How to pierce the tongue at home. Contraindications and possible consequences


In ancient times, in many tribes, men pierced their tongues. This ritual allowed to prove courage and courage. Today, tongue piercings can be found in both boys and girls. Even adults take this step. What makes people do tongue piercings? Why are they doing that? What does pierced tongue mean? Are there any contraindications for such a procedure? Before you go to the salon or get your tongue pierced at home, it is recommended to carefully study the pros and cons of piercing, as well as find the answers to the above questions.

Why do girls pierce their tongues?

The reasons that can cause a person to want to pierce the tongue can be different.

  1. First of all, this procedure is done by supporters of various musical trends and subcultures. A pierced tongue in this case means that a person belongs to tovq? Or another direction of culture.
  2. Secondly, many decide to get a tongue piercing in response to a certain life situation. Quarrel with parents, parting with a loved one, etc. This act will allow you to cross out what was, cause a new emotional wave and help you tune in a new way.
  3. Thirdly, the decision to pierce the tongue is made by people who want new sexual sensations.

It is worth noting that this type of piercing has the least number of contraindications and pain. However, the healing process is quite complicated and painful. That is why the choice of a salon and a master who will give an injection must be approached carefully.

No need to trust your health to girlfriends and friends, choosing a piercing at home. Any puncture is a risk of infection. The specialist must have experience and relevant knowledge. Read the reviews, check the availability of certificates for this type.

In his work, the master must use disposable tools: syringe, needle, gloves, etc. The choice of jewelry should also be taken seriously, giving preference to accessories made of non-oxidizing materials. It can be medical steel or titanium.

The procedure has a number of contraindications. Metal allergies, poor blood clotting, diabetes - all this makes tongue piercing impossible. It is dangerous to pierce people who are currently suffering from a cold or infectious disease. Before the puncture, it is recommended to eat well, since after this it will be impossible to do so. In addition, alcohol will have to be excluded in the coming days.

Is it worth it to pierce the tongue: the pros and cons

Tongue piercing has its pros and cons. The advantages of this procedure include:

  • Simplicity and low pain during the procedure, since the needle is inserted between the muscle fibers, which does not cause pain;
  • Minimal risk of wound infection due to the antimicrobial effect of saliva;
  • Unusual sensations during kissing and intercourse.

This type of piercing is considered the most sexy. At the same time, connoisseurs of extreme sports and thrills may refuse to pierce the tongue, given the following minuses:

  • The puncture site heals for a long time and painfully. After the procedure, the tongue will become very swollen and will hurt for several days;
  • There is a risk of infection. If this happens, the consequences will be very severe;
  • Decoration on the tongue can damage and worsen the condition of tooth enamel;
  • Taste sensations may be disturbed. There may also be disturbances in the pronunciation of sounds and speech.

For those who are still in doubt about whether or not to do a piercing, there is one more fact. Due to the puncture, the tongue will hurt for a long time, which will not allow you to fully eat. This will help those who want to lose weight lose extra pounds and put the figure in order.

Some discomfort and the possibility of inflammation also occur when the earlobes are pierced, you can read about this in our other article. after a puncture and fester when wearing earrings.

How to take care of your piercing

Tongue piercing requires proper care. For the first few days, it is recommended to rinse your mouth at least five times a day with a solution that does not contain fluoride and alcohol. The rinse time is one minute. Before going to bed and after eating, this procedure must be carried out without fail.

Care is also required for the piercing itself. The outer surface of the piercing should be cleaned two to three times a day with sea salt and antimicrobial soap. It is dangerous to touch the puncture unnecessarily. Touch the piercing only with washed hands and as needed. After processing, the place must be dried. For this, disposable towels and napkins are used. Terry towels and other fabrics should not be used, as they may contain bacteria and cause infection of the wound.

Answers to frequently asked questions

The bridle and its puncture raises many questions. It is best to initially understand the technology of the procedure, so as not to regret later. Once again, it is worth emphasizing the importance of choosing a good salon and a competent specialist.

Does it hurt?

The puncture of the tongue, when performed correctly, does not cause pain, since the needle enters between the muscle fibers. However, after the piercing, you will have to be patient, as the puncture site will hurt and swell. Soreness persists for several days and disappears as the tongue heals.

What to do if the tongue is swollen and fester?

As a rule, complications after piercing in the form of a tumor and pus occur in two cases: improper care and poor-quality jewelry. In this case, it is recommended to remove the earring, apply Vishnevsky ointment to the puncture for 20 minutes. After that, the puncture site is washed with antimicrobial soap. The jewelry itself is washed with Miramistin and inserted back.

How to pierce your tongue at home

The issue of tongue piercing at home causes a lot of talk and controversy. Some say that the procedure is quite simple and does not require the appropriate skills and knowledge. Others note that it is difficult to minimize possible risks at home.

As a rule, children and teenagers are not afraid to risk their health, for whom piercing becomes an opportunity to show their “I”. For a puncture at home, you must use only sterile disposable instruments. The rod must first be treated with alcohol solutions. In addition, enough cotton swabs are needed to stop the bleeding.

Video: how tongue piercing is done in the salon

This video shows how professionals do a tongue piercing in a few minutes. Here you can see how the preparatory stage for the procedure is carried out, the place for the puncture is selected, the needle is inserted and the earring is inserted.

Among the people of the 21st century, jewelry in the form of a puncture of a certain part of the body deserved great popularity. Most often, this is the navel or nose area, but tongue piercing is no less relevant.

tongue piercing

A person who wears a barbell (an earring for the tongue, otherwise called a “stud”) is most likely trying to show everyone his peculiarity or emphasize his attitude to a subspecies of subcultures.

Some delve into the history of tongue piercing, find out the meaning of such an element of appearance. This ritual was used by the Indians of antiquity, with them piercing was of particular importance.

However, the main goal of young people is to show their own "I", to stand out from the majority, to prove to others their courage associated with overcoming pain for the sake of satisfaction. A certain group of people perform such an action with their body for the sake of a sexual partner, wanting to give him more pleasure.

How is the piercing

For those who value their health, it should be clear that home piercing is a global health hazard. If a decision has already been made to make a puncture, it is necessary to contact a professional working in the salon, and not take risks, do not make a puncture from an unfamiliar person or non-professional.

What can be the sad consequences of an unprofessional approach to piercing:

Many people find tongue piercings sexy.

  • the risk of making a puncture in the wrong place and affecting the vein, which will lead to bleeding;
  • damage to the frenulum of the tongue;
  • making an uneven puncture;
  • trauma to the main muscle of the tongue;
  • the possibility of introducing a dangerous infection.

Salon masters competently approach the process. Their tools must be professional, subjected to proper antibacterial treatment.

The master pierces with a special needle through a clip with a hole designed for piercing.

If you use a home tool, there is a high probability that you will have to overgrow the piercing and subsequently pierce it again. You should be aware that anesthesia is not used for tongue piercing due to its too high pain.

Of no small importance is the choice of "bar". It must meet the following criteria:

  1. Acceptable materials that are suitable for initial wear: platinum, gold, niobium, high quality Teflon;
  2. There should be absolutely no irregularities on the bar, only a smooth surface, otherwise the puncture will not be able to heal correctly and quickly;
  3. For the first time (during the healing period), a long barbell will be required, since the tongue is still inflamed, and a regular-sized barbell will squeeze it.

How is the tongue pierced? The video will introduce you to the piercing procedure:

Care after piercing

After piercing, you need to systematically treat the oral cavity with disinfectants. This may be a 25% chlorhexidine solution, listerine, or similar agents. The food for the next 2-4 days after the procedure should be exclusively liquid and without the content of spices and acids, including juices and sour-milk products. You should also talk as little as possible.

Rinsing should be done several times a day, in particular after each meal. After about a week, the swelling of the tongue disappears, and after two weeks you can go to the salon with a request to replace the temporary bar with the desired stud, which should ideally fit the width of the tongue.

Complete healing of the pierced tongue occurs in two months, strengthening of the channel after 4, and if there is a desire to have more than one hole, then you can proceed to the next puncture in a month and a half.

Consequences of an incorrect procedure

The tongue is an important part of the body!

The tongue piercing procedure is quite a serious step, so you should take the decision to get a piercing seriously, weigh it and foresee the risks. If the puncture was not made according to the rules, you should immediately contact the doctor, namely the surgeon. The appearance of one of these signs is more than enough reason: long-term swelling, alarming color of the mucous membrane and tongue (brown, red, blue, with green). Pay attention to the period after the puncture.

Symptoms of infection:

  1. Severe pain and burning.
  2. Purulent fluid oozing from the puncture site.
  3. Suspicious shade in the wound area (too scarlet or green).
  4. Bad breath.
  5. Elevated temperature, in particular, in the oral cavity.

If any of the above signs of infection are found, you should immediately contact a surgeon who will examine the tongue and prescribe rinses and, possibly, even taking antibiotics.

Contraindications for tongue piercing

In what cases is piercing strictly contraindicated:

  • if a person does not have the opportunity to systematically care for the oral cavity and observe all the rules of hygiene;
  • during pregnancy, as there is always a risk of infection, which will adversely affect the fetus;
  • if a person has diabetes mellitus or hemophilia;
  • in the presence of autoimmune diseases;
  • with an allergic reaction of the body to antibiotics (after all, with any threat to health, their use will be required).

Before deciding on such a procedure as piercing, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible consequences and reactions of the body:

There are contraindications for tongue piercing

  1. Violation of the integrity of the tooth enamel;
  2. Oral thrush;
  3. Stomatitis;
  4. Bacterial damage to the gums;
  5. Foreign body rejection by the human nervous system (concomitant loss of appetite, sleep problems, nervousness, unhealthy weight loss).

As for the last point, in most cases such reactions disappear after a couple of weeks, until the body adapts.

  • Professionals insist on strict adherence to the diet during the wound healing period. Fans of delicious food are advised to eat for the future such products as: chips, coffee, crackers, spicy, sour, hard meat, etc.
  • The ideal place for a puncture on the tongue is the central area, which has a recess.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the barbell (changing the earring, adjusting the clasp).
  • Until the wound has healed, you need to disinfect the toothbrush daily (by boiling in a soda solution for 5 minutes).
  • It is better to give up kissing and clicking seeds during the healing period.
  • The stud should be removed monthly for thorough disinfection and cleaning.
  • When cleaning the oral cavity, one should not forget about the puncture site, you can use a soft toothbrush for this purpose.

Important: it is necessary to disinfect the oral cavity, but the number of such manipulations should not exceed 5 times a day in order to give the enzymes contained in saliva the opportunity to promote wound healing.

In contact with

Tongue piercing and jewelry is a type of piercing that has recently gained popularity among certain groups of young people. Tongue piercing is considered a special chic among them, as evidence of a strong character. In fact, piercing came to the US and Western Europe from Latin America. Among the ancient Aztecs, Mayans and Olmecs, tongue piercing was a ritual procedure associated with the collection of blood for sacrifices. In India, piercing the tongue and other parts of the body was demonstrated by fakirs as the ability to endure pain when falling into a trance.

Tongue piercing turned out to be such an original decoration that since the late 90s it has become widespread on both sides of the Atlantic, and Hollywood actors and rock singers who have installed tongue piercings have contributed to its popularization to a large extent.

Today, various salons and hairdressers offer piercing services, but many young people find this operation very simple and can be done at home, although they have no idea how to pierce the tongue.

How to pierce the tongue, how to pierce it, how to install jewelry on it and how to do it painlessly, they begin to understand only when they pick up a needle. In fact, it is better to entrust this to a friend than to aim it yourself. A thick needle from a blood transfusion device or a catheter is suitable for piercing. Before piercing the tongue, you need to check whether the rod or earring fits into the hole of the needle, stock up on cotton swabs to stop the blood.

After that, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, wipe them and the puncture site with an antiseptic, disinfect the rod and needle with an antiseptic solution or alcohol, rinse your mouth with Stomatodin. The needle must be held strictly vertically and pricked in the middle of the tongue. Piercing away from the cent can damage the blood vessel and bleed profusely. After the needle passes through the tongue, a rod is inserted into the hole of the needle, and the needle is removed. Then a locking ball is screwed onto the bar and the edges of the puncture are disinfected. After installing the bar for the first week, the mouth should be rinsed with an antiseptic after each meal.

How to pierce the tongue

A lot more people know about how to pierce the tongue than it seems. Even at first aid courses in case of accidents, future drivers are taught that in order to get a tongue sunk into the larynx, it must be pierced with a pin and pulled out. The fact is that the least sensitive and least saturated with blood vessels zone is located along the central axis. That's what they do with piercings. Basically, a puncture is made in the center of the tongue, that is, along the longitudinal axis. Sometimes a puncture is made at the very tip or on the sides, but such punctures heal longer.

A clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to pierce the tongue is known and can only be done in a beauty salon, observing all the rules for decontaminating the tongue and the instrument. Before piercing the tongue, it is pulled back with forceps or a clamp and a thick needle is inserted with a precise sharp movement. The puncture is marked and a metal bar is inserted into it. In some cases, a flexible Teflon rod is used, which limits the mobility of the tongue less. The thickness of the rod must be selected in accordance with the size of the tongue. A thick rod leads over time to an increase in the puncture channel, and a thin one begins to move, creating discomfort when eating. It is noteworthy that, like any wound in the oral cavity, the puncture of the tongue heals very quickly. In part, this fact contributed to the spread of tongue piercing.

Why pierce your tongue

The question of not how to pierce the tongue, but why the carriers of the piercing never really worried, but in vain. After the puncture, the first 5-7 days the tongue will hurt and be in a swollen state, and the final healing of the puncture occurs within 3-5 weeks, constantly reminding of itself with painful manifestations. At this time, the risk of infection of the wound remains. The constant presence of a foreign body in the mouth can lead to distortion of diction and gum disease. The contact of the earring with the teeth leads to their embrittlement and increased fragility. Cases of biting the piercing are not excluded, which increases the risk of chipping the edges of the teeth. Prolonged wearing of oral piercing contributes to the dysfunction of the jaw bones and destabilization of the teeth. In addition, when the bar comes into contact with food, the edge of the puncture can be damaged and cause prolonged bleeding, which in turn can cause inflammation of the tongue.

Therefore, before deciding where and how to pierce the tongue, you need to answer the question “why?”.

Tongue piercing is the second most popular type of piercing after the ears. A person who agreed to this complex procedure, which allows them to stand out from the crowd, must be aware of the possible risks and negative consequences from its incorrect implementation.

Rules for tongue piercing

Tongue piercing is a procedure that is a surgical intervention. Therefore, the piercing of this body should be done by a professional who has positive reviews and an appropriate license to carry out the process.

Tongue piercing should be done by a professional

The specialist must carefully examine the patient, identify the most common contraindications, report possible negative consequences and complications. If there are no restrictions, after the procedure, the master gives a number of important tips and recommendations for care during the healing period.

The sequence of actions for piercing the tongue:

  • Treatment of the oral cavity with an antiseptic. At the request of the patient, local anesthesia is used (most often it is “lidocaine”).
  • The master, using gloves and sterilized tools, grabs the tongue with a special tool and fixes it.
  • The needle is pierced from the bottom up. Before the procedure, the patient must express his wishes about the type of desired piercing. It will depend on which place the specialist will make a puncture.
  • A pre-prepared decoration is inserted into the hole formed.

During the day after the operation, the tongue swells, as the lymph flow is disturbed, the vessels are damaged. The wound heals for about 14 days. During this time, you need to follow a number of rules, thanks to which you can reduce the risk of complications.

In addition, the procedure can be found in the video:

Piercing care after a piercing

In order to avoid infection in an unhealed wound, it is necessary to carefully care for the oral cavity. The specialist who performed the operation usually prescribes special lozenges or rinses with an antibacterial effect.

Ice cubes or very cold water without gases relieve pain well.

For the first time after the procedure, you should talk less, treat the wound with a soda solution or potassium permanganate.

You should pay attention to the following:

  • you can not eat hard, hot, too spicy food;
  • the consumption of acidic foods and chocolate is excluded;
  • after each meal, you need to rinse your mouth;
  • It is not allowed to drink alcoholic and energy drinks, use tobacco products.

The decoration should be cleaned with a soft brush, after the wound has completely healed (at least 2 months), the bar should be removed and disinfected regularly.

Jewelry and types of piercing

There are many piercing options, all of them are divided into the main ones: surface piercing (the tongue is not pierced through); horizontal or vertical; frenulum puncture; piercing the tip of the tongue.

Vertical tongue puncture

Frenulum piercing for tongue piercing

tongue tip piercing

Horizontal tongue piercing

The most popular decoration is the barbell. It is inserted without problems with any kind of puncture.

Piercing bars are flat and rounded

It is best if the bar has a flat surface (without spikes, rhinestones and bulky elements).

Medical steel piercing jewelry

In this case, the wound healing process will be faster, and discomfort will be less intense.

Rings, spirals and horseshoes for tongue piercing

There are other types of jewelry: segment rings, bananas, rings with a ball-shaped clasp, spirals, horseshoes.

Pros and cons of piercing

One of the advantages of piercing is the ability to stand out, be stylish and special. The decoration is easily hidden, not immediately evident. In addition, there is an opportunity to get rid of several kilograms, since the diet during the rehabilitation period is strictly limited.

The "cons" of the procedure include the following:

  • long wound healing, pain;
  • high probability of infection of the wound if the operation was performed independently or with non-sterile instruments;
  • problems with gums and teeth with inappropriate oral care.

It is worth considering that the development of such negative consequences as a change in taste sensitivity, severe bleeding, the appearance of speech defects, damage to tooth enamel, and numbness of the tongue is not excluded.

Tongue piercing is contraindicated in pregnant women due to the high risk of infection, diabetics, people under 18 years of age.

The procedure is dangerous if you are allergic to anesthetics or rod material, elevated temperature. It is forbidden for neurological disorders, pathologies of a chronic nature.


Before deciding on the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the list of the most asked questions.

What is a tongue piercing for?

There is an opinion that a tongue piercing is done for the sake of fashion, it makes it possible to stand out, to be different from everyone else. Another reason is additional vivid sensations in intimate life, that is, the earring is inserted for sexual pleasure.

Where did the fashion for tongue piercing come from?

For the first time, the Aztecs and Olmecs began to pierce the tongue for ritual purposes. In the 90s, the procedure became popular in the USA and in Israel.

Does it hurt to get pierced?

The procedure is performed instantly. When pierced, the pain is felt, but tolerable. Anesthesia is not required for the procedure.

How long does a tongue last?

The rehabilitation process takes about 2 months if there are no complications. The wound heals 3 weeks after the procedure.

What material is best to insert the barbell during the healing of the puncture?

Until the puncture has completely healed, it is necessary to wear jewelry made of only high quality materials. Niobium, titanium, platinum, teflon, medical steel or gold are safe.

When can you eat after a piercing?

Solid food is allowed only one month after the procedure. Also, do not eat hot food. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to use special lozenges with antibacterial action.

How long can I drink after the procedure?

You can drink almost immediately, but you need to limit yourself to cold still water. In the process of wound healing, hot drinks, sour drinks, such as energy drinks, and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

Is it possible to pierce the tongue during pregnancy?

The procedure during the period of bearing a child is undesirable. There is a high risk of infection and development of serious complications.

Today, piercing will not surprise anyone. It has become so fashionable that, for example, not only young people, but also older people began to pierce the tongue. Although this type of piercing is not always noticeable to others, it is in second place in popularity after

Even the ancient practiced This procedure they performed before the ritual of sacrifice to the gods. In addition, they also pierced the tongue. Local shamans, performing the ceremony, claimed that such manipulation helps to rid the human soul of evil forces and purify it. In the future, mouth piercings became just an aesthetic decoration or a way to stand out from other people.

Does it hurt or not

People from the intimidating dozen decide to make a puncture momentarily. Others doubt for one reason: is it painful to pierce the tongue. The process itself is practically painless, because anesthetics are used. As a rule, after 2 hours, when the analgesic effect wears off, pain appears at the puncture site, which interferes with food intake, especially if something needs to be chewed thoroughly.

Dangerous or not

If you go to a specialist, the risk associated with this kind of piercing will be almost non-existent. In other situations, for example, if you pierce your tongue at home, the consequences can be sad: infection, inflammation, etc. This often happens due to an unscrupulous attitude to the sterilization of instruments, poor hand hygiene, and manipulations without gloves.

Before deciding to pierce the tongue, find out more information about this piercing from various sources. Weigh all the pros and cons.

Piercing technology

Piercing is done on the tip of the tongue in its center. It is impossible to pierce on the sides, as arteries are located here, if damaged, serious bleeding can begin.

If the puncture is not in the center, the wound can heal for several weeks. There is also a chance that the decoration will not take root at all and will be rejected by the body. During piercing, a rigid or flexible rod is used. The latter is more practical while wearing and delivers a minimum of discomfort. To fix the tongue, use a special clip and mark the place where the hole will be made. The master makes a puncture with a special sterile instrument. Then a long rod is inserted. This is necessary for convenience, since in the first days the tongue will be swollen. Then the bar is replaced with a smaller size.

Piercing at home

If you decide that you can handle all the manipulations yourself, you need to prepare in advance and learn how to properly pierce your tongue at home:

  • Sterilize instruments well, wear gloves.
  • Pierce the tongue, insert the bar with a needle and remove the needle.
  • Attach the second ball to the other end of the rod.
  • Re-treat with antiseptic.

Proper care

  1. After the procedure, you should not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, or eat food for several hours.
  2. Several times a day, you should rinse your mouth with special disinfectants.
  3. While the healing process is taking place, only soft foods should be eaten. It is contraindicated to drink coffee and juices with dyes, eat spicy, salty foods, as well as citrus fruits. As for alcohol, it is categorically contraindicated, since its use destroys the protective film and dissolves the resulting tissue.
  4. At first, you will have to refrain from kissing.

To pierce the tongue or not, it's up to you. In any case, if the entire puncture procedure is done correctly, it will not do any harm, and if desired, you can always pull out the jewelry. The pierced area will heal very quickly.

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