How to delete your own facebook page. How to permanently delete a page on Facebook


How to delete a page in a particular social. networks, a question very often found in Runet. And, of course, any social The network shares little information on how to do this.

But if the user decides to finally leave the site or social. he has every right to network. And here it will be told how to do it, simply and quickly. As with many social networks and on Facebook there are options, i.e. complete removal or deactivation.

Deactivation is when someone cannot see your page and information on it, but if you want to restore it (for any time), and all the information on it, you will have such an opportunity, unless of course you forget the password.

How to deactivate your Facebook profile

1. Go under your data to your Facebook page.

2. In the upper right corner, click account settings.

3. Click the security tab.

5. Specify the reason for deactivation, check the box to refuse to receive emails.

6. We confirm our actions.

Congratulations, the page has been deactivated.

How to leave Facebook

But if you decide to finally and irrevocably leave Facebook, deleting all information without the possibility of recovery, then go ahead.

The main thing after deletion is not to log in immediately or within 14 days (do not go there anymore) using the log and password, otherwise the operation of deleting the account with all its contents will be automatically canceled. The page will be restored.

We enter the page using our username and password, and return to this page to follow the link DIRECT LINK TO DELETE FACEBOOK ACCOUNT

When your account is permanently deleted, you will not be asked questions about the reason for the deletion.

A new window of your browser will open, click on "Delete account", enter your current account password, the symbol in the picture and click "OK". Do you think that's it? Alas, no, within 14 days all information from your account, contacts, photos, comments, etc. will be stored there, in a closed form, for site users.

You will be required, patience and endurance not to log in for 6 weeks, and all information and the account itself will be permanently deleted. Of course, technically, it's all simple, in general, it's difficult to leave such sites for a socio-psychological reason, it keeps you much stronger.

But this is a completely different story, maybe we will somehow talk about this topic in another article.

P.s After deleting or deactivating your Facebook account, you will be sent emails of a different nature. But the main thing is to be patient, and just ignore all letters and bypass services associated with the Facebook name.

Any user of social networks will confirm that they tend to be addictive. First you go to Facebook to check new messages, then follow the News Feed, and then you find an interesting game that is extremely difficult to break away from. Registering online is a matter of 5 minutes. But what to do if you decide to overcome the addiction to social networks and part with your account? Or do you want to start your virtual life from scratch and create a new page?

Don't worry, deleting a Facebook page is almost as easy as creating one. The developers of the service approached this issue very seriously and offered two options:

  • Temporary deactivation.

In this article, you will learn how to delete a page on Facebook in both ways.

Account deactivation

This procedure is a salvation, first of all, for those who like to “effectively” leave the network and students who are trying to prepare for the session. It allows you to temporarily "turn off" your profile, while retaining all available information, incl. photos and friends list, on Facebook servers. This means that you can restore your account at any time and make it searchable and viewable again.

It is very easy to implement what you have planned. You need to go to "Account Settings" and in the window that appears, select the "Security" item.

Below you will see the magic phrase "Deactivate account", which is your guide to the real world. By clicking on it, you are taken to a page where Facebook asks you to indicate the reason for the deactivation and finally confirm your decision.

By clicking on the "Confirm" button, you will have to enter your account password in the window that appears and click the "Disable Now" button. In addition, you will need to go through the “Security check” and enter two code words so that the system is sure of your decision. After that, the account will be blocked and disappear from the search. However, you can start it at any time by entering your e-mail and password.

Permanent account deletion

If you decide to leave Facebook once and for all, then you can do this using a special form.

Remember that all your data will be completely deleted. If necessary, save the necessary information in advance.

To completely block your account, you need to follow the link:

Click on the "Delete my account" button. In the window that appears, enter the password and control words. The system will notify you that the profile will be completely deleted within 14 days. During this period, you can still recover your account. Thus, this method will also test your willpower. If you can endure 14 days without access to Facebook, you may be able to completely get rid of your Internet addiction.

The functionality of social networks should have the option to delete the profile. Otherwise, there would be so many of them that user IDs would take up dozens of characters, and there would be a huge number of full namesakes. It also sometimes happens that just changing the information in the old profile is not enough, you just need to register again. Therefore, I feel it is my duty to tell you all about deleting your Facebook account.

Can I delete my Facebook account?

As I wrote above, deleting a Facebook account is a necessity for a social network. Without it, FB's organized directory of users would turn into a garbage heap. Another thing is that there are some nuances, and you can get rid of the profile in different ways. This is not VKontakte with its one “delete page” button, after which there is time to recover.

If I delete my account, can it be restored?

  1. Temporary.
  2. Constant.

In the first case, you can easily regain your profile at any time. And in the second, of course, it will be lost forever. I will tell you a little lower about how to implement both of these possibilities and how to restore the page.

Step-by-step instructions on how to delete a Facebook account

First, let's talk about the temporary deactivation of the page. Why you need it - decide for yourself. Personally, if I delete a profile for a short time, it is only to attract someone's attention. I can’t think of any other use for this, I’m so petty. Consider both options: temporary deactivation and permanent deletion of the page.

Page deactivation

To temporarily deactivate your page, do the following:

  • In the upper right corner we find a triangle next to the question icon. Then click on "Settings".

  • We find the item "Account Management", click on "Edit".
  • Then you need to click "Deactivate account". After that, the social network may require you to enter the password again. Naturally, we enter.

Deleting a Page

This method involves the complete erasure of user data from the servers. Therefore, be careful, but do not rush to download all the data in advance.

Why? Let me explain below:

  • Click "View" next to the item "Delete account and information."

Ways to recover a deleted profile

If you deleted the page following the second instruction, nothing will be returned. This method of removal is irreversible. But if you simply deactivated the page, it will be enough to simply log in online to restore it.

So, deleting a page is a necessary function of any social network. And Facebook allows you to temporarily disable your profile, or completely erase all your data from their servers. How much better or worse this system is than those to which we are more accustomed, I will not speculate, because there is convenience both there and there.

If you decide to delete your Facebook page, you can be congratulated: you will be able to devote a little more or even much more time to work, family, and leisure. After all, you may just look around and be surprised to find that the real world is beautiful and can give you so much more than the dubious pleasure of spending time on social networks.

So the decision has been made. It remains only to delete the page on Facebook. There are two options in case, if you decide to leave this web that engulfs even very strong personalities:

  1. You can " to freeze» page with the ability to restore data at any time. This is just in case you change your mind and decide to return;
  2. You can delete your page permanently- finally and irrevocably, with all the photographs, records, messages and so on. In this case, you will not be able to restore it, and if you want to join the ranks of Facebook users again, you will have to register and fill out the page again.

Let's dwell on each option in more detail.

If leaving, you want to leave yourself a chance to return, Facebook is happy to provide you with such an opportunity: all your data that was on the page will be stored in the social network database until you decide to restore your account.

In order to “freeze” or, as Facebook calls it, deactivate an account, you need to click on the modest little wheel in the upper right corner on your page, and then open “ account settings", then in the menu on the left click" Safety” and under the list of settings you will see a link called “ Deactivate account».

After clicking on it, Facebook will ask if you are sure what you are doing, warn you that your data will be deleted, and also inform you that your friends will miss you by showing photos from their accounts in the foreground. Probably, if Facebook had the opportunity to show you a photo of your sobbing friends who regret your departure, he would do it.

Next, you will be asked to report reason, for which you decided to deactivate your account, and as an answer to this question, as many as 8 answer options will be offered, as well as the “Other” option with the ability to write your own reason. For each of these options, with the exception of “Already have a Facebook account” and “Other”, a solution will be offered for the problem that caused you to leave the social network.

It's funny that, despite the fact that the site for Russian users is Russified, when choosing the option "I do not find Facebook useful", for some reason the solution to this problem is given in English (you are invited to increase the number of friends so as not to get bored on this site) .

If you have not succumbed to Facebook's persuasion to stay and are still full of confidence to deactivate your account, feel free to click the " Confirm”, enter your password and captcha, and long live freedom!

Now no one will be able to see the information that was on your page, but you still have a chance to change your mind and return everything back. And do not even doubt that Facebook will send you a single email with an offer to do this and detailed instructions on how to do it.

If you do not want the information from your page to be stored somewhere and decide to leave Facebook forever, then this is even easier to do. But there is also complexity. It lies in the fact that the developers have hidden the delete button so that it cannot be found quickly and easily, because their goal is to attract as many users as possible to the resource and, moreover, not to lose already registered ones.

Your departure is undesirable for the owners of the site, so you can spend a lot of time breaking all account settings, but you still can’t find a link to delete the page. And they hid it in the search, apparently they are so rarely used on Facebook that this is the most reliable place. But here, too, the developers cheated: if you type “how to delete a page?” in the search, you will, of course, get an answer, but it will not help you achieve your goal much, this article will help you faster.

After you click the " Delete my account”, “Upset” Facebook robot, “dropping tears”, will once again ask you if you are sure of what you want to do and ask you to enter a password and captcha. And if you have confirmed and entered everything, you cease to be a user of this social network, gain freedom and can go and enjoy reality: smell “buttercups-flowers”, sunbathe in the sun, and so on.

Congratulations, you are a strong person, since you do not have an addiction to a social network, and if you had one and you overcame it, you are even stronger. Goodbye Facebook, let others stay with your likes, reposts and boring identical news And those who left, the wind of change and the taste of freedom await.

Social networks are a great opportunity to communicate with people around the world online. So many find their destinies, make useful contacts, do not lose old acquaintances. However, not everyone uses a previously created account on the Internet, and then the following question may become relevant: how to delete a page on Facebook? Perhaps your life has changed dramatically and requires you to reconsider all your acquaintances. You can solve this situation by taking certain actions. More details on this below.

How to delete a page on Facebook

In order to completely remove your Facebook page, you will need to not only deactivate your account on the site (remove data with the possibility of recovery), but erase it forever. You will also need to remove the installed social network applications on other devices (for example, smartphones, tablets). These actions will give you the opportunity to play it safe and remove absolutely all your data and photos from the social network. See the detailed instructions below for how to do this.

Permanently leave Facebook

To learn how to permanently delete a page on Facebook, follow the step-by-step steps below. This algorithm will erase a personal account without the ability to recover any data. In this case, all your photos, contacts, comments left anywhere will completely disappear.

Deleting a personal profile on a social network is possible using a smartphone. This requires the Facebook app to be installed on your phone. You may not be able to remove all the data forever, but at first you can at least simply deactivate the page. This will serve as an additional way for you to quickly hide all information about yourself. So, how to delete your Facebook page using your phone:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your smartphone.
  2. At the bottom right you will see three horizontal stripes, click on them and you will be taken to a small menu.
  3. Here below, select "Settings" and then "Account Settings".
  4. In the window that opens, select "Security".
  5. At the very bottom you will see a line with the name "Account", click on it and the profile will be deactivated.

Alternatively, in order not to completely erase your profile, simply hide access to your data to those users with whom you do not want to communicate. To do this, you will have to make some changes in the privacy settings. This question is not uncommon for the developers of the Facebook site, so they carefully worked out this item. So, read on for step-by-step instructions on how to not delete a page on Facebook, but simply close it:

  1. In the upper right corner of the site, click on the small triangle, and a menu will pop up, here select "Settings".
  2. Click on the "Privacy" section. Here, read all the questions point by point and change the settings for them. For example, the inscription "Available to all" means that a personal profile is available to all Facebook users. Change this status to "Only me" and no one will see your data. In this way, you disconnect your profile from the network, but all your data is saved (it's just that no one sees it) and will be restored immediately as soon as you return the status. The only thing that will remain open is general data about you: name, gender, place of work, study.

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