How to recognize a witch, a sorcerer, a demon-possessed person, a child in a church, an Orthodox church? Signs of a sorcerer in a man, a witch in a woman, a possessed person, a child. How to protect yourself from witches and sorcerers, a possessed person, a child in the family? How to recognize


Many people in the post-Soviet space are concerned about how to protect themselves from witches, the evil eye, and the like. These threats look real and believable. There are many books about magic in bookstores, and the Battle of Psychics show is wildly popular on the TV screen. It would seem that these factors should confirm that there are legitimate reasons to be concerned. After all, there is no smoke without fire.

As one famous propagandist used to say: "Tell the truth, always only the truth, as much of the truth as possible, but never the whole truth." It is extremely beneficial for magicians, fortune-tellers and psychics to have as much fog and false information around their profession. There is nothing strange in this, any unscrupulous worker in any field tries to confuse a person. Because the less you understand, the more you pay.

And if you yourself know how to replace an outlet at home, fix a leak in a faucet, or solve psychological problems, you won’t call a plumber, an electrician, or a psychologist. And if you can arrange getting rid of negativity even in the aura, even in the mood, you will not pay either a fortuneteller or a shaman for this.

Plumber, electrician, psychologist and shaman can offer some services. And the more professional the worker is, the less he will hide some methods that can help you do the same next time that he is doing now. The person who wants to control you is lying and not telling. A real professional is sure that he will not be left without clients, even if someone else gets his knowledge. After all, in addition to knowledge, he has thousands of hours of experience.

Such professionals come across even in the "Battle of Psychics". They know two important nuances that will prevent people from doing their own work:

  • learning any skill requires a lot of effort;
  • Most people are extremely lazy.

This is the secret thanks to which real masters, strong sorcerers are not afraid to reveal the principles of their craft. Thanks to this, you can learn from them what sorcerers are afraid of and how to get rid of the effects of black magic. And do not be afraid, even if the neighbor is a witch.

Locus of control

First you need to understand yourself that there is such a thing as a locus of control. This is where you think the reason for what is happening to you lies. There are two types of locus of control:

  • external;
  • interior.

When your locus of control is located outside, you believe that the cause of what happened to you is somewhere outside. It doesn't matter what happened, and it doesn't matter what your role is in it.

What we are talking about now is the cornerstone of any magical and spiritual practice. A mage cannot have an external locus of control. The magician is not afraid of unpleasant explanations for what is happening. After all, it is precisely on the basis of the truth that cuts the eye that something can be changed. As the group "Flёr" sings:

But a dead end is all we're left with when pointers lie.

Often we mistake our actions for some external interference. He stumbled, forgot something - and now the person wants to find a magical conspiracy from sorcerers and thinks how to drive the witch away from his home. When he should have just looked under his feet more carefully and planned his actions more carefully.

Note, that these words cause some rejection. We have too much infantile desire for helplessness, we do not want to do "extra" work. It is much more pleasant when someone external manages our life: either a kind parent, or an evil janitor, or maybe a boy from a neighboring entrance. Or some kind of wizard. It is this infantile behavior that is called the external locus of control.

The really strong magicians mentioned above often say directly - there is no lapel, love spell, damage, witchcraft on eggs and the like. Magic exists, but it works in a completely different way. No need to spit over your left shoulder and mutter archaic rhymes. You just need to realize the truth - what really bothers you and what inspires you. Behind the fear of a black cat lies some other fear, most often existential. And if you are haunted by some fears, it is best for you to go not to a fortuneteller, but to a psychologist. By the way, this is exactly what the winner of one of the “Battles of Psychics” Aleksey Pokhabov advises.

The girl gets married, cannot get along with her husband's mother, and now she is sure that her mother-in-law is a witch. And she runs to fortune-tellers for advice on how to drive her away and stop her, how to protect herself from the witch. Although she would most likely have been helped with her problem even by Dale Carnegie's long-outdated book How to Make Friends.

Malicious witches and sorcerers fear the same things that petty swindlers, pickpockets, crooks and robbers fear. The fact that you will be attentive, alert, smart and aware. For example, hypnosis is a very real thing, which is often used by gypsy scammers. Hypnosis manipulates your attention by finding blind spots in your awareness of your emotions and worries. That is, the task of the hypnotist is to make you "tangled in your own feet."

This metaphor accurately conveys what is happening. Who is harder to get tangled in their own feet? Probably a professional dancer, and not an elderly woman concerned about her health and the delay in her pension. So it is with hypnosis: I have never heard of a gypsy being able to steal money from an FSB officer or a practicing Zen Buddhist by deceit.

The secret is not that these categories of citizens carry some special amulets with them or read prayers. The thing is, that they are specially trained and have an unbending will. In fact, this is precisely the characteristic of a real magician who is not afraid of any struggle.

Any change takes time. To get rid of the inner slave, to cope with learned helplessness, to destroy self-pity and thereby neutralize any pests, you will have to work hard. Of course, it is desirable to have a mentor along the way, but if you have a strong motivation, you will be able to reach the result on your own.

Magic training methods

There are different ways to train your mind. We can summarize them and formulate three main directions of development:

  1. The path of religion.
  2. The path of secular ethics.
  3. Esoteric way.

One of the really cool magicians, Sergey Melnikov, once said something important about our fulcrum in life. We can rely on a lot, and any point of support, of course, is good. However, what could be a better support than a wall behind your back? And God is such a wall that you can lean on. There are different ways to God, the main thing in them is the sincere desire of a person to come.

The path of religion

If you have chosen Orthodoxy, then sincerely pray and perform the necessary rites. If Gaudiya Vaishnavism - sincerely read the holy names and do japa meditation. And so on. Most likely, soon you will feel such a wall behind your back and understand how to protect yourself from a witch at work or on a walk. See that no one can harm you.

The same applies to Islam, any kind of Buddhism, Judaism. Religion is the cheapest way to get protection from any evil forces. Indeed, in religious temples you are provided with a mentor for free who will tell you what and how to do.

For example, a psychologist or personal trainer in personal power, qigong or yoga is likely to charge a lot of money for their instructions. And, probably, his services are worth the money. But not everyone is ready to pay them to him. So going to the temple of any religion and finding a free mentor on the path of spiritual development is a very reasonable step.

Let secular ethics

As stated above, witch protection, as well as scammers, pickpockets and network marketing agents helps to create an increase in everyday attentiveness (to the world around you and your feelings) and a strong will. To enhance these characteristics, it is not at all necessary to go to church and pray or perform complex asanas.

It is quite enough to introduce a few obligatory rituals into your life. Doesn't matter which one. It plays a role that you must fulfill them at all costs under any circumstances. This will strengthen your willpower.

For example, the famous mystic Andrey Lapin recommended swimming in an ice hole. To a person who is so bold, any witch is clearly afraid and close to get close. Whatever ritual you choose, the main thing is to perform it systematically. If you don’t feel like it, when you’re lazy, there are urgent other things - it doesn’t matter. It can be anything: a contrast shower, exercises in the morning, some kind of special diet, calm thoughts about your life at the appointed hour. The main thing is to make it a rule that the fulfillment of this rite is a matter of life and death.

Thus, both willpower and mindfulness will be trained at the same time. Without mindfulness, it is impossible to complete such a task.

Psychotherapy does not contradict secular ethics either. As a result, you can learn a lot about yourself and the world. The more you know about yourself and the world, the more difficult it is to hypnotize you or subject you to some other negative influence.

Esoteric Path

As you may have noticed, the previous two directions had something in common: the obligatory regular practice of something. Prayers, mantras, exercises or bathing. The path of the esoteric does not fundamentally differ from this. But it provides a wider menu of interesting, mindfulness-expanding practices.

One of the conditions that must be observed on this path, and on the others too, is that your practice should occur naturally. In no case should you "step on the throat of your song." You need to act decisively, but gently. There is no need to punish yourself for breakdowns, absenteeism, failures. Just calmly return to your practice.

In esotericism, there are many effective methods for increasing personal strength. Many of them are very similar or even identical to methods from some religious or psychological schools. Choose the one that suits your taste and practice it diligently, with inspiration.

The range is wide: George Gurdjieff, Carlos Castaneda, Alexei Pokhabov, Osho, Vadim Zeland, Dmitry Leushkin, Jedd McKenna and many others. Each of them has something to learn.

The question “How to keep something negative out of your life” is not quite reasonable. The fact is that a holy place is never empty. No need to fight the darkness, you just need to turn on the light. The above practices are just such a light.

Everyone wants to have a one-time solution for their problems, so that it helps forever. However, life is a process . And the decision too can only be a process rather than a single action. That is, the practice you have begun, most likely, will have to be carried out for the rest of your life. You should be ready for this. After all, as soon as you relax, give up, some kind of challenge will immediately appear, to which you will not have time to respond, and you are unlikely to like it.

But the good news is that spiritual development happens exponentially. This means that the more developed you are, the faster your growth rate will be. So just start and don't stop, and soon you will become one of the most enlightened people in the world.

Attention, only TODAY!

The holiday of all witches and sorcerers in the magical ancient sciences is considered January 18. On this day, people were afraid to go to healers, witches and sorcerers, as well as invite them to their homes. But this did not guarantee an accidental meeting with the warlocks. How to recognize a sorcerer or witch? The ancient scriptures give answers to this question: there are several ancient ways.

It is believed that if you light a willow candle, then both sorcerers and witches will seem to be upside down.

May help to recognize the sorcerer and rowan branch. In the magical writings of Papus, it is proposed to come to the church for the morning service with a rowan branch, then the sorcerers will not be able to face the icons, but will behave restlessly and turn away.

There is also such a way to find out if a person is a sorcerer: if you crush incense in a mortar and pour it into alcohol: be it beer, wine or vodka, then the sorcerer will walk around the apartment, will not be able to find the door and will not be able to get out. In addition, if at this time you give the sorcerer a drink of bad water (for example, after washing dishes or moistening a rag in water), then he will definitely drink this water and lose his gift.

In magical sciences, it is often advised not to forget and. Cats and dogs perfectly feel sorcerers and evil witches. With their barking or hissing, their behavior, they will always warn you that you should stay away from this person. Pets acutely feel the rejected energy.

The fear of warlocks, sorcerers, sorcerers, witches lives to this day. Magic also offers ways to protect against them.

The most common and effective way to protect against sorcerers and witches are conspiracies and spells. It is noted that there are quite a lot of them: each nation, each region has its own conspiracies and spells. But they are united by the fact that in conspiracies and spells people ask for protection from magic “from the witch of Kiev and from her sister of Murom, from women's gaps, from a warlock, from a blind healer, from a conspiracy of a magician, from an old witch woman", etc. Conspiracies are spoken very carefully, without errors and naturally with prayer. At the same time, people are baptized. Necessarily in spells and conspiracies, sorcerers, witches and their slander and damage go beyond the “sea-ocean. Under the white - combustible - stone ", etc. The conclusions of spells and conspiracies always say “my word is strong. Amen". Magic recommends that conspiracies and spells be read on an empty stomach, the face must be turned to the east and they are read on the waning moon.

For protection from witches and sorcerers herbs are also used in magic: nettle, Chernobyl, plakun-grass and others. The grass must be dried, ground into powder and then fumigated in the room or sprinkled on the trace of a person who is suspected of witchcraft.

This method is interesting in magic: if you hit the sorcerer backhand with your left hand and quickly leave without turning around, then the sorcerer ceases to be dangerous, and if, moreover, his blood is shed, then this sorcerer will lose his gift.

Also widely used in protection against warlocks are safety pins stuck with the point down, pectoral crosses and protective amulets and talismans, which are specially made individually for each person. Magic advises: the purchased must be consecrated in the church or a special ceremony should be performed with it.

These and other tips, recommendations and instructions one way or another, but always present in our lives. It's all interesting and exciting. However, if you delve deeply into all this, then you can destroy your life by striving to follow some ancient instructions. After all, we were not there in antiquity. Then it would be wiser to take a look around in modern and brighter life. Instead of the ancient sciences, the magic of simoron and the magic of quantum transitions came, without scares and rampages, and also much more sensible and practical. First of all, it is still recommended to include sanity. And the observations of ancient people regarding sorcerers and witches justify themselves in the modern world - for example, people with a date of birth in the sum of numbers equal to nine already have strong personalities, they are protected by their own insight and bright energy glow. It is easier to say that they are lucky more often than others. These can be safely called sorcerers and witches. Envy of such people is already destroying ordinary people. Keep yourself from envy, and magic will become easier.

In order to protect yourself from a witch, you should, first of all, not be afraid of her. But this is only if you know that the woman is a witch. But you should also be wary of accidental exposure from strangers or unfamiliar personalities. If you feel that you have any discomfort when communicating, then you should hold on to something metallic with your left hand. For example, it can be a simple coin that is in your pocket. When you suspect that a colleague is a witch, you can protect yourself from her with the help of special rites. Be sure to read the prayer “Our Father” at home before going to work. Additionally, also read a prayer-appeal to your own Guardian Angel. The prayer goes like this:

“My angel, my Guardian, appointed to me by the Lord, come with me. You are ahead of me, and I am behind you. Most Holy Theotokos, merciful protector, save and save the servant of God (proper name), cover me under your imperishable robe from evil people and all kinds of misfortunes that await me at work. Amen".

Arriving at work, you should say hello loudly to all colleagues. This is not a simple greeting, thanks to it you can get additional positive energy from other people. During the working day, you should try to stay in a good mood and smile as often as possible. A positive attitude can serve as a blockage from external negativity. Sitting at your workplace, try to imagine that you are shrouded from head to toe in a shiny shell. If you know which of your colleagues is a witch, you can protect yourself from a witch with houseplants. They need to be placed between your tables. In addition, a souvenir made of stone should be installed on the desktop, which will absorb negative energy. Periodically it should be rinsed under running water.

We make protection from the neighbor's witch

Witch protection is a must if you are sure that your neighbor is a witch. For a special ceremony, you must first purchase a cross that would easily fit in the palm of your hand. The ceremony must be carried out alone, when no one is at home. Clutching the cross in the palm of your hand, you should go to the front door. Near it you need to read the plot:

“The cursed witch has settled in our house. All living creatures from her presence fled and hid. Spiders huddled in the corners, mice and cockroaches settled in holes. But I won't run away and be afraid. My egregor is my protection, and he is with me. Behind my wall are the holy Archangels and Angels, no witchcraft is scary with them. If the witch lays a lining, then her hands will wither. The witch will not be able to conjure, as soon as she casts the evil eye, her eyes will immediately water up, she will not be able to see the white light. She will throw a bad word in my direction - she will become numb forever. By the power of the Lord and egregore - it will be so.

The cross after such a ceremony turns into a protective amulet, and you need to keep it as close to the front door as possible. You can also make a strong amulet that needs to be hung on the outside of the front door. In order not to attract attention, it should look like an ordinary Christmas broom, but a birch twig should be woven into it. Such an amulet will provide reliable protection from a witch if she performs rituals to destroy harmony and peace in the family.

If a prosperous and friendly atmosphere reigns in the family, then even if you guess that your wife or other closest relative is a witch, then it is hardly worth defending yourself in any way. Danger appears if there are scandals and disagreements in the family. In this case, the witch can do harm on a subconscious level in the process of another quarrel. If you feel that negativity is coming from your close relative, you should go outside as soon as possible and go to a living tree. Touching him, you should say the following words:

“I speak with kindness to the living, I protect from an evil word. I am protected by mother nature from an evil word and blasphemy, from illness and any misfortune. A star from the sky will soon fall and an evil witch will pass me by. Amen".

It is important to learn the words of the conspiracy by heart in order to pronounce them without stammering, and in case of a stressful situation, so that they do not fly out of your head. In addition, for protection, you should wear a protective amulet. Glass, which is known as the blue eye, has a very high protective power. Such jewelry can be purchased at an esoteric store. The longer a person wears such an amulet, the more it protects him. The original energy of the amulet can be given by holding it in the sun and asking for protection from dark forces.

Prayer from witchcraft and sorcery

You can protect yourself from a witch with the help of prayer. But this method can only help a sincere believer. The most powerful prayer from witchcraft and sorcery is the prayer of St. Cyprian. If you feel a great danger, you should lift it up in the temple. The full text is best taken from the bible. For daily use, a short version of a prayer appeal is suitable:

“Lord, Jesus, hear the prayer of the servant of God (proper name) and Cyprian. Forgive me my sins, which are committed according to the temptation of the devil and my own ignorance. I realize, Lord, that everything is your will, without your desire the birds would not fly, the vine would not bear fruit, the tree would not give birth. So I beseech You, Lord, by my power to stop the action of any witchcraft and sorcery that leads people astray. Show your mercy to me, support me on my earthly path and show me the way to the heavenly abode. Amen".

A prayer from witchcraft, which allows you to reliably protect yourself from a witch, must be read at home in solitude. While reading a prayer, it is necessary to surround yourself mentally with bright light that drives away darkness. In addition, you should pray in a positive mood.

I immediately answer the main question: “Do witches really exist?” - and I say, yes, there are, and I am an example of this. I'm a witch and that's a fact. Fairy tales and movies tell you that an evil sorceress must have long black hair, long claws and an evil smile. Now, this is absolutely not true. I have neither claws, nor a black long dress, much less a tail and horns. I wear jeans and my hair is short

But I am a witch, a real dark witch, as you say, with an altar, ritual tools and old books with a set of complex conspiracies, slander and the like.

What can a witch do and why does she do it?

I work with energy, and I do not always use my skills and knowledge for the benefit of people. I know how to inflict damage, do rituals for death and illness, I can jinx you or make you collapse all plans ... but I don’t do this. More precisely, I do, but very, very rarely. And if you didn’t harm me, didn’t cause me a fit of rage, then you have absolutely no reason to be afraid of me. And I'm unlikely to write a book about this, and I won't reveal all my secrets to you, and I won't make a business out of it. But still, I will tell you about what you are afraid of, I will open for you a small door to the world that delights you, attracts and frightens you, to the world of magic.

Whoever reads my publications remembers that I do not recognize the division of magic into colors, there is no white or black magic, there is aggressive magic and there is active magic without malice and aggression. My area: aggressive magic, but I respect the adepts of positive magic.

What is the purpose of the department

When I was looking for an answer to the question why people are afraid of such strange girls, who were called witches or witches in the world, I read a lot of information on the Internet, and did not know whether to laugh or cry. According to the stated version of antiquity, I, as a representative of the witch's caudle, must meet the following criteria:

  • connection with the devil;
  • the ability to fly through a pipe;
  • the ability to direct the evil eye with just one look;
  • do only dirty tricks.

If we take a more modern version of the description, then the witch must:

  • wear strict black clothes;
  • carry a set of talismans;
  • ideally master hypnosis;
  • to feed on the energy of people to drink their strength;
  • afraid of the cross and the church.

But I don’t quite meet the requirements, I don’t have devils in my lovers, and I’m not afraid of God’s Temple. I’ll surprise you, but I go to church like all of you, I know how to drive a car, and I don’t know how to fly on a broomstick, and I do dirty tricks extremely rarely and extremely reluctantly.

The essence of the witch and the department is not to harm, she is such a witch not because she is evil, she is such because she knows exactly what is not available to everyone.

Here we are, and we can’t do anything about it, we can’t turn into good fairies in pink dresses and give you candy. And, to be honest with you, I'll tell you, we don't aspire to become like that. We are not like this because of our malice, but because we see in your essence everything that you are trying to hide. We also see the good in your hearts, but more clearly we see your hidden, those very negative parts of your inner self. If I look at a person in reality, he is so clean and smiling in beautiful clothes, but I see, and that’s all, the bad that he is capable of and I don’t close my eyes to it. Do you think that people like me are an extra part of the world and we are not needed, because we are taking away your hope that the world is big and kind? Yes, I will not hide, I can harm, but I can help, I can punish, but I can also protect. I know how to work with energy, I know how to transform it, I know how to direct it, I know how to put simple words in a chain so that they become my weapon, but not only a weapon, but also a tool. This is the whole essence of the department: work with certain energy flows, often negative ones, the ability to work with a magic tool and complex phrases, creating these same energy flows.

The witch herself does not create or create anything, this is the ability to take the energy flow, give it the right charge and direct it in the right direction.

When should you be afraid of a witch?

Ever since childhood, we were firmly inspired that: a witch is evil. And this word is already a priori associated with something negative, evil, otherworldly. Should a witch be afraid? Necessary! But only if you yourself have done evil. But evil is such, its degree of negativity is difficult to determine, and it all depends on what angle to look at. I give an example, a person climbs the career ladder with all his might, goes almost over his head. I will not argue today such behavior is even a priority in honor. This man is devoted to his superiors, he is hardworking and smart, but ... but, there are those on whom this very hardworking one stepped on in his blind striving for the top. Hooked up a colleague. And this colleague has a family, children, pride, after all. And this person will come to me, because he thinks that my cherished desire to harm everyone has got indiscriminately and will tell his misfortune and ask for help, and I will help him moderate the ardor of the presumptuous one, I will help him with my own methods, but not with damage, and even more so not with a curse. Am I evil? Yes, the real thing. Only the person whom I helped will say that I am kind and will be grateful to me.

When a witch consciously begins to harm a person

Another moment of debunking the myths in your head concerns the fact that such craftsmen harm you just like that. Now, you've had a lot of trouble in one short period. And, you say that someone jinxed it. It may very well be. And if you have a losing streak, tell me what? What damage was done. But you don’t even know what, it’s not so easy to damage it, it’s a big expenditure of energy and strength. Remember, not a single practitioner, whether it is three times a witch or a witcher, will spend such energy, precious for his health or life, to punish someone for a quarrel with a neighbor.

The world of magic in the world of energy also has its own laws, and if this is a magician, and not a charlatan, then he will not agree to damage for such an act for any money. And if he agrees, then this is a charlatan, that is, clearly not a practitioner who knows what work with energy is and his deeds, if they give an effect, it is very weak.

Professional damage is rare.

In my practice, there were people who were simply sure that they had been spoiled for health or even death. As a result, according to the check, it turned out that something dark had entered their energy, but this was not a curse or damage - it was just anger, strong anger from the opponent. Before you get scared that you can be spoiled, think about the fact that such work costs a lot of money, because it costs a lot of strength and energy for the magician himself. It is rare that anyone has enough reason and money to order a professional witch to do damage or curse. Yes, I did not make a reservation, namely the grounds and means, the means alone, that is, money is not enough. I, and all those whom I know who work in such a field, if this true magician, a true sorcerer, does not sell his services simply for money, there must be reasons. If it will be easier for you to understand the meaning of what has been said, then I will quote fairy tales and say that we are also obliged to maintain the balance of this world, since we feed on it and give it our energy.

This is such a cycle of energy, and no one gets anything just like that. I don’t protect myself from simple everyday troubles, I don’t make myself successful and prosperous, everything should go its own way, and I don’t seek to lose my knowledge for getting impudent in the process of working with energy.

How to protect yourself from the influence of a witch?

Well, this is a difficult question. It all depends on how strong the witch is, what harm you did to her (well, or not to her), how strong your own energy and natural defenses are, and many other factors. I am quite young and my practice is not so voluminous. But if someone infuriates me, I can slap such a charge that this person’s natural energy protection will be torn to shreds, and I won’t even need to damage or curse a person without natural energy protection is subjected to such a flurry of negativity that it can adversely affect every area of ​​his life. But, in all my 32 years they managed to bring me to such a state only once, and then I did it very gently, but intelligibly.

The witch will not curse you for stepping on her foot in the store, this is not our method.

The witch is more likely to apologize herself that she accidentally ran into you, and she will smile, and you will even feel joy, thinking that: that's what a good person this girl is, I'm to blame, and she apologized. The only defense against a witch is not to provoke her or any other person to show anger and hatred towards you.

If you consciously do evil, no accessories, amulets and talismans of protection will help you escape from revenge or punishment.

Somewhere, once I read that the Lord will protect from witchcraft. I believe in the Lord and recognize his power. But I know that when doing evil, you should not humiliate your Faith in Him with requests for help and protection. This is hypocrisy. I am not hypocritical and I thank you more often than I ask, I thank you, including for everything that I know and that I can do. If an abandoned woman comes to me with a request to exterminate her rival from the face of the earth, I will not do this, for me human life and health and well-being matter. I will offer her other ways to solve the problem. I will offer to fully open and enhance her natural sphere of attractiveness and sexuality, and she will meet another worthy man, one who will not betray. But don't be under the illusion that this is a witch's iron rule. Not at all. If I see enough reason to punish the rival of this woman, I will punish and I do not guarantee that I will do it carefully gently or kindly. She will not be able to protect herself from my case, or she will not have time, or simply will not even think about it.

And a few words at the end of the acquaintance

From today I will be blogging here, where I will tell you about witchcraft affairs, help you understand everything that is connected with the sphere of office and magic. You can ask questions, write comments. You can even be angry with me, argue with me and discuss. I will not be angry with you and I will not offend you, as I recognize any opinions and accept any point of view. I would be glad to talk with everyone who liked "Bewitch" and who found something useful and necessary for themselves on the pages of our site.

« There is no sin in a person - only diseases, impenetrable ignorance and the false use of forces and abilities » Sri Aurobindo.

Technique how to deal with a witch.

To deal with a witch, one must see, "be clairvoyant."

And if you have this clairvoyance, you should definitely see her "dead" relatives. It has always been a mystery to me how people without clairvoyance remove damage. It's the same as a blind man working as a bus driver.

It is necessary to properly isolate the living witch that you know from her physically dead relatives in the astral and on the ether, like dead witches who have died physically, but not in the astral and ether.

As soon as you interrupted the energy connection between them, a physically living witch instantly becomes weak and loses the ability of her clairvoyance in the astral and ether.

But I wrote the humane way of "half measure". Because there is pity. But pity for witches still won't save them from the Supreme Court. Pitying the witch, good, we still won’t do them.

Become and be a witch, the choice is voluntary. And to be a witch is very bad for a monad that is in the outer space of matter.

If the witch is not cut off from the generic witch energy properly, this energy connection between them will be restored again. And everything will start again.

The task at the first stage of the fight against the witch is to isolate her from the energy from which she feeds.It's like pulling the plug out of the socket and the light goes off. And then, you decide what you will do with the witch. Because by cutting off a witch from a power source and clairvoyance, weak witches become like ordinary women, and why should she actually do something bad. Here are strong seasoned witches, it is necessary to "strangle" harder, for this you need Strength.

How much time and effort it will take you to “de-energize” the witch depends on what initiation you have and on how you can see the ether and astral, and on what level the witch has. Because an independent struggle with a seasoned witch, for a person who does not have initiation in the White hierarchy, may not end with a "victory over the witch."

With the help of prayers, rolling eggs, casting wax, and so on, "incomprehensible" psychics or healers will not be able to remove the effects of a witch. Therefore, when people take on such a thing as “fighting a witch on an energy level” without initiation, it ends up being nonsense.

Many people are engaged in the technique of "de-energizing" energy isolation, success depends not only on who does it, but also on who they do it against.

I have always told people who have learned from me that before performing any actions in the astral plane or on the ether, everything must be properly examined, seen and scanned. “It is better to measure a hundred times and cut once.”

1. The first step - you see a witch in the astral plane.

2. The second step - you see in the astral plane a witch relative who is not physically alive. Usually, previous witches are visible behind it. Like, "chick from the witches."

3. The third step - you "destroy" them (already dead, who are in the astral plane). And if it worked out, then your witch will have no energy left.

4. The fourth step, you remove the impact that was made on you or your "ward".

5. Fifth step, it's up to you, I don't know what you want to do with the witch.

If at the beginning you looked at everything well, and it turned out that the witch does not have dead relatives in the astral, then she performed a ritual to initiate herself into a witch. In this case, you find intermediaries in this ritual and deal with them, as in the first "generic" version. And also find again the source of the "devilish" energy and try to cut it off. In principle, such cases, when women become witches not through the family, are extremely rare. But if you still get such a case, then there will be more “fuss” with such a witch.

In principle, such methods of dealing with witches are no worse than the Inquisition.

Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

Witches fear the FUTURE TIME the most. With the help of time, you can deal with the witch. Believe in yourself and in God. I wrote about the time on other pages of the site. If you need further advice. About how to get rid of the witch, please feel free to call.

And also write about your experience and your stories on the forum. You can also ask questions on the forum.

10.07.2018Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

great God

Lord! Do not copy my texts and do not post them without my permission and a backlink on your sites and blogs, because before posting them on the Internet, I take into account and protect my copyrights, I know how to do it. In addition, many texts are taken from my book. If you do not respect my copyright, I can sue you at any time. Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

The greatest evil an enemy can do to us is to accustom our hearts to hatred. François de La Rochefoucauld

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