How to draw beautiful graffiti. How to draw graffiti? We draw graffiti with our own hands


Graffiti has firmly entered modern culture and turned into an art direction. Of course, not all the inscriptions on the walls can be considered real creativity. Most of it is a manifestation of vandalism. You need to master drawing graffiti not in order to paint other people's fences, but to create beautiful decorative drawings. Sketches can be used for design purposes.

Many believe that graffiti appeared only in the 20th century. In the 70-80s. American cities were swept by a wave of tagging - teenagers drew their names in the form of stylized drawings. In fact, graffiti was painted by our ancestors. Literally, the term can be translated as "scratching". Already in antiquity, drawings on the walls were used for decoration.

Those who master graffiti drawing these days can apply these skills in design. Graffiti with an inscription can decorate a wall in a teenager's room, transfer it to a T-shirt. Another very interesting way to decorate is to decorate the outer wall of the house with a graffiti pattern made using moss.

Be that as it may, before using graffiti for decoration, you should learn how to draw them. Small sketches of graffiti are called sketches and are made on ordinary landscape sheets using pencils, felt-tip pens, ink or paints.

Learning to Draw Graffiti: Techniques for Beginners

When drawing graffiti, not only constant practice is important, but also the observance of certain stages.

  • For drawing, we need an album or a notebook with blank sheets, a ruler, an elastic band, paints or colored ink (ink).
  • First you need to think about what you will draw. Initially, graffiti meant an inscription. Many artists paint in the form of graffiti and various characters. Whatever you choose, all graffiti is drawn in accordance with certain styles.
  • So there is a bubble style (bubbles). Those who use it make the letters round, reminiscent of chewing gum bubbles.
  • Wild style means weaving letters, tilting. When drawing, use 3-4 colors. Before drawing graffiti for beginners in the wild style, it is worth considering the position of each letter - this manner of work is considered very difficult for beginners.
  • It is relatively easy to draw blockbuster style graffiti. To do this, draw rectangular letters, which are then painted in one or more colors. After you have thought about what and in what style you will draw, proceed to the sketch.

It is best to start drawing graffiti with a small bubble word. We take a sheet of paper and begin to depict letters. There should be a distance between them so that later you can add some elements or make the letters wider. Make the outlines not very bold - too much pressure of the pencil will then be difficult to erase or paint over.

Let's move on to style. To do this, we begin to draw smooth rounded lines around the letters so that the edges of the letters and their corners look like bubbles. Try to make them wide enough and rounded.

After you have outlined all the letters, erase the 1st lines that are inside.

After that, we begin to paint the sketch. The inscription can be either one-color or multi-color.

Apply the 1st coat of paint and let the letters dry. To add volume in some places, cover the graffiti with highlights. To do this, use paint of the same color, but a lighter shade. Wait for the drawing to dry.

Work on the background - paint over it with contrasting or matching colors. The letters can be made more expressive if you circle them around the contour with a black felt-tip pen or a gel pen.

By the same principle, graffiti is drawn in any other style - make a sketch, add colors with paints or felt-tip pens.

A few tips for those who are thinking how to draw graffiti with a pencil in stages:

Always leave space between letters. So you can easily add volume to them.

Use different line weights. With the help of thicker lines, it will be possible to give the inscription a 3d effect. To do this, you can use simple pencils of varying degrees of softness and add black ink or felt-tip pens to them.

In order not to spoil the graffiti with paints, make copies of the sketches. The easiest way is to pass the sketch through the scanner. This way you can experiment with color and details. This precaution can help you choose the best option.

The finished sketch can not only be stored as a drawing, but also used for decorative and interior purposes. For this we need a roulette wheel. If you want to draw graffiti on the wall, then you need to correctly transfer the sketch to the surface without distorting the proportions. To do this, you can use the design method.

Using a tape measure, we divide the surface into squares, and then we transfer the outlines of graffiti along these squares. For those who are confident in their abilities, we can advise you to redraw the image on the wall without first breaking the surface into squares.

Another technically time-consuming way is to draw graffiti on the wall using a projector. Usually famous artists working in the style of street art and graffiti paint in this way. The technique projects the drawing onto the wall in the right scale, and the artist simply traces the lines manually.

If you want to transfer a graffiti sketch to clothes, then just put a carbon paper on the fabric, put the drawing on top and circle it along the lines.

There is a rather unusual way to decorate the outer wall of the house with graffiti. In order to decorate the facade, it is not necessary to use paint and brushes. A great eco-friendly alternative is moss graffiti. Again, you will need to first draw a sketch and apply graffiti to the wall using a lead or chalk. It is best to draw such an image on a brick or wooden surface.

To create an unusual pattern, you need moss, warm water, a spray bottle, kefir (needed to create a certain environment for the growth of moss), moisture-retaining gel (sold in hardware stores), a brush and a bucket.

We collect moss, you only need 3 small handfuls. You can cut it from the bark of trees or collect it from the ground.

Pour the moss with 700 ml of warm water. Add 3 tbsp. moisture-retaining gel and 120 ml of kefir.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly and quickly stirred for 2-5 minutes. Pour into a bucket or fill a sprayer with it.

We start painting with moss paint. Outline the previously drawn sketch with a brush along the contour. Inside, we paint over the drawing or letters from the spray gun. After some time, the moss will begin to grow, and you will only have to trim the edges of the pattern with scissors.

Surely in your city or in any other you paid attention to the intricate inscriptions on fences, fences, garages or concrete. Most often, these drawings are found in suburban areas, where you can express yourself without interference with the help of paints. The inscriptions on the walls are applied by writers, and their drawings are called graffiti. For beginners unfamiliar with this image, the images are often difficult to read. In fact, if you look closely, you can see that letters written in an ornate font are hidden behind incomprehensible symbols. In this article, we will describe how to learn how to apply graffiti step by step, for beginners.

Types of graffiti

Many countries perceive graffiti as vandalism. But there are cities in which the administration has allocated special places for inscriptions and images, for example, Copenhagen in Denmark, Warsaw in Poland, Melbourne in Australia. It is important to know that not every drawing can be called graffiti (especially for beginners) - this is a certain style that deserves attention and respect. Insults and vulgar inscriptions are inappropriate here.

Consider the most common types of drawing images:

Tagging - the signature of the graffiti writer;

Writing - represents beautiful and unusual inscriptions, as well as large paintings;

Bombing - drawings are applied in extreme places; here it is more important not the quality of the application, but the location of the inscription (these can be train cars or electric trains in the subway).

Graffiti for beginners can start with tagging. This is the simplest type of image that a future artist can learn.

In the beginning there was a name

In order to learn how to draw graffiti in stages with a pencil, you need to decide what you want to write. In order not to rack your brains for a long time, use your name or pseudonym for training. Usually writers sign their paintings with them. A common and uncomplicated font used to write a name is a bubble. This type is characterized by bright inflated letters without sharp corners. Which font to choose is up to you. Maybe you like straight lines, then try blockbuster style. In this case, the letters are depicted as straight lines with wide shadows. There is also a font called frow-up. In this style, ordinary letters are drawn with slightly elongated corners. This is the most appropriate font to use when learning graffiti for beginners on paper.

The play of shadows and lines

Graffiti requires individuality, so the more whimsical you create the lettering, the higher your art will be valued. Do not be afraid of improvisation and unusual font. Take a white sheet and try to create a sketch of your name on it. Play with the thickness and length of the lines. Applying graffiti in stages with a pencil, add three-dimensionality. Expand the boundaries of the letters by changing the thickness. Narrow the beginning of the letter, increasing it towards the end. With a pencil, you can create sketches, see mistakes, and as a result, correct inaccuracies or interference. You can use markers to darken lines. If the line turned out to be wider in one place than you would like, do not be afraid to increase its volume. Select places on your sketch where dark or light color will be present. If the edges of the letters, the inscription will acquire volume.

Adding color and effects

Work done in one color is considered simple graffiti. If you want to create something more eccentric, add colors. Color can be one letter, and maybe several. You can also paint over only the shadow, and leave the outline without filling. Additional details can be drawn in a distinctive tone. Graffiti is complicated by the presence of such elements as stars, dots, crowns. For originality, add artificial smudges or highlights. You can depict one of the letters in the form of a drop or lightning. Place the inscription in a large cartoon bubble or bring the letters to life by painting on their eyes. It all depends on your imagination. Connect your imagination and do not be afraid of non-triviality.

First, decide what your inscription will be. Easily readable or unrecognizable, whimsical.

Secondly, for the first sketches, take clean white paper. You should not draw on notebook sheets that have a linear application.

Thirdly, do not forget that graffiti is an abstraction. Consider perspective, volume, and jagged lines.

Fourthly, with the help of one simple pencil, you can apply different types of shading and shade.

Fifth, to create smooth lines, you can make stencils from cardboard. Many artists, achieving the desired result, use different patterns.

Drawing graffiti for beginners in stages on paper is much easier than applying it to the wall without training. Try sketching different letters, then words, moving from simple to complex, gradually developing your own individual style.

Graffiti is an Italian word. In translation, it means an inscription or drawing made with ink, paints. Such an image is applied to a variety of surfaces: sheets of paper, building facades, fences, asphalt. Below are the main styles of this art and how to learn how to draw graffiti.

General information

Graffiti is a relatively young phenomenon, but among its fans are both young people and older people. This art form is inextricably linked with teenage hip-hop. Modern graffiti has reached a higher level of development. It is popular and relatively legal. For example, the VKontakte social network invites users to try their hand at creating drawings.

The article reveals the algorithm for performing graffiti on paper with a pencil.

Directions of creativity

Graffiti is a recognized art form. In addition, he is one of the brightest and most expressive. Of course, such activities have a large number of styles and branches.

The following drawing methods are known:

  • Spray art is the most common style. It consists in applying images with aerosol paints in cans. Using his example, it is easy to explain how to draw graffiti.
  • Bubble style. It involves drawing rounded letters with paints of several colors. The images are like bubbles.
  • Blockbuster. Basically, one color is used to display large monotonous letters.
  • Wild style. Differs in the complexity of writing. "Entanglement" sometimes does not even allow to make out the inscription.
  • FX or 3D style - image of three-dimensional letters. Shades smoothly transition into each other, and the picture looks realistic.

There are many other areas of art. By and large, any wall painting can be called graffiti.

With the help of a drawing on watercolor paper, it is easy to test your abilities in modern creativity. To do this, you will also need brushes, pencils and paints. You should not take the first steps in graffiti on walls and fences. Simple tools will allow you to learn the basic rules for creating drawings and inscriptions.

Drawing stages

The best way to start an ability test is to write your name. To do this, you first need to choose the style of the future drawing. How to draw graffiti in stages, is considered on the example of a simple bubble style.

For a drawing, you can stop at both sharp and rounded letters. A difference in the size of characters is allowed - everything is at the request of the author. Leave a space between letters in a word. It will be filled in later stages.

Letter structure and other characteristics

Structure is an important parameter. Drawing is recommended to be done with light movements, strokes. This structure will allow further changes to be made. It may take a lot of time at first, but the end result is worth it. The advantage of graffiti is in a certain negligence - the difference in letters does not contradict the essence of the style.

As for the lines, it is desirable to make them even and thin. If it is not possible to achieve the same thickness, artistic techniques can be used. For example, a 3D effect is obtained by darkening or adjusting the thickness. To do this, use pencils of varying degrees of softness.

If you draw graffiti in stages, then you need to pay attention to the use of effects. After the image of the letters themselves, if desired, they resort to additional elements. This is a good idea, subject to the developed imagination.

The shading of the letters is done with a marker or pencil. Darkening requires careful handling. But in case of a mistake, you can always correct the situation by adding volume to the letters.


If there are errors in the creation of the inscription, it is recommended to create a copy of the image. To continue work, this must be done before the final coloring stage. In copying, it is important to highlight all the effects and shades, they must be distinguishable. The best way is to create several identical options and add different details to each.

Before painting, a beginner is advised to study the drawings of other masters. You should not use a simple pencil for these purposes - the drawing will not turn out to be saturated even if there are shadows. But you should not make the image too bright, because it can distract from the main message.

Drawings on the walls

Graffiti can be created by anyone, even without artistic talents. First, it is advised to depict the inscription on paper. Each writer has his own signature, it is called a "tag". Such an identification mark is usually made in black or white.

A graffiti artist needs special equipment and the right paint. How to draw graffiti on the wall? Information below.

Step by step guide

First of all, you need to decide on the "canvas". Any primed wall will work for this. Sometimes they draw on metal surfaces, but this requires more time and expense. Creativity should be done in special places. It is also not customary to apply drawings on the works of other writers.

Image creation

The first sketch is made with a balloon in the air. The background is the main color of the picture, it also creates a sketch. At this stage, leakage may occur. They cannot be stopped and cleaned with a rag - this will lead to divorce. It is worth waiting for the streaks to dry and then apply background paint on them.

Before using the can, it is advised to check whether the nozzle is installed correctly. First, the jet is aimed at the ground.

Dry and warm weather is suitable for creating graffiti. Damp environments can cause problems with paint.

  • Do not paint with your tags or drawings graffiti of other masters, in many respects exceeding your level. If you are painting on top of any images, make sure your graffiti covers them completely. You will make your task much easier if you paint over the background for your drawing.
  • Remember that the choice of a place for your work should be reasonable, and based on a respectful attitude towards other people's work. Graffiti artists create, not destroy.
  • If you are arrested, ask for a lawyer and use your right to remain silent. All you have to provide is your name, address and date of birth. Don't let them intimidate you into getting a confession out of you, even if you have paint stains on your clothes or they've seen you draw. Remember, even if the cop says "you're only making things worse for yourself", it's bad enough, he just wants to get a confession and close the case.
  • A few graffiti principles: Don't tag commercial buildings, places of worship (churches, for example), schools, or places of interest (mainly because of security cameras).
  • Enjoy the process, be creative, original and free to express yourself. Once you get the hang of graffiti writing, you can move on to some crazy new styles. Don't be afraid to experiment; you never know what will be yours.
  • Invest in your creativity. Buy branded graffiti painting supplies. Or alternatively, you can make your own ink and markers. To do this, buy a regular, affordable paint.
  • Think about why you want to do graffiti. Some seem to be doing the right thing, but still many are pursuing the wrong goals. To look cool among your friends is not the best reason.
  • Your city may have laws against graffiti. Do not wake up you constantly draw on your own house.
  • Draw graffiti in public places like skate parks.
  • Practice on big rocks. You can paint over them later.
  • Most importantly, be yourself in your work. Simple and understandable.
  • Respect, but do not worship, eminent graffiti artists.
  • Do not use your real name, surname or patronymic in your work.
  • Use respiratory masks when working indoors or in confined spaces.
  • Wear a bandanna to hide your face from the cameras.
  • Make sure no one sees you tagging.
  • Go to Amazon and search for "How to Learn to Draw Graffiti" video, it will help you a lot. Find also a video with step by step instructions on how to draw and design graffiti.

Graffiti is now very popular among young people, and many people are interested in how to draw graffiti or how to draw graffiti yourself. Of course, you need to practice on paper first. For a novice draftsman, there is no need for complexity, and therefore, I drew the simplest graffiti in this lesson.

How to draw graffiti step by step

Tell about how to draw graffiti step by step is quite difficult because there are many different styles of graffiti. I think I will have more articles about graffiti in which I will talk about each style separately. And in this lesson, let's try to just draw graffiti in stages. We will draw the word - " LOVE».

First - draw the letter " ABOUT».

Draw the letter " L».

Draw the rest of the letters V" And " E».

Outline the drawn letters with a black pencil. Do not try to repeat exactly as in the picture. If your stroke is thicker or thinner - that's even good! You will get your own drawing or even your own graffiti style!

Next in the lesson how to draw graffiti step by step take colored pencils. Again, you can repeat the colors as in the picture, or you can come up with your own color combinations of pencils that you personally like!

I start painting with one color first.

Well, it remains to apply the second shade of red. If you look closely, you can distinguish them in the picture. On each letter, I leave a small area unpainted.

At this stage, you can finish the lesson on how to draw graffiti in stages - the graffiti is drawn. Is it difficult to draw such graffiti? I don't think so, because this drawing is quite simple. Even if something doesn't work out for you, you can always try again.

Based on this drawing, you can come up with other forms of letters, decorate with pencils of other colors, or come up with something more complicated. It all depends on your imagination - develop it!

Thank you for taking the lesson on how to draw graffiti with a pencil with me!

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