How to cook herring salad under a fur coat. Classic recipe "Herring under a fur coat"


Any housewife should know how to make a herring under a fur coat. This is a classic snack, without which it is impossible to imagine a New Year's feast, known since the days of the USSR. Then it was prepared from special varieties of herring Ivasi. Today, food abundance gives chances to diversify the culinary masterpiece with additives.

How to cook herring salad under a fur coat

Any experienced chef knows how to cook herring under a fur coat. This salad is simple, but time consuming. For it, you need to boil the vegetables in a saucepan or double boiler, chop them on a grater or finely chop them, cut the herring into pieces and lay all the components in layers. Depending on preferences, the filling of the salad will change - you can remove or replace potatoes, onions, eggs or mayonnaise.

To make the salad the same as in childhood, you need to take high-quality fish. Salted herring should be fresh, elastic, have a spicy aroma. It will need to be cleaned of the insides, skin, fins, head and tail, to separate the bones to make a fillet. If the fish contains caviar, remove it too: you can eat the delicacy separately. It is not recommended to buy pieces in brine, because with a whole salted herring, cut by yourself, it turns out much tastier.


The classic salad recipe suggests that the layers in the Herring under a fur coat will be arranged in this order:

  • potato;
  • herring;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • egg.

If desired, they can be repeated twice or thrice, garnished with grated egg, cheese, herbs and mayonnaise on top. Each layer must be soaked with sauce, then the dish will turn out juicy, soft and fragrant. A traditional salad is very high in calories - over 600 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, you should not get carried away with them - it is better to eat a little for a holiday, enjoy the familiar taste of a familiar snack.

How to decorate

There are many options on how to decorate a Herring under a fur coat. Refined ways can be found on the photo on the Internet or show your imagination and come up with drawings yourself. Here are some salad dressing options:

  • make a mayonnaise mesh on the surface;
  • sprinkle with chopped parsley, dill, walnuts;
  • lay out the symbol of the coming year with boiled quail eggs, carrots, yolks - olives or cloves will serve as the eyes of the animal, bell peppers will serve as the mouth;
  • lay out a salad in the form of a fish, a hedgehog, a rose, Santa Claus;
  • a rectangular appetizer looks beautiful and tasty, on which a spruce branch is lined with parsley, decorated with “cones” of olives or olives, balls of red caviar, ribbons of strips of fresh cucumber and green onions (as in the photo);
  • decorate the salad with green peas, onion rings, cabbage roses, lemon slices.

Salad recipes Herring under a fur coat

Any housewife at least once in her life did the right Herring salad under a fur coat, so you should trust the experience of your friends and use proven recipes that have a balanced taste. If you want something new, you can find any recipe on the net, which provides detailed step-by-step instructions with photos and video tutorials.


The most famous recipe for a herring fur coat is traditional for many families who cook it for every New Year. The volume of the finished dish is at the discretion of the hostess, but even if you make a lot of snacks, they will not lose their taste the next day. On the contrary, having soaked overnight, the salad will become even tastier and more tender, so you can safely choose a fur coat for the first dinner in the coming year.


  • salted herring - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Steam vegetables.
  2. Clean the fish from the head, tail, entrails, skeleton, large bones.
  3. Cut the fillet into cubes, put on the bottom of the salad bowl, sprinkle with chopped onion, coarsely grated boiled carrots, pour over with mayonnaise.
  4. Lay coarsely grated potatoes on top, grease with mayonnaise net.
  5. Then coarsely grated beets. Spread mayonnaise in a thin layer.
  6. Cool, let it brew in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

with egg

More delicate in taste is Herring under a fur coat with an egg, because the proteins and yolks create a creamy soft texture. They can also be used to decorate the surface of the salad - draw stripes or a mesh of crushed yolks. A slightly updated version of the snack is sure to please all guests, even conservatives, if you follow the step-by-step recipe exactly.


  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • herring - 0.4 kg;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • beets - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - package.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil vegetables and eggs. Cut the herring into pieces, potatoes, beets, grate the carrots, chop the onion.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks, grate each separately.
  3. Lay out in layers, observing the order: first fish, then onions, potatoes, carrots, protein, beets, yolk. Lubricate each layer thickly with mayonnaise.
  4. Decorate the top with dots of mayonnaise. Refrigerate before serving.

with an apple

A piquant element of the salad Herring under a fur coat with an apple will be the addition of sweet and sour fruits. Thanks to them, a light sourness is achieved, which goes well with boiled vegetables and salted fish, gives a new shade of taste. It is better to take green apples for the dish, which do not need to be peeled. In order for the apples to retain their color, after rubbing them, they should be sprinkled with lemon juice.


  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • herring fillet - 0.35 kg;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - package.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil vegetables in their uniforms, pour cold water to cool. Then remove the peel, coarsely rub.
  2. Cut the onion into rings, pour boiling water for a couple of minutes to get rid of bitterness.
  3. Cut the fish into cubes, lay out the first layer, sprinkle with onion rings, grease with mayonnaise.
  4. Lay out the following layers, each spreading with a net of mayonnaise: potatoes, then carrots, apple, beets.
  5. Let soak for several hours in the refrigerator.

The Herring salad under a fur coat looks original on the festive table as a roll, which can be cut in portions for a more refined serving and serving. The secret to maintaining a dense texture that will not allow the salad to crumble is a fine grater. All vegetables need to be cut very finely so that they give the juice that will hold them together, but not let them stick together.


  • beets - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • herring fillet - 0.25 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - package.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil vegetables, cool in the refrigerator for 2.5 hours. Clean, rub finely.
  2. Lightly squeeze beets and carrots to remove excess juice.
  3. Chop the onion, cut the fish into cubes, mix with the onion.
  4. Boil the eggs, finely chop.
  5. Put the beets on cling film, salt, compact with your hands. Put carrots, potatoes, eggs on top.
  6. Spread each layer with mayonnaise. In the center of the strip lay out the fish-onion mixture.
  7. Wrap the roll, pressing the edges well.
  8. Put directly in the film on the shelf of the refrigerator for 3 hours or all night. Then remove the film from the salad.
  9. Decorate with parsley, drops of mayonnaise. Cut into serving pieces.

In lavash

Another gourmet option for serving a classic dish will be herring under a fur coat in pita bread. So it is more convenient to eat it, as well as control the size of portions, which still have a high calorie content. Armenian lavash is ideal for preparing snacks - it is thinner, but elastic; keeps its shape and does not tear.


  • pita bread - 3 sheets;
  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • herring fillet - 1 pc.;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil vegetables in their skins, peel off.
  2. Potatoes in mashed potatoes.
  3. Cut each pita leaf into 4 pieces.
  4. Place a film under the first one, grease the surface with mayonnaise sauce. Put coarsely grated beets on top, the second sheet, grease with mayonnaise again.
  5. Then spread the finely grated carrots over the entire surface, covering the edges with the filling.
  6. Put the third sheet of pita bread on top, coat with sauce, spread out the steep mashed potatoes.
  7. Then roll up the short side. Wrap in foil, twist the edges, leave to cool for half an hour.
  8. Cut into portioned slices of 4 cm, put on top the pieces of fish, chopped green onions.


This salad is an invariable attribute of many holidays. Today we will tell you how to properly cook herring under a fur coat. And also, you will learn the history of the appearance of this dish and various serving options.

Name history. Why is the herring under a fur coat, and not in a coat?

This salad was invented by Anastas Bogomilov, back in the 20th century. He had his own tavern, which was always full of visitors. But, unfortunately, they quickly got drunk, broke dishes, or broke furniture.

Then Anastas decided to come up with such a salad, thanks to which the guests would not get drunk for a long time. He successfully combined the well-known ingredients and came up with an original name for the dish. “To chauvinism and decline - boycott and anathema”, abbreviated as a fur coat. But this long name was quickly forgotten. Therefore, in our time it is simply called - a herring under a fur coat.

How to prepare a salad and how to serve?

The most successful is considered a deep transparent dish. It is convenient and beautiful to lay out layers in it

But recently, a lot of new submission options have appeared, for example:

  1. Baking dish. Given that they have different shapes, the dishes in them are very beautiful. For example, in the shape of a heart or a circle. To do this, lay the salad in layers, from top to bottom. And when serving, you just need to turn the baking sheet over and that's it, the heart-shaped salad already decorates your table.
  2. Special moulds. Not so long ago, special squares, triangles and circles appeared for a beautiful display of salads. You just need to put the mold on a plate and put the salad inside. Then you remove the figurine, and the fur coat stands neatly. Usually this option is used when the salad needs to be put on a separate plate for each guest.
  3. Rolls. Recently, the salad is served in the form of various rolls. More details about this can be found in the article.
  4. Tartlets. They put a lot of salads in them, why not put a fur coat there too?
  5. Wineglass. Yes, it sounds strange, but in wide glasses the salad looks great and is convenient to eat.
  6. Rolls. Japanese culture is at its peak right now. Therefore, even a herring under a fur coat can be served in the form of rolls.
  7. Fish. Given that the main element of the salad is herring, it can be laid out on a flat dish in the form of a fish. Scales can be made from onions, fins from carrots, and eyes from eggs.

Herring under a fur coat is the same interesting and traditional dish in Russia as Olivier salad. These dishes are prepared in each family from the same ingredients, but they all taste different. This is understandable because everyone has their own tricks in preparing these dishes.

What should be proper herring under a fur coat? Most likely you will not find people who will have an unambiguous opinion on this issue.

Therefore, my advice: try different options and you will definitely find the recipe for this delicious salad, about which you will begin to say that this is how the right herring is cooked under a fur coat.

Well, in the meantime, I share my recipe for an adored salad.

My signature recipe for herring under a fur coat.

Ingredients: herring - 2 pcs., potatoes - 5 pcs. medium size, eggs - 4 pcs., beets - 2 pcs. medium size, onion - 1 head, mayonnaise.

  1. Boil eggs and vegetables. This can be done even the day before you plan to make the salad.
  2. The most difficult thing in preparing this dish is to clean the herring. But if you know how to do it right, then 5 minutes is enough for you to get a clean fillet.

If for some reason you absolutely do not want to mess with fish, then you can use preserves. We cut herring fillets or preserves into small cubes, although preserves can not be cut, if you are completely lazy.

  1. Remove the salad for several hours in the refrigerator, and ideally it is better to let it stand for 12 hours. Then you will definitely get the right herring under a fur coat.

P.S. And for those who, like me, love this salad very much, I have a small gift - holiday decoration options. By the way, friends, soon the New Year! So when compiling the menu, do not forget about the herring under a fur coat!

Classic recipe Herring under a Fur Coat known to each of us. I remember how this salad gained extreme popularity in the 1970s for its simplicity, the availability of products even in times of general shortage. Until now, a classic recipe for herring under a fur coat is being prepared for the festive table.

For me, the origin of the name of this wonderful salad was a discovery. I was sure that “under a fur coat” is because the herring is “dressed” on top with various clothes. Imagine my surprise and even disappointment when I found out that the name SHUBA came from revolutionary times and means “Chauvinism and Decline - Boycott and Anathema!” And the salad was invented in the tavern of the merchant Anastas Bogomilov in 1918, when hunger and devastation reigned in Russia. According to legend, the cook Aristarkh Prokoptsev came up with a puff snack from a meager set of products at that time, where herring meant the proletariat, potatoes meant the peasants, and beets meant the red banner. This dish instantly became popular, so much so that more than a century has passed, and we are happy to prepare this salad for our dear guests.

Classic recipe Herring under a fur coat. Layers in order

Over the course of a century, many variants of this wonderful and tasty salad have been invented, but the classic recipe remains the most popular. An amazing combination of tender boiled beets with salted herring allowed herring under a fur coat for a long time and even now to stay in the top 10 delicious holiday salads.

Classic Salad Ingredients:

  • herring - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • carrots - 4-5 pcs.
  • beets - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise to taste

Boil vegetables and eggs until cooked and let cool.Herring in the salad should be lightly salted. Therefore, if the herring is very salty, soak it for 30 minutes in milk. We cut the herring, clean it from the bones, wash itand cut into small cubes.

Finely chop the onion, it should not be sharp in this salad, so the smaller the better. Pour a little vegetable oil on top and mix the herring with onions. Let's sit for 10 minutes and get to know each other.

Many people prefer to cut vegetables in herring under a fur coat into cubes. By trial and error, I found for myself the most “delicious” way of chopping vegetables, because of which the salad turns out to be especially tender and tasty. I rub vegetables not even on a large, but on a medium grater.

After rubbing, I put them on separate plates. Then it remains only to lay the salad in layers.

Layers in order of salad "Herring under a fur coat"

Of course, there is no strict sequence of layers of herring under a fur coat. But in the classic recipe, the layers are arranged as follows:

  • 1 layer - herring
  • 2nd layer - onion
  • 3rd layer - potatoes
  • 4th layer - carrots
  • 5th layer - beets

This recipe for herring under a fur coat without eggs, however, sometimes I add a layer of boiled eggs, also grated, to this salad after carrots. By the way, it also turns out delicious, maybe a little harder.Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise and salted to taste.

Today, for a beautiful and original salad serving, we will fold our salad the other way around, that is, we will start with the 5th layer, beetroot, which will then be on top.

To do this, take any rectangular shape and cover it with cling film, leaving the edges free.

On the first layer, which will become the top, lay the grated beets and grease with mayonnaise.

Lay carrots in the next layer and grease with mayonnaise.

It was the turn of the herring, which we mixed with onions and vegetable oil.

In this serving of salad "Herring under a fur coat" on top of the herring, we spread the remaining potatoes, slightly add some salt,level well over the entire surface and grease with the last layer of mayonnaise.

Cover the salad with cling film and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.After that, we select a suitable flat dish, on which we carefully turn the form with the salad.

Grease the top and sides of the salad with mayonnaise.Well, now you can give free rein to your imagination and beautifully decorate the salad on the festive table, for example, using a pastry syringe.

You can proudly boast in front of the guests with such a wonderful salad.

There is also an original idea for serving salad "Herring under a fur coat." She always wows guests. Let's cook a herring under a fur coat roll.

Herring under a fur coat roll. Recipe with photo step by step


  • herring - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • beets - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Boil vegetables and eggs and let cool. In this recipe, we will grate the vegetables directly on the work surface.

Cut the herring into small pieces. Chop the onion with a knife, mix the herring with the onion and season with vegetable oil.

We rub the beets on a grater, but since it releases juice when rubbed, we lightly squeeze this juice through a colander.

We cover the table with cling film and lay the beets on it with a rectangle, level them to get the same thickness.

Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Each subsequent layer should be slightly smaller than the previous one.

The next layer is carrots, which are also smeared with mayonnaise.

Now it's the turn of the potato layer.

Next we rub the eggs.

Now there is a herring with onions, we spread them on top with an even smaller area.

The salad is ready, carefully roll up the roll. To do this, lift the cling film from one end and wrap the first curl tightly.

Carefully remove the film from this side.

On the other hand, we wrap the roll in the same way, pulling it to the opposite edge.

We connect both ends of the roll with an overlap.

We align the roll on the sides with our hands so that it is even, cut off uneven edges from 2 ends with a knife and carefully shift it onto a flat plate with the seam down.

It remains to carefully remove the cling film and decorate the roll with mayonnaise, herbs, eggs or vegetables.


Herring under a fur coat in a new way

When the already classic version of a herring under a fur coat gets tired, I suggest preparing this wonderful salad in a new way, with the addition of gelatin.


  • herring - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • beets - 4 pcs.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise 250 gr.
  • gelatin - 20 gr.
  • water - 1/3 cup

First, pour gelatin into a saucepan, fill with cold water and leave to swell for 10-15 minutes. Stirring, dissolve the gelatin to a liquid state and let cool slightly.

Add mayonnaise to gelatin, stir and send to the refrigerator to harden a little.

Grind the herring and onion, and rub the vegetables and eggs on a grater.For this salad you will need a mold, you can use a cake mold.

We put any greens on the bottom and lay out the salad in layers in order.Mix beets with mayonnaise cream and spread on the bottom of the mold.

Now mix the potatoes with mayonnaise and put them on top in a mold.

With a spoon, carefully level the layers, tamping a little. We send it to the refrigerator for the night or for 5-6 hours.

On a flat plate, turn over the form with the salad.

It remains to decorate and be proud of your creation again.

And how many ideas for decorating a herring under a fur coat! I offer you only a small part of the ideas, and I think that this topic can be continued.

Salad design ideas "Herring under a fur coat"

Such a salad looks beautiful in the form of a cake, as in our recipe for a classic salad.

You can put it in a transparent salad bowl so that all the multi-colored layers are visible.

And you can cook in the form of a ring. To do this, when laying the salad in layers on a plate, an ordinary glass is placed in the middle, and then the salad is laid in a circle.

It has become very fashionable recently to serve such a salad in portions. For this, portioned detachable forms are very convenient. But even if they don't, it doesn't matter. You can make them yourself even from a tin can or a plastic bottle.

Salad design ideas "Herring under a fur coat" video:

Although the salad "Herring under a fur coat" is considered New Year's, I do not agree and I think that it will decorate the festive table at any time of the year. Moreover, a series of holidays is coming - Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8th. Do not forget about this wonderful salad and please your loved ones.

Hi all! Well, how was your weekend? And while I was resting, I remembered that for a long time I had not made and cooked fish dishes. So, today I wanted to make a herring salad, namely our most famous appetizer, at least for the festive table, at least for every day Herring under a fur coat. Probably now many salivating flowed, yes, yes, yummy is still the same))).

Do you want me to tell you a story? Once, when I was on the bus, the TV was turned on and there was a TV show in which this version of the salad was discussed. I no longer remember verbatim this whole parable, and maybe the legend, but the words "Chauvinism and Decline - Boycott and Anathema" probably sunk into my soul forever. And what’s all this about, you think? So this is Sh.U.B.A. In general, who is interested in this myth about the origin of this vegetable dish, look on the Internet. Today, of course, we are not talking about this))).

So, first of all, I will show you the recipe for the traditional version of the salad under a fur coat. Do you know what is the main secret of this dish? This, of course, is a herring, with which you will have to tinker a little, because it will need to be completely taken away from the bones. Or buy pitted pieces in a store or supermarket, I often resort to this option when I need to cook quickly and in a hurry.

Of course, if you are preparing this appetizer for a festive table or a feast, then it is best, of course, to buy salted fish and sit and sort it out yourself, remove the bones. You think that it is very difficult, if you are a beginner, then you are mistaken. I suggest you watch this video and learn how to clean and remove bones quickly and easily, and also very cool to remove the skin in an instant. All the secrets, and most importantly, little tricks that many people don’t even know about in this short video, be sure to watch:

Okay, now let's start cooking.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. First of all, take care of the onion, cut it into small cubes. It is best to use pickled onions in this salad, so place it in a bowl and pour boiling water over it and add one tablespoon of vinegar essence. Leave for 5-10 minutes to stand in this marinade.

After the time has passed, pour out all the water, you can shake it through a colander.

2. Cut the cleaned fish fillet into small cubes. Carefully remove any bones if you find any.

3. Then take a grater and rub all boiled vegetables on it, such as potatoes, carrots, beets. Beets take bright burgundy and best of all sweeter. Grate all foods on a coarse grater.

Separate the white and yolk from each other. Grate them separately from each other on a fine grater. This is done in order to decorate this appetizer in a special way.

4. Now all the products are ready, lay all the layers. In order to decorate a herring under a fur coat in an original way, you can take a special form or make a homemade one in the form of a side, the mold should be tall in shape to resemble a cake.

5. Take a thin dish, put the mold and start laying, first the herring in pieces, spread evenly around the entire perimeter, then the pickled onion.

6. The next layer is potatoes, lay it over the entire area and lightly press this layer with a spoon.

Interesting! You can not press down the potatoes, and make the layers airy.

7. Lubricate generously with mayonnaise so that everything is well soaked.

9. The final layer will be beets and again place mayonnaise on it, smooth over the surface. Cover with cling film and put to rest in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, so that all layers are perfectly saturated with each other.

Then remove the rim or shape, and decorate.

10. Turn on your imagination and decorate with protein and yolk. See how easy it is to create a stunning masterpiece.

Step-by-step video recipe on how to sequentially lay layers in order

You can prepare the next option using this video, in which everything is described in great detail, and at the end you will see something beautiful, you will be delighted:

Herring under a fur coat with an egg - a classic recipe with photo illustrations

Now consider the next option, which is prepared everywhere and everywhere, especially in restaurants and cafes. But, as they say, the traditional recipe never dies, everyone loves it. So take note, bookmark the article.

This is a classic recipe, but at the same time I want to present it to you in an unusual form, in the form of boats. It looks just fantastically beautiful and magnificent, and your guests will be shocked by such a beautiful presentation.

We will need:

  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • slightly salted herring - 1 pc.
  • beets - 1 large pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise to taste

Cooking method:

1. Boil potatoes, and you need to do this in a peel, in general, boil potatoes in their uniforms. After you look that it is soft, for this, pierce it with a knife and check for softness, if it is well pierced, then it is ready.

2. Peel the potatoes with a knife, while allowing it to cool slightly so that it does not burn your hands. Remove the peel, and then use a potato masher to make mashed potatoes, but do not add anything, just rinse very thoroughly and evenly to get a potato mass of a uniform consistency.

3. From this soft elastic white mass, mold the boats, this will be very easy and fast to do. The main thing is that the potatoes do not have time to cool, because if it cools down, then it will be almost impossible to make a boat.

4. Use any plastic cup for this purpose or, for example, a container from yogurt. But, first, put a plastic bag on the cup. And then put the potatoes in.

5. This is what should happen. If the edges are uneven, trim them with pastry scissors. Put the boats in the refrigerator to cool.

6. Prepare all the ingredients, cut the peeled fish into small pieces, chop the onion with a knife, grate the boiled beets, boiled carrots and boiled chicken eggs too.

7. Then grease the bottom of the boats with mayonnaise, then put the herring with onions, eggs, carrots, lightly compact with a spoon.

8. Put the boiled beets on top, squeeze it a little so that the juice does not stand out. Then, with the help of beetroot juice and a cooking brush, it will be possible to paint the boats, i.e. mashed potatoes in the form of boats.

Important! It is not necessary to lay the layers in this sequence, but to lay out in the order of layers in the order in which it was you who conceived, you can do absolutely anything.

9. Decorate as you wish. What an unusual and interesting presentation of this dish, do you agree?

10. Insanely beautiful and delicious! Please your guests and household))).

Delicate salad with egg and apples

As they say, years go by, but what remains unchanged is the taste of a fur coat))). For most residents of Russia, the option of a herring under a fur coat with the addition of an apple is acceptable, to be honest, I don’t really like this option, but I still cook, because my husband loves this kind of thing the most.

By the way, an apple replaces a potato, so if you are looking for the same option without potatoes, then you have found it. The potato adds heaviness to this dish, while the apple is light and gives some sourness.

Many people immediately have associations that the New Year will come soon. Probably not in vain, what do you think?

We will need:

  • slightly salted herring - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • egg - 5 pcs.
  • apple - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • beets - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Gut the fish properly, remove all the bones and skin, and then carefully cut the herring into small cubes with a knife. By the way, this will be the first layer, because note that the herring is under a fur coat, and not vice versa.

2. Put the onion in the second layer. If you do not like it to stand out strongly and give a little bitterness, pour boiling water over it. The onion is also cut into small cubes. Grease with mayonnaise evenly the entire surface. Next, peel the apples and grate on a coarse grater and also distribute around the entire perimeter.

3. After the boiled eggs, grate and lay next to the apples. Note that in this form, mayonnaise is not superimposed on each layer, as it will turn out to be very fatty, and since this appetizer with an apple will also be too sour. But, this is a matter of taste, experiment.

Now grease with mayonnaise. The next layer is grated boiled carrots on a coarse grater.

4. Well, guess what, the finish line. Hooray! And so that your hands do not get painted, take a special cellophane mitten and put it on your hand, or use a regular plastic bag. Grate the beets and put in the last layer. You can press down all the layers a little with your hand.

Lubricate with mayonnaise and cover with cling film. Send to the refrigerator for the night or at least 3 hours to brew, and then please everyone. Try it, dude!

Salad Herring under a fur coat without eggs

Another version of herring under a fur coat, which will also charm your beloved family and guests. I know that there are an insane number of different options, but this one is special, it does not use chicken eggs.

Do not forget to boil all the vegetables in advance, and clean the herring and cut off the head and fins, as well as the tail, these parts of the fish body will be used for decoration, it will turn out very funny and funny.

We will need:

  • herring - 1 pc.
  • boiled carrots - 3-4 pcs.
  • boiled beets - 2-3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • any greens

Cooking method:

1. Remove everything unnecessary from the fish.

2. Then chop the herring pulp with a kitchen knife like this, as in this photo.

3. Cut the apple in half and remove the core with seeds. Chop it into cubes or grate it. Onion cut into small pieces.

4. Well, now the most important thing is the assembly. Put the herring on a plate first, then the onion, followed by the grated apple.

5. After the boiled potatoes, grate on a fine grater and put on a carrot. Apply mayonnaise.

You can add a little salt if you wish.

6. Also grate the beetroot layer on a fine grater and put it on the potatoes. Lubricate mayonnaise evenly with a spoon or fork, and then decorate, on one side lay the fish head and, on the other hand, the tail, that is, in opposite directions, and decorate the bones with mayonnaise. It also looks very bright and unforgettable.

How do you like this option, though unexpectedly, I would say with a twist.

Cooking Herring under a fur coat roll

The unusual decoration of this dish will not make anyone indifferent. By the way, this famous appetizer will be prepared in the form of a roll. You ate such a miracle in this performance, share your feedback and comments right at the bottom of this article.

We will need:

  • beets - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • herring fish - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • boiled egg - 3-4 pcs.
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • pomegranate seeds for decoration
  • foil
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Boil carrots, potatoes, beets, and eggs. Grate vegetables on a coarse grater, and eggs on a fine grater. Put foil or food paper on the table. Lay out the beetroot evenly in the first layer, salt and pepper it to taste.

2. Lubricate with mayonnaise and apply a layer of carrots.

Important! Lightly press down on each layer with a spoon.

4. Place the finished roll on a plate, carefully remove everything unnecessary and decorate to your taste, for example, grease the beets with mayonnaise.

5. Then distribute everything very evenly and carefully with a fork, throw in pomegranate seeds. Looks cool! Bon appetit!

How to decorate under a fur coat

That's all, as always I say to everyone see you soon))). I hope you liked this note and you will certainly join my group in contact and add the page to your bookmarks, so that you can quickly press the button and cook this famous appetizer, under such a familiar name. Bye-bye everyone! Have a good day and mood!

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