How to take a steam bath in a Russian bath: useful tips. How to bathe in a Russian bath


What Russian does not like to take a steam bath in a good bathhouse? For most, the process of soaring is nothing more than relaxation, but in fact, the bath brings great benefits to our body. About how to steam in the bath correctly, how it is useful, how harmful and whether there are contraindications - read about all this below.

The benefits and harms of the bath

Going to the bathhouse has a comprehensive positive effect on the body, of course, provided that the person has no contraindications, but more on that later, now we will consider the pros and cons of the steam room.

First of all, the positive effect is, of course, on the skin. There are many types of baths, so to get the maximum benefit, you need to choose the right one for yourself. For example, a Turkish steam room will be optimal for a sensitive dermis, a Finnish steam room for a normal one, etc. A trip to the bath makes the skin younger: it cleanses, the layer of dead cells is removed through the pores of the skin. Regular sessions make the skin supple and toned. High temperatures contribute to the destruction of harmful microorganisms on the body. Thanks to the bath, you can significantly skin, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. And what can I say, if you take honey with you to the bathhouse, with which you can spread the body before the steam room - mmm ... for this, the skin will triple thank you with its velvety and tenderness.

The bath acts as a stress for the body, although it is useful when the body temperature rises by 10°C, and the internal organs warm up by 3°C. If for the person himself such an increase has a pleasant effect, then for the viruses and bacteria that lurk inside it is detrimental. Due to such an increase in temperature, metabolism is accelerated, interferon (an antiviral protein) is produced faster, body cells are more likely to recover, and the number of lymphocytes increases. But malignant cells are seriously inhibited in their growth.

The high temperature of the steam room expands the blood vessels, the blood begins to drain from the brain, which reduces its activity and leads to a state of relaxation, for this reason the bath can be “prescribed” for some diseases of the central nervous system. If you alternate low and high temperatures, in this way you can well train the elasticity of blood vessels, the heart muscle, which will reduce the likelihood of a heart attack. In the bath, the vascular system is stimulated, and the pulse rises to 150 beats, the blood begins to circulate more actively, while not affecting blood pressure in any way, even the smallest capillaries expand, which helps nourish the skin. Under the influence of the Russian bath, a lot of sores associated with impaired blood flow, the same varicose veins, are cured.

By increasing sweating, the load from the kidneys is significantly reduced. Interestingly, this effect continues for six hours after going to the steam room. For this reason, the bath acts as a kind of cure for diseases with this organ and, in general, for problems with the urinary system. The procedure has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In an invigorating way, high temperature acts on the pituitary gland, and it is he who regulates the work of other glands: the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries and prostate. Bath and helps to restore sexual desire. And nursing mothers can boast of an increase in the amount of milk.

Probably, everyone has heard about the effect of the bath on the respiratory organs, which begin to work actively and saturate the blood with oxygen, and its arrival is fraught with an increase in the level of hormones of joy. The bath helps to remove lactic acid and urea, which stagnate in the muscles after exercise and cause pain. If you pick up a suitable broom in the steam room, then in a short time you can cure diseased joints.

And this is just a small interpretation of the beneficial properties of the bath, in fact there are a lot of them. The bath has a versatile effect and has a positive effect on almost all organs and systems of the body. As for harm, in the absence of contraindications and with the condition of a dosed visit, it simply does not exist. Therefore, before going to the steam room, be sure to check if you have any diseases that are included in the list of contraindications, and even better, consult your doctor.

Bath contraindications

Often they like to go to the bathhouse to take a steam bath, taking alcohol with them, but in no case should this be done - these are incompatible things and instead of benefiting the body receives a huge load that wears out the internal organs. You can’t go to the bathhouse on an empty stomach or, conversely, having eaten tightly, just before going to bed, it’s also better to abandon the steam room. These are general contraindications that apply to absolutely everyone.

The bath carries a special risk for the "cores". Despite its positive effect on the heart muscle, the bath provides preventive measures for a healthy heart, but for those who experience problems with it, the steam room can be a real test. The same applies to hypertensive patients, with a constant pressure above 200 mm. The bath is contraindicated in tuberculosis, the presence of malignant tumors and inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs, although at the initial stage of a cold, the bath is indicated on the contrary and helps to prevent the disease. Diseases of the kidneys and liver require mandatory consultation with a doctor, since, for example, kidney stones, nephritis are the strictest contraindications.

To list all the diseases in which the bath is not the best, and even dangerous way to relax, can be very long. Therefore, if you have problems in the areas listed below, you should definitely consult with a specialist about a possible visit to the bath.

  • Painful joints and muscles.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases in the acute stage.
  • Fungi.

In no case should you overload your body with a long stay in the steam room! High temperatures are good, but prolonged exposure leads to overheating, which is fraught with negative consequences. There are clear signs that it's time to quit steaming and get out into the fresh air, namely:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • pre-fainting state.

As soon as you feel something is wrong, immediately leave the steam room. It is especially dangerous to be in this state in the steam room alone, as you can simply not reach the door and faint. After leaving the steam room, you need to wash yourself with cold (but not icy) water and wait while lying down until the condition returns to normal. Needless to say, on this day you can’t go into the steam room anymore. Do not joke with your health, such unjustified "willpower" has led to the death of more than one attendant.

When to prepare brooms for a bath

The general rules for harvesting brooms are as follows:

The time when it is necessary to harvest brooms directly depends on what raw materials will be used to create it. Let's consider different options.

  • Brooms made of birch traditionally begin to cook in July, the beginning or middle of the month. The tree from which the branches are cut should be tall and with falling branches (they also say weeping). But some experts, on the contrary, recommend using young trees for these purposes, which have never bloomed yet, because they have very flexible twigs and delicate leaves. Before cutting the branches, check its leaves on the tongue. If the leaves are rough - pick up another copy. But tender and velvety - what you need.
  • The collection of oak branches falls on the period from June to August. The correct place for collection should be darkened. Proper assembly will help create a high-quality broom, which will last up to four bath sessions.
  • Nettle brooms are prepared in the middle of summer, before or at the time of flowering of the plant.
  • Cherry and currant brooms are prepared at the very beginning of June.

Brooms from other trees are prepared from early July to mid-August. Remember, the collection of raw materials for brooms should take place far from the roadway, no closer than three kilometers. Otherwise, there will be no sense from the broom.

How to steam a broom for a bath

There are several options for how to properly steam a broom. The simplest and fastest is to immerse the broom in a bucket of cold water for a couple of minutes, and then soak in warm water for the same time, but in no case in boiling water. In this case, the basin with a broom must be covered so that it is steamed. The drier the broom, the longer it should be left in the water. The fact that the broom is ready can be recognized by its aroma, which begins to emanate from it. The water in which the bath “tool” was steamed can be used to water hot stones. This will fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

It is very important to steam dry brooms. Poorly dried ones can become sour and become heavy, they heat up very quickly, which can lead to burns on the skin.

How to dry bath brooms

A bath is good, and a bath with a broom is generally wonderful. But in order to benefit from its use, you need to properly prepare a broom. We have already talked about how and when to collect raw materials for a broom, now about proper drying. Ideally, when drying will take place in natural conditions, although this is relatively long, it is correct. So, for starters, remember the mandatory rules:

  • no draft;
  • no direct sunlight and brightly lit room;
  • no high humidity.

The ideal temperature regime in the room where brooms are dried is 15-25°C. You can not cook brooms in an unfavorable atmosphere, such as in a garage or utility room. As for in what form to dry a broom, in a lying or hanging, there is no definite answer. A lot depends on the type of broom and the shape that you want to get in the end. However, flat ones are considered the most versatile. They move more steam, capture more air and direct the flow easily. Flat brooms are obtained by "lying" drying. But if the object is made in order to simply breathe in the aroma of foliage, then you can make voluminous brooms that are hung to dry.

If desired, the drying process can be combined. First, fold the brooms for a couple of days, turning them over regularly (this will make the shape uniform), and then, when the shape is flat, hang it for a week or two.

Drying time also depends on the type of raw material. So, for example, a birch tree needs a couple of weeks, while oak brooms take one and a half to two more, and maple brooms are generally the longest.

How to bathe in a bath with a broom

At least two people go to the bathhouse with a broom to take a steam bath. The one who will soar - lies down, and the one who will soar must be sure to put bath mittens on his hands, otherwise corns cannot be avoided. A bathhouse with a broom is an amateur, for someone it can become a real hard labor. However, in any case, you need to remember the golden rules:

  • a strict rule - a broom simply must be wet, so periodically it must be moistened with water;
  • the “stronger” the temperature (over 60 ° C), the more carefully you need to work with a broom so as not to get burned by steam;
  • the bath attendant needs to be extremely careful: do not swing strongly and do not whip the recumbent - the movements should be smooth and slightly touching.

It's only in the movies that everything looks extremely simple, but in practice, many professional and simply experienced bath attendants will agree that owning a broom is a whole science. Consider in theory some techniques for soaring with a broom.

One lays down on his stomach and stretches his arms along the body, and the other takes a broom in each hand and begins to stroke the lying person, moving the brooms from head to toe and back. This is repeated several times. If the room is very hot - do not move the broom away from the body.

After the preparatory procedure, near the lower back, slightly raise the broom, grab some air with it and lower it onto your back, pressing it with your hand for about three seconds. This technique is called a compress. It will be very useful after exercise and for pain in the joints, with injuries and sciatica.

When problems affect the lumbosacral region, you can use the "stretching" technique. In this case, both brooms are placed on the lower back and move in different directions, one towards the feet, the other towards the shoulder blades, and then in the opposite directions towards each other. It is very important that the brooms do not come off the body. If the room is very hot, then you need to wield a broom carefully, without rushing anywhere.

The “fastening” technique is performed with the ends of the broom, making light fastenings in all directions along the thighs, pelvis, calves, lower back and feet. The duration is about a minute, and the reception ends with stroking.

After the described manipulations lying on the stomach, the person is laid on his back and everything repeats.

A stronger trick is called "whipping" - the broom rises, air is captured and a couple of three whips are performed on different parts of the body with a compress for three to four seconds.

Plowing is performed with a slight wave of the broom and a very weak, barely perceptible touch to the body, in this case the “lying” person feels a pleasant hot breeze. If you need it hotter, just raise the broom higher.

Complete the procedure with a broom by simple rubbing. With one hand you need to hold the broom by the handle, and with the other, lightly press the leaves of the broom and thereby rub the whole body. The arms and legs are rubbed along, and the torso in all directions.

After all the manipulations, you need to get up very slowly and carefully, otherwise dizziness may appear.

How to steam in the bath

A visit to the bath can become a pleasure and “repair” the body only if it is done correctly. It would seem, what is so difficult? In principle, nothing, but you need to know about some of the nuances. Consider the whole process of soaring "from" and "to".

  • The first stage is preparation. Before the bath, you must definitely wash yourself, just rinse with water at a temperature of 38 ° C. The purpose of the procedure is to warm up the body. It is not necessary to use soap and a washcloth, as this will wash away the lipid layer that acts as a barrier. Otherwise, the high temperature in the bath will dry out the skin. You can indulge from the heart with soap and a washcloth after the bath. Also, do not wet your hair, so as not to get a heat stroke later. And it is even better to put on a special cap in the bath, which is just the same better to moisten a little in water. That's all, now you are absolutely ready to enter the steam room, of which there are usually five to seven.
  • The second stage is adaptation. The first entry into the bath is used in order to get used to the high temperatures, so the broom is not used, but they take it with them to steam it well. To warm up the body, a temperature of about 60 ° C is suitable, so it is better to sit on the first shelf. Lie down, relax. After a little time, sweat will begin to appear, the heart will beat faster, the skin will turn red - this has begun the process of adaptation. In terms of time, the first call should be within ten minutes, no more.
  • The stage of friction is heat. The duration of the second call is about a quarter of an hour. This time you can use a broom or just lie down.
  • Stage four - repeated visits. During subsequent visits, and, as we have already said, there are usually at least five of them, the temperature in the steam room can be raised. The maximum length of stay in the bath should not exceed 25 minutes, while being attentive to your feelings, and if you feel unwell, go out, never sit too hard.

Particular attention should be focused on the rest between calls. The duration of these should not be less than the duration of the visits. Fans of baths use these gaps for contrasting procedures: for example, jump into a font, an ice hole, pour cold water over them or wipe themselves off with snow. However, if your experience of going to the bathhouse is not so rich, then it is better to leave it for the future. And you can start with the fact that after the steam room, stand in the shower with a water temperature of 25 ° C. The process should be started gradually. If the soul does not lie for hardening, then you can wrap yourself in a towel, sit quietly and drink tea.

How often can you go to the bath

Going to the bathhouse is so pleasant that it can be very addictive, but everything, even the most good and useful, should be in moderation.

In many countries where the bathing culture is actively developed, people go to the steam room almost every day. However, experts in the field of medicine do not share such views at all. In their opinion, visiting the bath should be no more than once a week. In principle, this opinion is quite justified. After all, a bath is, first of all, stress for the body, which has a positive effect on health. However, if such stress happens on a daily basis, instead of benefit, you can get harm.

The bathing procedure with soaring is a whole science.

The basic rules of the steamer:

Take your time, the greatest pleasure from the bath is when you can slowly go in several times
in the steam room with short rest intervals,

At the end - a long rest;

Avoid vaping in poor condition, unhealthy;

Do not go to the bathhouse immediately after eating, and even more so drunk;

Remove all jewelry, watches, glasses;

Do not smoke and move less;

Do not water the stones during the first run and do not be zealous with a ladle afterwards;

If the contrast is a pleasure, take a shower between visits to the steam room
plunge into cold water or ride in the snow;

The short rest is more important than the contrast;

Climb to the shelves closer to the ceiling to warm up more, and go down to
cool down;

Cool down after the bath for at least 20 minutes, take a shower during this time;

Don't dry yourself with a towel, the air will dry out your skin as you cool down..

  • You can steam in the bath no less than an hour or two after eating. You should not drink a lot of liquids and in no case should you drink alcoholic beverages, but you should not go to the bath and hungry. After heavy and prolonged physical exertion, you must first rest. You can go to the bath immediately after hard mental work.
  • There should be no fuss in the bath. If you do not set the atmosphere of slowness, complete relaxation in the steam room, the nervous system will not rest, there will be no desired effect from the visit.
  • A birch or oak broom is first steamed in a bowl of hot water, which is good for washing your hair. Then, in the shower or washing room, they are rinsed with warm water, and it is strictly forbidden to wet the head, and even more so to wash it with soap.
  • Before you start steaming, you need to wash yourself in the shower, wipe yourself dry with a towel, then enter the steam room. The shelves can be very hot, so take a towel or a saddle with you. The towel is spread out on a shelf and lies down. raising your legs on a stand above your head. The optimal time spent in the steam room at a temperature of 90 ° C and a humidity of 10% is 10 minutes, followed by a rest in the dressing room for 10 minutes. After 2-3 visits, take a cold shower or swim in a pool of cold water. After that, they rest in the dressing room lying down.
  • Don't be in a hurry to get started. If the heat can be adjusted so that the temperature is around 60 °C with the steam door closed, then sit relaxed for 3-4 minutes. Then, opening the door, gradually raise the temperature for 10-20 minutes. Since the temperature in the steam room is not the same at different levels, you can first sit or lie down on the lower bench, then rise higher. It is better to lie down, because in this case the whole body evenly receives the same amount of heat. The legs are placed on a stand. After you have sweated enough, you should leave the steam room, rinse with warm water and rest for 5 minutes.
  • On the second entry into the steam room, take a broom. To increase the heat, in a well-heated bath, you need to splash hot water on the stones in small portions of 0.2-0.3 liters. In a well-heated and dry bath, the temperature from the water splashed onto the stones does not increase, only the steam content rises. When the humidity is too high, the air becomes heavy, breathing is difficult, so you need to maintain the ratio of humidity and temperature: at a temperature of 60-80 ° C, the humidity should be 20-40%.
  • A wet broom is lifted up and kept for some time at the ceiling of the steam room. The body is covered with a broom to warm it up and increase blood circulation. When leaving the steam room for relaxation, take a broom with you, as it fades quickly. If the broom is dry, dip it in water. But it should not be excessively wet, as the spray will waterlog the air. In order not to burn your hands, put on woolen mittens. The head is covered with a dry hat or wool cap.
  • It is better to steam together. The one who is being hovered lies on his stomach, relaxed. The broom acts like a fan, supplying hot air to the feet, then moving to the upper parts of the body, the back, until the body warms up and the first droplets of sweat appear. Then you need to roll over on your back and repeat the procedure. During the second run, the body can be slightly whipped, commensurate blows with temperature: the higher the temperature, the weaker the blow. After soaring, you should not rush to leave the steam room, you need to go downstairs and sit for a while. Then take a warm shower and cool off.
  • In the steam room you need to breathe with your mouth open. The number of visits to the steam room, the duration of stay on the shelf depend on how you feel, normally - two or three visits lasting up to 10 minutes with an interval of 10 minutes to relax in the dressing room, preferably lying down. If you feel lethargic, breathing becomes difficult, dizziness, palpitations appear, you must immediately stop soaring and go into the dressing room.
  • The time of using a broom on a shelf during the last run should be significantly shorter than during the initial one - no more than 5 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to properly heat the body, especially if the bather is going to swim in the cold water of the pool, ride in the snow or plunge into the hole. With a well-heated body, there is no danger of catching a cold, no matter how cold it is. In the pool, particularly sudden movements should be avoided: swimming should be calm. A pleasant sensation is also achieved from cooling in cold air, but you should not abuse this so as not to catch a cold. The cooling procedure should be short.
  • After cooling in the snow or in cold water, take a shower and dry off in the dressing room. You should not dry yourself with a towel, as this will again cause the release of sweat, only the hair and face are wiped. Don't dress until the sweating stops. After cooling, you should rest lying on the waiting room bench for 10-15 minutes.
  • After the bath, thirst is felt. You can quench it with kvass, lemonade, mineral water, juices or fruits. It is good to drink strong tea. You should beware of very cold drinks, cold beer, milk. Strong spirits and a bath are incompatible.
  • Those who want to lose weight should refrain from drinking liquids for 2 hours after the bath.

Features of soaring in the sauna:

  • Steaming in the sauna and the bath procedure have a number of features. In the sauna, the temperature is higher than in the Russian bath: you can enjoy being on the shelf at 100-110 ° C, when the humidity does not exceed 10%. min.
  • In the Finnish sauna, the following conditions must be met. Limit or exclude the water supply to the heater. Raising the temperature in the steam room is achieved by heating dry air with red-hot stones and an electric heater, and not by splashing water on them. When water gets on the stones, a feeling of tingling or burning of the skin is caused by the appearance of steam in the air. Humidity cannot be quickly reduced, so you need to leave the steam room.
  • To increase body heat, you should climb to the top shelf. The temperature in a well-heated sauna rises by 20°C for every 50 cm.
  • A broom should be excluded from the bathing procedure in the sauna. In the steam room, it is necessary to ensure natural air exchange. To ensure low humidity and air change in the wall near the stove, a vent with a valve is arranged through which fresh air enters the room.
  • In the sauna, where the temperature reaches 90-120 ° C, and the stove does not have stones, excessive dryness irritates the nasopharyngeal mucosa. To humidify the air, in such a bath, the walls and ceiling are lightly poured with hot water. There are also difficulties with a broom - at this temperature, its leaves instantly curl and fall off. Therefore, it is better to take a bowl of hot water with you to the steam room and rinse the broom in it more often.

“Sweat - don’t burn yourself, give in - don’t fall off, don’t fall off the shelf.”

It seems to be clear. However, not all so simple. Especially for a beginner, you need to remember that you can’t joke with a steam room. Here everything must be done very carefully and gradually. Remember that a steam bath is a remedy, and like a medicine, this remedy must be taken wisely, not in horse doses.

Going to the bath, take the following items with you:

Change of linen, broom, sheet, terry towel or bathrobe, soap or shampoo, nail scissors, pumice for the soles of the feet, washcloth, comb, massage brush, mittens (preferably woolen) to hold the broom, slippers. For women, a small terry towel is required, on which you will have to sit in the steam room.

Gradually preparing for a meeting with hot steam. Beginners, the elderly and lovers of the bath with high blood pressure (unless, of course, the steam room is not contraindicated for them) and neuroses should first take a hot shower for 2-3 minutes or a hot foot bath. For the rest, it is enough just to rinse under a warm shower, but do not wet your head - it will be easier to endure the high temperature in the steam room. Before the steam room, you should not wash with soap, as in this case, fat is removed from the surface of the skin, which protects it from burning in the steam room, especially if you whip with a broom. It is necessary to wash with soap after the end of the steam procedure.

After a shower, the head is tied with a towel in the form of a turban. This headdress must be constantly moistened in the steam room with cold water so that the head does not overheat. We point out here the special harm of rubber caps, which are used by some bathing “specialists”. A tight cap compresses the head and squeezes the blood vessels, and wearing it leads to at least a headache, malaise, dizziness.

Entering the steam room, you should not immediately climb onto the shelf. First you need to sit down for 5-7 minutes or, in extreme cases, lie down on the middle shelf. The body must be preheated at a relatively low temperature. Heating will cause the necessary expansion of blood vessels, and sweating will begin. A beginner can limit himself to this approach, it is better for him to postpone the broom until the next time. To evenly warm all parts of the body, experienced bathers usually lie on the middle shelf, turning from side to side. This makes the work of the heart easier.

After the first warming up (after 5-7 minutes), you should leave the steam room and rest. At the same time, rising from the shelf, do not get up abruptly - you can lose your balance. And after leaving the steam room, you should not immediately go to bed, it is better to walk for 2-3 minutes.

Rest between visits to the steam room should be 15-20 minutes. First 5-7 minutes in the soap department, then in the locker room. During the rest, it is good to drink a cup of freshly brewed strong tea, a glass of kvass, juice or mineral water in small sips.

After the rest, you can go to steam.

But first, they create an optimal atmosphere for themselves in terms of temperature and humidity in the steam room. To do this, splash boiling water on hot stones in small portions (100-200 ml each).

If steaming with a broom, the humidity should be higher. Watering the stones with just small portions of water allows you to make the steam less humid, “light” or “soft”.

That's where the expression "enjoy your bath" comes from. And if water is poured in large portions, then it settles down with heavy steam, the steam burns the skin, the cardiovascular system is overloaded and the vapers feel tired. Such a plank is called “raw”, “heavy”.

Soar in a Russian bath - what could be easier? I sat in the steam room on the bench, sweated well, whipped myself with a broom and be healthy! In fact, this is an oversimplified idea of ​​Slavic bathing traditions. There are a huge number of nuances, non-observance of which leads to the fact that a person steaming in a bath does not heal his body, but harms it. Do you know how to take a steam bath in a Russian bath? If not, then you have every chance to learn it right now.

Preparation for bath procedures includes two restrictions. Firstly, before going to the bath you can not eat enough. Of course, there is nothing to starve either, limit yourself to a light snack 1-1.5 hours before visiting the bath. Secondly, if you want to take a steam bath with benefit, forget about alcoholic drinks on this day.

Preliminary stage: visit to the washing department

Take a shower before entering the steam room. The water should be warm enough (36-38°C) to warm up your body and prepare it for more extreme temperatures. Wash with soap, wielding a washcloth, until it's worth it. The fact is that soap washes away the lipid layer from the skin, which acts as a barrier. And if it is washed off, the high temperatures of the steam room will dry the skin to parchment. Therefore, save the soap until the end of the bath procedure.

When taking a shower, do not wet your hair. Otherwise, you can get heatstroke in the steam room. To further protect yourself from this trouble, put on a bath hat made of wool, cotton or linen. By the way, it doesn’t hurt to moisten it with water to keep your head “in the cold”.

Now you are fully armed and ready to meet the hot climate of the Russian steam room. There can be several visits to the steam room, usually 5-7. They differ from each other in their thermal regimes and duration.

The first entry into the steam room: adaptation to high temperatures

The first time they go into the steam room in order to warm up and get used to the heat loads. They do not use a broom at this stage, although they take it with them to the steam room - for steaming. This will allow you to enjoy the fresh aroma of the leaves and calm the nervous system.

The optimal temperature for initial heating is considered to be 60 ° C - approximately this heat regime is maintained on the lower shelf of the steam room. Lay on it and relax. Soon you will feel that your skin is reddening, your heart is beating faster, sweat is pouring out. This means that your body begins the process of adaptation. If you wish, you can climb a little higher, to the next shelves, and continue warming up there. However, do not overdo it: the first entry into the steam room should not last longer than 3-10 minutes.

Second entry: heat, steam and a broom

The second visit to the steam room is longer - up to 10-15 minutes. During this time, you can not only sweat, but also feel the benefits of a broom massage. Of course, it is desirable to bathe together - so the procedure will be more effective.

So, how to bathe in a Russian bath with a broom? The person who will be steamed is placed on a shelf, after which the steamer begins to perform a complex of broom massage.

Its main actions are:

  • plowing - swinging movements with a broom in the direction of the soaring.
  • shaking - shaking with a broom under the ceiling of the steam room (where the temperature is higher) and briefly pressing hot twigs to the lower back, feet, shoulder blades.
  • whipping - biting blows with a broom on the skin.
  • stroking - slow stroking with a broom along the body.
  • lashing - alternating stroking and biting blows with a broom.
  • compress - lowering a broom on the body of a steamer with a tight pressure for 4-5 seconds.

At the end of the broom massage, do not rush to get up abruptly from the shelf. Wait a couple of minutes, then gently rise and exit the steam room.

Third and all subsequent visits

As already mentioned, a visit to the bath usually includes 5-7 visits to the steam room. Moreover, in each subsequent time, the soaring temperature and duration can increase. Be sure to follow your feelings and do not try to stay in the steam room through force. The maximum duration of stay there is 20-25 minutes.

What to do between visits to the steam room?

Now it's time to talk about rest. This event should follow after each exit from the steam room and last no less than the soaring process.

Inveterate bathers prefer to use this time for contrast procedures. After the steam room, they jump into the font, wipe themselves with snow or, at worst, douse themselves with icy water from the gang. If you have only recently started visiting the bath, then these procedures are not for you yet. It will be enough if you stand for a minute under the shower with a water temperature of 25-30 ° C. Remember that it is necessary to temper gradually, gradually cooling the water for contrast procedures with each subsequent visit to the bath.

After washing, wrap yourself in a towel and drink a cup of hot tea to rejuvenate. Lie down, relax, drive aside all bad thoughts. Remember that a bath heals not only the body, but also the soul.

The relaxation time in the bath is also perfect for cosmetic procedures. After several visits to the steam room, exfoliate your skin with sea salt, ground nuts, or coffee grounds. Massage the body with it, leave the healing composition for 5-10 minutes to be absorbed, and then rinse off. The skin will become smooth and soft, as after using an expensive lotion. You can also get a wonderful effect from natural face and body masks made with your own hands from honey, fruits, berries, clay, etc.

Use the possibilities of the Russian bath to the fullest. This is a universal cure for many diseases, but it only works in capable hands. Therefore, do not waste time - go to the bathhouse and learn how to bathe correctly!

It is one of the wonderful and inalienable traditions of our country. In the cities, this tradition has already begun to be forgotten, but in villages and towns, children are taught to visit baths from an early age, almost from infancy. Adults, men and women, visit her regularly; go to the bathhouse and old people.

Despite the prevalence of bathing traditions, they raise a number of questions for many people. How to properly soar in a Russian bath, and what tips should be followed so that the process brings both pleasure and health? - Let's consider this in more detail.

How to melt and what to cook?

It should be noted that the rules of soaring in Russian baths begin with the very basics. You need to melt the bath correctly. In no case should you use coal for this - the bath is heated only with firewood.

A broom is an essential attribute of the Russian bath, and there are rules here too. So, you can use brooms prepared from different tree species, a lot of options are allowed.

It can be oak, birch, eucalyptus, juniper, or even nettle. These brooms should be prepared in the summer, they are dried without direct sunlight, in a suspended form.

Important! Store brooms in the country or in a country house is in the attic. If you live in the city, store them on the balcony or in the refrigerator. Dried brooms in such conditions are stored in bags.

Before you start the bath procedure, the broom must be soaked. But you can not do this when using very hot water - this is a common mistake.

If you do this, then the leaves will fly around too quickly, and you will soon have to steam with bare branches. After soaking the brooms, water remains, it should not be poured out - it can be used to supply steam, and the result will please you with a pleasant aroma.

bath clothes

It is also worth preparing some things from clothes. So, you should cover your head in a steam room, and a special bath cap is perfect for this, one of those that are so actively offered today in the most original design.

You can also use a scarf, bandana or panama. The main thing is that this thing is made from natural materials, this is the only criterion.

Important! Before visiting the steam room, remove all metal things - watches, jewelry. Women: Don't forget to take off your earrings! The metal will get hot and can cause burns.

In addition, you will need a towel, a bathrobe, fresh linen, a washcloth - all these are quite natural things. There is also no point in listing cosmetic and hygiene items - of course, shampoo, soap, and all other things of this kind that you use in your daily baths will come in handy. In this regard, the steam room of a Russian bath is no different from a shower or a bath at home.

How to steam

And now let's move on to the bath procedures themselves. Here you need to pay special attention, because soaring can be called a whole separate science.

Consider the basic rules that should be followed in the steam room.

  • You can not go to the bath sick, with signs of poor health. We must not forget that the bath is a serious burden on the body.
  • No need to rush into the bath. The best thing is several visits to the steam room - without haste, for a period that is comfortable for you, provide yourself with rest breaks.
  • After the bath, you should have a proper rest, you do not need to burden yourself with business, and even more so, with physical labor.
  • When visiting a bath, you should move less.
  • You cannot smoke at this time.
  • You can not go to the bath drunk. After a hearty dinner, a visit to the bath is also not recommended.
  • After the bath you need to take a shower. Cool down for about 20 minutes.
  • You can enjoy the contrast - take a dip in cold water or jump in the snow between visits to the steam room.
  • It is not worth wiping yourself with a towel between visits to the steam room - cooling down, the body will dry out the skin.
  • It is not necessary to water the stones especially diligently; in the first run, it is better to exclude this altogether.
  • To be exposed to a higher temperature, it is worth climbing higher on the shelves. To cool down, it is enough to go down lower or even sit on the floor.

Using these tips, you will get the maximum pleasure and benefit from visiting the steam room, and will not risk your health. The presented photos will show you everything clearly.

Enjoying the couple right

So, the steam room in the Russian bath is ready to receive you. How should it be done in practice? You can watch the video in this article to see everything visually.

It's worth eating in advance. Only an hour or two after a hearty lunch should you go for such procedures. At the same time, it is not recommended to drink too much liquid before the bath, and alcoholic beverages are completely contraindicated.

It is also worth noting that it is also impossible to go to the bathhouse hungry. If before the bath you received physical activity, for example, actively worked in the garden, you should take time to rest. But mental stress does not affect anything - you can go to the bathhouse immediately after them.

You can’t rush and fuss in the bath. You need to relax and rest, the nervous system needs to be given rest. If you are tense, there will be no pleasant result.

Before you start steaming, you should take a shower, but you should not wet your head. Moreover, you can not wash your hair with shampoo or soap. After a shower, you need to dry yourself with a towel properly, and you can go directly to the steam room.

At the same time, the instruction assumes that you will have a towel or bedding with you, since the shelves usually get very hot. The towel should be spread out and lie on it. The legs should be above the level of the head, they need a stand.

First run

No need to immediately start steaming. You should sit and rest for a few minutes. The ideal temperature for this preliminary period is around 60 degrees.

If it is impossible to adjust it, open the steam room door for this time. Then within 10 minutes you need to increase the temperature - close the door.

First you can lie down on the lower bench, where the temperature is not high, and then go upstairs. It is better to lie down than to sit - this way the body will be exposed to even temperatures. You need to sweat properly, and then leave the steam room and rinse, relax a bit.

Second entry

Going to the steam room for the second time, take a broom prepared with your own hands or bought. Increasing the heat, splash hot water on the stones, but do it in small portions, no more than a glass. If the bath is warmed up well, the heat from this will not increase, but the vapor content in the atmosphere will increase.

Do not overdo it: if the humidity is too high, breathing will be difficult, and this should not be achieved. Compare humidity and temperature indicators: humidity at the level of 20-40 percent is suitable for a temperature of 60-80 degrees.

Many people believe that going to the bathhouse is a hard pat with a broom and a constant stay in the steam room. However, this misconception is wrong. As in any other case, the procedure requires careful monitoring and appropriate preparation. Actions should bring benefit to the body, not harm.

The benefits of the Russian bath

  1. The optimal temperature regime in the cabin is 55-75 degrees, while the air humidity ranges from 45-65%. Thanks to favorable conditions, the skin is cleansed, slags and toxins are removed from the body, as a result of which cellulite disappears. For the same reason, bones are warmed up and strengthened, blood circulation improves, muscles become toned.
  2. Not many people know that with regular exposure to steam on the body and the body as a whole, there is no need to visit the gym. One hour of being in a Russian bath is equivalent to 2.5 hours of intensive work on a treadmill or exercise bike.
  3. As for diseases, the Russian bath is able to stabilize blood pressure if it constantly jumps (not at the time of exacerbation), improve the outflow of blood in the lymphs and blood vessels, and normalize the functioning of the kidneys.
  4. The steam room relieves a person from constant migraine attacks and headaches, contributes to the full activation of the organs of smell and respiration, tidies up the joints, in particular, relieves pain. Doctors especially advise people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, low immune system and arthritis to visit the Russian bath.

Contraindications to visiting the Russian bath

There are a number of restrictions that you need to consider if you are going to visit the steam room.

  1. In the presence of skin diseases, namely the formation of abscesses and blisters, it is strictly forbidden to warm up in the bath. This applies not only to large neoplasms, but also to small pimples. If you neglect this rule, a slight inflammation will develop into a full-fledged abscess that will itch and hurt.
  2. Also, experts do not recommend visiting the Russian bath for people with heart and lung failure, epilepsy, malignant and benign tumors, venereal diseases. Those who suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia should pay special attention to their health.
  3. Do not steam small children (under 5 years of age). As for the elderly, they are allowed to warm up the body only after a doctor's examination. Gynecologists unanimously say that the Russian bath is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating ladies. Those, in turn, often violate this rule.

Types of bath brooms and their effect on the body

  1. Oak. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, disinfects the skin, draws out toxins and improves tissue elasticity.
  2. Juniper. It tidies up the nervous system, relieves stress, fights fatigue.
  3. Nut. Experts advise soaring the skin with just such a broom for those people who suffer from varicose veins, diabetes, and peptic ulcers.
  4. Fir. It relieves the body of edema due to the withdrawal of subcutaneous fluid. It has a calming effect, promotes sound sleep, treats sciatica.
  5. Bird cherry. The plant is more effective than all the others in fighting the fungus, especially the feet.
  6. Birch. Brooms of this kind heal scratches and wounds, smooth out scars, and soothe the skin.
  7. Alder. Due to the fact that the leaves contain sticky elements during processing, they stick to the skin and cleanse the pores. Alder is also an effective way to prevent chronic (not acute) bronchitis and cough.
  8. Nettle. Brooms based on this plant are suitable for people suffering from back pain, arthritis, sciatica, high blood pressure, and a "loose" nervous system.
  9. Eucalyptus. The rarest type of brooms of all listed. Thanks to its healing properties, the plant relieves the common cold, partially eliminates allergies and coughs.

Preparation of brooms
It does not matter which broom you have chosen for the procedure, you need to steam it well. In addition, in the process, do not forget to put the attribute in hot water so that it does not shrink. Always follow safety precautions, in no case do tapping thoughtlessly. Treat problem areas, try not to injure the skin and not get burned.

Place the following items in the large bag:

  • a bath towel;
  • bathrobe;
  • slippers;
  • sheet;
  • clean underwear;
  • appropriate headdress (felt, woolen);
  • shampoo, shower gel or soap;
  • broom;
  • body glove.

If desired, you can prepare an infusion of medicinal herbs and pour it on the stones, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

Be sure to take care of the availability of drinking, it can be mineral water without gas, a decoction of medicinal plants, freshly squeezed juice or green tea with sugar.

Girls who watch their figure will not mind scrubbing with coffee grounds or wrapping with honey and algae.

There are some restrictions in visiting the Russian bath. First, completely give up alcoholic beverages on the day of the procedure. They put a heavy load on the heart muscle, as a result of which they have a bad effect on health during steaming.

Secondly, you should not eat fatty and salty foods immediately before the procedure, especially in large quantities. Have a snack 2-3 hours before leaving with a light salad or low-fat cottage cheese.

Stage number 1. Preparing to enter the steam room

  1. Before proceeding with the procedure, visit the washing department. Rinse under warm water to prepare the body for further heat treatment. In order for the body to withstand the load in the steam room, the water during rinsing should be in the range of 38-40 degrees. Important! When you take a shower, do not rub with a hard washcloth, do not use shower gel or soap. Such actions wash off the protective layer of the skin, as a result of which the dermis becomes vulnerable. If you neglect this advice, high temperatures will dry out the skin. For this reason, it is worth saving the use of cosmetics until the procedure is completed.
  2. When taking a shower, do not wet your head, in particular your hair. When you enter the steam room, the water will act as a conductor, so there is a risk of heat stroke. Be sure to wear a bathing hat, which is sold in specialized stores and hypermarkets. If there is no possibility of buying, sew a hat yourself from felt, wool, linen or cotton.

Before entering the steam room, dip the headdress in cold water, so the head will remain cool throughout the procedure. Repeat the steps between the stages of taking the Russian bath.

As a rule, the number of visits to the cabin varies between 4-7 procedures, while they differ in temperature, humidity and duration.

Stage number 2. First visit to the steam room

At this stage, you need to get used to the subsequent high temperatures and warm up the body properly. Take a broom with you and soak it in boiling water until you need to use it.

For the first visit to the steam room, sit on the lower shelf, in this place the temperature does not cross the threshold of 60 degrees. Also, you will not be tormented by the lack of air that appears when you are on the upper railing.

Spread out a sheet, lie down on a shelf and relax. Breathe evenly, the diaphragm should not be clamped. As soon as the body begins to sweat, the cheeks turn red, and the heart beats faster, you can consider that the adaptation of the body begins.

After this moment, lie down on the railing, located a little higher, sit on them freely and relax. Do not overdo it, the first entry into the bath should not exceed 10 minutes.

Stage number 3. Visiting the steam room with a broom

The duration of the next visit ranges from 10 to 20 minutes depending on the state of health, this is a matter of habit. By and large, you need to bathe together to feel the beauty of massage with a broom.

The procedure has a number of features that are observed in a certain order. The person who will be steaming should lie down on the bench, then the steamer will begin to manipulate.

  1. First you need to carry out a light plowing over the skin, in the direction from the neck to the legs.
  2. This is followed by shaking. It is necessary to raise the broom to the ceiling, where a large accumulation of steam forms. When the leaves warm up, a broom is applied to different parts of the body for a few seconds. Particular attention should be paid to the feet, lower back, back, in particular, the shoulder blades, shoulders and calves.
  3. Following the point heating of the body, there is a slight whipping with a broom, while the blows should not cause discomfort.
  4. When the skin gets used, it is necessary to stroke it with a broom for 1 minute, and then alternately whip and stroke, but at a faster pace.
  5. The massage ends with a broom with a hot compress: leaves heated with steam are applied to all parts of the body alternately. You need to stay at one point for no longer than 5 seconds.
  6. At the end of the soar, do not rush to get up from the bench, wait 3 minutes, catch your breath, then carefully rise and leave the booth.
  7. As mentioned earlier, the number of procedures should be 4-7 times. You can increase the temperature and the duration of the session at your discretion, most importantly, monitor your well-being. The maximum allowable threshold for the duration of the third and subsequent procedures should not exceed 25 minutes.
  1. After you leave the steam room, do not rush to go to bed to rest. Walk for 5 minutes, take a deep breath, cool down. Take a warm shower, optionally bathe with soap and shampoo.
  2. It is important to observe the progression of being in the bath and resting outside the cabin. The longer you are in the steam room, the longer your rest should be outside of it. By no means the other way around. Do not disturb the water balance. Drink warm (if possible hot) tea or water.
  3. You can use cosmetics after 3-4 sessions, when the body has already warmed up and sweated enough. The same applies to the use of a hard washcloth and honey wrap.

A visit to the Russian bath in compliance with important aspects and recommendations will help get rid of many diseases, lose weight, tone muscles and give skin elasticity. Take care of your own health, do not sit in the steam room through force.

Video: how to steam in the bath and sauna

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