How to open chakras and harmonize energy centers. Opening the chakras (description for each chakra)


The chakra, the opening of which requires a certain mental work, subsequently turns out to be an "assistant", giving energy and forming strength - both physical and spiritual. The potential for the realization of opportunities, talents and gifts directly depends on how developed and functional these centers of power and energy are.

The chakra, the opening of which requires a certain mental work, later turns out to be an “assistant”, giving energy and forming physical and spiritual strength. The potential for the realization of opportunities, talents and gifts directly depends on how developed and functional the centers of power and energy are. Working on yourself allows you to get a certain “key” to understanding your body, the flow of a particular chakra, discovering new opportunities in yourself and confidence in the fulfillment of goals and desires. Therefore, it is important for a person to know how to open the chakras, what activity to show with each of them, and what sensations can and should be when opening the chakras. For example, in order to develop self-acceptance, harmony and balance, serious work on the Anahata chakra will be required.

Chakra Harmonization

You need to start a long and difficult work on yourself by determining which chakras are more blocked, what emotions and strengths are needed to improve one or another side of life, relationships and feelings, and take a step towards the higher mind and the Universe.

A lot has been written about the properties and development of chakras, and you can even get information about what chakras are on our website, but here let's look at how one or another chakra is blocked.

  1. Problems with the first chakra are due to fear. The easiest way to fight, shock: to face what is bothering you and overcome it in a personal confrontation is a great chakra opening exercise;
  2. Problems with the second chakra happen when a person does not have forgiveness and acceptance of the situation, and there is also a guilt complex. The most important thing is to learn to forgive yourself, to indulge yourself, not to be harsh and cruel to yourself;
  3. Problems with the third chakra can cause deep contradictions with the world, when life itself is presented not as a gift and value, but as suffering. This energy center is responsible for unleashing life's potential, opportunities for growth and overcoming oneself.
  4. The fourth heart Anahata chakra: a place of love, acceptance of others as they are by nature, a center of kindness and compassion. It is Anahata that makes a person's heart hard, if it is not open, or kind and sympathetic, if it has been well and deeply worked on.
  5. Any lie and self-denial causes blockage of the fifth chakra. Truth is a value, the feeling of which should be pure, transparent and understandable. Thoughts, hands and conscience must be clean and tidy.
  6. Rejection, lack of tolerance and a deep conviction in the correctness of personal ideas about the world and people can close the sixth chakra. A reasonable and adequate understanding of oneself depends on the health of the sixth chakra.
  7. Material wealth and the value system are a serious problem that disrupts the harmonious course of the work of the seventh chakra, which contains the ability to let go of everything that does not belong to you, to treat yourself and people as guests in this world.

Due to the large amount of work on yourself, as can be judged from the above, it is necessary to start active measures in time - the opening and balancing of the chakras will allow you to qualitatively change your life.

How to open the chakras yourself, exercises for opening the chakras

For deep work with energy centers, you need the help of experienced professionals who know how to develop the chakras correctly. The practices that such specialists use to activate the chakra have been tested for centuries, have a powerful effect, but require the close attention of a mentor along the entire path of enlightenment and purification, which is quite difficult in a metropolis or a remote province. Therefore, to begin with, we need simple and understandable abilities to open energy centers and channels. Even the seemingly understandable Anahata chakra requires deep work, needs special attention and attitude.

In order to always feel good, all chakras must be activated. As a rule, many people are not able to articulate exactly what worries or torments them, and what to make efforts to improve. Yogis are categorical: such problems stem from the fact that a person does not know how to open (clear) the chakras.

To achieve the optimal state of the chakra you are interested in, it is necessary to activate the states of other chakras, sequentially cleaning each one, starting from the lowest to the highest. According to ancient philosophy, there are 7 energy clots, or chakras, in the human body. Each of them is in its place and is responsible for certain organs and problems. You need to learn how to control the chakras. Let's look at how to open (clear) the chakras.

How to open (clear) the chakras: the first chakra

The first chakra is associated with the survival of man as a physical body. Reckless, animal fear that you will not have enough food, you will be offended or ruined - all these are clear signs of the defeat of the first chakra.

Its position on the human body is determined in the region of the coccyx. The color of the chakra is red.

Entering the state of meditation, when visualizing, you can imagine that a bright red ball full of energy vibrates in this area, filling the body with life-giving energy.

To consolidate the effect, you can also wear jewelry with red stones (ruby, garnet, etc.).

How to open the chakras: the second chakra

The second of the lower chakras is connected not only with the feeling of one's physical body, but also with a person's need to enjoy life (eating, drinking, sex). In recent years, gambling addiction has been added to this "black list".

Disorders of this chakra manifest themselves in two ways. On the one hand, it is the pursuit of new pleasures, of a beautiful life. Or a person feels his inferiority, ugliness, unattractiveness, which prevents him from enjoying life.

Its position on the human body is determined in the pelvic region. Orange color.

First of all, you should activate the previous chakra. Then move up the spine. Entering the state of meditation, when visualizing, one can imagine that, following the red, an orange ball full of energy vibrates in this area, filling the body with life-giving energy.

To consolidate the effect, you can also wear jewelry with orange stones (amber, etc.).

How to (clear) open the chakras: the third chakra

According to yoga is responsible for your "I". Here self-confidence, conviction, principles are formed.

If you regularly say “yes” when you feel like answering “no”, this is an indicator that your 3rd chakra needs revision. The same can be said when your desires and whims become the center of the universe for you and you feel how close people are moving away.

Its position on the human body is determined in the region of the solar plexus. Yellow color.

First of all, the previous 1st and 2nd chakras should be activated. Then move up the spine. As you enter into a state of meditation, imagine a beautiful yellow ball full of energy vibrating in this area, filling your body with energy.

To consolidate the effect, you can also wear jewelry with yellow stones (topaz, tourmaline, etc.).

How to open (clear) the chakras: the fourth chakra

The source of love is the need to give love unselfishly. Its location in the human body, you guessed it, is the heart.

The lesions of this chakra are of a diverse nature, but the following can be distinguished.

The experience of all the troubles and sufferings of the world, often visited by guilt without reason. All this is formulated by a well-known folk saying: "Mother Sophia dries about everyone" or "Maremyana the old woman is sad about everyone." Evidence of the defeat of this chakra can also be an unhealthy, "at a distance", passion for a film actor or presenter.

The color of this chakra is double - pink and green. Accordingly, the stones are rose quartz or aventurine.

How to open chakras? Before starting to work with this chakra, one should make sure that the weakened state is not provoked by a general lesion of the lower chakras.

To improve the state of this chakra, it is advised to start with the practice of doing small good deeds to complete strangers. Record the feeling of pure joy that fills your heart at the same time: there is nothing of pride and narcissism in it.

On the contrary, in a situation of communication with a person unpleasant to you, bless him and focus on the feeling of the fourth chakra.

How to open (clear) the chakras: the fifth chakra

Chakra control is responsible for the creativity that is present in every person. And very often this creativity is unclaimed. We want to speak, but they don't hear us. The feeling of a constricted throat does not deceive you: the place of the fifth chakra is the throat. Blue color. Stones - aquamarine, chrysoprase.

Very often, our lower chakras interfere with the realization of our creative abilities (the desire to become famous, get money, benefits, etc. through our project).

Therefore, along with their regular cleaning, it is advised to carry out the following meditation. Imagine your project is complete. But his incarnation did not bring you any benefits. Try to experience pure creative joy by imagining people who have been benefited or helped by your talent. It should be warned that creativity can be introduced into the most ordinary everyday work.

How to open the chakras: the sixth chakra

It is connected with the desire of a person to know the unknown, to feel the integrity of the world and his place in it. This desire to see what is inaccessible to others yoga is associated with the opening of the "third eye". The place of the sixth chakra is the area just above the bridge of the nose. Her incarnation is the mysterious fluorite stone.

Passion for all kinds of rituals or the desire to conjure can be precisely the defeat of the chakra.

Feel like a part of the whole, mighty and kind ocean of life. Look for meaning and mysterious coincidences in your life. But this requires the achievement of a state of wise equanimity, indulgent pity for enemies and gossip.

How to open (clear) the chakras: the seventh chakra

It is a channel through which a person directly receives the energy of the Cosmos. Location - the so-called "crown star" at the top of the back of the head. Color - purple. The stone is clear quartz.

Assumes humility and recognition of the divine will.

The main way to feel the presence of the seventh chakra is to read the divine books of the denomination to which you belong: the Bible, the Koran. Only a select few reach the activation of this chakra. We hope our tips on how to open your chakras will help you restore your emotional and physical health.

How to Clear Chakras: Best Methods

There are visualizations for clearing the chakras and restoring peace of mind. This is a kind of treatment of the chakras, which helps to restore a good mood and keep the body in good shape. The topic of conversation below is how to clear the chakras.

The first option is how to clear the chakras

Initial position. Sit or lie down comfortably with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Straighten your chin. Straighten your spine, feeling it as a tight string between yourself and the Cosmos.

As you inhale, imagine how a pure white ball, which has descended from the Cosmos to the back of the head, slowly moves along the spine up to the coccyx. Along the way, he collects all the spiritual dirt accumulated in the body. Therefore, on exhalation, it goes back - from the coccyx to the back of the head - already black with dirt. The ball freely leaves your body and dissolves into the air.

Repeat 4 - 6 times.

The second option is how to clear the chakras

The starting position is the same.

Visualize the ball again. But this time it should emerge from the ground, passing through the coccyx area and above. As it rises, the ball should light up with the colors of the corresponding chakras - red, orange, yellow, pink, blue, purple. It rises along an invisible thread, making your connection with the Cosmos.

It's no secret that every person has energy, and we all revolve in the same energy field. Our life force is controlled by energy centers called chakras. It is in them that all our energy is formed and acquires the most intense force. Located along the spinal column, they are responsible for a certain area of ​​​​the body and our well-being in general. But in order for our energy cents to work for us, they need to be able to use them correctly. "And how to do it?" - you ask. In fact, everything is quite simple, but first you need to open the chakras.

What does chakra opening mean? First of all, it is the release of the energy potential that is within us. Opening each of them means creating a flow of energy between the upper (receiving energy flow) and lower chakras. What this procedure gives us:

  1. The opening of the chakras makes our body more viable.
  2. Helps to achieve a higher spiritual and moral-ethical level.
  3. Unleashes psychic abilities.

The most important in human existence are 7 chakras:

  • Muladhara - the chakra of the lower body, located in the region of the coccyx; is the first and main chakra;
  • Svadhisthana - the chakra of the lower half of the abdomen;
  • Manipura - chakra of the upper half of the abdomen:
  • Anahata - thoracic chakra;
  • Vishuddha - the chakra, located in the lower part of the neck, covers the space from the spine to the thyroid gland, inclusive;
  • Ajna is the chakra that corresponds to the central parts of the brain and is located in the middle of the head.
  • Sahasrara - located above the parietal bone, which corresponds to the region of the forebrain hemispheres.

Chakra Opening Technique

Each of these chakras is responsible for mental, spiritual and physical health. Next, we will take a closer look at how to open all 7 chakras using mantras. The process itself can be done sequentially - from the bottom chakra to the top one. Working with each of them requires several weeks (10-15 minutes a day for each). Just before the process itself, it is important to go into a trance with the help of meditation and start with a breath:

1. How to open the first chakra (Muladhara)? For the process of its disclosure, you can use yoga, or rather the Sukh Purvak exercise. The very method of opening is the same as when opening the Svadhisthana Chakra. So, if you do not know how to open this sexual chakra, try to remember the sequence and delay after inhalation:

  • with the help of the “Lam” mantra as an accompaniment, we hit the Muladhara chakra with energy;
  • we quickly transfer prana through the central channel Sushumna to the second chakra (Svadhisthana). We make a delay for a few seconds, repeating the mantra "You".
  • we return prana to the Muladhara chakra with the mental repetition of the mantra "Lam".

2. To understand how to open money (Manipura-chakra) we perform the same as in the first case, but on a delay after inhalation we add one more chakra:

  • on Ida or Pingala we direct energy to the Muladhara-chakra, hit it with energy, accompanying with the mantra “Lam”;
  • we conduct prana into the Svadhisthana chakra, saying “to you”;
  • we lead prana to the Manipura chakra, mentally accompanying the mantra "Ram";
  • We return to the Muladhara Chakra with the repetition of the “Lam” mantra.
  • we take a full yogic breath and while holding the breath we completely concentrate on the heart, listening to its beating and mentally imagining its work;
  • with each heartbeat we repeat the mantra "Pam";
  • once again we take a full breath and, similarly to the previous exercises, we use the channels of Ida, Pital, Sushumna and promote prana to awaken the Vishuddha chakra;
  • on a delay after inhalation, we lead prana along the Idea into the Muladhara chakra;
  • through Sushumna, we conduct prana through all chakras from bottom to top to Vishuddha-chakra, concentrate our attention and repeat the mantra “Ham”;
  • then, along the Sushumna, through all the chakras, we lower the energy down to the Muladhara chakra.

Have you heard that opening the chakras is difficult? It takes years of meditation, physical and energy practices…

Now we will dissuade you from this!

Introducing the best simple ways to open chakras without much hassle.

This is done with some special items. Just take them with you, place them in your home, apply them to your skin, etc.

And now, you are already engaged in spiritual practice!

Why These Ways to Open Chakras Work

  • Your faith. You think and believe that you are ripping off chakras using these things and it is happening.
  • Unconscious reactions body. These items affect your senses. You see them, feel them, taste or smell them, feel them touch your skin, and so on. Your subconscious mind "reads" this information and activates the corresponding chakras automatically.
  • Impact of energy vibrations. Characteristic colors, images of chakras, stones, smells were not chosen by chance. They vibrationally correspond to each energy center, entering into relationship with it. resonance- and, in the end, enhancing its work.

How to use these methods correctly

Everything is quite simple here. If you decide to harmonize your entire energy system- use things that contain it complete symbolism.

If you want to activate any one chakra- choose a subject individually for her and wear it for a while. Determine the exposure period intuitively.

For example, you can apply patchouli scent for the sacral chakra (enhancing sexuality) before a date.

A jewelry with a tiger eye that activates the solar plexus (will) is worn for several days during difficult negotiations at work.

Attention! Safety

Although these methods are relatively simple, do not think that they pass without any effect.

If you have a strong disorder with some chakra (and the corresponding sphere of life), the problem may worsen. For example, you will feel some deterioration in health or life situation.

This is not a "side effect", but a signal that calls you to awareness.

Pay attention to this area, look for the causes of imbalance. You may need to do more.

But, in general, the techniques proposed below are as safe and pleasant as possible to perform.

Best Easy Ways to Open Chakras

1. Clothes

Have a few solid colors in your wardrobe chakra flowers(red, purple, green, etc.), as well as with chakra images.

Wear these clothes "for life" or use for special occasions, such as yoga or meditation.

2. Interior items for chakras

Decorate your home with things that harmonize the energy system. It can be posters, paintings, mandalas, spirit catchers, tapestries and batiks, and much more.

Most often these are handmade items. They will carry the designer's "zest" and the energy of the master, having a beneficial effect on your home.

And, of course, you can create them yourself!

What colors and symbols correspond to the chakras, you will learn in the article

3. Crystals and jewelry from them

This information block has been prepared master of crystals Tatyana Fomicheva:

Jewelry made from natural stones can be a helper of physical condition and vitamins for the aura, if you choose them wisely.

With their help, you can strengthen a weak chakra, harmonize the entire chakra system, make energy dope or shield.

Each healthy chakra corresponds vibrationally to some kind of gem. There are several gems for each chakra.

Intolerance to some stones indicates the poor performance of the corresponding energy center.

Here is a short list:

  • Root chakra - jasper, pyrope
  • Sacral chakra - carnelian, orange calcite
  • Solar plexus chakra - tiger's eye, citrine
  • Heart chakra - aventurine, malachite
  • Throat chakra - turquoise, aquamarine
  • Third eye - amethyst, sapphire
  • Crown chakra - rock crystal, diamond

4. Images of chakras on the body

Symbols that have direct skin contact, work the fastest.

This method is suitable for rituals to enter a special state of consciousness.

And also for emergency activation of energy - for example, when you need to quickly recuperate after a shock situation.

It is not recommended to constantly wear chakra images on the body.

You can attach signs or stones with symbols to the corresponding places on the body. Or draw their image on the skin.

If you don't know how to draw, there are chakra stamps and temporary tattoo.

5. Food

It is possible to strengthen the chakras and improve health through proper nutrition.

Strengthen your will by eating some honey and a slice of pineapple; to enhance clairvoyance, eat wild berries; support your heart with a cocktail of kiwi and green grapes…

6. Fragrances

Aromatherapy improves the work of your energy centers and creates a special atmosphere in the house.

Now there are natural oils, incense sticks and even cosmetics for chakras on sale.

  • Root Chakra - Juniper, Carnation
  • Sacral Chakra - Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Patchouli
  • Solar plexus chakra - chamomile, lemon
  • Heart Chakra - rose, geranium
  • Throat chakra - sage, rosemary
  • Third eye - mint, jasmine
  • Crown chakra - incense, lotus

7. Candles

"Chakral" candles are located at the intersection of interior items and fragrances (because most often they have the appropriate smells).

But they belong to a separate category, because they contain the element of fire.

By lighting such a candle, you symbolically activate any chakra. This is the special magic and beauty of candles.

Even if you do not collect the entire collection, buy at least red candle and light regularly to fill with vitality.

8. Singing bowls

The singing bowl is an ancient musical instrument that creates sound due to the vibrations of the walls and edge when the stick touches them.

Deep, overtone-filled sound literally brings listeners in in a trance.

To harmonize the chakras, you can simply listen to the singing of the bowls different size. And, of course, you will be lucky if you find a master who will conduct contact activation with vibrating bowls.

The most common are metal bowls. But true connoisseurs use crystal bowls. The quartz from which they are made creates the most optimal vibrations for human cells.

You can listen to the singing of crystal bowls for harmonization and purification at the cellular level at the master class of Alena Starovoitova and Tatiana Fomicheva

Now you know some simple and pleasant ways to open the chakras.

You can experiment by combining all of the above in any order, or find the best option for yourself.

In any case, after that your life will become happier and more harmonious.

Which of the ways to open the chakras do you use or want to use? Share your own work!

Chakras are our energy whirlwinds that synchronize in accordance with our consciousness and live everything that happens around. At a time when any emotion wears you down from the inside, this state does not allow you to enjoy life, which means that you block certain chakras yourself. The energy center, the chakra, collects, stores and distributes all human energy, from physical, mental, emotional to spiritual.

The chakras of people are different, and for each person they are developed, relative to each other, in different ways. But there is one rule for everyone: without the incoming energy flows of the Cosmos and the Earth, the human body simply cannot exist and develop. An emotional state can cause a blockade in the chakras, this in turn disrupts the circulation of energy, which manifests itself in trouble and deterioration in health.

Negative human emotions - a feeling of fear, guilt, grief, lies, shame can block a person's chakras. Various attachments, illusions are also a factor blocking the center of power and consciousness. There are various options for removing blocks and freeing the path of opening the chakras.

How to quickly open blocked chakras

Let's take a closer look at the chakras.

First root chakra

Located in the coccyx region, cherry-colored, associated with the earth element.

Responsible for life security, strength, survival and procreation.

Most often, the first chakra can be blocked from the feeling of fear. Fear can be anything. Fear of heights, fear of job interviews, fear of relationships, etc. Those fears that appear regularly block the chakra. If you have constant fear Do not let your fears take over you, boldly look them in the eye. Having understood the causes of occurrence, sort out your fears, thereby removing the negative.

Opens the chakra of courage, will and generosity.

Setting to unblock and activate the first chakra:

I give life to manifest and accept it. In my life there are events in which there is a positive. I see positive aspects in everything that happens to me. I perceive reality only positively. I don't hold back my fear of anything. The decisions I made are ideal in the current situation. Moving forward, I draw conclusions from the lessons given to me by life. I accept myself with all my flaws. I am me.

Second sacral chakra

It is located deep in the body, in the genital area, has an orange color and a water element.

Responsible for the emotional needs of a person, cheerfulness, sexual energy, creativity, life pleasures. Often the second chakra is blocked due to the experience of guilt. The feeling of guilt is capable of carrying destructive properties to the entire energy system, especially the second chakra is exposed. As if entangled in a web, from the networks of which it is impossible to get out in any way, there is a dead end situation.

The state of hopelessness, limitation, gives the experience of guilt. There is always a way out, it is important not to bring the feeling of guilt to the state of “internal self-devouring”. Understand that it is not the situation and not the person that is actually gnawing inside you. And your attitude to this situation or person. Looking at the situation, as if from the outside, will help to understand this.

Opens the chakra cheerfulness and the realization of sexual energy.

Setting to unblock and activate the second chakra:

Fears are discovered, I turn them into a convincing positive attitude, pure in front of the immediate environment. I doubtfully discard negative settings, swimming in a sea of ​​positive deeds. My thoughts go to creativity, growth and strengthening from within. I seek, find and unleash my fears without holding on to negative sexual experiences.

third solar plexus chakra

It is located in the region of the navel, yellow, the elements of fire.

It is considered the central part of the human energy system. It carries mental and career abilities, confidence, success in society, the strength of ideas, power.

Disappointment and shame significantly block the third chakra. The blockage from childhood is especially strong, from kindergarten and school we were shamed: “Aren't you ashamed?”, thereby blocking two chakras at once, the second and third.

You can start the unlocking process in the same way, find the source of the negative, divide it into small parts and “sort it out” in your mind.

Opens the chakra freedom, social realization, confidence, insight.

Setting to unblock and activate the third chakra:

My strength and life harmony is at the gates of fears and blockages that teach everything unknown in the Universe. Feel free to let in new life knowledge. I enter my blocks of fears and fears and no longer hold them. I discard various assessments of my status, listening, listening, delving into what is happening.

I have plenty of time to think about the feelings of inadequacy that I let go. Life lessons bring new knowledge. I have been given the strength to cope with the circumstances that were before, which means that there is strength for action at the moment and in the future. Death is just a life addition. I trust the flow of life.

I am full of health and love. I have complete freedom of choice. I am me, no worse and no better than other people. I am a whole part and a part of the big. I can rejoice in other people's successes as if they were my own. A natural manifestation of a harmonious union in love, on the physical plane, is physiological intimacy, sex. The real Divine manifestation of the masculine and feminine, combining them together.

Fourth heart chakra

It is located in the center of the body, green in color in the solar plexus area, subject to the air element.

The heart chakra actively takes part in the processes of human life: love, joy, kindness, compassion. It is a link between the upper and lower chakras, the strength of spirituality and earthiness, the sublime and the low, health and prosperity.

Internal isolation and the experience of grief blocks the heart chakra. The first case is internal isolation. This is when a person does not give vent to his emotions, feelings, sensations.

Another blockage option is an unpleasant heartache. The destructiveness and danger of feelings of grief due to the difficulty of removing a blocked channel. You need to have tremendous willpower to get out of the state of apathy that has gripped you. Sorrow is always accompanied by apathy, indifference and hopelessness. Only with a great desire, you can independently see what this situation teaches, what spiritual tasks you need to complete, go through life lessons, in order to receive strong heart energy.

Opens the chakra love, compassion, openness, joy, happiness.

Setting to unblock and activate the first chakra:

I love the whole world and all its people. The very fact of my existence makes me happy! In every person God's beginning. I allow my inner divine principle to manifest, my dictates of the soul. No matter what happens, I remain compassionate. My heart is open to the whole world, the world takes care, giving all its blessings. Love always rules the world!

Fifth throat chakra

It is located on the surface of the neck, blue color, the elements of air, ether. Promotes metabolism, initiates creativity, harmony, communication, sociability, truthfulness of speech.

The reason for blocking may be not allowing yourself to manifest itself outwardly, including verbally, or the path of lies. Often a person suppresses himself, not allowing himself to speak his mind. It can be an opinion about one's desires, an opinion about a person's behavior, an opinion about a situation. If you do not allow yourself to speak out, the throat chakra is blocked.

About lies. This takes into account not only lies in relation to other people, but also to oneself, in the first place. It's hard to never lie when everyone around is just doing it. It is very difficult to resist a lie, it is contagious, like a virus, and when transmitted from one person to another, it increases even more. To be able to resist lies, train yourself to be honest, do not reciprocate the liar. Be honest with yourself, as well as with other people. So you can use the most effective and powerful option for clearing the energy of the fifth chakra.

Opens the chakra communication, however, self-expression, the realization of creativity.

Setting to unblock and activate the fifth chakra:

I love change. The highest good bestows on me only the good in every life situation. Each turn of fate is a new chance for me. My thoughts are light and logical.

My love for myself is inexhaustible, I approve of all my actions. My thoughts always help to cope with myself. I peacefully exist as a gifted, creative person, unique in my own way, finding the perfect ways to express myself. I allow myself to express myself the way I want it.

I freely express my opinion. My internal resources are inexhaustible, my virtues and abilities are fed by an inexhaustible energy flow. An endless stream of intellect reveals new abilities in me. I freely express my will and accept my desires. All my actions bring a positive effect and emotions at the moment.

Everything that happens to me gives me joy and brings positive experience, leading to further success. Even small success I approve by doing my best. I do not condemn anyone in this life, neither myself nor the environment. It is with great pleasure that I take life into my own hands.

The sixth chakra of the third eye

The chakra is located between the eyebrows, in the center of the head. Indigo colors, air element.

Gives the opportunity to strengthen the spiritual will, with bodily contact with the subconscious. Develops extrasensory abilities, intuition.

The sixth chakra can be blocked due to excessive expectations and life illusions. The inability to separate illusion and reality leads to blockage. When a person rejects the reality of the situation that has happened and the actual assessment of what is happening, a block is placed. No need to try to be better than your neighbor and take on more than it should be.

Spiritual knowledge cannot break through if a person is obsessed with star disease or pride closes his feelings. The most frequent case, constant excessive expectations. We are constantly painting pictures of the future as it should be.

How everything should happen, how I should behave, how others should behave. The main rule in life: "Expectations are never justified." Accept reality without exaggeration and dreams will come true, becoming reality.

Opens the chakra using intuition, awareness, flexibility.

Setting to unblock and activate the sixth chakra:

I allow myself to express myself the way I want it. I freely express my opinion. I see everything that is happening and understand what exactly is happening, realizing why it is so. I have the courage to want more. For this, desires give a stimulus to self-confidence. I have the necessary knowledge. Everything I do, I do it with love. My intuition never fails me. I have wisdom and power.

I become a generator of useful ideas, plans that I can easily implement. Obstacles in my path only make my life stronger. With the help of intuition, I quickly and naturally overcome the obstacles that stand in the way. The very process of overcoming difficulties brings me pleasure. I trust everything that happens and accept without tension.

My privacy is guaranteed! I have the right to choose, which is always mine. The words must (should) are leaving my life. I work easily, playfully. Freedom of choice and action is what is the basis of my strength. The path to the dream is completely open, and I am taking the first steps.

seventh upper chakra

It is also called crown. This chakra is purple in color, but it is possible to change the color to the color of the predominant chakra. Located above the crown.

It is the link between man and the energy of the universe. Attachment to earthly and material goods blocks the crown chakra. There is nothing wrong with material things. Everything that is created in this world is a manifestation of divine energy.

Problems arise when a person is overly attached to material values. Everything earthly: home, work, people can be earthly attachments, you need to be able to let it go. Don't be the owner. Do not stick your seal "this is mine", neither people nor material goods.

The development of the inner world opens the chakra, the complete release of subtle energy.

Setting to unblock and activate the seventh chakra:

Thanks to the higher powers for everything they have endowed! I am the whole infinite universe. To achieve success, all I need is enough, I just want to. Trust is very important, especially in yourself.

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