How to celebrate the Trinity: signs and traditions. Folk signs on the Trinity about the weather


Orthodox holidays have a special mystical influence on all people.

It is not for nothing that on these unusual days it is customary to guess, perform all kinds of bright rituals for happiness, make wishes. The Orthodox calendar has a huge number of different holidays, they are unique in their history and meaning, and all have different energy and symbolism.

The bright Trinity is considered a special holiday - many Orthodox people are looking forward to this sunny day. And there are different customs associated with this day.

Trinity, aka Pentecost, has always been a cheerful and bright holiday. Our ancestors rejoiced at this bright day, as it marked the end of hard work and preparation for the harvest of a generous harvest - this meant that the peasants could rest for several days without hard work.

And signs on the Trinity have always been carefully kept and passed on to children. These customs were considered sacred and could not be ignored.

What can and should be done on the Trinity holiday, and what cannot? And what other customs are there that will help make fate happier and avert failures from the path of life?

Traditions and customs

The Holy Trinity is such a holiday when people are used to doing a lot of ritual and ritual actions, and they are interpreted and perceived precisely as customs, and not as superstitions. This is a rare case when all signs are justified and have reasonable origins, so here we are talking about rituals that have a deeper meaning than just superstitions and signs.

If something can or cannot be done on this holiday, there are reasons for this related to Christian traditions. Also, some Trinity signs and rituals have pagan roots.

Of course, the church has always been actively against paganism, but when our ancestors adopted Christianity, they largely retained their old, familiar pagan actions and beliefs. They were woven into the then new religion for them, changed their external form, but the essence remained.

What should be done on the Trinity, what actions should not be performed, what signs and rituals will help to become happier, richer, attract bright love and increase health? Our great-grandparents knew this very well, and it won't hurt us to get this knowledge.

1. Previously, birch twigs and bunches of summer field herbs appeared in every house on the feast of the Trinity. It symbolized a good harvest and a prosperous year.

In addition, birch has always been considered a protector from any evil, so it was birch branches that were inserted into window frames or simply hung near windows and doors - so that evil forces would not penetrate. Today, such rituals help to increase wealth, live comfortably with the blessing of higher powers, and protect the house from evil.

You can simply collect fragrant herbs in a field or garden, pick birch branches and decorate your home with them. It is especially good if birch twigs are consecrated in the temple - then they will be powerful amulets for the house for the whole year.

2. Rain has always been considered the best sign on the Trinity holiday - it often comes on Pentecost, and is always considered a cleansing of nature, a blessing of people. If it started to rain that day, you should rejoice, the year will be very happy and bright for all people.

3. Many people know that one cannot work on this Christian holiday - any work is condemned, except for cooking. You need to rest from physical labor, you can not do cleaning and gardening.

In addition, this period of "mermaids" - the pagan custom says that on these days mermaids come out of the waters, and it is dangerous to swim in the water. So, some beliefs say that you can’t swim and take a bath on the Trinity.

4. And what needs to be done the day before Trinity is to commemorate relatives who have passed away. This is the so-called parental day, and many keep the tradition of remembering relatives to this day.

5. There are also wedding signs - it is the Trinity that is considered a good day for wooing. On this bright holiday, you can and should marry, make proposals, get acquainted with the parents of the bride and ask for marriage. It is believed that in this way the union will be very happy.

6. A very beautiful Trinity rite - weaving wreaths. This can only be done by unmarried girls - and not only possible, but also recommended in order to attract bright and strong love into fate.

The girls themselves collected herbs, wild flowers, and then weaved wreaths. The wreath was launched along the river - it was believed that the long-awaited love would come to fate.

That girl who has a chosen one should secretly, away from prying eyes, give her wreath to her beloved. It is believed that this rite of gift will sanctify the union, and the couple will be happy, and their love will never disappear.

In addition, such a wreath, woven by the hands of a beloved, becomes a powerful amulet for a guy. He must keep it in his house.

7. Festive feast on the day of the Trinity - a special dinner. At the table, only those guests whom the owners are glad to see - you can’t invite unkind or unpleasant people to the house on this day.

The table is customarily covered with a green tablecloth, and baked goods must be present among the dishes. The hostess bakes herself - and the greater the variety of pastries, the richer and happier the year will be.

It is impossible on this day without eggs - they are considered an obligatory attribute of the festive table. In general, the Trinity table should be rich and contain everything - vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat and fish dishes, loaves and a lot of pastries. The more generously the hosts treat guests, the more favorable nature will be to them all year round.

8. An ancient custom on the Trinity is to break brooms for a bath. Many people, especially villagers, still do this and prepare new brooms for their bathhouse, which will have healing powers!

You can not break young birch trees or break the upper branches. Only lateral, so as not to destroy the tree. Branches break in the morning, but only in dry weather.

Fortune telling...

Pentecost is a wonderful day for divination. The Church is always against all sorts of fortune-telling and predictions, however, our people have pagan roots, and it has always been a custom to guess and tell fortunes precisely on Christian holidays.

After all, nature these days is especially receptive, open, mystical forces are very close to us. The main thing is not to do any evil, all fortune-telling must have good and sincere intentions.

1. A beautiful and romantic ritual for girls is the curling of a birch. The girls went into the forest and curled the birch - they decorated its branches with ribbons, beads, weaved wreaths from the branches. Thus, the young ladies called for love.

2. Birch twigs were also put by the girls under the pillow so that the betrothed would come in a dream. It is believed that the guy whose image comes in a dream will be the husband.

This fortune-telling has come down to our days. Many curious girls with trepidation and excitement fall asleep on birch branches, wanting to see their love and fate in a dream.

3. Another divination with birch branches - for fate. This divination can also be done by adult women. Approaching the birch, without looking at it, you need to pick a branch - and then inspect it.

  • If the branch is even and smooth, fate this year will be happy, without difficulties.
  • A crooked or bumpy branch is a sign that the year will not be easy.

4. The famous fortune-telling by chamomile is actually the Trinity rite. But everything is not easy - at first the daisies were woven into a wreath, and only then, in the evening, before going to bed, the girl takes out a random chamomile from the wreath, in which she walked all day, and wonders.

Plucking petal after petal, you can ask not only “loves - does not love”, but also “it will come true - it will not come true”, “I will marry - I will not marry” and other questions that torment a girl's heart. This fortune-telling is only for unmarried young ladies.

Trinity is a bright and mystical day that can bring happiness for the whole year, if you behave correctly on this holiday. Let your thoughts be pure, do not wish harm to anyone and thank nature and the universe for everything you have - and every year and day will be happy for you! Author: Vasilina Serova

Trinity is a very beautiful holiday, and, as you know, one of the main Christian holidays. This day is considered a public holiday, and millions of people celebrate it with joy. But not everyone thinks about the history and origin of this great holiday - the Holy Trinity. The editors of our site will acquaint you with the history of the traditions of this holiday and signs on the day of the Trinity.

  • The history of the Trinity holiday
  • Traditions, signs, what needs to be done on the Trinity
  • How to decorate a house for Trinity?
  • Signs on the Trinity

So, Trinity in 2018 falls on May 27th. And on May 28, on Monday, all Ukrainians will receive an additional day off, because this is the second day of the Trinity. The Day of the Holy Trinity has rich traditions and signs.

It is believed that on this day (May 27) all Orthodox and Greek Catholics around the world will celebrate the Day of the Holy Trinity. This holiday also has another name “Pentecost”, which indicates that the Trinity is celebrated exactly 50 days after Easter.

On this holiday, the Orthodox Church remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. The Trinity symbolizes the image of God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

This major church holiday brings liberation from everything bad and sinful in the human soul. According to the Gospel, it was on the fiftieth day after Easter that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of sacred fire, which endowed them with the grace of the Holy Spirit, and they spoke in different languages ​​​​of the world and gave strength to equip the Holy Church on earth in order to convey the Words of God to every person . Therefore, the Trinity is also considered the birthday of the Christian church.

Icon of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles

The history of the Trinity holiday

The Orthodox are very fond of the Trinity, although not everyone knows the reliable history of the holiday.

There are different legends about the origin of this holiday. By one legend, on the Trinity, God created the earth and sowed it with greenery. Another legend says that on this day Jesus, along with the apostles Peter and Paul, sat down to rest under a green tree, hence the three-day holiday appeared. More one version of the emergence of the Trinity Christ rejoiced at the way the poor people in Jerusalem greeted him with green branches.

However, there is also the most main legend, which is considered the main one: the trinity of the holiday is associated with God the Father (Sunday), God the Son (Monday) and God the Holy Spirit (Tuesday).

It was by the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles that the perfecting activity of the third person of the Most Holy Trinity was revealed, and the teaching of Jesus Christ about the Triune God reached perfect clarity and completeness. God the Father creates the world, God the Son redeems people from enslavement to the devil, God the Holy Spirit sanctifies the world through the founding of the Church and the worldwide preaching of faith.

Trinity is the second oldest Christian holiday, on which the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. According to legend, on the site of the Zion Upper Room, where the apostles stayed on the day of Pentecost, the first Christian church was built, which survived even during the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 by Roman legionnaires. One fragment from the writings of Hieromartyr Irenaeus of Lyon contains a mention of the feast of the New Testament Pentecost (end of the 2nd century). In ancient times, it was also called the feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit. On this day the Church was born. Since that time, the Holy Spirit has been gracefully present in the life of the Church and performs all her sacraments.

On Trinity, dead relatives are commemorated for three days. In particular, this is the only day in the whole year when, according to Orthodox traditions, it is possible to light a candle in churches and offer prayers for suicides and the unbaptized.

Icon of the Holy Trinity

Church literature says that in the evening before the Trinity, the Holy Spirit descends to Earth. He sanctifies and blesses everything around, he fills the human soul with goodness, love, faith, patience.

Even during His life on earth, the Lord told His disciples many times that He would never leave people and create His large family, which He would call His Church: “I will create My Church, and the gates of hell will never prevail against It.” We are all members of this Church...

Traditions, signs, what needs to be done on the Trinity

Since ancient times, the Slavic peoples have associated the Trinity with the tradition of meeting summer and called this day Earth Day. On Trinity Day, it is customary to decorate houses and temples with green birch branches, fragrant calamus and flowers. The custom of decorating the temple with branches, flowers and grass dates back to ancient times. The Old Testament Pentecost was the feast of the gathering of the first fruits. In the courtyard of the Temple, people brought the first fruits of the harvest and flowers. In the New Testament time, the trees and plants in the temple symbolize the renewal of people by the power of the descended Holy Spirit.

For example, each region has its own peculiarities of celebrating Green Christmas, but everywhere plants play a key role. So, Ukrainians generously decorate their homes with calamus (this plant is also called calamus root, Tatar potion or flat cake).

How to decorate the house on this bright holiday?

According to tradition, before the celebration of the Trinity, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning in the house. What is important - you need to get rid of trash and especially those items that are associated with negative memories.

The hostesses decorate the rooms with flowers, young grass and green branches, which symbolizes the coming spring, prosperity and the continuation of life. Most often, branches of birch, oak, mountain ash, maple, calamus grass, mint, lemon balm, etc. are used for decoration.

On the day of the Trinity in the morning they attend a festive church service. On this day, very simple bouquets of swamp grass, wild flowers, etc. should be dedicated in the church. After the service in the church, you need to bring them home and decorate the house with them. This can be dried and protected for a whole year as a talisman against the evil eye of an accidental guest.

By the way, on the Trinity in the temples, two festive services rule: in the morning and in the evening.

It was a great sin not to decorate the house. Ancestors believed that on Trinity the souls of dead relatives fly to the living and hide in the branches. All attention was paid to doors, walls of houses and shutters - they were densely covered with linden branches.

For a festive dinner they invite close people and relatives, treat them with a loaf, egg dishes, pancakes, pies, jelly and give each other funny gifts.

You can also get out into nature, organize a picnic - after all, Trinity 2018, like in other years, is celebrated on a day off. The tradition of folk festivals has been preserved to our time. In many cities, cultural mass events, concerts, fairs are held on this day.

There are also signs for Pentecost.

If they marry the Trinity, and marry the Intercession, then the life of these spouses will be long, happy, in love and harmony.

If it rains on Trinity Day, then there will be a lot during the summer.

Rain on Trinity - a lot of mushrooms, to warm weather.

From the Trinity to the Assumption, they don’t dance round dances.

Swim my wreath to that shore, who, catching my wreath, wakes up the groom.

Customs and beliefs for the feast of the Trinity

By tradition, the Trinity (in 2018 it falls on May 27) is celebrated for three days, and preparations for the holiday begin in advance. The houses and the yard are carefully cleaned, and the rooms are decorated with fresh tree branches (linden, willow, birch, maple), the floor is lined with fragrant herbs and flowers.

Such a Trinity ritual means awakening and the beginning of a new life cycle. On this day, people went out into the streets dressed up with songs and dances, danced round dances, the girls guessed at the betrothed and performed certain rituals.

Collected field herbs were brought to the church and consecrated, reports. This was done so that the summer would be generous with rains and give people a rich harvest.

Saturday before Trinity - memorial. On this day, dead relatives are remembered in churches.

Trinity Day (Green Sunday) is considered the day of the appearance of various mythical evil spirits (mermaids, mermen, goblin). It is to protect against it that the room is decorated with green branches and wildflowers.

They also say that you can’t swim on the Trinity, as mermaids or water ones came out of the reservoirs and, having acquired a human appearance, took men and women away with them.

After the holiday, the greenery was not thrown away, but was used to treat various diseases, as it had tremendous healing power.

On the second day of the Trinity (Klechalny Monday), the priests went out into the fields to bless the future harvest.

On the third day (Holy Spirit's Day), an unmarried girl was decorated with ribbons, flowers, wreaths of wild flowers and herbs and taken around the yards. To meet her on the street was considered a great success.

Signs and conspiracies on the Trinity

On Trinity, people carefully listened to folk signs, because the future harvest and the upcoming summer depend on the weather for the holiday. Here are the most common ones:

  • According to signs, rain on the Trinity - to a rich harvest and a warm summer;
  • A fine drizzle, after which a bright sun peeped out - also to a rich harvest of berries, cereals and mushrooms;
  • On Trinity the sun - the summer will be dry and very hot;
  • The heat on Trinity was considered a bad omen. She meant a bad harvest year;
  • To see a rainbow on a holiday is a great happiness in the house;
  • If you swim in the rain on the Trinity, then you can get rich;

  • Since ancient times, at dawn, people left their houses for fields, gardens and crumbled bread on the ground, thereby calling on nature to give them a good harvest;
  • In order to have a good hayfield and it rains, birch branches are stuck into the ground;
  • Before the Trinity, it was necessary to finish planting the garden, because then the heat set in and the plants were poorly received due to lack of moisture.

According to popular belief, the dew that fell on the Trinity gave health, youth, beauty

What not to do on Trinity

On one of the biggest twelfth holidays, the land is the birthday girl, so there are many restrictions on work on this day. You can not plow, dig the ground, dig, plant plants and trees, mow the grass. In general, all work that is connected with the land cannot be done.

You can not cut and chop trees

Works related to trees are prohibited on this day, as young plants are used to decorate houses on a holiday. You can not cut trees, saw, chop wood, break branches.

Taboo on any hard work

On this day, it is forbidden to perform any hard work in the garden, since on this day the earth is born again and, like on any birthday, you need to celebrate, not work. Taboo for work in the field and garden.

It has long been believed that if you do not adhere to this sign, any unfavorable situation can happen: weather conditions will destroy the crop, livestock will die out or be destroyed by predators.

These rules do not apply to work in production, because it does not depend on our desire, but is necessary and inevitable.

However, you can collect all kinds of herbs and dry them. You can prepare brooms for a bath, they will be endowed with a special healing power.

The herbs collected for the Trinity have magical healing powers. Tinctures and decoctions are prepared from them to heal from ailments.

You can not sew, bake, do housework

As on other Orthodox holidays, on Trinity you can’t do cleaning, sewing, and any other housework. You can only decorate the room, cook food, perform only vital work.

Everyone who works on this day will face various misfortunes. In general, it is better not to take risks, but to celebrate!

Taboo on any work on earth

It is impossible to work on the earth on the Trinity, but you can look for treasures in it. Try it, perhaps the treasure hidden somewhere has already been waiting for you.

no fence repair

You can not build or repair a fence (fence) on this day. Such work can bring trouble and illness to the family.

Tune in to the positive

Observing all the above signs on the Trinity, do not forget about the spiritual side.

It is forbidden to be angry at the Trinity, think about the bad, envy or get angry!

Be friendly and joyful on this day, then nature will reward you in full with a good harvest and prosperity.

Faced with this very interesting topic, it is necessary first of all to plunge into the very essence of the feast of the Holy Trinity. After all, its history has biblical roots. Many associate this holiday with great festivities and fun. There are even signs of the Trinity, and they are very different, but more on that later.

history of the holiday

In general, the day is also called Pentecost, because the Orthodox celebrate it on the fiftieth day after Easter.

Before answering questions of interest on the topic “Trinity, signs and customs, conspiracies”, let's get closer to the moment the holiday itself appeared.

So, after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples lived in a constant feeling of a holiday, since their Teacher appeared to them for forty days - first to one person, then to another, then to all at once. Saying goodbye to them before the time, the Lord rose above the earth before their eyes. This is how he assured his disciples that when the last day of the world came, he would come to earth just as he had gone to his Father. He said that he would send them a comforter - the Holy Spirit, who would come from God the Father. The apostles at first did not understand what this could mean, but they believed that everything would be so according to His word.

The emergence of the first temple

After all these events, they maintained this blessed state in their souls, like a fire in a hearth. From day to day they gathered in a secluded upper room in Jerusalem and there they fervently prayed and read the Holy Scriptures. Thus, another prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ came true: "From Zion shall come the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." This is how the first Christian church arose.

Not far from it was the house of one of the beloved disciples of the Lord - the apostle. In the same house, according to the will of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God - the Virgin Mary also stayed. There were always students around her. For all believers, she was salvation and consolation.

How did the feast of the Holy Trinity

And so it happened that on the tenth day after the Ascension of the Lord, on the day of the first Jewish harvest, when the apostles and the Mother of God were in the upper room, at three in the afternoon there was suddenly a strong roar, as if a storm was beginning. Tongues of fire appeared in the air, which were not material, but of the same nature with that blessed fire that every time comes out in Jerusalem on Easter and does not burn.

Having swept over the heads of the apostles, the flames descended into them and rested. And then, after the external manifestation, an internal one immediately happened, which happened in their souls: “All were filled with the Holy Spirit.” All the apostles and the Mother of God felt an extraordinary power that came to life in them. This is how the disciples of the Lord received the blessed gift of the verb and began to understand languages ​​that had never been spoken before. All this was necessary in order to preach the gospel throughout the world.

holy gift

Generously endowed with the Holy One Spirit and feeling that these were not the last spiritual gifts of the Lord, they began to hold each other's hands, while forming a new bright Church, in which God Himself began to be invisibly present, reflecting and acting in their souls.

Beloved children came out of the walls of the upper room of Mount Zion. United with the Lord the Holy Spirit, they went to preach throughout the world Christ's doctrine of love.

And now, in memory of this miraculous event, the feast of Pentecost can also be called the day of the appearance of the Holy Spirit, who came from God the Father, as God the Son promised the apostles. This is how the sacrament of the unity of the Holy Trinity appeared.

Trinity: signs and customs in Rus'

For some time now, the feast of the Holy Trinity has become a favorite among the Russian people. Therefore, many folk signs, customs and rituals are associated with it, which the people adhere to, in addition to church celebrations.

Signs on the Trinity have gone since ancient pagan times in Rus'. Many different superstitions were associated with the Trinity, or "Semitskaya", "Semikov", week.

This week was dedicated to the goddess of spring, who became the winner over the demons of winter. On this occasion, there were noisy national games and celebrations. The usual time for the Holy Trinity is the end of May or the beginning of June, and it was especially suitable for the spring feast of the rebirth of the earth, when the fresh and lush greenery had not yet lost its beauty. The pagan calendar, coinciding with Christian holidays, contributed to their unification with each other.

Folk omens for the Trinity

Over time, the ancient custom of worshiping the goddess of spring, Lada, was forgotten, and the old rites merged with the new ones, creating an unusually beautiful and vibrant atmosphere around the first summer holiday.

And now the Semik (Semitskaya) week, the seventh after Easter, ending on the day of the Holy Trinity, began to be called "green Christmas time", and it was also called "mermaid", "suffocating commemoration", "high". And all this, of course, became a relic of Russian paganism.

This is what the Trinity used to mean for the Russian people. Signs and customs at that time were very different, but at the core they were great folk festivals. As they say in a folk joke: “Honest Maslenitsa called Semik to visit, for which she is honored and praised!” Semik is the Thursday in the seventh week after Holy Pascha before Pentecost.


What do they do on Trinity? Signs and customs of the spring holiday are similar to Shrovetide. Only one holiday takes place at the end of winter and the other at the end of spring, and both are celebrated in honor of the red sun.

Semik is primarily a girl's holiday, taking place three days before Trinity. Girls from entire villages with all sorts of delicacies gathered on the banks of the river and wove wreaths, which were no longer used as decorations, but as amulets from evil spirits. Some girls guessed on wreaths and threw them into the water: if the wreath sinks, the girl will not get married this year, or even the abyss (die). if the wreath floats up and goes against the current. Then the girls sang and danced around a curly birch branch, which they cut down, dug into the ground and decorated with ribbons.

What not to do on Trinity

It is not in vain that many are interested in signs for the Trinity, what cannot be done on this day and how it should be celebrated. The very first sign is that you can’t work on this holiday. On the day of the Trinity, it is not recommended to hold wedding ceremonies and weddings. Any earthwork is prohibited. However, it is very good to prepare various healing herbs for the whole year on the day of the Holy Trinity, as it is believed that they will have a triple power for healing.

In general, there are different, rather surprising signs of the Trinity. What else can't be done? This is a common question, and it should be dealt with more carefully, because something irreparable can happen.

Again, from the time of paganism, it was impossible to swim on the Trinity, because from the next day the mermaid week began. It was believed that all water evil spirits such as mermaids and mermen at that time lured careless people into their networks. Therefore, it was desirable to stay away from water. It was also impossible to go into the forest alone.

The most important signs

Here are the most memorable folk signs for the Trinity. The day before the Trinity (it was customary to go to the cemetery to commemorate the deceased relatives. If someone forgot to do this, it was believed that the dead, angry, could take one of the relatives with them. Therefore, before the Trinity, a memorial dinner was arranged, clothes were given away dead to ward off death.

Old women went to the Trinity to the graves and swept them with birch brooms so that the evil forces would recede, and at the same time the dead rejoice and contribute to tranquility, peace and harmony throughout the village.

As for the topic “Trinity, omens, conspiracies,” many people wooed the Trinity, and this was a very good omen. They said that if the matchmaking for the Trinity, then for the Intercession - a wedding, which means that the life of the newlyweds will be in love and harmony.

Rain on Trinity - for a good harvest year, for mushrooms and warm weather.

And the day after the Trinity was considered the day of the name day of the Earth, when no one worked either, and those who wanted to get rich went for the treasure. For a kind person, the earth from its bowels could reveal something very valuable.

Main amulet

Signs on the Trinity can be very different, and if you stick to them, you can save yourself from many troubles. However, the main amulet against evil spirits has always been a pectoral cross, which must always be worn on oneself, especially on the Trinity.

Now, in the topic “Signs on the Trinity, what is impossible and what is possible,” much should be clear. On this holiday, it is necessary to set the table and gather guests in order to relax and have plenty of fun with family and friends.

Trinity Feast

In the topic “Trinity, signs, conspiracies”, a very important matter should be noted: all healers and sorcerers know that on this day all herbs have a triple power, but it is even more important to know that at all times Christians were instructed to spend this day in unceasing prayer to the Saints Apostles and ask them for indulgence and protection. Prayer always acts on evil spirits much stronger than any witchcraft conspiracy.

Continuing the topic “Trinity: signs and customs, conspiracies”, it should be noted that today the customs have changed a little. Now it is enough to make an evening party or then spend time in the family, putting aside all the troubles, not being offended and not swearing, in order to celebrate the Trinity worthily, then the Lord will give everything that the family of this person will need.


Signs on the Trinity say that the culture of the Russian people is so rich that on this holiday he prays to God with his right hand in the church, and holds a bouquet of herbs with his left. After the service, a believer will leave the church and bow to all four corners of the world. And then he will come home, weave a wreath of herbs with cherished words for good luck and health, and put it behind the icon until the next Trinity holiday.

This is how Christian and pagan views and traditions gradually merged into a single whole. And there was no contradiction here, everything is very harmonious and harmonious.

Happy Holy Trinity Day!

“Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;
Lord, cleanse our sins;
Lord, forgive our iniquities;
Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and now and forever, and forever and ever.”

The Trinity is one of the most important holidays of believers, and is also one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays among the people. Celebration date every year
The Trinity changes, as it depends on what date Easter was. But the Trinity is always celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, and therefore in 2018 this bright holiday fell on May 27.

Sometimes it is also called the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit. It was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the holy apostles, followers of Jesus Christ, which symbolizes the trinity of God.
From that day on, God gave the apostles the gift of speaking in different languages. And it is the Trinity that is considered the birthday of the Church. The week after it is called "Green Christmas".

Family tree. Rite for Parents' Saturday

Saturday before the holiday is a memorial day. People in temples light candles for the repose of deceased relatives. They especially pray for those who died an untimely death, considering them victims of insidious mermaids.

The eve of the holiday - Parental Saturday: the only day of the year when the church prays for the souls of people who died unbaptized.

On Parental Saturday, plant a family tree: a seedling in a summer cottage or an indoor perennial plant, such as a ficus. At the bottom of a hole or pot, put a little thing related to your family: an inexpensive piece of jewelry that belonged to your mother or grandmother, a fragment of a saucer from a family service, an old button.
If nothing of the kind is found, bring a handful of earth from the place where you or someone from the older generation of your relatives spent your childhood, youth.

Attention: in no case do not put earth from the grave under the tree - nothing from the cemetery can be brought into the house or garden!

For the first time, you need to water the family tree with charmed water. Take a spring or dial from the tap just after midnight, put both palms on a vessel of water and start calling the names of all the ancestors that you remember.
Whenever you say a name, say: "Peace be with you and eternal salvation."
Repeat the rite of incantation of water every month on the full moon: the souls of your departed will receive relief, and you will receive the support of the family.

Trinity is celebrated for three days. The hostesses prepare very carefully for it: they clean the house, decorate the house with fresh branches of maple, birch, willow, linden, flowers and herbs, which symbolizes prosperity and a new life cycle.

Birch branches decorate not only houses, but also temples for the Trinity. The green color of fresh birch branches symbolizes rebirth and renewal.
Priests wear green robes for the Trinity.

On the feast of the Trinity, a special service is performed in the churches with the reading of kneeling prayers: the priest reads prayers, kneeling in the Royal Doors, facing the faithful, while the parishioners also kneel, for the first time after Easter.

The floors in the temples are covered with freshly cut grass, a bunch of which, after the service, anyone can take home as a talisman.

Also on Trinity, you can bring a birch twig with you to the temple to consecrate it, and then take it home. At home, consecrated birch branches are placed next to the icons.
It is believed that they will protect the house and its inhabitants from troubles and hardships all year round.

In no case should birch branches brought from the temple be thrown away. They are dried and placed next to the icon, in extreme cases, they can be burned seven days after the Trinity.

Trinity is a bright holiday, so on this day you can not indulge in despondency. Also, on such a bright holiday, you do not need to swear, scold, swear, quarrel, get angry, harbor a grudge with anyone.
Try to spend this holiday in harmony with yourself and with others, doing good deeds.

green meal

On the feast day of the Holy Trinity, it is necessary to gather the whole family for dinner. Hostesses prepare treats for the festive table in advance.
There is no fasting on this holiday, so any dish can be served on the table.

❧ Fried eggs
On this day, the hostesses prepare a special scrambled egg in the morning. It consists of two eggs, since both of its "eyes" should symbolize a friendly couple - husband and wife. While the dish is fried in a pan, the hostess reads a prayer to the Holy Trinity.
Salt scrambled eggs with Thursday salt. Seasoned with green onions, garlic and parsley. Moreover, the greens are not chopped, but placed with twigs or long green feathers along with the growing bulb head.
It is believed that thanks to this, the integrity of the family is preserved.

❧ Meat and fish dishes
There are no food restrictions on Trinity (and during the week after the holiday, fasting is not observed either on Wednesday or Friday), which means you can cook fast meals. Namely: cutlets, chops, roast.

❧ Pancakes and loaf
Pancakes are also a traditional dish of the Trinity. Our ancestors baked pancakes and commemorated the dead with them, distributed as alms to the poor and needy.

You should definitely bake or buy a loaf. This is a traditional "wedding" bread, necessarily round - in the form of the sun, the highest Slavic deity.
In the old days, specially invited people baked a loaf - most often women, certainly married and having children, that is, happy in family life. It turned out that their families were blessed by God, and through them the blessing is transmitted to the young family. While kneading the dough, the women sang special ritual songs, recited prayers and slander calling on the Lord to come down from heaven and help bake the loaf. So it is best that your loaf for the feast of the Holy Trinity is baked by a woman (or bought for you in a bakery), happy in marriage. Instead of a loaf, it is quite possible to serve a round yeast pie.

Marriageable girls and single ladies should take a few pieces of loaf, wrap them in a clean rag, read the prayer “Our Father” over the bundle and ask the Lord (or Higher powers) with all their hearts for a quick meeting with their betrothed.
Put the bundle behind the icon or in a place where no one will see or touch it.
Store until the wedding to crush and add crumbs to wedding cakes - then the family will be strong.

❧ Pies
There must be a variety of baked goods.
It is best, of course, to cook pastries with eggs and herbs, but a sweet pie will also come in handy these days.
In ancient times, Trinity pies were perceived as something special, and a piece of pastry was certainly hidden behind the icon. When the daughters were about to get married, the mothers gave these pieces of Trinity pastries as a kind of amulet for peace and happiness in the new family.

❧ Salads
The more salads on the table, the brighter the holiday will be. In this case, it is desirable to use more lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage;
The main condition of the holiday is the preparation of dishes with the addition of a large amount of greens. Considering that it is customary to decorate the house with greenery on Trinity, housewives should also generously add green herbs to dishes.

Trinity traditions

The Holy Trinity is a big holiday, so it is forbidden to engage in heavy physical work on this day. If possible, it is worth putting aside everyday affairs and household chores, and devote as much time as possible to prayers and communication with loved ones.
Such activities are not sinful, but it is believed that everyday fuss should not distract us from the main essence of the holiday.

But you can collect medicinal herbs.

First day - Green Sunday- people consider it a day of activity and deceit of mermaids and other mythical evil spirits. The greenery that decorates houses is a protection and a talisman against them. On the morning of this day, festive services are held in the temples. Then people visit each other.
Mass celebrations, fairs begin.

Trinity has always been considered a girl's holiday. They weave wreaths, dropping them into the river for divination. Then they went for a walk in the forest. By this day, a loaf was baked and distributed to unmarried girls in the forest. These pieces were dried and stored until the wedding, then kneading crackers into the dough for the wedding loaf.
It was believed that they would bring prosperity and love to their new family. Then, under the birch, they organized a picnic - a festive meal.
In the evening, the people were entertained by mummers.

The second day of the holiday is called Klechalny Monday.. After the service, the priests went to the fields to read prayers asking God for a blessing on the future harvest.

On the third, Bogodukhov day The boys chose their brides. The girls “led the poplar”, in the role of which was an unmarried girl - the first beauty in the village.
She was dressed up with wreaths, ribbons, branches and taken around the yards. To meet Poplar was considered a great success. On this day, water was blessed in the wells.

People say that it is on Trinity that mermaids come out of the rivers to the fields, at night they start their games and live in the forests until St. Peter's Day (July 12).
Travelers can be tickled to death by mermaids, which is why swimming in the rivers during Green Christmas is considered dangerous.

Green Christmas time

Long before the adoption of Christianity in early June, festivities were held in Rus' associated with the veneration of mother earth. They were called "green" or "emerald" days, hence the popular name of Trinity Day - Green Christmastide.

According to popular beliefs, the earth should not be disturbed on Green Christmastide - plant or transplant plants, dig and loosen, remove weeds. Let the birthday land rest, then it will be favorable to man.

Trinity spell for good luck

On the Trinity they say a conspiracy for good luck and success in business:

“I will get up, praying, go out, crossing myself,
I will ascend a high mountain, I will look around in all four directions.
As on the eastern side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, restlessly wild and violent.
No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know stirrups-reins.
I will tame that horse, and he will walk obediently under me, carry me where I want.
My will is strong, my word is true. Amen".

Love spell on the Trinity

And in order to bewitch her beloved, on Trinity Day, a woman collects grass, weaves a small wreath from it and, going to bed, puts it under her pillow with a slander:

“How these herbs twisted and intertwined into a wreath,
so let the servant of God (name) around me, the servants of God (name), wind and wind,
how the wreath will wither and dry,
so let it dry-mourn for me, God's servant (name),
does not eat food, does not drink drink, does not go on a spree;
at a feast, he or at a conversation, in a field or in a house - I would not go out of his mind-reason.

Be my words strong and sculpting, stronger than stone and damask steel,
a sharp knife and a greyhound spear.
And the key to my words and affirmation, and strong fortress,
and strength is strong in the heavenly heights, and the castle is in the depths of the sea.
Let it be so!".

Birch magic for Trinity

The birch is considered the main symbol of the Trinity - all kinds of rituals are associated with it. The floors in the huts were covered with leaves, the gates, thresholds, windows and icons were decorated with bunches of birch twigs.
Often, branches of apple, mountain ash, maple, and willow were added to birch trees. But in no case did they take branches of coniferous trees (they symbolize death) and aspens (this is a vampire tree).
It was believed that birch, having absorbed the energy of the awakened earth, would protect against evil forces, give health, prosperity, save and increase the new crop.

On the feast of the Trinity, you can perform a ritual for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. You need to go up to a young birch, hug it, then pull the branch towards you and ask the birch for help, say your desire aloud, weaving a pigtail from the thinnest branches of the tree.
When curling, they tried not to crush the leaves and not break the knots and branches: already curled birch trees were decorated with flowers, towels, scarves, belts were hung on them, they thought about the cherished ...

In a few days it is worth visiting “your” birch: if the pigtail is intact, the dream will certainly come true, if it is unraveled, alas.

By the way, if, while walking in a forest or a park, you see such braided branches - do not touch! Maybe someone made a wish, or maybe left a misfortune on the birch.
Whoever undoes such a pigtail will kill another's luck or take on other people's hardships.

In ancient times, when curling wreaths, the girls kulilysya. They exchanged some things - rings, scarves, and after that they called themselves godfather.
This rite was of great importance and was quite in tune with the Orthodox idea of ​​the Trinity - consent.
The basis of kumleniya is an oath promise of friendship and mutual assistance for a certain period of time.
The rite was accompanied by conspiracies with the following words:

"Let's have fun, godfather.
Let’s make a fuss so that we don’t quarrel with you, but be friends forever. ”

After the kumleniya, the participants in the ritual called each other “sisters”, “godfathers” or “friends”, maintaining sisterly relations for as long as possible.

Folk proverbs about the Trinity

  • God loves trinity.
  • Without the Trinity, a house is not built.
  • The trinity of fingers puts a cross.
  • On the Trinity week rain - a lot of mushrooms.
  • On the Trinity, each branch is an assistant and a healer.

It is interesting that on the Trinity weather you can make a forecast in advance.

The dew that falls on Trinity is considered very beneficial to health. Girls are advised to wash her face in order to preserve youth and beauty.

If it rains on this day, there will be a good harvest, a warm and mushroom summer.

Hot weather is considered a bad omen on Pentecost, then the summer promises to be dry.
based on fakty.ictv.u,

It is believed that if you carefully adhere to the ancient customs for the Trinity, you can attract happiness and prosperity to the house.
With the Holy Trinity you!

Quite a lot of interesting folk signs, traditions and customs are associated with the Trinity holiday. For example, if it rained that day, it was considered a very good sign that the year would be fruitful and satisfying.

And there were a lot of folk beliefs associated with fortune-telling and rituals for health, wealth and marriage. Some of them have even survived to this day. About this in detail and in detail - in our article.

Of course, health is the foundation of the foundations, and our ancestors paid a lot of attention to this issue. On almost every church holiday, their own rituals were performed in order to recharge their health for the whole year. For example, on Epiphany they bathed in an ice-hole, and in lightly hit each other with willow branches. As for the Trinity, there were such interesting traditions on this day:

  • Be sure to walk in the rain (if it falls). Firstly, the rain on Trinity is in itself a good sign. And most importantly - it will add strength so that you can fulfill all your dreams.
  • It was also considered healthy to walk in the morning dew. If it fell especially much, it was believed that the whole year would be prosperous.
  • Also, folk signs on the Trinity claim that on this day it is imperative to collect healing herbs and flowers. Plants in such hours have a special miraculous power, so if you dry them for future use, and then use them to make medicinal tea, they will help maintain health and cure diseases.

It is interesting that the Trinity is generally closely connected with greenery, because it is not for nothing that it is sometimes called Green Sunday. The fact is that the meaning of the holiday is associated with a miraculous event - the descent of the Holy Spirit on earth, which took place on the 50th day after Easter (which is why this date is often also called Pentecost).

This event marked the onset of a blessed time, which continues to this day. Now every person can sincerely repent before God and receive the forgiveness of all their sins.

The Holy Spirit is a life-giving force, the third person of God. And it is no coincidence that the celebration of Trinity Day falls just at the end of spring - the beginning of summer.

At this time, even in the northern latitudes of our country, young foliage blooms on trees, fresh grass begins to grow in the fields, and in the south the first crop of some crops (for example, the same radish) is harvested. So it turns out that from time immemorial, greenery and everything connected with it has become a symbol, if you like, the color theme of the day.

Therefore, what is always done on the Trinity is to pluck young birch branches and consecrate them in the church. The sign says that then, according to tradition, they must certainly be brought home and placed next to the icon. It is better to save birch branches for a whole year - then they will protect the house from troubles, and also help to maintain good health for all family members.

It was also believed that birch branches could predict what the hayfield would be like. They were stuck in the ground and observed for three days. If the branches have dried up during this time, then the hay will be able to stock up enough. If they remained green, there will probably be heavy rains, there will be difficulties with hay harvesting.

And one more interesting sign of health, a real folk custom associated with the Trinity. This is the distribution of alms to be done on Spirit Day, Monday. First you need to go to the church, pray or listen to the service, if time permits.

And then just distribute all the little things that remained in your pockets and in your wallet. This will protect you from many troubles, and most importantly - will help maintain health. Of course, the rite is voluntary, and it must be done disinterestedly, otherwise there will be no result.

Be loved

And there are also several customs and signs on the Trinity associated with divination for the betrothed. First of all, it must be said that another event historically coincided with the descent of the Holy Spirit, which has remained in the people's memory since pagan times. At the same time, Rusal Week begins. Our ancestors believed that mermaids and goblin come out of rivers and lakes to lure unlucky travelers there, mostly, of course, young people.

But after all, a mermaid can also give something good - for example, answer girlish questions about her betrothed. Therefore, one of the common beliefs about the Trinity is associated with fortune-telling. On this day, the girls wove wreaths of wild flowers and let them float on the water: let the mermaid accept the gift and at least hint at the future.

  • Drowned wreath - wait for the test.
  • He swam - soon you will meet a loved one with whom a wonderful marriage will develop.
  • There was a wreath by the shore - it's too early to dream, try next year or at least at Christmas.
  • And if the wreath swam against the current, there will soon be such drastic changes that life will be divided exactly into two halves: “before” and “after”. Of course, these will be successful, favorable events.

By the way, wreaths can be launched not silently, but by saying the following words:

Girls walk across the field, carry bouquets, weave wreaths and wander into the water. Narrowed, mummers, you say a wreath, bring it to me. Forever and ever. Amen.

Immediately after throwing the wreath, you need to quickly go home, do not look back along the way and do not talk to anyone, including on the phone.

In general, this rite is quite interesting and certainly made a certain impression. After all, being alone with yourself, and even being silent for at least a couple of hours, is a useful procedure that may help you look at your life a little differently.

And there is such an interesting sign of the Holy Trinity for love. The girl must definitely stay at home alone (it doesn’t matter - in the morning, afternoon or evening), open the window, come closer to the window and whisper:

Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold, according to my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.

Of course, this applies to those women who have already chosen a man of the heart, or at least imagine exactly who they would like to see next to them. This conspiracy is read 9 times in a row, after which, again, you need to be silent for a while and give full play to your imagination. Sincere dreams and spiritual impulses have a wonderful property to come true.

Also on the Trinity, the girls paid attention to the signs of fate. For example, one of the superstitions about the Trinity is associated with a sign when a stranger comes to the house - a traveler or a casual passerby. He must be met at the highest level, because this promises happiness to the owner of the house. A girl, for example, can meet her betrothed.

But the most interesting thing is if it is on Trinity that a marriage proposal is made to the girl (previously matchmakers came home, but now, as we know, everything has become much easier). You can agree without hesitation - and even better guess so as to marry Pokrov (October 1, old style and October 14, new). Then the relationship will be extremely successful, and the marriage will be happy.


A little more about wreaths. They can not only be launched on water. Greenery, birch branches, grass and wildflowers are enduring symbols of the Trinity holiday.

Interestingly, even among the priests it is customary to dress in elegant green robes on this day, so the service looks especially beautiful. And girls can weave another wreath from any natural material and consecrate it in the church.

Then bring it home, hang it on an icon or put it on the best, most visible place in the house, then stay alone and say these words:

Without praying I go to bed and without crossing myself, Lord, forgive Christ. I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head.

As these herbs twisted and intertwined into a wreath, so let the servant of God (name) around me, the slaves (name), twist and twist, like a wreath will wither and dry, so let it dry and grieve for me, God's servant (name), with food does not seize, does not drink with drink, does not go on a spree; at a feast, he or at a conversation, in a field or in a house - I would not go out of his mind-reason.

Be my words strong and sculpting, stronger than stone and damask steel, a sharp knife and a greyhound spear. And the key to my words and affirmation, and the fortress is strong, and the strength is strong in the heavenly heights, and the castle is in the depths of the sea.

Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After that, you need to put a wreath under the pillow and sleep like that all night. Perhaps this is not very convenient, but the dream will certainly come true. Then, in no case should the charmed wreath be thrown away - it is dried and stored anywhere for exactly a year.

Be rich

In general, quite a lot of folk signs, customs and traditions for the Trinity are associated with a wreath of greenery and wild flowers, so it can be considered not only a symbol of the holiday, but also a kind of inanimate hero of this day.

If you want to enlist the protection of the heavenly powers and live a prosperous year, the consecrated wreath must be brought home along with holy water. Every corner is sprayed with it (clockwise), and one or more coins are placed in each corner. At the same time, the following words are pronounced:

After the wreath dries, it must be hidden in a place inaccessible to others and stored throughout the year.

And among the signs on the Trinity associated with wealth, there are simple signs:

  • For example, seeing a rainbow in the sky or getting caught in heavy rain. This promises favorable events, health and prosperity for the whole year.
  • Well, if some kind of traveler, even an unfamiliar guest, comes to the house, it is supposed to meet him very warmly, then the good done will certainly return.


Trinity is celebrated not for one, but for three whole days: on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Moreover, Monday was called Spirit Day - it is also called the day of the Holy Spirit.

In folk beliefs, a sign has spread that it is on this day that the name day of the earth is celebrated. Therefore, many people went at this time in search of ... treasure. It was believed that the earth would certainly reveal its precious secret to a good person.

Nowadays, you can just try your luck - for example, buy a lottery ticket. Who knows who will be lucky today?

Great Trinity Saturday: remember the dead

Oddly enough, but the Trinity holiday is associated with many customs and signs in remembrance of the dead. It would seem, where is the connection between the descent of the Holy Spirit and the remembrance of the departed? The answer to this question can be found if you open for yourself the veil of those distant times, when not only Christian, but also pagan traditions harmoniously coexisted among the people.

As already mentioned, the celebration of this celebration coincides with the onset of the Mermaid Week. Our ancestors believed that these days are significant not only for the exit of mermaids from natural reservoirs, but also for the departure of the souls of dead ancestors. The fact is that earlier the beginning of the new year was celebrated not on January 1, but with the onset of the agricultural cycle.

Therefore, the time of the Trinity is the time of renewal, when the new year finally comes into its own. And the souls of all those who died during the previous 12 months finally go to their heavenly abode, i.e. leave our sinful earth. That is why on the day of the Holy Trinity there was and there is a sign according to which it is necessary to go to the cemetery and restore complete order there.

True, the attitude of the Orthodox Church towards such a tradition is not very favorable. It is believed that it is better to go to the grave on another day.

If you think a little more deeply, you can agree with this opinion. The fact is that the Trinity is a celebration of the life-giving power of the Lord, who, by His mercy, not only sacrificed the only Son, Jesus Christ, but also sent the Holy Spirit to help every person.

It is clear that this celebration is bright, and in the palette of emotions on such a day there simply should not be dark colors, bad thoughts and painful thoughts. In addition, on the eve of the holiday, a special one is provided - that's when you can go to the cemetery to commemorate the deceased relatives.

And on Trinity itself, it’s better to go to church, imbued with bright feelings, and then spend the day with your loved ones, go to visit and do some kind, pleasant deeds.

What not to do on the Trinity: signs, traditions and customs

The question of how to celebrate the Trinity, what signs must be observed, is closely related to what cannot be done on this day at all according to folk traditions and ideas. Looking ahead, we can say that in the church there are no restrictions at all.

The main thing is to get to the temple, pay attention to prayer, good deeds, and spend the rest of the day as your heart tells you. The main thing is peace in the soul and peace in the heart.

The right emotional attitude, faith in good changes - this is what helps us in a difficult life. And of course, sincere prayer creates a kind of energy impulse that can make any good desire come true.

Thus, the history of the feast of the Holy Trinity really connects quite a few interesting folk signs. To believe in holiday traditions and customs for the Trinity or not is a personal matter for everyone.

But one thing is clear: it is useful for each of us to dream. And if for mental recharging you need to perform some simple rite or ritual, why not do it? The main thing is that the desire should be pure and disinterested. Dream boldly - and you will be credited!

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