How to take a selfie for girls with an oval face. A variety of poses for a couple selfie


Today, photography has become a way of presenting and promoting yourself, your art or your business. We take pictures to capture moments in life or develop our own business, but in many situations it is easier and faster to take a picture of ourselves without outside help. Who knows better than you how to shoot you, especially if you use all the tricks of a successful selfie. So, what are these secrets that will help you look beautiful in the photo?

1. Light

The right light is at least 60% of success. With good lighting, your face looks its best and the image quality is as good as possible. The ideal light is moderately bright and diffused. At home, it is best to shoot while facing the window. If on this day the scorching sun, you can curtain the window with light tulle, which will soften the rays. Outdoor photos are best taken on a bright but cloudy day. Clouds scatter light in the same way as tulle. Indoors, it is good when the light source is slightly to the side and above eye level, but electric lighting loses to natural.

2. Angle

Of course, you need to build on your appearance. You probably already noticed when you are at your best. If not, try shooting yourself, changing the position of your face a little with each frame. In most cases, the most successful angles are considered to be a 3/4 turn of the head and shooting from above or slightly above, i.e. The phone must be above eye level. Be sure to catch the light and don't turn against it. Many studies on facial asymmetries have found that the left side often looks fresher and younger. Check which side of your face is "working". Better not film yourself from below. The risk of getting a second chin and a wide face is too great. A very good shot can be obtained by slightly tilting the phone itself. In this way, you direct the viewer's eye in the picture in a slightly different way, which can play into your hands.

3. Makeup

Be sure to mask minor skin imperfections and bruises under the eyes. Usually the camera of the phone betrays them treacherously. Beautiful skin is the best way to create a pleasant photographic impression. Ideally, you can do a complete make-up. It is good to highlight the skin with concealer or highlighter. To make the face not look flat, you can highlight the cheekbones. Very spectacular shots are obtained if you focus on the lips, choosing a bright lipstick. Too lazy to paint? Put on beautiful sunglasses in a shape that suits you and emphasize your lips.

4. Image

It's good if you remember some detail. Earrings, necklaces, glasses and other accessories can make a very stylish selfie. Jessica Alba, for example, loves to take photos in hats.

5. Facial expression

It is better to forget about the duckface and smile pleasantly. Even when you're not smiling with your mouth, use the Tyra Banks trick and smile with your eyes. The emotion in the picture makes it very attractive. Take selfies whenever you're in the mood. So the photos will turn out as natural as possible.

6. Background

Avoid shots with a messy background, gloomy passers-by and just those who want to ruin your photo. If something like this happened, and there is no way to re-photograph it, treat it with humor and write something funny under the photo. It’s also good if your outstretched hand does not get into the frame. In most cases, this looks out of place.

7. Filters and retouching

The better the picture (see point 1), the more opportunities to process it. Very often, in the process of processing, the photo loses quality and the initially weak frame does not get better after retouching. Filters are more efficient. You can highlight the face or add an interesting effect. With a high quality image, you can do everything in combination, successfully retouch and add a filter.

8. More views and likes

If you want to get more likes and views, posting time matters. Usually bursts of activity occur around 7-9 am, when users wake up and check the phone, 11-13, during work breaks and at 17-18, after the end of the working day. Posting a photo at midnight our time, the target audience will be America. Popular hashtags will also draw the attention of fans of the relevant topics.

How often do you take selfies? What do you do to get good photos?

Before we learn more about these beauty tricks for your perfect selfie, let's start with a good mood. Why? It's just that any professional photographer knows that when a model is in a great mood, she easily strikes poses that help to further improve the tricks mentioned below on how to take a beautiful selfie, so always start your photo shoot with a positive mind and heart.

It's true, a sad or serious face is rarely seen in a beautiful selfie. Remember that selfies are for fun and good mood, which is why we started with "have fun" as part of a series of tips on how to take a beautiful selfie. Wake up - selfies are always for fun, so don't take selfie facial expressions too seriously. You are not on the catwalk or in the studio of a photo artist who "sculpts" a meaningful image - yes, gloom and pout are a well-known technique to emphasize the importance of a person or event.

2. How to take a beautiful selfie without the right light source? No way!

Light plays an important role, without the right light, a cool selfie will not work! You need to understand that when I say a light source for a selfie - this does not mean that you need to carry lighting equipment with you or turn on all the lights - it would be nice ..), but this is impossible! A proper selfie uses street lights, perhaps candles (a few for a romantic and surreal feel) or natural sunlight. Never take a selfie against a light source, shoot using the magic of light, rather than pointing it directly at yourself.

3. How to take a beautiful selfie? Tilt the camera slightly!

It is very important to use this photographic secret - then a cool selfie will become your strong point. Perfect selfie at right angle - utopia, kindergarten! Your camera should be pointing at an angle, so don't let anyone challenge your decision before shooting. What's even worse is when selfies are taken from the wrong angle when the camera is looking up!!! Three exclamation points at once, because pointing the camera from the bottom up is guaranteed to get a second chin, + 20 kg and 20 years. Do you want a beautiful selfie? Tilt the camera slightly from top to bottom.

4. The right composition makes for a great selfie!

Photographers know all about the rules of the golden ratio and two-thirds, but seem to forget it as soon as it's time for a selfie. A selfie doesn't free you from having to frame your shot properly!

The photo below is a great example of how placing your face in the top right or top left corner of the frame can be much more convincing than if you placed your right face in the center.

As a general rule, you want the eye line to be about one third down from the top of the photo, and a little closer to one side of the photo. Just don't put yourself in the very center of the frame, otherwise the selfie will look like a passport photo.

5. Need the perfect selfie? Use a selfie stick!

One way to really make your selfie look cool is to get rid of the awful outstretched hand in the photo. I know a lot of people find the selfie stick weird, but there's a reason why I personally applaud this invention - the selfie stick really makes photography better!

There are two main types of selfie sticks: wired and Bluetooth. I prefer the Bluetooth variety. They are really easy to plug in so you don't have to constantly use the cord every time you want to take a picture. Bluetooth is much faster.

If you're looking for a really good selfie stick, the good news is that the price has just plummeted in recent times. You can buy a normal selfie stick for only 1000 rubles. Don't overpay.

6. The perfect selfie is only possible with the right makeup.

Modern makeup trends are already taking selfie fashion into account! Thinking about makeup for the perfect selfie, you can trust the trends from social networks - what they just don’t advise there - bright, figurative, powerful ... In fact, tons of cosmetics for a selfie are very bad. The main thing is to make sure that the contour of the face is clearly defined, the eyes are summed up, the eyelashes are fluffy, the skin is even - and leave all experiments to stylists and designers. Yes, yes, movie stars and pop stars have entire teams working on selfies, including Photoshop specialists.

7. Beautiful skin - beautiful selfie

Liquid primer, or so-called clear makeup, is essential as a makeup base because it works well on every complexion and smooths out skin texture. This means you don't have to use "magic filters" to even out the skin texture on your face.

8. Foundation for the skin - and the selfie is perfect!

For the perfect selfie, use the foundation powder, cream or liquid foundation of your choice and for your skin type. Foundation should be one tone or closest to your skin type and color because it has to reflect light. This makes the skin smooth, silky and healthy, it seems to acquire a glow. Avoid too much foundation or your skin will look like a zombie. Use translucent powder if you have oily skin, it helps to give your skin a matte skin tone!

9. Do you need blush to get the right selfie?

YES! If you want the perfect selfie, use cream blush for fair skin tones, peach blush for moderate skin tones, and regular blush for dark skin tones.

10. A great selfie doesn't mean bulging eyes.

Don't make the eyes look too flashy or huge unless it's the subject of a special, special make-up. The eyes in the perfect selfie should be natural and natural. The choice is yours, of course, just don't wear too many colorful shimmery eyeshadows during the day or your eyes will look dull and grey.

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Proper lighting

Good lighting is half the battle. Take pictures in bright daylight, outdoors or by a window. Daylight hides skin imperfections, while hair and eyes look shiny and vibrant. Choose a location where the sun illuminates your face and is above eye level. In no case should you stand so that the sun is behind you, otherwise you will get a dark and ugly picture.

To make your face appear more even and bright, take a self-portrait in soft morning or evening lighting. Too hard daylight can be scattered by a thin light curtain or a sheet of white transparent paper.

To properly take a selfie when shooting at night, try to find a bright source of artificial white light that is in front and above, or use the built-in flash on your gadget. For soft dispersion, buy a special flash attachment.

Favorable angle

The best angle to take a beautiful selfie is when you hold the camera above eye level and turn your face 20-30 degrees to the side. Girls are advised to raise the camera higher, then the look at the photo will be open, the eyes will appear larger, and the contours of the face will be clear and toned. In addition, at this angle, the chest is captured.

To emphasize the hollow on the chest, the girl should bring her elbows under the bust. Guys also fit the three-quarter angle. If you raise your hand, then a voluminous biceps will appear in the frame.

When photographing in full growth, the face and shoulders should be full face, and the lower part of the body is turned half-side to the lens. So the figure looks more elegant. Girls will have beautifully accentuated waist and hips, while guys will have shoulders and muscles.

There are also "harmful" camera angles. The shot taken from below adds a double chin and a couple of extra pounds. If you turn sideways to the light source, then the second half of the face will remain in shadow. When shooting strictly full face, there is a risk of getting a bulbous nose, neck wrinkles or a powerful chin.

In which direction to turn the face also plays a role, because the left and right sides of the face are asymmetrical. Each photo model has its own "working side", from which it is always removed. Therefore, you will have to practice to learn how to beautifully shoot yourself from the favorable side.

thoughtful background

As strong as the urge to snap yourself right now is, look around. If you are on the street or in a crowded place, make sure that people passing by and unnecessary, not very photogenic objects get into the frame. Having started a photo session at home, tidy up the room, choose an attractive place in your interior. Do not be too lazy to specially prepare the background for shooting, bright pillows, garlands, flowers, paintings, decorative ornaments can serve as props.

Now special backdrops for photo shoots made of vinyl are gaining popularity. Buy a few of these "backgrounds" and you can forget about the bad background on the selfie.

If fantasy is bad, then a win-win option is to beautifully take a selfie - a snapshot in nature. Green grass, blue skies, blossoming trees or fallen leaves always look good in pictures. Use the colors of nature for your photos.

Take pictures of yourself when doing outdoor activities and extreme sports in nature, climb into hard-to-reach places and virgin corners of the earth, such backgrounds are always relevant.

With friends and pets

For a photo with a friend, stand close to each other and press your foreheads together. Hold the camera strictly in the middle, at eye level or higher. Two friends can be photographed at different distances from the lens. One holds the camera in front of him, the other steps back a couple of steps. The same angles can be used to take pictures with your pet or zoo animal.

Want to take a selfie with a big group? Then the main rule is that the photographer should be in the middle so as not to cut off those who are standing from the far edge. It is better to take such a photo from the front or from above. By experimenting with angles, you can also inadvertently cut off a couple of friends.


What will help make your portraits even better?

  • Filters. Before posting photos on Instagram, experiment with filters. They will correct the color balance or simply give originality to your self-portraits.
  • Monopod. The Selfie Stick helps you capture even more of the background and a full-length figure. Also, a monopod is indispensable for group shots.

  • Velcro cover. A smartphone in such a case can be stuck on the wall and enjoy full-length posing
  • Timer. Useful if you need to have time to take a place in the frame
  • Applications. With the help of virtual applications, you can beautifully arrange a picture: crop, add brightness, apply a photo effect, make a frame, inscription, insert a picture-sticker and much more

And most importantly - smile! Sincere photos with a bit of humor always become popular.

It's time to talk about how to take a selfie. The trendy selfie is a great and fun way to show the world your self-confidence, personality and sense of style. Everyone is engaged in self-portraiture - from presidents to famous Oscar winners. It’s a mistake if you think that you just need to point the camera at your face and click without planning everything first, because attention-grabbing photos are real art that your friends will see with great pleasure on their social networks.

Choosing the right pose for a selfie

1) Pick a good angle

Instead of head-and-shouldering selfies, experiment with different angles to show off your best features. If you turn your head a couple of degrees to the left or right, your features will look less flat. At the same time, holding the camera above your head and pointing it at you will make your eyes look a little bigger than they really are, plus you can avoid the "potato nose". Here are a few more ideas to help you find a good angle:

  • Think about your “best side” and try to take pictures from that side of your face. It will not be difficult for you to choose it - this is the side that looks more pretty, balanced and symmetrical.
  • If you hold the camera slightly above your head and take a photo of your face and chest, it will emphasize your bust. And, despite the fact that such a pose is not entirely natural, you will definitely know what your camera is focused on in such a selfie.

2) Show off something new

If you've been wondering how to take a selfie of yourself to show off your new hairstyle or a pair of new earrings, you'll need to position your camera so that the subject you're taking the photo for is clearly visible and pronounced in the photo.

  • A selfie that highlights your new hairstyle should be taken from the best angle you can find. At the same time, if the ideal mustache served as the impetus for creating a new photo, then the camera should be directly in front of the face. Similarly, if you want to show off your new glasses.
  • You can also take a selfie while holding some stylish new accessory you've recently purchased, or even a meal you're about to eat in the not-too-distant future.

If you plan to photograph your face up close, consider emphasizing one facial feature while slightly downplaying the others. This works great if you have a trait that you are particularly happy with.

  • For example, if you love your eyes, highlight them with mascara and add some bold shadows while keeping your complexion and lips as natural as possible. In this case, the lips should be left unpainted, or a pale gloss or lipstick should be used.
  • At the same time, if you love your charming smile, then you should not brightly paint your eyes and powder your cheeks. Focus on the lips, which should show off a stunning bright lipstick.

4) Make an interesting facial expression

You can't go wrong if you smile. It is possible that smiling at the camera of a mobile, or just a camera, will make you feel a little silly, but for that matter, taking a picture of yourself with your phone is already quite stupid and uncomplicated. If you are very serious now and you don’t feel like smiling, then a calm and calm expression on your face will also look great.

  • It's no secret that you can smile in different ways, so you have the opportunity to choose which smile suits your face best. A shy smile with a closed mouth can be absolutely relevant, as well as a wide cheerful grin. No matter what, a smile will always be the most common and bewitching facial expression that you can demonstrate.
  • It is not always easy to make a facial expression seem natural and genuine. But there is at least one way to make it more real - to click yourself at the moment when any emotions overwhelmed you. Try taking a selfie while watching a movie that makes you genuinely laugh, or right after reading some unexpected and shocking news.

5) Take a full length photo

Whether you want to show off a newly acquired outfit or a stunning figure after a grueling diet, you need to stand in front of a large mirror to capture your body from head to toe. Note that in this case, the face will not be a priority and you will not focus on it.

  • Take full-length shots in a tidy room with no extras. Your figure should stand out in the photo, not the background.
  • Your body will visually look a little slimmer if you tilt your hip slightly in the direction where you are holding the camera. The shoulder farthest from the lens needs to be moved forward a little, and the free arm can simply hang down or you can find a good place for it on the waist or hips. The chest should naturally be slightly forward, and the legs should be crossed at the ankle.

6) Give it a natural look

You can take a standard selfie where you look exactly the way the outside world sees you on a daily basis, but a selfie with sleepy hair sticking out or minimal makeup can give the illusion that you are giving your social media followers a chance to catch a glimpse of the “real” you. . It can be equally intriguing and sexy.

  • However, if your appearance when you first got out of bed is more like a nightmare than a beautiful dream, you can fix yourself up. In fact, even a little make-up will give the confident impression that you are showing off your “real face,” especially if your environment is accustomed to watching you wear a lot more makeup.

If you decide to take a selfie of your legs after the next purchase of a fashionable pair of shoes, you should choose an angle in which your legs will seem slender and from which new stylish shoes will be perfectly visible.

  • Point the camera straight down. The edge of the future photo should be somewhere around the hips. This angle will make your legs as long as possible.

There are certain selfie poses that were once wildly popular, but now it's safe to say that their best time is long gone. You can add such photos to the album with the rest of the images for variety, but do it with caution, letting your acquaintances know that you are joking. After all, such selfies are treated as negatively as the famous “duck face” (duck face), muscle tension, pretending to be asleep, or photographs in which the girls pretended to be taken by surprise by someone.

  • "Duck Face" is an awkward combination of elongated lips and huge eyes, made famous by the American actress Snooki and her friends. If you are brave enough, do this at your own peril and risk!
  • Taking pictures of yourself and pretending someone is taking the camera away at the same time. From your posture and posture, it will not be difficult to guess what kind of selfie it is, and then mountains of criticism from your friends are provided to you. But, if you create such a photo with a slight smile on your face or a slight wink, your friends will immediately understand that this is a sarcastic intentional production.

How to take a selfie? Setting up the background

1) Pay attention to good lighting

Having a powerful light source is the key to successful photography in general, and self-portrait photography is no exception. If you try to take a selfie in a dim room, or in a room lit by fluorescent lights, you will definitely not achieve the desired result. Natural sunlight will be the best for your photos, so try to shoot near a window or outdoors.

When taking selfies, keep these tips in mind:

  • For the best shot, stand in front of the sun or other light source. The light will make your facial features brighter and softer without leaving harsh shadows on your face. If the light source is behind you, the photo will show ugly shadows, and your features may be distorted.
  • Consider using a thin curtain to diffuse artificial light or sunlight. It will soften the light and enhance the photo, giving the impression of a smooth, unobtrusive background against which your face will look more attractive.
  • Natural light renders colors much better than artificial light, but you can use artificial light to fill in the shadows. If you don't have the ability to organize proper lighting, most modern digital cameras have built-in auto-correction to help improve selfies.
  • Don't use your flash if you can do without it. It will create highlights on your forehead, distort your features, and possibly give you a red-eye effect.

2) Use your phone's rear camera

Many smartphones are equipped with two cameras: one of them is located on the back panel (main), the other is in the front of the device. Instead of using the front camera, take pictures of the main one. It takes pictures of much higher resolution than the front, which is likely to give you only blurry selfies. You will have to rotate your phone in such a way that you will not see the future picture. But this inconvenience is worth using the rear camera.

3) Use a mirror only if it's the only way to get the photo you want.

The image will be reflected, the phone will be visible in the photo, and you will most likely photograph yourself with a strange look. In addition, your picture may be distorted, since the mirror does not always reflect an absolutely accurate image. It's much better to just reach out your hand, and, grabbing the phone with your wrist, take a picture. It may take you a little practice to get the hang of capturing your entire face, but after a while you will definitely not cut off the top of your head.

  • The exception would be when you want to take a full-length selfie. It is very difficult to make such a photograph, capturing an area larger than from head to chest, without the use of a mirror.
  • Practice using both your hands to take a selfie and see which angle gives you the best shot.

The best photos are those that capture not only the face, but also something interesting in the background. Wherever you decide to take pictures, indoors or outdoors, the first step is to look around and study the surrounding area. Choose a position where future viewers can see what you want to show them.

  • Nature will always play the role of an excellent backdrop. In spring or summer, you can pose next to a small tree plantation, or near blooming bushes and flowers, which do a great job as a quick background. In autumn you can capture the falling leaves and in winter the majesty of snow and ice.
  • If nature is not to your liking, you can stay at home and take pictures right in your room. Remember pure things. You can display something interesting in your home as long as it doesn't detract from your face. For example, if you love to read, bookshelves make a great backdrop. But a huge poster on the wall with the image of many faces will not be a very good background.

Common culprits like younger siblings, crying babies, and dogs taking a bath behind you can seriously mess up your photo. Before you take a picture, take a good look around to see if anyone is hiding in the shadows, waiting for the moment to ruin your selfie.

  • In case your photo fails due to one of the above reasons, you can always take another shot after waiting until the "destroyer" of photos is removed.
  • Sometimes unexpected guests fit into the photo quite well. Don't delete a photo just because it shows your sister's face. A joyful goofy baby face, combined with your serious facial expression, can add originality to a photo.

6) Call a couple of people for a joint selfie

The main requirement of a selfie is your presence in the frame, however, no one claims that you should be alone in the photo! Call your friends, the same sister with the dog, to take a picture together. The photo will not be predictable, but visually funny and interesting for other people who will view and like it.

  • This is a great way to take a photo of yourself in public if you're too shy to snap just yourself.
  • The more people in the photo, the more pages will publish it. If you have many friends, imagine how many times they will share the photo and how many people will see and like it.

Upload your image and play around with it a bit

1) Experiment with filters

Most people who take selfies are lucky enough to have apps that can spice up an image with color and filters. Not every filter works well for every selfie, so it's best to try a few options and then settle on one of them.

  • The simplest filters, such as " black and white" (black and white) and " sepia"(sepia) are available in any phone and do not require the installation of a special application.
  • Other popular filters allow you to make your selfie vintage, romantic, darker or lighter. Don't be afraid to try each option and see which one works best for your particular shot.

2) Edit the photo

If you have the right software, for example, you can correct facial imperfections such as pimples and blemishes before posting on social media. You can crop the unwanted part of the background and resize the shot to make the face look different, change the light and shadow in the frame, and much more. Many of these features can be right there on your phone without installing any apps, but there are dozens of apps you can look out for that can do the job.

  • However, the changes should be made small so that the photo looks natural. If you can't make the changes look natural and almost imperceptible, remove any filters you've applied before posting an obvious fake.

3) Upload a photo to all your accounts

Share your selfie on Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte and Instagram and all your friends will see it. In most cases, you can add a caption to describe what's happening in the frame, but you can also let the image tell you where you've been and what you've been doing.

  • When you upload an image, acknowledge that it is your selfie. Pretending that you wanted to take a picture of something else, but your face suddenly fell into the frame, you will not fool anyone, so you need to proudly show off your pretty face.
  • Get ready for some people to find selfies annoying and may write some far from flattering comments on your photo. But if all your albums are full of such selfies, you should think about diversifying them.
  • Leave other users comments under their images only those that you yourself would like to see in your album. The more likes you give, the more you get!

4) Be on trend

Selfies have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years, and it's pretty fun to be part of the selfie trend. Photos turn into a kind of food that we need. Feel free to upload your own photos. Here are some selfie workouts:

Some places are absolutely not suitable as a place to take a selfie, such as a funeral or the scene of an accident. And, although most of these situations are quite common, ask yourself if your photo session will not upset or offend anyone. If the answer is yes, reschedule the selfie for another time.

  • Weddings, funerals and other special occasions are out of the question. If you are at an event dedicated to other people, put your smartphone away and do not block the young photographer.
  • Similarly, if you are at a memorial to the dead, keep your phone in your pocket. Do not take selfies near monuments or memorials, especially if tragic events took place nearby.
  • Look as natural as possible so that it doesn't seem like you're trying your best to look good. On the other hand, this is all selfies!
  • The body will look slimmer if photographed from above or below. But, being proud of your appearance, you should not forget that it does not yet determine your positive human qualities.
  • Men may be advised to leave their shirt slightly open rather than fully buttoned. This will give the appearance of slight negligence.
  • The hollow between the breasts will look more spectacular if you lie down on the sofa or the floor and support yourself with your elbows.
  • The impressive size of the muscles will appear in all its glory, if you slightly raise your hand.

Now, show your selfie in the comments! ;)

Often, when trying to take a good selfie, people attach too much importance to external paraphernalia. In fact, the use of a selfie stick, the exotic landscape around, and even the perfect make-up are not that important. The main thing is to look natural in the photo and be able to emphasize your dignity.

How to take a beautiful selfie on your phone? To create a beautiful selfie, you need to consider a few basic points.


Any photographer will tell you that light is of the utmost importance in any shoot. The face can change beyond recognition, depending on the angle of illumination. You will be able to find the ideal lighting angles for yourself only by trial and error, because every face is unique.

  • However, there is a general rule - natural daylight looks most beautiful. Therefore, it is best to take pictures on the street or indoors with the lights off during the day. Lamps give too sharp contrast - therefore, in professional studios in artificial lighting conditions, diffused light is specially created.

  • Never photograph against the light. Often a face in a good angle turns out to be too dark, and it is difficult to fix this even in Photoshop.
  • You should also avoid excessive direct lighting - on an overly lit face, you may not see flaws, but such a selfie looks careless.

Good selfie poses

Equally important are the poses for selfies. Many people like to just take pictures of the face from the front, however, even if this angle comes out well for you, you can’t constantly exploit it so that the photos don’t look monotonous.

Here are some good poses:

  • The half-turned head position suits almost everyone and adds variety to the photographs. This position can hide many flaws, because in nature there is no perfectly symmetrical face - when photographed in front, you draw attention to the little things. Try photographing the face three-quarters to the right and left to see which angle comes out best.
  • Profile photos are not very common and look unusual. If you want to try something new, this one is for you. Make sure that your eyes do not look at the camera, but strictly straight ahead - then the selfie will look organic.
  • Tilt the head down visually increases the forehead and crown and reduces the chin.
  • The head, raised up, makes the chin heavier, but makes the forehead smaller.
  • Hands near the face can noticeably enliven the photo. Holding your fingers through your hair or resting your palm on your cheek will look great and add variety to your selfie collection.

Facial expressions for a good selfie

Facial expressions for selfies are no less important. Bow pouts are outdated and funny, unless you're doing it as a joke. Facial expressions for a selfie should be lively and natural: then the photo will turn out perfect.

  • Laughter or at least a slight smile will look the most beautiful, but only if they are lively and sincere.
  • In order for a smile to look natural, the look must be expressive. We recognize fake smiles precisely by the lack of fun in the look, as well as by the absence of mimic wrinkles around the eyes. Therefore, you do not need to smile only with your lips. Try to think of happy moments when you take a photo.
  • However, the look is important not only for smiles. Any facial expression requires the participation of the gaze - if you cannot feel the emotion that you are trying to photograph, your eyes will be empty, and the selfie will not be convincing.
  • If you are not always able to work with your eyes correctly, you can take pictures in sunglasses. With them, any photo looks more successful - besides, they can be interesting to beat.

10 beautiful selfie ideas

We all need inspiration, even for things like taking selfies. These ideas will help you take more interesting selfies and highlight your beauty.

  • Selfie with pets

We all love animals. Exotic selfies from foreign vacation trips, dolphinariums and zoos are now popular. However, you don’t need to look for something amazing just to take a picture. A dog or cat is great for a selfie: the animals are usually extremely photogenic. In addition, they can evoke genuine emotions in you, and the photo will turn out to be truly alive.

  • Selfie in the wind

The wind allows you to create amazing photos. Flying hair and clothes add zest to any photo. In addition, the hair falling on the face creates an interesting effect in itself, so even if you did not manage to make an expressive look and a natural smile, a few strands on the face will easily hide the flaws.

  • Selfie with your loved one

How to take a good selfie for a guy? It is often difficult to get men to pose for the camera. A joint selfie can be a way out. There are many popular poses commonly used by couples in photographs, and they all usually look good. After all, you give each other sincere emotions that cannot but be reflected in the picture.

  • Spontaneous selfie

It is not necessary to wait for the right moment or a significant event for a selfie. The best shots are often random. Take a picture of yourself in a familiar environment right now - in a cafe with a cup of coffee, in the office or on the bus. Probably, such unexpected selfies will turn out to be even more successful than well-thought-out options.

  • Selfie with kids

Children always bring positivity to the pictures. Next to them, any adult looks happier and younger. You probably noticed that children almost never have bad pictures. It is worth learning from them immediacy and vivid expression of emotions. If you have a smile on your face, the environment in the selfie will play a secondary role.

  • selfie lying down

When you lie down, you are as relaxed as possible - just such a face can look good in photos. Such selfies should be taken with natural makeup and hair lying softly on the pillow. Soft daylight will be especially appropriate here. Such a gentle and simple selfie will allow you to ignore external attributes and emphasize your natural beauty.

  • Selfie in an unusual way

Photos in which you look different than usual always attract attention. Bright make-up, wigs, carnival costumes will help you with this. Usually these are photos from parties and other entertainment events. A selfie like this is a great way to not only show how fun you are having an evening, but also show off a new side of yourself.

  • Photos in men's t-shirt

Men's shirts and t-shirts that are several sizes larger are always sexy, and selfies are no exception. It is especially interesting to play in contrast and take a selfie in a men's T-shirt with a feminine make-up and styling.

  • sexy selfie

Selfies in swimsuits and lingerie always look attractive. However, if you choose this option, you need to think through the details so that the photo looks stylish and not vulgar. How to make an erotic selfie? For starters, watch your facial expressions. Facial expression should not be deliberately sexual, it often looks tasteless. A calm, relaxed expression is best. Also, try not to emphasize the possible flaws of your figure, do not take such selfies if you have untidy skin or unwashed hair.

  • Selfie with a look over your shoulder

Such options always look playful, beautiful and natural. Turning your head back adds zest to the selfie: it looks like you are turning around at a passerby. The facial expression here can be anything, but a slight smile is best.

As you can see, there are a lot of simple but effective ideas that will help you take a successful selfie. Don't limit yourself to this list. Find your most beautiful angles and boldly experiment with poses, makeup and environments.

Video: 10 life hacks for the perfect selfie

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