How to make a mafia board game with your own hands. mafia card game rules


You will need

  • - material for cards;
  • - a marker or pen;
  • - varnish or laminate;
  • - a computer with Internet access;
  • - Printer.


Cut out the desired number of cards from thick cardboard. They should be the same size, with a smooth edge so that it is not possible to distinguish one from the other. Other materials may be suitable for them. For example, wood, plain paper (then they will lose their appearance very quickly) or plastic. The main thing is to place the name of the character on one side. There are several game options. In it, in addition to civilians and the mafia, there may be a commissioner, a reanimating commissioner, a detective, a jailer, a priest, a journalist, a donor, a judge, and many others. The game "Mafia" is regularly improved and supplemented.

Draw the same geometric pattern on one side of the cards. This will be their shirt. If you are not sure about your artistic data, you can leave this side white, paint over it in one tone or some pattern on the printer. The size of the cards can be arbitrary, but you should not make them too big. Ideally cards must be completely hidden by the palm of the player.

Choose one of the game options. Decide which participants will be in it. In addition to civilians and the mafia, more than 30 different variants of players can participate in it. Usually, "Mafia" is played by companies from 8 to 20 people. If there are more people, it will be very difficult to listen to everyone, and the rounds can last too long.

On the back of the cards, draw with signatures. Mafia is best done in dark colors, and civilians - in red or light. Write the names of the cards in clear handwriting so that there are no misunderstandings.

Laminate all cards or just varnish them. Check again that they are completely identical. Otherwise, the game will be completely uninteresting. Let them dry. Now everything is ready for the game.

If you do not want to draw or do not have the necessary artistic data, find Mafia cards on the Internet and print them out.

"Mafia" is a team game of psychological type with a detective story. The plot of the story is pretty simple. Residents of city N are tired of the incessant activities of gangsters. Therefore, they decide to track down all the mafiosi and send them to prison. Naturally, the hierarchs of the criminal world do not like this, and they, in turn, declare war on honest citizens until complete destruction. How should you play Mafia?

It is difficult to find a person today who has not heard about the popular psychological game "Mafia". In almost every city there are several clubs in which teams of players who are seriously passionate about the game process constantly compete and win against each other. Many novice players are interested in how to organize the gameplay in order to win more often than usual, and in the game " Mafia There really are tricks that allow you to win.


The essence of this game and the task of each player is to recognize. Each game is different, as the process of playing depends on the personalities of other players. Best with people you already know as players in " Mafia” - so you can quickly determine whether the person opposite you is a mafia, or he is a civilian.

Always watch the players, watch their behavior, facial expressions and emotions in different game situations. If you know your interlocutors well enough, you will understand what emotions are given out in each of them - everyone can have their own individual non-verbal manifestations.

See if there are people behind the game who do not show due interest in the game and are not involved in discussions. Most likely, these people are, since they are interested in the crash in order to then connect to the game. Always listen carefully to the speech of the person you are playing with. Not only gestures and facial expressions can betray the mafia - careless phrases expressed impulsively can also betray it.

At the very beginning of the game, try to keep silent players, as they make the gameplay difficult and make it difficult to understand what is on their mind. After a couple of games, they will start to join the discussions, and the game will become clearer and more interesting.

And a way of positive communication, and a show, and a comic struggle for survival. It develops observation, intuition, communication skills, can help to see the hidden meaning and motives of the behavior of others and oneself. Usually the rules of the Mafia game change depending on the company or club, and there is no single indestructible template by which all meetings take place. To have an interesting evening, you will not need any special preparation, skills, or tangible cash costs.

This is a living process, the essence of which is determined by the participants themselves. He is interesting precisely because of his emotions, mood, some intrigue of a detective investigation. There are only advisory classic rules of the game "Mafia", which determine the essence of all meetings.

How to play Mafia. Basic principles

The logical card game "Mafia", the rules of which are very simple, is based on a simple story about a gang of insidious criminals who kill one person every night, and civilians are tired of this. A real war begins, where the main enemies are the brave Sheriff and the Chief Mafiosi.

In the classic Mafia, the number of participants is strictly 10, but now few adhere to this canon. True, if there are fewer people, it becomes uninteresting to play. With a very large crowd of people, from 20 people, all discussions are excessively dragged out, and it is difficult for the host to make sure that everyone follows the established rules of the Mafia game. The cards must be dealt with before the start. It is necessary to calculate how many people will participate, and prepare a deck according to the number of players. The ratio of Civilians to the Mafia is approximately 3 to 1. Usually they use special cards for this game, but you can take ordinary ones, having determined their value in advance.

"Night of Destiny"

When the board game "Mafia" begins, the rules of the game assume the distribution of roles. The host says: “The city is falling asleep. The night of fate is coming." This is a sign for all players to close their eyes or put on a special bandage. Each participant is invited to draw his card from the common deck, which will determine the further status of the player. You cannot show it to other participants, as well as reveal your role. After the first, most calm, day begins. Everyone “wakes up”, gets to know each other and their new roles.

Description of classic cards and roles

  • Mafia. Any cards of black (Spades, Clubs) suit. The task of this gang is to eliminate all civilians. At night they do their dark work, and during the day they pretend to be civilians.
  • Leader, or Mafia Boss. Ace of spades or king. His goal is to remove the Commissioner, or Sheriff. To do this, at night he asks the leader to open the card of one player in order to calculate the enemy.
  • Civilians. Any card of red (Diamonds, Hearts) suit. Their goal is to figure out and eliminate all members of the mafia during the day's discussion.
  • Commissioner, or Sheriff. Ace of diamonds or king. Whether armed or not. At night after the mafia can "kill" one participant or ask the presenter to open his status.

In the classic version, these are all characters, but each club has its own Mafia game. Rules may be added. To make the action even more interesting, new roles are added that provide more opportunities for communication.

Some additional cards and characters

  • Doctor. Heart or diamond lady. At night after the mafia can "heal" the "killed" player. All actions of the mafia against the participant pointed out by the Doctor are cancelled.
  • Maniac, or Lone Shooter. Joker. Plays for himself. He wins if there is only one left among the civilians.
  • Prostitute, or Putana. Queen of Spades. At night, he chooses a "client" from the players and does not allow him to complete the task. All actions of the Mafia, Commissar, Doctor or Maniac are canceled if Putana pointed to him.

dating night

Everyone is "asleep". According to the host’s remark “Mafia wakes up to get acquainted”, all participants with “black” cards, except for the Prostitute, open their eyes. If this is the classic Mafia board game, the rules of the game on this single night allow the gang members to agree on which villagers they will kill next. Subsequently, they will not be able to remove the bandage at night. All communication is carried out with very careful gestures so that neighboring players do not notice anything and do not suspect.

The first day

Everyone is "waking up". The discussion begins. The goal is to identify the main suspects of belonging to a group of criminals. Participants put forward their assumptions, arguments - true or not - and name the city dweller, whom it is desirable to remove. The basic rules of the game "Mafia" (in the classic version) do not take more than a minute for each remark. After an open general vote, the players "execute" the participant who caused the most suspicion.

Night one and after

It is on this night that the insidious "Mafia" will commit its first "crime". The leader wakes up all the characters active at this time in turn.

If there is Putana in the game, she wakes up first and chooses a “client” for herself, who becomes powerless for that night.

Gang members wake up (unless it's the classic Mafia game, the rules of which forbid anyone to take off their bandages). Criminals use gestures to point to the “victim”. According to the canonical version, the Host starts counting up to 10. Each number means a certain participant. Mafiosi give a thumbs up when they hear the "victim's" number. If at least one member of the gang did not vote, the "murder" will not take place: the rules of the game of "Mafia" say that the "villains" missed.

The Sheriff wakes up. If he is armed, then he points to the player who needs to be “removed”, if not, he asks to secretly reveal his status. When he finishes his investigation, he falls asleep.

Lone Shooter eliminates his "victim" last. His task in the game is to stay "alive" himself and remove all peaceful citizens. Based on complex tactical considerations, he chooses the player who hinders him the most.

The Doctor opens his eyes last and tries to "save" one player. If this is a "victim" of a Maniac, Mafia, or an alleged criminal killed by the Commissar, his mission of this night is considered completed.

Second day

The city is waking up. The first "killed" appeared. They must leave the city, but they are given the right of will, the last word. These are the rules of the Mafia game. With maps, things are a little more complicated. Most often they are opened immediately after the "tragedy", but according to the canons of the game, their status should remain secret until the very end.

Criminals are trying to calculate by their behavior. Perhaps someone heard a suspicious rustle at night, someone seems strange too defiant or, on the contrary, quiet demeanor of one of the players. Like the previous day, the fate of the alleged villain is decided by a vote.


All day and night events are repeated until the complete victory of one of the teams. The civilians have the upper hand if they manage to eliminate all the "mafiosi". The "villains" win if their number is equal to the number of ordinary citizens.

The simple rules of the Mafia game allow you to get involved in the process almost instantly, even for those who have just learned about the existence of this exciting entertainment. Just reading the text, to understand the essence of the game is quite difficult. To understand everything, you must definitely participate in the fun.

"MAFIA" is the most famous psychological game, where it is very important to think quickly, clearly determine the emotions of other players, plan well and be extremely convincing. Several parties in the "Mafia" are quite capable of replacing the time of psychological training and team building. The principle of the game is very simple: participants take on the roles of honest citizens and criminals, and then try to determine who is who. With each round, there are fewer and fewer players - as well as doubts. Learning the game takes exactly 5 minutes, and the interest only increases with experience.

Beginning of the game

Players take turns looking at their cards, then the Host announces that night has come. Night - this means that all players must close their eyes (for mafclubs - cover their faces with masks). On the first night, the following actions occur:

The mafia wakes up

  • All players with Mafia and Don Mafia cards open their eyes (or take off their masks). The Mafia gets to know each other, the Leader, and with gestures agree on the murders for the next three nights. This takes 60 seconds. This can be done by pointing out potential victims or showing partners their number.
  • The mafia will only meet with open eyes on the first night, so all accomplices must clearly understand in what order which players will need to be eliminated on the following nights.
  • Changes in the plan will have to be negotiated during the day with the help of hints, looks, gestures. The initiative in this case belongs to Don.
  • Mafia falls asleep (closes eyes or puts on a mask).
  • Commissar wakes up

  • The Commissioner can get information from the Host about whether the player he has chosen is a Mafia. To do this, the Commissioner points to the player or shows his number with gestures. Having received the Leader's answer, the Commissioner falls asleep (closes his eyes or puts on a mask).
  • Don wakes up.

  • Don can get information from the Host about whether the player he has chosen is the Commissar. To do this, Don points to the player or gestures his number, and after receiving the Host's answer, Don falls asleep (closes his eyes or puts on a mask).
  • Attention! No one dies on the first night!

    We have on the site.

    The deck contains the most popular characters and will bring a lot of fun from the game. For gourmets and professionals, there are a variety of additional characters that can be ordered separately.

    ADDITIONAL CARDS (they can be ordered in addition to the starting deck). For example, if you are used to playing without a lot of roles, you can purchase several additional Civilians separately. We also recommend purchasing a Lawyer and a Supercharger, which can bring novelty to your game!

    Civilian #4

    Immortal A character playing for the city. His exclusivity is that no shots affect him at night, he can only be killed in the daytime voting.

    Supercharger Playing for the mafia. Every night he wakes up and chooses a victim that he will "drown" on the vote. If you manage to convince the inhabitants to execute this particular player, then that night the Supercharger becomes immune to all influences.
    Wakes up twice the first night. The first time with the mafia to get to know all its members, the second time after her to act.

    Advocate Playing on the side of the mafia. Blocks one player every night. When the player that the Advocate was interacting with wakes up, the facilitator will show him crossed arms - this means that the player should fall asleep without performing their actions.
    The first night he wakes up twice: together with the mafia to get to know all its members, the second time - after the mafia, to act.


    The starting deck "Mafia" consists of 18 cards: four Mafia, Don, Commissar, Journalist, Doctor, Putana, Maniac, Werewolf, Lunatic, Cop, Immortal and four Civilians.

    Mafia #1 A group of people who know each other by sight and have a common goal - to exterminate all civilians. At night, in their turn, they agree on who to kill. Mafiosi can choose a victim among themselves if they see fit (sometimes it makes sense to confuse the investigation).

    Mafia #2

    Mafia #3

    Mafia #4

    Don This is the head of the mafia, endowed with special power in choosing victims and the order of their murders. The card is introduced when playing according to the "Moscow" rules. See the "blind mafia" modification in the rules. When meeting the mafia on the first night, they come up with a certain gesture for Don (scratch his ear, cough, knock on the table with a pen), with which he can change the order of victims during the daytime discussion or wedge in a new victim. For example, if Don decides to deviate from the previously planned killing order, then he gestures and speaks or points to the victim with his eyes. The rest of the mafiosi in the night voting must follow the new order.

    commissioner At night, he checks one of the players, and receives an answer to the silent question “are you a mafia?”. The host nods approvingly if the player being checked is a mafia, and negatively if someone else. When playing with the "Unleader" modification, the tested player himself honestly nods "yes" or "no".

    Journalist Wakes up at night and checks two players for involvement in the same / different groups. He points to two people, and the host tells him whether these people are from the same "clan" or from different ones. For example, a civilian (or a doctor, or a commissar, etc.) with a mafia will be shown as "different", a mafia with a mafia (a civilian with a civilian) will be "the same". A maniac with a representative of each of the clans will always be "different".

    Doctor During the night, the doctor saves the player from one attempt on his life. For the whole game, he can heal himself only once.

    Putana The player with whom the prostitute interacted receives an alibi for the next vote (he cannot be put in jail). The presence of an alibi is mentioned after the final vote. In the event that a player with an alibi should be imprisoned, he is not imprisoned, and the vote is considered to be merged. Putana cannot interact with herself.

    Sleepwalker Wakes up in the course of the mafia, and pretends to be one of the mafiosi. Lunatic plays for civilians. At the voting, he must carefully dispose of the advantage that he knows all the mafiosi by sight, otherwise he will quickly become another victim. The sleepwalker has no right to play openly and call the list of mafiosi. If at night the mafia decides to kill one of their own, and this choice fell on a sleepwalker, he must show them that he is a sleepwalker and the mafia can choose another victim. In the morning, the lunatic is out of the game (it doesn't matter if he was treated or not).

    Maniac Lone non-command shooter. Kills one of the players at night. Wins when left alone in the city. To win, it is beneficial for a maniac to keep a balance of power in the city.

    Werewolf A civilian who dreams of becoming a mafia. While the mafia is in the game, the “werewolf” is on the side of the city and is determined by the commissioner, journalist, and others as a civilian. After the entire mafia has dropped out, it becomes the new mafia with all its functionality. He wins when there is only one left in the city.

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