How to cook brushwood at home: delicious and easy recipes. A simple step-by-step recipe for making classic brushwood


Do you want to surprise and delight your guests or relatives?! Prepare them cookies "Khvorost". It turns out a very original cookie with a bright taste. Thin cookies look like tied bows. A vase with a slide of such crispy cookies will always please the kids.

There is no need to use an oven to make cookies. Cookies are cooked in a pan. If you currently do not have the opportunity to bake something delicious, this recipe will save the day.

Recipe for cooking brushwood “Crunchy”

Ingredients needed to make Cookies "Khvorost":

  • 4-5 eggs;
  • one glass of cold water (room temperature is possible);
  • 2-3 cups flour;
  • salt;
  • powdered sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of vodka;
  • sunflower oil for frying.
  • Break eggs into a container, pour a glass of cold water (it can be at room temperature, but not hot). Mix eggs with water. Add two tablespoons of pure vodka to the mixture. Pour two cups of flour into a bowl and add a pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly. For cookies, you need to knead the dough hard. You can add more flour to it if needed.
  • When the dough is completely ready, it must be rolled out with a rolling pin into a very thin sheet. The thinner the sheet, the crispier the finished cookie will be. Carefully cut the rolled dough into small strips, approximately 7 x 2 cm. Twist the resulting strips in the form of bows.
  • Put a frying pan with sunflower oil on a small fire. Heat up the oil and place the bows in it. Fry cookies in hot oil for several minutes, constantly turning over. The cookies should be crispy and brown in color. When the brushwood has cooled slightly, roll each cookie in powdered sugar.
  • Crispy and sweet treat is ready. It goes well with hot tea or coffee. Children can cook such cookies instead of chips. In terms of structure and contagiousness, cookies are very similar to chips, only much safer.


Recipe for cooking brushwood “Fragrant”

Ingredients for making Cookies "Khvorost":

  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar,
  • 2 tbsp. balm spoons,
  • butter the size of a walnut,
  • flour,
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Preparation of cookies "Khvorost":

  • Grind the egg with sugar in a saucepan.
  • Add balm. Mix. The balm gives flavor to the dough. Therefore, the rest of the seasonings (vanilla, cinnamon, etc.) will be superfluous here.
  • On a saucer, mash the butter with a fork and transfer to a saucepan. Mix. The butter should be soft, but not melted.
  • Add sour cream. And mix everything again.
  • We begin to gradually introduce flour, constantly stirring.
  • The dough is getting thicker and thicker.
  • When the dough becomes elastic and can be kneaded with your hands, go to the table and knead the dough on the table.
  • As soon as the dough stops sticking to your hands, then it can be rolled out. We divide the dough into two or three parts (depending on how much space is on your table) and roll it out thinly from about 0.3-0.4 cm to 0.5-0.6 cm.
  • We cut the dough layer into rectangles and in the center of each rectangle we make a cut for molding. It is not necessary to measure rectangles: this is what home baking is all about, that there is nothing stamped and everything is done conscientiously and with soul, as they say.
  • We form sickness.
  • On the one hand, we wrap the ends of the rectangle inside the cut (down), and on the other hand, turn it inside out. Usually this is how brushwood is formed, which is why this delicacy looks like brushwood. Although you can turn on the fantasy. If the dough breaks, you can tie it with a weak knot: it will also look interesting.
  • We carry out all the same procedures with the rest of the test.
  • In the heated oil (there should be enough oil so that the brushwood can be completely immersed), we lower the brushwood blanks.
  • As soon as they are browned, turn over the other side.
  • When the second side becomes ruddy - remove.
  • The brushwood is ready. It gives off such a marvelous herbal-spicy aroma that you definitely want to try it!


Recipe for cookies "Old" brushwood

Previously, for brushwood, a very tough unleavened dough was kneaded from flour, water and eggs with the addition of a small amount of salt. This dough was rolled out into a thin layer 1-1.5 mm thick and blanks for brushwood were made from it. There were several ways to do this:

1) roses: cut circles of three sizes from the dough (large diameter about 6-7 cm, medium - 4-5 cm and small - 3-4 cm), cuts were made along the edges; they put the mugs one on one and pressed down the middle so that the mugs stuck together;

2) crown: a circle with a diameter of 10-12 cm was cut out of the dough, starting from the center, radial cuts were made, not reaching 1.5-2 cm to the edges, and the corners were bent;

3) braid: cut strips of dough 3 cm wide, make longitudinal cuts on them and braid them in the form of braids.

These blanks were fried in hot oil, taken out, sprinkled with sugar or poured with honey. Such brushwood is mentioned in the monuments of the XVI-XVII centuries. He was very tight. Then this method was improved, vodka was added to the dough, the rolled out layer of dough was smeared with oil and rolled out again. The brushwood became softer.

Ingredients for the preparation of brushwood "Old":

For the test

  • wheat flour 600 grams,
  • sugar 60 grams,
  • eggs 6 pieces,
  • water 200 milliliters,
  • vodka 30 milliliters,
  • salt.

For frying:

  • vegetable oil 300 milliliters.

For submission:

  • powdered sugar 60 grams.

The yield of ready-made brushwood is about 1 kilogram.


Recipe for cookies brushwood from batter “Modern”

When special devices for frying brushwood were invented, the dough began to be made liquid and the products turned out to be tender and crumbly.

Ingredients for making brushwood from batter:

For test:

  • flour 200 grams,
  • egg 1 piece,
  • soda,
  • sugar,
  • salt to taste.
  • you can add vanillin.
  • water is added to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Preparation of brushwood from batter:

  • Break eggs into the pan, add salt, sugar, stir well, add flour and, continuing to stir, add water to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • In a small saucepan, vegetable oil is heated to 175-180 ″ C. After that, the heating is slightly weakened.
  • A handle is screwed into one of the molds from the side of the wide part, the mold is heated in oil, immersed in batter, transferred to heated fat for frying. As the dough fries, it lags behind the mold, sinking to the bottom of the pan with fat.
  • Ready brushwood is taken out with a fork or slotted spoon and allowed to drain fat.
  • After baking brushwood, the molds are washed in hot water and dried.

Treat yourself, your family and friends with delicious treats.

Happy tea drinking!

Crispy sticks and curls, the taste of which is familiar to many from childhood, are able to compete with popcorn, corn sticks, chips and other snacks. Sweet brushwood serves as an independent dessert, which can be crunched when the whole family gathers in front of the TV in the evening, it is also served with tea, coffee, cocoa. In some supermarkets you can buy this delicacy, but it will not be cheap, and not every locality has a store or cafe that produces such sweets. But every housewife can make brushwood at home. The necessary skills are developed quickly, so even a novice cook can master the recipes for making crispy dough figures.

Cooking features

Making homemade brushwood requires some culinary skills, but many novice housewives manage to make delicious and mouth-watering curls the first time. Even if the first experiment is not crowned with 100% success, do not despair: the second time, the brushwood will almost certainly come out the way you hope to get, that is, golden, crispy, tasty. Knowing some of the subtleties will make the task easier.

  • To obtain crispy products, mineral water or alcoholic beverages are added to the dough. Sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese allow you to make more tender, but slightly less crispy cookies. Choose a dessert recipe according to the result you intend to get.
  • The dough for making brushwood is rolled out thinly so that it is fried as quickly as possible, and folded in a special way. Usually, for this, a layer of dough is cut into rectangles or rhombuses, a longitudinal incision is made in the center, the ends of the dough are threaded into it and, as it were, turned inside out. Other options are also possible. For example, a square piece of dough can be cut from the corners and one corner of the resulting triangles can be glued to the center. Another option is to cut the dough into strips and roll them into loose spirals. Even more options are given by the use of cookie cutters.
  • It is necessary to fry brushwood in a large amount of preheated oil, each time removing from it the fried pieces of dough that have fallen off the brushwood. If a lot of products are fried, it is advisable to change the oil periodically. The quality of the oil matters too. Preference is given to refined vegetable and always fresh, without a rancid smell.
  • After frying, brushwood must be laid out on a napkin so that it absorbs excess fat.

Before serving, brushwood is often sprinkled with powdered sugar, poured over with honey or condensed milk. It is undesirable to process products with liquid products immediately after preparation, otherwise the brushwood may soften, stop crunching.

The classic recipe for homemade brushwood from milk dough

  • wheat flour - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 125 ml;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 l;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar to them, rub thoroughly.
  • Pour in milk and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Beat with a whisk until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Pour in flour in small portions, knead the elastic dough.
  • Sprinkle a silicone mat or board with flour, lay out the dough and roll it into a layer no more than half a centimeter thick.
  • Cut the layer into rhombuses about 10-12 cm long, one and a half to two times less wide. Make a slit in the center of each rhombus and turn the edges through it, twice.
  • Heat the remaining oil in a saucepan. Dip several pieces of dough into it and deep-fry them until they acquire a characteristic golden hue. Spread the fried brushwood with a slotted spoon on a napkin.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving. If you were unable to purchase it, you can make it from granulated sugar by grinding it with a blender or coffee grinder.

Crispy brushwood (recipe with vodka)


  • flour - 0.25 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt - a large pinch;
  • vegetable oil, powdered sugar - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Sift the flour.
  • In a bowl, combine eggs, sugar, salt and vodka. Whisk.
  • When the egg mixture is light, add the flour. First stir with a spoon, then transfer the dough to the work surface of the table and knead it with your hands. You need to knead until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
  • Roll the dough into a ball, place in a plastic bag and refrigerate for half an hour.
  • Divide the dough into several pieces. Roll one into a rectangular layer and cut it into pieces 4-5 cm wide, 8-10 cm long. Cut holes in each piece into which you need to thread the ends of all the rectangles, as if turning the dough inside out.
  • Fry the brushwood in a large amount of boiling oil, put in a sieve and wait for the oil to drain. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

In the same way, make brushwood from the remaining dough. Cookies prepared according to this recipe always turn out crispy.

A simple recipe for brushwood from yolks with cream

  • egg yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • cream - 40 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • flour - 140–160 g;

Cooking method:

  • Separate the yolks from the whites. Place the egg whites in a clean jar and refrigerate to use for other meals. Rub the yolks with sugar.
  • Pour cold cream into the yolks, beat with a whisk.
  • Gradually adding the sifted flour, knead the elastic dough. Roll it out into a thin layer.
  • Cut the dough into squares, make cuts from the corners of the squares to the center. The result is a figure resembling 4 triangles converging to the center. Fold one corner of each of these triangles towards the center. You get a design that resembles a children's spinning wheel, spinning from the wind. Form such figures from other squares.
  • Deep fry the brushwood, put on a plate covered with a napkin.

The brushwood according to this recipe is sweet and crispy. Products for its preparation require a minimum amount. The cooking process also takes a little time.

Brushwood on mineral water

  • mineral water (with gas) - 0.25 l;
  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • mayonnaise (can be lean) - 40 ml;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Sift flour, make a well in the center.
  • Mix mineral water with salt, sugar, mayonnaise. Pour the mixture into the well in the center of the flour mound.
  • Knead the dough. Leave it under cling film for 20-30 minutes.
  • Divide the dough in half. Roll out one part into a layer 1-2 mm thick. Dust it with flour and roll it into a roll.
  • With a sharp knife, cut the roll into pieces 1.5-2 cm thick. Fry the spirals in a large amount of boiling oil.

A delicacy prepared according to this recipe can be eaten in fasting. Most vegetarians will not refuse it either. Another advantage of this option for preparing brushwood is economy.

Walnut brushwood on sour cream

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • walnut kernels - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 0.2 l;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • soda - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Sift the flour.
  • Dry the nuts in a pan without adding oil, grind with a coffee grinder or blender until dusty, mix with flour.
  • Mix sour cream with soda and sugar.
  • Combine flour with sour cream and knead the dough.
  • Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut into small rectangles, twist them to make figures resembling butterflies.
  • Deep fry them.

Before serving, brushwood does not hurt to sprinkle with powdered sugar. According to this recipe, it turns out lush and tender.

Brushwood in Tatar

  • chicken egg - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.75 l;
  • soda - a large pinch;
  • flour, vegetable oil - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Break the eggs into a bowl, add 100 g of sugar to them, pour in 100 ml of cold water. Whisk.
  • Quench the soda with vinegar, add to the egg mixture.
  • Gradually adding the sifted flour, knead the dough like dumplings.
  • Divide into 6 parts.
  • Roll out the first part into a layer about 5 mm thick, cut it into strips 2-3 cm wide. Wind the strips on sticks, getting spirals resembling roses.
  • Make roses from the remaining dough.
  • Fry the brushwood in plenty of oil.
  • From the remaining water and sugar, boil the syrup.
  • Pour the syrup over the brushwood, put it in a colander to drain the syrup. Let the roses dry and serve.

Instead of sugar syrup, you can make honey syrup by mixing melted honey and water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Kefir dough brushwood

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • olive oil (in the dough) - 40 ml;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • kefir - 0.3 l;
  • soda - 5 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Sift the flour.
  • Pour two cups of flour into a bowl. Make an indentation in the center.
  • Separately, combine and whisk kefir, yolks, salt, soda and sugar with a whisk.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into the flour, mix.
  • Gradually adding the remaining flour, knead the dough.
  • Put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, then roll it out, cut into rhombuses or rectangles, give them the shape of brushwood.
  • Fry cookies in vegetable oil without saving this product.

Khvorost is a traditional crispy biscuit that is easy to make at home. It is served with tea, coffee, cocoa or eaten separately.

Brushwood in nature is known in the form of brittle branches, which is often used to kindle a fire, stove, stove, and so on.

However, now we will talk about another brushwood - this is the name of one of the types of flour desserts.

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traditional recipe

Required Products

  • One and a half cups of flour.
  • Two eggs.
  • Two spoons of fresh milk.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.
  • Three hundred milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • Two and a half tablespoons of powdered sugar.

How to cook

  1. Mix flour and salt together in a bowl.
  2. Whisk milk and eggs in a separate bowl.
  3. Combine these two liquids and knead a soft and elastic dough.
  4. Divide the mixed mixture into several roughly equal pieces. Each of them is rolled out in the form of flat pancakes, their thickness should not exceed one millimeter. Remember that the thinner the dough, the more delicious it will be to make brushwood in the end at home.
  5. Cut the resulting pancakes into squares measuring five by five centimeters, then make a through cut in each of them in the center.
  6. Thread one end into the hole you made.
  7. Pour vegetable oil into the pan to make a layer at least two and a half centimeters thick. Warm it up well and fry the dough pieces on both sides until they become golden (about eight minutes in time).
  8. Take out the finished dessert using a slotted spoon and let the oil drain well.
  9. Spread the brushwood on a tray and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

Grandma's recipe

Required Products

  • Three eggs.
  • Fifty grams of vodka.
  • Two and a half cups of flour.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Three hundred grams of vegetable oil.
  • Powdered sugar for dusting.

How to do

  1. Drive eggs into a bowl, pour vodka there and pour salt.
  2. Using a mixer, whisk or fork, beat the egg mixture well.
  3. Sift two and a half measuring cups of flour through a sieve and slowly pour it into the finished mass, constantly stirring.
  4. Knead the dough until it becomes the same consistency as for dumplings.
  5. Divide the mass into four equal parts, each of which is rolled out in the form of thin pancakes.
  6. Cut the rolled dough in the form of rhombuses and make through straight holes two centimeters in length in the center.
  7. Pull one of the ends of the rhombus through the cut hole. Repeat the same operation with all diamonds.
  8. Pour all the prepared vegetable oil into a fairly deep frying pan, heat it up strongly and fry it on medium heat for two minutes on both sides.
  9. Pull out the finished crunches with a slotted spoon and put them in a colander so that the oil is completely glass, and in the meantime, lay a new portion,
  10. Sprinkle the finished dish with powdered sugar, after laying it on a tray.
  11. Homemade brushwood is very tasty and airy.

How to make this dessert in a slow cooker at home?

What is necessary

  • Two eggs.
  • One spoonful of milk.
  • Five spoons of sugar.
  • One spoonful of vodka or cognac.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Powdered sugar for dusting.

How to cook

  1. In a bowl, beat the eggs, pour in the milk and mix everything well with a fork or whisk.
  2. Add cognac or vodka - this will give the dish porosity and airiness.
  3. Sift the flour, slowly pour it into the mixture, without ceasing to mix all the time, thereby bringing the dough to a thick state.
  4. Put the resulting dough for two hours in the refrigerator to cool.
  5. After that, roll it out as thinly as possible, then cut it into any shapes with sharp corners.
  6. Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker, activate the “fry” mode and cook the pieces of dough, frying them on both sides.
  7. Remove the fried pieces from the bowl of the appliance and place them on a plate covered with napkins to remove excess fat.
  8. Once the excess fat has been absorbed, you can serve the dish to the table, after sprinkling it with powdered sugar.

Based on kefir

This recipe differs from the previous ones in that the finished cookie tastes not crispy, but soft.

Required Products

  • Two hundred milliliters of kefir.
  • One egg.
  • Two spoons of sugar.
  • One third of a teaspoon of salt.
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Three hundred and fifty grams of flour.
  • Four hundred milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • Powdered sugar.

How to cook

  1. Drive an egg into a bowl, add sugar and salt, pour in kefir, then rub the whole mixture.
  2. Pour soda, mix and let the mass stand for four minutes.
  3. After foam forms from the mass, slowly fall asleep, constantly stirring, the sifted flour. As a result, you will be able to make a dough that you cover with any clean cloth and leave to infuse for fifteen minutes.
  4. Divide the finished mass into two parts and roll out thin pancakes from each, then cut figures in the form of rhombuses from them.
  5. Make small through cuts in the middle of each rhombus and thread the tips of the rhombuses into them.
  6. In a deep bowl, heat the butter strongly and fry the cooked dough pieces on both sides until golden brown.
  7. Take out the dish and let it get rid of excess fat using a colander or napkins.
  8. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

Video lessons

Many of us have eaten such a delicious dish. Brushwood is deep-fried thin strips made from unleavened dough. For the characteristic crunch, it got its name, since when eaten or broken, it makes a specific sound. This dish spread all over the world from Greece, where the monks ate it, as it was perfect for the lenten menu. So we will now remember or learn how to cook brushwood - a dish of both European and Asian cuisine.

Cooking brushwood for tea

Let's pamper ourselves today with a taste familiar from childhood. The delicacy will turn out soft, but with a crispy crust. By the way, keep in mind that this brushwood (crispy, tasty, appetizing) is not a lean product, unlike some other recipes.

To prepare the dough, we need: five chicken eggs, one glass of the same amount - sour cream, butter - 50 grams, one teaspoon of soda and salt, one tablespoon of vodka, the required amount of flour, vegetable oil, powdered sugar for sprinkling the finished product. Now we offer you a step by step recipe on how to cook brushwood.

Continuation of the step-by-step recipe for making brushwood

Let's continue our recipe:

rustic brushwood recipe

First, a few tips on how to cook brushwood:

We need the following ingredients: three eggs, 150 grams of flour, vegetable oil, one tablespoon of strong alcohol, powdered sugar.

The process of preparing rustic brushwood

And now, having prepared the necessary ingredients and listening to the advice, we will prepare homemade brushwood. Step by step recipe:

Cooking brushwood in milk

Let's diversify our recipes for this crispy dish. Let's fry it with milk. Ingredients for five to seven servings: one and a half tablespoons of milk, two chicken eggs, two glasses of flour, one hundred grams of sugar sand, half a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of vodka, vegetable oil, for dough - one and a half tablespoons, for frying - 100 ml.

Crispy sweet brushwood is a dessert from childhood. This dish turns out to be budget-friendly, but at the same time it is amazingly tasty. The best brushwood recipes are collected below.

Classic crispy brushwood

Ingredients: 760 g flour, 3 eggs, a full glass of filtered water, a pinch of table salt, powdered sugar, a lot of refined oil for frying.

  1. Eggs are poured into a cup, table salt is added, and the components are beaten until the salty grains are completely dissolved.
  2. Next, water is poured in, everything is kneaded until smooth.
  3. The flour is preliminarily sifted a couple of times and poured into the resulting mixture.
  4. Ready steep dough is removed for 20-25 minutes in coolness under a towel.
  5. The mass is thinly rolled out, cut into a rectangle, an incision is made in the middle of each. Through this hole, one edge of the workpiece turns outward.
  6. Pieces of dough are laid out in hot oil and cooked until golden brown.
  7. The resulting treat is sprinkled with powder.

This recipe for crispy brushwood is one of the simplest and most common.

Sweet treat on kefir

Ingredients: a pound of high-grade flour, 3 eggs, 120 ml of kefir, a pinch of salt, a large spoonful of sour cream, powdered sugar, refined oil.

  1. Raw eggs with fine salt are actively stirred until the salt grains are completely dissolved.
  2. Only after that, not cold kefir is poured into the mass. Products are mixed until smooth.
  3. Sour cream is laid out to other components.
  4. Next, the sifted high-grade flour is poured out.
  5. After another mixing, the dough is removed in a cool place for 20 minutes.
  6. It remains to roll it out, cut it into rectangles, turn it through a hole in the middle of the workpiece and cook in boiling oil until golden brown.

So that the brushwood on kefir does not turn out to be too greasy, the ready-made delicacy must be laid out on a paper napkin. While still hot, it is generously sprinkled with powder.

On milk dough

Ingredients: a pound of high-grade flour, 3 eggs, powdered sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, 3 large spoons of full-fat milk, butter.

  1. Raw eggs are immediately poured into a bowl for kneading the dough, salt is poured in, milk is added. It is desirable that all the components used are of the same temperature.
  2. Products are rubbed with a spoon until the salt is completely dissolved. It is most convenient to check this by holding a drop of mass between your fingers.
  3. Flour is pre-sifted a couple of times from a high distance. This will maximize the enrichment of the product with oxygen. If the sieve was not at hand, you can even use an ordinary colander with small holes for this purpose.
  4. Prepared flour is poured into the mass obtained in the second step. Knead elastic and slightly sticky dough.
  5. A ball is formed from the base by hand, which, in cling film, is sent to coolness for about an hour.
  6. The finished dough is cut into several pieces. Each of them is very thinly rolled out. Experienced housewives note that the dough should be no thicker than tissue paper.
  7. Layers of dough are cut into rhombuses. An incision is made inside each, into which one edge of the workpiece is pushed and turned outward.
  8. In a deep frying pan, the oil warms up well, the future brushwood is immersed in it. The delicacy is fried to a ruddy color.

Sour cream recipe

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. wheat flour, 2 large eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, 220 ml of medium-fat sour cream, powdered sugar, 1.5 teaspoons of baking soda, butter. How to cook brushwood based on sour cream is described below.

  1. Raw eggs are poured into a bowl and beaten with granulated sugar.
  2. Baking soda and sour cream are immediately added to the mass. These two products combined will give the dough splendor.
  3. Flour should be introduced into the dough slowly in small portions. It is necessary to monitor the consistency of the mass, since different types of product are very different from each other. First of all, flour can be of different humidity, which must be taken into account.
  4. A non-sticky but soft dough is kneaded. It immediately rolls out a layer with a thickness of 3-4 mm.
  5. The dough is cut into rectangles with a size in the middle. One side of each workpiece is turned out through the resulting cutout.
  6. Ready-made "bows" are fried in well-heated oil on both sides.

Another warm delicacy is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Lean brushwood on the water

Ingredients: 320 g high-grade flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, a full glass of refined oil, half a glass of mineral water, a pinch of lemon zest, ¼ teaspoon of baking powder.

  1. Sugar is well rubbed with not cold butter.
  2. High-grade flour is sifted into a separate bowl along with baking powder. Carbonated mineral water is poured into the resulting bulk mass immediately after opening a bottle of water.
  3. The mixtures from the first two steps are combined. The dough is well kneaded.
  4. The mass can be immediately rolled out on a surface without flour coating. It won't stick to the table anyway.
  5. The dough is cut into rectangles with holes in the middle, through which you need to turn one edge of each piece.
  6. The treat is fried in a large amount of oil.

The resulting thin brushwood is abundantly sprinkled with powdered sugar.

With the addition of vodka

Ingredients: 2 large chicken eggs, a pinch of table salt, 40 ml of vodka without additives, a pound of flour, refined frying oil, powdered sugar.

  1. First, eggs are broken into a cup. A small amount of salt is immediately added to them. Next, the ingredients are well whipped until they turn into a foamy mass.
  2. Vodka is poured to the products. This alcoholic drink makes the dessert crunchy and brittle.
  3. After the next mixing, you can begin to gradually add flour. Not all the amount of this product that is indicated in the recipe will be used. You need to add as much flour as the dough will take. In the end, it should turn out like dumplings. The rest of the flour will be needed for sprinkling.
  4. The mass is removed in a bag in a cool place for about half an hour. Next, the base is divided into 4 servings.
  5. Each of the parts is rolled out very thinly and cut into rectangular pieces with a hole in the middle. They turn out from one or both edges at once.

Brushwood is cooked in a large amount of oil. While still hot, it is sprinkled with powder.

Crispy brushwood "Rosochki"

Ingredients: 260 g high-grade flour, 180 ml filtered water, 45 ml vodka, 3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, powder and butter.

  1. In a deep container, all dry ingredients are combined, except for powdered sugar. The flour is pre-sifted a couple of times.
  2. Both water and an alcoholic beverage are poured into the resulting mixture immediately.
  3. The dough is kneaded tight. It needs to be rolled into a thin layer, which is cut into long rectangular strips.
  4. Each piece of dough is rolled into a loose roll so that it looks like a rose.
  5. The resulting "flowers" are cooked in boiling oil until golden brown.

"Roses" are laid out on a paper towel to rid them of excess fat. While still hot, the dessert is generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

How to make on whey?

Ingredients: a full glass of whey, a large chicken egg, ½ teaspoon of baking soda, 420 g of high-grade flour, frying oil and powdered sugar.

  1. Not cold whey is poured into a deep convenient dish. Baking soda is added to the liquid. The mixture is left for 3-4 minutes.
  2. A chicken egg is broken into a mass.
  3. Then, in small portions, you can begin to add the sifted flour. After each addition, the ingredients are kneaded with a wide spoon or spatula.
  4. There should be a thick dough in the bowl - soft and not sticky to the fingers. It is covered with a towel made of natural material and left for half an hour at room temperature.
  5. The dough for brushwood is rolled out into a thin layer on a table dusted with flour. The layer is cut into rectangles with holes in the middle. The workpieces are rotated to the center of the notch 1-3 times.
  6. Pieces of dough are fried in hot oil on both sides until golden brown.

The delicacy is laid out on parchment and sprinkled abundantly with powdered sugar.

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