How to mix blue color from paints. How to get orange color by mixing paints


It happens that you run out or just missing some paint, but there are others. Knowing the rules and subtleties of mixing them, you can almost always get the right color. Let's find out how this happens and what difficulties you may encounter.

White from different colors is nonsense

To begin with, we will debunk the myth - if you mix paints of all the colors of the rainbow, you cannot get white. Dyes contain pigments that absorb certain ranges of light waves, which allows you to see colors and their shades.

To achieve the reflection of absolutely all the rays by mixing the palette available to you (which, in theory, could result in the perception of a white surface) is impossible under any circumstances.

The fact is that pigment-saturated paint necessarily reflects at least two light waves of different colors, but one to a greater extent than the second. For example, red can also reflect the orange range, but only slightly. However, if you add yellow, the red will be absorbed by it, but the secondary color will be reflected and you will see an orange surface. Blue paint can reflect green and purple waves to a certain extent, which will not be visible due to the main light wave. But absorb it with another pigment, for example, red, and you get a purple tint.

The right choice of paint is the main task

It often happens that you have both blue and red, but when you mix them, you get something swampy, but not purple paint. This is due to the fact that the pigments in the compositions do not have reflectivity in the desired range. Therefore, it is difficult to say in advance which light waves the pigment reflects in a particular coloring material. What options might you have? In fact, if we talk about paints, whether acrylic or oil, the primary colors are not 3 (or 4 with white) but 6 (or, respectively, 7).

First, the red pigment, which also reflects the orange color to a slightly lesser extent. Secondly, red, the particles of which very significantly reflect the light wave corresponding to violet. Next, we should designate a yellow color scheme, which, in addition to its main part of the spectrum, also reflects green waves, but somewhat worse. This is followed by another version of the yellow pigment, which can additionally reflect orange waves as a secondary range. And finally, colors that reflect the blue spectrum, but additionally - green or purple, which gives you 2 more material options.

If you take the first type and mix it with the penultimate one, that is, with a color scheme that, in addition to blue, also reflects the green range of light waves, you get a rather dirty purple color. The second and fifth types will allow you to get a cleaner color, and the second and last, mixed, will qualitatively reflect purple waves and give a rich and bright color. Thus, it is obvious that by combining 2 colors, the pigments of which do not reflect the spectra of light waves you need, we get dull or even dirty tones. By mixing 1 correct and 1 incorrect paint, we will end up with a more beautiful finish. And finally, by combining 2 colors that reflect the desired secondary range of light, you can get a bright and saturated color scheme.

What colors to mix to get the right colors

At the very beginning, we found out that it is impossible to make a white color by mixing - after all, not a single pigment has the ability to reflect the white spectrum of light waves. However, this basic color is involved in the production of many other colors, as well as their shades and tones. For example, to make your own gray paint, just add a little black to the white. But before mixing gray from different materials, make sure they are compatible, otherwise it may just turn out to be dirt. You can also make a cold gray color inherent in wet slate (rock) if you mix white, black and blue colors. And vice versa, warm gray is yellow, brown and all the same white with black.

Now let's move on to more interesting experiments. Pink itself does not exist in nature, but it can be obtained by adding a little white to the red color. The more you mix, the lighter the result will be, so you get the desired shade. Making a peach color is also not difficult - just mix dark brown (chocolate) and orange colors, and then add a little green to them. But apricot is made in a completely different way. Its different shades can be made by mixing red and white with ocher, which is obtained by combining yellow with brown.

Let's move on to common colors and their shades. Brown is a primary red color with a secondary green, which is obtained by combining yellow and blue paint. To lighten - mix white, to darken - add black. Such an interesting color as terracotta is made by combining orange and brown, but without mixing red, yellow and green colors, you first need to get intermediate ones. Tobacco color is the result of combining yellow, green, white and red.

Let's move on to colder colors. Beautiful turquoise can be made by adding a small amount of green to blue. Depending on the amount of the mixed component, there will be a more saturated and bright or, conversely, a deep shade. To get royal blue (very dark), just add a little black to the same mixture. To get the color of the sea wave, we take white and combine green and black pigments with it. Coniferous paint is a mixture of green, yellow and black, and if the latter is excluded, you get olive.

    If you mix green and yellow in equal proportions, you get a color that we usually call light green. Depending on how light or dark the initial colors are, the shade of the result will vary from light green to olive.

    But if you mix green and yellow in clothes, nothing good will come of it) Only representatives of the winter color type can wear this combination, and then it’s not worth it)

    If we take yellow as the base and add green paint, we get light green color or a shade, since everything will depend on the amount of paint that you want to add to the base color.

    If you want to continue the experiment, then you can add a little white paint to the light green and get a lighter and less saturated glow.

    Yellow will give green the opportunity to play with a variety of shades. There will be less yellow - green will only become slightly brighter, more golden, but if more, then it will be possible to bring the green color to light green. In general, decide what color you want to get at the output - more yellow or more green, and depending on this, select the desired proportion of mixed paints.

    Light green color you can draw fresh grass, leaves. He will give the picture a juicy spring character.

    And mixing green and yellow dyes is useful for cooks: it is this light green color that is most often found on flower petals on cakes.

    If you mix any two colors, you can get a lot of different shades. Moreover, depending on how much of one paint is mixed with another, the resulting color approaches either one or another color.

    If we have two colors: yellow and green, then the color mixing in equal proportions will give light green color.

    If you gradually add green to yellow paint, you can see how the resulting paint changes its color, approaching green with each new drop.

    Knowing how to get this or that color correctly, you can create completely unexpected shades. And if you add to the yellow and green paint one more color, then you can get, for example, the following colors:

    The answers to this question will be different if you do not specify the exact characteristics. The final color when mixing yellow and green depends on their initial hues and saturation. This is clearly seen in the figure below.

    If we mix light green and light yellow, we get a light green color.

    If we mix rich green and yellow, we get a rich light green color.

    If we mix dark green and dark yellow, we get an olive color. It can also be enhanced to a dark olive.

    By the way, in real life, the combination of yellow and green is quite acceptable, for example, in clothes these colors are perfectly combined and refresh a woman, and for a man they are acceptable, although they are used less frequently. The same can be said about their use in the interior of, say, a bedroom.

    It will turn out acidic, poisonous-light green color - well, this is only in my personal opinion!)

    If you mix yellow and green, you get blue. Depending on the proportions of the mixed colors, the shade of blue will change. If you add more green color, you get a dark blue color. And if there is more yellow, then blue will turn out.

    Mixing green with any other colors will always give a color close to brown or even an indeterminate color.

    But adding green to yellow dates an olive color. If you add quite a bit of yellow, then the green color will become more saturated and dark.

    Mixing yellow and green colors, we get a bright lettuce color.

    But in order to actually get a bright light green color, it is necessary that the proportions when mixing colors are the same 1: 1.

    By adding a little more of one color and a little less of another color, then you can get different colors from brown to dark blue and from blue to cyan.

    When mixing green and yellow colors, a light green color of a different shade will come out, depending on the proportions of these colors. Up to an olive color. In general, to put it simply, it will turn out just a light green color.

    It depends in what proportions you will mix yellow and green. If the proportions are the same 1 to 1, then you will get a light green color. Depending on the increase in any color, the hue will change. For example, more yellow, the color will become light green and vice versa.

Brown is a versatile color that has many possible uses, however it is not always found in art supplies. Fortunately, various shades of brown can be obtained by mixing the three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. Just mix these three primary colors and you have brown. You can also start with a secondary color, such as orange or green, and add a primary color to it until you get brown. To achieve the desired shade of brown, add more of one of the primary colors, use some black, or mix two or more different shades.


Mix primary colors in equal proportions

    Squeeze a small drop of each color onto a mixing surface. Apply red, blue and yellow paint next to each other on a palette or sheet of paper. The exact amount depends on how much brown paint you need. It is important that each paint was equally.

    • Leave some space between flowers. In this free space in the middle, you will mix different paints.
    • To get brown from the primary colors, you just need to mix them in equal amounts.

    Advice: in principle, this combination can also be used for oil sticks, watercolors or colored pencils, but the final color may turn out to be uneven, since they are more difficult to mix.

    Mix the colors completely. Run the end of your palette knife along the inner edges of all three colors to pull them towards the center. Then stir the paints with the flat bottom surface of the tool in increasingly wide circular motions. As you do this, you will notice that the mixture gradually acquires a rich brown color.

    Add some white to give the brown depth. After you mix the colors and get brown, add some white paint and keep mixing until it is completely gone. Be careful not to use too much white paint - as a rule, no more than ⅓ of the total amount of paint is required.

    How to get brown from secondary colors

    1. Mix red and yellow together to get orange. Start with enough red paint and add yellow paint little by little until you reach a 1:1 ratio. At the same time, mix the paints until you get a dark orange color.

      • To make the brown color dark enough, you can use a little more red paint.
    2. Mix orange with blue to get brown. Use a little less blue than orange - the proportion of blue paint should not exceed 35-40%. Mix the colors well until you get a chocolate brown color.

      Mix red and blue to get purple. Use these two colors in roughly equal proportions. The perfect combination of red and blue will give a purple color, and if you deviate from the exact proportion, you will get a purple or similar red tint.

      • Getting the right purple color is quite difficult. If the final mixture has a reddish or bluish tint, add a bit of the opposite color to balance it out.
      • If you add too much blue paint, the purple color will be harder to fix. It is easier to achieve the correct shade with an excess of red.
    3. Gradually add yellow paint to purple until you get brown. As you mix the colors, you will notice a dirty brown tint starting to show through. Continue adding yellow paint in small batches until you get the color you want.

      Mix blue and yellow to get green. Squeeze out a large drop of blue and gradually add yellow paint to it. As with orange, you should start with the most saturated green and move towards the middle of the spectrum.

      • For best results, the green color should be closer to dark blue than light aquamarine.
    4. Add the right amount of red paint to green to get brown. Mix in just a little red at first and keep adding and mixing as needed to get a darker color. Mixing green with red can produce an earthy olive brown to a warm burnt orange.

      • To get as "real" brown as possible, the mixture should contain 33-40% red paint. With an equal proportion, red will slightly predominate.

      Advice: brown, obtained from a mixture of red and green, is great for landscapes and images of nature.

      How to get different shades

      Add some more red or yellow paint to give the brown a warmer hue. If you want to lighten or enhance the brown, just add a small amount of one of the warm primary colors. Add paint in small portions and mix continuously until you get the desired shade.

Taking the first steps in working with decor, most artists are faced with the lack of many shades in standard paint sets. And in everyday life, the need to get different tones arises quite often: from choosing a color for painting the walls in a house to choosing the perfect eyeshadow. However, do not be upset if there is no necessary element in the existing arsenal of paints. Remember, with only three basic colors available: yellow, blue and red, you can get any shade that exists in nature. So, to get orange, you just need to mix two basic colors: red and yellow, and also get acquainted with some of the nuances that artists use when mixing paints.

First, let's prepare everything you need. You need to bring:

  1. surface for mixing (for example, a palette);
  2. yellow and red paint;
  3. brushes;
  4. canvas or other work surface on which the resulting material is planned to be applied (watercolor paper, pastel paper, etc.).
The result of mixing yellow and red from paint

In order for the final color to turn out perfect, before starting work, make sure that the surface is free of foreign particles (lint, dust particles, brush hairs, etc.). You also need to immediately decide which of the ways you plan to get the desired orange tone. If mixing is done on paper, the final hue is obtained by overlapping the tone after applying one layer of composition to another. If you mix colors on a palette or b cans, you get a separate new tone as a result.

Receipt process

To get orange by combining shades on paper, you first need to decide what you want to get in the end. Since if you apply yellow on top of red, the final tone will be darker than if you apply red on top. It is also important to ensure that the blending brush is free of foreign tints, as the presence of a paint brush of a different color on the hairs of a brush can give a completely unexpected result.
The same rule must be followed if you plan to get the necessary orange color in dry painting. Just layer red and yellow on top of each other and then rub. The resulting shade will entirely depend on what color layer was applied on top: if the last layer was yellow, then orange will be lighter, if red, a red-orange tone is formed.

When mixing paints on a palette, the situation is somewhat simpler. You need to apply a little of one paint base and another on it, and then mix it with a palette knife (a special small spatula). A regular brush will work too, but again make sure the brush is free of other paints.

Completely different mixing rules should be followed if you are working with oil paints. To make the final color orange, you need to apply yellow and red strokes very close to each other, then, moving a little distance away, you will see that you have achieved the desired effect.

Correct Proportions

The proportions of red and yellow paints depend solely on what shade you want to get as a result. So when mixing paints in the same proportions, you will get a classic orange color as a result. In order for the final orange to be more golden or yellow-orange, the yellow paint must predominate. While more red should be added to get a saturated fiery orange. You can also soften the resulting shade of orange by adding a little bit of white paint, then you get a lighter, pastel tone. But to darken the tonality, it is better not to use black, since it does not so much darken as it drowns out the color spectrum. To get a darker shade of orange, it is recommended to apply a little dark gray.

Names of the orange spectrum


The principle of obtaining orange paints is quite simple, it is enough to know the RGB model and the principles of mixing to make the most stable composition. From the type of work, whether it is drawing or room decor, the method of obtaining orange flowers does not change.

How to get blue color when mixing paints for painting, printing and computer graphics? Blue is part of the triad of primary colors, where the other two are red and yellow. Under natural conditions, it is impossible to obtain a color by mixing the other two. All features are determined by many conditions.

It is impossible to get a truly basic color in the process of painting pictures. It is false to assume that blue is obtained by mixing green and yellow, on the contrary, olive comes out. How to get blue? Achieving the goal is simple: just mix blue and white in equal proportions.

In the visual arts, a ready-made palette is often used, where the proportions and ratios of colors are painted. But with it you can get only shades of blue:

  • Blue - produced by mixing aquamarine and white paint in a 2: 1 ratio.
  • royal shade- obtained by mixing aquamarine and pink.
  • Dark Blue - Produced by combining two parts of standard blue and one part of black.
  • Gray-blue - produced by combining the base color and brown. It is brown that will create a darkening effect.

There are a lot of options for proportions and ratios, combinations of shades. In the standard set, an analogue of blue paint can be obtained by mixing the color aquamarine with pink.

On the video: how to mix oil paints.

Synthesis in typography

This method is used in modern printers. It is believed that in the printing house blue can be obtained by mixing green and one of the shades of purple - fuchsia. Naturally, a pure base will not work, but only an analogue close to the original.

In the field of typographic work, the lack of quality in color saturation is improved artificially, with the help of a play of shades and contrast. With the help of a standard color wheel, shades can also be recreated. How to make a high-quality analogue, a highly qualified specialist will be able to answer using the trial and error method. In any case, there must be a basic tone, which, when mixed, will become the basis for creating your own interpretations.

Not only the palette for creating color is taken into account, but also the features of the surface on which the tone will be applied. First you need to take a sample and test it.

Computer graphics and main palette

You can create a blue color in the so-called "artificial conditions" without any problems. Even though it is basic, it is possible to find a specific condition. The software provides the ability to synthesize any color using a properly written binary code.

Unlike printers and artists, to get this base, programmers don't have to deal with the problem of getting the base color. The main thing is to choose the appropriate software environment.

natural dyes

Natural dye is valued much more than synthetic options. Such paint can be used for dyeing textiles and food items. You can get the blue color from:

  • grapes;
  • blueberries;
  • blackberries;
  • eggplant peel;
  • cauliflower leaves.

There are more exotic options for obtaining a base. They are too expensive, complicated in terms of cooking technology. The above are actively used in the creation of food dyes, watercolors and gouache. But the resulting paint is completely safe for health and life. There are also disadvantages in the use of natural dyes: it is quickly washed out, an unsaturated base leaves marks on the skin and surfaces.

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