How to enter a new house signs. Actions to attract wealth


In Rus', traditionally, before entering a new house, special rituals were performed to purify the energy of the house, call for good forces, protect from negativity, and make the atmosphere in the house warm and favorable. And today these traditions are being revived - let's find out what you need to do to live happily ever after in your home.

We launch the animal. Everyone knows that a pet should be the first to enter a new home, because animals are very sensitive to both positive and negative energy. If a kitten becomes the “first settler”, then he will choose a place with the worst energy and “pick up” it. The dog, on the contrary, will show you the most favorable place in the house where you can equip the sleeping area.

Charging space. To put up a shield that will be the energy background of your home, you first need to clear and charge the space. Take a dry branch of St. John's wort or a lit wax candle, and go around the whole house in a circle, starting from the front door. First, move counterclockwise, imagining how all the negativity, everything bad and dark that is in the house is wound on a twig of St. John's wort or fire. After passing the circle, leave the candle or the St.

We put up a shield. Having finished the tour, stand outside facing the front door from the side and imagine in your hands a shield with which you will energetically close your door and protect your house from outside interference. Stretch your hands palms up and mentally choose the color of this shield. If purple, lilac or gold - your house will be a "full bowl"; give preference to pink or scarlet - strengthen the bonds of love, family relationships; imagine a silver or white shield - there will always be many true friends in your house; blue or gray will make you successful in business; green, yellow, orange will ensure your family's health. The candle should burn out outside the house, the sprig of St. John's wort should be burned in a fire.

We are friends with brownies. Animals are by no means the only living creatures that should settle into your new home. It is good for any home to have a patron in the person of a good brownie! If one was observed in your old dwelling and you are happy with the neighborhood, invite him to move to a new place with you. To do this, you need to address him with a speech, telling him how you like him and inviting him to move to a new house. For a brownie, the most important item in the house is a broom, so if he moves, then only by grabbing the handle, so in no case do not forget this item.

If it didn’t work out with the old brownie, no one bothers you to make friends with the new one by arranging a traditional lavish feast in honor of the housewarming. Be sure to make sure that among the various dishes on the table there is a large "housewarming" loaf that will bring happiness and prosperity to the house.

The best time to celebrate a housewarming party is the first weekend after moving in, but this does not mean that it is then that you need to arrange a "feast for the whole world." You can first organize a small holiday for your loved ones, and a little later, when you get comfortable and settled down, you can also hold a large solemn event. But keep in mind - the brownie does not like it when everything is done coolly and slowly, so hurry up to give the house comfort and beauty.

We hang a horseshoe. A horseshoe is a traditional symbol of happiness to be hung inside the house, not outside, as some do. You want happiness inside the house, not on the street. And it is important to do it right: the ends of the horseshoe must be directed upwards, or to the side (the letter "C" - happiness), otherwise the horseshoe will not be able to accumulate positive energy.

Vladislav Ladnaya All rights reserved

Moving for any person is a very important event. A lot of people are worried about how it will pass, whether they have chosen the right home, and whether they are in for any surprises when they move into a new apartment.

Most expect happy changes in the future from life, but some are afraid to break its usual course. Leaving the house where generations of their relatives lived, they are afraid of losing their luck.

In a new home, it is necessary to capture from the old apartment all the most beloved and expensive. Here, from the first day, very beautiful music should sound, the best carpets should lie on the floor, and the furniture should be put up as new as possible. Immediately after entering, it is advisable to sit down at the table and taste delicious dishes in order to create a great mood that will forever settle in this house.

The vast majority of people use various rituals for such an event.

Carrying out rituals when moving to a new apartment was considered mandatory. There are a large number of signs indicating which day will be successful for such a decision, and at what time it is better to postpone the chores. If everything is done correctly, then happiness will not leave the house, the family will be strong, and friends will always sit at the table.

Do not forget about rituals and signs, because they are very important for a person to feel good in a new home.

Various rituals have always become very effective. The most common, still used today, was the consecration of the premises and the sprinkling of holy water on it. An apartment inhabited by the previous owners may contain traces of someone else's negative energy, unkind thoughts, illnesses or deaths. Therefore, it should be cleansed of it.

The rite is very simple. For him, you need to purchase a candle in the Church and stock up on holy water. After moving, it is necessary to spray all the walls and corners in the house with it three times.

Then, with a candle in hand, you need to go around all the rooms at least three times. It should be thoroughly cleaned in advance, the floors washed and the curtains washed. If you sweep away the rubbish and clean the walls, then the evil energy will also be removed. Therefore, it is advisable to simultaneously repeat the words of a prayer or mentally drive away all the bad things from the apartment.

The ceremony of moving to a new home should contain all the necessary steps:

  • You have to get up very early;
  • then soak the flour;
  • after that it is required to persuade the Brownie to follow the owners;
  • it is worth thanking the old dwelling from the bottom of our hearts;
  • it is desirable to enter the new with a feeling of joy.

In order for old troubles not to migrate with the owners to another house, it is necessary to throw away all broken things, old unusable clothes and worn-out shoes. The only exception is relics that are passed down from generation to generation, or are a good memory of some event.

How to enter a new room

According to an old tradition, the cat crosses the threshold first. He must do it himself. You can't push it or bring it in by hand. Only after he has entered the door and walked around the house do people come in.

You need to enter the apartment, starting with the oldest member of the family, and ending with the youngest.

The one who crosses the threshold first must carry the flower pot on outstretched arms so that the plant is in the room before the person. Then it will collect all the negative energy of the home.

You should enter very carefully, without stumbling, because such an incident is a very bad omen.

When entering a new room, each family member should think of something special. On such a day, all wishes come true.

Entering a new apartment, you need to put three coins of great denomination under the threshold so that well-being never leaves the house.

After the youngest has entered, the mother should pour more salt outside the door. This is done in order to create an insurmountable obstacle for evil spirits. Other family members simultaneously hang icons and amulets on the walls.

Settling in a new house

It is advisable not only to sprinkle, but also to wipe all vertical and horizontal surfaces with holy water. In this way, they finally consolidate their presence in the home.

It is necessary to lay out things for moving so that the table is brought into the house first of all. Such a sign is very important, because the faster food is cooked in a new place, the richer and happier life will become in it.

Men and older children should arrange things, and the mother and younger children at this time will prepare refreshments for all those gathered.

The first night in a new apartment is very important. In order to spend it calmly, you need not be too lazy and deliver all things to it.

A nightgown or pajamas must be worn and have the smell of an old home. If, for some reason, it is not possible to stay to sleep in the house, then you should put your night clothes there on the unfolded bed.

Before you go to bed, be sure to tidy up and, to the best of your ability, put all the faults in order. If possible, the first day in a new home is best spent after a complete renovation of the premises.

It is advisable to invite the best friends and dearest relatives to help with moving and to celebrate the event.

What are the best days to move

Many people cannot decide which day is best to move.

There are many signs for such an event:

  • The first days of the week do not favor him. Those who still decide on this risk falling into a long series of failures;
  • Tuesday will be a very successful move. Happiness will forever enter the new home;
  • on Wednesday it is better to refrain from settling in an apartment. There is a belief that then the shelter will become temporary, and friends will not take root in it;
  • Thursday is a good time to move. All difficulties that arose on this day will be safely resolved;

And the second half of the week:

  • on Friday it is better to stay in the same house, otherwise a person will face numerous sorrows and troubles;
  • Saturday is considered the most prosperous time for moving, since even the most daring ideas are realized during such a period;
  • Sunday is quite suitable for the implementation of plans, but it is better to devote such a time to rest.

Therefore, on which days it is preferable to change housing, a person must decide for himself.

It is also important to consider the phases of the moon. On the full moon and new moon, moving should be taken extremely seriously.

A good omen is the appearance of a new moon in the sky. Everything that is done at this time is simply doomed to success. Therefore, very often various rituals and conspiracies are held on such a day. However, such a period is not very suitable for changing a home.

And on the full moon, the new house will become a place of rare material well-being. Family happiness will never leave him, and children's laughter will sound here all the time. Everyday difficulties will also bypass him.

Therefore, in order not to lose joy and vitality, you need to choose the right days for moving.

The weather is of great importance for this:

  • Leaving the old house during the rain has always been considered the key to success. Water is a very powerful substance that can wash away any heaviest bunch of negative energy. Thus, all past troubles will remain in the former dwelling, and a person will enter a new apartment completely cleansed;
  • if a rainbow is visible in the sky, it is a very good omen. A move made on such a day promises a lot of happiness and joy in the future. In addition, this sign indicates that the new home has been chosen correctly;
  • but if a thunderstorm broke out on the street, then such a sign becomes a very unkind harbinger. Such an event indicates that the house will become a place of constant contention. It is also believed that higher powers warn that it is not too late to completely abandon the move.

Conspiracy to appease Brownie

But now the change of housing has taken place and the first thing to do is to appease the Brownie.

For such a ritual, it is desirable to have:

  • Flowers in a pot;
  • new broom;
  • tablecloth for dining table;
  • everything you need to cook porridge;
  • Matchbox;
  • a pack of salt;
  • kneaded dough;
  • plate;
  • a candle;
  • personal amulet;
  • green branch;
  • cloves;
  • hammer.

We kindle our fire
We settle our Rod in a new apartment.
We put fresh Zhito on the table
So that prosperity in housing comes to us.
We hang our talisman-amulet
From the evil eye and damage, illness and trouble
We say to Domovoy

There are a huge number of signs and superstitions regarding settling in a new home. People came up with certain rituals and beliefs for a reason. All actions and interpretations are aimed at ensuring that the energy in the new house or apartment is positive, and life in the room is filled with joy and carefree happiness. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what signs there are for housewarming in a new house.

Housewarming is an important stage in people's lives, so it's important to do everything right.

Folk rituals at the entrance to a new house

For those who pay special attention to folk signs and superstitions, it is important that the owners of the new house enter the apartment initially. However, some interpreters will accept that this superstition should not be followed. And most importantly, who should initially enter a new built home is a pet belonging to a moving family. And best of all, if this animal is a cat or a cat. It is believed that a representative of the cat family is an animal that brings peace and prosperity to family and home life for every year. With their positive aura, they bring peace and joy to the home. Therefore, the owners of the apartment should not rush and enter the house before their pet.

Letting a cat in first into a new apartment is considered a good omen.

Another superstition and good omen to be observed when entering a new apartment is the scattering of coins on the threshold of the house. It is believed that this action will bring prosperity and financial well-being to the inhabitants of the house for a whole year. And it doesn't matter if it's gold, silver or copper coins. The important fact is that the coins will knock on the threshold and thereby attract money. Therefore, the new owners must definitely throw a handful of coins on the threshold when they first visit their apartment. This action can be repeated every year and even on New Year's Eve.

If a young family does not move into a new building, but into a purchased apartment in which people have already lived, then the first step is to perform a general cleaning. And it does not matter that the apartment will be sold already in perfect order. Cleaning actions are not only hygienic in nature, but also energetic. With such cleaning, special attention should be paid to the corners of the house. It is there that, unconsciously from year to year, negative energy can accumulate. After all the steps for thorough dusting are completed, you should invite your good friends and close relatives to the housewarming party. Then all the corners of the rooms will be filled with positive energy of love, laughter and joy for several years to come.

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Actions to attract wealth

In order for money to flow like a river into the wallets of the owners of a new house, it is believed that several important actions must be taken.

  1. As mentioned above, the cat should enter the house first. Or another pet covered with wool.
  2. Also, you should hide a small banknote under the tablecloth on the kitchen table. A similar action should be taken when the festive table is set for friends and relatives invited to the housewarming party.
  3. In accordance with Christian and Slavic traditions, a new apartment must be consecrated. For these purposes, a priest is invited, who walks around the premises, sprinkles with holy water and reads special prayers.
  4. Placement of the icon above the door of the room. Usually, after the consecration of the apartment, the priest gives such an icon to the owners of the house. Such an icon will protect the house from the leakage of financial flows, and will also prevent the appearance of evil eye and envy towards the owners of the house.

Signs and superstitions about the brownie

Many people believe that brownies live in old houses. A family can live in the same apartment for many years and a brownie will definitely settle there. What should I do if I want to take the brownie with me when moving to a new apartment? After all, such a good spirit protects the family very well from the evil eye, quarrels and bad intentions. In order to attract a brownie to a new home, the first thing to do is talk to him. You need to mentally call him with you and explain that in the new house he will not live worse, but on the contrary, it will be better. The brownie must feel faith and hope for his presence. If you put positive energy into this conversation, then the brownie will definitely hear the call and move to a new home.

housewarming tips

From generation to generation, knowledge and special signs are passed on, which have long been present in the daily lives of many, and which are known from our ancestors. For example, a sign that a new house must have a special broom or broom to protect it from the evil eye, misfortunes, sorrows and troubles.

Everyone has met hanging horseshoes at the entrance to apartments more than once. It is believed that a horseshoe brings good luck to its owner. In order for the sign to work at full power, the horseshoe must be removed from the horse. Also, a horseshoe will be an excellent protector from quarrels between households and lack of financial prosperity.

And at the entrance to the room, bunches of dry herbs act as a good amulet. You can take pleasant herbs, such as St. John's wort or chamomile. Herbs, like a broom, protect the owners from the evil eye and the envy of the guests at home.

These are all traditional Russian superstitions and rituals associated with settling in a new home. There are also Eastern superstitions, for example, the Feng Shui energy teaching, which fully reveals the issue of the correct arrangement of furniture in a new house, as well as the rules for moving in accordance with Eastern traditions. It will not be a mistake to use oriental traditions when moving to a new apartment. There is no difference in which of the superstition options will be used by the new owners. The main thing is that all actions are positive.

day to move

Many signs and traditions highlight the particular importance of the day on which the main move of the owners to a new home will be made.

The interpretation of folk signs and superstitions converges to the fact that on Monday it is best not to move. On this day, all actions aimed at entering a new home will go awry. There will be many small and unpleasant obstacles. Which will undoubtedly spoil the mood of the newly minted owners of the apartment. For moving purposes, it's best to wait until Tuesday. After all, this day will portend a lot of fun and good luck in home life. The environment for the purpose of moving indicates that the owners will not stay in the new place and they will soon have to change their place of residence for some reason. Therefore, the housewarming should be moved to Thursday. This day is quite neutral for moving and does not carry any special energy messages. Friday is generally not considered a good day to start any business, including organizing a move to a new apartment.

Signs when moving to a new apartment should be considered during this important event. Many people don't even remember them. They will not require much time, but their consequences will have a beneficial effect on your new home. You will live more comfortably and calmly. We will remind you of these simple actions.

  • It is necessary to properly say goodbye to the old housing. It is important to thank him for the years he lived within its walls and show him due respect. Before you leave it forever, put things in order there. Wash floors, windows, and everything you can. On boxes and other packaging for things you need to draw crosses. This will serve as their protection against loss during the move.
  • Things that you think will be superfluous in a new apartment, you do not need to take with you. You need to get rid of them in advance. Thus, you will provide yourself with the beginning of a new life. Old and unnecessary things are a symbol of the past, which will no longer be a burden for you.

Ritual of farewell to old housing

On the eve of the move, you need to cook a pie and eat it all with the household in the old apartment. You can't take leftovers with you. If life was not easy for you there, make the cake salty. With a good life - it should be sweet.

Signs and rituals for housewarming

  • There is a rule - when moving to a new home, you need to take with you a brownie who has lived with you for many years.
  • There are several options for this. One of them is to do an action with a broom from an old apartment. Just take it with you when you move. Thus, your spirit of the house and his and the protector will also move to a new home. If there was no broom in the household, proceed as follows. Take a small box and put some soft things in it, you can stuff it with scraps of fabric. Put her for a while at the front door and the brownie will “settle in her. Take the box with you and you can be sure that the brownie has also moved.
  • During the move, at the entrance to a new apartment, the cat must be the first to let it in. The place he chooses to stay is the most suitable place for a bed. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the cat meets the requirements of this folk sign. He must be a cat, not a cat. But the thing is, not everyone has cats. In this case, it is not recommended to use a dog instead of a cat. It serves to protect housing and should not be the first to cross the threshold. The dog should enter the new apartment last. It is not necessary for anyone to pass ahead of the cat. Wait until he gets comfortable and dares to enter anyway. Behind him come all the other newcomers.
  • Following this, immediately “feed” the brownie. You can put a container of milk. This is done so that he does not consider you greedy and does not go to live with other more generous owners. After that, you can proceed to wet cleaning and parsing things.
  • Wet cleaning is an important ritual when moving. It must be done in all areas of the apartment. This does not depend on the cleanliness of the home. Even if it's perfectly clean. This saves the home from bad energy. She might have gathered in it before you moved in.
  • When entering a new dwelling, scatter coins on the floor. It would be better if they were made of precious metal. This ritual will attract material well-being to the house.
  • Get a new broom, horseshoe and St. John's wort in advance. Put the broom in the corner at the front door, and above it, strengthen the horseshoe with the horns down. Grass in bags can be hung in several secluded places. Such a kit will help protect the apartment from an unclean spirit and ill-wishers.
  • It is good to choose a place where you could place icons, talismans, amulets.
  • As you unpack the boxes and tidy up your new home, prepare some treats. Now it's time to call friends, neighbors to celebrate housewarming.
  • Put banknotes on the table under the tablecloth. This is for the well-being of the family and for attracting new honest friends.
  • If you follow all these rules, you can calm down. At the new place of residence, family happiness will accompany you, all life's difficulties will pass you by.

  1. If you did not take a brownie with you from the old dwelling. As soon as the new moon comes and when the moon is visible to you, you need to loudly call him through the open window: “Brownie - brownie, come home soon. You will live with us, and we will love you.
  2. In a new apartment, conduct a rite of consecration. To do this, light a church candle and go around all the rooms and corners, while reading the prayer "Our Father".
  3. Incense well rid the apartment of negative energy. You can light incense sticks and place them in all rooms. Their smoke will attract positive energy.
  4. A great sign if the move occurs when it snows or rains. This is a sign from above that a happy life awaits you in a new apartment.
  5. When disassembling things in a new apartment, if there are broken or cracked dishes, you need to get rid of them immediately. It can become a source of unhappiness.
  6. For new housing, it is necessary to make brand new purchases. It can be something from dishes, towels or curtains. This will bring you good luck.

Moving to a new home is a very significant event in a person's life. Each of us wants to live in a new place happily ever after.

In moments of joy, it is especially important not to forget the rules of moving to a new home.

What do folk omens say?

There are a large number of signs about moving to a new house, which have been known since ancient times.

Which for example?

House consecration. Be sure to invite a priest to bless the house before you move in. Let the candle burn in the house for a while. Read the prayer "Our Father". A consecrated house is considered blessed by God.

Icon and bread with salt. Never enter a new home empty-handed.

Proper moving day. Sunday, Thursday or Friday are the most favorable days for moving. Luck, love and prosperity will smile at you in a new home. Also, the move should be carried out on the growing moon or on the full moon. This will bring prosperity to your home.

Moving a kitten to a new home. Everyone knows that the cat should be the first to cross the threshold of the house, preferably black, with a calm and affectionate disposition. People believed that the cat would take all the negative energy onto itself. The most important thing is not to force the cat through. Everything should go according to the desire of the animal. After the cat enters, you can go to the rest. Where the cat first falls asleep, you need to put a bed. This place will be favorable for sleep.

If the cat still refuses to enter the house, you should seriously think about it. Perhaps this house is not your castle.

An old broom - to a new house. With the help of an old broom they lure and take a brownie with them. It is believed that he must be in the house to protect and protect you from dangers. Upon arrival at a new home, treat the brownie with milk. Place an old broom behind the front door with the handle down. He will protect you from ill-wishers.

metal horseshoe, which must be attached to the front door "horns up" - for happiness and good luck. If you hang a horseshoe "horns down", then all well-being will go away.

silver coins, thrown on the floor in a new house will bring wealth to its residents. 3 coins under the rug near the house, left there forever, will not be superfluous.

Neutralization of negative energy. House cleaning will help you with this. Tidy up so that the windows, floor and everything else shine with cleanliness. Get rid of dust and debris.

Herbs from evil spirits. Protection will be a bunch of dry herb St. John's wort, celandine or thistle, placed in the corner of the house.

Housewarming. Of great importance is an organized meal in honor of moving to a new home. Do not be stingy when laying the festive table. Also, don't forget to invite your family and neighbors.

video - Rules for a happy move to a new home:

Ancient customs. For or against

Folk signs are, of course, good, but what about us, modern people who are always fussing, in a hurry somewhere? Sometimes, you don’t even remember the old customs. So the question arises, should they be carried out?

Undoubtedly, this is everyone's business. Some people consider everything to be ordinary superstition, turn a blind eye to it and go boldly through life, others do everything to the smallest detail in order to be calm and not torment themselves for irresponsibility for the rest of their lives.

Of course, it is important to know what are the customs of moving to a new home, but there is no need to blindly copy them. Much in our present world is already outdated and is not as important as before. Therefore, follow your worldview, but still look into the past from the corner of your eye.

video - Traditions and rituals when moving:

Finally, remember, changing the house, we change our destiny. Know the customs of moving to a new home, and it is up to you to follow them or not.

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