How to draw a person in full growth with a pencil. How to draw a person in full growth with a pencil step by step


Women and men have fundamental differences in body structure. But, in today's world, some women look like men because of their clothes and hairstyles. However, no matter how hard a woman tries to look like a man, we can still recognize her. The main distinguishing feature is the structure of the woman's body - these are wide hips and narrower shoulders (in men, exactly the opposite figures). At drawing a woman in full growth it is worth starting from this basic rule, and the rest of the secrets of construction can be learned from this step-by-step lesson.

Materials and tools:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. First you need to draw a vertical center line with a simple pencil. We leave serifs at the edges of the segment. They will determine the total body height that cannot be exceeded:

Photo 2. We divide the segment in half. Thus, the line is divided into two parts, along which we will later build the body. Next, divide the upper segment in half again, and measure another half from the resulting upper segment. The uppermost segment is the height of the woman's head:

Photo 3. Now you need to outline the location of the shoulders. The shoulder line will be under the head, namely under the second (top) serif. Let's retreat a little down from the head, leaving some room for the neck. Draw the line of the shoulders at an angle, because the woman will stand slightly leaning:

Photo 4. Next, we need to find out the place of the waist and knees. To do this, you need to divide the center line into three parts. To make this easy, we divide the lower half of the center line in half, but the line of the knees will be slightly higher. We measure its height and transfer it to the center line three times, leaving serifs. The result should be three equal parts:

Photo 5. Now we outline the waist line. It will be located on the serif between the first and second half of the divided center line (there are 3 parts in total), and the hips are slightly lower and twice as wide as the waist. We draw the hips and waist at an angle, opposite to the shoulders:

Photo 6. We unite the shoulders and waist along the edges, and from the waist we draw a line to the hips. It is necessary to outline the length of the skirt - it will be equal to two distances from the waist to the hips:

Photo 7. From the shoulders we outline the location of the hands. The left arm will be bent at the elbow and is at waist level, and the right arm will be raised and laid aside:

Photo 8. Now let's draw the legs. Do not forget that the knees should be located at the level of the notch. The right leg will go a little behind the left:

Photo 9. Let's draw the head in the form of an oval, and on it we will "outline" the hair. Most of them will fall to the left side:

Photo 10. Let's draw the hands and give them a shape. The girl will hold her left hand at the waist, and the right hand will be set aside:

Photo 12. With an eraser, we remove the extra lines that were previously needed for construction. Strengthen the contour of the woman's body:

Photo 13. Let's draw the features of the woman's face. We don’t put much emphasis on drawing the face, because our main task is to learn how to draw a woman in full growth, namely the body. You can study my separate lesson "how to draw a female portrait", where I work out the details of the girl's face in detail:

Photo 14. Set the tone for the hair. Near the bends we make the strokes of the pencil denser:

How to draw manga 2


Body: general principles

The simplest body has a skeletal structure. The bottom line is to try to give volume to the drawn flat image.

Let's try to put the character in a cube, the base of which will be the area under the soles of the feet.

One of the most difficult tasks when drawing a body is drawing in perspective. To do this, using a cube around the character can help you.

The human skeleton and its structure

Let's take a look at the human skeleton and try to draw it.

Drawing the bottom of the skeleton will allow you to show more natural body movement by conveying body rotation and weight distribution.

Draw in blocks

Imagine that the joints and abdomen are spheres. When drawing occurs through the use of shapes and spheres, the future outlines of the muscles are immediately determined. In addition, in this way you can feel the three-dimensional structure of the body.

Look closely at how the clavicle is attached.

Pay attention to the angle of the shoulders and their projection, visible from the selected view.

If you don't have a projection of the shoulders on the other side, just use the 3D surface to define the shape.

Female body in blocks

Blocks are just guide lines for your convenience. So don't get hung up on drawing them.

Pay attention to drawing the sides. The posterior muscles of men are usually drawn longer, while those of women are shorter and move faster into the hips.

Do you want to draw well? You must always remember about the invisible parts of the body being drawn.

Draw movement

When it is required to draw a human body in motion, the central line of the spine and the curve of motion are taken as the basis. The center line separates the right and left sides of the body, thus creating a balancing state. It goes both front and back.

Pay special attention to the movement in the waist area.
Draw the center line on the visible side of the body.

Depict the center line as running along the character's direction of movement. It may well be that the center line on the visible side of the body will coincide with the curve of movement.

Using a motion curve will help you draw the correct body position and make it easier to work with character movements.

Drawing from an angle

A very large number of poses can be drawn using the shape method, but the best option is to combine the angle of view and the skeletal method.

It will be easier to draw if you base the pose on the position of the spine.

Standard male body shape

Below are the most important things to remember when drawing a male body.
- Watch the position of the elbow when the hand is at its highest point.
- Consider the radius of movement of the elbow and shoulder.
- Correctly place the muscles of the collarbone and sternum.
- The trapezius (muscle) contracts and tenses when moving.
- The area of ​​the sternum coincides with the area of ​​narrowing of the arms.
- The crotch has a small gap between the thighs when the legs are together, and when the legs are apart, the gap increases, but never draw the crotch as shown in the picture above (bottom, small).

When you cannot decide on the length of the arms in their horizontal position, use a guide line. This will make it easier to show the length of the parts of the arm. Another way to depict the length of the deltoid is to add a small length of the biceps and the hinge (elbow).

Now let's look from the back

The muscles on the side in which the slope is performed are compressed.
- On the other side, the muscles, on the contrary, are stretched.
- If you look at the shoulder blades from a slightly different position, they look very much like a face. Try to use this interesting feature.
- Deformation of the body always occurs when it moves (tilts, turns).
- The shoulder blades rise when the arm goes up.

Now let's look at the side
Remember that the default brush size is the character's face. The brush should cover it almost completely in height.

The length of the forearm is equal to the length of 1 and a half heads. The length of the rest is 2 heads.

The length of the foot is equal to one head, and this length includes the length of the toes.

Shoulders can move back and forth, but not much.

When the body is tilted, the shoulders drop and move forward.
On the other hand, when the body is tilted back, the shoulders also move back.

Difference between male and female body

Women have narrower shoulders and chest, but the pelvis in women is superior to that of men.
- The female pelvic bone reaches the navel and the waist line also crosses the navel. The highest point of the pelvic bone crosses the line of the navel.
- The male body is basically an inverted triangle shape, while the female body is more rounded and resembles a bowling pin.

The proportion of the body is chosen by the number of heads that fit in its height, so first you have to ask yourself how many heads your character will be.

You can get more detailed information on all the points of this lesson from the rest of the lessons of this

So, here we have disassembled mannequins of the male and female bodies (Fig. 1). There are few differences between the two genders: guys are usually muscular (I drew a feminine guy >_>), they have a longer torso than women, they have even tougher and rougher skin, and girls have a sinuous spine.

Now, the neck. A few things not to do. The neck starts from the ears (Fig. 2), see the dotted lines? Those angles in the head are always parallel. Muscles run from the ears to the fossa in the neck - this always gives a pretty look (Fig. 3).
In figure 3 you can see the collarbone - this gives a sense of realism.
Look at the picture on the right - this is the location of the tonsils in the neck: the guy has a much larger upper part and thus we get an Adam's apple. In girls, the lower part is not quite noticeable (Fig. 4).

I think the front and back views are self-explanatory (Figures 5a and 5b), so draw a straight line down the torso to help you find the center line. The fossa on the neck is the middle of the base. Anterior view: neck fossa, base of ribs and up to umbilicus. Rear view: along the spine, along the spine to the chakra triangle. You need to remember such points: guys are very straight, while girls have a concave torso shape.

To avoid sexual attraction, when you draw breasts, think of them as balls filled with water, believe it or not, but they are affected by gravity, and therefore they will move with the body (Fig. 6a, 6b, 6c) .

When the arms are raised, the biceps are tense and clearly visible, when the arms are straightened and tense, the triceps are under influence (Fig. 7a). Take a look at your own hands and you will see different forms of the forearm, seen from the top and from the side. When the arm is straight, pits appear on each side of the elbow (Fig. 7b)

Put all your attention on your knee as you take a step back. It's all about the kneecap. Do you see 2 lines on the turn of the knee (Fig. 8a, b, c)? This is where the muscles start, which work up and leave this look. Very fun to draw legs.

Here are the disassembled parts of the body (Fig. 9). Break the torso into a ribcage and a pelvis. Use circles for all connections of the torso cavities to the ribcage and to the pelvis with the joints. This is the easiest way to work. Try different poses.

In this part, you learned how to draw a figure. It is not so difficult if you know what follows what and what is needed.
These are just some sketches from my notebook (Fig. 10). I do this all the time when I pick up a pencil. You should too!! Okay, I hope this was helpful.

female body

I want to start this lesson by answering one of the most asked questions to me - how to draw female breasts. (I didn’t think that I would really do a lesson on this topic .... ^_^). One of the most important things here is to make the subject look natural; you can draw an attractive girl without turning her into a silicone doll like a friend of mine did ^_^

The two main problems that people face when drawing breasts are their shape and proper placement. Many artists (both pros and beginners) make them look like balloons pressed into the chest; it's very naturalistic. If you look at various art books, you will see that breasts look more like halves of spheres, or inverted cups, than balloons. Okay, now the location. Imagine a line that runs down the center of the body, from top to bottom. The breasts are at a 45 degree angle to this line, and about halfway across the ribcage (shown as red diagonal lines). Make sure they are not too close or too far apart, or too high; these are the most common mistakes. As you can see from the examples, the 45 degree breast rule applies to all poses and character types.

Here is another pose. Note that the breasts are still at a 45 degree angle. Yes, pay attention to the shadows. Looking through various examples and samples, I came to the conclusion that such shadows look the best (at least better than shadows, like on a simple ball, following the bottom border).

Here is the last picture showing the correct shape and position of the bust. The breasts are again at a 45 degree angle, although it's harder to see here (because I didn't draw the red lines, forgive me for that ^_^;). Note that the left breast is drawn as a hemisphere, not a full sphere. If you want to exaggerate the size, that's up to you, but personally I don't think it's necessary..

Let's now deal with the shoulders and neck. When drawing the shoulders, pay attention that they are not flat, their slope is very smooth. Try to understand the structure of the muscles of the neck and shoulders, especially if you want to learn how to draw them more realistically. You need to draw them softly, like fabrics, and not like bricks.

Here are some more examples of the shoulder girdle. Note that the shoulders are never drawn straight and boring.

Another thing that I would like to mention about the shoulders and the torso in general is how to draw them in the case when the arm is raised up. ^_^ I sometimes find this difficult, so let's look at it together. When the arm is raised, we see a piece of the back of the back, the latissimus dorsi. Don't make the top of your torso too narrow. Note that the contour of the right breast does not continue to curl at the top in a circle; remember that the chest is not a full sphere, it is attached by muscles to the shoulder.

Let's turn our attention to our hands. The arm consists of three parts: shoulder, forearm and hand. Each of them can be roughly depicted as ovals. Although I know people who don't like to do that; well, then you just need to learn how to correctly draw a hand right away. Some books advise building a hand with cylinders, but I prefer flat ovals; they better, in my opinion, convey its form. This is not visible here, but if the hand is freely lowered, then the fingertips reach the middle of the thigh. Elbows should be at waist level.

Now that we have dealt with the simplified shape of the hand, let's improve it and make it look more natural. It is, of course, a little more difficult. ^_^ When drawing a hand, don't make it perfectly straight, it has muscles after all! ^_^ Never draw an outstretched arm as a single cylinder (unless you intend to draw in chibi style). ^_^ The hand grows from the shoulder. It has very smooth curves. On the way to the elbow, the arm narrows slightly. Then it expands again, where the biceps are (as seen in the upper picture). The elbow itself can be difficult to draw. Remember that this is not just a place where the arm bends, it is a connection, a hinge (look at the pictures). You don't have to look far for examples.

A few more examples, this time showing bent arms. Sometimes it's easier to draw a bent arm, or a hand in perspective, if you use the simplest forms (ovals or cylinders), but this is purely individual: if you do not want, do not use them. See how in the upper picture the arm becomes thinner as it moves away from the viewer.

Depicting these poses clearly can be difficult at first. It is very important to pay more attention to exactly how different parts of the arm look at you, and how the elbow is located. Imagine an arm made up of two parts: a cylindrical upper arm and a forearm, somewhat similar to a skittle with a ball underneath. ^_^ This will help you imagine what the elbow should look like.

Another problem for artists is the legs. It's very difficult to get them in the right shape (especially if you don't practice all the time, as I do... ^_^;) Just like arms, you don't have to make them absolutely even and straight, like cylinders. It is better to use ovals, because they convey the shape of the hips and lower legs better. The top of the leg is always thicker and rounder than the bottom. When drawing the legs, start with a thick base of the thigh, then gradually narrow the leg towards the knee. Like the elbow, the knee must not be neglected; this is the junction and you need to draw it, because the real leg is not made of rubber. ^_^ The knee forms a bulge to the side; the leg doesn't just go straight up and down. The muscles on the lower leg, especially the calves, should protrude a little.

Here you see a few more poses. I didn't draw the auxiliary ovals here because I forgot, but you still need to be able to visually highlight them. Again, I want to focus on the knees, especially in the lower drawings. When the leg is bent, the knee is drawn with a flat surface. I've shaded these legs to give you a feel for their shape. The examples in drawing books are much more detailed, but since we don't often see every bone and muscle in anime characters' legs, I won't go into them. ^_^ On the right picture you can see how the calves overlap part of the thighs. In the rest of the examples here, notice how the lower legs are hidden behind the upper ones.

Okay, now you can draw the heroine from the front. But what if you need to portray her from behind? Now I will tell you. ^_^ Actually, I didn't mean to write about it, but since a lot of anime girls are drawn from behind in swimsuits or tight suits, it's important. Hmmm... I don't even know what to say; just be careful connecting the legs to the body. More on this in part 3 of this tutorial. If you need more information, get Burne Hogarth's book. He has several pages about it there. -_^

Okay, now that we have gone through all the main details separately, let's put all our knowledge together and try to draw the whole body. :) When you draw your character, you can start with basic ovals and circles, or immediately try to draw a ready-made version; as you like. If you are using basic forms, note that the body (torso and pelvis) is made up of two components that taper towards the waist. I'm not going to focus too much on this. ^_^ The body, as well as the head, must be built around the central guide line. (As shown in the picture.) This line represents the character's spine and will define the character's pose. Notice also how the line curves slightly at the pelvis, this is because its weight is transferred to the left leg, which makes the pose more interesting. The body can be approximately divided into halves, as shown in the figure with red lines. You can use this technique almost anywhere where you need to decide on the length of the legs. In anime and manga, the length of the legs is usually exaggerated, which makes the character more expressive.

When drawing the middle part, do not forget that the body resembles an hourglass in its shape. Anime girls usually have thin shoulders, a thin waist, and rounded hips. Be careful, try to make all lines look natural. Once you get comfortable with figure drawing, you can afford to exaggerate proportions and sizes a little.

Here is the same pose, only from the side. I find the side view image a little more complicated than the front view, so I spent a lot of time looking for clear examples. ^_^ The body is built from the same basic shapes, only now rotated 90 degrees. Determine the angle of the upper body. You can't really see it here, but your collarbone should stick out slightly in front as you work your way down your neck. After that, the curve of the body is a straight diagonal line up to the very breasts (remember that the breasts are not beach balls for you, but halves of spheres!) Then the line of the torso continues to “drive out” a little forward, to the very bottom rib (there is usually a tubercle there). This is about one head (or a little more) from the line of the shoulders. Next comes a slightly retracted belly. Another thing to pay close attention to is the shape of the legs (the hips are flatter in the back than in the front) and the buttocks (don't exaggerate their size too much).

At the end of this tutorial, I will show you the back pose (which you will definitely have to learn how to draw if you want to be able to draw manga at all ^_^). As before, the figure can be divided into two approximately equal parts vertically. Here it is necessary to deal with the neck in more detail; it joins behind the skull and hides part of the head. The middle part of the body should be in the shape of an hourglass, but again, do not try to exaggerate the forms, you must first learn the basic rules before moving away from them. There is no need to make the ass too big, there is no reason for this. Be careful when drawing the hands; behind the elbows usually look more embossed.

Well, the lesson on drawing the female body is completed. I hope you have learned some of the basics of this difficult task, and now you can draw your characters in full growth. :)

Step 1:
Nothing fantastic. Just a quick and fast sketch of the female body (the so-called "dummy" - approx. per.), Which will be the basis for our masterpiece. Please note that he is 7 heads tall.

The shoulders are at a distance of one and a half heads from the top. They are also, like the hips, usually two heads wide.

The beginning of the hips is three heads down.
Knees - five heads down.
Do not draw anything at this stage, but keep an eye on the proportions.

You can draw a straight guide line from head to toe. The entire body weight is distributed on both sides of it approximately equally - the balance is maintained.

The navel is located at a distance of two and a half heads from the top. The elbows are also located there, if the arms are freely lowered. The hand reaches the middle of the thigh.

In anime, the legs are usually slightly longer than the rest of the body. The knees are half way from the feet to the beginning of the legs.
The body can be given an attractive and sexy look by bending the hips and shoulders in different directions. If the shoulders are for the most part to the left of the center straight line, then the hips should lie on the right side.

Step 3:

We fill our bobblehead with flesh. You need to be able to draw cylinders and ovals well to do this.

Learn the muscle groups to understand how to draw arms and legs. Breasts are located approximately in the middle of the upper body.
Don't use straight lines! There are no such things in a man, and even more so in a female figure! Curves, curves and only curves!

A good model to study would be from "Black Magic" by artist Masamune Shirou. It depicts a female figure, broken down into basic forms. She helped me a lot with this tutorial.

Well, let's start putting our sketch in order. We pick up the "nag" (more about it in the lesson - approx. per.) And erase all unnecessary lines. The better we do this, the easier it will be in the future.

Step 4:

I gradually begin to refine her flesh-filled silhouette.

The crumpled eraser ("hag") helps me a lot with this, turning a sloppy sketch into a clean drawing. I go over the paper with it, correct all the mistakes made and prepare the work for tracing.

There is nothing worse than inking a dirty and unkempt sketch!

Step 5:

And here she is wrapped! Not my best ink work, but not bad either. Then I placed the drawing in the scanner and colored it in the computer

This lesson is designed to show you how to build a body. Try now, using the knowledge gained, to portray the characters in various poses.

Before you draw, you should think about the draft. It is necessary to reflect on questions about the pose of the character, is the character a fanart or an original. If this is an original, then do you know the style of the hero, his hairstyle, type of clothing. Although personally I rarely think about all this. But the main thing is still think over the pose.

Step 1:

I decided to put her in such a proud, determined position. Hands on hips and one foot covering the other. I always start with a circle for the head, chest and a line for the hips. The shoulders should be small, because we are drawing an anime girl. Trust me that all these lines are really important and they really help. Moreover, they will simply help you place the character on the sheet. The line in the circle will show me which way the character is facing; it defines the center.

Step 2:

After drawing the frame, I begin to fit it. Usually I start with the chest, because when drawing a girl it's really important, but it's better to know the measure. Imagine that the chest is two cups that protrude from the chest. Although if you draw in the style of hentai, then the size limits are clearly not for you.

The green arrow will show you how I draw the collarbone with simple lines.
The purple arrow points to the hand pulled back. Drawing in this position can be quite difficult, but if problems arise, then all that remains is to practice or take the help of a mirror.
The blue arrows show how I narrow my legs at the knees. Treat this moment carefully, this is important, do not make your knees too round. Again, going to the mirror would be the best solution, or ask the girl to pose for you.
The last red arrow represents your foot. This is a really tricky place and a mirror will help you here the best. But keep in mind: the shape of the foot will change depending on how the character stands.

Step 3:

Look. This set of 3D feet will show you some great points.

Step 4:

When I start to like the drawing, I remove all unnecessary lines - they have done their job. Here I strongly advise against using the eraser on the end of your pencil.
With the help of a vertical line, I determined the center of the face, and with a horizontal line I marked the eyes. If the ears are visible, then they should lie on this line. Next we start detailing the face. You can come up with it on the go, or you can already have the idea in mind. If there are no ideas, take your time, it’s better to sit over a leaf for an hour, drink mineral water, and when you are absolutely sure, then act.

Step 5:

Then we move on to clothes. I've jotted down a few questions you can ask yourself in order to determine your style.

1. Are the clothes based on real or fictional?
2. If it is fictional, then what is it based on?

You cannot escape the influence of society, so it is better if you decide. So the clothes will be uniform, and not colorful and tasteless. I chose a simple shirt and shorts. The shirt is not tight, and therefore there are folds. Many have problems with this, but all of them are solved by simple observation or reflection (again, you need to think spatially and imagine the influence of gravity forces on clothes). Since her navel is exposed, I decided to draw a light line on her belly for effect. Real people don't have her, but we're drawing an anime girl...

Step 6:

After I was satisfied with the details, I detailed my drawing and tweaked it. You need to erase all the blots and, if necessary, transfer the drawing to another sheet. Next up is coloring. Here you can choose any style you like: from watercolors and computer to a simple pencil.
The main thing is to clean up the drawing before coloring. I hope this tutorial really helped you.

Leonardo da Vinci is one of the greatest artists. Of course, after him there were artists who could reflect the reality of the world around them much better. But it was da Vinci who was the first to understand how to draw a person in full growth. Why were his drawings so realistic? The answer is simple - for an accurate image, he studied human anatomy.

Remember this drawing of a Victorian man. This is how the proportions of the human body were first displayed. Knowing how to draw a person in full growth, you can easily draw the most complex picture.

Step by step drawing of a human figure

The ratio of head height to human height is approximately 1:7 or 1:8. In tall people, the ratio is closer to 1:8, and in people of small stature - 1:7. In girls, this proportion can be kept the same. It is noteworthy that the head increases with age much more slowly than the rest of the body, so in children the head-to-body ratio can be made 1:6, and in infants - 1:5.

The neck of a person can be schematically displayed using a square. In a thin person, it is equal to half the width of the head, and in a full person it can be equal to the entire width of the head. The male chest is twice the height of the head in width. In women, this figure is reduced to one and a half times the height of the head.

After dividing the growth into 7-8 parts, do not erase the hatching, they will come in handy.

The waist is approximately in the middle of the third segment from the top, it is constantly much wider than the head, even in women with an "aspen" waist. The lower part of the torso is located on the border of the third and fourth segments. Of course, all these indicators are not suitable for overly obese people, they have different proportions.

The kneecaps in the form of a circle occupy a place from the middle of the second lower segment to its very top. The ankle joint, which connects the lower leg and foot, is located just below the middle of the first segment. The human foot is slightly less than the height of the head.

The waist height can be slightly changed depending on the gender and the specific configuration

The elbow joints are always at waist level, the carpal joints are located just above the bottom of the torso. The length of the brush is approximately equal to the gap from the chin to the middle of the forehead of a person. It should turn out so that the hands hang down below the lower border of the torso. Please note that the proportions of the hands do not change regardless of nationality or gender.

Of course, this way you can draw a human figure very truthfully, but you want to be able to portray people in a variety of poses. This is necessary to display the storyline in the picture.

Draw a human figure in motion

After you were able to learn how to draw a human figure in the correct proportions, you can proceed to this stage. To do this, we need such a schematic drawing. Please note that, despite the "toy" of the little man, all proportions are carefully observed, including the width of the shoulder and pelvic girdle.



Try to draw a lot of people who do a variety of things. At the same time, display all proportions accurately. Also correctly depict the position of the line of the pelvic and shoulder girdle. For example, in the picture of a sitting and running person, the pelvic girdle is shortened almost to the size of a dot.

When displaying movements, the center of gravity is of great importance. Notice how the location of the center of gravity (red arrow down) and pivot points (green arrows up) change. The center of gravity and the fulcrum must be on the same vertical line, otherwise the person will fall. The exception is running, the center of gravity deliberately moves forward to create additional acceleration.


This method is by no means the best, much less the fastest, but from the point of view of most artists, it is correct. He slowly but surely helps to draw a person with a pencil in stages.
At the end of the article you can watch video About,
This method of drawing is aimed at stimulating the imagination and forming an idea of ​​the human body in three-dimensional space, well suited for beginners and for people who are assiduous and patient.
Almost all novice draftsmen start drawing a human figure from the head, thereby making a gross mistake. And they are quite surprised when, as a result, it turns out that there is absolutely no room left for the feet on paper - this method will save you from such an unpleasant situation.

Consider the ideal proportions of the human body:

So head tall people fit along the length of the body 8 times, in people of average height - 7.5 times, in people of short stature - 6-7 times.
Head fit in body length 2.5 times, in the length of the legs - 3-4 times.
Stretched along the body hand should touch mid-thigh.
Shoulder width in an adult male is usually two head lengths and more hip width.
Thigh length corresponds leg length with foot, A lower leg - two lengths of the foot.
The female figure, in contrast to the male, has a lower average height and shorter limbs.
hip width women usually have more shoulder width.
The head of a woman is relatively and absolutely smaller than that of a man.

Schematic representation of a person:

A song from the cartoon "Octopussy": "Stick, stick, cucumber, it turned out a little man ..." every child knows!
And do not underestimate this phrase.
Schematic little men display a very important characteristic - the proportions of body parts. And in order to avoid logical discord in our wand-shaped men, it is necessary to observe the so-called "artistic canon".
Now let's take a closer look at our sketchy little men:

Schematic Man #1
Everyone has drawn such a little man at least once in their life.
This is the so-called basic man.
But there isn't much you can do about it.
Unless you practice keeping the proportions of the head, torso, arms and legs.

Schematic Man #2

Here, the proportions of the forearm, thigh, lower leg and foot are additionally outlined.

Schematic man #3

The perfect wand man!
I'm sure you've hardly seen any child draw a little man in this way.
The shoulders and pelvis of this figure already have a certain width.

In order to understand how accurately you keep proportions in your work, draw a few schematic people.
Thus, simply and quickly, without being distracted by details (clothing, hair, etc.), you can evaluate how well you know the proportions of the human body.
In addition, you can immediately determine whether the figure will fit on the sheet.

I think now you understand how important it is to master the proportions. And what an important role in the future picture is played by schematic little men.

Human posture:

It's time to revive and make our hero do something. So before you start working on a character, with the help of schematic drawings, you can try many poses and choose one.
Below are some examples of schematic people in action.

The picture shows a person walking.
Pay attention to the movement of the hip joints. As a rule, the shoulders move in the opposite direction.

The person lies on his side with support on one arm. Thus, the chest "hangs" on the shoulder and the spine, bending, draws a curved line.

In order to draw the human body, you need to know the features of its structure.

The skeleton is the foundation

rib cage


Notice the curvature of the spine
(to make it better visible, we will not draw a hand).

The skeleton can be drawn in a simplified form:

Having an idea about the structural features of the skeleton, moving on to muscle and/or fat , if we get lucky…).
To display body parts, we will use all kinds of shapes: cylinders, ellipses, etc.

Now you can visually evaluate

The whole process from sketching (creating a schematic man) to volumetric drawing based on a schematic drawing:

Also, this method will help you work with the details. For example, in drawing the hands and feet:

That's all!
The main idea of ​​this lesson is that the correct basis is important for drawing.
And to achieve this goal, it is necessary to discard all unnecessary and present it in a schematic form.
And schematic little men will help you with this!
The main advantage of this method is that you can easily and quickly try on many poses for your character.
Choose the most suitable pose and already at the first stage decide on the composition.
This article is suitable for those who want to learn how to draw a person in full growth or in general how to draw with a pencil in stages
Thank you for your attention.

For children of the senior group of the kindergarten, it is important to devote enough time not only to intellectual and physical development, but to fine art.

In the drawing, the child manifests himself, fantasizes and at the same time develops his abilities. It is still quite difficult for children 5-6 years old to convey all the subtleties of a particular subject, so the help of parents is simply required here.

Trees and plants are not so difficult to draw, but with a human figure, things are more complicated if the task is to draw it in motion.

We will help you with this and show you how to teach a child to draw a person with a simple pencil in stages. For this purpose, you can choose several ways, any child of 5-6 years old will master them.

Before you start drawing a figure with a pencil, it is worth considering that you should not draw dashed lines, and then trace them. Drawing a person, even for beginners, will not be so difficult if you draw lines with just one movement, without being afraid to make a mistake.

When drawing a figure in motion, it is worth imagining its image mentally, and then transferring imaginary lines on a piece of paper. The main rule for beginners is not only to adhere to the accuracy of the outlined lines and observe the proportions of the body, but also to convey the essence and significance of the drawn image.

The main advantage of any artist is the ability to convey the character and inner mood of a person created on a piece of paper.

Quite often, when drawing a person, it is not possible to maintain the proportions of the body, as a result of which the drawn figure does not look believable. The main problem is the incorrect length of the upper and lower limbs, too large or too small a head.

Such mistakes are very typical for children 5-6 years old, so it is recommended to draw a pencil drawing in stages, we learn to break the drawing into several separate parts.

Often, a human figure is conditionally divided into 7 identical parts, which can be equated to 7 head circumferences, including the neck.

Having mastered the theoretical foundations, we learn to draw a person in motion with the children.

Drawing process

Option 1

  • First, you need to draw an oval together with the child, which will later be folded with the head of the drawn person.

Just below the oval, draw the neck, this part of the body should not be too long, it must be placed strictly in the middle. Then we draw a rectangle, it will be a guideline for further drawing the body.

  • Next, you need to draw the same rectangle, its width should be equal to the first one, but the length should be a little more. Divide the second rectangle in half, thus making a sketch for the lower limbs. The corners of the upper rectangle are slightly rounded, thus forming the shoulders.

  • Now you need to remove the extra lines with an eraser, which are indicated in the figure with a red arrow, this procedure will be interesting for children.

  • In order for the child to fully master the drawing lesson, it is worth telling him in detail how the details of the head are drawn. All unnecessary lines can be easily removed with an eraser.

In the middle of the previously prepared oval, draw the eyes, as well as the nose and mouth. Do not forget to draw eyebrows, sketch out the person's hairstyle.

  • At the very end, make a few oblique lines that will depict the folds on the clothes, draw the necessary elements of the shoe.

The drawing is completely ready, each parent will be able to teach their child to draw a person in stages.

Option 2

This simple way of depicting a figure in motion will appeal to fidgety children.

  • First, sketch lines on paper, which will later be a guide for drawing the torso, upper and lower limbs.

In the upper part of the sheet we depict the head (draw an oval). The child will be able to complete this task independently under the guidance of the parent. Do not forget to mark lines inside the oval along which the eyes, nose, and mouth will be placed.

  • Based on the guides, draw the torso of a person. Next, you can start drawing hairstyles. Do not exclude some details, let the kid finish drawing any object in the person’s hand on his own. Detail the face, carefully depict the eyes with a nose and mouth.
  • Now it remains only to remove the remaining extra lines.

It's so easy to draw a person, such a procedure will please not only parents, but also children, thanks to this the child will master some skills in the fine arts.

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