How to introduce yourself to employees on the first day of work in a new place, the speech of the manager when meeting the team is a sample. How to present yourself in an interview


Creating a good first impression of yourself is an art that can be learned by knowing how to properly introduce yourself. It is the responsibility of the organizer of the event to introduce strangers to each other. But there are times when you need to introduce yourself. To do this, it is enough to say hello and give your name, first name, patronymic, last name, depending on the situation. If necessary, this is more related to the rules of business communication, tell your position or briefly state the reason for contacting the person.

Phone conversation

Now most issues are resolved by phone, and the positive outcome of the negotiations depends on how this conversation starts. Most often, large organizations regulate how to introduce themselves on the phone in the rules of corporate ethics, but, basically, they come down to 5 phrases:

  • say hello,
  • name the organization you represent, your name, surname and position,
  • briefly state the reason for the call,
  • tell how long the conversation will take,
  • find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to speak at the moment.

These rules are also applicable in everyday life: when communicating with doctors in a polyclinic, utility workers, officials, etc.

Be sure to smile when talking on the phone. A sincere smile gives the voice intonations that evoke a pleasant impression of the speaker.

At a new job

When applying for a new job, the question arises: how to introduce yourself to the team? Usually, a new employee is introduced by his immediate supervisor, naming the position, first name or first name, depending on the accepted form of communication in the team. You just need to say hello. If this did not happen, and you have to introduce yourself, then you need to say hello, and, after they pay attention to you, give your position and name.


Particular attention should be paid to how to introduce yourself in a letter. Correspondence does not imply direct acquaintance of the interlocutors. In order for the recipient of the letter to have enough information about the author, the last name, first name, patronymic, address, telephone numbers are indicated in the upper right corner. If you represent any organization, then first indicate the details of the organization, and then the one who signs the letter, including position, full name, contact numbers. By following the simple rules of dating, you will maintain confidence in yourself in any situation.

The interview process is an exciting and challenging task.

An employer or an employee from the human resources department will ask, and you must answer quickly and confidently. Your direct task is to sell yourself at the interview, which means to prepare in advance. Therefore, it is important to understand what to say in an interview when asked to tell about yourself.

As a rule, all questions already have the necessary answers that the employer wants to hear..

However, there are also those that can unleash your creativity and show your personality. Often, interviewers are asked to tell about themselves.

Or, for example, you will be asked the question: “You are going to work, suddenly your best friend calls you and needs help. Your actions?" How to answer such questions?

This question is very insidious, here they want to determine your responsibility and moral values.

The answer should be something like this: “Of course, this question is very sensitive. I can't quit my job, but I can't leave a friend in need either. Therefore, if I have enough time before the start of the working day, I will help a friend and go to work.

If not, then I will connect my friends and relatives who will save a friend, and I will be able to work without harming the company. With this answer, you will show your responsibility for work and demonstrate positive moral qualities.

If the employer asks you to tell about yourself, then in this situation you need to concentrate and collect your thoughts. Self-presentation is much more difficult than answering ordinary questions. Here you need to think very carefully about what to tell about yourself at a job interview.

Consider the response plan in more detail. Where to start, how to please the employer at the interview and present yourself correctly.

What should be said?

  1. introduce yourself.
  2. How to present yourself in an interview? You can just give your first and last name. If the position is status, then you should also add your middle name. For example, my name is Petrova Irina/Petrova Irina Vladimirovna.

  3. Personal data.
  4. It is worth voicing your age, marital status and place of residence. For example, I am 23 years old, at the moment I live in Magnitogorsk, I am not married.

  5. Education.
  6. In 2011 she graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, received a bachelor's degree in pedagogical education. In 2012, she attended advanced training courses in the same specialty.

  7. Goals.
  8. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher, I have 3 younger sisters, so I have love for children from an early age. 5 years of studying at the university proved that this is exactly my profession, here I can reveal all my positive qualities. I believe that the creative abilities that I developed at the music school help me build the educational process in an interesting and exciting way.

  9. Personal characteristic.
  10. Since my school years, I have been considered purposeful, responsible and active. I believe that these qualities are necessary for a professional teacher. I like to take part in scientific conferences, where I can reveal my research abilities, and I am also a frequent guest of creative events. It is here that you can relax and show musical and theatrical qualities.

  11. Hobby.
  12. For example, in the evenings, to calm the soul, I like to play the piano.

  13. Outcome.
  14. For example, I think that's all I would like to talk about. I will be glad to hear your questions.

The above items are given as an example, they can be interchanged and add your own items. Also, self-presentation can be creative and differ radically from this plan.

What to say about education?

First of all, it is necessary to announce the main higher education or one that corresponds to the proposed position.

Then you can talk about the additional education received or about the passage of courses or seminars.

You can also mention competitions, conferences or olympiads in which you took part during your studies.

It is especially good if there are certificates or commendations from competitions where the topic is related to the future position.

What to say about qualities?

Of course, it is worth noting only its positive aspects, for example, it is purposeful, easy to train and everything related to work. However, you can mention your shortcomings and others that can be turned into advantages.

For example, to say that I am an insane perfectionist and I hate being late for work and do my work carefully, I don’t know how else.

What to say about skills?

Here it is worth talking about your best qualities that can be useful at work. For example, fast typing on the keyboard, a confident PC user, fluency in English.

You can name any skills, as long as they are relevant when interviewing for a position.

What to tell about achievements?

Talk about your personal achievements, what you achieved in your last job. For example, in two years I went from a courier to a sales manager. Also mention achievements in self-government.

For example, for a long time I could not wake up early in the morning, overcame my desire and after 21 days I woke up with ease every morning, even on weekends.

What to say about goals?

Present the goals in a "beautiful" color.

For example, say that all your life you have seen how your parents suffer from lack of money and dreamed of prosperity in order to provide them with a peaceful old age.

Therefore, the school focused on specialized subjects, then successfully graduated from the university in the chosen specialty, attended seminars and now you are applying for the desired position.

And you can say with confidence that you have made every effort to achieve your goal.

It is worth talking about real goals, it is not worth "hovering in the clouds" and talking about unattainable heights.

What to tell about a hobby?

Speaking of hobbies, you need to make the right choice from a variety of hobbies. The most advantageous option is sport, which characterizes you as a purposeful and active person who is not afraid of difficulties and has a competitive spirit.

How to tell about yourself if you have no work experience?

What to tell about yourself at an interview without work experience? If you haven't worked anywhere before, don't worry! Be confident and talk about your strengths and accomplishments during the learning process. I think they should impress the employer.

Many candidates ask: what to tell about yourself at the interview? A similar question can be considered on the example of how to present yourself at an interview.

Telling about yourself at the interview, example:

“My name is Marina Ivanova. I am 26 years old. I live in Moscow. Single. In 2011 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the State University. Training and work experience in this field convinced me that I chose this specialty for a reason. I want to work as a marketer in your company, as the vacancy provides not only analytics, but also product promotion. The use of English is of great importance to me.

I believe that I am good at preparing promotions that lead to the attraction of buyers, as I am creative and sociable. I like to set professional goals and achieve them!”

So that the employer’s request does not take you by surprise, an example of a story at an interview: “Tell me about yourself” can be downloaded just below.

We hope that now the employer’s request: “Tell us a little about yourself” will not confuse you, you understand that you can tell about yourself at the interview and how to present yourself correctly. Now let's talk about what is not included in the range of aspects of your life that the employer is interested in.

We also suggest that you watch the video on how to sell yourself in an interview.

What is better to be silent about?

The employer, as a rule, is not interested in your material values, for example, the availability of housing or jewelry. The success of parents and relatives is also not interesting.

What is the best thing not to talk about?

First of all, do not give too personal information, the employer is not interested in your problems, he is also not interested in children's successes and achievements that are not related to the chosen position. Also, do not talk negatively about your past work or former colleagues. Do not forget that you may be asked not very pleasant questions.


I would like to note that even knowing how to correctly tell about yourself at an interview, you should not forget about your own. Going to the interview, choose the business style that looks the most advantageous. Makeup is modest, in pastel colors. It is advisable to collect hair or do a discreet styling.

Getting a dream job is a difficult but interesting process. You just need to prepare for the interview and approach this issue seriously and responsibly, studying the activities of the company and preparing a successful and “speaking” self-presentation. Remember, everything is in your hands! Especially since now you know what to tell about yourself at the interview.

Introducing yourself is more than just saying your name. This is a whole way to make a new acquaintance with a person, start a conversation and get into physical contact. Introducing yourself to strangers is not always as easy as it seems, because everything depends entirely on how others understand you. You can introduce yourself in different ways (depending on the audience you are addressing). For example, it can be a performance before a speech, in front of strangers at some event, in front of a girl or guy at a party. It is important to introduce yourself in a way that is appropriate for this situation in order to please and be remembered by people.


How to introduce yourself at a social event

    Make eye contact. Eye contact means that your attention is directed to the interlocutor. Looking into the eyes is one of the ways to interact with a person. This is how you show him your interest. By making eye contact, you become more open to your interlocutor.

    • If you feel very uncomfortable looking someone in the eye, try looking between the eyebrows of the interlocutor - he may not notice the difference.
    • If you are in a meeting or meeting, periodically look into the eyes of each of those present.
  1. Be mindful of body language. Body language should show the interlocutor that you are confident and feel at ease. Stand straight, raise your head and straighten your back, try not to slouch. Try to repeat the movements of your interlocutor from time to time. In addition, try to speak in the same tone and style as your interlocutor to establish non-verbal contact.

    How to introduce yourself to a stranger

    1. Tell each other your names. If the greeting is meant to be formal, you can say, "Hello, I'm [first name] [last name]." If the introduction is informal, simply say, “Hi, I’m [name]. Immediately after you have given your name, find out the name of your new acquaintance, say: “What is your name?”. Speak in friendly tones. As soon as you know the name of your new acquaintance, repeat it by saying: "Very nice to meet you, [his name]" or "Nice to meet you, [her name]."

      • It is important to repeat the name of your acquaintance in order to remember it better, besides, this will give your acquaintance some kind of intimacy.
    2. Be prepared to shake hands or greet someone you know in a different way. In most cultures, it is customary to greet a person by accompanying the greeting with physical contact. In many countries and cultures, this is a common handshake. Make sure that the hand is moderately firm, it should not hang like a rag, and should not break the bones of your friend when shaking hands.

      Ask questions. It is very important to show interest in the life of your interlocutor. Ask where he or she is from, what they do, start a conversation about some common business or interest. Find out what the person likes, what their hobbies and interests are. Show that you are listening carefully and interested in the conversation.

      Feel free to end the conversation. If you are meeting someone for the first time, you should end the conversation by saying that you were pleased to meet and talk. If the conversation was formal, you should end the conversation with the phrase: “[name] [patronymic], I am very pleased to meet you. I hope we see you again." If the conversation was informal, you can say, “It was great meeting you, [name]. Hope to see you again"

    How to introduce yourself before a speech

      Greet the audience and state your name. If you are giving a speech, it is important to state your first and last name. When you greet everyone and introduce yourself, be sure to speak clearly and confidently.

      • Say, "Hi, I'm [first name] [last name]." Or, “How are you doing today? My name is [first name] [last name].”
    1. Share something about yourself. After you say your first and last name, tell what kind of speech you are going to give and why, try to present yourself correctly. What you need to say to the audience depends on the nature of your speech and the event you are speaking about. If you are going to give a lecture on the importance of proper nutrition, be sure to say how you relate to this. For example, say if you are a scientist, a cook, or an environmentalist. If you are talking about the upbringing and development of a child, say that you are a child psychologist.

      • You can provide the audience with any useful information about yourself that is relevant to your presentation. You can briefly list some of your professional merits. For example, you could say, “My name is [first name] [last name] and I am a professor of environmental sciences. I did research in the Amazon rainforest and then I realized how important it is to look for new ways to protect our planet.”
    2. Move. When giving a speech, stand up straight, with good posture, but move from time to time. Straighten your back, take your shoulders back, do not slouch, your hands should be free, you can even gesticulate if necessary. If you don't have to stand behind the podium, you can sometimes walk slowly from side to side to show the audience how confident and comfortable you feel.

    How to introduce yourself at a business meeting

      State your full name. Say it clearly so that the other person understands and remembers it exactly. You can say, “Hi, my name is [first name] [last name].” Or: "Hi, I'm [first name] [last name]." Your name is more likely to be remembered if you pronounce it clearly.

    1. Describe what you do in one sentence. If you are in a business meeting, chances are you will tell a few people about what you do. So, what do you do when a new acquaintance asks you: "What do you do?" You will probably start talking about your career for 5-10 minutes. Do you have a desire to read the list of your achievements? Most likely no. If you are not planning a serious conversation, you can simply describe the essence of your professional activity in one sentence, conveying the following information to the interlocutor:

      • What is your occupation? Teacher, manager, medical worker?
      • Who are you working with? With children, international organizations, small businesses?
      • What are you doing? Do you help children acquire and develop new skills, do you organize various international meetings and negotiations, keep track of the budget, help organizations expand their market base in developing countries?
      • Do not look away and do not be distracted by foreign objects, otherwise the interlocutor will understand that you are bored.
      • Don't speak with your mouth full.
      • Focus on a positive attitude. When you first meet, this is not the time to say something bad about yourself or about someone else.
      • To lighten the mood, start with a compliment or a harmless joke.
      • If your hands tend to sweat, wipe them down with a tissue before introducing yourself to someone.

In large ones, usually, of course, it represents supervisor. I was introduced a couple of times and I represented 50 times)

  1. What did I finish (profile, not profile),

  2. Where did you work / what did you do (if you have something to be proud of).

  3. Family status

  4. What will he do, where will he sit (in which bureau, under whose leadership)

And in conclusion, "Welcome to our kind team, You are welcome, welcome." If there is time, briefly introduce the team, if not, then "get to know each other as you work." We also drink tea. Newly joining the team buys pastries or cakes, coffee, tea, and at lunch we get to know each other a little closer.

BUT there are small teams where no one represents anyone and this mission falls on the employee. After all, you need to introduce yourself somehow.

I would just buy a cake and say the same thing about myself, as if I were represented by the boss without clause 5 and would say that “I don’t know how it’s customary for you and I didn’t have the opportunity to figure out someone else’s charter, so I I bought a cake with all my heart. Where can I put it for now?"

Sidorov Kuzma Nikanorovich. I recently came to our city from N., where in recent years he worked at the Selkhozavtomatika Scientific Research Institute and was engaged in the development and adjustment of seeders based on this and that. Curated this and that. I often went there and there on business trips on such and such an issue. Well knows those and those sections of metal construction. At one time he graduated with honors from such and such a university.

Kuzma Nikanorovich is married, his wife is from our city, and the reason for moving to our city is connected with the need to take care of his grandmother.

We hope that while working in our organization, Kuzma Nikanorovich will help our young employee Tikhon to master the new system of project documentation based on such and such a system.

Kuzma Nikanorovich does not hear well, because he was shell-shocked in Afghanistan, he has government awards. But he can't wear a hearing aid. When communicating with Kuzma Nikanorovich, always speak in such a way that Kuzma Nikanorovich can read lips.

Thanks to David Semenovich for introducing me. I would also like to add that when I visited the Experimental Station, I came across such and such types of agricultural machinery that you produce. Given that I have a good command of the calculation of this and that, I could help the sector headed by Yuri Lvovich, especially in terms of such and such nodes. By the way, we crossed paths with Yuri Lvovich on joint work here and there, and even at VDNKh our stands were nearby.

The manager introduces the new employee. Usually, it sounds like this, the name is so-and-so, he worked there, the position now is such-and-such. All!

No personal data, hobbies and number of children considered necessary to declare. As well as awards and medals of the employee who came. If he wants to, he will tell everything in the process of work, as well as hang on the wall, all kinds of diplomas, for example.

No public applause, in most cases, is expected. Came - sit down and work. Get to know everyone as you work. If this is not a director, of course, or the head of a department or service.

I advise you to be restrained, do not pinch your hands in the lock or in your pockets. Keep a slight smile on your face, giving the impression that you are happy with a new job, by the way, it can be a natural smile if the place is good. You can show interest, you can even ask banal things so that people get used to your image, for example, who works on the 2nd floor, where is the restroom and so on. At the end of the day or

at the end of Friday, I advise you to buy a couple of cakes after work and put down and say that you are satisfied with the new team and work in general

When she was employed in a new company, she scrolled the day before what and how I would say in the new team.

And so the director introduces me and ends his speech with the words: “I ask you to love and favor.” The first thing that came to mind, looking at the tense faces, was to say: “You don’t need to love me, I won’t be enough for everyone, but it’s desirable to favor and respect. And I, in turn, will be benevolent and help in any way I can" After that, the people let go and laughter began.

How do you come up with a powerful, bright start to a speech in front of an audience? Here are some ways to give your speech an effective start. If you figure out how to show your audience your warmth and friendliness and at the same time manage to impress them, then in 30 seconds after the start of the speech, she will be ready to follow you to the ends of the world.

Mention some current event. Use the front page of a recent newspaper as a bridge to get to the topic of your conversation or to prove or illustrate your point. You can bring a copy of the newspaper with you and unroll it in front of everyone when you refer to what is written in it during the opening speeches. Such a picture - you are standing on a stage with a newspaper in your hands and reading or reciting important thoughts by heart - will draw the attention of the audience to you and make people lean forward so as not to miss a single word of yours.

Retell a recent conversation. Begin by retelling your recent conversation with someone present. For example, say something like this: “I was talking to Tom Robinson in the lobby a few minutes ago. He told me that now is one of the best times to do business in this industry. And I agree with him."

Make a shocking statement. You can start your speech with a statement that will cause some shock. For example, you could say something like, “Recent reports indicate that competition in this industry will not only intensify next year, but will lead to changes and new opportunities that were unimaginable in the past. As a result of all the perturbations, 72 percent of the people sitting in the hall now will be working in another area in two years if they cannot adapt quickly enough to the changed environment.”

Start with an anecdote, if appropriate. You can also start a speech with a joke, but only if it is actually funny. You need to be 100% sure that the audience will perceive your statement or tale as comical. Therefore, you should test your anecdote several times on other people beforehand to make sure of its effect. Use humor only if you yourself think the story or joke is funny, and also if you are convinced that you can tell it well and it will really be adequately perceived by the audience.

Entertain your audience. One of America's best speakers, Bill Gove, after being formally introduced to the audience, used to walk on stage as if he had just interrupted one backstage conversation to now move on to another - with a group of people sitting in the hall. The listeners got the feeling that he was not going to make a speech, but simply wanted to talk to them.

Beal often walked to the very edge of the stage, gave himself a conspiratorial air, urged the audience to move closer to him with his hands and said in a half-whisper: "Come closer, I need to tell you something." One got the impression that he was going to reveal some great secret - to everyone present at the same time.

The most amazing thing is that the people in the audience actually leaned forward to hear the "secret". And then they would suddenly become aware of what they were doing and burst into laughter. After this “trickster”, Gove could already twist ropes out of them, as they say.

Ask a question, take a survey. You can also start by making some kind of positive statement, and then ask a question that involves a show of hands. Try this: “Today is a great time for us to live and do business. By the way, how many of you have your own business?”

I often start a conversation in this way and, after a certain number of listeners raise their hands, I ask one of them sitting closer to the stage: “How many people really do their own thing?”.

Invariably someone answers: “We all!”. After that, I give confirmation to this answer: “You are right! We are all minding our own business, from the moment we get our first job until we retire. We all work for ourselves, regardless of who pays us a salary.”

Make a statement and ask a question. You can start with some impressive statement and then ask a question. Then give an answer and ask the next question. This technique instantly engages people in the topic, and they will eagerly hang on your every word. Here is an example:

“Twenty percent of the people in our society earn 80 percent of the money. Are you in the top 20 percent? So, in the next few minutes, I'm going to give you some ideas that will help you become one of the highest paid members of our society. Do you think it was worth it to come to the seminar today for this?”

There is one interesting psychological phenomenon that manifests itself in people from childhood: they are determined to answer the questions posed. Every time you ask a question and then pause to give people time to process it, you take full control of the audience. Even if people don't answer out loud, they can't bring themselves to not answer at all.

Start with history. You can start your speech with a story. It is difficult to come up with stronger words that instantly capture the attention of the audience than the words "Once upon a time there lived-were ...".

From infancy and early childhood, people love all kinds of stories and fairy tales. The listeners instantly calm down, fall silent and lean forward, like children sitting around a fire. When I run all-day seminars and I want the participants to quickly settle into their seats after the coffee break, I say out loud: “A long time ago, I lived in a city, right in this very city, a man...” Hearing these words, the seminar participants quickly sit down and fall silent in anticipation of the continuation of the story.

Build a bridge between yourself and the audience. One of the most important tasks of the introductory part of the speech is to establish contact with the audience, to build a bridge between you. Start with something that connects you with your audience. For example, from the fact that today - or sometime in the past - you worked in the same industry. Maybe you have kids like them. Maybe you know their city, or you support the local football or basketball team. Or you have a problem or concern that is very similar to the problems and concerns listeners face in their work or life.

If you take a few minutes to build such a bridge between you and your listeners, they will immediately come over to your side. They will see that you are one of them and will be more receptive to your words and ideas, as well as become more generous and forgiving of your possible mistakes. They will feel that you are a literate and accessible person, because you have a lot in common with them.

Tell the audience about yourself. Very often I begin my speeches to businessmen, entrepreneurs and sales representatives with the words: “I went into business without graduating from high school. My family didn't have money. Everything that I have achieved in life, I had to achieve myself. If someone helped me, then just a little bit.

It's amazing how many people come up to me after speaking like this to confirm that they've gone the same way. And, by their admission, they immediately began to identify themselves with me, because they themselves, like most people, started with poor grades in school and low financial opportunities. Therefore, they listened to my speech with great interest and felt that everything I say describes their current situation much more accurately and is much more useful for their future than what a person with a “high start” in life could say in my place. It is very useful to throw such bridges between yourself and the listeners: they will definitely come over to your side through it.

And 6 more ideas:

  • Thank the organizers
  • Praise your listeners
  • Recall a historical event
  • Quote the words of a famous person
  • Provide data from the latest research
  • Start with a problem

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Comment on the article "How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like"


this boy must be killed by parents for sure.

grades are not the main thing, the main thing is knowledge
but they are valued
so what about not important ... a big exaggeration
they are important, but they are just estimates, either well done, I remembered, I understood, you can relax, or - there is still something to work on
and no more
but maybe that boy has inadequate parents and spread rot for bad grades as for "cho brought so little money"
this is not a reason to cancel the control
for this, in fact, psychologists at school are to correct parental nonsense, which is not easy and not always possible

How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like. How do you come up with a powerful, bright start to a speech in front of an audience? You can start your speech with a story. It's hard to come up with stronger words, instantly...


OH YEAH! Postcards were massively purchased not only before New Year's Eve, but also before other holidays, diligently inscribed and sent throughout the Union ... In response, the same mountains of postcards came :-) family handwritten journal.

And they also made Christmas tree decorations every year, just in the last week before New Year's Eve ... together with mom and dad. Toys made from eggshells (in the 90s I remembered my childhood, made a Snow Maiden - still alive :-),
beads were made from candy foil, garlands were glued from colored paper ... It was a good time! :-)

Cosy). Oh, how many such joint family affairs were. Dumplings were all sculpted together, I made dough circles with a glass. And filmstrips on the sheet.

In short, in our time ...)))

Well, my dears. This year, it is necessary to kick before the holidays, first of all, myself - with the New Year's mood I have, due to the just-occurred change in marital status, it is still tight. So I'm going to prepare for the New Year here, but I don't know how to do it slowly, I'll be public. And I'm always glad to those who join :)) As usual, the principle is the same: no more than 15 minutes a day. Well, only the stollen will require a little longer, but it's worth it, believe me :)) So. Today we are making...

Famous Russian musicians will perform at the first all-Russian festival "Fish Week". All concerts in support of Russian fish will be held on the stage, which is installed on Pushkin Square (the site "Moscow - the port of five seas"). April 22 at 18:30 the festival will open with a performance by A.F. Sklyara. For 25 years now, this artist has been pleasing his listeners with an incendiary stylish cabaret, in which male lyrics and street romance harmoniously coexist. There is real intrigue in every performance of Sklyar, and...

An ingenious album, from which it is ideal to start acquaintance of kids with Great music. ******************************-*************** "Children's Album of Pieces" Peter Ilyich wrote it especially for his little nephews and played it with the children. Miniatures are simple, but perfect for a first introduction to Big Music. The hand of a brilliant composer is visible in them, so both children and adults like listening to the album. ******************************-*************** Performed by musicians...

About 2 months ago I was invited to take part in a marathon called "I am happy". Since I love different psychological trainings, I decided to try it. The organizer offered various creative and everyday tasks. The participants set goals for themselves and reported on the steps towards the planned. At first, everything seemed very naive - say kind words to your husband, smile at passers-by, make a pie with a prayer. But after a few weeks, I realized that something had changed. I've been going for almost a year...


Very interesting!! I am happy to participate :)
Yes, nothing prevents me, I'm happy! Every day! Not all day like Charlotte said in Sex in the city, but every day :)

I'll be happy to participate!)
As for happiness, I’m happy, but my laziness really bothers me ...

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