How does a wish collage work? Create a Better Life with a Feng Shui Wish Card


Do you want your dream to come true? Help her! Effective tips on how to create a collage of desires! Let's get started today!

Remember Pushkin's "Awakening": "Dreams, dreams, where is your sweetness"?

Indeed, the ability to dream is wonderful, because it helps to paint life in bright colors.

People endowed with a rich imagination write in their minds multi-volume versions of their fairy-tale life.

Those who do not know how to compose so beautifully limit themselves to simpler dreams, but feel no less happy.

Perhaps there is not a single person in the world who would live without dreams.

We send a signal to the universe.

Not everything, of course, comes true, but often people themselves are to blame for this.

You cannot fail to understand how many billions of people live on our planet, and they all dream.

Perhaps, at the very moment when you spoke about your innermost desire, higher powers listened to someone else.

So what needs to be done?

That's right: so that it is visible not only to you, but also to the Universe.

Today we will study how to create a collage to bring them to fruition.

How to make a collage? Why is this?

It is the same with more global dreams.

If every day, when you wake up, on the wall you see colorful photos of bright countries that you dream of visiting, houses, cars, jewelry that you would like to have, and so on, then you will have more incentives to perform them.

It is customary to allocate annual (wish list for the year) and thematic (which will allow you to achieve what you want in a certain area) collages of desires, as well as individual and family ones.

I will say right away: I do not advise making family collages of desires.

You do not need to share your happiness with all family members.

Make your dream visualization, and let your spouse work on his, children and parents too.

Just imagine how much success awaits you next year if you do everything right!

Thought processes in the life of every person are very important.

If you will be the fulfillment of desires, then you will definitely achieve what you dream about.

If, however, it is sad to repeat: “Oh, well, this is all a kindergarten. That it will help”, then the result will be appropriate.

Whineers, skeptics and lazy people who do not want to change can no longer waste their precious time, and everyone else - welcome - we will learn create a collage.

Collage of desires: where to start?

First you need to buy a large clean paper.

Resist the temptation to use an old calendar or, God forbid, a campaign poster!

Agree, it's stupid to save 10 hryvnias when it comes to the fulfillment of cherished desires.

You don't need the faces of other people with their energy, animals and landscapes on the back of the collage!

Choose a good photo, your own, of course.

You will paste it in the center of the collage.

There are several requirements for photography:

  • you personally must like it, because you will look at it every morning;
  • in the photo you should smile / be joyful;
  • it is desirable that you stand on an elevation, for example, on a hill, at the time of photographing.

Be thoughtful when choosing material for a collage. Glossy magazines, pictures on the Internet, printed on a printer, advertising - all this will do.

There are certain requirements for pictures:

  • All images must be in color.
  • Spend time looking for material.

    Do not take the first house that comes across, look for a place where you would really like to live.

    Don't post pictures of people.

    If next year you dream of meeting your love, then do not take a photo of a handsome actor, it is better to look for a symbolic image: hearts, etc.

  • Photos must be of impeccable quality: no scratches or stains.
  • Other people's hands should not be depicted on the collage.

    If you want a gold ring or bracelet, then don't take a photo of a model who advertises jewelry, look for individual pictures of jewelry.

Life is a fairy tale that everyone writes for himself...

You should not be in a hurry, but you can’t drag out work on a collage for years.

A month is the best time.

Making a collage of desires right!

You have already found enough materials, bought a drawing paper, took a photo specifically for the collage, which means it's time to start compiling it.

To make an effective wish collage follow my advice:

  1. Do not leave "holes" on the paper, your collage must be completely filled.
  2. Don't aim for straight edges, let the photos hang down so you don't frame your dreams.
  3. Place pictures around your image, pasted in the center of the paper, the largest and most intimate should be closer to you.
  4. Be sure to add your own inscriptions, for example, “my car”, “my salary”, etc.
  5. Don't sit down to make a collage in a bad mood.
  6. The best time to make a collage is birthday or New Year's Eve, Christmas, Angel's Day, in general - all holidays with a touch of magic.
  7. Set dates for the fulfillment of a particular dream.

To place a ready-made collage, select the wall opposite the bed so that when you wake up, you can see it.

Do not hide the collage somewhere in the corner, otherwise it will be offended and will not work.

Every year, remake it, remove dreams that have come true, add new ones.

Famous personalities also create collages of desires - look ...

P.S. starting at 3.30 minutes - great words, I agree!

I know that you will find many other recommendations on the Internet, how to make a collage, but I gave you advice personally tested by me and my close people.

We attract into our lives whatever we think about. Follow your thoughts!

And the last thing: even if you have created a truly brilliant collage of desires, that's not all, because you need to move from dreams to actions!

Remember the anecdote about the man who annoyed God so much with his requests to win a million in the lottery that he could not stand it and turned to him with the words: “Well, at least buy a lottery ticket, eh!”

Indeed, sometimes one small step is enough to fulfill our desires.

So, and now confidently went for the fulfillment of desires: to the start, attention, march.

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Photo albums are available in almost every home, this will not surprise anyone. But if you take photos from this photo album, make a collage out of them and decorate the walls of your apartment, it will already look original.

Translated from French, collage means gluing. In ancient times, it was the most popular way to decorate your home. People pasted all kinds of materials on the wall - pieces of paper, pictures, cloth, etc. and it looked pretty nice.

Especially such art of collage creation was used in China, and numerous excavations testify to this. The Chinese created beautiful collages from stones and dried flowers. In the 20th century, it was customary all over the world to decorate their homes in this way. Even the famous artist Pablo Picasso used collages in his works, he pasted newspaper clippings on them. And with the development of photography, people began to make collages of them and hang them on the wall.

Now many designers have taken this idea into service and embody it in decorating the room. On the surface of the wall, they try to stick different materials in such a way that it looks beautiful and enchants. You can make it yourself by learning how to make a photo collage with your own hands. Let's look at some interesting ideas.

paper photo collage

Any person can make such a do-it-yourself collage from a photo, even if your main activity is in no way connected with the world of art.

Before you start creating your own collage, you will need to choose a theme and pictures that match it. The topic can be dedicated to significant events in your life - wedding, graduation, the birth of a child, vacation in another country, student years, etc. It is desirable that your pictures tell a story from your life.

Select photos related to your event, they should be of good quality, you like them, and evoke pleasant memories. The number of photos must be a multiple. You will need to make a beautiful composition of all these photos. Pay special attention to this, because the creation of the composition will determine all your work, an attractive appearance will depend on it.

You will stick the photo on the substrate. As a substrate, you can choose a regular photo frame or a sheet of plywood, plastic, cardboard. You will need to adjust your photos to the size of the substrate by cropping them. To attach pictures to the substrate, prepare either double-sided tape or Velcro. You can beautifully glue the frames of your bases with improvised material - shells, matchboxes and other things.

If you are using a simple frame, consider how you will attach to the wall. You will need to attach the elastic at the back with a stapler or drive in small carnations.

If you cover the photos with a layer of decoupage glue, you will protect them from the formation of dust on the surface. Wait until the glue is completely dry. Hang your pictures on the wall as you like. See the photo examples below for inspiration. And your photo collage, evoking pleasant memories, is ready!

original form

You can not just arrange your photos in the form of a geometric figure, but make it more original. For example, arrange wedding photos in the shape of a heart, vacation photos in the shape of sunglasses, and birthday photos in the form of the letter of the birthday person's name, photos of your pet in the form of an animal.

In order to make such a form, it is necessary to make markings on the wall. It is necessary to fit the photos in such a way that there are no gaps left, without too much overlap of the photos. Laminating photos will help give you a more attractive look to your composition. If you add some highlighting to your collage, it will look really great.

Collage of matchboxes

With the help of matchboxes, you can create a really attractive thing. How to make a collage with your own hands from matchboxes.

Collect several matchboxes, glue them together on the base to make a geometric shape. In order for everything to work out, you must first draw up a sketch of the future work. The sketch should contain all the cells that will be in the future work. You will then put matchboxes into these cells.

Prepare the required number of matchboxes, remove all matches from them. Use glue to attach the boxes to the base (cardboard, plywood, frame). Use decoupage paint or glue to decorate the surface of your base. Wait until it dries completely.

Arrange the photos in the way they will be placed in the future collage. Each cell contains one photograph. Between them, you can lay out other decorations that you choose at your discretion. After that, you can start the gluing process. Take transparent glue for this. If you need to glue any large object, then it is better to use a glue gun.

Once all the pieces are glued down, put your collage somewhere safe and don't touch it until the glue is completely dry. You can also cover your entire creation with decoupage glue to increase its durability. After a while, decorate the wall of your house with this thing.

Photo collage in the form of puzzles

By embodying this original idea, you will get an unusual collage on the wall, which will decorate your room. To make it, prepare all the necessary material: whatman paper, sheets of printer paper, cardboard (corrugated), glue, adhesive tape (double-sided).

Draw a sheet of paper into several squares, give each square the shape of a puzzle, cut it out carefully. This will be a template that will then need to be transferred to corrugated cardboard and should be in a different color.

All puzzles are fastened together on a large sheet of drawing paper. On the reverse side, you can stick sheets of thick cardboard to strengthen the entire structure and sell it a finished look. On the reverse side, you can stick another sheet of whatman paper and make puzzles again, then the design will be two-sided.

Pictures for puzzles you can change at a distance. This idea is especially suitable for a small child, as they grow up quickly. Photograph young children constantly, and then you will have the opportunity to make a collage showing their growth and development.

What you need to know about collage design

The place where you hang your collage should be suitable for this and in harmony with the whole environment. You should not hang a heart-shaped collage in the common room, as it is most suitable for bedroom decor. The living room is best decorated with bright photographs. You can even make a collage for the kitchen using a special frame 10 centimeters deep.

Divide the frame with slats to make geometric shapes. You will insert photos or other items into them. But before you do this, cover the surface of your design with varnish.

The frame can spoil the whole impression, so if you decide to use it, choose the shape and material. The most suitable square, rectangular shape and a thin baguette.

Use a photo editor such as Photoshop or Picasso to edit your photos. This is to make your work look more original. A personal computer can become your assistant in arranging photos. There are special programs that help to do this.

You can do all the work right on your computer, then print it out and hang it on the wall. Computer programs are great help in the work. You can choose any background, photo processing, giving them the desired brightness and contrast. By choosing different effects, you improve quality, sell originality.

You can rotate your pictures in every possible way, decorate with graphic elements, add details from other images. Graphic editors give you a huge scope for the manifestation of your creativity.

You can match the photos in a consistent style or change the shape if necessary, or make a bold accent from the base of your collage.

Use not only photographs and other materials - shells, buttons, dried leaves, flaps, ribbons, tickets, starfish and other things that suit the theme of your creation.

Give free rein to your imagination and come up with something original, and then your do-it-yourself collage from photos will express a bright personality and creativity. Do not forget about accuracy, the result of the work will also depend on this. By following these rules, you will receive a magnificent thing that will warm your soul with pleasant memories.

Many have probably heard about visualization, a treasure map, a dream poster, and finally, a collage of desires. It's all about the same thing, about our imagination, the power of thought and the realization of what we want. It is important to understand that when composing such a collage, these things will not come to you from the outside on their own, will not penetrate into your subconscious, will not begin to grow in the depths of your soul like sprouts. Everything that you display on the poster is a projection of your subconscious into the world around you, and displaying on paper is only necessary so that this itching desire from the inside turns into a manic thought, thus you would quickly make your dreams come true. All our actions stem from what we really want deep down. And if you don’t have something at the moment, then you don’t want it. Everything is simple! Although it sounds weird. But that's the way it is. Thoughtfully, we may want, but deep down we may not want, and therefore we do not have these things in fact. So let's learn together to project the true "want-want-want" into real steps! Someone has a power of imagination so rich that he doesn’t even have to draw collages, everything is embodied by itself, you just have to want it, and someone needs paper (any size), magazines, pictures from the Internet, glue, scissors, colored markers and a good mood for it. Forgot about VERA! You can't get started without it.

What should be the collage of desires?

I recommend making the collage individual, because there are also family collages. Yet it is your subconscious, and only your desires. Alien soul of darkness! A husband can nod his head, but don’t want it inside, then nothing will work. A collage can be in all areas at once (more on them below), or it can be thematic with a given period of time (for example, you want to travel to Italy, display sights, your wardrobe on a trip, gifts that you will buy there for loved ones, dishes that are there try, etc.). A collage can be annual, or it can be for a given period of time.

When to make a collage of desires?

When you want it, when you feel the strength and great desire to embody your desires in the world! There are also special days, powerful and energetically saturated, when the collage can be launched into the air of action.

  • New Moon (1.2 lunar days). The nearest dates of this year are May 6-7, June 5-6, July 4-5, August 2-3, September 1-2, October 1-2, October 30-31, November 29-30, December 29-30.
  • Your birthday.
  • New Year, points of the wheel of the year (esbats) - I regularly write about these holidays, but I will remind you of the dates - on the night of October 31 to November 1 (Samain), December 21 (Yule), February 1-2 (Imbolk), March 21 ( Ostara), on the night of April 30 to May 1 (Beltane), June 21 (Lita), August 1-2 (Lugnasad), September 21 (Mabon).
  • Eclipses. The next ones this year are August 18, September 1, September 16.

Rules for making a collage of desires:

  1. Your photo must be present on the collage, where you smile, your eyes sparkle, in general, happiness emanates from you!
  2. Everything that you want to see in your life must be real in terms of time and position, and also not have defects in the photo. If you want to attract a man to life, it is better to portray him from the back, sideways, because a particular model boy or actor as a life partner from Los Angeles is unlikely to be discharged to you. Although)
  3. You can add clippings from magazines in the form of inscriptions. BUT! They must be in the present tense. For example, I'm happy! I got an award! Today I married the best man in the world! Etc. if you did not find the necessary inscription in the magazine - write with a marker directly on the drawing paper! And yet - we exclude a piece of NOT - I'm not fat, it doesn't suit us, but I'm slim - completely.
  4. Before sticking a picture, ask yourself the question - “Do I really want this? Isn't this a typed standard of happiness in society? Maybe I don't need it at all? And remember, you can’t harm another person with your desire.

And now - step-by-step instructions for making a collage of desires for the year (I use the eastern Ba-gua grid for this, and if you do it for a certain period of time on one topic, then the pictures are arranged randomly).

We divide the drawing paper into 9 sectors.


Violet should (preferably) predominate. The sector is associated with wealth, abundance, luxury, prosperity and well-being. Here we put an apartment, a house, a car, jewelry, banknotes, platinum cards. Examples of inscriptions - I own a house in a cottage village ..., I have a car Mercedes C -class of such and such color, I am the owner of a diamond ring from Tiffany , I easily attract money into my life, my monthly income is 150 thousand rubles. Etc. I remind you - everything should be real and within your power. It will not fall from heaven, you will embody everything yourself, you really have to want it and live here and now.


Red color should prevail. The sector is connected with your popularity in society, with your achievements, victories, lottery winnings. Examples of inscriptions - I am the most popular videographer in my city, I am invited to fashion exhibitions and shows, I wrote a book and 1000 people read it, I won a beauty contest, I won a grant to develop my own business.


Pink color should prevail. The sector is associated with love relationships, their strengthening, development. If you want to be happy with a specific person, you can paste your joint photo, remembering the principle of “do no harm”. If you are in search - the image of the desired man. You can pictures of happy couples in love, wedding rings. Examples of inscriptions - I am happily married, my wedding is on the islands, we are a harmonious couple, love surrounds me. There is no need to write about butterflies in the stomach - otherwise they will settle there.


Green color should prevail. The sector is connected with your family, relatives, inner circle, who enters your house, your interior, pictures of a happy family. Examples of inscriptions - All members of my family are healthy, my husband spends time with children, evenings by the fireplace are wonderful with his beloved, my cat brought her first offspring, the atmosphere of warmth and comfort reigns in the house, the new dressing room is very spacious, etc.


Yellow color should prevail. The sector is associated with health, beauty, your appearance. This is where your satisfied photo taken in a favorable period is located. Examples of inscriptions - I am healthy and beautiful, my figure is perfect, my weight is 55 kg, my waist is 60 cm, beautiful hair, I go in for sports every day.


White color should prevail. Here are all your dreams about children, hobbies, creative endeavors, inspiration. Examples of inscriptions - I gave birth to a healthy daughter, my son is an excellent student, I go to watercolor courses, I can dance bachata, I embroider pictures with beads.


Blue color should prevail. The sector is related to diplomas, certificates, driver's licenses, books, what you finally decided to learn. Examples of inscriptions - I have a diploma of higher education, I got a driver's license the first time, I do yoga and meditation every day, I study horary astrology.

If you have chosen such a wish card, you must fill in all sectors. If fame and travel are not of interest to you, then fill in randomly, without respecting the sectors.

The wish collage starts working right away. You can store it in your bedroom, dressing room, office. If close people see him, it’s not scary. The main thing is that they share your aspirations, do not laugh and believe in you. A small trick - indicate on the collage such a phrase "My wishes come true easily and quickly." Do not indicate all at once, all the countries you want to visit in your life, indicate exactly those you want to visit in set period of time.

And remember - a collage of desires is still not a panacea for all diseases, not a magic wand and not a fairy that will work for you. When a collage is created, you describe specific steps on the path to your personal happiness, the Universe will surely hear you and send you the best opportunities in response to make you feel happy as soon as possible. Be sure to thank yourself, loved ones, the Universe or someone else for what you have now - because all you have is your wishes come true.


In this article you will learn:

A wish collage is a tool that contributes to the fulfillment of the dreams of the person who created it.

What is it and how does collage work?

Such a collage is a visualization method that helps to clearly present what you want. A person sets it into action by the magical power of his intention.

In accordance with the traditions of feng shui, a special sector is responsible for each area of ​​human life. These areas include: career, knowledge, health, family relationships, financial well-being, fame, achievement and prosperity. In order to activate all these areas, people create a map that works by influencing the subconscious of a person.

A feng shui collage of wishes helps to clearly define what is desired in every area of ​​life. It must be placed in the most prominent place in the apartment, which often catches the eye. This will help the subconscious to capture the necessary images and tune the brain to actions that will lead to the cherished dream.

If you make a map correctly, then the subconscious mind will help you in the implementation of your plans.

Options for creating a collage of desires

There are several ways to create a wish card in accordance with Feng Shui concepts. For example, it can be an electronic version (it can be done in a graphics editor) or a drawing paper with images printed on it or pictures cut out from magazines. The electronic version is installed on the desktop of a personal computer or mobile phone. You can use any other system you like, but you must follow the location of the sectors.

A personal image is placed in the center (the photo must be new, taken no more than a year ago). It should not be attended by strangers, it is recommended to choose a full-length photo.

Whatman needs to be divided into 4 cardinal points: at the top there will be north, below - south, on the right - west, and on the left - east.

The northern part is a quarry; northeast - knowledge, experience; eastern - physical and psychological state, family and love; southeast - financial well-being; southern - glory, recognition.

The choice of images needs its own approach

A dream collage should only be made from bright, clear photographs or pictures. Each sector of the map is filled with corresponding images.

Requirements for a personal photo:

  • the person must be healthy in the picture;
  • strangers should not be depicted.

If the person making the card is unhappy with their appearance, it is possible to attach someone else's body to the head, which corresponds to the desired result.

The area of ​​wealth and prosperity should be filled with pictures of banknotes, precious metals and other attributes of luxury. If possible, you should attach a bill to the poster.

The career area can be decorated with some graphics (arrows pointing up) or images of the desired position.

In the field of love and family relationships, you can put hearts, happy couples, or a list of qualities that a partner should have.

The knowledge area is filled with pictures with the desired skills, diplomas or scientific degrees.

Area of ​​recognition - awards, cups, medals, images symbolizing glory and success.

How to make collage work

In order for the dream collage to lead to the realization of your desires, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. The card should be made by hand, and it should bring pleasure and joy. Negative emotions will negatively affect the strength of the collage.
  2. In the process of creating a map, you need to fully focus on your dreams. They should be presented as clearly as possible. In order to tune your subconscious, it is recommended to meditate for 10-15 minutes before you start creating a poster.
  3. All photographs, pictures and clippings used must fully reflect what is desired. Black and white photographs are not recommended. If a suitable image was not found, you can draw it yourself or present it schematically.
  4. The recommended time to create a poster is the waxing moon or the full moon.
  5. When creating a map, you need to believe that it will work. In this case, we can assume that the Universe has already begun to implement its plan.

Suitable place in the apartment

A collage of Feng Shui wishes is placed in the bedroom opposite the bed. This is due to the fact that the first thing a person sees when waking up in the morning is his dreams and desires. It will also be the last thing a person will see before going to bed. This helps to program the subconscious for the speedy implementation of the plan.

The map must not be shown to outsiders: if people want to go into the room where the map hangs, then it must be removed. It is forbidden to fold it or put it upside down.


Think about your dreams and plans, about what you really want. It makes sense to pay attention to such areas of life as career, wealth, fame, family, marriage, children, health, knowledge, teachers. Imagine what you want to achieve in each of these areas, think in detail and in detail, imagine yourself in the future in which you already have all this, feel the joy that these desires have already come true.

After that, take paper, you may find it more convenient to work with a format larger than a standard landscape sheet. Divide the sheet into areas of your life. Arm yourself with scissors, glue, magazines and simply inspirational pictures, felt-tip pens, and paste or draw your desires. Pictures should reflect what you want as much as possible. Be sure to sign each one. Be as specific as possible. Set performances. Also, at the top of the sheet, make an inscription that everything happens according to the most favorable scenario for you and the world around you.
In the process of creating collages and illustrations, feel the joy that life is beautiful and everything is already. Be sure to paste your photo or draw yourself. On the picture you should be happy. You can thus “try on” a new one, rest in the corners of the world, a dream job, and even be surrounded by a big and loving one. The wording of desires should be positive and not include the “not” particle.

When a desire is fulfilled, changed, or you realize that it was not your true one, then you need to make appropriate changes to the collage, peel off those that are no longer needed, add new ones, work with your desires.

Place the collage of wishes where you can see it in the morning and. Try to remove it from the eyes of those people who will not support you. Some desires will begin to be fulfilled immediately, others will take some time. But do not sit still, do what depends on you so that your desires come true.

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There is also a Feng Shui collage, which differs from the usual dream collage in that for each desire there is a certain zone in which certain desires should be placed.

Helpful advice

It is worth noting that a collage of desires can be easily made in Photoshop, after which it can be printed on a color printer.


  • How to make a wish collage in 2019

One of the most significant and touching moments in the life of every person is a wedding. Beautiful and festively decorated photos will create a good mood for you for many years, reminding you of this wonderful day. Professional photographers often combine multiple photos into one shot, change backgrounds, add effects, and more. You can combine your favorite photos, decorate beautifully and make signatures yourself.


If you are a beginner, then the most simple and understandable program to use - photo COLLAGE. It is very easy to make beautiful here. Open the program, click create. You can choose one of the ready-made templates (there are more than a hundred templates to choose from: wedding, and many others) and choose the size of the finished one, for a monitor or print, the program will select the proportions by itself. Transfer the selected photos to the intended places, the program allows you to change the size and position of the images, add elements, decorate them with frames and vignettes, choose any image as a background. Bright decorations from the "Romance" section will give a special charm to your composition. Using special filters in the program, you can easily make a wedding collage in the old style, retro, classic or modern romance, modern, and select the appropriate decor elements. The program is all in Russian and is intuitive.

You can quickly and easily arrange your photos directly on the Internet, for example, on the website
Go to the site, select a photo effect and click on the image with the mouse. Load the photo you need from the memory of your computer and create a new image. You will see the result immediately on the screen. What is especially nice, the program does everything and allows you to send a picture by e-mail to friends and acquaintances.

Adobe Photoshop remains the most popular graphic editor among amateur photographers. Load into the program those images that you would like to merge, and transfer them to the selected background with the Move Tool. The Ctrl and t keys will help you resize, hold down the Shift key to maintain proportions. You can replace the background by creating a layer mask and a brush. In this program, there are other ways to achieve the goal. To master all the features of the program, we advise you to watch the lessons or take special courses. Other popular programs for creating collages are: Corel PHOTO PAINT,, Macromeda Fireworks, WinImages.

Helpful advice

A collage of wedding photos should be rich and expressive, so that when you look at it, you return to the happy day of your wedding. Over time, add photos of your children to it, and the whole story will fit in one frame. We wish you creative success.

Wishes tend to come true. If you really want something for real, it will come to you. Start by thinking carefully about what is required for collage, which is also called a treasure map. Do you really need this or that thing or achievement, are you ready for everything that it will bring into your life? Be very specific about your dreams.

You will need

  • - drawing paper;
  • - photos and pictures from the magazine.


You will need, the size depends on the abundance of yours, and on the place where you hang it. By the way, about the place, it is best to place the collage near the bed so that when you get up in the morning, you see it first. In order not to cause condemnation and, try to hide it from prying eyes as much as possible.

Collect from magazines and your photos, which depict everything that you dream about and ask for. It can be, of course, one thing, for example, if you want - you can hang pictures of a car by the bed, by the desktop, etc., but we are talking about something else.

If you follow the rules of Feng Shui, then it is divided into Bagua zones, there are 9 of them in total, and each corresponds to a certain color. They are arranged in the form of a square three in a row, from left to right and from top to bottom: (purple), fame (red), relationships (pink); (green), I (yellow), children or creations (white); knowledge (blue), (blue), friends (grey).

Color the zones in the colors corresponding to them, you can immediately stick sheets of colored paper on whatman paper, and already attach what you want to them. Now attach with glue (a stick, clerical or pva is suitable) images that symbolize your desires in the corresponding zones. This is just a flight of fancy, driven by your dreams and needs. All-everything that in your opinion will personify and desired, cut and paste in zones.

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floristic collage is a composition made of flowers, herbs and other auxiliary materials. It can be used as an element of interior decoration in the form of a picture in a frame or as a decoration element for a holiday gift or postcard. Simple techniques for making such collages are also available to unprepared beginners.

You will need

  • - flowers and leaves;
  • - glue;
  • - frame;
  • - fabric, paper or cardboard;
  • - colored paper, foil, glitter.


Prepare materials for work. Flowers and herbs will need to be pre-treated. They can be flat, for this they are placed between two sheets of paper under oppression. Drying takes a week or more.

There is also a faster way - ironing the plant through the fabric, but in this case, the natural material may change its color. Volumetric flowers and plants are best dried in clean sand or treated with wax. The latter method is quite time-consuming and is suitable only for experienced needlework lovers.

Also purchase auxiliary materials - fabric or paper on which the composition will be located, a frame, glue (Moment is suitable, but for flat elements and PVA), paints, colored paper or foil (if necessary for the composition).

Consider the idea of ​​​​a future composition, what it should depict. It does not have to be a specific plot, it is possible that the idea will be just an emotion or mood. It is also important to choose the color scheme of the collage.

Take paper or fabric, which will be the basis for the work. The fabric is best stretched on a stretcher. If necessary, color it to change the background color. Attach flowers, leaves, and other decorative items as you wish. On the resulting picture, you can apply, for example, sparkles.

Also, if you wish, use specific techniques to design the base for the composition. These include the method "". In this case, the basis of the collage, usually made of cardboard, is covered with a mixture of paint and putty with the addition of pebbles or small shells. Gypsum can also be added there. This mixture allows you to create a textured basis for the future collage, to give it volume. But in this case, the production of a painting can take much longer - up to several days, necessary for the base to dry.

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How to make a terra collage

When creating, you need to think over the theme in advance, according to which you will then select the pictures. It can be anything: an exciting trip, vacation with friends, pets or photos of your children.

You will need

  • - photos;
  • - clippings from newspapers and magazines;
  • - postcards;
  • - drawing paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - glue stick;
  • - scissors.


Do not be afraid to fantasize, to create the most effective collage, you need a creative approach. You can create a different type of composition that will include photos that remind you of important events in your life or simply cheer you up. Photos can be combined with various pictures, newspaper and magazine clippings, or even postcards.

Come up with a form for the future collage, that is, the order in which your photos and pictures will be placed on paper. For example, if your subject is travelling, you can arrange your photos in such a way that they resemble the shape of the continent or country you have visited. If the collage is supposed to be presented, then it can be arranged in the form of a heart. Are your photos about pets? Arrange the photos so that from afar they resemble the silhouette of a cat or other animal. Keep in mind that any non-traditional collage shape will make your work unique, expressive and truly interesting to the viewer.

After you have considered all the details, you can get to work. Take a sheet of drawing paper and a simple pencil. Try to outline the shape of the future collage on paper. It can be difficult, you need to achieve such contours that would suit you. The fact is that in the process of gluing photos it will already be difficult to fix anything.

Before sticking the pictures, lay them out on paper as they should be in the finished work. Move away from the collage for a couple of meters, critically examine its shape and the order of the pictures, if necessary, correct the identified shortcomings. Only after that, take an adhesive pencil and start gluing the pictures.

Take one photo at a time, carefully sticking it to the right place, try not to move the rest of the collage. After all the photos are glued, apply additional touches if necessary, for example, decorate photo frames with markers or felt-tip pens, make inscriptions if you need it. The main thing is not to overdo it, because only two elements are important for any collage - the form and the photographs themselves, try not to distract the viewer's attention from them.


The maximum effect of the collage can be achieved by hanging it on a plain surface in a room that is bright enough for viewing.

Helpful advice

If you want to emphasize the shape of the collage as much as possible, just cut it out of paper, leaving only the necessary elements.

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