How to diversify gray everyday life and cheer yourself up. How to cheer yourself up? Proven ways that work


At the end of winter, when the body lacks vitamins and sunlight, it is difficult to constantly be in good shape and hide your bad mood. Fortunately, psychologists have given 10 recommendations that help improve mood and help you look at everyday things in a completely different way.

In order to always be in good shape, you must learn to control yourself. Do not be offended by trifles and quarrel with loved ones. It is also important to be able to forgive people, which helps to get rid of negative and vindictive feelings that destroy a person from the inside.

The world should be viewed with humor. A person should come out of any situation with a smile, even if he was insulted or greatly offended. It is necessary to say to yourself “This is all nonsense and will pass soon!”. If you believe in this installation, then soon all the negativity will really leave your thoughts.

You should not close yourself within four walls and be offended by the whole world. Psychologists have found that in the company of friends and just on the street, it will be easier for a person to endure the unpleasant moments that worry him.

To cheer up, it is important to bring something new into your life. It is not necessary to buy a ticket to the other side of the world, quit your job or family. Novelty can be both a change in hobby and a change in style of clothing. New high-heeled shoes will make their owner straighten her back and catch the eyes of interested men. The attention of those around you is great.

In modern, intense life, it is important to be able to relax. To do this, there are many techniques and methods. For example, take a bath with foam, light an aroma lamp, turn on calm music and lie down in warm water for half an hour. Lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, orange and bergamot tea will also lift the mood.

Swimming will improve vitality. Psychologists have proven that water helps to relax the body and improve mood. In addition, the pool reduces the risk of injury, unlike other physical activities.

When a difficult situation arises, from which it seems there is no way out, it is necessary to stop in time and look around. Often people are not able to take enough time to just think. Thoughts, like a closet with clothes, require that they be put in order and cleaned.

Life should be taken easier and pay attention to what is happening now. This contributes to future success and will get rid of obsessions. Even the smallest successes are worth rejoicing at. Life is too short to waste it on sadness, anger and envy.

A sense of perspective helps to uplift the mood. It should be understood that life is an endless movement and what seems like a tragedy today may cause laughter tomorrow. As you know, the morning is wiser than the evening.

The last recommendation of psychologists is to forget about the difficulties and troubles. Often you want to lie on the couch and feel sorry for yourself, but you should not do this. Psychoanalyst Marion Dilworth notes that in order to improve emotions, you need to move. You can clean the apartment, watch a movie or go to the fresh air.

A bad mood is nothing but emotions. Sadness, anger, irritation, apathy, resentment, fear - all this negativity can affect us. How to cheer up if there is no light at the end of the tunnel yet?

Depression, loss of strength, emotional emptiness occur in all people without exception. “I feel bad, things are not going well, I don’t want anything” sounds like an excuse and self-pity. In fact, we easily let our negative emotions take over. This is a destructive energy, leading even to depression. And the sooner you realize its destructive influence, the better.

It's time for creation. It's time to look at your mood from the other side and try out psychological tips that will help restore inner balance. There are many ways in which you can get rid of emotional depression.

Is it possible, and most importantly, how to cheer yourself up when it is at zero? It is simply necessary to manage your state, and the following methods will help with this:

  1. physical impact on the body (sports, walking, eating, fresh air, cleaning);
  2. emotional shake-up (spiritual conversations, support, laughter, fun with friends, self-care, new experiences, hobbies for the soul, shopping);
  3. psychological attitude - “your own psychologist” (positive thinking, meditation and relaxation, pleasant memories, dreams and goals, helping others).

Hormones - endorphins, dopamine and serotonin - are responsible for the formation of a feeling of pleasure, joy and happiness. Endorphins are produced in the brain and are able to reduce pain and affect the emotional state. Dopamine is naturally produced in large quantities during the positive impact on a person: delicious food, bodily contact, sex, and even during pleasant memories. Serotonin is responsible for a good mood and stimulates physical activity. At the moment when a complex chain of chemical reactions occurs in the body under the influence of hormones, we feel joy and euphoria.

Food is the simplest (and tastiest) way to boost your mood and uplift your spirits. Eat foods that produce those same hormones of joy. It has been proven that foods with a high content of tryptophan (an amino acid from which serotonin is formed) will help improve mood: dairy products, plums, figs, tomatoes, soy, dates. It should be understood that products in their pure form do not contain endorphins, but are only rich in certain elements that contribute to their production. These are strawberries, grapes, avocados, bananas, chili, mustard, spicy dishes and dark chocolate.

Interestingly, vanilla and lavender aromas also release endorphins and prevent depression.

Straight posture

Straighten up, lift your chin up (like a Queen, not like a goose, of course). Your task is to learn to walk with a flat back, as if you were wearing a corset, and to believe in your confidence and your own irresistibility! Try to smile broadly at your reflection in the mirror - it may sound ridiculous, but the method is effective. Smile until you achieve at least a modicum of improved mood. By the way, there is a direct connection between posture and emotions - when you keep your back straight, the nerves are not pinched, and you feel good.


A large number of endorphins are formed during sleep by protein synthesis. At this time, there is a renewal of the whole organism. Therefore, the feeling of joy is directly related to proper rest and sleep. Get a good rest, especially if you have chronic fatigue.

Fresh air

Walk outside as often as possible, even if the weather doesn't whisper. Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the emotional state. Sunlight boosts endorphins. Everyone knows firsthand how sunny weather improves mood. Wise nature took care of everything. It remains only to use its gifts.


Along with exercise, laughter also stimulates the release of endorphins into the bloodstream. Remember what makes you laugh. Your friends? Meet me! Funny shows or comedies? Look! Perhaps funny moments from the past captured in a photo or video? Review! Feel, plunge into the favorable atmosphere that you create for yourself. Your favorite music will also help to quickly lift your mood.

be busy

No wonder there is a saying: “Being busy is the most effective medicine in the world, and the cheapest.” Get busy. It could be anything. Trite, but the same shopping trip to the supermarket. When we are busy, there is simply no time to think about a bad mood - our head is full of others. We are focused on fulfilling our tasks. If everything is bad, clear planning of your day will help fight a depressed mood. Getting involved will bring relief - it's pure psychology.

Finish what you started

Somewhere deep in your soul, you yourself understand that you have unfinished business - they subconsciously “put pressure” on the psyche, do not allow you to calmly rejoice and enjoy life. It is like a stone on the soul, lying like a motionless load. In psychology, there is even such a method of getting rid of a bad mood, anxiety and negative energy - to bring all your work started to a logical conclusion.

Pleasant shopping

Oh, those typical women's activities! And it's understandable why girls love to get away from problems with the help of raids on stores. Women's shopping as something pleasant and exciting directly affects the emotional state, releasing deeply dormant endorphins. That is why in stores we succumb to emotions and, completely concentrating on the objects that have captured our attention, we forget about everything in the world.

Care and relaxation

Spa treatments, massages, baths - everything that is designed to relax and give freshness and beauty to our body. And that means being a little happier. When we take care of ourselves, we get an additional portion of pleasure. A bath with sea salt, aromatic oils and foam helps to drive away a bad mood. Light the candles, turn off the lights, relax and, closing your eyes, inhale the aroma of the oils.

Fascinating hobby

Do you have a favorite thing to do, but never have enough time for it? When the soul is sad, it's time to remember the activities that expose you to a state of happiness and give you inspiration. Join the process and just enjoy.


Nothing saves from negativity like general cleaning. Put the perfect order in all corners of the house. Release the energy of the home - throw away unnecessary trash. Let him breathe fresh air. Expand the space for new emotions and new life! Believe me, you will instantly feel better. This is the simplest and most effective psychological technique to get rid of negative thoughts and destructive energy.

Rock out!

Disco will help to overcome sadness and despondency. For those who like to break away and forget - this is the very paradise. A place where everything merges together - music, rhythm, dance, strangers, movements to the beat of the music - and no one and nothing will make you remember your depressing mood. You will dance and enjoy the moment.


Any power load gives a powerful charge of positive energy and contributes to the production of endorphins. The famous second wind and joy after an intense workout (especially for those who run) is the result of the release of “happiness hormones” into the blood. Any cardio (running, jumping, dancing, aerobics) or strength training, swimming, tennis, cycling instantly set you in a positive mood and improve your well-being. A noticeable fact: people involved in sports, more often than others, are in high spirits.

Heart to heart conversations

Arrange pleasant and cozy gatherings with a girlfriend or mother - with hugs, tea, coffee and sweets. Treat yourself, put on a light make-up (this is the real weapon of women against a bad mood), put on something attractive. The main thing is to feel beautiful. Gossip, speak out, remember the past and pleasant.


Think, but there are people who are a hundred times worse off than you. Perhaps someone really, really needs help. Another method based on practical psychology: in order to get rid of sad thoughts, to fully feel the happiness and joy of your being, you need to help the suffering person - the one who needs it the most. Everything is relative. Only in such moments you truly understand the insignificance of your problems.

Unleash your emotions

Have you noticed that if you cry, your soul becomes easier? We women are deeply emotional, and sometimes real hurricanes rage and rage inside us. Sometimes it is useful to arrange a “cleansing” and give free rein to the emotions that have settled inside. In general, it is better not to keep negative energy in yourself - splash it out (but not on people!). This is a very effective psychological technique for getting rid of spiritual confusion in the heart.

Meditation and relaxation

Set aside time for yourself to disconnect from the worries of life. Relax and calm down. Find your favorable environment. Yoga. Quiet pond. Deserted park. Choose a quiet place where you will be surrounded by a pleasant sense of satisfaction and a wave of bliss. Indulge in meditation: feel yourself weightless and light as a feather, realize the gratitude of life and health given to you. Many, alas, do not even think about such things, but are chasing new benefits, forgetting about the true values ​​of life. Be grateful for everything you have. Imagine that others may not even have a share of what you have.

New impressions

Do what you love and never have time for. Have you ever wanted to reread your favorite book? The moment of immersion in the world of the magic pen is at your disposal! Ever dreamed of attending your favorite concert? It's time to make your wish come true. The atmosphere alone can evoke a range of enthusiastic feelings! Do you like theater, cinema, exhibitions? Go. Emotions and impressions are priceless. Feel that you are ready for adventure - take a step towards them. Very strong emotions cause extreme activities that contribute to the release of adrenaline. It "reboots" the work of the nervous system, stimulates it, increases the level of wakefulness, activity and mental energy.

Play with animals

Animals have the ability to calm down. They act on a person in the most favorable way, affecting his emotional sphere. Therefore, how to cheer yourself up at home, if you have a cat or a dog, is very simple. Play with it, pick it up or just watch. If there is nowhere to fill with the tenderness of an animal, go to an animal exhibition or a zoo.

Dream and think positive

Understand: all bad things will end sooner or later. So maybe you need to pull yourself together now and open the doors to joy? The method is also suitable for those who are looking for how to cheer up at work. It is very motivating and helps in such cases to visualize the path to your dreams and goals. Each person has their own joys and inspiration from any activity. The ability to focus on the tasks at hand will give strength and confidence to move on.

When questions arise about how you can cheer up, just do what you see fit. Drop all of the above and do what brings peace of mind. Your hormones of joy will not let you down. Strive for positive thinking - the influence of thoughts on the emotional sphere of a person and on life in general has long been proven. Human nature is such that we do not appreciate what we have. We know how to invent problems for ourselves and suffer because of a bad mood. Plunging into our negativity, we miss precious moments to enjoy a wonderful life.

1 way to cheer yourself up: flip through old photos

When you are sad, open your photo album, which depicts the pleasant moments of your life. The hormones of joy will stand out no worse than from chocolate! This was shown by studies by British scientists who compared the effects of chocolate, alcohol, listening to music, viewing and looking at old photographs on a person. Music and chocolate had almost no effect on the mood of most people, alcohol and TV gave a slight boost (1%), but photos improved mood in 11% of cases.

Therefore, set your favorite photos to your computer screensaver or view them periodically.

2 way to cheer yourself up: chew nuts and eat salmon

Always have walnuts on hand as a snack and add salmon to meals. Both of these foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, which make us less depressed and more peaceful.

3 way to lift your mood: inhale soothing aromas

Place scented candles or diffusers in your office. In one Austrian study, two groups of people were given orange and lavender flavors. As a result, they were more positive and calm compared to participants who were not exposed to fragrances.

4 way to cheer yourself up: open the windows

Let the sunlight pour into the room when you wake up. A study of 450 women showed that those who woke up under bright light felt more alert and rested. Not enough time to soak in bed? Have breakfast and work out on the simulator by the open window. Scientists argue that the combination of physical exercise and bright sunshine improve no mood and improves general tone.

5 way to cheer yourself up: take a walk in the fresh air

If you work in an office, be sure to go outside. Fresh air improves productivity, relieves sleep problems and depression.

6 way to cheer yourself up: exercise

If you have some time, do a couple of exercises. Some people find it difficult to switch from one activity to another, especially when they are in a bad mood, but trust me - a little effort and you will start to smile. The trick is in choosing the right workout. It is pointless to make great efforts to fight the blues, do something that is not burdensome - for example , enjoyable and household chores mi. And take it as a psychological respite, not an exercise.

If you are angry, do something that will not allow you to focus on thinking. Play badminton or do aerobics - learning new movements will free your mind from negative thoughts.

7 way to cheer yourself up: clean up

Clutter is a reminder of things that should have been done but forgotten. This can make you feel like a failure. As a quick fix, some surfaces in the office or where you frequent. Arrange everything in folders, drawers and baskets. Even the illusion of order is already enough to feel freer.

8 way to cheer yourself up: think fast

If someone pissed you off quickly go over in your mind all its positive aspects. If nothing comes to mind - then negative. Scientists believe that accelerated thinking accelerates the chemical processes in the brain, and simply distracts.

9 Ways to Cheer Up: Watch Funny Videos or Comedies

Sincere laughter triggers chemical reactions that instantly lift your mood, reduce pain and stress, and improve immunity.

10 way to cheer yourself up: enjoy shopping

Do not immediately grab a credit card, remember: you should spend money not on things, but on impressions. It has been proven that people who prefer going to a concert or dinner at an expensive restaurant to buy things are much happier. Added bonus: you can spend time with your loved ones.

11 ways to cheer yourself up: look happy

A smile and a contented expression can make you happy. If you act like a carefree and confident person, you will eventually become one.

12 way to cheer yourself up: take a break

Peace and quiet can also bring joy. Scientists explain this by an innate desire for solitude (this tendency can already be traced in newborns - in response to stimuli, they close their eyes or turn away). Take a breather during a busy day: sit back, close your eyes, think about plans for the weekend.

13 way to cheer yourself up: chat with good acquaintances or friends

Associating with a cheerful person makes us more cheerful ourselves.

14 way to cheer yourself up: cut vegetables

Prepare some time-consuming (and healthy) meal. Cooking, along with yoga and, neutralizes negative emotions.

15 way to cheer yourself up: do good deeds

People who do charity work are more satisfied with their lives and are happier, even regardless of the amount they contribute. Join a charity or find other ways to help people. Researchers say that charity develops qualities in us that help us appreciate all the best that is in our lives.

Rosa Vetrova

The emotional state plays a big role in the life of every person. It is a positive mood that helps us believe in ourselves and achieve success. But sometimes it happens that we feel depressed and gloomy thoughts oppress us. How to get rid of a bad mood? First you need to find out the reason for the sad state and understand what made you sad. After all, very often we are not aware of the reason, but it always exists. Prolonged bad mood can lead to depression, so you need to quickly get yourself out of a state of sadness.

Reasons for bad mood

  • very often our emotional background depends on the people around us. After all, the opinion of others has always been important for a person, and when this opinion does not coincide with your expectations, the mood changes;
  • a calm atmosphere is of great importance for a person, and any conflict is perceived as a violation of the emotional state, therefore, a bad mood;
  • anticipation of trouble that keeps you in suspense. In such a situation, it is difficult to be in high spirits due to excitement, the emotional mood of a person worsens;
  • the cause of a bad mood is often financial problems;
  • when your desires do not coincide with your capabilities, then as a result this leads to disappointment;
  • The most common cause of bad mood is poor sleep. And if episodes of sleep disturbance are not uncommon, then this is the easiest way to get depressed;
  • the reason may also be a monotonous robot or the need to do an unloved and boring thing.

13 ways to boost your mood

Psychologists say that our mood is completely dependent on our thinking. They advise to look positively at the world and ignore all negative factors. After all, only the person himself can create such conditions for himself to feel happy. The famous ancient philosopher Spinoza was of the same opinion, he said: “If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.” But are there other ways to improve your mood?

  1. Talk. If you are sad, never be alone with your thoughts, this will only make your condition worse. Talk to a loved one, talk to him, and he will certainly help to cheer you up.
  2. Cry. Let all resentment and sadness go away with tears.
  3. Walk. A walk in the fresh air will definitely help to cheer you up, it is good if it is a park or a forest. Merging with nature has a positive effect on the psychological state of a person.
  4. Creativity or hobby. It doesn’t matter if a person has creative abilities, the main thing is just to turn off the mind and, for example, draw something, capture an interesting moment in a photo, etc. Doing what you love will also help drive away longing, so you can switch your attention and cheer up .
  5. Change. If you have longing in your soul, try to take care of your appearance, change your hairstyle or hair color, get a manicure, experiment with your image. Take some time for yourself to smile in the mirror later. Moreover, this advice is suitable not only for women, for men, you can also take care of yourself to improve your mood, for example, go to the gym or swimming pool.
  6. Relaxing treatments. Yoga helps many people keep themselves in good shape, thanks to special exercises you will feel calm and relaxed. Meditation helps a lot, which allows a person to return vital energy. You can also go for a massage, it will calm you down and there will be no trace of sadness.
  7. Sport. An energetic jog or physical exercise will cheer you up wonderfully, and you will forget about all the sorrows. After all, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
  8. Get rid of excess. Order in the house always helps to put things in order. Clean up, throw out all the unnecessary things that have been bothering you for a long time. Thus, you will be distracted, and all the negativity will go away.
  9. Music and dancing. Choose a fun song, listen to it and then you will definitely want to dance, dance and a positive mood will return to you.
  10. Sweet. As you know, thanks to the sweet endorphins are produced in our body - the hormones of happiness. Products that are responsible for the production of endorphins are chocolate, citrus fruits, bananas, kiwi, strawberries, almonds, oatmeal. Treat yourself to something delicious and you'll feel energized.
  11. Smile. Psychologists advise using the “stretched smile” method in case of a bad mood. Stand in front of a mirror and smile at your image. From such a simulated smile, you will have fun and remove sadness, as if by hand.
  12. Watching comedy. Watch a comedy or listen to a funny story to boost your mood. The positive energy of the heroes will definitely be transferred to you.
  13. Charity. If nothing pleases you, then helping others will distract you from gloomy thoughts. You will feel that people need you, you will appreciate every moment of your life. After all, something does not inspire as much as doing good deeds.
The emotional state of a person is a lot of work on oneself. And often we hide our sadness, not realizing that by doing this we only harm ourselves. It is important to eliminate the sad state in time in order to avoid health consequences. Use different ways to improve your mood, experiment and share your experience. And then the world will become brighter and kinder for you.

Watch the video to cheer yourself up.

4 033 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to cheer yourself up and those around you. How to do it by correspondence or how to cheer up quickly. We will talk about all this and much more in this article.

We are all inspired by positive people who know how to stay positive even when the going gets tough. Or, let's say, not as good as we would like. How do they do it? Moreover, the aerobatics is to know how to cheer up not only yourself, but also those around you, be able to inspire the lives of other people. Coping with stress, apathy, depression, staying on a positive wave, energizing yourself and others are invaluable skills that are becoming increasingly needed in our time.

First of all, you need to understand the reasons for your bad mood. What does not suit? What fails? Why am I not happy with what I have now? These and other questions are important to ask yourself, understanding what caused sadness or apathy.

Possible causes of mood swings

  • When, due to various circumstances, we cannot currently get what we want, especially if we make efforts to do so. This happens in situations where our desires and capabilities do not coincide. Then we feel disappointed.
  • Poor health, various diseases. Physical ailments lead to mental disorders.
  • Lack of sleep and rest significantly increases the tendency to depressive states. This is our natural need, which should not be neglected.
  • Hormonal disorders that may occur at certain periods of life (pregnancy, menopause) or, for example, as a result of treatment.
  • Constant worry about someone or something.
  • The influence of others. We can experience negative emotions because we are not paid attention, criticized, not reciprocated with love and care, not recognizing achievements, not being supported, etc.
  • Experiencing stress.
  • Conflicts, quarrels quite often devastate us emotionally.
  • Waiting for some unpleasant event.
  • Doing something you don't like. It usually takes a lot of strength, but moral satisfaction does not come.
  • Financial difficulties.
  • When we experience any negative feelings (envy, jealousy, hatred, fear), then the mood decreases.
  • Personality traits that predispose to experiencing negative emotions (melancholic type of temperament, anxiety, suspiciousness, self-doubt, and others). In this case, it is not so easy to cheer yourself up, because serious inner work is needed to overcome the complexes. But with a strong desire, it is very possible.

How to cheer yourself up when things are bad

Make room for positivity

  • Do the cleaning. It has long been noted that order in things leads to order in the head and soul. Putting things in their places, we achieve stability in emotions.

, we seem to be clearing ourselves of negative thoughts and feelings, freeing up space for positive energy and fresh ideas.

  • Get rid of negative emotions. You can do this by throwing them out in a constructive way. Write on paper, draw as a picture, crumple and throw away or burn. You can scream a little "nowhere" (without scaring anyone at the same time) or beat soft inanimate objects.
  • Sleep is one of the best medicines. If you don’t get enough sleep, then brain activity drops, and with it your mood. Sleep - and you will feel a surge of vivacity and a desire to act. By neglecting rest and sleep, and thereby wishing to have time to do more, we engage in self-deception. After all, the body wears out, and we begin to work "at half strength", without enthusiasm. As soon as you allow yourself to get enough sleep, you will immediately feel a surge of vivacity and will be able to act faster and more efficiently.

Act, strive, change!

  1. Take care of what you love. Each person has a favorite thing that charges with positive energy and helps to cope with a bad mood.
  2. Take a walk. Visit the park, walk from work to home, go out of town to nature. The main thing is to be outdoors. Saturation of the brain with oxygen helps to improve the condition and mood, the emergence of new ideas and bright thoughts.
  3. Get creative. Many famous works of art were born to famous figures at such moments.
  4. Sports and occupational therapy are also effective ways to deal with blues.
  5. Smile! To yourself in the mirror, to your loved ones, to passers-by on the street. This is exactly the case when giving positive emotions to others, you will feel a double portion of them in return. Just like in the children's song "Smile".
  6. Treat yourself to a new purchase or just go shopping.
  7. Finish what you started: something that you constantly put off or were afraid to take on.
  8. Maybe try to change something in your life? The choice here is great: from the appearance (hairstyle, clothing style, etc.) to the development of a new activity.

Express ways to cheer up

Your main assistant is you!

To quickly cheer yourself up, you can use the following methods.

  • Give yourself a compliment. Praise yourself for any accomplishments, no matter how small.
  • Within 30 seconds, remember 3 of your strengths. They will be your inner resource in overcoming a bad mood. Recognize these traits in yourself, and they themselves will help you deal with negativity.
  • Chat with a loved one, with a friend. It is important that this is someone you trust. Moreover, both the communication itself and the exchange of interesting information, as well as the opportunity to receive support from the outside, can give an effect to improve mood.
  • Watch your favorite movie. Doubly effective if it's a comedy. A good opportunity to recharge with positive emotions.
  • Listen to music or dance(you can combine everything). If you sing along, even better! The more emotions you throw out in different ways, the faster you get rid of negativity. So turn up the music and have a blast!
  • Flip through the photo album. Pleasant memories and the opportunity to once again plunge into the positive emotions that are captured in the photo will make you distract from gloomy thoughts and bring a touch of positive to your mood.
  • Do something good. It can be a small gift to your loved ones (colleagues, friends), a phone call or an SMS message with warm words. Show care and attention. Prepare an especially delicious dinner for your husband or take your child to an amusement park. Give help to someone who needs it. Now it is very easy to take part in various charity events. Even a small contribution can help improve and save someone's life. Help others - and the soul will become easier!

Let the delicious be positive!

  • Eat something tasty, something that you like now. It has been proven that some products contain substances that contribute to raising mood (serotonin, tryptophan, endorphins and others). These include: fatty fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, avocados, whole grains.
  • If you get up in the morning in a depressed mood, then the cause may be a lack of glucose in the blood. A sweet drink (coffee or fruit juice) will energize you and help you feel better. And be sure to have a good breakfast. Cereals, eggs, fruits are perfect.

For soul and body

Stress and apathy always take over both the body and our emotions. Therefore, in the fight against them, both physical exercises and psychological methods will be effective.

  1. Take a shower . The feeling of freshness is uplifting. From the jets of falling water, you can get a massage effect. The most suitable in this case would be a contrast shower.
  2. Use breathing techniques . We do not notice how, under stress, we literally catch our breath, which leads to a lack of oxygen. Or, conversely, it can become more frequent, which also disrupts its rhythm. The most elementary action is to take three deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Over time, you can master longer breathing techniques that will help improve your physical condition and free yourself from negative experiences.
  3. Relaxation (relaxation) . This method is based on the use of special exercises, when you take a comfortable posture, focus on sensations in different parts of the body and imagine pleasant images. For example, you can imagine how you are swaying on the waves or lying on the beach, and your body is blown by a pleasant warm breeze.

Positive "in your pocket": pleasant little things for every day

You can come up with and make symbols that will always help cheer you up.

  • "Positive Figure". Make one of your existing souvenirs (or buy a new one) a talisman of positive emotions. You can carry it with you, you can just keep it on your desktop or a shelf on your home rack. Look at the figure more often and recharge with positive energy.
  • "Notebook of good mood." Print out a notebook with a life-affirming phrase on each page, such as "I can handle anything" or "Today is my day!" You can use the statements of famous people, but it's best to come up with a list of phrases that are meaningful to you.
  • "Calendar of solar emotions". Custom or print your own wall flip calendar with your photo on each page (corresponding to each month). Important conditions are that they reflect any positive moments of your life or that you smile at them and look happy.
  • "Envelope of Luck". Make a beautiful small envelope (in the hand-made style), put in it “prediction” cards or motivation cards in the style: “Your salvation is in creativity”, “Color the life of others, and yours will also become brighter”, etc.

How to cheer up other people

If we find ourselves in situations where our relatives or friends are experiencing certain difficulties and are not in the best mood, then we are faced with the task of giving them support and positive charge. How to cheer up a friend or girlfriend? The following methods will help you do this.

How to cheer up a guy

  1. If your loved one does not make appointments, does not invite you to his place, tries to “close for a while” from everyone, still find an opportunity to come to visit him. You will be together - and this is the main thing! We can watch a movie, listen to music, dance with him. If he stubbornly refuses, then begin to dance vigorously yourself and say that you want to teach him new movements. Take food with you to prepare some delicious meals. Most likely, your friend will be involved in this process with you.
  2. Show care and look after the guy. Let him relax and take a break from the role of the conqueror for a while. Buy a friend something, clean up his things, etc.
  3. Talk to him frankly and support him. Sometimes it’s enough just to listen to a friend, to be there. Try to get him to share his feelings. Try to reflect your vision of the current situation, recommend something to him, because men always strive to find a solution to the problem.
  4. Give a friend a massage, help relax his muscles. From this rarely anyone refuses, moreover, such actions bring together.
  5. Invite him to a cafe, cinema, club, bowling, etc. Pleasant leisure will always help to distract from negative thoughts.
  6. Get out together in nature or just take a walk down the street, in the park. Fresh air and the opportunity to chat at ease will help to cope with stress.
  7. Involve the guy in some business, saying that you need his male help. For example, fix something or figure out a new gadget that you recently purchased.
  8. Invite him to do something that he has not done yet, but would really like to. For example, skydiving, flying in a wind tunnel or snowboarding. All men are attracted to extreme sports to one degree or another. In this case, there is a powerful release of adrenaline, which is useful in the fight against bad mood.
  9. Dream together or plan for the future. Dreams will help you experience pleasant emotions, and plans will bring constructiveness and specificity that men love so much.
  10. Consider your joint photos that are filled with positive impressions. Ask a friend to show you a children's album, comment on their photos.
  11. Have a relaxing exercise session with your boyfriend (assuming he agrees, of course). When he is in a comfortable position, invite him to completely relax and voice pleasant images to imagine.

Many methods are similar to the previous ones, but there are some peculiarities.

  1. Give a sincere compliment. Notice something that has not been told to her before (in beauty, in clothes, in skills, in inner qualities). The main thing is not to flatter, but to highlight what you really like.
  2. Invite to a cafe, cinema, park or exhibition. Ask her about her impressions, share your emotions, try to communicate more.
  3. Be sure to listen to the girl. Let her be emotional, cry into your vest, express her feelings.
  4. Surprise her. It can be some small gift or an invitation to spend time in an original way.
  5. Make a joke, tell a funny story. Women are very fond of male humor and return their laughter in gratitude.
  6. Prepare something for the girl. The fair sex appreciate men's culinary fantasies and abilities. In extreme cases, you can just pamper the girl with some purchased goodies.
  7. Give flowers. They rarely leave women indifferent.
  8. Warm the warmth of your hugs and kiss. It always gives strength and helps to cope with negativity.

How to cheer up by texting

This is true when you exchange messages by phone, email or social media.

  • As in a normal conversation, ask what happened, what is the reason for the bad mood and anxiety. Emotionally connect with a friend (girlfriend) with sincere comments: “I'm sorry”, “Yes, this must be hard”, “I understand your concern”, etc.
  • Just write warm words of support and recognition (depending on who the interlocutor is to you: just a friend or a loved one). Submit an inspirational poem, if possible your own.
  • Try to distract from negative thoughts by setting a topic for conversation. Share your impressions and ask the opinion of the guy (girl) on this issue.
  • Send a positive picture or video that will make you smile. You can choose them depending on the problem that worries a person. For example, using this to give a friend (girlfriend) self-confidence, push for some important decision, stop worrying, etc.
  • Diversify messages with emoticons and various symbols. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Take a photo of yourself with a sign in your hands, on which there will be some kind of inspiring phrase, and send it to a loved one.
  • You can take advantage of the offers of social networks and send some kind of virtual gift, which will also help cheer you up.

Attract positive energy into your life in every way. Start smiling and over time it will become a habit. Laugh and improve your health. Do good deeds and you will feel that you can change the world. Agree, this is a powerful argument to cheer up.

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