How to make homemade play dough. How to make salt dough


You can test or develop your creativity by using not only proven materials, such as plasticine or clay. It is quite possible to create various souvenirs and items for gifts to relatives and friends, taking salt dough as a basis.

It is actively used for modeling and developing activities with children, since the ingredients included in the composition are completely natural and safe. In order for the finished elements not to crumble, a large amount of salt is added to the dough. You can make a variety of colors and shades using safe food dyes.

In addition to decorating baking dough and other edible products, the use of this product in a composition supplemented with other components allows you to create very spectacular, unusual, unique and beautiful decorative ornaments, figurines that can be additionally painted, pictures, flowers and other details to decorate and improve the interior.

The use of salt dough is ideal for introducing children to creative activities and needlework, as it allows you to achieve good results, but the cost of the ingredients is accessible to everyone without exception.

This material is also used by adults, as it helps to focus on work, relax and unwind, which is very useful for relieving stress and tension.

Dough is a material that has its own characteristics. They must be known and taken into account so that the craft made on its basis is of perfect quality. The subtleties of working with it are in the increased plasticity of salt dough.

Modeling is carried out according to the same principle as the creation of crafts from plasticine, but a person receives a number of undeniable advantages:

In turn, there are a number of difficulties that a person who decides to start modeling from dough with salt may encounter:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the dough according to the rules so that it does not stick to your hands;
  2. Errors in proportions, preparation or drying process can cause the finished product to crack.

It is important to remember that pancake flour is not used to make salt dough for modeling crafts, since its consistency and composition are not suitable for obtaining high-quality material. The salt that is included in the composition should be fine, as large particles will cause cracking of the finished product.

In addition, the dissolution time of coarse salt in water is long, which will delay the process of creating crafts. There should be no foreign impurities in the salt, as they will spoil the appearance of the dough and will not allow to achieve a uniform composition.

The kneading process should be carried out in cold water (it is better to cool it to an ice state). In this case, the dough will turn out to be of high quality, pores will not form, as a result of which it will turn out to be of high quality.

simple recipe

In order to get salty dough for modeling, you can use the simplest ingredients. The mixing process is carried out manually or with a mixer. The second option is preferable when it comes to large volumes or there is a need to obtain a smooth, elastic dough.

In order for the finished product to not crumble for subsequent modeling of various products from it, the salt will need to be poured with cold water in advance, and then thoroughly mixed with flour, it is important that no lumps form at this stage. A simple recipe calls for the following ingredients:

  • flour (any, except pancake) - 200-250 g;
  • fine salt (without additives) - 200-250 g;
  • water (ice) - 100 - 125 ml.

All components must be mixed in a container, then knead by hand or with a mixer until smooth. This easy recipe is perfect for making details like flower petals, curlicues, and intricate embellishments.

Salt dough for modeling crafts - a recipe for children

It is important to use natural ingredients to prepare the base for sculpting dough, especially when children are involved in the work. The recipe that can be used in this case consists of simple and affordable ingredients:

  • flour - 250 g;
  • fine white salt - 250 g;
  • sunflower oil - 5 tbsp;
  • baby cream - 5 tbsp.

All ingredients should be mixed, add water, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The result is a salty dough with a pleasant aroma that children will love.

The best salt dough recipe for modeling with children

This recipe will allow you to get high-strength salt dough, so it is ideal for children's creativity. You will need to take the following ingredients:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • potato starch - 100 g;
  • cold water - 150 ml.

All components should be mixed in a container, then knead using a mixer or just by hand. The starch will perform the task of a natural adhesive substance, as a result of which the crafts in the dried state will be strong and durable.

Everyone who is engaged in creativity wants his work to be perfect. That is why there is an improved recipe for modeling material, which is used for creativity. This option is best used to create interior items by adults, as it includes chemical components. The recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • wheat flour (or rye) - 375 g;
  • fine salt - 200 g;
  • water - 125 ml;
  • PVA glue - 2-3 tbsp.

You can use any other glue that can dissolve in water, such as wallpaper. The dough obtained from such components perfectly holds the given shape, is suitable for working on thin elements and complex shapes.

How to make salt dough for modeling crafts? ? The dough is prepared by mixing all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Experienced craftsmen can create things from it that visually do not differ from porcelain.

How to make colored salt dough for modeling

The figures obtained from the salt dough will be yellowish and visually not very eye-catching. To achieve special effects, crafts will require additional coloring, but sometimes you need to get a colored figurine right away.

To do this, you can prepare a color composition. Its recipe is easy to reproduce, you will need to have the following set of ingredients on hand:

The process of making dough for crafts is to mix all the components in a container. After that, you need to knead them until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

In order to prepare high-quality salt dough, you will need to purchase flour of the highest quality or “extra” class - this ensures that it will turn out to be uniform in color and composition, and will not crack when dried.

Salt is also used fine (not iodized).

Rock salt is excluded because its particles are too large and can damage the workpiece.

The finished product must undergo a drying process before being used to decorate the interior. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Bake in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees, laying out the craft on parchment. Drying time is 60 minutes. The product must remain in the oven even after it is turned off until it cools completely;
  2. Drying in a cold oven - the products are laid out on parchment, but placed not in a heated, but in a cold oven. After that, you need to turn on the heating, heat the workpiece and turn off the oven. Then wait for the workpiece to dry and cool completely.

Crafts made from dough can also be dried naturally, but this will take more time (from several hours to a day, depending on the volume or number of blanks). As a result, the product will be strong and solid, the likelihood of burning is excluded.

It is important to remember that for products made from dough with salt, it is forbidden to use various electrical appliances for drying, such as a hair dryer or heating radiators.

They produce the drying process unevenly, as a result of which the quality of the product deteriorates sharply, for example, it may crack or dry out only on the outside.

What can be done with salt dough

Creative work involves a flight of fantasy and self-expression. In the case of working with salt dough, a person is also practically unlimited in the choice of molds for modeling. If children are included in the work, then you can create berries and fruits, animal figures and flowers.

Toddlers can try to recreate their favorite toys in the test. It is ideal to mold a lamb or a snowman from uncolored salt dough.

Over time, when experience appears, the complexity of products can be increased, compositions can be assembled, paintings, photo frames created. Bouquets of flowers that look like real ones are considered the pinnacle of craftsmanship. The options are varied, so a person can experiment and create completely freely.

How to deal with possible problems

Creativity is impossible without mistakes and difficulties, especially during the learning period. Salt dough modeling is no exception. Even in the case of painstakingly done work, defects may appear - chips and cracks.

Cracking occurs for several reasons:

  1. Errors when creating a test;
  2. Incorrect drying of the finished product.

If the cracks are not deep, there are few of them, or they form a mesh on the product, then you can fix the problem with sandpaper - you will need to sand the area with cracks. They can also be puttied by applying a liquid consistency of water, flour and salt.

If a piece or part of the decoration has broken off from the product, then applying PVA glue to the broken place will help to correct the situation. After attaching the part, you will need to wait for it to dry completely.

After that, the place with the defect will need to be sanded and covered with a colorless varnish for reliability. You can also replace the breakaway part - make a similar one from fresh dough. For strength and reliability of fastening, you will need to additionally glue the elements and varnish them on top.

Thus, simple ingredients that are available in every home - water, salt and flour, can be a great option for creativity. Salt dough will help children to reveal their creative potential, and adults - to improve their skills in creating items for decorating the interior.

Another recipe for salt dough is in the next video.

I have already written many times about how important the baby is. Yes, I think you know this very well without me. Therefore, today, without further ado, I want to tell you about another exciting and very useful activity - about modeling with kids and how you can play if you have a piece of dough at hand. All these games are useful not only for the development of fine motor skills, but also for the development of imagination, thinking, perseverance of the baby.

Often, mothers ask themselves the question: “What is better to choose for classes with a baby: dough or plasticine?” In my opinion, it would be better if you give the child the opportunity to get acquainted with different substances and sensations, you will conduct classes with both dough and plasticine. But here for the smallest (from 1 year old) it is better to use dough in modeling classes and that's why:

    The dough is much softer and more pliable than clay, and for kids who still find it difficult to knead clay, this is important.

    Considering the fact that many kids will want to taste the modeling mass, the dough (home-made) is much safer from this point of view, since its main components are flour, salt and water, and plasticine is still a combination of chemical components.

The dough can be prepared independently, or can be purchased at a store (for example, "Play Doh"). But if at least once you knead the dough at home, then, for sure, you will no longer want to deal with the purchased one. Homemade dough is more plastic, softer, more pleasant, and there is a lot of it! In addition, the process of preparing the dough is quite simple and does not take much time.

So how do you make play dough? Here are two test recipes that I have repeatedly tested and I really like. The first recipe can be called a classic salt dough recipe. The dough on it is prepared very quickly and simply, it is often used to create durable crafts, after drying it can be painted.

Salt dough for modeling - a classic recipe

1 cup flour

½ cup salt (preferably "extra")

½ glass of water

1 tbsp vegetable oil

Mix all ingredients and mix well until smooth.

Recipe for a very plastic dough

And one more recipe for a very, very soft, plastic, homogeneous and, I would even say, perfect dough! :) It is not suitable for drying and painting, but it is the best for fun games with dough.

1 cup flour

1 glass of water

¼ cup salt

1 tbsp vegetable oil

2 tsp citric acid

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, stir, then place over medium heat. After that, we begin to actively stir the dough with a spoon until it forms a ball and stops sticking to our hands. It will take no more than 3 minutes to mix. After the dough has cooled, you can start playing with it.

Do not neglect such a seemingly insignificant ingredient as citric acid! If you do not add it, then after storage in the refrigerator, the dough will begin to stick to your hands.

Food coloring can be added to any version of the dough. If you do not have a dye to tint the dough, you can use beet or carrot juice, turmeric, brilliant green, gouache. Well, if you divide the dough into several parts and paint them in different colors, it will be even more interesting!

Both doughs keep in the refrigerator in a closed container for quite a long time (several weeks).

Test games

So, you have the dough, what to do with it next? First of all, of course, you need to introduce the baby to the test. Give him the opportunity to touch, crush him. You can mold some kind of bun or bunny in order to show what the dough is capable of. If the acquaintance went well, you can move on to games.

Remember that the whole lesson should not last longer than 5-10 minutes. Do not try to include all the games in one lesson, watch the baby and always stop before he gets tired of the lesson. If a child loses interest in a particular game, it may be too easy or too difficult for him. Try to simplify or make the task easier.

1. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin

The kid, most likely, will begin to roll out the dough with pleasure, because he has seen more than once how his mother does it. If the crumbs are not good at wielding a rolling pin, help him by clasping his hands with yours.

Both a toy and a real kitchen rolling pin are suitable for the game. My daughter likes to roll with a big rolling pin even more.

2. Press various objects into the dough

Further, you can declare that the resulting cake is not just a cake, but a pizza or cake, which now needs to be decorated. And for this purpose, you can use a variety of items: matches, pasta, beans, counting sticks, small toys, lids, etc. Try to use objects of different shapes and sizes to diversify the child's tactile sensations.

3. Create simple crafts based on pressing objects into the dough

Here are some examples:

  • Hedgehog

For the smallest, toothpicks can be replaced with matches or counting sticks.

  • little man

Be sure to involve the child in rolling the torso and head. If the baby is not doing well yet, take his hands in yours and make rotational movements together.

4. Pinch off small pieces of dough, put them in a jar / bowl

This activity is very useful for the development of fine motor skills, as it trains the "plucked" grip. Beating the lesson is quite simple: invite the baby to feed his favorite bear with sweets. The game is likely to appeal to the smallest - children about a year old. At this age, kids really like to mess with small objects, fold and shift them.

5. Prick the dough on a fork

The same sweets that you made for the bear, try also to stick on the fork. You can tell the baby that the bear prefers to eat only from a fork, but refuses in a different way. So in the game we will quietly work out a very useful skill.

6. Cut with a knife

In this lesson, the main thing is to teach the child to hold the knife correctly and, importantly, to hold the dough on his own with his left hand (if the baby is right-handed). A toy plastic knife, a special plastic dough knife or a butter knife are well suited for playing. The lesson will be interesting for a baby from about 1 year 3 months.

7. Leave prints on the test

We press the toy into the dough, carefully remove it and ale-op, a beautiful pattern is obtained on the dough! Taisiya was simply delighted with this activity, and could get carried away for a long time, imprinting pasta on the dough.

Good for printing sorter figures, pasta tubes, small toys, designer parts, fork, hairbrush . Well, if a car passes through the test, leaving traces (preferably with large wheels and protectors on them), then the baby will most likely appreciate it.

And, of course, it is worth mentioning the cookie cutters separately. With the help of them, you can not only make beautiful prints. With older kids, you can try to remove the "excess" dough around the molds so that you get "cookies".

Fingerprints can also be made with just a finger. After that, it will be very interesting to “sow” the seeds into the resulting holes. It will turn out another wonderful exercise for the development of a "tweezer" grip.

8. Pass the dough through a garlic press

9. Put the dough into a mold - make a pie

For this game, you can use both cupcake molds and clean molds from the sand set. Putting the dough in a mold, we try to properly compact each piece. Most likely, you will have to get the pie out of the mold with your mother's help, because. this job is not easy.

10. Hiding surprises in the dough and finding them

This is our favorite game. I think all children love when there is a surprise moment in the game. They are ready to open intricate locks, unscrew stubborn covers, just to see what is hidden behind them. Children are happy to find surprises, even if they themselves hid them!

Therefore, in this lesson, first, together with the baby, we hide the toy in the dough, putting it on one half of the cake and closing the second. Older kids can be offered to pinch the edges, as when sculpting a pie. For younger children, mom can do it. Well, then we ask ourselves the question “Where is our hedgehog?” or “Oh, who is hiding here?”. Perhaps, at the first games, the baby will have to show how to "dig" to the toy. Most likely, the baby will catch everything very quickly and will subsequently pick up the dough with impatience.

Even such a seemingly simple task is incredibly useful for children's fingers.

11. Sculpt sausages, koloboks and simple figures with my mother's help.

And of course, in addition to simple games, you can try to mold the simplest figures together with your baby - a gingerbread man, a sausage, a snail, a bunny, etc. I will definitely write more about what you can mold with our young sculptors in a separate article in the near future. Do not miss .

That's all for me, I wish you pleasant joint games and more happy smiles on your baby's face! I would be very grateful if you share this article with your friends on social networks (there are special buttons for this at the bottom of the article).

Salt dough is a unique material for creativity. It has become so popular that it sometimes replaces clay and plaster for adult sculpture lovers. This is a more malleable material, which allows young children to sculpt from it. It is non-toxic, the process of creating dough figures is safe even for allergy sufferers. How to cook it, what can be molded from it and how to save it - later in the article.

The basis of this material is flour, water and salt. Such a dough successfully replaces dirty and toxic plasticine. Dried figurines can be brightly and cheerfully painted. Good storage conditions and high-quality coatings of products will keep the fruits of fantasy for many years.

The benefits of salt dough modeling for children

Modeling is a plastic art. The process of creating new forms and images allows children to express their mood, emotions, feelings and attitude towards themselves and the world as a whole. Figurative thinking, imagination and fantasy become richer. Working with fingers with pliable material develops fine motor skills, massage of nerve endings on the hands allows you to relax.

The creative visual process develops the artistic abilities of the child, teaches the embodiment of his ideas and contributes to the formation of character.

Creating three-dimensional figures improves spatial thinking. The process teaches you to imagine a three-dimensional image of the final result, achieve it and adjust as you create the figure. Hard work contributes to the development of perseverance, the duration of the process teaches you to plan your affairs during the day. Modeling with adults contributes to lively communication. A fun creative process will allow you to spend time with benefit and save the results for a long time in the form of original crafts and souvenirs.

Test Features

The soft mass does not stick to the fingers, has no irritating odors and belongs to hypoallergenic mixtures. The dirt that has arisen on clothes and objects during the creative process is easily washed off and does not leave stains. Despite the edible ingredients, salt dough should not be eaten.

This material consists of improvised ingredients, is affordable, which allows you to do plenty of modeling with children of preschool and school age. It is easy to sculpt various shapes from it, as the material is very malleable, which allows even weak children's fingers to cope with the lesson.

The main secret of the safety of products is the presence of a large amount of salt in the workpiece. It acts as a natural preservative and, after drying, keeps the products in their original form for a long time.

Material preparation

The process of creating mass is quite simple, any housewife who has ever dealt with baking will cope with it. To prepare a simple salted workpiece, you will need:

  1. Mixing bowl, any pot will do.
  2. White wheat flour, in this case pancake flour will not work, because it makes the dough too sticky.
  3. Very cold water.
  4. Fine salt from the "Extra" class. Thanks to the crushed fraction, such salt will quickly dissolve in water. Industrial purification of such salt will avoid the presence of ugly impurities in the dough.
    These ingredients are basic and are used in most known recipes.

Dough tools and ingredients

Classic recipe

This is the easiest and, accordingly, the most popular recipe for making salt dough.


  • 300 gr flour;
  • 300 gr of salt;
  • 200 ml of water.


  1. Pour salt into a bowl, pour almost all the water. It is better to leave a little water for now, as the flour takes a different amount of liquid each time, depending on its moisture content.
  2. Dissolve the salt completely, fine salt will dissolve quickly.
  3. Gradually add the sifted flour and stir until a lump forms.
  4. Knead the workpiece on the table, adding water if necessary if the lump crumbles, or pouring flour if the mass is sticky. Too long kneading should not be.
  5. Wrap the resulting product in polyethylene and place in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 hours.

The water consumption in each case may be different, since the consistency of the dough largely depends on the moisture content of the flour.

Step by step creation of a lamb

If the volume of the resulting workpiece is larger than required, then the remains are very well preserved in the refrigerator in polyethylene. Salt does not allow the dough to deteriorate for a whole month.

How to make dough in 5 minutes

The standard recipe is good and easy to follow, but it does not allow you to start creating crafts immediately. There is a quick recipe that will allow you to immediately create a blank for modeling. However, the list of components for this option will be somewhat wider.


  • 1 st. flour;
  • 1 st. water;
  • 2 tsp soda;
  • third of Art. salt;
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil, you can use food coloring.


  1. Mix flour, salt and soda in a saucepan.
  2. Pour in all the water and oil.
  3. Simmer the mixture for a while over low heat, stirring all the time, until it starts to stick to the spoon.
  4. Stir in the dye.
  5. When all the ingredients are involved, the mixture should be cooled.
  6. When cool, knead the mass thoroughly by hand.

Step by step making a rose

The unused leftover quick salt dough is wonderfully stored in polyethylene in the refrigerator for a long time. To revive the dried workpiece, you just need to re-knead it with water.

Recipe without starch with glycerin

Glycerin is the basic component of all animal and vegetable fats with a sweetish taste. If you add it to the dough, the products will acquire a beautiful sheen, as if they were varnished. This substance is sold in pharmacies.

The recipe also contains cream of tartar, which acts as an additional shape stabilizer and gives the material plasticity.


  • 2 tbsp. boiling water;
  • 400 gr flour;
  • ½ tsp glycerin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tartar;
  • 100 gr of salt;
  • food coloring.

Hedgehog figurines


  1. Mix all the bulk ingredients (flour, stone, salt), add oil - you get the base mixture.
  2. Boil water in the second container, pour in the base mixture, put glycerin and dye.
  3. Stirring, boil the mass over low heat, until the composition is homogeneous.
  4. After cooling, knead by hand, adding flour, if necessary.

Brilliant figures from such a test are suitable as a present for friends and acquaintances.

Dough for modeling without flour

This is an original recipe that uses potato starch instead of wheat flour. Although, quite a bit of flour is still needed when kneading.


  • 1 st. starch;
  • 2 tbsp. baking soda;
  • ½ cup of water;
  • dye.

craft ideas


  1. Mix starch and soda in a saucepan.
  2. Pour water into the mixture in a stream, stirring all the time.
  3. Cook over low heat until a ball forms.
  4. Cool and knead, pouring a little flour on the table.

Crafts from starch dough will come out no less successful than from flour.

Salt dough with PVA glue

For the strength of the figures in the process of preparing the mass, you can add paper glue (PVA).


  • 1 st. salt;
  • 1 st. flour;
  • 100–150 ml of water;
  • 1 st. l. PVA glue.


  1. Mix flour and salt in one bowl.
  2. In another saucepan, dissolve the glue in water.
  3. Pour the dissolved glue into the bulk mass in small portions and gradually knead the dough.

As with other "cold" salt doughs, flour can take up varying amounts of water. Therefore, the liquid should be poured slowly. If the workpiece sticks to the fingers, they can be lightly greased with sunflower oil.

How can products be dried?

In addition to the process of sculpting figurines from salt mass, drying the dough is also an important point. You can perform this operation in the following ways:

What can be done with salt dough

Salt dough is a versatile craft material. Soft and pliable, it allows you to sculpt a variety of shapes and images from yourself. The following describes a few simple products from this material.

Salt dough crafts


Decoration for girls is very easy to make from a small piece of dough. First you need to roll a lot of identical balls, preferably even. Until the blanks are dry, carefully put them on toothpicks and leave to dry at room temperature for a couple of days. During this time, you can turn the future beads over a couple of times. When the balls are dry, remove the toothpicks and string the beads onto the thread. To make the decoration multi-colored, it can be decorated with markers.

Salt dough beads

Christmas toys

To make toys, you will need cardboard figures in the form of animals or flowers. The dough is rolled out, figures are cut out of it using stencils with a sharp blade. In each future toy, a hole is squeezed out with a juice tube, through which the product can be hung on a Christmas tree. Dried crafts can be painted and hung on colored ribbons.

New Year decoration

A few words about dyes and varnishing

Food coloring in a wide range of colors can be purchased at the store. But if you wish, you can give a natural color to the craft using vegetable juices. Carrot juice will give an orange color, beetroot will paint the figure in dark pink. It will be even easier to paint an already dried product with markers or water-soluble paints.


To add shine and additional strength to the product, water-based varnishes are used. It will be more convenient to use aerosols. Often spray varnishes are sold with a filler of multi-colored sparkles, which will give the products an elegant look.

Modeling dough with salt is a very exciting activity that allows you to realize your creative potential, both for children and adults. Handwork helps to relax and go headlong into the process of creating new images. Crafts painted with paints will bring comfort and good memories of the fun creative process to the house for a long time.

Salt dough is one of the most accessible materials for creativity. But even the simplest material will fully reveal its capabilities only if you feel the ero beauty, recognize its properties and learn how to work with it.

Flour is a natural product, and its quality can vary depending on the degree of grinding of the grain, and even on the weather conditions under which the grain ripened. Therefore, in practice, the universal recipe for salt dough has to be slightly adjusted, but this will not cause you any difficulties in your work.

For salt dough, inexpensive flours that are not specially processed and without additives, emulsifiers and baking powder are best suited. Indeed, for modeling, the presence of vitamins and trace elements in flour is not important.

Wheat flour is best for making salt dough. And in rye flour dough, more pores form, it is more difficult to dry, and it is more solid in modeling.

Different types of flour can be mixed, such as wheat and rye flour.

Classic wheat flour salt dough recipe: flour - 2 cups, salt - 1 cup, water - 200 gr (200 ml).

Flour: It is best to buy white wheat flour of the highest grade, it has enough gluten, and the color of baked products will please the eye. But if you have conceived some special product, as an experiment, you can try any other.

Salt: Due to the salt content, the dough keeps its shape well when molding, and the finished product will be reliably protected from mold and rodents. In order for your products to have a flat, smooth surface, it is better to use the finest “extra” salt. Try not to use a coffee grinder to grind salt.

Salt is added to the dough solely to protect against mice and harmful insects. Therefore, a large amount of it, in essence, is not required. Too much salt can make the dough brittle and brittle after drying, which leads to the formation of cracks in the product. Salt can be used any, even the cheapest. Coarse salt is easy to grind in a coffee grinder.

Water: You will need water to make salt dough. She must be clean. Tap water is best filtered. Knead the dough in ice water, it will be more elastic.


The quality of the material can be improved:

By adding 1 tablespoon of potato starch to the classic recipe, be sure to sift it so that there are no lumps, we will increase the plasticity of the material,

By adding 1-2 teaspoons of wallpaper glue, we will increase the strength of the products.

The modeling dough should be quite steep, so it is more convenient to finally knead it on the table, kneading thoroughly, achieving uniformity and elasticity.

When kneading, the density of the dough can be adjusted: if the dough begins to crumble, water is added to it, and if it turns out to be too soft, salt and flour are added, keeping their basic proportions. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and pliable. The finished salt dough should be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (you can leave it overnight). When cooled, it will become more plastic and uniform.

advice! Kneading the dough on the table. Don't forget to dust your countertop with flour. to keep the dough from sticking

advice! It is better to knead the dough in a deep bowl, gradually pouring the sifted flour into the water with the salt dissolved in it. When kneading dough with additives, you need to mix salt with starch or glue (or with both components together) in a bowl, pour the mixture with water, mix and add flour in small portions.

Modeling dough recipes.

There are many recipes for making salt dough. There is probably no one that suits everyone. You need to experiment on your own and choose one that is pleasant to work with.

Recipe #1

300 grams of extra salt (one glass)
300 grams of flour (two cups)
200 milligrams of water (almost a full glass)
1 st. spoon oils

Recipe number 2

4 cups flour
2 cups fine salt
2 glasses of warm water;
for a color test, you need to add paint to the water, you can use gouache or ink of different colors.

Recipe number 3

2 cups flour
1 cup salt
2/3 cup boiling temperature water
Note: First, add all the salt to the water, dissolve it as far as possible, and then put all the flour and start stirring. You will get a very thick and hard dough.

Recipe number 4

2 cups of flour
1 cup fine salt
1 glass of water.
Note: Some people add a little wallpaper paste to this recipe, it provides more strength to the finished product. For crafts with children, it is better not to use glue!

Recipe number 5

100 g wheat flour
100 g rye flour
400 g salt
1 glass of water
2 tablespoons of wallpaper paste.
Note: Rye flour gives the finished (dried) product a warm brown tint, but if the dough is kneaded only on rye flour, it will turn out to be hard and not elastic.

Recipe number 6

Salt - 200 g;
Flour - 500 g;
Water - about 250 ml (the amount of water depends on the type of flour, the need to add glue or oil);
PVA glue (or wallpaper) - 2 tablespoons.

Advice. Salt dough left open in the air dries very quickly, so keep the container covered. Put the rest of the unused dough in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for a day or two.

Advice. You can give an unusual color and a pleasant smell to your dough (which will make the work much more pleasant) if you add some spices (or any of them) to it: nutmeg, cumin, paprika, gray and black pepper, cinnamon, curry.

If you decide to create a colored salt dough craft, then the recipe for a regular salt dough will not work for you, try making a colored, colored dough.

Coloring can be done at the stage of kneading, as well as when kneading the dough.

At the stage of kneading the dough, coloring is done when the composition is based on a combination of two colors.

First color - white(natural dough according to the classic recipe), second brown.

To obtain it, ordinary cocoa powder is added during kneading (do not forget to sift it through a sieve before use). You can add instant coffee instead of cocoa (having previously dissolved 2-3 teaspoons in a minimum amount of boiling water). The amount of cocoa or coffee depends on the intensity of the brown tone you want to get. The more shades your product has, the more interesting it will look.

Also note that additional shades of brown will appear during the baking process. Since brown is not the main color in the composition, you should not knead it in large quantities. Note that cocoa and coffee produce different shades of brown. Choose the one you like best or use both.

Red and orange dyes are the most intense, therefore, to obtain a dough of these colors, you can use not a whole, but only half a bag for one prepared bun weighing 100-150 g. Any food coloring can be used to color salt dough, but not all dyes for Easter eggs are suitable.

In order to get the dough of various colors and shades, you need to start with the primary colors: yellow, red, blue. To do this, you will need food coloring, which is sold in powder form.

Prepare the dough according to the classic recipe.

Attention! It is better to make two servings at once. Use one portion to make dough for primary colors. After kneading, put the second one in the refrigerator: it will come in handy later when you need to prepare tint tones.

For the main colors, dilute the powder of each color separately in 1 teaspoon of water, stirring well.
. Prepare a cup of flour, a cup of salt, a cup of water, and a teaspoon.

Attention! When working with colored dough, keep in mind that when it dries, it brightens a little. Divide the first portion of the dough into koloboks weighing 100-150 g. Take one kolobok, make a recess in it, pour in the diluted dye and knead the dough thoroughly. So that it does not become liquid, add a little salt and flour, keeping the basic proportions.

Do all the primary colors one by one.

Try to achieve bright, saturated and not very light tones as a result. Additional colors can be obtained by mixing primary. Warm red gives very nice pure colors when mixed with yellow, and adding pink to blue produces various shades of purple. To get a dark brown color, you can add cocoa powder and some orange dough to the dark purple dough. Beautiful combinations are obtained by mixing green dough with blue or yellow.

If, when starting work, you know in advance what colors you need, prepare them immediately in the right quantity; but most often additional shades are created in the process of work - in small portions.

Secrets of modeling from salt dough. Color effects and glazing.

Even without paint, your crafts can look very impressive. You just need to master a few simple secrets of processing products.

Salt glazing. With the help of this technique, the product will sparkle with iridescent shades in beige and brown tones. During the last hour of firing, keep the product in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees and grease it repeatedly with a brush dipped in salt water. If you want the product to be more browned, increase the temperature to 200 degrees and glaze with salt when the product has acquired the desired shade of brown. Note. Since the "salt glaze" is formed by salt crystals, products treated in this way can not be varnished.

White color. The product will remain white after air drying or after drying in the oven if the firing temperature did not exceed 125 degrees.

Baking effect. Products will look like yeast dough buns if, in the last hour of baking in an oven at a temperature of 150 degrees, first apply “salt glaze” on them, and then brush them with a mixture of milk and water or a mixture of egg yolk and water with a brush. If the temperature is raised to 200 degrees, the brown color will be darker.

Brown color. Lubricate the products in the last hour of drying at a temperature of 150 degrees with a brush with beetroot syrup diluted with water

Plasticine or polymer clay can be used to make various figures when sculpting, but the best thing is to make salt dough using natural and safe ingredients. Such material is especially useful to you if you are engaged in the manufacture of crafts with children.

As is known, modeling develops perseverance, imagination, and also trains fine motor skills. Such creative activity is directly related to the work of the brain center and the development of speech in a child. If you decide to do modeling at home, do not be lazy and try to make salt dough yourself.

There are a lot of recipes for making salt dough for modeling at home. There is no universal way that would suit absolutely everyone. Always you need to experiment, try, apply your imagination, skill, experience. If you are a beginner, then before creating your masterpieces, review the video instructions, which tell you step by step and in detail how to make salt dough for modeling. And we want to offer you some simple and original recipes for making dough.

To prepare the dough according to the first recipe, you will need:

  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • fine salt - 1 cup;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

In a large bowl, mix salt with flour, add vegetable oil, water and knead a stiff dough. Put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, then take it out and get to work. This dough can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, and also frozen.

To make DIY salt dough for the second recipe, try using more salt:

  • salt - 2 cups;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • wallpaper glue (dry) - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water - 1 glass.

In a bowl, mix salt and wallpaper paste, add flour. Grind all the ingredients well and fill with water. Now the mass must be thoroughly kneaded, and then kneaded to make the dough elastic. Do not rush, spend 10-15 minutes at this stage, but you will really like the result.

Dough prepared in this way can be used immediately. Sculpting from such a dough is a pleasure - it is soft and does not stick to the hands. To experiment with color, you can substitute half of the flour for rye flour. But only half. If you make a DIY salt dough that is 100% rye flour, it will come out too hard and not elastic. You can also make the dough colored - at the kneading stage add food coloring or gouache. You can also paint the figures after drying - the work will come out even more interesting.

In principle, making dough for modeling at home leaves unlimited opportunities for imagination, creativity and experiment. However, in order to do everything right and be satisfied with the result, consider some points.

  1. Much depends on the quality of the flour from which you will create your dough.. Sift the flour before making the dough, so it will be softer and more elastic. Mix rye flour with wheat flour to get a velvety texture of the dough.
  2. Salt take small - best "Extra"- so you get the perfect dough.
  3. Do not store the finished dough for a long time in the open air- it is better to keep it in a sealed container or in polyethylene.

Also, you need to deal with volumes and grams: for example, 1 glass of flour weighs about 100g, and if you fill a glass of the same volume with salt, then the weight will be 200g.

How to knead salt dough for crafts?

Now we will tell you in more detail about how to make salt dough: the recipe is so simple that even children can handle it (of course, under the supervision of adults).

Mix 2 cups wheat flour, 1 cup extra salt and ¾ cup water.

In this case, there are 2 ways to prepare the dough:

1st way. You can dissolve the salt in the water and then gradually add the flour, stirring all the time. The dough is thick and dense, and products made from it can be dried even in the open air.

2nd way. Bring the water to a boil. Dissolve the salt in it, and then gradually introduce the sifted flour. Stir the mass until you get a homogeneous consistency. When the dough thickens a little, knead it with your hands for 10 minutes. So you get an excellent soft dough, which is very pleasant to work with.

How to make figures from salt dough and dry them properly?

Many different crafts are made from salt dough: figurines, souvenirs, Christmas decorations, fridge magnets, decorations or three-dimensional paintings. You can use special stencils, sculpt crafts yourself or cut out figures with a knife. If you are going to cut out small details, do it on a baking sheet that must first be moistened with water. So you get smooth products that can be sent to the oven without shifting.

Drying dough products also holds several secrets. You can’t dry crafts at one time. Of course, you can air dry your crafts, but this takes weeks. To get strong, strong products, use the oven. Drying in the oven is recommended in several stages:

  1. Immediately after manufacturing, send the figure for half an hour in the oven. In this case, do not preheat the oven.
  2. The next day, dry the product at a temperature of 150 degrees for 1 hour.
  3. Repeat drying every other day.

The fact that the product is ready, you will be notified by a characteristic ringing sound when you lightly tap on it.

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