How to tell your boss you want to quit. How to leave a company gracefully


Most employees think about finding a new job, and not about how to tell the boss about the dismissal. When moving into the ranks of candidates, few people think about the appropriateness of a statement about a change in activity or company.

How to present the news successfully? How to say about the dismissal of the boss, so as not to spoil the relationship with him? There are several recommendations, following which you can easily and pleasantly leave your current employer, while maintaining positive memories of each other.

Situations when you need to say about dismissal

There can be many situations in which it is necessary to start a conversation about dismissal. The most common options are dissatisfaction with the current situation and going “nowhere” or moving to a new job.

Option one. In the current case, the employee is dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. The level of wages or the lack of motivational bonuses may not suit you. Perhaps tired of constant processing and a state of burnout appeared. Not satisfied with the style of leadership of the team by the authorities. Relationships in the team also affect the level of satisfaction. Changes in the family situation affect the work no less.

All factors must be discussed honestly and openly. However, do not burn bridges. Diplomacy is the main component of a successful career.

Option two. In this case, the employee has already found a job. At a time when a new employer is preparing a place for a future employee, it is necessary to say goodbye to the current job. All cases must be prepared for transfer, completing as much as possible.

Reasons for leaving can vary. But in any case, it is important not to lose face and even in the most stalemate to leave with dignity.

How to speak and when to speak

In order to voice the desire to quit your job, it is better to choose the right moment. Management will not be happy if, during a meeting discussing the failure of a sales plan, an employee happily announces to everyone that he is leaving work. Despite the fact that the boss is a priori a wiser and more experienced manager, it may take time for him to react to such a statement.

The best option would be a tete-a-tete conversation. This is a good place for a meeting room. You can ask the manager for a personal meeting in his office, but on the condition that there are no strangers there. How the conversation will go depends on the environment - the time of day, the mood in the office, the state of affairs in the company.

The best time to talk

It is generally accepted that the optimal time for a conversation is in the afternoon. A well-fed person is kinder, more attuned to dialogue. In the morning, such news is recommended to be reported at about 11 o'clock - the working day is in full swing, the pace is set, it is easy to screw in a new task for subordinates. It is not advised to report a dismissal on Monday. The first working day of the week is the hardest. Management is more sensitive to the news about the reduction of staff by one employee. The best days, so to speak, are Tuesday and Wednesday. The presence of a few more working days gives the authorities the opportunity to think about a counterproposal, to discuss the situation with colleagues (if such a need arises). Finally, when tasks from senior management are distributed, it is much easier to devote time to an employee and talk with him openly, without being distracted by setting tasks and changing priorities in plans.

You must speak honestly and directly about your desire to quit. Dodging, fuzzy speech, long turns will turn the authorities against. From the outside, it may seem that the employee is not going to quit, but is trying to beg for an increase in salary.

If the reason is a new job

If the reason for the dismissal is a new job, then it is worth saying this directly. You can gently point out those moments that you did not like in the current company / position. The mood in the team, the work schedule, the long road to work, the state of pathological fatigue and burnout are factors that management will accept if they are presented beautifully and politely.

There are many options for how to tell your boss about the dismissal. The phrases used in any of them should be soft, constructive, clearly express the idea. You should not use phrases that denigrate the company or scathingly criticize management or colleagues.

What to say to management

To start a conversation beautifully and correctly, as well as correctly talk about the reasons for dismissal, you can use some template phrases:

  1. "Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich! Can we talk to you?"
  2. "Alexander Alexandrovich, I received an offer of a new job and I want to accept it."
  3. "Thank you for everything you taught me! Now I have a guideline for who I want to be like as a leader!"
  4. "Unfortunately, I stopped developing in this position. The place where I leave gives me more room to grow."
  5. "The situation is such that I need to leave the company. This is due to relocation/change of marital status/fatigue/health."

None of the above phrases guarantees that the manager will be ready to hear the employee and calmly accept his speech. However, a well-structured dialogue or even a monologue can help in further employment.

How to tell a good boss about being fired? To do this, you need to choose not only the right time, but also the words. A leader who has really put a lot of effort into the development of an employee will be pleased to hear this from him. A good relationship with a former boss can help you get a positive recommendation.

Management reaction

If it is assumed that there may be an explosion of emotions or irritation, then how to tell the boss about the dismissal? The reaction of the leader may be different. Often the boss immediately makes a counter-proposal: he offers to raise wages, give paid vacation for rest, increase, transfer to another department. If receiving such an offer was not the main goal, then it is important to prepare for such a conversation in advance. The emotional attachment to the company is much stronger than it seems. Even if it was completely uncomfortable to work in a team, there could be one colleague within the company who smoothed out the unpleasant atmosphere and was pleasant in communication. In order to resist the boss and not regret later on the choice, it is necessary to clearly define in advance why it is necessary to leave the company.

How to tell the boss about the dismissal depends on his behavior.

It is possible that the management takes a time-out for reflection and makes its decision after some time. In such situations, it is necessary to control the course of events - the letter of resignation must be registered with the secretary, or the head must take it to him. Otherwise, a situation is possible when, after a few days, the boss dismisses from work without offering changes in working conditions, but the application is launched later. Because of this, there may be an overlay in time for entering a new job.

When to leave

According to the law, an application for dismissal must be submitted 14 days in advance. The management can be asked the question: "Can I quit without working out the required two weeks?" If an employee quits, the employer may begin to behave incorrectly. In this situation, you need to know not only your duties, but also your rights. To avoid disputes, the process of accepting a letter of resignation, as well as the transfer of cases and the signing of the bypass sheet, must be under the control of the departing employee.

say goodbye beautifully

In any case, it is important to leave beautifully. All projects must be completed. If it is not possible to complete the project, close the deal or organize the event to the end, then it is necessary to provide support to the employee who will deal with this. After transferring all the cases and coordinating the work, it would be useful to have a telephone consultation if it is needed by the one who will accept the cases.

To maintain a good relationship with the employer, you can warn about leaving as early as possible. For a month, three weeks, if possible.

The last two working weeks are not a vacation, as many people think. This is a summing up of the work within the company. In order for an employee to have positive memories, there should be no shortcomings or low-quality reports, and the tasks set during this period should be perceived as important.

Mandatory Procedures

Leaving the company, having understood for yourself the reasons for dismissal, you do not need to burn all the bridges between colleagues. Do not just take the work book from the personnel department.

In most companies, it is customary to say goodbye to the department and colleagues on the last working day. To do this, you can send an e-mail in which to tell how pleasant it was to work in the company. To note that the experience that was gained is important and valuable. To do success to everyone and express hope for cooperation in the future. By specifying your contacts for communication and exchanging them with key employees of the company, you will gain the opportunity to communicate in the future.

Many companies have a positive attitude towards small holidays arranged by colleagues. You can treat everyone with a cake or invite the department to spend an evening together. This will emphasize a pleasant relationship and mark an important stage in life.

If relations with the team are strained, then it would be appropriate to politely say goodbye and wish everyone good luck. After all, this company still taught something.

Feelings after leaving

After you managed to tell the boss about the dismissal, different emotions and sensations may arise. Annoyance, anger, resentment, joy, sadness - the whole spectrum of sensations cannot be listed. The most important thing to remember is that a new job is always another chance for growth and development.

Part 1

Preparing to Talk to Your Boss
    • Don't post about your resignation on social media. Make sure your boss and colleagues are aware of this, and only then spread the news to the whole world.
  1. Leave personally. Even if you and your boss live in different parts of the country, you should do your boss a favor and meet with him in person to discuss that you are leaving the company. Even if you are not very close or hostile towards this person, you should try to talk face to face instead of sending a letter or email notification. A face-to-face conversation proves that you take your job seriously and are willing to put in the time and effort to make good memories of yourself.

    • If your boss lives in another country, a phone call takes precedence over an email or written notice.
  2. Think about what you will do if you receive a counter offer. You may be surprised at how quickly your boss will give you a counteroffer to keep you in the company. If your main complaint is not enough material compensation, that's a good enough reason to stay. If that's the case, think about what kind of salary might force you to stay. This is important to know before starting a conversation with the boss, so as not to give the wrong number during the conversation.

    • If you're making at least $100k a year, you can't settle for $50k just to make your boss happy. Such a decision can only be made if your main problem is a small salary. Money cannot cover all the problems you may experience at work.
  3. Make sure you have a transition plan in place. Once you've submitted your resignation letter, your boss will want to know how you're going to finish your current business. You should have a plan for completing current projects, transferring job responsibilities, explaining the specifics of the position, transferring old clients. You need to make sure that the company's work will go smoothly without your presence. Such actions will impress your boss, and you will look at the situation through the eyes of an optimist.

    • Decisions like this demonstrate that you've put a lot of work into the company and you care about what's going on.
  4. Be prepared to leave your job the day you apply. Even if you have a plan to move to another job, you may find that an evil boss demands that you leave immediately. If this is the case, you should be ready to pack your things as soon as possible. Don't pack before talking to your boss. You must ensure that you take all necessary documents from the office in case you are asked to leave immediately.

    • Fortunately, such demands of the boss happen quite rarely, but it is quite possible that he will get angry or throw out his emotions. Get ready to move on to the next step.
  5. Think about what you will do if you are asked to stay longer. Maybe your boss will ask you to stay for a week or two to help the company get back on its feet. If the date of the transition to a new job does not matter, and you are not indifferent to the fate of the company, you need to ask yourself if you are ready for this.

    • If you want to take a short break between quitting and moving on to a new job, make sure that you are firmly convinced of this before talking to your boss. Besides, you quit and your boss can't force you to stay. This is only possible if some of the company's affairs cannot be resolved without you.

    Part 2

    Boss conversation
    1. Submit your resignation. During a conversation with the boss, the most important task is to behave calmly and pleasantly. Just say that you are leaving work, indicate the date of the last working day and thank your boss for the opportunity to work in his company. Your boss will ask you a few questions about this and you can go over the details. Don't talk about your decision. The most important thing is to clearly state your decision and not delay the term of dismissal.

      • This conversation will not be fun or easy, but you will feel relieved when you talk about your decision. Don't waste time on empty talk and communicate it directly.
      • Make sure you choose the right words. Indicate that you are embarrassed to report such news. It's better to say you're quitting than to say you've had enough.
    2. Explain what is happening in a few words. Don't go into detailed reasons for leaving your job. If you leave a job without insurance, you do not need to explain why you liked your position so much. If you are moving on to another job, you can say that you have improved your career goals. Don't talk about a pay raise at another job. Do not mention that you were not considered for anyone in your position.

      • Your boss may ask you if you are changing jobs or try to find out the details of a new position. You are not required to go into details. You can simply say that you are excited about new opportunities.
    3. Specify the details. Most likely, you are so passionate about leaving that you completely forgot about the future. It is very important to clarify the formal nuances before leaving the boss's office. Ask about additional payments and last salary. Ask about extra days off and sick leave. Find out if you can get insurance or transfer funds to another company. If the boss is too angry with you, you can ask about it later. It is best to get answers during personal communication.

      • It is very important to understand all the benefits before leaving. Don't pass up an opportunity to get financial compensation just because you feel guilty about being fired.
    4. Ask your boss to find a replacement. If you care about the company's success, your best bet is to offer to help find a replacement so that the position doesn't stay vacant for too long. You know your job from the inside like no one else and can provide a huge service. You can even give the new person job recommendations if you have time for that. Your boss will not have such a hard time, and he will not react so violently to your dismissal.

      • If you feel that you have nothing to do with this company, you do not have to look for a replacement. If you have a good relationship with your boss, you can help him.
    5. Avoid being overly emotional. Getting fired can be emotional, especially if you've had difficult feelings about your job. Maybe you have worked in one place for a long time. If you want everything to go as smoothly as possible, avoid irritation and keep your cool. Don't say things you might regret. Take a deep breath if you feel like you are losing your balance.

      • If you had a trusting relationship with your boss, it's natural for you to feel sad. It is very important to remain calm in order to bring the plan to life and not succumb to persuasion.
    6. Try to tune in positively instead of complaining about life. Maybe you want to list your boss's worst ten qualities or describe every little thing you don't like about your job, but you should avoid thinking like that. They are not productive and your boss will get angry or upset. Making recommendations about how you can improve your company is one thing, but if you intend to leave, focus on what you liked about the organization instead of complaining or lamenting.

      • If you need to complain about a job, tell a close friend about what you didn't like about your job. When talking to your boss, focus on the positives. If you can't think of anything, it's best to keep quiet.
    7. Thank your boss for everything he has done for you. Even if the conversation didn't go smoothly or ended on a negative note, it's important to walk away with gratitude on your lips. Let your boss know that he has done a lot for you, and you are grateful for his work and skills. Look your boss in the eyes and sincerely thank him. You will leave a positive impression and it will be easier for you to move on.

      • You might want to think ahead of time about listing the projects your boss helped you with or the personalities you developed with your boss.

      Part 3

      1. Let co-workers know about your layoff. Pick a time and tell your employees that you are leaving the company. It is not necessary to tell each employee individually. If you rarely communicate with some employees, you can notify them via email. If there are people in the company with whom you have built a good relationship or have worked together for a long time, you will understand that they are upset with your decision. Tell these people personally about your decision and demonstrate that you care and will miss them.

        • No need to bring information down on employees. Do not present information casually or in a hurry. Most likely, such news will make an emotional impression on colleagues.
      2. You should not denigrate your previous work and tell bad aspects to your colleagues. You may feel better when you finally quit, but that doesn't mean your employees feel the same way. Avoid gossip about work. Don't say bad things about the boss. Don't say you can't wait to work in a new job. Stuff like that sets a bad tone. Your colleagues will feel bitter and angry that you are leaving.

        • Such behavior is bad for colleagues who are looking for a new job but do not see the search results. They will be sad and embarrassed.
        • If you complain about your old job, the rumors may reach your boss and your relationship will deteriorate.
      3. Stay exactly as long as agreed. If you've promised your boss that you'll stay for a week or two, stick to that time frame. You want to leave on a positive note. No need to pack your bags right away just because you feel like it. Try to make a positive impression and keep your last promise at work.

        • You want your boss to give you a positive reference for a future job, so don't do anything that might change his opinion of you.
      4. If necessary, write a formal letter. Some companies request a formal letter of resignation after the application is submitted. This is done for documentation, so you need to write a friendly, logical and clear letter. All that is required of you is to provide the name of your boss, specify that you are leaving your job and indicate the date of dismissal. It is your right to indicate or not to indicate the reason for dismissal. Don't give a negative reason for leaving or go into detail about what you don't like about the company.

        • Make sure to keep your cool while writing the letter. Your company will keep it on file and can pass it on to your future employer so you don't have to write something you'll regret later. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
      5. Show respect. Before you leave your job, it's important to take the time to thank the people who worked alongside you. These people include your boss, managers, company employees, customers, and those people with whom you communicated in a work environment. Your behavior demonstrates that you have put a lot of effort into your work and value your time, and that you do not leave arrogantly. You can write small thank you cards to show respect, or just take the time to show people that you appreciate each of the company's employees.

        • You may think that your job is thankless, and that is why you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Gratitude is a sign of respect. Try to appease your pride and find something to thank the person for.
      6. Complete all pending projects. In your last days in the workplace, you need to make every effort to finish all the unfinished business projects so that the boss and the organization do not experience problems after you leave. You can work on finishing projects, help other employees, find replacements, or just complete all the things that can't be done without you. You need to make a list of tasks that need to be completed before you leave, so as not to leave your boss at a loss.

        • Of course, it is not always possible to wrap up absolutely all the unfinished projects that you have been involved in during the last two or three weeks of work in the organization.
      7. If you decide to announce your new job on social media, do it gracefully. You can tell people that you're excited to start a new job, but you shouldn't bring up your previous position or say that you understood everything about your past organization. Don't say that you're leaving this horrible place for the sake of being tired of working with incompetent idiots. Your colleagues may not necessarily be friends with you on Facebook, but you should be careful with your language, as people will find a way to figure out that you are backbiting them.

        • In addition, if your organization notices your terrible status, the question of your reliability and how much you can be trusted will be raised. People don't want to have anything to do with you.
      8. Focus on getting the job done until you quit. Chances are you find it impossible to focus solely on work in the last two weeks when you already know that there are huge opportunities ahead of you. But you need to try and work on projects. Be friendly to co-workers, be considerate in meetings, and perform your duties every day. You need to try your best - you don't want people to remember your bad attitude.

        • Most importantly, stay at work throughout the day. Don't leave early. It's considered bad manners and you're showing that you're too good for your job. You don't want to be remembered that way.
      9. Don't forget to leave a positive impression. The most important thing is to correctly allocate time at work. Even if you feel like you work in a terrible environment where everyone is lying and slandering, you need to rise above it and not tell people what you really think of them. Smile and make sure you are remembered as a happy and hardworking person. Your boss will be giving you a referral, and you can't undo all your work just because you've been rude during your last weeks in the organization.

        • Even if you feel like venting your pent-up resentments to your boss or boss for five seconds, remember that worsening relationships with these people can have a lasting impact on your career path.

Labor activity is of great importance in people's lives, because it provides livelihood, conditions for professional development, satisfaction of ambitious plans. But every second person at least once in his life faced the question of changing jobs.

To avoid mistakes in this situation, pay attention to two useful tips.

  1. Under even the most unfavorable conditions, try to leave without scandals and misunderstandings.
  2. Find out in advance how to tell your boss about the dismissal.

The reasons for leaving the place of work arise due to various life circumstances, changed plans:

  • moving to another city, microdistrict;
  • creation and expansion of small business;
  • intention to devote himself to the upbringing of children;
  • transition to another organization with career advancement;
  • professional burnout.

A person is prompted to change the enterprise by damaged relationships in the team or a conflict with the boss, when discomfort is experienced, a feeling of “uselessness” appears.

Be that as it may, do not make spontaneous decisions, under the influence of emotions, because finding a new job is not so easy. Carefully analyze the current situation, decide on the goals, weigh the pros and cons.

How to choose the time to talk

Once you've made your final decision, consider every nuance.

It is unethical to publicly announce your plans during a corporate event or meeting, attracting undue attention to yourself, and putting the administration in a dubious situation. Make sure that the conversation takes place in private. Ask for it yourself if necessary. The result of the conversation depends on many things: the time of the day, the general atmosphere, the current state of affairs at the enterprise.

Planning meetings are held on Monday, there is no time to pay personal attention. Friday is a short day. Psychologists suggest choosing the middle of the week for the meeting - Tuesday, Wednesday. Time - 11 o'clock in the morning, when most of the tasks have already been distributed to the team, or - in the afternoon. Already the first half of the working day has passed, the morning fuss has subsided, moreover, a well-fed person is always satisfied, more inclined to dialogue.

If the problem does not require an urgent solution (for example, your mother suddenly fell ill, you need constant supervision, etc.), you should not suddenly present the news as a plan for personal revenge, leaving behind a lot of unfinished projects. It is useful to be a diplomat, to be able to compromise, to give the boss enough time to find a new employee. Try to bring your most significant cases to an end, only then leave the company. Indeed, in the future, the help of a former employer may be useful to you.

You can come to the meeting with a ready-made statement, or write after talking with the boss. The application prescribes the reason (of one's own free will), indicates the date. You should be aware that, under the law, an employee may be required to work for 2 weeks, respectively, the date indicated in the application will be shifted by this period.

Be sure to prepare for the conversation, carefully consider how best to tell the boss about the dismissal.

If you are expected to move to another area, or long-term treatment, you need to say about your intention, explain the reason, express gratitude for the cooperation. Given the life circumstances, the boss will let the subordinate go without negative feelings.

When an employee leaves the company due to the lack of career advancement in a company that offers other favorable conditions, they talk about it correctly. For example, “I got the opportunity to develop, try something new, I decided not to give it up.”

It is worth making it clear that it is not about management or working conditions, but about your goals and aspirations. At the same time, the administrator, wanting to keep a valuable employee, can provide counterarguments, make certain concessions: offer a more promising position, increase salary. We must be prepared for such proposals, determine the conditions under which it makes sense to stay at the enterprise.

If, in spite of everything, the decision remains final for you, you must say it firmly, thank you for your cooperation. To voice or not the name of the institution, you must decide for yourself. In the absence of trust in the authorities, it is enough to say that without the official registration of admission documents, you would not like to name the organization yet.

It is a completely different matter when an employee has accumulated irritation, dissatisfaction, one conflict is replaced by another, claims appear, and health deteriorates. In this case, how to tell your immediate boss about the dismissal?

Of course, the desire to speak in the end is quite understandable. But to do so is to deliberately harm oneself. Scandals do not decorate anyone. Colleagues will remember for a long time how a person left the institution, so it is in everyone's best interest to leave.

They may call to the previous place to get a reference when considering a candidate for a vacancy. As a result, the expected professional circle will turn out to be narrow, it will not be possible to get lost. It is always difficult to even guess who is familiar with whom outside of professional activities.

Directors tend to have diverse connections. This is especially true for small towns. To maintain your reputation, even in the most difficult situation, try to comply with ethical standards.

Here are the top tips the experts recommend:

  1. Refrain from exploding negative emotions. Speak calmly and politely. It doesn't lead to anything positive. As a rule, in the future, people regret what they said when they applied. Be sure to note the experience gained, the acquired skills, positive moments.
  2. Do not give a negative assessment of the institution. Just say that the acquired skills and practical experience were more in demand elsewhere. And your criticism of the enterprise, even constructive, will be perceived as treason.
  3. Inappropriate insults to the boss, the accusation of lack of management skills. The quality of management is a complex concept, it depends not only on the director, but also on subordinates. This topic should not be brought up at all during the conversation.
  4. It is necessary to speak on your own behalf, and not on behalf of the working collective. Do not use phrases: “No one likes working here”, “Many are unhappy”, etc. If your comrades are of this opinion, they will figure it out on their own.
  5. Don't compare yourself to other co-workers regarding career advancement. Discussion of colleagues, resentment towards them is not a subject of conversation when deciding to leave the institution. This indicates low self-esteem. The career of an individual is in no way connected with the success of his comrades. A person who complains looks like a pathetic and weak person, prone to gossip. It's only right to talk about yourself.
  6. It is unconstructive to say that the work was boring, the tasks were provided in a small amount. Complaining about the lack of encouragement for efforts also does not make sense. In the eyes of the administrator, a person will immediately receive the label "lack of initiative." In addition, the workforce has always valued professionalism in everything, regardless of the position held.
  7. There is no need to praise the future place of work, the opportunities it provides. Without five minutes, the former boss is not interested in listening to this. Yes, and the empty boasts of an employee who is not yet working at a new place look frivolous, frivolous.
  8. It is unwise to give advice to former colleagues during such a conversation, especially when no one asks them. You should also not declare your readiness to listen to counter-proposals or claims.

These are the most meaningless and unpromising topics in this situation, the implementation of which can only lead to conflict.

When leaving an institution, it is important to use words that will not leave colleagues, and you yourself, with an unpleasant aftertaste. It is appropriate to express gratitude for the provided opportunities and training. But sometimes the situation can be so tense that you don’t want to list the positive aspects of the activity. Then it will be enough to say the standard phrase “Thank you for your cooperation!”

Using the advice of psychologists on how to correctly and competently tell your boss about dismissal will allow you to keep your head held high and avoid a train of unnecessary gossip and scandals. Thanks to this, the so-called farewell period with the company will be less painful.

The last weeks in the institution do not show indifference to business. Continue to fulfill your duties, show responsibility, professionalism, communicate with colleagues in a neutral, friendly manner. Others should not have the impression that the employee is counting the remaining hours.

It is not nice to brag about your new responsibilities, to lure others with an offer to leave together, to speak insultingly about your employer and comrades.

The activities for the organization and implementation of which the departing specialist is responsible for must be completed. If this is not possible in time, help someone who will deal with them further to understand them, leave all the necessary contacts of partners. Maintain documentation as required without allowing yourself to relax.

Compile reports with high quality, without errors, perform tasks as planned. It is necessary to follow the Labor Regulations: arrive and leave on time, do not violate labor discipline, remember that the last fourteen days are paid in the same way as the previous weeks. No matter how great the desire to hide important data, useful contacts, delete files with successful projects, do not do this. After all, in order for the environment to truly regret parting with the employee, they act in the exact opposite way.

Maintaining a good relationship with the boss is strategically beneficial. You're interested in getting a positive recommendation, not a negative review! And what you get as a result depends on your actions and behavior.

Your final day in the company should be spent in such a way that pleasant memories remain. Depending on the traditions and rules adopted in the team, the option of farewell to colleagues is selected:

  • an invitation to a lunch break for a tea table with a cake;
  • joint visit to the cafe in the evening;
  • sending an e-mail to colleagues with words of gratitude or bypassing the departments of the company with the wishes of further success.

So one of the stages in life will be marked. If leaving occurs as a result of a conflict, then following the rules of etiquette, politely say goodbye, wish everyone good luck.

The final touch is putting things in order on the desktop, structuring folders with documents on the computer, on paper to help the remaining people.

Please note that the grooming process does not always go smoothly. The boss himself can behave unethically, speak disparagingly about the "traitor", chastise in front of colleagues, load tasks with various volumes, demanding their immediate completion.

How to react to it? First, don't be afraid of anything. Secondly, remember that the "pressure" will last only two weeks. Thirdly, do not succumb to provocations. Fourth, do not give a reason for comments. Under extremely unfavorable conditions, a sick leave will help out. Two weeks of work during the illness of a specialist will be counted.

There is always the possibility that after talking with the administrator, a person will have to leave immediately. It all depends on the personal qualities of the boss. Some take the announcement of their departure calmly. Others are aggressive. It is believed that the presence of such personnel in the organization threatens its intellectual property and security. Especially when accurate information appears in the transition to a competing company.

If there are assumptions about such a reaction, it makes sense for the employee to delete all personal correspondence and information from his computer before talking with management.

Feelings and emotions after dismissal

After writing the application, the psychological state of a person changes dramatically. A whole range of feelings is experienced: euphoria, sadness, joy, resentment, anger. This may continue for a certain period and is quite understandable. The loss or change of job, according to psychologists, is on a par with events such as the death of a loved one or divorce.

The emotional attachment to the place turns out to be much stronger than it seemed. There remain colleagues with whom friendly relationships have been established, production difficulties have been overcome. A lot of interesting and new things were experienced here. In the end, a piece of life has passed in this company, you cannot erase this from the biography.

But do not regret what you will not return. If leaving the organization was associated with mistakes, misbehavior, this becomes a lesson for the future. In any case, a person now faces new tasks and plans. He is given a chance for further development, growth. And in some cases - to start a professional path anew, changing the field of activity and specialty.

At the same time, the door for someone who left the company competently may remain ajar. There is always the possibility of a return while maintaining relations with the former administration and the staff. In addition, those around you will forever remember the feeling of self-esteem, resigning during the farewell period. And the process of leaving characterizes a person in the same way as the experience of cooperation. The two named stages equally turn into one positive factor influencing business qualities and career.

Posted On 12/28/2017

Most employees think about quitting once a day. That's the statistics. The reasons for the desire to quit can be different, ranging from mobbing (psychological pressure) and professional burnout. ending with dissatisfaction with wages and the impossibility of further career growth. In general, no matter what was the reason to change one company to another, the decision is made. The question arises - how to quit?

How to quit and make the process of dismissal as painless as possible for the nervous system and career? It's one thing to tell your boss that you are not happy with literally everything on this meta, declare that this is a bad organization and leave, defiantly slamming the door.

How to quit your job the right way

What is the best way to leave work without unpleasant consequences? Every organization has an unspoken rule about quitting a job. In some organizations, it is customary to give two weeks' notice before dismissal, as required by law. In others, it is required to notify the authorities two to three months in advance. It depends on the specifics of the organization.

For example, management needs to find a replacement for you. Plus, you should have time to train a beginner.

How to resign

You received an attractive job offer and firmly decided to quit your current job. It would seem that the matter is small: inform the boss about it, write a letter of resignation, get paid - and hello, new life! But for some reason, your legs always carry you past the manager’s office, you put off a difficult conversation, you feel awkward in front of your colleagues…

How to quit your job with the least losses for your career and nervous system? Before taking the plunge, check out's recommendations.

This situation is familiar to many: a new employer is already preparing a workplace for you, and the current one is not yet aware that the launch of a new project and a corporate celebration will take place without your participation.

How to tell the director about the dismissal

You need to inform management of your decision as soon as possible. Firstly, this must be done because, according to the Labor Code, the employer has the right to issue you documents and issue a dismissal order within two weeks from the date of your application with a request to dismiss you of your own free will. Don't forget to put the date on it. when it is submitted.

Secondly, it will be much better and more honest if the director learns about your decision directly from you, and not from one of your colleagues, who, of course, will be aware.

Today, the labor market has a sufficient number of offers with different working conditions. But, even having chosen a job of their own free will and having worked on it for several months or even years,

In the future, something may not suit you. There can be many reasons, and you have every right to look for more favorable conditions. At work, a person spends 2/3 of his daily time (including night sleep), and he does not want to spend this time in an uncomfortable atmosphere.

So, having weighed all the minuses and pluses of your work, you nevertheless inclined to the conclusion that this “path” is not for you.

How to tell your boss about being fired

The classics write that telling the truth is easy and pleasant. But only not in the case when this truth can offend someone who trusts you. Telling your boss that you're fired is not an easy task if the decision you've made is driven by self-interest, particularly economic gain, rather than a growing conflict of interest.

So: serious changes in life await you, and they are associated with a tempting offer for a new job.

How to tell your boss you're fired

Dismissal is a normal practice in the career of any employee. However, for the employer it is always stress and material losses. How to part with the employer so as to maintain good relations with the former bosses and colleagues?

It is always pleasant and profitable to maintain a good relationship with a former employer. Uncultured dismissal can destroy all the time of hard and high-quality work, leaving the boss and colleagues with an unpleasant impression of themselves, which can spoil further career development.

“One way or another, each of us has to change jobs.

How to quit gracefully? Here are the recipes

Some employees have psychological difficulties when they want to quit. In particular, how to tell your boss about it. Here are some tips...

Make sure you are making the right move; don't do it out of anger or judgment in order to prove something to someone, or in the hope of convincing others how much they need you.

Well, if you decide, then bring it to the attention of the boss personally, unless you have absolutely no relationship with the boss.

If you decide to leave the office of your own free will, you must tell your immediate supervisor about this. Bosses don't like arrogance.

In the article, I will outline 5 smart phrases that you can use as a cheat sheet.

Please, sacredly remember that having quit, there is a huge chance to return to your previous job.

This is not me telling you, but our difficult time echoes.

Never write a resignation letter without informing your boss. This is an unforgivable mistake.

Yes, you thought it over and decided to leave.

Another important rule! If possible, do not say where you are going and by whom.

Nikolai Anatolyevich, I have an urgent conversation with you. Due to family circumstances, I had to quit my job. I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to talk about this. It is possible that the problems will be solved within a few months.

(This is in case you do not hold out in a new place).

Marina Pavlovna, I'm sorry to let you down. My husband lost his job and I was offered a higher paying position. I had to agree. Here I wrote a statement of my own free will (if no one is around, and you are a woman, shed a tear).

Anton Sergeevich, I have a problem. My sister (do not slander your neighbor) is seriously ill, and there is no one to look after her.

How to tell your boss you're fired

Constantly asking for time off, you yourself understand - this is letting you down. I have no choice but to quit of my own free will, sitting on the neck of an enraged husband.

German Lvovich, it is not easy for me to tell you about this, but I am resigning. Understand correctly, two children, the wife does not work - she was laid off. From managers I go to managers, but only with a higher salary. We don't expect wage increases.

Roman Igorevich, I don't even know how to tell you. I do not have a report in my hands, but a statement initiated by the employee. Purely by chance, I found a job near my home, and the salary is one and a half times higher. I know that this is not mine, but the children are growing, the demands are increasing.

In all cases, you tell your boss about the forced dismissal, regretting that you have to go on about various kinds of circumstances.

It is not uncommon for management, fearing to lose a valuable employee, to knock you out for a more decent salary.

The material was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.

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How to say about dismissal to the head of the phrase

How do you tell your boss you're fired?

How to tell the boss about the dismissal, because sooner or later each of us has to change jobs.

And then a series of questions is born: How to tell the boss about the dismissal in such a way as to maintain your reputation? How to avoid conflict during dismissal?

How do you present this information to your superiors?

A well-written letter of resignation is the first step to a new life. First you need to correctly draw up a letter of resignation.

How to Tell Your Boss I'm Quitting

If you are determined, then make a decision, and pulling rubber will only be worse for you; if you are tuned in, then make a decision, and pulling rubber will only be worse for you. We are mobile people and should not depend on our own feelings of guilt.

If there is an opportunity to change something, it is necessary to act and dot all the I. If you say it faster, you are better off.

Psychological rules for dismissal of an employee

How do I tell my boss that I want to quit?

I quit | How do I tell my boss that I want to quit?

0) I want to invite you to realize a few things: - Any worker is not the property and not a serf of his boss. Feeling guilty about leaving him is unnatural. - It is natural for any boss to have thoughts “they leave me because I am bad ?!”.

And it's good if it flashes!! If not.

how to tell the boss about the dismissal who quit, tell me, plz, HOW to do it (the psychological aspects are of interest - I have no idea how to tell the manager about this, what moment to choose and in general.

) wait until he runs into you, and say “And it’s all gone”, with him, roll up a statement and leave to start realizing for yourself that dismissal is normal. people always strive for the best, which means you have found, or believe that you will find, the best use for your abilities (this is in case you just change jobs).

What not to say when dismissing: 17 common mistakes

Business Insider publishes some advice on what not to say to your boss when you quit, from the authors of popular books on careers and marketing, Lynn Taylor and Dana Manshiali. The CPU provides an adapted translation of the article.

When a person plans to change jobs, he, as a rule, wants to tell the authorities everything as it is, and leave the annoying place, speaking out.

Getting fired: 5 common mistakes

When an employee has firmly decided to quit, he is bursting to tell everyone about it.

Of course, how not to gossip about such an event! But before you sell your secret, consider is it safe?

There are other reasons why it is better not to talk about your upcoming dismissal.

How to quit your job?

Perhaps your colleagues are not angels, and the boss is just a despot. Even in this case, do not rush to shout about the sore.

There are a lot of turns on the path of life, it remains possible to meet again with one of the former colleagues. And if you are sure that you will not need their help in a new job, you can always run into them in the same train compartment. If you are a valued employee, your employer may offer you a promotion or higher pay.

How do you tell your boss you're fired?

Regardless of the reasons that forced the employee to start looking for a new job, sooner or later you need to tell management about this, but how do you tell the boss “I'm quitting”?

Unfortunately, some people have problems at this stage.

Some employees are afraid to announce the transition to a new job.

How to leave

After two years of belt-tightening amid budget cuts, with employees having to work harder for less, IT professionals at all levels are gearing up for another leap forward.

Many employees are afraid of conflict at work. Therefore, unquestioningly perform additional tasks. Colleagues and the manager address such an employee. A person pulls his work, performs additional tasks, stays overtime. The question arises, a soft person or a coward? The main reason why employees agree to an additional workload is the fear of dismissal or loss. As practice shows, it is not possible to gain authority and break into leadership positions by pleasing others. How do you say "no" to your boss?

Why are we afraid of rejection?

At work, it is not customary to act alone. Help among colleagues is needed. If there is no mutual assistance, then this is no longer a team. Everyone does a certain piece of work, not caring about the result. Therefore, mutual assistance should be in the team. Under this concept lies the voluntary and mutual provision of assistance. But, more often it happens differently. Colleagues and the manager find a workhorse and take on additional tasks.

Why are we afraid of rejection? Employees are driven by the following reasons:

  1. Desire to prove yourself as a responsible employee. At first, it even works. But, the volume of tasks will melt, and no one has canceled the main work. As a result, the employee makes mistakes and gets reprimanded.
  2. . There is a category of people who believe that only by doing other people's tasks and helping others, they become necessary. Direct duties and own desires fade into the background. The main thing is to please others.
  3. Desire to become an indispensable employee. Such a person represents a universal and unique employee, without whom the boss is afraid to take a step.

Modest natures or people who eschew conflicts are afraid to say “no”. It is easier for such individuals to comply with the request than to object. If you recognize yourself in the above description, then it's time to fight back.

Why should you learn to say "no"?

Even if regular consent is not a fear or a trait of character, but a developed strategy, the consequences cannot be avoided. Fatigue accumulates, resulting in breakdowns. A person has to stay overtime or fill up the main work. Why ?

  1. Employees and boss do not appreciate. You get used to good things quickly. If you heard the characteristics of such an employee, you would be surprised. He is described as a person who never refuses and does any job. If at some point you have to refuse because of a good reason, then they will also be offended by you.
  2. There is a psychological and. It takes a lot of effort to pull multiple tasks. There is no time for proper rest, the fear of not completing the task leads to stress. Emotions on the edge. In this state, the employee will not last long.
  3. Resentments appear. A subordinate who plows for two or three after a while is dissatisfied. It seems to him that the boss does not appreciate and does not respect. Such thoughts lead to open conflict with the boss. An angry and overwhelmed employee expresses everything he thinks.

The result of the consequences is dismissal, voluntary or at the direction of the head. It turns out that the fear of saying “no” led to the loss of a job. The fears still came true. Plus lost strength, health and interest in work.

To develop, get promoted and be an individual, do not forget about your own interests. When you apply for a job, you will receive a job description that spells out your obligations. For the quality of the tasks you get a certain salary. Additional load is not paid, so stand up for your rights. How do you say "no" to your boss?

  • Feel free to talk about workload. The manager instructs you to complete the task, without understanding what you are doing. Explain that you cannot start the task because you are preparing a report, preparing documents for the bank, writing a procedure. This technique is called "yes, but no." The boss will draw conclusions and assign the task to any employee or release you from the current work.
  • Ask questions and clarify. After the boss has made a request, clarify the details. How urgently you need to complete the task, what is the result, how important this case is. Then ask how to be with the current job. Let the leader evaluate which task is more important and give clear recommendations.

If you have to combine several tasks, ask if there is a bonus. The boss needs to understand that extra work pays.

  • Submit another candidate. The boss, who took office a week ago, will need time to orientate himself. As a result, an employee who sits next to you or who has gained a reputation for being up-to-date will receive strange tasks: make coffee, call a taxi, order train tickets. Tell the manager that you do not perform such functions, but tell me the number of the employee responsible for buying tickets or calling a taxi.
  • Ask for help. There are force majeure situations. You sum up the year. And during this period, the legislation changed and it is necessary to obtain new documents or re-register certificates. Saying “no” to your boss in such a situation is stupid. As a specialist, you understand what penalties will follow for non-compliance. In this case, you agree, but require an assistant. Be sure to explain for what purpose you need a person.

  • . If behind the reliability is the fear of losing your job, then get over yourself. To do this, conduct an internal monologue. Make a hypothetical list of consequences after rejection. Work out the steps for each. If you get fired, make a resume and send it to competing firms. If the leader yells, listen and calmly argue the refusal. So you will overcome fears and be ready for any decision of the leader.

Saying “no” to your boss is easier than you might think. The main thing is to understand why you want to refuse. This is laziness, unwillingness to help the boss, personal dislike for the leader, or really a necessity.

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