How to ask for a pay rise? How to write a memo for a pay rise.


The problem of finding ways to effectively motivate employees worries most employers. Someone improves the psychological microclimate, someone increases the comfort of working conditions, but few employers will deny the well-known truth: the best incentive is an attractive salary. And if the authorities pretend that they have forgotten about the strength of the impact of the material factor, then a memo for a pay increase will help remind him of this.

Normative base

The very right to communicate with an official or an official of any level is regulated by the federal law on the appeal of citizens of the Russian Federation, 59-FZ. It determines that a citizen alone or their association can apply to the selected object and receive an exhaustive answer if the question lies in the responsibility of the addressee.

Since the same mechanism also works in full measure in relations with company executives, employees can rely on Law 59-FZ in this case as well. However, for internal business correspondence, a report and is considered a more familiar form. Unified forms for these documents are not provided, but when they are drawn up, it is recommended to pay attention to GOST 6.30-2003 USORD. Its norms must be applied both when filling out the “cap” and compiling the content.

In addition, in the matter of sending a memo to increase wages, local acts of the enterprise come to the fore:

  • position on wages;
  • collective agreement;
  • contract of employment;
  • staffing;
  • set of job descriptions;
  • agreement with the trade union.

After all, they, most often, contain specific criteria and conditions for increasing the amount of wages in a particular company.

If the salary increase is provided for by the internal regulations of the company, then the request set out in the memo is subject to unconditional satisfaction.

Instructions for preparing a note

Each memo at the enterprise is a kind of creative work. This concerns, of course, not its formal part, it is precisely regulated by GOST 6.30-2003, and should contain:

  • the title of the position of the addressee and the name of the institution or organization;
  • full name of the addressee;
  • indication of the position and full name of the author;
  • the title "Memorandum" and a brief transcript of the topic of the appeal;
  • content part;
  • list of applications, if any;
  • the date of writing the document and the personal signature of the applicant;
  • paper registration data in the relevant journals of incoming documentation (number and date of submission).

The greatest difficulty is the compilation of the content of the document, since it requires substantiation and argumentation. It is desirable that the author's position is supported by actual results or references to legislative and local acts. Here are just the most popular:

Reason for salary increase Justification of salary increase in memo
Inflation or other adverse financial processes nationwide An attempt to simply write in the appeal “look at the prices” is evidence of incompetence and a superficial approach to drafting a document. It is better to refer to the official data of RosStat or conduct a mini-study and provide your own list of products whose prices have skyrocketed recently. Indirectly, this right is confirmed by Art. 135 TK. Accordingly, the headings must be of vital importance and not concern items of increased comfort or luxury.
Combining positions or expanding the scope of duties (in fact) If the verbal requests of the immediate superior to perform some additional work have become regular, then you should not wait for the moment when they smoothly turn into orders. The text of a memo for a salary increase should include a list of tasks that go beyond the scope of the employee’s employment contract, which he has performed recently, and invite management to charge for them
Expanding the list of functions at the request of the employee The specialist himself can initiate an increase in his own workload in exchange for an increase in earnings. Then the amount of payment will be calculated based on the staffing table. The applicant himself needs to justify his ability to perform advanced functions (attach a document on advanced training, obtaining an academic degree or specialized education at a university, a patent for an invention or a certificate of training in the specified field)
Long and conscientious work in the company Obviously not a very strong argument, since valuable employees, as a rule, receive regular promotions and salaries from their superiors. If a long-term employee has not received the attention of management, then perhaps the absence of penalties is evidence of normal discipline, and not the value of personal achievements. That is why, before writing a memo for a salary increase, you need to soberly assess the employee’s own merits
Lack of salary review for a long time or discrepancy between the size of the employee's salary and the income of specialists in similar positions If the staffing table, in terms of wage billing, has not changed for several years, then the employee can use this as an argument to support his request to review his salary. It is possible to increase its credibility if we also cite inflation indicators for this period.

And in the case of an unfair approach to the appointment of salaries for similar positions within the company, it is necessary to insist that the list of duties and the level of responsibility for such specialists is the same or comparable.

Acquisition of unique personal skills or achievements If the personality of an employee helps the company to receive additional profit that another specialist of the same qualification cannot bring, then the authorities should hint at a personal increase. For example, those who attract a larger number of customers, relying on personal connections and acquaintances, can count on it. As an option, you can consider a salary increase in the form of a percentage of the attracted turnover.

Check out an example of a memo on our website ().

At the discretion of the manager

The need to draw up a memo for a salary increase and look for a sample of it in the personnel department or the Internet only arises if the idea to raise salaries was not born in the head of the head of the enterprise, but in one of the heads of its departments. The form in this case is not the most important thing, it is better to focus on ensuring that the director, who, quite possibly, does not personally know the employee named in the note, does not doubt the need to revise his monthly income upwards.

If the collective or employment contract does not specify how, when and for what the employee can count on a salary increase, then the decision on this remains at the discretion of the manager, even if the reason in the memo is more than valid.

Filing a note

The idea of ​​raising the salaries of subordinates, although it is considered an important point in the development of a system of employee motivation, rarely takes a dominant position in the mind of the director. Most often, the impetus for revising the salary policy in relation to an individual employee or team becomes a memo for a salary increase from one of the middle managers. In general, the process goes through several stages:

  1. Showing initiative. The employee himself may hint about the desire to qualitatively improve his financial situation, or the head of his department decides to improve the situation.
  2. Actually drawing up a memo with sending it to the name of a higher-ranking leader or functionary who has the right to make such decisions.
  3. Registration of an internal message in the journals of incoming correspondence or sending it by mail.
  4. Consideration of the offer and preparation of the answer.
  5. Consent is usually expressed in the form of an order to increase wages and change the staffing table. The refusal is sent by the same internal document, often in the form approved in the document management regulation in the company.
  6. Increased salaries are waiting for employees from the next calendar month, unless otherwise provided in the issued order for the enterprise.

Those who expect a quick reaction from the authorities will have to be patient. Law 59-FZ allows an official to consider all documents within 30 days, if it was not sent by special categories of persons.

Well, another thing is that the manager must answer in the same form to the appeal handed in writing. This means that, if there are grounds, the refusal stated on paper can be appealed to the labor inspectorate or court. Naturally, this business will have a prospect only if the procedure for raising salaries is approved in the local acts of the enterprise, and the authorities refuse to comply with it.

Popular Statement Mistakes

  • Destination. The most common mistake when compiling a memo for a salary increase is the incorrect definition of the addressee. Even if the employee believes that the amount in the payroll is not comparable with the efforts he has spent and the results achieved, then he needs to correctly build a route for considering his request.
  • Not in the competence of the head. It would not be entirely correct to demand additional payments from your immediate supervisor if the solution of these issues is not within his competence. But at the same time, you should not "jump over your head" and write an appeal to the CEO. The surest way is to draw the attention of the head of your unit to the financial discrepancy and invite him to petition for its revision to higher authorities.
  • Argumentation. Another example of an error in compiling a memo for a pay increase is incorrect argumentation. Even if an employee finds himself in a very difficult life situation and is in dire need of money, this is not a reason to increase his salary. Every more or less experienced leader knows this common truth.
  • Showing Sympathy in the form of an increase in salary will adversely affect the productivity of the rest of the team, as it will create an erroneous idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe priorities of the company. In this case, it is better to offer the authorities to provide the employee with one-time financial assistance or an interest-free loan. Such an initiative has more chances for a positive management resolution.

The desire of employees to improve their financial situation is pushing some of them to write a memo for a pay increase. And if, before its departure, a person objectively approached the assessment of his own positions and labor achievements, then the probability of the desired result will increase significantly.

Lawyer of the Board of Legal Protection. Specializes in handling cases related to labor disputes. Defense in court, preparation of claims and other regulatory documents to regulatory authorities.

Publication date 25.01.2011 Saint Petersburg

A new year brings new hopes. Including wage increases, which is especially important given the current rise in prices. And if the management “forgot” that it is time to increase wages, how to remind about it in order to “get into the top ten”?

Head of Marketing and PR Service of the HeadHunter branch in St. Petersburg:

The surest way to get a pay rise is to show results that management can appreciate. This approach is ideal for both employees and their employers. If there are no achievements, then the employer is likely to raise wages not earlier than in a year, or even more. And this despite the fact that, according to our surveys, more than a third of employees want to increase their pay every three months.

The need to raise wages can be justified by the growth of qualifications, an increase in the volume of functions performed, a good knowledge of in-house technologies, the achievement of specific results that should be listed in measurable terms: sales increased by so many percent, the client base grew by so many times. It is worth raising the issue of increasing wages as correctly as possible, having thought in advance what you want to say and your argumentation. It is also advisable to choose a time suitable for a detailed conversation with the manager, and not to do it on the run.

HR Director of the Prolight Group of Companies (production and dealer sales of industrial electric lighting equipment):

It seems to me wrong when the employee himself asks for himself. The salary increase should be a managerial decision agreed with the management. You need to think not about the interests of one particular employee, but about the company as a whole. Taking into account all the factors - will the company “pull” the increase in the budget by this amount, what is the market level of compensation for each specific position, etc.

The direct route is not always the shortest. And it is hardly worth interceding directly for yourself - there is a direct supervisor or a personnel department.

The New Year pleases us not only with pre-holiday fuss, garland lights and fireworks. But also rising prices for utility bills, transport, food and gasoline. Under these conditions, the mood of the staff can hardly be called optimistic. Most employers understand this - and plan to increase wages at least by the amount of inflation. If this is not done, then the loyalty of the staff decreases, the dissatisfaction of employees increases, who are well aware that their real incomes are falling. And if competitors are not asleep, then the risk of losing a valuable employee who has begun to “look at the side” increases. And the search for an experienced professional to replace the departed is by no means a simple and quick matter, and it is also costly. When deciding on salary indexation, you need to weigh all the pros and cons: perhaps saving 10% now, the company will lose more in the future. All this should be understood by the manager, and the personnel officer should remind him of this in time.

head of the research center of the recruiting portal

The first thing to remember is that there is nothing demeaning about asking for a raise. If you are sure that you deserve more and can back it up with facts, the conversation with the management should not be put off, but you need to seriously prepare for it, because you have to operate with facts, not emotions. First, determine your market value (as cynical as it sounds, that's what the job market calls it). This will help you, including reviews of the salaries of our research center and the magazine "Zarplatomer".

I would recommend asking not for an abstract increase in wages, but to name a specific amount. At the same time, you also need to justify your request with specific reasons - for example, the fact that you have increased the number of responsibilities, you bring more profit to the company, do more work or develop new areas. But you should not resort to blackmail or argue your request with the fact that you do not have enough money or that your colleague's salary was increased.

And even if you get rejected, don't give up. Ask what you need to do, what results to achieve in order to get a positive decision on your issue next time, and when you can return to this conversation.

Deputy General Director of the real estate agency "Admiral":

In our agency, it is accepted as follows: if an employee (we are not talking about real estate agents who receive interest) can substantiate and prove that his work activity has brought an increase in the company's income, and present weighty arguments for his professional growth during his work with us, he can to expect that the management will make a positive decision to increase his salary.

However, in my opinion, a manager should invest in his employees not only financial resources, but also create all the conditions for their fruitful activity, because it depends on which direction the company will develop and, consequently, its level of income.

In an ideal organization, everything should be interconnected, and if an employee contributes to the flow of funds into it, then his income should increase. The task of the manager in this situation is not to miss this moment, otherwise the employee’s motivation will decrease, which means that he will either stop working efficiently or find another job.

In our agency, we try to carefully monitor the ratio between the volume of work performed and the level of wages. And the result is pleasing: the main composition of our employees has been working since the foundation of the company - 14 years!

Dear representatives of the personnel services of St. Petersburg!
If you would like to participate in our surveys, please email [email protected] to the columnist Tatyana GORYACHEVA

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Friday evening. You are making plans for the weekend, but your boss shows up unexpectedly. Is it just another overtime job? No, it turns out that at the meeting of the board it was decided to celebrate your merits in ensuring the smooth operation of the network by increasing wages!

The scenario is tempting, but unrealistic... An unfortunate feature of the work of an IT specialist is such that he is noticed only when the system goes down. In other words, successful activity in this area involves staying in the shadows, which does not create favorable conditions for receiving material incentives. Stimulating the promotion process in the long term requires the development of an appropriate strategy and certain efforts. To begin with, the process of constructing an argument should be broken down into three stages - planning, preparation and presentation.


The first mistake most employees make is not planning to ask for a raise or a reward. Too often, such appeals are prompted only by an urgent need for additional funds. Under such circumstances, both the employee and the manager find themselves in an uncomfortable position. The applicant for a salary increase does not have sufficient arguments, and the manager does not have a rationale for material incentives for the employee from the point of view of business interests. This situation can be avoided by using forward planning. Follow the guidelines below as you develop your plan.

  • Make your work visible. Make sure those who make key incentive decisions are aware of you and your activities. Send status reports to management, present positive feedback on your work, organize presentations, and generally don’t go into the shadows.
  • Use all possibilities. Showing initiative and demonstrating your need for a company can not only generate rewards, but also increase career opportunities. Remember that managers make incentive decisions primarily based on an assessment of an employee's potential from a long-term perspective.
  • Set measurable goals so you have an objective justification for getting a raise or bonus. If you don't have measurable goals, start setting them now. For example, replace a goal such as "manage the DHCP service" with a setting of "Maintain 99.99 percent availability of the DHCP service." The first wording only reflects the normal responsibilities of your position, while the second allows you to demonstrate the positive contribution of your knowledge and skills to the overall business activity.
  • Be clear about what you want. Remember that in organizations, one-time rewards usually celebrate past merit, while salary increases are given based on the prospect of continued positive contribution. Once you've decided which type of rewards you should be pursuing, set appropriate goals and use the right performance scoring system. For example, ask for a one-time incentive if you can demonstrate that you have saved a certain amount of money for a company in the past year, or ask for a pay raise if you are currently working on a program that aims to save a certain amount of money for a company in the past year. the future. It certainly doesn't hurt to get a one-time bonus, but a pay raise is usually more attractive in the long run, as it means a higher base salary.


  • Making a list of your responsibilities. Your participation in some important activities may not be known to management. Such a list may come in handy if you are inquiring about a pay increase or a promotion.
  • Collection of information about achievements. The list of duties may be of interest only in certain cases. Consider your achievements, their positive consequences and significance. Remembering all the events of the past year is not easy, so it is useful to keep a journal of achievements and update it regularly. The ability to demonstrate a measurable contribution to the company will make your argument more persuasive.
  • Match your responsibilities and accomplishments with the goals of the company. If it turns out that you have not lived up to any expectations of management, try to correct this situation in order to eliminate possible blocking factors. On the other hand, if you exceeded expectations, be sure to emphasize this circumstance.
  • Write a concise written justification for a pay increase or a one-time bonus. The document should be no more than one page. Focus on your positive contribution to the business, but not on the number of hours spent at work or listing your job responsibilities. Pay special attention to correct spelling and style. Lack of literacy can lead to a frivolous attitude towards you.


When submitting your request, be clear about the amount of the raise or one-off incentive you are asking for and the expected assessment of your worth by management. Show your confidence and be concise. You can send a written justification to the manager in advance to allow time for review. You should not use ultimatums, such as talking about a proposed exit, unless you are ready to actually carry out your threats. You can only play this card once, and taking advantage of this chance may make the leadership question your loyalty forever. I do not recommend going this route.


Even if you follow all the recommendations, if you do not take into account the general situation, your request may be postponed indefinitely. Circumstances beyond your control, such as a total wage freeze, may play a role. The human factor should also not be underestimated. It is known that everyone prefers to work with pleasant and easy-to-communicate people. The four character traits listed below can negate your efforts towards winning worthy material incentives.

  • Habitual negative perception. The manager spends his working time solving problems. You are interested in your name being associated with the solution, not the problem.
  • Schedule non-compliance. Few things can piss off a manager like missing deadlines, even when there are good reasons. If you feel like you are behind schedule, identify the blocking factors, come up with a plan to eliminate them, and share this plan with your manager.
  • Unreasonable arrogance. Attributing too much importance to oneself and denying one's own shortcomings cannot please either colleagues or the leader. Cultivate a corporate spirit. Recognize the achievements of colleagues and give compliments in an appropriate way. Learn to adequately admit your mistakes.
  • Complacency. Your request for a promotion or a pay raise will not succeed if your boss sees unreasonable complacency in you. Do not miss the opportunity to take the initiative. If you are looking for easy ways, management is unlikely to grant your request bypassing a similar request from your colleague who is not afraid to take the extra step.

Using the three-step scheme described above will help you increase your chances of getting a pay raise in the long run. Don't be discouraged if your first attempt fails. Use your preparation as a platform to discuss the situation with management later, and you'll get the results you want. Good luck!

Ben Smith ( [email protected]) is a security specialist at Microsoft

In order for the increase in wages to be justified, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents that regulate all sorts of metamorphoses in wages, as well as warn the employee in advance by notification against signature. If, in addition to the salary, it is planned to change the position or its name, it is additionally necessary to consider the instructions on this matter in Article No. 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 2. Significant reasons or inflation can serve as the basis for an increase in wages. It is allowed to use relevant facts to indicate reasons. This can be: increasing qualifications, acquiring a diploma in a higher educational institution, acquiring additional education corresponding to a new position or performing other functional duties, a huge amount of work experience and accumulated skill.

Salary increase - how to justify, how to apply

When applied You can give a lot of examples of a memo justifying various kinds of salary increases. For example, reasons might be:

  • combination of positions;
  • receiving additional responsibilities;
  • rising consumer prices (inflation);
  • awarding a scientific degree;
  • wages have never been raised or it took place a very long time ago;
  • advanced training, retraining, completion of additional courses;
  • professional and personal qualities, absence of labor violations;
  • drawing an analogy with the size of the salary in similar positions, with the same qualifications and terms of reference in other organizations from the same field, etc.

Also see "Sample Pay Change Notice".

How to write a memo for a salary increase?


The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that no person can receive additional benefits due to their gender, race, ethnicity, social status, material condition, age, religion, language of communication, etc. Thus, one can claim labor benefits (increase in salary) only on the basis of one's own professional characteristics. A change in the salary of a particular employee can occur both at the initiative of the employee and at the decision of the manager.


In the first case, the subject must draw up a statement in which he will rely on the specific facts of his work, as a result of which the enterprise was provided with benefits. Also, the application must indicate a request for a salary increase. For example: "Please increase my salary due to increased sales."

Justification for salary increase example

Decide on the amount of the increase Be prepared to clearly and distinctly tell your boss exactly how much your salary should increase. As a guideline, you can take, for example, the rate of inflation or the salary of specialists of your profile and level in other organizations. Also, consider in advance from what date you would like to receive an increased salary.

TIP 4: Wait for the Opportunity to Talk to Your Boss When your company is doing great (and your accountant knows it), you win a major tender, you complete a major project, and your management is in high spirits, it's time to seize the moment to improve your own. financial situation. And vice versa, if the company's profit situation is terrible, for example, due to a seasonal decline in sales, it is useless to start a conversation about an increase, as you understand.

How to justify a pay rise

First, determine the salary that the employee is entitled to for performing job duties. Its size is spelled out in the staffing table. Add up monthly salary, bonuses, allowances. 2 Then divide the amount received by the number of working days in the month for which you want to perform payroll. To do this, use the production calendar. Exclude weekends and holidays.


The result will be the daily earnings of a specialist. 3 Now determine the number of days actually worked in a particular month. To do this, you need to use the time sheet. In the document, the personnel officer or other responsible person records the attendance / absence of the employee at the workplace.

4 Multiply the daily earnings of a specialist by the time actually worked by him in a given month. The result is wages.

How to Talk to Your Boss About a Pay Raise

In the future, interest will be charged on the amount of payments. Helpful Hint Unpaid amounts must be deposited, i.e. frozen. In the payroll they need to be highlighted in a separate line. Upon admission to work, an employee is set a certain amount of wages, which includes salary, allowances, and bonuses.
The accountant of the organization needs to accrue the amount of earnings, depending on the form of remuneration. Income tax, which is 13%, should be deducted from it. You will need

  • - staffing;
  • - employment contract;
  • - a time sheet or an act of work performed;
  • - calculator;
  • - production calendar.

Instruction 1 If, at the conclusion of the contract, the employee is given a time wage, then the calculation of monthly earnings will look like this.

Online journal for an accountant

Mode of operation: (normal/non-standard working day/short working day/week/flexible hours, etc.) Current salary: Order allowance: Contract allowance: Salary that is desirable to establish: Order allowance: Contract allowance: Rationale need for salary increase: Head of Department (signature) (last name, initials) « » 20 (date) RESOLUTION OF THE GENERAL DIRECTOR: 20 (position) (signature) (date) AGREED: Economist/CFO (signature) (last name, initials) "" 20 (date) Thus, the law does not establish special rules for a sample memo on wage indexation. Format them in the same way as ordinary business letters to the top management of the organization. See also "Compiling an application for employee bonuses: sample".

Raising salaries for all employees

But if the leader did not give any reason for his categorical “no”, then perhaps you should look for your professional happiness in another place where you will be appreciated. EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE KOSMACHEV Vladimir Eduardovich Editor-in-Chief of the Glavnaya Kniga magazine “If an employee is really valuable to the company, then the manager will certainly meet his request for a salary increase. At the same time, the category of “valuable employee” for me personally includes those who:

  • actively involved in new projects, not afraid to take responsibility for their implementation;
  • focused on results, and not just sitting in the office for the allotted time;
  • puts maximum effort into his work, enjoying both the process and the end result.”

Do you want to know how to ask your boss for a pay rise so that he can't refuse you? Then read on.

No matter how good your manager is, he does not think day and night about raising your salary. For him, this is an extra expense, so your task is to make him think that you are worth the money you ask for. In fact, you need to sell yourself to the company a second time, and this is not easy. Let's talk about how to properly ask for a salary increase from the boss.

Not the best option would be when you, counting on inspiration and catching the boss in the corridor, stun him with this great idea. Most likely, he will refuse you. Let's take a scientific approach.


In addition to your personal and professional qualities, the most compelling arguments in a conversation can be two: the expansion of job responsibilities and the amount of work that exceeds the standard load.

What arguments should be avoided?

  1. Your salary is below the average. You can take a chance and hint to your boss that other companies will pay you more, but then be prepared for the boss to suggest that you look for such a company. You can use this argument only in one case: if you have been working in a company for many years and you have never received a salary increase, while the salaries of your colleagues have noticeably increased in the market.
  2. Training. Yes, the development of professional skills is a good thing, but we must not forget that it is part of your job. The manager cares about quality and timing, not the way you achieve results. Therefore, if you use the acquired skills to perform the same work as before, then the point on advanced training is more suitable for a resume than for a confidential conversation with superiors.
  3. Great experience. If you have been working in the same company for years, and there are not enough stars from the sky, the conclusion suggests itself that your position in the labor market is low. This means that your loyalty may be a plus for the recruiter, but not for your manager.
  4. An invitation to a competing company. It is extremely unreasonable to bring to the attention of the manager that a competitor has made an offer to you. Firstly, the manager will understand that you have “sharpened your skis”, and secondly, he may perceive this information as blackmail. Guess who gets laid off first?

Wrong motives

In an effort to explain your motives to the leader, it is undesirable to use the following arguments:

1. "Sidorov has the same position, but the salary is higher."

If the employee you are referring to is loaded more, the boss may have a question, but is he overpaying you?

2. "I took a mortgage, but there is nothing to pay."

Firstly, you did not consult with your boss when you took out a loan. Secondly, he may advise you to live within your means.

3. Refer to inflation and rising prices.

How to build a conversation?

The main thing to understand for yourself is that asking for a raise is a negotiation with a person whose interests do not coincide with yours, therefore, the question of how to ask for a raise from the boss is quite serious. And you need to prepare for the conversation no less responsibly than for negotiations with a major client.

The first thing you should do is gather information. Try to find out how the salary increase works in your company, namely, whether annual indexation is practiced or, perhaps, salaries increase depending on the length of service and the like. Talk to colleagues about how to ask for a raise from your boss, examples from their personal experience may be useful to you.

In addition, you need to find out who influences the increase in your salary, your immediate supervisor or his supervisor. In this case, you will have to enlist the support of your boss and rely on his skill as a negotiator.

Everything has its place and time

Now about how to ask for a salary increase from the boss on time. Be serious about choosing the time and place for the conversation. It is believed that it is best to raise such issues on Friday, after the lunch break. At this time, the level of complacency of the authorities usually rolls over.

This is, of course, a joke. Well, seriously, probe how things are going in the company. If the results of the last quarter leave much to be desired, or your department did not meet the plan, asking for a raise at such a moment is the height of imprudence.

The mood of the chef is also important. If in the morning there were three separations and two dismissals, it is better to wait out, otherwise you risk running into rudeness.

Development of a conversation script

Write a conversation script. It is clear that it is impossible to predict all the scenarios for the development of events, but it is necessary to think over the main ones. Write down all the possible objections that your boss will try to turn the tide of negotiations and prepare counterarguments for them.

Most likely, you can guess that in response to your proposal, the boss will not throw himself on your chest with an enthusiastic cry: “How did I not guess it myself ?!”.

Most likely, this will be an evasive answer, the purpose of which is to delay time. Perhaps your boss is the type of person who likes to think things through before making a decision. Perhaps the decision depends not only on him and he cannot solve the problem on his own. In any case, you need specifics, “yes” or “no”, so specify when you can come to him for an answer.

What's next?

Suppose, after thinking everything over, the manager refused you. Think about how you will act in this case: will you try to return to the conversation later, leave everything as it is, or look for happiness elsewhere?

Typical situations

Let's consider the situation on concrete examples.

First example. How to ask for a raise from your boss if you do not affect the results of the company.

An ordinary employee who performs normal routine work. An experienced professional, and a very good one. The specifics of his work is such that he does not have a special impact on the financial performance of the organization. How to ask for a salary increase from the boss in this case and what arguments should be given?

Each specialist has tasks that characterize the success of his work. These can be personal results or the results of the work of the entire department. Use this information to your advantage as an argument in negotiations.

If you haven't had a pay raise in a few years, you have every right to demand a raise.

Second example. How to ask for a pay raise from the boss if the responsibilities are blurred.

A lot of other people's duties were put on the employee, he, as they say, “drags”, but, thanks to his skills, experience and intelligence, he manages to do all this during the working day. What arguments to use, even if the length of the working day has not changed.

Unfortunately, the situation is typical. An employee loaded with someone else's, moreover, not officially formalized functionality, in fact, has no rights, because. there is no such additional work.

In this situation, it would be ideal to think about how to ask the boss for a salary increase even at the stage of distribution of duties, but if the moment is missed, you need to try to secure the support of the management, especially since most often the boss knows perfectly well how busy a person is and appreciates it .

Now imagine that you do not have the opportunity to talk to the head face to face. For example, as is often the case, you are in different cities or you do not feel confident when meeting with him and are afraid that timidity will not allow you to argue your position with arguments.

Third example. How to ask for a raise if there is no way to meet in person.

Let's talk about how to ask for a salary increase from the boss in a letter. This option has both undeniable advantages and serious disadvantages.

The main disadvantages are the lack of eye contact, the ability to see the reaction of the interlocutor and influence it during the conversation.

However, if you take the matter seriously, all these disadvantages are offset by undeniable advantages. And the first of them is the opportunity to think over the argument and use it to the fullest without the risk of being obscured, forgetting or confusing something. In addition, there is no danger of coming at a bad moment, because no one reads the mail if they are overwhelmed with business.

Moreover, you will save your nerves, because after the letter is sent, nothing will depend on you and you will just have to wait for an answer. Needless to say, how important preparation is in this case.

Start with gratitude. But only sincerely, you probably have something to thank for the person who hired you and, perhaps, spent a lot of time and effort on your training or adaptation.
You can move on to the main thing - the reasons why you should increase your salary. List all your achievements and be sure to write how it affected the work of the department or the company as a whole.

You can do this in the form of tables or graphs. The main thing is that the manager sees that thanks to you, the business success indicators have really increased. Keep in mind that all the taboos in the argument that were mentioned above also apply to letters.

In conclusion, it would be useful to mention your desire for professional growth and the opportunity to develop in the company. This will create a favorable impression for the boss and he will not think that you only care about money.

Now a few words about how to ask for a salary increase from the boss by phone. The same rules apply here as in personal negotiations. Write a conversation script, in this case you can put it in front of you and peek into it as needed. And don't forget to make an appointment ahead of time.

And now a little information about what bosses are like, perhaps it will entertain you and help you in preparation.

Fake Democrat

As a rule, he tries not to interfere with the work of subordinates, giving them complete freedom of action, which makes him very similar to a true democrat. But, do not relax, such a boss, as a rule, does not explain what he really wants, and no matter what you do, it will turn out in the end that he did not want this at all.

If a subordinate is suspicious and unsure of himself, such a boss can become a real punishment for him, and work will turn into a source of constant stress.

How to behave? The first and easiest option is to change your boss and find a new job. True, in this case there is a risk that the next leader will be even worse than the previous one.

The second, more difficult, but also the most reliable - strengthen the nervous system, increase your self-esteem, work on yourself.

Man of moods

Just yesterday, he was the standard of an ideal boss, and today he throws lightning, reprimands, swears dirty and is looking for something to complain about. But, the storm will pass and he will meet tomorrow morning in a state of melancholic calm.

Such antics of the authorities do not contribute to the establishment of a favorable psychological environment in the team. Yes, and this only harms the work process, since it evaluates the work of subordinates not by their abilities and results, but depending on their mood.

How to behave? A person of mood is not the worst version of a leader, and all that can be done is to abstract in moments of outbreaks, do not start, do not argue, but calmly listen, take into account and forgive.

Energetic vampire

In ordinary life, this is an erudite, witty intellectual. He opens a conversation with a subordinate in a quiet voice, gradually increasing the pace and volume of speech, then gets a taste and begins to scold the employee, preventing him from inserting a word.

After a conversation with such a boss, subordinates usually experience a breakdown and emptiness. But the chef is transformed, his mood rises, his cheeks turn pink, a sparkle appears in his eyes.

How to behave? The first and most important rule is not to succumb to provocation. In no case do not reciprocate the vampire, do not start and do not scream. That is what he expects from you. Your weapon is calm and poise. As a result, he will break his teeth about you and fall behind, such people do not like hard food.

A few simple tricks will help make things easier. “Close”, just lock your fingers together, this will help save your energy potential. And at the most tense moment, just lightly bite the tip of your tongue seven times. No doubt it helps.

Ideal Boss

If you get lucky you are lucky. This leadership style distinguishes smart, tactful, fair and competent people with a good sense of humor. It is a pleasure to work under the wing of such a person, he helps each employee to reach their potential and provides everyone with a decent reward.

How to behave? Work, improve and appreciate what you have.

It remains to be hoped that you understand how to properly ask for a raise from the boss. We wish you personal and career growth!

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