How to calculate the area of ​​​​a room in square meters. How to find out the area of ​​a room


In all processes, which, one way or another, are connected with real estate, an important role is played by the size of the area, namely square meters. For any operations, different values ​​\u200b\u200bmay be needed, whether it is the total, living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room or the territory adjacent to a private house.

The characteristic under consideration is one of the most important, which can affect many factors: such as the cost of public services, the price of real estate, as well as the cost of repairing the entire premises or part of it.

Despite the fact that it seems to many that the calculation of the square meter of a room is quite simple, this is a common and gross misconception. In fact, such calculations must be made accurately, carefully and accurately, because even a small error in such a matter can cost a lot.

This does not mean at all that for the calculation it is necessary to call a specialist for help. Today we will find out how to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba room in m2, as well as what to consider if it is irregular in shape, etc. You need to understand that not all rooms are square in shape, it is also worth considering various kinds of irregularities, bulges in the room, such as niches, different wall heights, etc.

Calculation of the area of ​​​​the room in square meters

In order for this process to be understandable and not complicated, it is necessary to understand the very essence of the changes, and for this it is necessary to draw up a step-by-step instruction for measuring various areas, which we will now do.

Whatever the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, only three parameters are needed to calculate it - height, width and length, everyone who studied at school knows this, but there is a list, and not a small one, of various subtleties, details and nuances that must be taken into account during the considered calculations.

First you need to acquire the tools that you may need in the measurement process, and only then proceed to the immediate matter. So: a measuring tape, a pen and a sheet on which the measurer writes down all his measurements and calculates the value he needs.

How to calculate the square area of ​​the floor and ceiling

Consider first the calculation of the quadrature of the flooring in the room. We need only two parameters for such calculations - width, and no doubt, length. It should be immediately noted that the measurements in question are carried out directly at the wall bases, so furniture and all unnecessary objects that interfere with measurements will either need to be moved or taken out of the room.

The obtained measurements are multiplied among themselves, obtaining the value of square meters of area. A similar process with calculating the quadrature of the ceiling. Of course, you can calculate the floor area and mark the square of the ceiling with a similar value, but if you need exact values, you will have to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling and the floor, separately, because not all rooms and rooms are of the correct shape and perfectly even.

If the room is square, then there will be no problems, with irregularly shaped rooms everything is a little different, but more on that later.

How to calculate the square meter of a wall

When it comes to plywood or wallpapering, it immediately becomes a question of measuring the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls in a room, there is also a system here. The result to be obtained in this case is the wall area m2.

To carry out calculations, it is necessary to know two parameters - the width of the walls and their immediate height. We multiply the measurements obtained, we will get the result we need, moreover, it will be measured in square meters. There is a way to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba room in m2 without additional effort and waste of time, namely using.

Do not forget that the areas of doorways, as well as windows, must be calculated separately, because each of them has its own meaning. Only after knowing all these data, it will be possible to purchase wallpaper for a room or room without any problems and extra costs. The calculation of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls in the room will be as follows - from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, you will need to subtract the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors, the result will be final.

How to calculate irregularly shaped rooms in square meters

If everything is very clear with square and rectangular rooms, then with rooms the shape of which cannot be called correct, everything is a little more complicated, without the use of logic it will not do here. So, the way how to calculate the area of ​​​​a room in square meters, if it is irregular in shape:

    1. Calculating the area of ​​a square and a rectangle is simple, therefore, it is necessary to make sure that calculations of this type are useful to us for the irregular shape of the room.
    2. We visually break it into simple shapes from geometry (it can be either a square or a triangle, it all depends on the very shape of the room).
    3. If the visual imagination does not work very well, then you can draw lines on the walls, floor, ceiling (where needed).
    4. After dividing the room into zones of regular geometric shapes, we proceed to calculate their area separately, in order to sum up the results later.

How to calculate square meters in a room in which there are niches and ledges

In modern interiors today you can often find various kinds of additional structures that make the design more modern, and the calculation of the area is more difficult. A niche can be called both a recess in the wall and a window opening, so, in any case, it will be necessary to take into account their dimensions when calculating the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

If you need to calculate the square meters of the total area of ​​​​the room, where there are various kinds of protrusions and recesses, you will need to separately measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe square or rectangular part of the room, and add to them the area of ​​\u200b\u200bniches, protrusions and all irregularities.

In turn, their area is calculated according to the standard calculation example - we divide the space into geometric shapes of the correct shape and that's it.

Calculation of curved rooms in square meters

It happens that in some rooms (for various reasons) some corners are cut or the wall is not located at 90 degrees, and the area of ​​​​the room needs to be calculated. Here, too, a method of dividing irregular and complex figures into simple and correct ones is used.

It should be noted right away that in curvilinear rooms, even division into simple figures does not exclude the formation of triangles. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, it is best to draw all the figures obtained by visual division on some paper, then the process of calculating a square meter of area will be easier and more accurate.

A room with cut corners can be called a rectangle without some of the corners (which are triangles). Therefore, the total area of ​​​​the room is first calculated, and then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe missing triangle is subtracted from it.

Recommendations for accurate calculation of the area of ​​​​rooms in square meters

In order for the results to be accurate, it is imperative to measure the wall with a tape measure in several places (engineers did not use special care in measuring during the construction of many buildings, so neither walls nor ceilings are perfect).

After that, you need to add up all the results obtained and divide by the number of measurement points (we get the arithmetic mean). Such refinement will help to avoid measurement errors and inaccuracies. The information in the article will help you understand how to calculate the area of ​​​​a room in m2 and what nuances you need to know for this.

To measure the window opening, all parts are necessarily measured, regardless of whether it seems visually that they are the same or not. Regardless of the purpose for which you need to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in square meters, these calculations must be carried out carefully and carefully.

The procedure for carrying out repairs in the room requires a mandatory calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, ceiling and floor. Since during the purchase of building materials, these values ​​\u200b\u200bhelp not to be mistaken in their quantity. We will talk about methods and examples of calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room further.

Reasons for calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room

There are a large number of reasons why the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, ceiling or floor in a room is determined. In some cases, data on the total area of ​​​​the room is required. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common reasons for determining the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba room or its individual parts:

  • if work is planned to install suspended ceilings, then it is necessary to determine the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling to determine the amount of materials used in the work;

  • when installing stretch ceilings, you also need to calculate the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling in order to pre-plan material resources;
  • for painting or finishing the ceiling, you should also know its area, almost all paint and varnish products and primers have a consumption rate per square meter in their technical specifications;
  • finishing walls with drywall requires calculating the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls to purchase the right amount of material;
  • when hiring builders, for example, to finish the floor with tiles, each square meter has a certain cost, which is calculated at the end of the work;
  • when selling a house or when decorating it, such a parameter as a living area, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen and other rooms is also of particular importance.

Room area: calculating floor area

There are various reasons for determining the floor area: repair and purchase of materials for its finishing, thermal insulation, calculation of usable area, etc.

The easiest way to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba room is a square or rectangular shape. In this case, you will need the value of the length and width of the floor, which are multiplied by each other. This option does not require the release of the room from cabinets and other furniture. It is enough to simply measure the distance. However, if there is a fireplace in the room, its area should be subtracted from the total result obtained.

In principle, all items that are permanently on the floor and cannot be moved, such as built-in wardrobes, are calculated from the total floor area.

More difficult is the calculation of the floor area in a room that has an irregular shape. Standard rooms are, of course, rectangular or square in shape, although there are rooms with all sorts of niches, recesses, arches, ledges, etc. This option for calculating the floor area is more complicated, since it requires calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe figures that make up the room separately.

To calculate the total area, you should divide the space into several regular shapes, in the form of rectangles, trapezoids, squares, etc. For example, if the room is L-shaped, then it is enough to divide it into two rectangles, calculate the area of ​​​​each of them and summarize the results.

If the room has an L-shape, but it does not run at a right angle, then in addition to two rectangles, it also contains a triangular space, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is also calculated. To calculate the area of ​​a triangle, it is enough to multiply one leg by another.

In the presence of semicircular fragments in the form of cylindrical or segmental particles, the calculations become more complicated. To calculate the floor area in such a room, it is also necessary to divide the space into several parts, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is calculated separately.

There are options for rooms that have different floor levels, that is, elevations or slopes. Thus, the room is divided into several zones. For example, in the kitchen there is a dining room and a working part. The same thing happens with the ceiling, for example, multi-level. To calculate the floor area with ledges or hills, you should again divide the space into parts in the form of rectangles or squares, and measure those very protrusions with a ruler and calculate their area. In this way, it will be possible to calculate the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Please note that in this case it is preferable to use a tape measure, which is installed near the base. In addition, you will need a pencil and a notebook to write down all the values. As a result, buying paint and determining the amount of finishing material for the floor will be completed quickly.

Do not measure from the wall as it may be curved and will cause inaccuracies in the floor area determination process. Particularly difficult are the works on determining the floor area, on which there are ledges in the form of a semicircle or wave. This situation involves measuring each of the arcs, finding the radii and splitting the area into several geometric shapes. By determining the area for each of them, the general formula for the asymmetric segment is calculated.

Determining the area of ​​a rectangular room and ceiling

Rectangular room is the most typical and common option. To calculate the area, it is enough to multiply the length of the room by its width. For example, if the length of the room is 3.40 m and its width is 5.20 m, then 3.40x5.20 is enough to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, resulting in 17.68 square meters. To calculate the perimeter of the ceiling, another formula is used, which implies the sum of twice its length and width. That is, the perimeter of the ceiling is equal to 2x3.40 + 2x5.20 = 17.2 m.

Therefore, in the process of purchasing profiles, 17.2 meters of material will be required. However, it is recommended, even when making the most accurate calculations, to buy material with a margin of 10-15 percent, to compensate for various kinds of mechanical damage and joints.

What is the area of ​​​​the room in which there are niches and ledges

To determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a room, you should work hard and perform the following actions:

1. Make a project of the room, taking into account all the design features.

2. Measure and mark heights and lengths for all flat walls.

3. Using a ruler and a square, divide the space into several zones, in the form of regular shapes.

4. Each of the sides of the figure should be measured and marked in the project.

5. According to the formula for calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba figure, determine the values ​​\u200b\u200bof each of them and summarize the results.

How to determine the area of ​​​​a room with uneven walls

If there is a room in which the walls look like polyhedrons or indirect disproportionate figures, the calculations are much more difficult. Measuring the perimeter in such a room is quite simple. You should use a tape measure and walk with it throughout the room, measuring each of the sections separately.

The area of ​​the room is determined by drawing and designing the room. After the sketch is ready, we divide the space in such a way as to obtain the maximum number of proportional figures in the form of a square, triangle or rectangle.

In order to determine the area of ​​a segment that has the shape of a rectangle with identical edges, it is enough to measure the size of the legs, which are multiplied by each other and divided in half. That is, to determine the area of ​​a triangular segment with legs of 0.5 and 0.9 m, the following calculations should be carried out:

0.5x0.9 / 2 \u003d 0.225 square meters.

How to calculate the area of ​​​​a room in which there is a multi-level ceiling

The ceiling, on which there are ledges, is more difficult to calculate, but it is quite realistic. There are multi-tiered ceilings that are in the form of straight lines, their calculation is easy to carry out, but there are structures that require special care, since they consist of arcuate or wavy fragments for the calculation of which special efforts are required.

It is too long and costly to calculate each of the sections, especially since the result is not always the correct result. After all, the arcs designed on the ceiling can be arbitrary.

The easiest way to determine the area of ​​​​the room is by the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor. To do this, you must perform a series of actions:

1. Measure all straight wall sections.

It is preferable to take measurements closer to the ceiling, as the length of the wall above and below the room may differ.

2. Determine the floor area using the previously indicated methods.

3. On each of the vertical sections, measure their height and length and multiply these figures.

4. Add them to the total floor area.

Determination of the total area of ​​​​the room

In order to answer the question of how to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba room in square meters, we suggest that you read the instructions that will help you complete this task:

1. Take care of cleaning the space near the walls.

The walls of the room should be freely accessible. Thus, the correctness and accuracy of the measurement will increase. If possible, it is better to free the entire room, since in carrying out certain calculations it will be necessary to measure the central sections.

2. Identify areas in the room that have the correct shape.

If the room looks like a rectangle, then it does not need to be divided. Otherwise, the room is divided into shapes in the form of squares, semicircles, trapezoids, triangles or rectangles.

3. Make a sketch of the room, so it will become easier to work.

Measurement of the area of ​​​​the room must be carried out according to the sketch, on which all measurements are marked. Tip: In the absence of paper and if you need an urgent measurement, use the adhesive tape that is attached to each wall.

4. Length and width of the room, area.

Each wall should be measured in width and length preferably twice. In order not to measure the entire wall as a whole, it must be divided into several fragments, and as a result, the results obtained should be summarized.

In order to make sure that the calculation is correct, if there is free time, measurements are taken twice.

5. Determine the area of ​​each of the plots:

  • the area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the multiplication of its length by its width;
  • the area of ​​a square is one of its sides in a square;
  • the area of ​​the triangle - the height and side, are multiplied among themselves and the resulting value is divided by two;
  • The area of ​​a circle is pi multiplied by the radius squared.

6. The areas of previously defined sections are added together.

Determining the minimum area of ​​​​a room

1. Plots in the form of a rectangle.

Using a tape measure, the length and width of the plot are measured, they are multiplied together. Data are most often rounded to the nearest centimeter.

2. Triangle.

The area of ​​a given area is determined by multiplying one side of the triangle by its height, that is, the line drawn from the top of the triangle, which divides it into two equal parts. The resulting value is doubled.

3. Circle or semicircle.

Radius definition. This value is squared, multiplied by the number Pi. In the presence of a semicircle, the value is divided into two.

In addition, there are special online calculators on the Internet that allow you to carry out all calculations quickly and efficiently. To work with them, it is enough to select the shape of the room section, measure it with a tape measure and enter the data. The program itself will carry out all the necessary calculations and determine the area.

Optimal room area

Each room has its own size, and during the planning of the house, this factor is taken into account in accordance with their purpose. The minimum value of the area of ​​​​an ordinary living room is eight square meters.

The area of ​​​​the common room or living room should be from 13 to 23 square meters. The bedroom should be located in the corner of the house, and not be a walk-through room.

The minimum height of the living space is 240 cm. It is not recommended to equip rooms with a height of more than 300 cm, since they are completely impractical, and a large amount of material investments will be required to heat them in winter.

Each room should be distinguished by the presence of natural light. At least 30% of all walls should be windows. Please note that it is preferable to install windows on the south side, since in winter, on the north side, they will provoke large heat losses.

If the living area of ​​a house or apartment is from 15 to 55 square meters, then the minimum kitchen area should be 6 square meters. When planning a kitchen in buildings with a living area of ​​more than 55 square meters, the kitchen should occupy at least a fifth of the entire house.

If the kitchen occupies more than 10 square meters, it is possible to use it as a dining room or a room for receiving guests. The minimum width of the hallway is 140 cm, it must also have natural light.

For a children's room, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b10-15 square meters is enough. The smallest should be the bathroom and toilet. Their area is equal to 4-8 square meters.

There are many situations in which you will need to know the size of your home. Repairs, checking utility bills, buying new furniture - in all these cases, it is necessary to determine the exact dimensions of the room. To do this, you need to find out the gender. It is the very quadrature on which all further calculations are based.

Not always measuring the floor area is a simple procedure

The complexity of such calculations and the duration of the process directly depend on the complexity and intricacy of the shape of your house. And in order to avoid insurmountable difficulties, let's figure out together the intricacies of this, at first glance, a simple matter.

Floor area calculator

We measure a rectangular floor

In theory, everything is very easy. It is enough to measure the length and width of the room and multiply them together. A simple school formula is S=a*b. But this is in theory, which says that the sizes of opposite sides of a rectangle are equal. And practice suggests that this is not always the case, that builders are also people, and they are.

Therefore, it is better to take measurements in each direction in three places - near the walls and in the center of the room. Then calculate the arithmetic mean for the width and length. And multiply these values. This approach will help to significantly improve the accuracy of the calculation.

Even in the premises there are different ledges that occupy part of its area (a fireplace in the living room or a pipeline fencing in the bathroom). Their area must be calculated separately, and the result subtracted from the total. Or maybe vice versa - the presence of a niche in the wall or an adjacent room. In this case, their dimensions in square meters should be added to the corresponding value of the main part of the room.

As you can see, even with all the "aggravating", the floor of a rectangular shape does not require much effort and special knowledge. The procedure is still within one elementary formula.

But this applies only to buildings made according to standard projects. But the owners of apartments and houses with an original design layout will have a harder time. But, as they say, if you like to ride - love to carry sleds. Originality also has its price, and in our case it's not just about money.

Gender original shape

The first thing to do when calculating the area of ​​​​an irregularly shaped floor is to divide it mentally or on paper into simple figures. Then calculate the area of ​​each of them separately and summarize the results.

In the course of this task, you will definitely notice that the figures themselves are simple, but their areas are not always. For each individual part, you will have to apply your own formula, depending on its geometry. We will now consider some of them.


It is easiest to deal with rectangular representatives of this family. Drawing it on paper, it is easy to see that it is half a rectangle. Accordingly, the calculation formula differs slightly: S=a*b/2. Where the letters a and b mean the length of the legs (sides touching at right angles).

If the triangle has no right angles, the following steps must be taken:

  • take one of its sides as a basis;
  • draw a height from the top to it;
  • multiply one by the other;
  • divide the result by 2.

As a result, the formula will look like this: S=a*h/2. Where a and h are the length of the base and the height, respectively.

For lovers of the exotic, there are other options. For example, Heron's formula, or calculation using the radius of a circle inscribed in a triangle. But it will still be easier to count through the base and height.

Circles and ovals

Such geometric shapes in construction are rare, but still occur. To calculate the area of ​​a circle, it is enough to find its radius and substitute it into the equation: S=πr 2 . We have known it since school. And, according to the textbooks, r is the radius of the circle, and the value of pi is 3.14.

The area of ​​an oval (ellipse) is calculated in a similar way. Only instead of the radius, it is necessary to find the length of its two semiaxes - long (a) and short (b). Further - according to the same scheme: S=π*a*b.

But more often you can encounter semi-circular or "semi-oval" rooms. such a room, add /2 to the formulas for a circle and an oval at the end. In Latin it will look like this: S=πr 2/2 and S=π*a*b/2.

Tiered floor

Occurs even less often. And you can calculate its area in the same way as in the example with adjacent premises - add up the indicators of each fragment. But, if you need to paint such a floor, then do not forget to take into account the vertical planes. Otherwise, there may not be enough paint on them.

In the end, I would like to note that the main thing in any calculations is accuracy. Therefore, be careful when taking measurements and carefully check the results of calculations. This will greatly simplify further, more complex steps during the repair.

The area of ​​the room is determined after finishing the walls and partitions as the area at floor level, excluding skirting boards

Any important undertaking must be calculated in advance, repair is no exception. Since the costs are high, it is necessary to optimize them and reduce them to the maximum, especially if you want to do something expensive, such as stretch ceilings with several levels. If you buy materials “by eye”, you can easily make a mistake - either you buy too much or you have to go to the store and buy the missing building materials. In order not to buy extra expensive building materials and save the family budget, you need to know how to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Residential is considered to be a separate room, with the presence of conditions for people to live. Habitable rooms must comply with all requirements set out in current building regulations. The living area of ​​a public house and each of its floors is calculated by adding the footage of apartments.

When calculating the footage of a dwelling, they add up the footage of all its rooms, including the available utility rooms. The following objects are considered auxiliary:

  • kitchen room;
  • footage of corridors and bathrooms;
  • cabinets built into the thickness of the walls;
  • storerooms;
  • residential attic floor;
  • stair structures located inside the apartments.

Residential premises - an isolated premises, which is real estate, suitable for permanent residence of people

In buildings that include one floor, the footage of loggias, balconies, terraces, and verandas is not taken into account in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling. In multi-storey buildings, this category includes underground ventilation, built on permanently frozen ground, non-residential attic space, non-apartment communications, stair structures located outside the premises.

Features of calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpremises

To calculate the total footage of an apartment, you need to find the sum of the areas of its living and utility rooms. To perform an accurate calculation, it is necessary to correct the calculations. In this case, special reduction factors should be used. To determine the footage of loggias, the coefficient is 0.5, for terraces and balconies - 0.3, for cold storerooms and verandas, the adjustment is 1.0.

To calculate the total footage of a multi-storey building, find the sum of the areas of the underground floor (technical) and ground floor (including the attic floor). The total footage also includes unclosed unheated facilities of the structure.

The total footage of a floor can be calculated by measuring its parameters between the inner surfaces of walls, fences and partitions with finishing. The total footage of each level of a multi-storey building includes the size of the space between flights of stairs, as well as openings in horizontal ceilings larger than 36 sq.m. When calculating the total footage of the premises, the dimensions of the technical floor, up to 1.8 m high, are not taken into account.

The total area of ​​the apartment is the footage, which includes all the premises of the apartment, regardless of whether they are residential or auxiliary

The sequence of performing calculations of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises

The easiest way to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba living space is in the form of a rectangular or square figure. To do this, you need to find the values ​​\u200b\u200bof its length and width, and then multiply them. The recommended units for measuring room parameters are meters, and the area is expressed in square meters. All necessary measurements are carried out with a tape measure on the floor between the surfaces of the walls, excluding skirting boards.

Separately, they find the footage of the existing protruding structural parts of the room, niches and recesses. The dimensions of objects that protrude into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room are subtracted from the total footage, and the size of niches and recesses is added.


The space of the room occupied by heating elements is not taken into account when calculating the total living footage of the structure.

If the size of the premises is needed in order to find out the required amount of building materials, the dimensions of the door and window openings are excluded from the wall area and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe recesses for heating radiators is added.

If the room has a complex shape, to simplify the calculations, it is divided into squares and rectangles, triangles or circle sectors. To calculate the total size, sum the found parameters of all sections of the room.

Measuring the area and volume of a room with a laser rangefinder

S = v*(p*(p-a)*(p-b)*(p-c)), where the quantity S is the semiperimeter of the triangle, a, b, c are the lengths of its sides.

P = (a+b+c)/2

To calculate the area of ​​an equilateral triangle, you can use the following formula:

S = S2, Where S is the length of its side.

The size of the area of ​​a right triangle is the product of the lengths of the sides that make up the right angle, divided by 2. For calculations, you can also use the height and base of the triangle. In this case, its area is found by the formula:

S=1/2*h*b, Where h- the value of the height of the triangle, b- the value of its base.

With just two or three measurements, you can quickly and accurately calculate the area of ​​a ceiling, floor or wall, as well as the volume of a room.

There is also a calculation method if the dimensions of the two sides of the triangle and the angle formed between them are known:S=1/2*c*b*sinA, Where With And b- the length of the sides, A is the angle between them. According to the formula, the product of the lengths of the sides is divided in half, and then the result is multiplied by the value of the sine of the known angle. The sine of an angle can be found from the Bradis table or determined on a calculator.

To calculate the area of ​​a circle, you can use the well-known formulaS = pr2, Where π=3.14, r– the value of the radius of the circle (half the diameter). Therefore, the footage of a semicircle is found by dividing the area of ​​the circle by 2.

How to find the footage of the attic floor

The attic floor refers to premises suitable for human habitation. To determine its area, it is not enough to multiply the height value by the width and length of a rectangular floor. If the attic floor is made in a complex form, its space is divided into sections and their footage is summed up.

Therefore, in order to find the most accurate value of the attic area, consider the height of the narrowest part of the roof slope - 1.5 m, if the slope is 30 °, 1.1 m - if the slope angle is 45°, 0.5 m – angle 60° . If the attic floor is below half a meter, it is necessary to multiply the total footage by a factor with a value of 0.7.


When calculating the parameters of the living space of the attic floor, it is necessary to consider the value from the floor to the bend of the slopes. If this value is less than 90 cm, it is deaf and is not taken into account in the usable area.

If the slope of the roof slopes is 45 degrees, the footage can be calculated using the formula, which will look like this: S = A*L + 2V*0.7*L= L*(A+1.4B). Where S- attic floor footage, L- length, A And IN- floor width values ​​at a height of 1.1 and 0.8 meters. 0.7 - the size of the amendment, according to which the calculation of the attic footage is adjusted.

Correction for area when evaluating a room

In order to independently determine the cost of a building depending on its area, certain amendments should be considered. Often, with an increase in the footage of the building being assessed, the cost of sq.m. decreases. Based on this, the adjustment for the area is to reduce the cost of 1 sq.m. by 1% with an increase in footage for every 5 sq.m.

Also, the size of the kitchen affects the value of the property. Therefore, an adjustment is applied at the rate of 0.5% for the difference in 1 sq.m. of the kitchen.

Given the recommendations on how to calculate the area of ​​​​premises and buildings, you can independently determine the size of the property and compare them with the data of technical documentation. Using the results obtained, you can determine the need for finishing building materials or find out the cost of housing.

How to take interior measurements - interior measurements

Any surface in the room is subject to repair, whether it be walls or floors, so it is very important to know how to calculate the area of ​​​​the room in whole or in parts.

But in an ordinary room, the floor always corresponds to the ceiling and is often calculated using the formula for the rectangle S = AB, where A And B If you are going to make repairs in a house that was not built by you or without your participation or control, make sure that the lengths of opposite walls in each room are the same. The room sometimes looks like a perfect rectangle, but in fact one wall can be several centimeters shorter than the other.

Using the above formula, you will get a fair amount of error. To avoid it, determine the correct rectangle with measurements, and for all deviations from it, count square meters separately. You will most likely be dealing with triangles where 2 sides meet at 90 degrees, so the formula would be S = AB/2 where A And B- the length of the legs.

The biggest difficulty faced by those who started repairs on their own is irregularly shaped rooms. For example, it is difficult to perform calculations if, for example, an arched partition separates the living room from the corridor. Therefore, in this case, before calculating the square meters on which the room will be repaired, it is necessary to clearly define the boundary, as well as the radius of the bend of the wall.

Further, in order not to mess with the sines and cosines of the angles, we take the arc and the two radii limiting it as a sector of the circle and consider its square meters: S = Lr / 2, where L is the length of the arc, and r- radius, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof which are not difficult to find out by measurements. Now you need to determine the distance between the ends of the arcuate bend of the room. This will give us the chord of the calculated sector, together with the radii it will form a triangle, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is found by the formula S \u003d b √ (4a 2 - b 2) / 4, where b- the base of the triangle (the chord of the sector), A– its side (sector radius).

We subtract the quadrature of the triangle from the previously determined area of ​​the sector and get the value for the complex section of the room, which has the shape of a segment. To make it easier to determine square meters for planning a complex configuration, it is enough to break the room into simple figures and calculate the area for each separately, and then add the results.

Consider the option when you need to make repairs in a room with 5 walls. If this is just a standard room, one of the corners of which is cut off, then everything is quite simple. We first consider the area, as if it were an even rectangle, that is, along the two longest adjacent sides, the formula S \u003d AB. Then we draw from the ends of the fifth wall lines perpendicular to each other, converging at one point, and measure the resulting sides of a right-angled triangle. Next, we calculate according to the formula S = AB / 2 and subtract the resulting value from the result of the first formula.

But it happens that the room has a "sprout" going at an obtuse or acute angle to the main space. That is, the area includes not only 2 rectangles, but also a scalene triangle. Having determined its boundaries, we measure them, and then use the Heron formula S = √(p(p – a)(p – b)(p – c)), where p– semiperimeter, which is considered as follows p = (a + b + c)/2, here and earlier a, b And c- Sides of a triangle. The result obtained is summarized with the solutions for the two rectangles that make up the wrong layout of the room.

We calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls

Plasterboarding, plastering, painting, tiling - these and other types of work involve the repair of walls that are an integral part of the room. Accordingly, for them, too, you need to correctly calculate the area. All calculations are based on measurements of the perimeter of the room and its height. The results are substituted into the formula S = Ph, here h is the height, and P(perimeter) is calculated as follows: P = 2(A + B), where A And B- the lengths of adjacent walls having a common angle.

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