How to make delicious tomato juice. Tomato juice for the winter at home - the best recipes


Natural tomato juice is an incredibly tasty and incredibly healthy drink. It is recommended to use it regularly for people who have problems with the nerves, heart, and intestines. Ladies who want to lose a couple of or even ten kilograms love this juice: the natural tomato drink restores metabolic processes.

We are, of course, not talking about store-bought surrogates. Only hand-prepared natural juice will bring health benefits. By the way, if you perfectly follow the technology of cooking tomato juice for the winter at home, then for two years it will retain not only its amazing taste, but also all its healing properties.

Tomato juice for the winter at home - general principles of preparation

To successfully prepare ideal tomato juice for the winter at home, you need slightly overripe, juicy, fleshy tomatoes. A liter of juice will take one and a half kilograms of fresh fruits. They need to be pureed in any way: twist in a meat grinder through a special attachment for juices, use a real juicer, rub the tomatoes through a sieve.

You can add herbs, seasonings, spices, vegetables and even fruits to the tomato base, or you can squeeze the juice absolutely without any additives, even without salt. Onions, fresh garlic, red bell pepper, celery, beets, apples, and various spices are most often used as additional ingredients.

The variety doesn't really matter. It is best to prepare juice from non-standard, huge tomatoes, which are not suitable for pickling due to their size and structural defects. Preparation includes washing, removing spoiled areas and stalks, and cutting into pieces. The juicer produces a finished, completely seed-free product. It is very comfortable. If you grind tomatoes in a meat grinder without an attachment, you will have to separate the seeds manually using a fine sieve. An unrealistically difficult task if you need to sell a large number of tomatoes.

The amounts of sugar and salt indicated in recipes should not be taken as the ultimate truth. Each housewife should be guided by her own taste. There is no need to be afraid to taste the juice for more than just sugar and salt. The spiciness and degree of spiciness of the drink can also be varied based on personal preferences.

Preparing cans is a very important stage in making tomato juice for the winter at home. Not only do they need to be washed with soda and properly sterilized. It is important not to overlook the slightest crack. If a jar filled with boiling or simply hot juice cracks in your hands, you can get seriously injured.

For sterilizing jars, not only grandma’s method of using an aluminum mug on a pan of boiling water is suitable. You can sterilize the container on the grill of a pressure cooker or in an oven heated to 150 degrees. Liter jars are sterilized for fifteen minutes, two-liter jars for twenty minutes. You cannot remove the container from the oven with wet hands: the jar will burst if it cannot withstand the temperature change!

You need to cool the sealed jars under a warm thick blanket or blanket, turning them upside down. If juice leaks, the lid must be replaced. Only completely cooled pieces can be turned over and stored for storage. The juice should be stored in the cold: cellar, insulated balcony, basement.

Tomato juice for the winter at home “Natural”

The easiest way to prepare wonderful, natural, sweetish tomato juice for the winter at home is to not use any additional ingredients at all.


Ripe tomatoes;


Cooking method:

Take slightly overripe tomatoes, those varieties that have almost no seeds. If you have a juicer, it doesn't matter what variety of tomatoes you use.

Puree the tomatoes in a meat grinder with a special attachment or juicer.

Carefully pour the resulting juice into a suitable container, preferably enameled. A wide saucepan or a large bucket will do.

Bring the juice to a boil over high heat for a few minutes.

Then reduce the heat to medium and cook for twenty minutes. Be sure to stir, otherwise everything will burn.

Prepare jars in any way. Boil or sterilize the lids along with the jars.

Pour the juice while still boiling into jars and seal.

Cool as described above.

Tomato juice for the winter at home “Traditional”

If you want to make a salty, tasty juice, then add some salt to the tomato base when cooking and add a little sugar. It’s not at all difficult to prepare such traditional tomato juice for the winter at home, and the result is excellent.


Ripe red tomatoes;

There is as much salt as the hostess likes or a little less (you can add salt when using);

You can add sugar at the rate of one and a half tablespoons per liter of the finished drink.

Cooking method:

Puree the tomatoes in any way you like.

Pour sugar into the tomato base and add a little salt (be sure to try and add more salt if necessary).

On a medium burner, bring the tomato mixture to the first signs of boiling.

When the first bubbles appear, reduce the heat and continue cooking for another twenty minutes.

Immediately pour into jars and seal.

Cool properly and refrigerate for long-term preservation.

Tomato juice for the winter at home “Spicy”

Fans of spicy aromas will definitely enjoy this spicy tomato drink. To prepare tomato juice for the winter at home, you will have to stock up not only on tomatoes, but also cloves, nutmeg, allspice, and cinnamon. The addition of acetic acid allows the drink to be stored for quite a long time. The number of ingredients listed is quite large. In order to brew a smaller amount of drink, you need to proportionally reduce the number of components.


Eleven kilograms of tomatoes;

Six hundred grams of sugar;

180 grams of salt;

A tablespoon of acetic acid or 280 ml of table vinegar;

Five cloves of garlic;

Thirty peas of allspice;

Ten carnations;

A little chili powder;

Three spoons of ground cinnamon;

Ground nutmeg on the tip of a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Quickly prepare the tomato base by running the tomatoes through a juicer.

There should be no peels or seeds in the juice.

Pour the base into a large enamel pan or bucket.

Turn on medium heat, wait until it boils and cook for half an hour.

Boil the juice over low heat for ten minutes.

Place garlic, spices, and vinegar into the pan.

Boil everything together for twenty minutes.

Pour into prepared jars, seal and cool.

Homemade tomato juice “Fragrant”

Bay leaf gives the tomato drink a wonderful, languid spicy aroma. This tomato juice for the winter at home is also very simple to prepare.


Ripe tomatoes;

Black peppercorns to taste;

Two or three bay leaves per jar;

A little salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Puree the tomatoes in a juicer.

Pour the mixture into a saucepan or bucket.

Wait for it to boil and cook for fifteen minutes.

Add ground pepper, bay leaf, and a little salt.

Immediately pour into dry prepared jars, seal immediately, and cool properly.

Store in a cool, dark pantry.

Tomato juice for the winter at home “Aromatic”

You can even cook wonderful tomato juice for the winter at home with bell peppers. The result is a surprisingly tasty and aromatic drink.


A bucket of tomatoes (ten kilograms);

Three cloves of garlic (you can take more);

Three bell red peppers;

Medium bulb.

Cooking method:

Remove the skins from the tomatoes. To do this, cut it crosswise at the stalk and place it in boiling water for half a minute. Immediately immerse in cool, clean water. Due to temperature changes, the peel can be easily removed.

Free the pepper from hard seeds and fibrous membranes and chop.

Remove the skins from the onion and garlic and chop as desired.

Puree all vegetables sequentially.

Rub the resulting puree through a metal sieve.

Pour the pureed mixture into a bucket or pan and wait until it boils.

Boil the juice for ten minutes.

Pour carefully and seal immediately.

Tomato juice for the winter at home “Vitamin”

Magnificent, aromatic, fresh tomato juice for the winter at home is brewed with celery. The vitamin drink will be tasty, aromatic, and healthy.


A kilogram of overripe tomatoes;

Three stalks of celery;

A tablespoon of salt;

Black pepper.

Cooking method:

Puree the tomatoes.

Finely chop the washed celery.

Pour the tomato base into a metal cooking container and wait until it boils.

As soon as the juice boils, add the celery.

Wait for it to boil again and cook for ten minutes.

Rub the cooled mass in a sieve or puree again in a blender bowl.

Let it boil again and immediately pour into sterile jars.

Carefully seal and cool.

Tomato juice for the winter at home “Autumn Day”

Magnificent, unusual tomato juice for the winter at home is easy to make from a small amount of yellow tomatoes. Their delicate fresh taste does not need to be interrupted by spices. Salt and sugar are added to taste.


Yellow variety tomatoes;

Cooking method:

Puree yellow tomatoes in a juicer.

Discard the seeds if you don't have a juicer.

Pour into a metal enameled cooking container.

Wait for it to boil and simmer for fifteen minutes.

Skim off the foam and stir the juice.

Add salt to taste.

Add a little sugar if desired.

Pour the hot juice into dry, sterilized jars and seal.

Tomato juice for the winter at home “Original”

Tomato juice can be cooked tasty and quickly according to an original, unusual recipe: with apple and beet juice. Very rich taste and simply a storehouse of vitamins!


Two kilograms of tomatoes;

Two hundred ml of fresh beet juice;

A liter of juice from fresh apples;

Cooking method:

Blanch ripe whole tomatoes in boiling water for three minutes.

Cut into pieces and wipe thoroughly using a fine sieve.

If you have a juicer, use it.

Pour beetroot and apple juices into the tomato base.

Bring to a boil and cook for two minutes.

Pour into jars, seal, cool.

Tomato juice for the winter at home “Basil freshness”

Another aromatic version of tomato juice for the winter can be easily prepared at home with the addition of a fluffy bunch of fresh fragrant basil. Lovers of basil freshness will really like this drink.


Five kilograms of overripe tomatoes;

A tablespoon without a heap of salt;

One teaspoon of sugar;

Bunch of basil.

Cooking method:

Puree ripe tomatoes cut into pieces using a juicer.

Pour the tomato base into a cooking container.

Wait until it boils

Place finely chopped basil (or dried herb) in a bucket or pan.

Boil the juice for twenty minutes.

Immediately pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Cool properly under a blanket, and after a day put it in the cold.

Tomato juice for the winter at home with dill and bell pepper

The last recipe will delight lovers of dill freshness and the subtle aroma of bell pepper. The tomato juice is deliciously spicy.


Ten kilograms of tomatoes;

Half a kilo of red bell peppers;

A generous bunch of dill with umbrellas;

Sugar and salt.

Cooking method:

Puree ripe, juicy tomatoes in a juicer or puree until no seeds remain.

Cut out the inside of the pepper with seeds and partitions.

Puree the peppers in the same way as tomatoes.

Pour both mixtures into a cooking pan.

Wait until it boils, add dill, sugar and salt.

Boil the juice for forty minutes.

Pour into dry prepared containers.

Seal and cool.

Keep refrigerated.

Tomato juice for the winter at home - tricks and useful tips

  • If you don’t have a separate juicer in your kitchen, you can simply grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder. Then rub the mixture through a metal sieve to remove the seeds.
  • Tomato juice is useful for people suffering from chronic constipation. The substances included in the drink normalize the digestion processes.
  • Natural juice from tomatoes is very useful for smokers. It prevents emphysema. Drinking a glass of tomato juice immediately after a cigarette allows you to minimize the harm caused to your health.
  • It is beneficial to take their tomato juice, prepared at home, to increase the speed of metabolic processes. This will make it easier to lose excess weight. In addition, tomato juice contains natural organic acids: tartaric, malic, oxalic, citric. The rich organic composition of this drink is amazing. Tomato juice can become a natural diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and choleretic agent.
  • If tomato juice separates during storage, no problem. This pulp has settled to the bottom of the container. To restore normal consistency, you just need to shake the jar.

One kilogram of tomatoes yields approximately 1 liter of juice.

I rinse the tomatoes well in water, then cut out the spoiled areas and cut the tomatoes into pieces. I put the chopped tomatoes in a pan, pour a little water on the bottom (¼ cup so that the tomatoes don’t burn on the bottom) and set the pan to simmer over low heat.

Gradually, the tomatoes begin to boil down, release juice and boil. I let them cook for a bit, no more than 10 minutes, turn off the heat, and let the tomatoes cool a little. Then I rub the cooled but still warm tomatoes through a sieve. How well you wipe the tomatoes determines how much pulp will be in the juice. All I have left in the colander is the skin and seeds.

I return the pureed tomato juice to the heat. Add salt and sugar to the pan. Everyone has their own norm, who likes what taste. Personally, I add half a tablespoon each of salt and sugar. The juice turns out to be slightly salted, and if it’s not enough for someone, you can add salt before drinking.

After the juice has boiled, I let it simmer for 15-20 minutes.

By this time, I already have jars ready for canning: I washed them and put them in the oven to sterilize for 15-20 minutes.

The juice has boiled, I take the hot jars out of the oven and pour the boiling juice into them

and screw on the lids, which I also sterilized in boiling water. This is my least favorite moment in canning, everything is hot, both the jars and the lids and the juice. And you need to manage to tighten the lids, and doing this in mittens is not very convenient. But, in the end, this stage is left behind.

I turn the jars upside down with their lids, and they stand like that until they cool down.

Ready, put the jars away for storage.


The calendar says that autumn has arrived, but it seems that autumn is in no hurry to take over, giving way to the last warm days to summer. Over the summer, we managed to make a lot of preparations from seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries, and tomatoes were no exception. And now the orderly rows of jars with pickles and tomato marinades are pleasing to the eye, but the preparations have been made, autumn has already arrived, and the tomatoes still won’t run out. And it seems that we are proud of ourselves for having such a rich harvest, but we also have to think about where to put the surplus. Culinary Eden offers to prepare tomato juice for the winter! When it comes to tomato juice, it becomes clear that you can never have too many tomatoes.

Try preparing tomato juice for the winter using the recipes below. The taste and benefits of this product are undeniable; with proper storage, all the beneficial properties of fresh tomatoes are preserved in tomato juice for two years! But winter is the time of year when we especially need vitamins. Instead of vitamin tablets and vegetables of questionable freshness, you can drink a glass of thick, aromatic, fresh tomato juice every day. Choose a tomato juice recipe for the winter, add your favorite spices and make a tasty and healthy drink with your own hands!

Tomato juice for the winter from yellow tomatoes

1.5 kg of yellow tomatoes per 1 liter of juice,
sugar as desired
salt as desired.

Prepare the tomatoes, wash them thoroughly, sort them so that there are no spoiled fruits, cut off all the ugly parts. Pass the prepared tomatoes through a juicer. If you don’t have a juicer, but really want to make tomato juice for the winter, then pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder and rub the resulting tomato mass through a metal sieve. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the tomato juice for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. Pour the finished juice into sterile jars; before sealing, you can add salt and sugar to taste, or you can close it and add salt and sugar immediately before use. Roll up the jars with sterile lids, place the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool.

Tomato juice with basil

4-5 kg ​​of slightly overripe red tomatoes,

Prepare the tomatoes by washing them, removing the stems and cutting the fruits into pieces. Place the cut tomatoes in a juicer; if you don’t have one, then pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, and then rub the resulting mass through a sieve. The aromatic juice is ready, all that remains is to make it suitable for storage. Pour the juice into an enamel pan, put on fire and boil the juice for 20 minutes. At this time, sterilize the jars over steam and boil the lids. Add 1 tbsp to the juice. salt and 1 tsp. sugar, add a few sprigs of basil. If you don't have fresh basil, feel free to substitute dried basil. Pour the finished juice into hot sterile jars and immediately roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely, and store the finished juice in a cool place.

Tomato juice with garlic

11 kg red tomatoes,
450-700 gr. sugar (to taste),
175 gr. salt,
1 tbsp. vinegar essence or 275 gr. 9% vinegar,
a few cloves of garlic,
30 allspice peas,
½ tsp. ground red pepper,
6-10 clove buds,
3.5 tsp cinnamon,
nutmeg on the tip of a knife.

Wash the tomatoes, peel the stems and cut into several pieces. Press the tomatoes through a juicer to obtain pure tomato juice without peels or seeds. Pour the prepared tomato juice into an enamel pan, put on the fire and cook for 30 minutes, then reduce the heat, while the juice should continue to boil. Add salt, sugar, cook for another 5-10 minutes, then add garlic, vinegar and spices. Cook for another 10-20 minutes, then pour the juice into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

Tomato juice with pulp


1.2 kg tomatoes,
2 tsp salt.

Tomato juice for the winter prepared according to this recipe does not need to be boiled, but it does require sterilization. To prepare juice with pulp, you need ripe tomatoes. Wash them thoroughly, drain in a colander and place in a pan of boiling water for 1-2 minutes. After this, take out the tomatoes and place them in a pan of cold water, also for 1-2 minutes. Now you can easily remove the skin from the tomatoes, which is what you need to do. Using a wooden masher, rub the peeled tomatoes through a colander or sieve into an enamel or glass bowl. Filter the juice through several layers of gauze, add salt. Wash juice jars well and sterilize. Pour the juice into jars, cover with boiled metal lids and sterilize the jars with juice. The sterilization time varies depending on the volume of the jar; the larger the volume, the longer it will take to sterilize. Cover the hot jars with lids and turn them upside down until they cool completely.

Tomato juice with bell pepper

1 bucket of tomatoes,
3 pcs. bell pepper,
3 cloves of garlic,
1 head of onion.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and place them in a pan of boiling water for 1-2 minutes. After this, take out the tomatoes and put them in a saucepan with cold water for 1-2 minutes, and then remove the skins from them. Wash the bell pepper and remove seeds, peel the garlic and onion. Cut all the vegetables into pieces and put everything through a juicer; if you don’t have a juicer, you can put everything through a meat grinder and rub through a metal sieve. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the juice for 10 minutes, then immediately pour into sterile jars and seal with lids. Before use, add salt to taste.

Tomato juice with dill

10 kg tomatoes,
1/2 kg bell pepper,
1 bunch of dill with an umbrella,


To prepare this tomato juice for the winter, you will need fresh, ripe, juicy tomatoes; under no circumstances should you use cracked or rotten vegetables. Wash the tomatoes and peppers well, remove the seeds from the peppers. Pass the tomatoes and peppers through a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan and put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 30-40 minutes. As soon as the juice boils, throw a sprig of dill into it, add salt and sugar to taste. Pour the finished juice into clean, dry jars, close the lids and turn the jars upside down until they cool completely. This juice should be stored in a cool place.

Tomato juice with vinegar

1 kg slightly overripe, well-colored tomatoes,
½ tbsp. 8% vinegar,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. salt.


Wash the tomatoes well and cut into pieces. Rub the resulting pieces through a fine sieve or pass through a juicer. Filter the tomato juice through several layers of gauze. Add vinegar, sugar and salt to the resulting juice. Pour the juice into a saucepan, put on the fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil, immediately pour into well-heated glass jars, close with a lid and sterilize for at least 10-15 minutes. Then refrigerate the jars and store them in a cool place.

Tomato juice with bay leaf

14 kg of slightly overripe tomatoes,
2-3 sweet peppers,
2-3 bay leaves,
5-6 buds of cloves,
5-6 black peppercorns,

Wash the tomatoes, cut into large pieces, wash the peppers and remove seeds. Squeeze everything out using a juicer. Pour the resulting tomato juice into an enamel pan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Add spices and salt. Cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, then pour into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

Tomato juice with celery

1 kg of tomatoes,
3 celery stalks,
1 tsp ground black pepper,
1 tbsp. salt.

Preparing this tomato juice for the winter should begin by preparing the jar and lid. Wash the jar thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and turn it upside down onto a clean, dry towel. Boil the lid for a few minutes. Wash the tomatoes well, cut into slices and pass through a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Wash the celery, cut into small pieces, add to tomato juice and bring to a boil again. Then rub the resulting mass through a sieve, boil again, pour the juice into a jar and roll up the lid.

2 kg fresh ripe tomatoes,
1 l. homemade apple juice,
200 gr. beet juice,

Wash the tomatoes well and pour boiling water over them. Then cut the tomatoes into slices and rub through a sieve or squeeze out the juice using a juicer. Add apple and beet juice to the resulting tomato mass and bring the mixture to a boil. At this time, prepare sterile jars and lids. While boiling, pour the juice into jars and roll up the lids.


Wash the tomatoes well, fill them with cold water so that the water completely covers the tomatoes. Simmer over low heat until the tomatoes soften. Then rub the soft boiled tomatoes through a fine sieve, and boil the resulting juice by a third. Prepare sterile jars. Pour the boiling juice into prepared jars, cover with a lid and, after cooling, put in a cool place. This juice can be stored for several years. Before use, add salt to taste.

Juicy, fresh, ripe tomatoes produce aromatic, thick juice with a rich taste. No store-bought tomato juice compares to homemade juice. Quite simple recipes, a little patience and time, and you will be provided with tasty, appetizing and healthy tomato juice for the whole year!

So autumn has come. The children have gone to school, but it’s too early to rest, we need to properly prepare for winter. And first of all, you should prepare as much tomato juice as possible for the winter. It would seem that juice is not food, and you wouldn’t have to worry too much, but in fact, tomato juice, especially with pulp, is the number one product. It is necessary for borscht, it is also necessary for tomato sauce, and how many delicious dishes are prepared with the same tomato juice, not to mention the benefits of tomato juice, that it would not hurt to drink it regularly. Therefore, don’t be lazy and be sure to preserve tomato juice for the winter. I offer a very simple and quick recipe for tomato juice, without sterilization, without vinegar and other preservatives, even kids can drink it.


(Yield: 2.1 liters of tomato juice)

  • 3 kg. ripe tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp. salt (optional)
  • So, take three kilos of ripe tomatoes. Any ripe tomatoes are suitable for tomato juice: large, small, not very beautiful, red, pink and even yellow. It is important that they are ripe and juicy. In general, the garden beds are usually full of just such tomatoes in the fall, and at the market such little things are not very expensive.
  • Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and let the water drain. If the tomatoes are large, then cut them in half or into several parts. We pass the tomatoes through a juicer. Collect the resulting mass in a clean bowl and discard the pomace.
  • If you don’t already have a juicer, I advise you to buy one; it saves a lot of time, and preparing homemade tomato juice costs nothing at all: just one or two and you’re done!
  • Well, what about those who don’t have a juicer? Then you can get tomato juice as follows. Boil the chopped tomatoes for 5-7 minutes. When the tomatoes have cooled, rub the tomatoes through a large sieve (to allow the pulp to pass through) or through a colander with fine holes. If you use a regular colander, then the seeds will come out along with the pulp.
  • Place the bowl with tomato pulp on the fire (take an enamel bowl). Add salt if desired. But the best and healthiest option is to roll up natural tomato juice without salt and spices. But in winter, when you open the jar, then you can add salt and pepper to taste. By the way, this juice turns out much tastier than boiled with salt and spices.
  • Boil the tomato juice for 15 minutes over medium heat, you don’t need to cook for half an hour, a quarter of an hour is enough.
  • Carefully, so as not to scald yourself, pour the hot tomato juice into sterile jars, cover with sterile lids and roll up. Read carefully how to properly sterilize jars and lids.
  • Turn the jars with rolled tomato juice upside down (for additional sterilization of the lids), wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool. The specified amount of tomatoes yields a little more than 2 liters of tomato juice. Exactly how much juice you get depends on the juiciness of the tomatoes.
  • The next day, we hide the cooled jars of homemade tomato juice for storage in a pantry, cellar or any other cool place away from radiators and sunlight.
  • That's all, the natural product is ready! As you can see, preparing tomato juice does not take much time or effort, but what a benefit for your wallet and health! Tasty, healthy, always at hand, no need to buy tomato paste or tomato sauces that contain preservatives. And most importantly, the presence of tomato juice allows you to greatly diversify your daily menu. And, as you know, tasty and healthy food is the key to health, peace and tranquility in the family. So, we started with regular juice and ended with global themes)))

When purchasing tomato juice in a store, we do not receive the amount of vitamins and microelements that we expect. Preservatives added to an industrial product negate all the beneficial properties of the drink. However, home-cooked tomato retains vitamins for several years. The benefit of tomato drink lies in the high content of phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, iron, calcium, magnesium, as well as vitamins PP, C, A, B, E.

How to choose the right tomatoes for harvesting juice for the winter

To prepare homemade tomato juice, choose only selected ripe, sweet red tomatoes (green and yellow tomatoes are not suitable). If unripe vegetables are used for processing, homemade preparations will be too sour or bitter, and overripe fruits will make it tasteless. Technologists who specialize in the industrial production of tomatoes advise selecting tomatoes for harvesting with a sugar to acid ratio of about 8. Ideal varieties would be: Simferopolsky, Yerevan 14, Akhtubinsky, Salatny, Yuzhanin and others.

The best step-by-step recipes for homemade tomato juice with photos

On average, one and a half kilograms of tomatoes yield a liter of tomato juice; these proportions should be used as a guide when calculating the required amount of vegetables for preparing stock for the winter. It is possible to make juice from tomatoes alone, or combine them with additives such as sugar, salt, and spices. Some housewives prefer to add other vegetables to the juice - garlic, onions, bell peppers or celery.

Classic recipe without sterilization through a juicer

The tomato can be stored well in a cold room such as a cellar or basement for more than a year. However, to keep the product fresh longer, spices (salt, sugar, pepper) should be added immediately before drinking the juice. Homemade preparation from fresh tomatoes put through a juicer turns out thick and tasty; its quality and nutritional value cannot be compared with its store-bought counterpart.


  • 9 kg of tomatoes;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • salt to taste;

Step-by-step recipe for homemade tomato juice for the winter:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut out the centers.
  2. Cut the fruits in half and pass through a juicer or meat grinder.
  3. Pour the juice into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  4. Pass the drink through a sieve to obtain a uniform consistency. Add sugar, salt.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat and keep it on the fire for another five minutes.
  6. Pour the tomato into sterile jars and seal.

Tomato puree with pulp in a blender

Tomato sauce is a universal preparation for the winter. You can use it not only for preparing borscht or various main courses (sauté, gravy for a side dish, cabbage rolls), but also to season ready-made food with it. Tomato puree goes well with fish, vegetables, meat, and poultry. In addition to excellent taste, homemade sauce is a very healthy product containing many essential substances.


  • 12 kg of tomatoes;
  • salt.

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade tomato juice with pulp for the winter:

  1. Wash ripe, fresh tomatoes, remove stems, cut off bad spots. Cut them into pieces that will fit into the neck of the blender-juicer.
  2. Grind the tomatoes - you should get juice with foam.
  3. Pour the fresh juice into the pan, leaving some free space at the top (5-6 cm), since the foam will rise during cooking.
  4. Skim off the foam, reduce the heat and leave the juice to simmer for 25 minutes.
  5. Rinse jars and lids with vinegar and sterilize.
  6. When the tomato juice is cooked, the foam will turn red. Remove the pan from the heat, salt the preparation for the winter, pour into jars and leave under the blanket overnight.

A simple recipe with salt and sugar in a slow cooker


  • four kilograms of tomatoes;
  • a tablespoon of sugar, salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Step-by-step recipe for making tomato juice for the winter using a multicooker:

  1. Turn on the “Baking” option on the multicooker and place the tomatoes inside.
  2. Salt, add sugar and pepper. Cook the mixture, stirring constantly for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the juice into sterile jars and close them with lids. You can drink this drink without preservation.

Canned juice with garlic and bell pepper


  • a bucket of fresh, soft tomatoes;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • bulb;
  • three bell peppers.

Step-by-step canned recipe:

  1. Wash and place the tomatoes in a saucepan with boiling water. Let them sit in the hot water for no more than 30 seconds, then remove the fruits with a slotted spoon and place them in a pan filled with cold water.
  2. After 2-3 minutes, remove the tomatoes and peel the skins.
  3. Remove seeds and peels from onions, garlic, and peppers. Grind all the vegetables, put them in a blender, juicer, or grind them in a meat grinder.
  4. Squeeze out the resulting pulp using a sieve. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and boil it for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Pour the winter preparation into sterile jars and seal them. Before drinking the drink, it is recommended to add salt to taste.

How to cook with celery in a juicer


  • three kilos of tomatoes;
  • kilogram of celery.

Step-by-step recipe for winter tomato preparation with celery:

  1. Cut the washed tomatoes into slices and place in a juicer. Fill the container with water, place a saucepan with tomatoes on top, cover with a lid and place everything on the stove, turning on high heat.
  2. When the tomato boils, add the peeled, finely chopped celery. Bring the drink to a boil again, then pour into sterile jars.

Spicy tomato juice with dill and vinegar

Not every housewife seasones her winter preparations with vinegar, but when it is added to tomato juice, the shelf life of the drink increases significantly. A barrel of such a product can be stored for more than one year, and the color of the tomato due to this universal seasoning is very rich and beautiful. To prepare spicy juice, it is better to choose overripe, juicy tomatoes.


  • a bunch of dill (or basil);
  • a kilogram of overripe tomatoes;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf.

Step-by-step recipe for tomato juice for the winter with dill and vinegar:

  1. Cut the washed tomatoes into quarters and wipe them using a sieve or juicer.
  2. Filter the resulting thick drink through double-folded gauze.
  3. Add spices and pour the winter preparation into the pan. Place the container on the fire.
  4. When the drink boils, throw in a sprig of dill and, without waiting for it to boil again, pour it into jars.
  5. Cover the containers with lids and sterilize them for at least 10 minutes. Cool the jars naturally and keep them cool.

Making juice from tomato paste

Only high-quality paste is suitable for preparing tomato juice. Sauce or ketchup is not suitable for this. According to GOST, the paste must contain at least 25 percent of dry substances - this is 25-40%. The product must not contain any components other than salt or water. To check the quality of tomato paste, shake the jar; do not buy a product that is too liquid. At 23 percent density, the consistency should be similar to regular . Making juice from tomato paste is profitable because its cost is three times lower than a tomato from a bag.


  • tomato paste;
  • water;
  • salt as desired.

Tomato paste juice recipe:

  1. To obtain liquid tomato, dilute 1 tablespoon of paste in a glass of water.
  2. If you like a richer taste, use other proportions: dissolve 2 tablespoons of paste in a glass of water.
  3. If desired, you can season the drink with salt, sugar or pepper.

Video about the composition, calorie content and benefits of tomato juice for humans

Almost everyone loves tasty, spicy tomato juice. However, to pamper your family with this drink, you don’t have to buy it in the store. It's not difficult to make your own juice. Unlike the industrial product, which often contains harmful preservatives or aspirin, homemade tomato juice is absolutely pure. In addition to the fact that the drink contains many vitamins, it improves the functioning of the liver and heart, regulates metabolic processes (helps lose weight), and normalizes blood pressure. Its calorie content is only 24 kcal per 100 ml of juice. Watch a video about this drink:

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