way. In addition, it helps to cleanse the negative, vain, relaxes and gives the necessary concentration during prayer.

This attitude can be explained by subjective feelings, so many people doubt whether this can be trusted. Sometimes the smell of resin has a proven beneficial effect.


For what purpose incense is used, what it is and what effect the resin gives - it is not easy to figure it out right away. There are several areas in which the substance finds application.

Religious purposes

Fragrant olibanum has found use among different cults and countries. It is believed that the smoke during worship helps to direct the prayers of believers to heaven, to God.

People praise the Creator and, in gratitude, light not only candles, but also olibanum.

The ritual use of resin is mandatory in Christianity. The clergy will tell you in more detail what incense carries and how it is used.

The substance is widespread in Buddhism, Islam. In pagan beliefs, it is customary to fumigate a room with smoke in order to remove creatures that harm a person from there.

Therapeutic effect

Doctors of antiquity believed that demoniacs could be cured with oliban, and unclean spirits could be expelled from the body. According to the then ideas, it was the spirits that became the cause of diseases.

Indian medicine still effectively treats inflammatory conditions such as arthritis with resin added as part of gastrointestinal potions.

Also, the substance is part of some drugs with antitumor activity.

Physically, oliban calms the nervous system, as a result of which it is easier for a person to fall asleep, and sleep becomes sound. Smoke inhalation has a positive effect on the respiratory system.

cosmetic effect

The essential oil, which is obtained from the substance, was valued as a means of prolonging youth and beauty. It was rubbed into the skin, added to tinctures, ointments, creams, baths, aromatic compositions and perfumes.

Regular use helps to regenerate the skin.

Ladies who use this product note that it can remove scars, acne. Oliban in the form of powder or essential oil promotes wound healing, smoothes fine wrinkles. It is often added to facial moisturizers.

Use in the church

A rare ritual action does without censing. Priests turn to fragrant resin both on church holidays and on ordinary days.

Church incense is intended to:

  1. Offer prayer in the temple.
  2. Increase prayer appeal at home.
  3. Clear the place of negative energy or sanctify it.
  4. Set your thoughts in a lofty, solemn mood.
  5. Read prayers for the dead.
  6. Conduct funeral ceremonies.

The resin used in temples can only be natural. Often monks make it according to special recipes, slandering in the process of prayer, consecrating. First, olibanum is ground to a powder, a little water and essential oils are added to it. Then it is dried again and a ready-made substance for church needs is obtained.

There are several varieties of resin, which differ in intensity of aroma and appearance.

The most valuable oliban (royal) is burned several times a year during significant holidays. It is also used when a bishop's service is taking place. It is a must in every temple.

Take note! It is advisable not to extinguish the oliban, but to let it burn out and go out on its own. The church canon allows you to extinguish the resin with consecrated water. But they do it in extreme cases.

On ordinary days, altar incense is lit on the altar, recommended by the clergy for use at home. On holidays, the whole temple is burned to them. Laity buy it in church shops. If there is a post, they use a secret oliban. It is allowed to burn monks. It is more intended for use within a church environment.


Given the beneficial properties of this natural product, some parishioners are wondering if it can be eaten. It won't do any good for the body.

The Arab population uses the resin as a natural replacement for toothpaste, because the bactericidal properties of the substance help kill germs. But the Arabs have access to natural oliban, without additives and dyes.

Oliban, which goes on sale, for the most part is not natural. It contains a lot of artificial additives like talc. It is mixed with dyes, often made in artisanal conditions.

The only advantage of such an oliban is the smell. This incense can be smelled, inhaled smoke.

Absolutely not suitable for eating. It must not be eaten or drunk in any form.

Having described in detail what it is - incense, the photos below will help to visualize it.

A particular species may differ in shape, smell and color. But most varieties of oliban look like this.

Useful video

Summing up

The healing properties of incense are combined with its important place for ritual ceremonies. Oliban pacifies, harmonizes a person on a physical and spiritual level. And its aroma is rightfully considered divine, not only because of its saturation, but due to its connection with the mountain world.

Frankincense is one of the oldest incense in the world, having a mention in the Bible. Nowadays, it is still used in worship services in Orthodox and Catholic churches, and is also widely used in perfumery and aromatherapy. At home, incense can be used as an incense, creating a glorious atmosphere in the room and cool calming the nervous system. But because it is a tree resin and is sold in solid slices, people can often have difficulty smoking it.

You will need

  • incense, censer or brazier, coal, lamp or candle, matches


1. Frankincense, like any other aromatic resins, is not in itself a combustible substance. Consequently, for its incense, an external heat source is required, under the influence of which the incense begins to melt and emit a fragrant smoke, that is, to smoke.

2. Usually in churches, special vessels, censers, are used to fumigate rooms with incense. A censer (or, as it is also called, a censer) is a closed metal vessel in the shape of an elongated bowl, suspended on chains. Hot coals are placed in it, and slices of incense or other fragrant mixture are placed on them. The smoke comes out through the holes in the censer and fumigates the room.

3. In order to light incense at home, you will need a censer, a small brazier, or a refractory bowl in which burning coals can be placed. It is also allowed to use a primitive metal plate, fixed over an open fire of a candle, alcohol burner or lamp. Slices of incense are laid out on a plate or coals and heated to the melting stage. The main thing to remember is that the lower the heat, the thinner the smell of incense will be.

4. As a fuel for kindling incense at home, it is allowed to use charcoal tablets with a furor, which are sold in church shops or esoteric goods stores. Charcoal is also suitable for hookahs. It is also sold in the form of small bars and tablets that are comfortable to use at home. Coal is kindled with ordinary matches. If there are difficulties, it is allowed to use a special liquid for kindling coal, which is sold in hardware stores.

5. When fumigating an apartment or a house with incense, it must be borne in mind that its significant smell, with excessive concentration, can cause headaches and dizziness. Consequently, when lighting incense in the apartment, take care of excellent ventilation of the room and do not close the vents or windows during each fumigation time, so as not to damage the health of people present.

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