How clubs with banned slot machines work in Russia. Casino staff or who services gambling What is the name of the gaming club


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How clubs with banned slot machines work in Russia

In Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, clubs with slot machines openly operate. They are now called "bill systems" or "bookmakers", but anyone who goes inside can see that under the guise of sports betting and financial trading, visitors are playing the same pocket-draining mini-games on machines that were banned almost 10 years ago. .

Citizens often report on the work of such institutions. We decided to check for ourselves what was hidden behind flashy signboards and blank facades, and headed to one of the clubs called "Promissory System", located at the intersection of Belinsky and Shchors streets.

At the entrance, our correspondent (who does not introduce himself as a member of the media) is searched with a metal detector. The dark hall is spacious, there are dozens of machine guns in it. There are 20-25 people behind the machine guns. Middle of the work week. One o'clock.

At one device, a man is sitting, buried in a screen on which a monkey is jumping. Drinks beer. Next to him is a disheveled middle-aged woman, she looks doomedly silently at him. Behind the next apparatus are two immigrants from Central Asia. They quickly whisper about something and alternately point their fingers at the screen.

The girl-administrator insinuatingly offers to go to the cash desk in order to "issue a bill." An imposing-looking security guard is on duty at the cash desk window. Before buying a bill, they offer to sign a document that regulates the activities of the club. It is positioned as "over-the-counter trading". In fact, it is an analogue of binary options popular in the network. Allegedly, playing on slot machines is a trade in virtual assets, promissory notes. In reality, the player receives a plastic card, on which the amount paid is entered. There are many identical announcements on the walls, which say that in one of the branches of the "Promissory System" in the Botanichesky microdistrict, the player is returned 10% of the money spent the next day after the game.

Next, the administrator offers to take a free machine and place the card in the slot. After that, "bidding" begins: the player can choose classic games for this kind of slot machines. “Here are“ Monkeys ”,“ Climber ”,“ Fruits ”. With this button, you can select one of the lines, matches will be counted on them, ”the girl explains.

The game is a classic "one-armed bandit": you press a button, pictures randomly fall out. If several of them are in sequence along the selected line, the player is offered to increase the stakes - to agree to an additional mini-game and open one of the five playing cards. When certain bonus symbols appear, another mini-game is triggered. A cartoon climber is faced with a choice between three ropes on which to start climbing. On some, obstacles await him - a cave with a monster. The monster hits the man on the head and he falls. Minus 42 rubles on the account.

It took our correspondent about 40 minutes to lose 150 rubles. Regulars approach the cashier and buy several cards for several thousand rubles at once. Apparently, in order to play at once on several, as they consider, “happy” slot machines.

In the papers that the player is given to sign, the name of Tandem LLC is indicated. In total, there are about 1.5 thousand operating companies with this name in Russia, we were not able to find out which company we are talking about.

After making sure that we are talking about real slot machines, we decided to ask law enforcement officers a question: why do such clubs work in the city so shamelessly, because gambling is prohibited outside special zones, and the Sverdlovsk police headquarters quite often reports on the suppression of the activities of another gambling establishment.

“Since 2015, the Yekaterinburg police have carried out 73 operations on reports of such establishments. The premises were sealed, the equipment was sent for examination. However, we came to the conclusion that this equipment is not gambling. In this regard, it was returned to the owners, and the materials of the checks were sent to the Investigative Committee for a decision, ”the press group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Yekaterinburg said.

It turned out that in 2015, equipment was also confiscated from the very premises where our correspondent went.

In the regional investigation department of the ICR, we were told that if the results of the examination show that the equipment is not gambling, then there is nothing to initiate cases of illegal gambling activities.

But why didn't the experts find signs of gambling equipment in the "monkeys" and "fruits"? For a comment, we turned to experts at the ANO "Forensic Expert" (Moscow), who, among other things, conduct an examination of gambling equipment.

“The situation that you explained is absolutely standard, it is inherent not only in your region, but also in everyone else. If we take our practice, researchers of the same device can come to different conclusions. It all depends on the form in which this device gets to them. If the object of study was seized improperly, then the conclusions will be appropriate. What is often handed over to experts really does not fall under the concept of gaming equipment, because it does not have the necessary hardware - a random number generator. It’s clear that if an expert looks at it, he cannot conclude that it is gaming equipment,” explains Kirill Kravchenko, an expert at ANO Forensic Expert. - What they bring is, roughly speaking, a computer with a monitor in an anti-vandal box. And it has software that connects to the server that hosts the main program. Accordingly, when the terminals are withdrawn, the connection to the server is interrupted.

It turns out that the casino itself is located on a remote computer, somewhere “in the cloud”, and slot machines are not machines at all, but just screens, terminals.

According to the expert, the police should seize not the terminals, but the server, or involve an expert at the stage of seizure. “Then the expert could use the control operation to fix the fact that there is a random number generator and a connection to the server,” says Kravchenko.

According to him, after the ban on gaming activities, such establishments were disguised as lotteries. “When this activity was shut down, they began to 'mow down' under the banking sector, the game on the stock market. But the visualization is still very raw. There is no logic in this,” the expert says.

It's no secret that every casino has dealers or croupiers. Do you know why there can be several casino employees at one gaming table and what is their role? Then it will be useful for you to find out who serves you in the gambling halls of the casino and why they are all needed.

casino managers

general manager(eng. General Manager) or top manager (eng. Top Manager) - the highest position in the casino. The General Manager manages the casino and all of its services. Subject only to the owners of the casino.

Pitboss at work in the casino hall.

casino manager— organizes the gaming process and the work of casino structures. In large casinos, there may be several managers with a specific function: personnel manager, marketing manager, account manager, shift manager, etc.

pit boss(Eng. Pit Boss) - the manager in the casino hall, which controls the game process. As a rule, there is a pit boss in all casinos. He has his own zone - pit, where the game is played on several tables, and he coordinates the work behind them, regardless of the type of game: he opens and closes the tables for the game; watching the players monitors the work of dealers, their timely change at the tables; solves various issues, etc. Reports directly to the shift manager. In jargon, you can hear a different name for the pit boss - pit bull.

inspector(Eng. Inspector) - an employee of the casino who controls the work of the dealer. Additionally, the functions of the inspector may include the duty to evaluate the players, their behavior, honesty and compliance with the rules of the game. The inspector as well as the dealer is at the gaming table. In case of disputes, it is he who makes the decision; or informs the pit boss about emergency situations at the table. The inspector also provides maximum comfort to the player at the table (drinks, cigarettes, etc.).

dealers and employees working at desks

A casino dealer at a still empty three-card poker table.

dealer or croupier(English Dealer or Croupier or French Croupier) is a special employee who leads the game at the table in the casino hall. In most games, the dealer is the player's opponent. Croupier from French literally means - bacomet, banker.

Dealers may have their own designation among the players. For example, killer(Eng. Killer) is a dealer who constantly outperforms the players.

Some games require the presence of several dealers at the table, the function of which may differ and, accordingly, they will be called differently. So, four people can serve the craps table at the same time: a stickman in the center (takes bets on the central field and manages the dice and stick); boxman (manages money and chips); two dealers (on the basic fields they accept and collect bets).

playing croupier- a dealer who directly conducts the game itself: spins the roulette wheel or deals cards; accepts bets; announces winnings and pays them out.

watching croupier- a dealer who helps the playing croupier in accepting cash, collecting chips; he can take money or chips to the cashier for exchange; the supervising dealer also reserves the boxes for players who are away for a while.

Craps game. A stickman on the center field (right) and two dealers on the base fields collect chips from the field. A boxman sits opposite the stickman, it is he who will be given the chips by the stickman and dealers.

stickman(from the English. Stickman) - a dealer at the craps table, whose task is to accept and pay bets in the center of the table, and, most importantly, collect from the table and serve the dice to the player (shooter) for a throw using a special stick - stick.

boxman(from English Boxman) - a dealer who exchanges cash for chips at the table. He is an intermediate link between the player and the cashier, since the player does not always want to be distracted from the game and go to the cashier.

chipper- a special employee for collecting chips at the table. When the game is active and several players are playing at the table, one dealer cannot cope, and then they resort to the help of chipper dealers who collect and sort chips.

other casino employees

casino administrator- a special employee who works with casino guests: meets and escorts them, answers any questions.

pit boss assistant(Eng. Assistant Pit Boss) - assistant pit boss.

The Attendant pays out the jackpot to the slot player.

host(from English Host) - a casino employee who receives visitors, communicates with them personally and is responsible for the bonuses offered by the casino. For girls, there is the term hostess (from the English. Hostess).

cashier(English cashier) carries out cash transactions in a casino: it exchanges money for chips and vice versa. In some games, some dealers directly at the game table can take on this role.

attendant(Eng. Attendant) - a special employee in the casino, who is responsible for working with customers in the halls with slot machines.

controller or the operator in the gaming hall monitors the operation of slot machines, the loading of tokens.

technician or a mechanic is engaged in the maintenance of slot machines, information plates and other casino equipment.

security Service

Kamerman - security officer - at work.

The security service monitors the order in the casino and includes:

head of security

security officers in the casino hall, which not only protect the interests and protect the property of the casino, but also protect the casino guests from encroachments on their life, health and personal property.

security guards at the entrance to the casino, whose task is face control, i.e. checking visitors, their compliance with the rules adopted in the casino: certain clothes, age limit, state of drug or alcohol intoxication, etc.

chamberman(from English Cameraman) - a casino employee who monitors the game using surveillance cameras in real time. The task of such an observer is to detect all violations in time, both on the part of players and dealers, in order to stop fraud. As a rule, a game table monitors several cameras.

In this material:

How to open a gaming club in the Russian Federation? Consider the main trends in the development of the gaming business.

Is it possible to open a game club

Nowadays, the situation with online games in the country is contradictory. According to legislative documents, a taboo has been imposed on the gaming business, so it is not possible to open a club in reality. But is it possible to open a gaming club online? The existing ban concerns the organization of the gaming business, and not gambling as such.

If you decide to place servers in Internet zones where gambling is allowed, then you will face a completely different problem: there is no official document regulating the opening of an online casino in the Russian Federation. This spring, the State Duma considered a bill on the return of the gambling industry to the country. Whether changes will be made to the normative document can only be guessed at. The lack of sources of budget financing pushes deputies to look for additional funds.

In April, the government adopted a new law amending and streamlining the process of taxation of lotteries and sweepstakes.

Now legal entities that pay cash prizes in the amount of 15 thousand rubles are subject to taxation. This applies not only to lotteries and gaming sweepstakes, but also payment units, including electronic money systems - Qiwi, Webmoney, as well as Interkassa, Robokassa, etc.

Today, the Webmoney payment system is experiencing difficulties associated with crediting funds and withdrawing them. State structures decided to focus not on the control of activities, but on the collection of taxes. According to the newly introduced scheme, it is the responsibility of the operator, and not the player, to deduct a certain amount from the winnings. In this case, amounts up to 4000 rubles are not subject to taxation.

When did the ban on the development of the gaming business in the global network begin to operate? Officially, the law regarding the prohibition of casinos came into force in the summer of 2009.

How to open a game club

The exact wording of the law regulating the sphere of the gambling business is as follows: "On state regulation of the organization and conduct of gambling and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation." Since the fall of 2015, the Federal Tax Service, Roskomnadzor and the Prosecutor General's Office do not have to wait for the decision of the courts to stop the activities of illegal Internet resources.

The following changes have been made to this legislative document (since January 2016):

The most frequent violations are in relation to the number of machines and the area of ​​the premises allocated for the hall.

Today in Russia there are several gaming zones operating on a legal basis: the Kaliningrad region, the Altai Territory, the Primorsky Territory, the zone on the border between the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory. There are 3 legal casinos in gambling zones: "Oracle", "Nirvana", "Altai Palace".

Today, the opportunity to open a gaming club legally is an impossible dream. Now the state authorities, and the owners of gambling establishments themselves, are at a crossroads. Many observers expect events that will help change the outlook on the development of the gambling business in the country.

Playing online is generally comfortable and safe. Now you can play online games on the following resources:

  1. BetAdonis website. The operator pays 20% of the loss of the deposit, a Russian-language version of the Internet resource has been created. You can replenish your account using the following payment systems: Webmoney, Qiwi and Visa. Withdrawal of money after a few hours.
  2. PlayAmo Casino - guarantees the payment of winnings after a few hours if there is an application.
  3. Casino Volcano.
  4. Wonclub.

The evolution of online gaming is far from over. As long as you can keep playing. To avoid nervous breakdowns, opt for trusted online gaming services.


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Computer games were originally born as "entertainment for one": in order to play, a person did not need anything other than a computer. Multiplayer, which involved playing against a live opponent, was added much later. And only in exceptional cases (for example, in Counter-Strike) is it primary in relation to the single-player mode or even completely replaces it. And in non-computer games - the opposite is true. As a rule, in order to play any kind of board game, several participants are required.
A computer is bought in a store or any other place where the paper equivalents of one's own (or father's, whoever has it)

labor activity can be exchanged for a bunch of iron and chips. And where to get like-minded people and associates for a board game?
Well, invariably, buddies are found whose hearts are burning with desire (probably you lit it) to participate in D&D-shnom module, play fifty parts in Magic: The Gathering, spread out on the army table Warhammer... But friends-friends are not always present in the proper quantity and assortment and are not always ready to devote all their free time to you (perhaps it is dear to them as a memory). Yes, and I just want to talk with someone else, to see, so to speak, a world that is not limited by the painful recognition of bored cute friendly faces!
And then, lit up with hope and spreading the wings of foreboding of the unknown, you can go to the club,
where to look for colleagues in the board game entertainment. Go out into the world, so to speak. Show up in people, otherwise pronouncing. You get it, in a nutshell.
In general, there are many reasons why people are drawn to clubs. We have already named one. Let's give it the serial number "first".
Now - secondly, right? Why not - excellent - secondly! - There is a place in the club where you can play. The most meaningful places (apartments and forest/park clearings) are not always accessible. The first - because of parents, harmful neighbors and other obstacles, and the second - because of changeable weather conditions.
Thirdly: clubs are usually engaged in the sale of all sorts of game equipment, and once in the club, you can stock up at the same time.
But not everything is so simple with table clubs
games. The trick is that the games are all different, and therefore the atmosphere in each club is special. A similar situation is observed in computer gaming clubs, but it is not so pronounced there.
Today we finally decided to dot all the letters of the alphabet and tell you what board game clubs exist and what they are.

People who play games

The main contingent of club visitors
are students and high school students for whom board games are either a favorite hobby or a good alternative to computer clubs.
Traditionally, it was believed that board games are designed for the family circle. And only in the last couple of years the stereotypes have come to an end, and the club and youth movement has gained
turns. This happened due to the fact that many modern board games are deliberately focused on the tournament game (for example, Magic: The Gathering). Of course, you can play them at home with friends, but a home game is very different from a tournament game. At home, they play primarily for fun and enjoyment. At the tournament - also for the sake of winning, winning and self-affirmation. Some games are generally very difficult to play at home - special tabletops or other equipment are needed, which not every novice commander or magician can spend money on (the most striking example is military tactical games, such as Warhammer).
Most often, board game clubs work with any one gaming direction. To date, the vast majority of clubs are engaged in the promotion
collectible card games, there are many military-tactical clubs, and there are practically no clubs for role-playing games. All existing clubs can be divided into three broad categories: "shop tables", "gaming clubs" And "clubs of like-minded people".

Store tables

Selling board games - not potatoes
trade. It is necessary not only to correctly sell the goods, but also to make sure that buyers come to the store again. That is why "sellers of toys" are primarily concerned that visitors have a place to play a freshly acquired board game. For this reason, companies that distribute gaming products often open their own gaming clubs, thereby killing two birds with one stone: the club at the store is both retail outlet and play space.
The most striking example is company clubs "Sargon" , the main "seller" of card games. In addition to the sale of cards and attributes for the game, tournaments, presentations of new sets, city championships, etc. are regularly held there.
The main advantage of such "club-shops" is that you can always buy a full range of products in them (the St. Petersburg branch of the company, by the way, is both an office, a warehouse and a club). However, as a rule, apart from the "basic product", such clubs do not promote anything, and therefore the range of services they provide is limited. Occasionally you can find a refrigerator with soda and left-luggage offices. Most often, such clubs are located in residential areas, in small semi-basement premises, sometimes temporary premises are rented for them in
schools or art houses.

Club for the sake of the club

Recently, there are clubs whose main task is not to sell goods, but to provide players with the opportunity to comfortably spend time playing their favorite game. Most often, such establishments have a narrow thematic focus - only military-tactical or only card games. Of course, such clubs can also have shops, but the emphasis is on the organization of the playing space.
A characteristic feature of such clubs is the presence of special employees - game administrators who can teach you how to play from scratch or explain the intricacies of the rules, as well as advise on the purchase. Most often, it depends on the personality of the administrator whether the club will use
popularity and how comfortable it will be for visitors.
Unlike "clubs-shops", game clubs are usually located in good areas and occupy a large area - their main task is to satisfy the visitor, and therefore there are usually more requirements for them. Typically, such clubs provide a wide range of related services - from the organization of tournaments and training events to hot meals and beer sales. Sometimes you can even find a computer room for lovers of virtual blood.

Like-minded club

It happens like this: the company plays its favorite game. They play, gathering at home, gradually expanding the circle of friends, bringing new acquaintances. After a while, when going home,
in a hostel or garage is no longer possible due to crowding; a room is rented for traditional gaming gatherings. It can be a restaurant hall or a foyer of a culture house, a basement or a room in a housing office. Such clubs are characterized by closeness (you can get in only on the recommendation of friends) and an extremely friendly atmosphere. Sometimes such establishments are reborn into "professional", but more often it happens that the main backbone of like-minded people breaks up, people lose interest in the game and the club closes.
The situation described is very typical for peripheral cities - many of the existing card game clubs began precisely with the initiative of several players.
* * *

To date, most of the existing establishments belong specifically to the category "tables at
Hence the overwhelming number of "card" clubs and the almost complete absence of clubs for role players. Despite this, one can only be glad that there are clubs, their number is growing, and the demand for them is constantly increasing. board games will become as commonplace as computer clubs and Internet cafes.At least, the board game clubs that exist today cannot always cope with the influx of visitors.
The photographs used in the article were taken in the clubs "MagicLand" (Kyiv), "Sargona" (St. Petersburg) and "Labyrinth" (Moscow).

Card game clubs

"Portal". At the moment - the largest club of card games in Moscow. Basement in the city center
large (for 150 seats) and small (for 8-10 seats) gaming halls. Regular MTG and Pokemon tournaments.
"Odyssey". The oldest club in Moscow. In the recent past, the club hosted educational role-playing games, but today only cards remain - MTG, Legend of the Five Rings, etc.
Saint Petersburg

"Sargon". The only club in the whole city that deals with board games. The emphasis is on MTG. For holding tournaments on weekends, the cafeteria at a nearby school is rented. The most stylish and, perhaps, the most comfortable of all Sargon's establishments. On weekends
Warhammer fans also began to gather here.

MagicLand. At the moment - the best club for playing MTG, which has become a cult among Russian players. A huge two-story building (a former kindergarten building), its own club system, regular holding of prestigious tournaments, which attract players from the CIS countries.
"Legend". Another Sargon club, the only one on the territory of Ukraine. In addition to MTG, there is an opportunity to play role-playing games.
Card game clubs in other cities

Many cities have clubs dedicated to Magic: The Gathering. These clubs host tournaments, regional championships, prereleases
new sets, etc. Unfortunately, almost all such clubs, except for MTG, do nothing.
Clubs of military tactical games


A treat for Mordheim and Warhammer 40k players. Gaming tables with decent terrain. There is a theme shop, it is possible to make an individual order (with 100% prepayment). In addition, there is a computer room nearby.
"Alegris". Club at the warehouse of the company of the same name that sells military-tactical games. It is located in the basement and has tables with landscapes where you can play Warhammer 40k and other tactical military games. Cheap and cheerful.
"Age of Battles". A club created by a plastic factory
"Star" to promote their own gaming system.
Universal clubs


"Dream country". Once a popular gathering place for fans of card and military-tactical BattleTech, it also attracted Warhammer fans and even role-players. Unfortunately, the cheap liquor bar and the loyalty of the guards led serious players to avoid the club, considering it a hangout.
"Labyrinth". Quite a young club with serious applications. It was conceived as a club for role-playing games, but quickly outgrew this status due to the large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. In addition to traditional card and military-tactical games, board and printed games are rented, and training events are held in all gaming areas. The club has a cafe and a game store.

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