How to choose strings for classical guitar? About choosing guitar strings.


At any music forum, the same topic is necessarily created. Every aspiring guitarist asks us the same question. And every young musician is always faced with the same problem - the choice of strings for his brand new acoustic guitar. And, indeed, today it is easier to decide on a guitar than on strings! And around everyone is only advised to try, understand and choose the best option for yourself. But what about a newbie who first encountered such a problem ?!

We would like to lend a helping hand to beginner guitarists and tell a little about the different types of strings and their brands. And although the choice of strings really depends on the preferences of the musician, we still share with you our personal experience and our opinion about these or other manufacturers. Perhaps this will answer not only some of your questions, but also help you decide what you need.

Material foundations

The key qualities of strings: sound, durability and playability depend on the material from which they are made. So the first thing to decide is the material of the winding of your future strings. Go!

Variety of brands

Something, but there is no shortage of different brands of strings for acoustic guitars today. And it is not surprising that it is difficult for any novice guitarist to make an independent choice for the first time. So let's dwell on the most famous modern brands in a little more detail and see what seasoned ones say about them.

  • Dean Markley. There have been no negative reviews about these strings yet - they sound great and are reasonably priced. Their only drawback is the service life.
  • Ernie Ball. Another string option that perfectly combines quality and price. They serve for a long time, sound good, tactile sensations are pleasant, and they are not very expensive. In short, a good start!
  • Olympia. Another standard string option that combines an affordable price, good sound and reliability.
  • Rotosound. Perhaps, the strings of this brand can be described as follows: just strings. They have no outstanding qualities, as well as especially negative traits. Strings and all.

So we went over all the well-known manufacturers of acoustic guitar strings and their products. And what conclusion can be drawn from all this?! Obviously, many strings of many brands are a specific accessory, the choice of which is still worth growing and trying a lot. So if you are buying replacement strings for the first time and are not yet in the mood for experiments, our advice to you is to take something simpler, such as D'Addario, La'Bella, Olympia or GHS of medium hardness. They will give a fairly clear sound, and will not create discomfort during the game.

Otherwise, the forums do not lie - throughout your creative activity, you will have to try more than one set of strings and give your own opinion to many manufacturers before you find the perfect one!

This review will introduce you to different types of guitar strings, winding types and materials from which they are made. Let's take a look at what a string is all about. By the way, any stretched thread or metal wire can be called a string. Of course, with the condition that during the game it does not stretch or tear.

And now a little history. Our ancestors, long before the appearance of guitars, used strings made from animal sinews. This type of string is called veined"strings. You can also meet those that have survived to this day" intestinal"strings. They are, you guessed it, made from animal guts. String type, which appeared in - early 19th century was completely different. These were wound strings that were able to improve the timbre of many instruments, in particular guitars. The wrapping helped reduce tension, making it much easier to play. Somewhere at the same time, another type of string appears - with a steel base or core. Although at first they were used on the piano, they later spread to other musical instruments including the guitar. The 20th century, with its technical progress, has fundamentally increased the diversity string types. Next, we can analyze each of them in more detail.

String types.

- intestinal strings The type of strings made of such, to put it mildly, unusual material is no longer produced in Russia. Although sometimes they can be found in the west, but this is already a rarity. Intestinal strings with the advent of synthetic, almost immediately, gave way to them. The main disadvantage of this string type in that they wear out very quickly near the frets and lose their qualities from high temperature or humidity, including from moisture emitted by the hands. In other words, not the best option;) .

- Synthetic strings The type of strings of synthetic composition as a whole can be divided into two groups:

1. Nylon strings - They are mainly used for classical guitar. They are quite soft, and are well suited for beginner guitarists. The lower 3 strings of the guitar are made of nylon fishing line, which is made of the so-called monofilament synthetics. The top three strings are made from many thin nylon threads. Such fishing line will be made from polyfilament synthetics. Usually, the winding for such string type they are used from copper in the form of a round type wire with a silver coating (Fig. 1). Silver increases wear resistance and to some extent does not allow you to stain the strings with your hands. But the numbness gradually wears out in the region of the frets. People have found a way out by experimenting with other alloys. Silver-plated brass, pure brass or phosphor bronze outperforms silver-plated copper in wear resistance.

Rice. 1

1 2. Carbon strings The material for these strings was discovered in the 20th century in Japan, and it is called fluorocarbon or carbon. The density of carbon is 90% higher than nylon. Therefore, with the same tension, a carbon fiber line can have a smaller diameter. This string type much louder than nylon. Bass strings of carbon sets can be made of both carbon and nylon, as there is no noticeable difference in sonority. Although, let's say for especially sophisticated musicians, this small difference is enough to make their choice in favor of carbon strings.

- Steel based strings

Data string types most often found in pop music, rock, blues, and also where they prefer sonority and richness of sound. These strings can be pulled three times harder than synthetic strings. In acoustics, they are usually put on guitars with more reinforced construction. These are non-classical acoustic guitars with western, jumbo, dreadnought body types. And, of course, such strings are put on electric guitars. Because magnetic pickups simply won't be able to pick up vibrations from a nylon string. By the way, the winding of metal strings can be found in different ways. The most commonly used alloys are copper-based, but can be found in stainless steel, nickel, brass, phosphor bronze.

Each winding gives its own, unique zest to the sound of the instrument. We are already familiar with the “Roundwound” winding, it can be seen again in Fig. 1. Such a winding gives maximum sonority and velvety, which is especially noticeable for the first time after installing the strings. There are two more popular type of steel string winding: "flatwound" and "groundwound", they can be seen in Fig.2. Both types of winding "eat up" the whistle and unpleasant sounds that the fingers make when sliding along the strings. This is achieved because the outer side of the winding is flat. Such type of strings very often used by guitarists who record in the studio through a microphone.

Rice. 2

Here, in general, that's all. Now you know, what are the strings for guitar. We conclude that to string selection should be taken quite seriously, since each type of string has its own pluses and minuses, its own characteristics, which can somewhat facilitate or complicate, and maybe even enrich guitar playing. And personally from myself I would like to advise you: experiment!;)

Being able to play the guitar has always been an honor. Even having learned a few chords, you can already play simple songs in the yard or near the fire to raise your mood and morale. But there are times when, due to negligence or from prolonged use, the strings on the guitar are torn. In order not to interrupt the holiday, you should always have a spare set of strings with you. This is where the main question arises: "But how to choose the strings for an acoustic guitar?"

String types

For an acoustic guitar, there is a choice: to install nylon or metal strings (on the same electric guitar it is possible to install only metal ones). These are two opposite camps. There is still debate about which strings are best for acoustic guitar. In fact, it all depends on the person. Acoustic guitar strings sound different. That is why there are so many of them. There are a lot of different kits that differ from each other in various parameters that affect the sound and quality of the game. Don't forget that, among other factors, playing is also influenced by the acoustic guitar itself. What strings are best for beginners?

Strings for beginners

The first steps in mastering the guitar are always difficult. It is very important that from the very beginning a person enjoys playing the guitar, otherwise he will soon give up this business. Since the strings are the main element of the guitar, the approach to their selection should be in the first place. For beginners, nylon ones are best, since they have all the parameters that are useful to them.

Pros and cons of nylon strings

For beginners, nylon strings are best, as synthetics are much easier to play. Metal is a much harder material than synthetics, so it's more difficult to strike your first chords on such strings. Synthetics, in turn, are a softer material, so learning to play on it will be many times easier.

For untrained fingers, the first loads will be quite large, so you need to do everything possible to reduce the load on them. In addition, synthetics are not so detrimental to the skin: although at first it will hurt to clamp the frets, but then you quickly get used to it.

But everything is not as simple as it seems. Synthetics are a soft material, which is why it is prone to deformation. Because of this property, acoustics need to be constantly adjusted as the strings stretch. They are also less durable, so you should be careful and try not to tear them.

Nylon on the guitar does not sound as loud as metal. Its sound is more muffled, but soft. Therefore, when playing "forte" you need to put more effort.

Pros and cons of metal strings

Metal strings are made of a stronger material, which gives them such strength. They are more durable and unpretentious to other conditions. They also don't deform as much. This makes it possible to keep them taut (no need to adjust them every time). The best acoustic guitar strings are metal. They are rightfully considered as such, because their sound is more sonorous and loud.

But they have a number of disadvantages. Due to their strength, metal strings are made thinner. Especially for beginners, this results in thick calluses on the left hand. If, out of a spiritual impulse, you re-study, then you can erase your fingers into the blood, and these are not just words. That is why it is important for yourself to choose the norm, several hours a day, in order to avoid overwork and bloody blisters. In addition, it will be much more difficult to pinch chords than on synthetics, since metal is a harder material. Here you need to apply all your strength to make a sound.

Which strings to choose

So what are the best strings for acoustic guitar? Well, for this it is worth considering all the factors. If a person is just starting to play music, then it is better to put nylon strings, since it is easiest to learn from them, if with experience, then metal ones, because they have a more beautiful sound.

How to change strings on an acoustic guitar

If suddenly the purchased guitar turned out to be with a set of metal strings, but nylon ones were required, it does not matter. The question of how to change the strings on an acoustic guitar is solved very quickly.

The first step is to buy a new set of strings. They are sold in any music store, and there are plenty of them on the Internet. After that, it remains only to remove the old ones and fix the new ones.

Old strings need to be removed starting from the pegs (things that are attached to the headstock). By reducing the tension, you can easily untangle them with your fingers and remove them from the peg. Then the knot on the bridge (the base on which the strings are attached near the right hand) is simply untied. Then, having done the reverse procedure, they put on new strings, starting from the lower bridge and ending with the pegs.

Valuable advice: the strings for an acoustic guitar are best changed not according to the principle from top to bottom, but from the sides. That is, first the sixth and first strings are put on, then the fifth and second, and only then the fourth and third. The headstock is designed so that pairs of pegs hold the strings in that order. The farthest pair of pegs is responsible for the first and sixth. Same with the middle and third pair of pegs.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to practice a little.

Best Strings

You always want to have something very high quality and reliable. The same applies to strings. As a rule, acoustic guitar strings installed at the time of purchase do not shine with quality. That is why it is recommended to change the strings after buying an instrument. The best option would be the famous brand dedicated to guitars, Fender. He collected the best in himself. This pleasure is more expensive than other strings, but it's worth it.

Where do you get new guitar strings? Personally, I prefer to buy them in ordinary music stores, having felt them live, at the same time exchanging jokes with the local sellers I have known for a long time. However, you can order guitar strings online without any worries.

Wandering through the expanses of online stores, you probably noticed that the types of guitar strings for sale are quite numerous. Of course, after that, the question could not help but arise, since how to choose strings for a guitar, how not to make a mistake with the choice when buying? These questions need to be dealt with in advance.

Varieties of strings according to the material of manufacture

There are three main types of strings, these are:

  1. Organic gut (Catgut) - traditional strings made from animal sinew and wrapped with wire. Despite their short service life, many guitarists still prefer to install only gut strings on their instrument.
  2. Nylon strings are favored by classical guitarists. They are soft and supple, and therefore suitable for beginners. The three tenor strings (lower) are made of nylon line, and the three bass strings are nylon threads wound in the form of gold or silver-plated wire.
  3. Steel is the most popular type of string. The sound of the instrument on which these strings are placed has a bright and sonorous timbre. The winding of steel strings is made of a wide variety of materials: nickel, phosphor bronze, brass and others.

About different types of string windings

Let's talk in more detail about wrapping, or string wrapping as it is sometimes called. The wire covering the core of the strings can be made in several versions.

  1. Round braid is the cheapest to manufacture, which means that the cost of guitar strings will be lower. The main disadvantages: creaking of fingers on the strings when playing, rapid wear due to contamination of the sinuses of the braid.
  2. The flat braid eliminates unnecessary sounds. Such strings are put on a guitar for the sake of a studio recording. Main disadvantage: less bright sound than roundwound strings.
  3. A semicircular braid is a hybrid that includes both the pros and cons of the two previous types.

What is string tension?

Before choosing guitar strings, find out what their tension is: light (light), medium (medium) or heavy (heavy). Several factors affect the tension force: their length, mass, tuning frequency, diameter, winding material and core size.

It is believed that the stronger the tension, the louder and brighter the instrument sounds. If it is light, the instrument is quiet and melodious. Another nuance is that strings with a heavy tension will not be so easy to press on the frets, and therefore, for beginners, it is recommended to take the strings of the lightest tension to make playing easier.

The most popular manufacturing companies and the cost of guitar strings

D'Addario and LaBella have long produced a wide range of strings for classical and acoustic guitars. They are considered the most popular manufacturers - all their types of guitar strings have excellent characteristics and are not sold at such a high price (about $ 10).

Separately, there are the strings of the French manufacturer Savarez. They are made of high-strength materials, have excellent sound data, and therefore their cost is high (from $20).

The most popular string manufacturers for electric guitars and basses are Elixir and DR. Their prices are very democratic: for electric guitars - from 20 USD, for a four-string bass - from 70 USD.

Why can't steel strings be used on a classical guitar?

The mechanics of the tuning pegs and the bridge in a classical guitar are made of lightweight materials. Therefore, only nylon strings can be put on this type of guitar - they are soft and not very stretched, which means they are not able to break and ruin the instrument.

Steel strings are used on guitars with reinforced construction, such as acoustic six-strings. Well, if you try to put nylon strings on an electric guitar, then see for yourself that the pickup simply cannot read sound vibrations from them.


So, in the matter of choosing strings, you need to focus on the instrument itself, its strength or, conversely, softness, on the level of your technical skill (tight or light stretch), on the practical purpose of the instrument (training, concert, studio, etc.), well and on the traditions that have developed in guitar schools (preferences for materials of one type or another).

Of course, one of the most important criteria, and for some the main one, is the cost of guitar strings. And yet, pay attention also to the packaging of the strings - it should contain not only the characteristics of the product, but also the main data of the manufacturer. Carefulness will protect you from buying a fake.

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Note to the non-professional guitarist. (and for public education purposes)

The choice of strings is a purely individual matter and it is impossible to say unequivocally which strings to choose, this also applies to instruments. Demanding musicians sometimes spend years picking up strings for themselves, sometimes one at a time from different sets. Even if they finally pick it up, then, you see, the string manufacturers will come up with something new, and the search begins again. A good musician, as a creative person, will always look for better and better strings, but for a novice guitarist, when choosing strings, it is important to decide on the main thing; what kind of music and what guitar he will play, then the choice of strings will not be such a painful problem.

First, a little about what strings are. In fact, any thread or wire can be a string, as long as it does not break or stretch from the influence of the player. Once upon a time, when there were no guitars or violins yet, our distant ancestors played sinew (made from animal intestines) and silk strings that did not have a winding. The gut strings have survived to this day, but for a number of reasons now they remain almost only on harps and are sometimes found on violins (mainly when performing authentic music). Only in the 19th century did a metal (copper, silver) winding appear on the core strings, which made it possible to improve the timbre of the bass strings, at the same time reducing their tension, which made life easier for the performer and enriched the timbre of his instrument. At the same time, with the advent of the piano, the first experiments in the production of steel-based strings appeared, which later found application for other instruments. The 20th century greatly expanded the range of types of strings, adding many new ones to the already existing ones: synthetic, on a steel cable, multilayer, with a profile winding (not round, but flat or semicircular, etc.), bimetallic (combining two or more materials ), combined, etc. Let's try to figure out what determines the need for such diversity.

String types

gut strings in principle, they do not last long on a fretted instrument, so they are almost out of use (they are not found in Russia).

Synthetic strings– usually used for classical guitar. They were substitutes for unstable vein. The first three strings are a calibrated nylon line, and the three bass strings are made on a polyfilament (consisting of a large number of threads) twisted synthetic base. The traditional winding for them is silver-plated copper. The silver coating (several thousandths of a millimeter) improves the sound of relatively dull copper, does not darken when touched by fingers, and looks very nice, however, it wears off over time. Many firms successfully use other copper-containing alloys as windings, which are in no way inferior in sound and far exceed silver-plated copper in their durability.

Strings on a steel mono-base (usually on a hex core) are used very widely in pop music, as well as by those who appreciate sonority (“metal”) in the guitar. These strings have a higher tension than synthetic strings and are placed on guitars of a different, reinforced type. And although there are still strings on a steel base with a winding of silver-plated copper, this is rather their disadvantage, since the steel base does not allow the twisted string to bend around the guitar fret like a synthetic one, which is why these strings serve several times less than those with a winding of bronze, brass, stainless steel, etc.

Guitar strings on steel wire they are not found in Russia, although they probably exist in the West, but not for the mass buyer, because. they should be several times more expensive than the above.

Concerning strings with a flat winding or with a semicircular lying flat side up, these strings have a longer service life and do not have the characteristic whistle of fingers on the winding turns when changing positions. They tend to be a little less bright, but guitarists who have to record in the studio love to put them on.

For all guitar strings, there are many sizes, which is determined by the requirements of the musician and his instrument. Unlike bowed instruments, where the string length of a full instrument (4/4) is the same, guitars are different in scale (the length of the working part of the string). There are instruments with a scale from 610 mm to 660 mm and even more, so the same set of strings will have different tensions. For a shorter guitar, heavier (almost always thicker) strings should be used. The standard scale of the guitar is increasingly considered the size of 648 mm.

About string tension

Guitarists are accustomed to determining the tension of strings on a steel base by the number of the first string, indicated in thousandths of an inch, i.e. #10 "medium-light" tension string set is a set where the first string has a diameter of 0.010 inches = 0.254 mm. But few people pay attention to the diameters of other strings, and this is important. American steel-backed acoustic guitar strings are typically sized for large instruments that are primarily played with a pick. These kits provide for a stronger tension on twisted strings, which is traditionally preferred by most Russian performers who have instruments of a different design and prefer not the volume of the instrument, but its melodiousness, i.e. pedal (duration) of sound, which can only be obtained on strings with less tension.

The figure shows the string tension for a six-string guitar. The upper graph shows the tension of the “loud” strings, the lower one - less loud, but with a larger pedal, i.e. "melodious".

The tension of synthetic-based guitar strings (for classical guitar) is also determined based on the sections of the strings, but here the difference in the tension of strings of different sizes is negligible, which is partly due to the fact that the scale of the instrument itself has settled and is about 650 mm. Even 0.002 inches (0.05 mm) deviation in line diameter for the first three strings is no longer significant for string tension, since nylon itself is more than 7 times lighter than steel.


From all of the above, you can already draw some conclusions about which strings to choose. The choice is mainly determined by what sound (timbre) you yourself like, what instrument you have at your disposal and what kind of music you play. For a beginner guitarist, when choosing strings, you can advise the following:

If you like a muffled sound and soft strings, you should opt for synthetic strings, but you should use them only on a classical guitar, otherwise the sound will be too weak.

For those who want the power of sound and sonority and who has a large, American-style instrument, steel-based strings no lower than No. 11 should be preferred. True, this requires strong fingers.

Those who do not want to have calluses on their left hand fingers, but who do not like the “plastic” sound of synthetic strings, can be advised to put steel-based strings No. 9 and 10. In this case, it may be necessary to slightly increase the height of the strings above the neck due to the height of the lower nut, since soft (or rather light) strings have a greater range of vibration and can touch the frets when playing.

And finally, one more piece of advice - always tune your strings with a tuning fork, because in addition to the fact that when you overtighten you spoil the instrument itself, the strings can stretch out for a long time with a overtightening and in the correct tuning they will sound worse.

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