How to solve the 8th task of the exam. Algorithms for completing exam tasks in the Russian language


Task number 8 1 option

to ... ryst



pick on...

r...the hypothesis

2.8.. Identify the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing.


other ... whip

negative ... sli (hair)

R ... stov





ant ... gonism

k.. fell asleep

rest… lie

4. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.



stop ... horny






stop .barking


6. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

to ... pooping





7. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




tv ... rhenium

b ... yokot

8. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing.

Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

break up


prompt... read


vet… rinar

9. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

scatter ... sat


prik... dream

g ... barites

10. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

k... rosin


sorry ... sorry

op ... thief

g ... rnison

Task number 8 option 2

1.8.. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

guard ... take

burn ... burn

main diator

to ... nguru

mind ... army

irrelevant ... rims


deputy ... freezing


d ... fitit

3. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.



zap... natsya

to ... boiled

4. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




vyr... listen

set fire to ... gate

5. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

po... curled



d ... conduct


6. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


pl ... sonorous

to draw


r ... habilitation

7. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

scornfully ... scornfully



to ... tastrofa

to ... overalls

8. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.



p... front garden

p... shoot

sg ... tret


9. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




open... to sleep


10. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




t... up
l ... noleum

Task number 8 option 3

1.8.. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

prik... dream

... incompressible



2.8.. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

pl ... sonorous


rise ... rise



3. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.





experiment ... riment

4. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


r ... points


n ... norm


5. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

f... nomen

undivid... roll




6. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


float wok


po... pour

7. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

k... compliment

d ... lance-shaped

percent ... fool


8. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing.

Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




g ... horizon

to ... rnival
9. 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

cuddle up


there is no one to rely on ...


with ... rhubarb
10. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


to ... liziya

on sk...ku


b ... cut


1 option

Option 2

3 option




grow old











locker room











dig out

take offense


fade away


Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.





Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling:






Word with alternating vowel sort out obeys the spelling rule of the roots with the alternation of BIR / BER

If you encounter any difficulties in completing the task, refer to the reference materials.

To the question about writing the letters E and Yo: there is a letter Yo in the USE forms. If there was a letter Y in the word task, what prevents you from writing it in order to avoid losing a whole point, right? Therefore, we strongly recommend: it is said to WRITE out, it means to write off as in the assignment. In this case, the letter ё was, so the answer is also with ё.

Answer: you will.

Answer: move

Relevance: Used in 2015-2017

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Spelling roots

Rule: Unstressed vowels in word roots. task 9.


General concept of the root as part of the word

The root is the main significant part of the word, which expresses the main meaning of the given word and the general lexical meaning of all cognate words.

It is the general meaning, and not the appearance of the root (or part of it) that allows one or another word to be attributed to related (or cognate) words. There are many roots in Russian that are spelled the same, but have completely different meanings. For example, the letter combination MOUNTAIN is found in thousands of words, is the root in the words BURN, GORE, MOUNTAIN and related to them. But this is not the same root, but different ones, because according to the meaning of the word BURN, GREET, MOUNTAIN have nothing in common. This fact plays a huge role in writing roots with an unstressed vowel. So, in the above series of words, each word has its own separate method of verification: burn (root with alternation), grieve (verification word grief), mountain (mountainous).

In task 8 there are:

To successfully complete the task, you must:

Be able to determine the type of root;

Apply the rules governing the spelling of one or another type of root.

depending from root type There are different rules for writing unstressed vowels in word roots.

8.1. Unstressed vowels tested by stress


In accordance with general As a rule, the spelling of letters in the place of unstressed vowels in roots is established by checking words and forms with the same root in which the vowel being checked is stressed, for example: l e sa (l e c), l And sa (l And sy), ; X O l O dilnik (x O lod, hol O bottom), prin e sti (prin yo c), issue O lie (n O full). This rule is worked out throughout the entire school course of the Russian language, and the study began in elementary school. Everyone remembers the rule:

But either we don’t know how to put stresses, or the vocabulary is so small that we can’t find a test word, or we don’t understand where the words are related and where they are not, but traditionally the percentage of successful completion of this task is low. The most common mistake is that the test word is selected based only on the external similarity of the roots, without taking into account the meaning. The overall meaning is what matters. That is why the words lily and lilac; run and beige; jacket and caftan,veteran and wind and many others cannot be test for each other


  1. Unstressed vowels of the root in words similar in sound, but different in meaning, are written differently: hall e zat(in pocket) - hall And zat(wounds) rep A rut(potato) - rep O rut(door), floor A say(cat) - floor O say(mouth), res e child(shoots) - res I child(gun), mind A lyat(meaning) - mind O lyat(for mercy) approx e ryat(m e ra) suit - approx And ryat(m And p) neighbors; unfold e vaetsya(V e yat) flag - unfold And vaetsya(un And tie) industry. The word in brackets helps to understand the meaning of the word with the missing letter.
  2. The vowel o in unstressed roots of perfective verbs cannot be checked with imperfective forms for - to (-) to (-) to, for example: op O build(P O building though op A zd yva t), open O it(cr O yka though open Awillow t).
  3. If e is written in the root, then in an unstressed position in single-root words one should write e: mottled (motley), starfall (stars), spring (springs), nest (nests)
  4. Unstressed a - o in roots with non-vowel combinations ra, la (barber, stop, drag, cloud) cannot be checked by the corresponding full-vowel combinations in the root oro, olo (beard, shorten, drag, sheath). Non-vowel combinations are characteristic of Old Slavonic roots, and they always write A.
  5. Not worth it blindly check foreign words with each other. In some words of foreign origin with a suffix distinguished only etymologically, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a single-root word if the checked and check vowels are part of suffixes of different origin, for example: subscription(-ment goes back to the French suffix), although subscribe(-irovate goes back to the German suffix); accompaniment, Although accompany. Compare also a similar phenomenon in the composition of a foreign root disinfection itz irate, Although disinfection ek tion. The root vowel is preserved in words injection - inject, projection - project and some others. Desire to check the word the president word presidium It is also doubtful, since these words are related only in the source language, and in Russian there is NO (or so far) not a single dictionary where these words would be treated as related.
  6. It is unacceptable to check foreign words with abbreviated words that have arisen in colloquial speech. Yes, the word computer cannot be verified comp(there is no such word in the nest of related words, and it is not in dictionaries either; you cannot check the word intellectual word intel(the word "intel" does not exist).

8.2. Unstressed vowels not tested by stress

Short designation in the explanation NG

Along with words that can be checked by single-root words or by changing its form, there are a number of words whose spelling does not obey any rules from the point of view of the modern language. It would be great if there was a single list of words that are required to be memorized, and it was published in textbooks and manuals for preparing for the exam. But there is no such list, at least not yet. In this series there are both native Russian words and borrowed ones, and their number continues to grow due to words of foreign origin. There is only one advice here: do not try to check the unverifiable. As a rule, in the tasks of the exam, the words being checked are found quickly, they are EASY to check. The spelling of words with an unchecked vowel in the root is checked only by the spelling dictionary.

8.3. Unstressed vowels in alternating roots

Short designation in the explanation CHG

In addition to roots with unstressed vowels that are stressed and those that cannot be checked, there are roots with different vowel alternations. Writing letters in place of unstressed vowels is subject to tradition. Checking words with an alternating vowel stress (by selecting related words) is a gross mistake.

All alternating roots should be learned by heart.. Let's divide them into types.

8.3.1. The alternation of vowels and / e in the root
Before suffix ANo suffix AExceptionsSimilar roots

1 collect - b And p(a) -

2 lock - p And p(a) -

3 rip off - d And p(a) -

4 wipe - t And p(a) -

5 freeze - m And p(a) -

6 burn - w And g(a) -

8 spread - st And l(a) -

9 shine - bl And st(a)

1 ber - sob e ret

2 lane - zap e tret

3 der - obd e ret

4 ter - obt e tret

5 measures - deputy e tret

6 burn - vyzh e G

7 th - sub e T

8 steles - distance e pour

9 glitter - bl e stet

7 combination, combine

4 lose, endure

5 world, measure


opposition e/i in the roots of verbs, as a rule, corresponds to the opposition of the perfect and imperfect form: die (owl. view) - die (non-linear view), wipe (state view) - overwrite (non-linear view), burn out (owl view) - burn out (non-state view), spread (state view) - spread (non-state view), peel (state view) - peel (non-state view).

As can be seen from the table, the roots in which And alternates with e, Total nine. These roots contain the letter AND before suffix A, but the letter is written E if no suffix A

Roots with alternating vowels must be learned so that there is no temptation in contradictory tests. For example, the word I rub, it would seem, can be verified by words rubbed And rubbing, and the word layspreads And bedding. What sample to choose for testing? No!

Notice the alternating root MEP/PEACE , there are only a few words in this series: die, freeze / die, freeze. Homonymous roots (that is, similar, but with a completely different meaning) WORLD and MER are not alternating roots. Therefore the words peaceful, reconcile, truce; world, outlook, attitude; try on (dress), fitting room, measurement do not apply to words with alternation in the root.

8.3.2. Spelling of roots with alternating IM / IN with A / Z

Shock A or Z in an unstressed position alternates with IM or IN:

early A t - beginning in at; prin I t - prin them ah, pon I t - pon them at, sn I t - sn them at, szh A t - szh them at. While the spelling them, in, as can be seen from the examples, is associated with the subsequent suffix A. These are pairs of perfective and imperfective verbs, like the verbs from the previous table.

8.3.3. The alternation of vowels a / o in the root

There are several types depending on the conditions.

1. The spelling of the root depends on the stress. In those vowels that are under stress, it is impossible to make a mistake. Therefore, only unstressed roots should be memorized.

under stressNo accentExceptionsSimilar roots
Only A: tan, cinderOnly O: tanned, charredbenefits A rki, izg A r, prig A p grief, mountain, hot, bitter
Is written and A, And O: bow and bowOnly O: declination, tiltno exceptionsclone
Is written and A, And O: creature, creativityWritten only O: to create, to createutensilcottage cheese
Is written and A, And O: glow, dawnsWritten only A: dawn, robinto maturepenetrating
plov / plov / plov
Is written A And s: swim, swim, swim

Is written A: float

Is written s: floating, quicksand

swimmer, swimmer


2. The spelling of the root depends on the subsequent letter.

ConditionExamplesExceptionsSimilar roots
rast / rasch / rost
Before STonly A: grow up, grow up, plantsprout, growth, usurer, outgrowth,

teenage, Rostov, Rostislav

Before SConly A: grow, growNorotation, transformation
Before Conly O: grew up,industry
Note: under stress before With(followed by T and without it) - only about, for example: growth, outgrowth, process, teenager, overgrowth; grew up, overgrown, grown up, tall, wild plants.
Before GAlways A: attach, offer, termNo
Before FAlways O: application, offer, addcanopycomplicated, enjoyment
Before AAlways A: touch, touchNopigtail, oblique, mow
No AAlways O: touchNo
jump / jump
Before Kusually A: jump swing
Before Husually O: drop byjump, jump (and in the forms of this word: jump, jump, in which the vowel at the root is stressed)

3. The spelling of a vowel radically depends on which word matters.

A is writtenSpelled OExceptionsSimilar roots
root with the meaning "same, equal, similar": equalize, equalizeroot with the meaning "smooth, even, straight": trim, level.equally, coeval, equal, plain
Recognizing the roots -equal-/-equal- can be difficult, since their meanings are often close. Historically, they meant the same thing, but the root -even- is primordially Russian, and -equal- is Old Slavonic in origin. The most frequent words with these roots should simply be learned.
a root with the meaning "immerse, dip in a liquid": dip in tea, dip in painta root with the meaning "absorb, pass liquid": get wet in the rain, blot with a napkin

Task number 8 in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, it checks the spelling skills of the roots. To complete this task, it is necessary to analyze 5 words and determine in which of them the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing.

Task 8 example:






Answer: _______________

The vowel at the root of a word can be checked, unchecked and alternating. As a rule, among the answer options, all three types are offered.

Checked vowel in the root

To check an unstressed vowel in the root, you need to choose a single-root word or change the form of the word so that the vowel is stressed.

1. Selection of a single-root word: pl A fly - well A lky, din A michny - din A mika

2. Changing the form of a word: in O yes - in O day, d O ska - d O ski

Important! You cannot check the vowel in the root with verbs with the suffixes -IVA- (-ЫВА-), since alternation O / A (op O build - p O cool, not op A zd yva t);

Words with combinations -OLO- / -ORO- and -RA- / -LA- are checked only by words with the same combinations (to check the word CITY, you cannot use the word GRAD ...)

Unchecked vowel in the root

There are a large number of words in which the spelling of the vowel is not checked by stress. Their spelling is checked against a dictionary, so they are called vocabulary.

For example: vinaigrette, conductor, avant-garde, dilemma, design, contrast, dependent, carnival, catastrophe, president, parody, comfort, blizzard, stepmother, resume, blasphemy, satire, self-interest, flyover...

Alternating vowels at the root

In Russian, there are a number of roots in which the vowel can alternate depending on certain conditions (o / a, e / and):

Algorithm for completing task 8:

1) Highlight the roots in all words

2) Drop words with an alternating vowel in the root and familiar vocabulary words

3) For the remaining words, try to pick up test words in which the stress falls on the gap

4) Write down the answer by inserting a vowel in the gap

So let's get to the challenge:

Let's highlight the roots in all the words: in?mercury, h?r comforting, with l?f enie, to norms A, bl?st at;

thanks to this, we can define two words with alternation in the root - application (lie / lag) and shine (blist / shine), we exclude them.

We need to put the vowels in the remaining words under stress: enchanting - charms; words virtuoso And panorama cannot be checked, they are dictionary.

ANSWER: bewitching.

2nd example:

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.





then .. listen

1. Select the roots in all words: speed..h OK, kr..branch And, h..kan it, about lay on yat; among these words we see 2 with an alternating vowel - jump (jump / jump, write A, because this is excl.), level (even / equal, write O, because the meaning is: even, straight);

2. Let's try to check the rest of the words with stress. It is impossible to check the words to mint and shrimp, they are dictionary words.

UPDATED .. FALLED - new, in a new way; write about

Answer: updated.

Root spelling

There are three types of checks: for an unstressed checked, unchecked or alternating root vowel.
We immediately cross out the options that fit the second and third types that do not fit the description of the task.

1) Unstressed checked vowel
Choose words with the same root, where the vowel is under stress (do not forget that the selected words should be similar in meaning).

2) Unstressed unchecked vowel
As well as with the one being checked, we select words, but nothing should work out, because usually these are words borrowed from other languages.

3) Unstressed alternating vowel

A) the choice of a vowel depends on the stress:
No accent O:
-gar-, -gor- (meaning to burn)
-clan-, -clone- (meaning decline)
-creature-, -creation-(meaning to create)
No accent A:
-zor-, -zar- (meaning dawn);
-pilaf-, -float- (meaning to swim).
Exceptions: swimmer, swimmer.

B) the choice of a vowel depends on the end of the root:
-skak-, -skoch- (meaning to jump);
-grow-, -grow-, -grow- (meaning grow).
Exceptions: Rostov, Rostislav, sprout, usurer, industry, jump.

C) the choice of a vowel depends on the suffix after the root:
-false-, -lagA- (meaning to put);
-kos-, -kasA- (meaning to touch);
-ber-, -bira- (meaning to collect);
-der-, -dirA- (meaning to rip off);
-glitter-, -blista- (meaning to shine);
-ter-, -tyrA- (meaning to wipe);
-per-, -pira- (meaning to lock);
-mer-, -peace- (meaning to freeze);
-stel-, -stilA- (meaning to cover);
-burned-, -burned- (meaning set fire to);
-even-, -chitA- (meaning count);
-imA- (for example, understand - understand);
-inA- (for example, reap -reap).
Exceptions: combine, combination, couple.

D) the choice of a vowel depends on the meaning of the root:
-equal- (same), -even- (smooth);
-poppy- (immerse in liquid), -mok-, -moch- (become wet)
Exceptions: peer, level, equally, plain, equal, equal.

Now you can practice this task.

Test options for task 7 from the Unified State Examination in Russian:

Try to solve them yourself and compare with the answers at the end of the page

Example 1:

A) checked ... growled, TV ... rhenium, sp ... cool
B) n ... starting, in ... negrete, in vain
C) to ... moreka, goodbye ... goodbye, to ... negotiate
D) transparent ... piercing, surprised ... curled, look ...

Example 2:

In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

A) bl ... city, za ... chew, p ... front garden
B) to ... sa, to ... to touch, to ... nina
C) annoy ... rattling, k ... company, prok ... zhenny
D) enlightenment ... stele, gather ... gather, ... monotonous

Example 3:

In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

A) timid ... s... early, little ...
B) partly, p ... scary, stop ... thief
C) turn ... rip, phil ... telist, b .. gray
D) k... satelny, k... dairy, sh... karnaya

Example 4:

In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

A) bl.
B) pl.
B) entertain ... settle, up ... pass, hug ..
D) damage ... change, reject ... fight, c ... conflict

Example 5:

In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

A) zah ... wanted, podm ... bent, in ... ntilation
B) burning ... burning, m ... physical, cl ... ptoman
B) p ... roaring, op ... rhenium, with ... leon
D) with .. serious, miscalculate ... tumble, ... alternate

Example 6:

In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

A) br ... vada, vyt ... paradise, tr ... nirovka
B) to ... menisty, folded ... nipped, pos ... melier
B) faster ... more, sh ... high-rise, ... caught
D) otg ... roaring, having fun ... pouring, silent ... talking

Example 6:

In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

A) yoke ... rka, r ... numbered, p ... stihi
B) well ... here, sanctuary, b ... steak
C) pon ... mother, zasl ... take, ser ... bro
D) st ... leafy, wood ... wooden, g ... lodat

Option 1

1. Task 8

2. Task 8

3. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

4. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-for-shche-on without-stress-che-re-du-yu-shcha-ya-sya vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

5. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

6. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

7. Task 8

8. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

10. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

Option 2

1. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

stab .. li-for-tion wire .. cation non-g ... ra-e-my floor .. gait

deputy ..ret

2. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-for-shche-on without-stress-che-re-du-yu-shcha-ya-sya vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

open .. remove pr ..ten-zia offer

3. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

b..cut z..rnitsa burn..gave to..mmer-sant

4. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-for-shche-on without-stress-che-re-du-yu-shcha-ya-sya vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

eq..logia g..mna-zist beginning..on-th-s.mpa-tiya et..ketka

5. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

n..the most important floor..ketka morning..mbo-vat int..llek-tu-al-ny z..rnitsa

6. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

nak..mite b..rloga traditional..onny app..lla-tion

7. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-for-shche-on without-stress-pro-ver-not-may vowel of the root.

zat .. imaginary vyt .. army bl .. stet comp.

8. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

manufacture..influence f..lo-logia distance

10. Task 8 Define-de-li-those word, in some-rum pro-pus-shche-on without-shock pro-ve-rya-e-may vowel of the root. You-pi-shi-te this word, inserting a missed letter.

in.. rho-vie ornam.. nt ot.

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