What does chichikov dead souls look like. The image of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls": description of appearance and character with quotes


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Portrait of Chichikov

  • Not handsome, but not ugly either, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but it is not so that he is too young.
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    Chichikov's clothes

    • The gentleman threw off his cap and unwound from his neck a woolen, rainbow-colored scarf, which the wife prepares with her own hands for the married, providing decent instructions on how to wrap up, and for the unmarried - I probably can’t say who makes them, God knows them, I never wore such scarves …
    • Then he put on his shirt-front in front of the mirror, plucked out two hairs that had come out of his nose, and immediately after that found himself in a lingonberry-colored tailcoat with a spark.
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    manners and speech

    • The visitor somehow knew how to find himself in everything and showed himself an experienced secular person. Whatever the conversation was, he always knew how to support it.
    • He argued, but somehow extremely skillfully, so that everyone saw that he was arguing, but meanwhile he was arguing pleasantly.
    • He never said: “you went”, but: “you deigned to go”, “I had the honor to cover your deuce”, and the like. He spoke neither loudly nor softly, but exactly as he should.
    • In a word, wherever you turn, he was a very decent person.
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    • The origin of our hero is dark and modest.
    • His parents were nobles, but pillar or personal - God knows.
    • Life at the beginning looked at him somehow sour-unpleasantly ... no friend, no comrade in childhood!
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    Father's instructions

    The instructions of the father, in accordance with which the hero built his whole life:

    • “Look, Pavlusha, study, do not be a fool and do not hang out, but most of all please teachers and bosses ...
    • Don't hang out with your comrades, they won't teach you good things; and if it comes to that, then hang out with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be useful to you ...
    • Most of all, take care of a penny, this thing is the most reliable thing in the world - a penny will not give out, no matter what trouble you are in.
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    Studying at the school:

    Already here, Pavlusha showed talents “from the practical side”:

    • He suddenly realized and understood the matter and behaved in relation to his comrades in exactly such a way that they treated him, and he not only never, but even sometimes, hiding the received treat, then sold them to them.
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    In the Treasury:
    - work at customs, helping smugglers almost made Chichikov a big fortune. Having served honestly and zealously, he rose to the right to "make all sorts of searches."

    In describing the image of the protagonist, the author does not give clear details, comparisons, certainty. The portrait of Chichikov in Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is practically absent: only average characteristics and a mention that the character himself found himself "attractive" and, according to others, had a pleasant appearance.

    Uncertainty and averageness in the characterization of the character

    Describing Chichikov's appearance, Gogol uses the following expressions: “not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but it is not so that he is too young.” Thanks to this technique, the hero acquires a faceless, indefinite appearance, by which the author hints that the Chichikovs live among us, you need to be able to see them.

    Chichikov has many faces, by nature he is a chameleon, so clear expressive features of appearance are not suitable for such a character. Even the chapter on Pavlusha's childhood does not help to reveal the external features of the character: the author only gives an idea of ​​​​the beginning of Chichikov's life, but does not give any details of the child's appearance.

    Chichikov through the eyes of others

    The hero is presented to the reader as a middle-aged man with a round face (which the hero “sincerely loved”) and a beautiful chin, it was this part of the face that Chichikov especially liked in himself. The chin is what the hero boasted to his friends, emphasizing that he was completely round. Pavel Ivanovich's cheeks were always clean-shaven and snow-white. He pays special attention to his appearance: he washes himself with expensive foreign soap, removes hairs sticking out of his nose, and uses cologne. Thanks to such concern for appearance and dress, Pavel Ivanovich stands out among the environment, the ladies find something “majestic” in his image, and “Mars” or “military” in his figure. The figure of our character was a bit overweight, but quite good for his height and age. According to the ladies, his physique was in the form when, having replenished even a little, he would become unattractive. Some representatives of secular society even believed the gossip that Chichikov was Napoleon.

    Clothes, habits and manners

    The posture and manners of Chichikov spoke of special masculinity, sophistication, which overshadowed the flaws of the figure. The ability to hold on, to impress - has become the hallmark of Pavel Ivanovich. It should be noted that Chichikov's face always had that expression that served as a pass to any place: he knew how to charm, enchant, arrange in a matter of minutes. Gogol called this feature "the great secret of liking."

    A tailcoat is an obligatory companion of Chichikov, shirts made of the best fabric, expensive accessories, and good shoes are adjacent to him. A tailcoat, a good carriage and a box are three things that always travel with the hero, they permeate the entire story. For a hero, appearance is just as important as authority and reputation. He cares about the latter as zealously as about his beloved chin.

    The material of the article about the appearance and inner world of the character will help prepare for the literature lesson, write test, creative work on the topic.

    Artwork test

    Appearance of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls"

    “... sir, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but it is not so that he is too young ... "

    “... the same as Chichikov, that is, not so thick, but not thin either ...”

    “...into your snow-white cheek!...” (Sobakevich to Chichikov)

    "... the fullness and middle years of Chichikov ..."

    “.. having shaved in such a way that the cheeks became a real satin in terms of smoothness and gloss ...”

    “... his face, which he sincerely loved and in which, as it seems, the chin was most attractive, for he very often boasted of it in front of one of his friends [...] “Here, look,” he usually said, stroking it hand, - what a chin I have: completely round! ... "

    “... The ladies were very pleased and not only found in him a bunch of amenities and courtesies, but even began to find a majestic expression on his face, something even Mars and military, which, as you know, women really like ...”

    "... however, in many living rooms they began to say that, of course, Chichikov is not the first handsome man, but he is such as a man should be, that if he were a little fatter or fuller, it would not be good ..."

    "... in addition to the appearance, which in itself was already well-intentioned, there was nothing in his conversations that would show a person with violent deeds ..."

    "... His face suddenly, despite the pleasantness, did not like the boss..."

    Chichikov's clothes in the poem "Dead Souls" (suit, tailcoat)

    “... from that time on I began to stick to more brown and reddish colors with a spark ...”

    "... putting on a lingonberry-colored tailcoat with a spark and then an overcoat on big bears ..."

    “... he put on a shirt-front in front of the mirror, plucked out two hairs that had come out of his nose, and immediately after that he found himself in a lingonberry-colored tailcoat with a spark ...”

    “... The gentleman threw off his cap and unwound a woolen scarf of rainbow colors from his neck ...”

    “... he put on morocco boots with carved designs of various colors, which the city of Torzhok briskly sells ...”

    “... he changed his Scottish costume to a European one, pulled his full belly tighter with a buckle, sprayed himself with cologne, took a warm cap in his hands ...”

    “... the newcomer turned out to be such attentiveness to the toilet, which is not even seen everywhere ...”

    “... he changed his linen every two days, and even every day during hot summers: any somewhat unpleasant smell already offended him ...”

    The image of Chichikov in N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" Chichikov is the main character
    poems by N.V. Gogol

    Portrait of Chichikov

    Not handsome, but not
    bad looking,
    neither too fat nor
    too thin;
    cannot be said to
    old, but not
    so that too

    Portrait of Chichikov

    Chichikov's clothes

    The gentleman threw off his cap and
    unwound woolen from the neck,
    rainbow-colored headscarf, which
    married cooks his own
    hands of the spouse, supplying
    good instructions, how
    wrap up, and idle -
    I can't say who
    does, God knows, I never
    did not wear such scarves ...
    Then put it on in front of the mirror
    shirtfront, plucked out of
    nose two hairs and
    immediately after that I found myself
    in a lingonberry-colored tailcoat with

    manners and speech

    The visitor somehow knew how to find himself in everything and
    showed in himself an experienced secular person.
    Whatever the conversation was, he always knew how
    support him.
    He argued, but somehow extremely skillfully, so
    that everyone saw that he was arguing, but meanwhile
    argued nicely.
    He never said: "you went", but: "you
    deigned to go", "I had the honor to cover
    your deuce" and the like. spoke neither
    loudly, not softly, but exactly as
    In a word, wherever you turn, was very
    honest man.


    Dark and modest
    our hero.
    His parents were
    nobles, but
    pole or
    personal - God
    Life at the start
    looked at him
    somehow sour...
    friend or comrade
    in childhood!

    Father's instructions

    Father's instructions, according to
    with which the hero built his whole life:
    “Look, Pavlusha, study, don’t be a fool and don’t
    hang, and most of all please
    teachers and bosses...
    Don't hang out with your comrades, they don't do you any good
    teach; and if it comes to that, then go with
    those who are richer, so that on occasion
    could be helpful to you...
    Most of all, take care of a penny, this thing
    the most reliable thing in the world - a penny will not give out,
    whatever trouble you're in."

    Studying at the school:

    Already here at Pavlusha
    talents were discovered
    "from the side
    He suddenly chuckled and
    understood the matter and
    yourself in relation to
    comrades just like that
    the way that they
    treated, but he did not
    never, but even
    sometimes hiding
    meal received,
    then sold to them.


    - in the Treasury:
    - work at customs, assistance
    almost amounted to smugglers
    Chichikov of great fortune.
    Having served honestly and zealously, he
    rose to the right to "produce
    any searches.

    Characterization by other characters

    Before the advent of gossip Chichikov
    appreciated by all
    characters, his dignity even
    are exaggerated.

    "Talking Surname"

    The surname Chichikov reminds
    sparrow chirping, effect is created
    bouncing, snapping.

    Describing the central character of his work, N.V. Gogol completely abandoned any specific details, comparisons and certainty.

    The entire portrait of Pavel Chichikov is built on average characteristics and opinions: the hero himself, who considers himself attractive, and those around him, who also find his appearance pleasant.

    Characteristics of the appearance, clothes and manners of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov

    Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol about the portrait of Pavel Chichikov

    • "Not handsome, but not bad-looking either...";
    • “You can’t say that it’s old, but it’s not so that it’s too young either.”

    Why does he avoid specific descriptions? Why gives the hero a certain facelessness?

    Probably, in order to show all of us - readers - that such “chichikovs” live among us, but it is not at all easy to recognize them.

    Chichikov is diverse, he can pretend to be whoever he wants, and that is why, by definition, he cannot have clear and expressive features.

    It is interesting that even talking about Chichikov's childhood, Nikolai Vasilyevich refrains from mentioning the child's appearance, dwelling only on a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beginning of his life.

    Appearance of the main character

    And yet, what do we really know about the appearance of the hero?

    Chichikov is a middle-aged man; the owner of a round face, a beautiful chin.

    The chin is the subject of special pride of the main character. He never misses a chance to brag about it, emphasizing that it is absolutely round.

    Chichikov is always perfectly shaved; his cheeks are white.

    He cares a lot about his appearance:

    • Uses expensive foreign soap;
    • Make sure that no hairs stick out from the nose;
    • Scented with cologne.

    His figure is somewhat plump, but, on the whole, not bad for his age.

    A man has attention to his own appearance to the fair sex, who see in his appearance something “majestic”, “Mars”.

    Moreover, some of the ladies willingly believe that Chichikov is none other than Napoleon.

    Clothes, manners P. Chichikov

    If the figure of the protagonist is not quite perfect, his demeanor and posture more than compensate for external shortcomings.

    Chichikov is holding up very well; he has no equal in the ability to make the right impression.

    His face has an expression that serves as a pass to absolutely any place. Pavel Ivanovich captivates, disposes to himself in just a couple of minutes.

    As for the character's clothes, he prefers an elegant tailcoat, high-quality shirts, excellent accessories and good shoes.

    3 things that he does not part with in his many travels - a tailcoat, a good carriage, a box. These things are with the hero throughout the poem.

    In summary, it should be said that for Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, appearance is no less important than authority and reputation.

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