What do Russian folk instruments look like? All about folk musical instruments


Many of today's musical instruments have a rich history that goes back to prehistoric times. Historians argue that the first attempts of a person to carry out conscious labor activity brought to life percussion ancient musical instruments, the names of which are now also on everyone's lips.

Antique items are of great value. They are called upon to protect the entire historical musical tradition. Many of them are no longer used in concerts. But just because they can be compared with the products of modern factories, they are very expensive for the entire musical world.

Drums - the very first?

The most ancient origin, according to many researchers, are percussion instruments. They helped primitive workers to perform hard physical work in a coordinated manner.

After all, primitive people worked mostly collectively. It was then impossible for one person to get a good result in hunting for a mammoth, butcher a carcass or float a huge tree down the river. People had to work together.

They were helped, obviously, by simple drums, which had another function - they carried out communication between members of the tribe over long distances, such as modern mobile phones.

Xylophone music

In addition to the drum, percussion instruments that have existed since ancient times include triangles, cymbals, and bells of various sizes. On the bell towers of our churches, a whole system of bells is always arranged, informing citizens, as in ancient times, that they should visit the temple, pay respect to God.

The percussion also includes the xylophone. Many music historians suggest that this is the oldest purely musical instrument. Ancient people recognized its sound when they hit a dry log with a stick and heard music. The primitives also had excellent hearing.

However, the drum is now out of competition, especially at rock and pop concerts. This is a universal tool to instantly turn on viewers.

string music

Apparently, plucked stringed ancient musical instruments appeared later, their names are familiar to everyone. This:

  • harp,
  • balalaikas,
  • domra,
  • harp,
  • mandolin.

The Russians, just like the Spaniards, can proudly declare: the ancient stringed plucked musical instrument guitar is our music!

Probably, in a person from any country in the world, strings always evoke the sweetest and most aesthetically colored sensations, contribute to relaxation, rest after hard work.

In addition to plucked strings, bowed strings were invented over time. These include, of course, the violin, viola, as well as the cello and many others, with purely folk names in different languages.

The complex history of brass

Wind instruments have not a very simple history.

To create them, special metals, invented later, were needed, for example, copper.

Trumpet, trombone, horn have also been known to the world of arts for a long time. They were popular already in the Middle Ages.

They played their role, and are still being used by the military, especially on the battlefield, inspiring them to exploits.

Our time is electronics

Modern music is impossible without electronic drums. They give musicians a unique opportunity to create previously unimaginable sounds, unusual, unique coloring of trendy compositions, as well as turning classical music into digitized works.

Speaking about the connection between modern and ancient generations of instruments, one should not forget about wooden reeds. These are accordion, button accordion, accordion, harmonicas. Wooden musical instruments are very convenient for their portability. Quite recently, in our country, especially in villages remote from the center, the accordion player was the most important person at all holidays. Considering music retrospectively, one must definitely pay tribute to keyboards, wind instruments (organ, harmonium), and most importantly, string keyboards, that is, the piano, which has many predecessors and followers. This instrument, not only in previous centuries, but also today, occupies a central place in all musical events.

Enumerating all this, of course, an endless list of types of musical products, it should be borne in mind that all of them undergo great changes over time, both externally and in terms of sound. Even, for example, violins made by the same master can be completely different in sound.

Piano and upright pianos are also different. Some craftsmen, carried away by antiquity, are trying to recreate instruments identical to those old, relic ones.

There is a craftsman in the Czech Republic who makes instruments identical to those played, for example, by Chopin or Beethoven. Its products are in great demand.

These pianos and harpsichords help to recreate the playing style of great musicians, to feel its special flavor, which in most cases is still unique.

Video: Playing the xylophone

Russian folk instruments.
Classification of instruments according to the source of sound and the method of sound extraction.

According to modern data, in instrumentation, musical instruments are classified according to the defining feature - the source of the sound and are subdivided according to the method of its extraction. This systematization is based on the classification of K.A. Vertkov, based on the developments of German scientists E. Hornbostel and K. Sachs. According to the sound source, Russian folk instruments are divided into:

Wind (aerophones),
strings (chordophones),
membrane (membranophones),
self-sounding (idiophones).

Let's consider each of the groups in more detail.

Russian folk instruments: wind instruments.

The sound source here is the air flow. According to the method of sound production, the group is divided into whistle, reed and mouthpiece.

TO whistling Russian folk instruments(the sound in them arises as a result of the dissection of the air stream blown in by the performer on the sharp edge of the tube or a special cut in it) include various longitudinal pipes.

Single-barrel pipe- a longitudinal tube, usually with six playing holes, giving a diatonic scale.

Double-barreled pipe(it is also called a double, double or flute - there are usually three holes on each tube, giving scales that are in a quarter ratio; together they correspond to the range of a single pipe.

Kugikly, or kuvikly, kuvichki- multi-barreled pipes - these are several pipes, usually from two to five playing holes, with a diatonic scale and a small range within a fifth.

ocarinas- hollow ceramic figurines, usually in the form of a bird or animal, with two or three playing holes, in some instruments - up to ten, with a diatonic scale in the volume of none.

Reed wind instruments.

Reed wind instruments (the sound arises as a result of the vibration of a reed - a metal plate) can be of two types. One of them uses the so-called beating tongues. Made of reed, birch bark, sometimes a flattened base of a goose feather, etc., they are located at openings, slots, covering them. During air supply, the tongue strikes the edges of these slots. Another group of reeds - with slipping, usually metal tongues. The tongues here are slightly smaller than the openings of the metal frames, to which they are precisely fitted. One end of them is firmly attached to the frame, the other freely oscillates in the opening. If the reeds of the first type (beating) can make several sounds depending on the strength and method of blowing (interrupting the air stream, they form oscillations of the air column in the tube in which they are), then the reeds of the second type (jumping) make one sound corresponding to the frequency of oscillations the metal plate itself. The slip tongues are the basis harmonics- from the simplest accordion designs to modern concert bayans and accordions. To beating tongues refers miserable- a pipe with a small number of playing holes (from three to seven), with a squeaker and a bell, usually from a cow's horn; it has a diatonic scale and a range within an octave. On a paired zhaleyka - two fastened zhaleykas - the melody, within the same scale and range, is performed on a tube that has a larger number of playing holes. On the second tube, a bourdon or an undertone sounds.

Bagpipes- is a bag that is inflated by the performer through a special tube and two or three playing tubes. The bag serves as an air reservoir. One of the tubes is melodic, with voice holes, similar to a pity, the rest are invariably sounding, bourdon.

Mouthpiece wind instruments.

The mouthpiece (embouchure) wind Russian folk instruments (the sound here is caused by the vibration of the performer's tense lips applied to the narrow end of the tube or to the mouthpiece) include shepherd's horn- a wooden pipe with a mouthpiece, a bell and a small number of playing holes (most often 5-6), giving a diatonic scale. Horns are often used in ensembles and can be of various sizes and tessitura.

Among the mouthpiece also - shepherd's trumpet And horn; unlike wooden horns, they do not have playing holes. On the shepherd's pipe, a natural scale is extracted, and on the horn (made of metal, usually copper) - only two sounds: the main one and an octave higher.

Russian folk instruments: Strings.

Their source of sound is a stretched string. Russian string instruments are divided into plucked and bowed.

Russian string instruments: plucked.

Plucked instruments (sound is produced by plucking a string) include instruments vulture, or tanbur-shaped - domra and balalaika And griffonless (psalter-shaped) - different kinds harp. On the first, the pitch changes mainly by shortening the strings on the fingerboard with the fingers of the left hand when they are plucked or trembling along them with the right, and on the second - as a result of plucking the strings and quickly passing them with the fingers or a special plate - mediator (plectrum).

Russian string instruments: bowed.

The stringed Russian folk instruments include the whistle and the violin. Horn(was widespread in Russia until the end of the 19th century) had an oval or pear-shaped body, most often with three strings, the two lower ones were tuned to an octave, and the third - a fifth higher. They played the whistle with a short bow-shaped bow. The performer held the instrument in a vertical position, resting it on his knee or pinching it with his knees when playing while sitting; the horn could also be in a bent arm when playing while standing.

Nowadays, as a Russian folk instrument in a number of regions, mainly in Smolensk, Bryansk, Kursk, there is violin. Performance on it has characteristic features: an insignificant role of vibrato, an abundance of hard quarter-second consonances, a bourdon, continuously sounding background of an organ point to the presentation of a melodic line, etc.

Russian folk instruments: membrane.

Here, the sound source is an elastic membrane that vibrates as a result of a blow to it. Among the Russian membranes, the most famous tambourine- in the form of a wooden hoop, one side of which is covered with a leather membrane. Small metal cymbals are usually inserted into the holes in the walls of the hoop, complementing the sound of the tambourine with ringing overtones. The performer strikes the membrane, makes a tremolo, shakes the tambourine, etc. Popular in past centuries cover- small clay timpani, the leather membrane of which was struck with two sticks. From ancient times, a drum was also known in Rus', which had a cylindrical or barrel-shaped shape, leather membranes were stretched on both sides of the wooden shells, which were struck with a mallet.

Russian folk instruments: self-sounding.

Usually these are also percussion instruments, but the source of sound in them is the very material from which they are made. In the Russian ethnic environment, the most popular were spoons- in the form of wooden tablespoons with somewhat elongated handles, to which bells are sometimes attached. They play on spoons in a variety of ways - by hitting a spoon in the right hand with two or three clamped in the left, with a spoon located in the top of the boot, by sharply shaking the spoons clamped in both hands, etc.

Also very popular ratchet- most often, in the form of wooden planks strung on a cord or strap and separated from each other by narrow wooden planks. When shaken, the planks, striking one against the other, make a dry, crackling sound.

As a primordially national Russian musical instrument are widely known bells. Over the course of many centuries, various types of bell ringing were formed in Rus', characterized by great melodic and rhythmic originality - festive, alarm, oncoming, oncoming, wire, funeral, etc.

In past centuries, as a Russian instrument, it was also used jew's harp, in the form of a metal horseshoe, in the center of which there was a tongue - a thin metal plate with a hook at the end. When playing, the jew's harp is clamped with teeth, pinching the hook with fingers. Vibrating, the tongue emits a bourdoning main tone, and by changing the volume of the oral cavity, the performer allocates a certain overtone - usually with a range of a quart or a fifth. At present, it is not used as a Russian instrument, however, varieties of this instrument are very common among many other peoples of Russia (Bashkir kubyz, Yakut khomus, etc.).

For academic instruments, it is important that all membrane and self-sounding (with the exception of the jew's harp) make up the group of percussion instruments of the orchestra, in particular the Russian folk one. The method of sound production on them - the blow - is practically more significant than the source of the sound. Therefore, in the music of the music tradition, it seems much more important to classify percussion instruments not into membrane and self-sounding, but into instruments with a certain pitch (timpani, bells, bells, vibraphone, etc.) and with an indefinite pitch (tambourine, large and snare drums, triangle, plates, spoons, rattles, etc.).

There are other criteria for systematizing musical instruments. But in order to understand the reasons why some Russian folk instruments were academized and included in the orchestra of folk instruments, while others remained only in the practice of the auditory tradition - folklore, it is important to identify the intonation essence of Russian instruments, systematizing it on this basis.

String folk instruments. Video lesson.

When asked which instrument was the prototype of the first stringed folk instrument , usually from children you can hear that this is a balalaika or a guitar. Very few people realize that it was a simple hunting bow. Indeed, many times before hunting, checking whether the bowstring is well stretched, the person noticed that different bows do not sound the same and people decided to use the bow as a musical instrument. It is inconvenient to play different bows, so the person pulled not one bowstring, but several. And as a result of this, an instrument very reminiscent of a harp in appearance was obtained. It can be assumed that in this way a third group of musical instruments appeared - stringed musical instruments. But a string stretched over a bow will sound very soft, and if you bring this sounding string to a hollow tree or to an empty wooden box, the sound will increase. Thus, apparently, people came to the invention of the resonator - an integral part of any stringed instrument that amplifies the sound.

One of the most famous and ancient stringed instruments are harp. The first mention of them dates back to the 6th century, and their name comes from the ancient Slavic word "thick" - to buzz, so the sounding string was called "gusla". Thus, the harp is buzzing strings.

Moreover, it does not matter what material the body of the musical instrument is made of. The body of the harp resonator was usually hollowed out of pine or spruce, and the deck (deca means cover) was made of sycamore. This is where their name came from - the gusli "Yarovchaty" (distorted "Yavorchey").

Currently, there are three varieties of harp: voiced or "spring" harp, plucked harp and keyboard harp. Let's look at these three groups in order.

1. The gusli are sonorous.

Voiced gusli is the most ancient type of harp. You see them in the picture above.

This is an instrument that is a wooden box of a wing-shaped or trapezoidal shape, on top of which strings are stretched. They are played by plucking the strings either with both hands or with the fingers of the right hand only. At the same time, the left hand serves to muffle the sound of a certain string (strings that should not sound are pressed against it). On these harps, you can play a melody and rattling with a pinch, like on a balalaika, and extract chords arpeggiated, like on a harp. In the old days, folk storytellers and performers of epics often played this instrument, accompanying their singing. Boyan was one of the most famous ancient Russian storytellers.

The disadvantage of these harps is a small number of strings (usually 12-13), which limits their capabilities.

But the plucked harp (the next type of harp) significantly expanded the technical and artistic capabilities of this instrument.

They are a large rectangular table-shaped resonator, standing on legs, on which metal strings of various lengths and thicknesses are stretched (more than 60 in total). They are pinched with the fingers of both hands, which is why they are called pinched. To make it easier to navigate in such a number of strings, they are pulled in two rows. In the upper row are the main sounds of the scale, and in the lower row are the intermediate chromatic sounds.

At the end XIX century, another type of gusli appears - keyboard gusli. The mechanics of this instrument was largely borrowed from the piano. In appearance and size, they are similar to the plucked harp, but a special box with a piano keyboard and mechanics is installed on the left side of the harp.

I think you understand that the string only sounds in a free state. If you touch it, it will not sound. If on the harp of the sonorous performer he presses the strings so that they do not sound, then on the harp of the keyboard this is done by the mechanics. When not a single key of the harp piano keyboard is pressed, the mufflers (dampers) that are above each string press all the strings and prevent them from sounding. If you press, for example, the notes “do”, “mi”, “sol” on the piano keyboard, then the mufflers of these notes in all octaves will rise (and there are more than five octaves and in each octave there are these notes, but of different heights), making it possible these strings to vibrate (i.e. sound). If after that you draw along all the strings, then all the notes "do", "mi", "salt" will sound, freed from mufflers in all octaves (more than 15 notes will sound).

Thus, the process of playing due to the mechanics is simplified, and at the same time the sound becomes richer and more saturated (due to the large number of strings).

Single-voiced melodies on the keyboard harp are rarely performed, chords are often played on them, but one-voice melodies can also be played on them, and if necessary, you can unfasten the box with the piano keyboard, turning them into gusli are plucked.

The next stringed instrument we will be introduced to will be balalaika.

The first mention of this instrument dates back to the end of the 17th century. Until the 19th century, it was a very primitive but common instrument. He could be met not only, as they said, "between the common people", but also in rich houses. The popularity of this instrument is evidenced by its frequent mention in songs, proverbs, sayings, and riddles.

Remember the popular folk song "There was a birch in the field":

“I will make myself three beeps,

Fourth balalaika.

Or an example from proverbs:

"Our brother Isaiah is a balalaika without strings."

There are many references to this instrument in the works of Russian literature. Here, for example, lines from Eugene Onegin A.S. Pushkin:

Other pictures I need:
I love the sandy slope
In front of the hut are two mountain ash,
Gate, broken fence,
Gray clouds in the sky
Heaps of straw in front of the threshing floor
Yes, a pond under the canopy of thick willows
Expanse of young ducks;
Now the balalaika is dear to me ...

And here are the lines of Lermontov:

So before the idle crowd
And with folk balalaika
Sitting in the shadows a simple singer
And selfless and free!

Where did the name of this instrument come from?

Many researchers note that the root of the words "balalaika", or, as it was also called, "balabayka", is related to such Russian words as balakat joker, i.e. chatting, empty calls, therefore, in ditties, sayings, this very meaning is often emphasized, for example:

Balalaika - beep

Ruined the whole house...

Such popularity of the balalaika continued until the beginning of the 19th century, until the appearance in Russia first of the guitar, and then of the accordion, which forced it out of use.

And it is not known how the fate of this instrument would have developed if Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev had not paid attention to it. Here is how Andreev himself described his first meeting with this instrument:

“... It was a quiet June evening. I was sitting on the terrace of my wooden house and enjoying the silence of a village evening ... Quite unexpectedly, I heard sounds hitherto unknown to me ... The player played a dance song at first at a rather slow pace, and then faster and faster. The sounds flared up more and more brightly, the melody flowed, full of rhythm, irresistibly pushing to the dance ... I took off from my seat and ran to the wing, from where the sounds rushed; in front of me, on the steps of the porch, a peasant was sitting and playing... the balalaika! sounds! .. Having looked closely at how Antip (the name of the worker) played, I asked him to immediately show some of the tricks of the game. Andreev began to learn to play this instrument and soon felt that the possibilities of this instrument were very limited: there were few frets on it, and they were not fixed, but were imposed, so they often slipped, they had to be corrected. Andreev studied various balalaikas for a long time (at that time they were of different shapes and designs) before making the final drawing of the balalaika, with which he went to the violin maker with a request to make a balalaika according to his drawing. Making the first balalaika was not an easy task. Here is how Andreev describes it:

“When in the 1880s I first turned to an instrumental maker, very talented, known for the special manufacture of bows and repairing old instruments, with a request to make a balalaika according to my instructions from the best types of wood, at first he took my offer as a joke; when I assured him that I was speaking quite seriously, he was so offended that he stopped talking to me and went into another room, leaving me alone. I was very embarrassed, but nevertheless decided to insist on my point; in the end, I managed to convince him not with words, but with deeds ... I brought him a simple village balalaika, which cost 35 kopecks, on which I played myself at that time, made of simple spruce, with imposed frets, and played him several songs on it. My game surprised him so much that he agreed to make me a balalaika so that I would give him my word to anyone and never tell about it, since such work is humiliating for him and can seriously damage his reputation. I sat with him for long hours, watching the work ... and repeatedly witnessed how, at each call, he quickly jumped up and covered the workbench with a handkerchief right there, so that one of his customers or strangers would not see the balalaika lying on the workbench. ..”

Andreev's first concert was a great success.

In 1885, a new balalaika for Andreev was made by the famous St. Petersburg master Franz Stanislavovich Paserbsky.It differed from the first balalaika, for the first time embedded sills appeared on it, thanks to which its system was much better. There were five thresholds, which is why it is sometimes called the "five fret". There are more than 20 of them on the modern balalaika.

Let's take a closer look at her device.

The balalaika consists of a body, a neck, on which the nut and headstock are embedded, it is also called a shoulder blade. There is a peg mechanism on it, with the help of which the balalaika is tuned. There are 3 strings on the balalaika: 2 of them are tuned the same (to the note "mi", the third string is tuned to the note "la"). They play the balalaika with a finger, most often with a technique called “rattling”, but sometimes they also play with a “pinch”.

Andreev's next step was the creation of a balalaika ensemble of 8 people, then of 14. He ordered different types of balalaikas: I will accept, second, viola, bass and contrabass and gave concerts with this ensemble.

In 1892, during a tour in France, Andreev was awarded the title of Academician of the French Academy "for the introduction of a new element into music." Andreev's ensemble began to be invited to the most honorable stages of St. Petersburg. He was listened to and admired by many Russian musicians. In particular, P.I. Tchaikovsky said: “What a charm this balalaika is! What a striking effect it can give in an orchestra! In terms of timbre, this is an indispensable instrument!

And so, thanks to the efforts of Andreev, who was called the "father of the Russian balalaika", this instrument was revived and is now, perhaps, the most famous Russian folk musical instrument in the world.

The next tool is domra.

Musicians-scientists suggest that the Egyptian instrument "Pandura" was a distant ancestor of our Russian domra. Some peoples have instruments with similar names: Georgians have chunguri and panduri, southern Slavs have tanbura, Ukrainians have bandura, Turkmen have dutar, Mongols have dombur, Kyrgyz and Tatars have dumra, Kalmyks have domra.

In ancient Rus', buffoons were very popular among the people. They, as we would now say, were professional artists; went to towns and villages and earned their living by giving performances. Their art was synthetic: they sang and danced and acted out various skits, in which they often ridiculed church ministers, merchants, and boyars. One of the favorite musical instruments of buffoons was domra .

In the art of buffoons, not only churchmen saw harm, but also princes, boyars, and then tsars. This was the main reason for the persecution of buffoons that soon began.

One of the royal decrees of the 15th century says: “Where domras, surnas and harps appear, then order them all to be washed out and, having broken those demonic games, order them to be burned, and which people will not lag behind that ungodly deed, order to beat the batogs.” And according to one of the royal decrees XVII century, 5 loaded carts with musical instruments were brought to the outskirts of Moscow, which were burned. As a result of these actions, the domra was forgotten for several centuries, and only thanks to the efforts of V.V. Andreev at the end of the 19th century, this instrument was revived.

If you look at the device of this instrument, then we will notice that, unlike the balalaika, the body of this instrument has a rounded shape.

They play it not with fingers, like on a balalaika, but with a plectrum (a bone or plastic plate), due to which the sound is extracted louder, but harder, compared to the balalaika. There are two types of domra: three-string and four-string. The four-string has the same tuning as the violin, so you can play all the works written for the violin on it. The sound of the four-stringed domra is quieter, so it is rarely used in an orchestra, but mainly it is used as a solo and ensemble instrument. Let's hear how domra sounds.

Both balalaikas and domras are part of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments. There are different types of these tools: balalaika prima, balalaika second, balalaika alto, bass balalaika, double bass balalaika, domrapiccolo, small, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, bass and contrabass. In the orchestra of Russian folk instruments, piccolo domras, small, alto and bass domras became widespread.

And in conclusion, I would like to say a few words about folk instruments accordion And button accordion , although they are not strings, today we have the last lesson on folk musical instruments and it is impossible not to talk about them.

It is impossible to say for sure exactly where the hand harmonica was first invented. It is widely believed that the accordion was invented in Germany, at the beginning of the 19th century.

But there are other data as well. For example, according to the research of academician Mirek, the first accordion appeared in St. Petersburg in 1783 through the efforts of the Czech organ master Frantisek Kirsnik (he invented a new way to extract sound - using a metal tongue vibrating under the action of an air stream).

Russian accordions can be divided into two types according to the type of sound extraction: accordions, in which, when the bellows are stretched and compressed, each button, when pressed, gives a sound of the same pitch, and accordions, in which the pitch changes depending on the direction of the bellows.

The first type includes such accordions as "livenka", "Russian wreath", "khromka" (the most common in our time).

To the second type - "talyanka", "turtle", "Tula", "Vyatka". Harmonies can also be divided according to the type of the right keyboard, depending on the number of rows of buttons. In general, it must be said that in appearance the accordions are very different. The most common harmonium in our time is the two-row "khromka", but there are also three-row instruments and instruments with one row of buttons.

What is the main difference between an accordion and an accordion? On the harmonica, the system is diatonic. To understand what a diatonic scale is, imagine a piano keyboard. It has white and black keys. If the piano had an accordion-like tuning, it wouldn't have black keys. You can easily play Russian tunes on the harmonica (there are no chromatic sounds in them).

But there are melodies in which there are chromatic sounds (like black keys on a piano). It is impossible to play such melodies on the harmonica; Harmony's possibilities are limited.

To get rid of this shortcoming, a harmonica with a full chromatic scale was invented, and it was designed by the Bavarian master Mirwald from the city of Zieletue (Germany) in 1891. This instrument had a three-row push-button right keyboard with a range of four octaves. The sound during unclamping and squeezing the fur was the same. The accompaniment of the left keyboard at first consisted only of major triads, but it was soon improved. That is, it was already a button accordion, only it had not yet been called that way.

Around 1892, such a harmonica became known in Russia, where the scale system of its right keyboard was called “foreign”, and later, in the 20th century, these instruments began to be made by Moscow masters, and then Tula and others. In Russia, the Moscow layout has been the standard layout for button accordions to date.

Since 1906, three-row button accordions with the Moscow layout were made at the Tula factory "Brothers Kiselev".

The Russian harmonica makers made an important improvement to the design of the left keyboard of the Mirwald harmonica.

In September 1907, the St. Petersburg master Pyotr Egorovich Sterligov made a button accordion, on which he had been working for more than two years, for the outstanding harmonist Y.F. Orlansky-Titarenko, and gave this instrument a name in honor of the ancient Russian singer-storyteller Boyan (Bayan), mentioned in the poem " The word about Igor's regiment ”, this name was first used on posters in early May 1908 in Moscow. Thus, an instrument now popular in our country appeared - button accordion

In 1913, P.E. Sterligov made the first in Russia, and possibly in the world, a five-row button accordion with two auxiliary rows of buttons in the right keyboard, like a modern button accordion. Following Sterligov, other masters began to make five-row button accordions.

Bayan consists of three parts - the right and left semi-hulls, between which there is a fur chamber. The sound in the bayan arises due to the vibration of the reeds in the openings of the voice bar under the influence of an air stream from the fur chamber or into the fur chamber.

The right and, to a lesser extent, the left keyboards may have a number of register switches, depending on the number of simultaneous voices when pressing one button.

Bayans have a 3 or 5 row right keyboard. In the 5-row keyboard, the first two rows (from fur) are auxiliary, they duplicate the notes located in the other three rows.

Let's listen to how the modern button accordion sounds. The laureate of international competitions, professor of the Voronezh Academy of Arts Alexander Sklyarov will perform a play by Evgeny Derbenko "Gallop".

Today we talked about the main stringed Russian folk instruments (gusli, balalaika, domra) and popular folk instruments accordion and button accordion.

Our next topic will be the instruments of the symphony orchestra.

Wind folk instruments. Video lesson.

Wind folk instruments can be divided into 3 groups:

1. Whistling


3. Ear pads

whistling wind instruments are the most ancient representatives of this group. The sound in them is formed due to the fact that the stream of air that is blown into them is cut into 2 parts. Perhaps, which of you had to blow air into a bottle to make it sound? The sound in this case is obtained due to the fact that part of the air jet is directed into the bottle, and part is past it, and thanks to this it begins to sound. On the example of a whistle, which we will talk about a little later, we can see that part of the air, when blown, enters the whistle, and part goes past. The sound of all wind whistling instruments is based on this principle. The only difference is that when playing on some of them, the performer himself has to direct the air stream in this way, and in some of them a special whistle is inserted for this, thanks to which this stream is divided.

One of the most ancient instruments of this group are coogicles, which can be called the Russian version of the Pan flute.

In Russia, a variety of the Pan flute exists mainly in the southern regions (Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod) and in different villages has its own names - “kuvichki”, “kuvikly”, “pipes”, “tarsals”, but its most stable name is “kugikly ". Cookies are called so because they were made from reed stalks, which are called kugi. Reed pipes are harvested in late autumn, when the bulrush stalks are fully ripe. At the junctions of the tubes, the so-called "joints", cuts were made around the tube with a sharp knife. Slightly broken, they were separated from one another. Tubes were obtained, tightly closed at one end and open at the other. Then the inner walls of the tubes were cleaned of deposits either with a goose feather (a folk tradition of making) or with a round stick. Sometimes other plants that had tubular stems were also used to make kugicles. Usually the googicles consisted of 3 -5 tubes the same diameter, but different lengths (usually from 10 to 16 cm). The upper ends of the tubes were open, the lower ends were closed. The trunks, unlike the Pan flute, were not fastened together. Open tube ends brought to the mouth, blew on the edges of the slices, thus extracting sounds. You know that by lengthening the tube, we will get a lower sound, and by shortening the tube, we will get higher sounds, but in this way the coogicles were not usually tuned, because by mistakenly shortening the tube more than necessary, it turned out to be unusable. Instead of shortening the tube, a pebble was placed in it at the bottom or wax was poured, that is, in case of an error, it could be corrected. Sometimes the lower ends were plugged with plugs that could be moved up and down to change the volume of air in the tube and thus adjust them.

Men didn't usually play coogicles, that's clean female instrument. They were usually played by an ensemble of 3-4 performers.

Quite often, coogicles act as an accompanying instrument.

The next representative of this group, whom we will meet, will be whistles.

A characteristic feature of which is that many of them are not made of wood, like most Russian folk instruments, but of clay. In many countries of the world there is a tool called akarina, which means goose in Italian. Initially, it really looked like a caterpillar, but later these instruments began to be made in the form of various animals.

In Rus', such instruments were simply called whistles. In different areas they had different shapes, but most often they were made in the form cockerels with 2-3-4 holes. The coloring of the whistles had its own symbolism.

I must say that some masters, making whistles, cared only about their appearance, and then, playing this whistle, it was only possible to create a certain background.

And some masters, on the contrary, did not care too much about the appearance of the whistles, but carefully worked on their system.

Many whistles have only two playing holes, and they extract 4 different sounds from the instrument.

If you clamp both holes, the lowest sound will sound, if you hold the left hole, and if you release the right hole, the next sound of the scale will sound. By changing the fingers, i.e. by holding the right one and releasing the left one, one can extract the third sound of the scale, and by releasing both holes we get the fourth sound.

Perhaps the next most common tool is flute.

This instrument has different names: pipe, duda, snot, sipovka, squeaker, pyzhatka, etc. The structure of all these instruments is the same: a hollow tube with holes made, on one side of which a whistle is inserted. If you clamp all the holes and blow into the flute, then the lowest sound will sound. Releasing all the holes in turn, we will shorten the sounding column of air and each time the sounds will be higher and higher.

They make a flute from various materials (it can be made from oak, pear, acacia, bamboo). However, they will sound slightly different.

The material from which a flute is made does not affect its sound as much as, for example, the material from which stringed instruments are made. The people sometimes made it from a branch of a tree. Remember the words of the famous folk song “There was a birch in the field”: I will cut three rods from a birch, I will make three horns out of them. This is sung about making a flute. In the spring, during sap flow, they took a branch, pulled off the bark from it, thus obtaining a tube and made a flute out of it (in the song it is called a “horn”. A flute can also be made from some kind of metal tube (for example, from a ski pole), drilling holes in the right places, and inserting a whistling device on one side.

The next group of wind folk musical instruments is reed wind instruments.

The very name of groups of musical instruments tells us how to produce sound on them. If the whistling sound is extracted with a whistle inserted into the tube, then in the reeds a tongue sounds, which vibrates when air is blown into the instrument.

The most common tool in this group is pitiful. The name of the instrument comes from the fact that it makes a rather pitiful sound (albeit a bit harsh if played indoors).

It consists of tubes with holes made in it, at one end of which a cow horn is planted, and a mouthpiece is inserted into the other, on which there is a tongue that vibrates when air is blown into the instrument. Because of this cow horn, this instrument is sometimes mistakenly called a horn.

The longer the tongue was, the higher the pity sounded, and vice versa, the shorter the tongue, the higher the sound of the pity. Previously, the tongue was tied to the mouthpiece and it was very inconvenient to tune the pit. For more than 30 years, the well-known performer and master of wind folk instruments N.Z. Kudryashov, who came up with the idea of ​​attaching the tongue with a ring made of polyvinyl chloride insulating tube, which is used by electricians. Thanks to this, the process of setting up a zhaleyka has been greatly simplified. By sliding this ring back and forth, you can change the length of the sounding tongue, thus adjusting the pity

They play not only one pity, there are also ensembles of pityers, in which they play on pityers of different lengths, having a different system. Just like the parts of the choir, they are called: stingy soprano, stingy alto, stingy tenor and stingy bass.

And the last instrument of this group (reed wind instruments), which we will get acquainted with, is bagpipes.

It is believed that the name of the instrument comes from the name of the place of its appearance - Volyn, which was part of Kievan Rus.

On ancient maps you can see where it was located.

Many peoples of the world have an instrument of similar design.

In Belarus it is called duda, its English name can be translated into Russian as a game bag, in Holland it is called (translated into Russian) a buzzing bag, in Ukraine, Moldova and Poland it is called a goat, etc.

Why does it have such strange names?

The fact is that it was made earlier, usually from goat or calf skin, sewing a bag out of it, into which, most often, zhaleyki were inserted. A tube was inserted into one hole, from the front legs in the skin, through which air was pumped into the skin. There was a non-return valve in this tube, which did not allow air to escape from this bag. A stinger was inserted into the hole from the other leg, and one or two more stingers were sewn into the neck opening, which sounded, always making the same sound. These lingering sounds are called bourdons, they sound continuously, creating a harmonic background of the melody. They hold the bagpipe, more often, under the arm, periodically pumping air into the bag. When you press the bag, air comes out through the vents, making them sound.

This instrument is especially popular in Scotland, and is considered a national relic.

In Scotland, this instrument is even included in military bands.

I must say that now, in the manufacture of bagpipes, most often an inflatable bag is made not from a goat skin, but from an oxygen medical pillow, into which the pity is sewn, and then this pillow is covered with a goat skin. It's easier and more reliable to make a bagpipe.

Well, the last group of musical wind instruments that we need to get acquainted with is embouchure musical instruments . The most famous instrument of this group is horn . The name of the instrument comes from the French wordbouche- the mouth, since the sound on them is formed from the vibration of the lips themselves, folded in a certain way. At the end of the instrument, into which air is blown, there is a special cup for the lips, which is called a mouthpiece, therefore this group of instruments is sometimes called mouthpiece.

Horns were made in 2 ways.

The first method consisted in the fact that two halves of the horn were hollowed out and cut out from two blanks in a longitudinal section, and then glued together and tightly wrapped with birch bark.

In the second manufacturing method , the horn was turned on a lathe from a solid workpiece, inside which a hole was burned.

The mouthpiece was sometimes integral with the horn, and sometimes inserted into it. The first professional ensemble of horn players was created at the end of the 19th century by Nikolai Vasilyevich Kondratiev, who was called the Vladimir horn players choir. This horn choir performed with great success not only in our country, but also abroad.

The ensemble consisted of 12 horn players, which were divided into three groups: high, medium and low. Therefore, the size of the horns was different (from about 40 to 80 cm). Later, similar ensembles arose in other cities.

Nowadays, there are quite a few groups of horn players who carefully preserve and develop folk traditions.

History of musical instruments. Video lesson.

When did musical instruments originate? You can get very different answers to this question (from 100 years to tens of thousands). In reality, no one can answer this question, since it is unknown. But it is known that one of the most ancient tools found during archaeological excavations is more 40 thousand years(it was a flute made from an animal bone, the femur of a cave bear). But wind instruments did not appear first, which means that musical instruments appeared even earlier.

What was the first instrument?

The first prototype of a musical instrument was human hands. At first, people sang, clapping their hands, which were, as it were, his musical instrument. Then people began to pick up two sticks, two stones, two shells, and instead of clapping their hands, they hit each other with these objects, while receiving various sounds. The toolkit of people largely depended on the area where they lived. If they lived in the forest zone, then they took 2 sticks, if they lived by the sea - 2 shells, etc.

Thus, instruments appear, the sound on which is extracted by means of a blow, therefore such instruments are called percussion .

The most common percussion instrument is, of course, drum . But the invention of the drum belongs to a much later time. How this happened, we cannot now say. We can only guess. For example, once, having hit a hollowed tree in order to drive out bees from there and take honey from them, a person listened to an unusually booming sound that comes from hitting a hollowed tree, and he came up with the idea to use it in his orchestra. Then people realized that it was not necessary to look for a hollow tree, but you could take some kind of stump and hollow out the middle in it. Well, if you wrap it on one side with the skin of a dead animal, you get a tool very similar to drum. Many peoples have tools of a similar design. The only difference is that they are made of different materials and slightly different in shape.

In the music of different nations, percussion instruments play a different role. They played a particularly important role in the music of African peoples. There were various drums, from small drums to huge drums, reaching 3 meters. The sound of these huge drums could be heard for several kilometers.

There was a very sad period in history associated with the slave trade. Europeans or Americans sailed to the African continent to capture and then sell its inhabitants. Sometimes when they came to the village, they did not find anyone there, the inhabitants had time to leave from there. This happened because the sounds of the drum, which came from the neighboring village, warned them about this, i.e. people understood the "language" of drums.

Thus, the first group percussion instruments .

What group of instruments appeared after the drums? These were wind Instruments, which are called so because the sound is extracted from them by blowing in air. What led a person to the invention of these tools, we also do not know, but we can only assume something. For example, one day, while hunting, a man went to the shore of a lake. A strong wind was blowing and suddenly a man heard a sound. At first, he was wary, but upon listening, he realized that it was a broken reed that sounded. Then the man thought: “What if you yourself break the reed, and blowing air into it, try to make it sound?” Having successfully done this, people learned to extract sounds by blowing air. Then the man realized that a short reed makes higher sounds, and a long one lower ones. People began to bind reeds of different lengths and, thanks to this, extract sounds of different heights. Such an instrument is often referred to as the Pan flute.

This is due to the legend that a long time ago in ancient Greece there lived a goat-footed god named Pan. One day he was walking through the forest and suddenly saw a beautiful nymph named Syrinx. Pan to her... And the beautiful nymph took a dislike to Pan and began to run away from him. She runs and runs, and Pan is already catching up with her. Syrinx prayed to her father - the river god, that he would save her. Her father turned her into a reed. Pan cut that reed and made himself a pipe out of it. And let's play it. No one knows that it is not the flute that sings, but the sweet-voiced nymph Syrinx.

Since then, it has become customary that multi-barreled flutes, similar to a fence made of shortened reed pipes, are called Pan flutes - on behalf of the ancient Greek god of fields, forests and grasses. And in Greece itself, it is now often called the syrinx. Many nations have such instruments, only they are called differently. The Russians have kugikly, kuvikly or kuvichki, the Georgians have larchemi (soinari), in Lithuania they are skuduchai, in Moldova and Romania they are nai or muskal, among the Latin American Indians they are samponyo. Some call Pan's flute a flute.

Even later, people realized that it was not necessary to take several pipes, but it was possible to make several holes in one pipe, and by clamping them in a certain way, extract various sounds.

When our distant ancestors made some inanimate object sound, it seemed to them a real miracle: before their eyes, dead objects came to life, gained a voice. There are many legends and songs about the singing reed. One of them tells how a reed grew on the grave of a murdered girl, when they cut it and made a flute out of it, she sang and told in a human voice about the death of the girl, named the name of the killer. This tale was translated into verse by the great Russian poet M.Yu. Lermontov.

Cheerful fisherman sat

On the banks of the river

And in front of him in the wind

The reeds swayed.

He cut the dry reed

And pierced the wells

He pinched one end

Blowed at the other end.

And as if animated, the reed spoke -

Thus arose the second group of musical instruments, which are called wind

Well, the third group of musical instruments, as you probably already guessed, is string group of instruments . And the very first stringed instrument was a simple Hunter bow. Many times before hunting, a person checked whether the bowstring. And one day, having listened to this melodious sound of a bowstring, a man decided to use it in his orchestra. He realized that a short bowstring made higher sounds, and a longer bowstring made lower sounds. But it is inconvenient to play on several bows, and the person pulled on the bow not one bowstring, but several. If you imagine this tool, you can find in it similarities with harp .

Thus there are three groups of musical instruments: percussion, wind and strings.

Percussion folk instruments. Video lesson

Russian folk percussion instruments are the first of three groups of folk instruments.A characteristic feature of Russian folk percussion instruments is that some of them were household items.Perhaps one of the most common Russian folk instruments are spoons. Spoons used to be wooden, and people began to use these wooden spoons as a percussion instrument. They usually played on three spoons, of which two were held in one hand, and the third in the other. Children often play with two spoons, fastened together Spoon performers are called spoons . There are very skillful spoon players who play with more spoons, which are stuck both in boots and in the belt.

The next percussion instrument, which was also a household item, is rubel . It is a wooden block with notches on one side. It was used to wash and iron clothes. If we run a wooden stick over it, then we will hear a whole cascade of loud, crackling sounds.

Our next tool that we will get acquainted with will be ratchet . There are two varieties of this tool. Ratchet, which is a set of wooden plates tied together with a rope and a circular ratchet, inside which is a toothed drum, during the rotation of which a wooden plate hits it.

No less popular percussion folk instrument is tambourine , which is a wooden hoop with metal small plates, on one side of which the skin is stretched.

The next Russian folk percussion instrument is box . It is a piece of wood, usually made of hardwood, with a small cavity under the top of the body that amplifies the sound produced by drumsticks or xylophone sticks. The sound of this instrument conveys well the clatter of hooves or the sound of heels in a dance.

Russia with its vast expanses cannot be imagined without triplets horses, without coachmen. In the evening, in the snowy perga, when visibility was very poor, it was necessary for people to hear the approaching three. For this purpose, bells and bells were hung under the arc of the horse. Bell It is a metal cup open to the bottom with a drummer (tongue) suspended inside. It sounds only in limbo. Bell it is a hollow ball in which a metal ball (or several balls) rolls freely, hitting the walls when shaken, as a result of which a sound is extracted, but duller than a bell.

So many songs and instrumental compositions are devoted to the Russian troika and coachmen that it became necessary to introduce a special musical instrument into the orchestra of folk instruments that imitates the sound of coachman's bells and bells. This tool is called bells . A strap is sewn onto a small piece of leather the size of a palm to help hold the instrument in the palm of your hand. On the other hand, as many bells as possible are sewn on. By shaking the bells or hitting them on the knee, the player extracts sounds reminiscent of the ringing of the bells of the Russian troika.

And now we will talk about a tool called kokoshnik .

In the old days, village watchmen were armed with so-called mallets. The watchman walked

at night in the village and knocked on it, letting fellow villagers understand that he was not sleeping, but working, and at the same time scaring away thieves.

According to the principle of this watch mallet, the percussion folk instrument kokoshnik is arranged. It is based on a small wooden frame, covered with leather or plastic, which is hit by a ball suspended from the top. The player makes frequent oscillatory movements with his hand, forcing the tied ball to dangle from side to side and alternately hit the walls of the kokoshnik.

The following musical instrument is called firewood . It consists of logs tied with a rope of different lengths. Not all woods will sound good. It is better to take hardwood firewood. Logs are taken in different lengths, but approximately the same thickness. After the instrument is made, it is tuned.

We got acquainted with the main Russian folk instruments, and in conclusion I would like to introduce you to some of the most famous percussion instruments of other peoples.

A very common Latin American instrument is maracas.

Maracas or maraca is the oldest shock-noise instrument of the native inhabitants of the Antilles - the Taino Indians, a kind of rattle that makes a characteristic rustling sound when shaken. Currently, maracas are popular throughout Latin America and are one of the symbols of Latin American music. Typically, a maraca player uses a pair of rattles, one in each hand.

In Russian, the name of the instrument is often used in the not quite correct form "maracas". A more correct form of the name is "maraka".

Initially, the dried fruits of the gourd tree, known in Cuba as "guira" and in Puerto Rico as "iguero", were used to make maracas. The gourd tree is a small evergreen plant that is widely distributed in the West Indies (Antilles), Mexico and Panama. Large iguero fruits, covered with a very hard green shell and reaching 35 cm in diameter, were used by the Indians to make both musical instruments and utensils.

For the manufacture of maracas, fruits of a small size with a regular rounded shape were used. After removing the pulp through two holes drilled in the body and drying the fruit, small pebbles or plant seeds were poured inside, the number of which in any pair of maraks is different, which provides each instrument with a unique individual sound. At the last stage, a handle was attached to the resulting spherical rattle, after which the instrument was ready.

And now let's get acquainted with a very famous Spanish percussion instrument - castanets.

Castanets are a percussion musical instrument, which consists of two concave shell plates, connected by a cord in the upper parts. Castanets are most widely used in Spain, southern Italy and Latin America.

Such simple musical instruments, suitable for rhythmic accompaniment of dance and singing, were used in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece.

The name castanets in Russian is borrowed from Spanish, where they are called castañuelas ("chestnuts") because of their resemblance to chestnut fruits. In Andalusia, they are more commonly referred to as palillos ("sticks").

Plates have traditionally been made of hardwood, although more recently metal or fiberglass has been used for this. In a symphony orchestra, for the convenience of performers, castanets are most often used, fixed on a special stand (the so-called "castanets-machine").

The castanets used by Spanish dancers and dancers were traditionally made in two sizes. Large castanets were held with the left hand and beat off the main movement of the dance. Small castanets were in the right hand and beat off various musical patterns that accompanied the performance of dances and songs. Accompanied by songs, the castanets performed only as a role-play - during a break in the voice part.

In world culture, castanets are most strongly associated with the image of Spanish music, especially with the music of the Spanish gypsies. Therefore, this instrument is often used in classical music to create a "Spanish flavor"; for example, in such works as G. Bizet's opera Carmen, in Glinka's Spanish overtures Jota of Aragon and Night in Madrid, in Rimsky-Korsakov's Spanish Capriccio, in Spanish dances from Tchaikovsky's ballets.

Although percussion instruments are not given the main role in music, but not infrequently, percussion instruments give the music a unique flavor.

Russian folk musical instruments: balalaika, domra, gusli, bells and others. Children's educational videos about Russian folk musical instruments from the cycle "Great music for little kids". Riddles, poems, speech exercises.

In the yard - Shrovetide! Russian wild festivities! And how on this day not to remember our primordially Russian folk musical instruments. Therefore, I invite all of us today to go to the Great Concert Hall named after Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky for a lesson for children of preschool and primary school age "In the old days in Rus'", as well as talk with children about Russian folk musical instruments.

Russian folk musical instruments: children about Rus'.

Video about Russian folk musical instruments for children.

In these wonderful informative and very beautiful music videos for children, you will see the main instruments of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments (balalaika, domra, gusli and others), learn about what music sounded earlier at folk festivals, where the word "balalaika" came from, how fair festivities and caroling and much more. Enjoy watching! And thank you very much to the TV channel "My Joy", which makes such wonderful programs for our children!

In the second part of this program for children, you will not only continue your acquaintance with famous Russian folk musical instruments and well-known works for the Russian folk orchestra, but also learn about such little-known, but very interesting folk musical instruments as “palms”, “turtle”, “ kokoshnik, as well as ... rubel, saw, spoons and rattles!

It is best to watch each video separately and discuss with the baby after viewing. Ask what surprised you the most about the film, what new things he learned, what else he would like to know about Russian instruments. And after that, in a few days, remember once again the journey into the world of Russian folk musical instruments - make riddles. Let the child try, based on the experience gained, to guess the names of Russian folk instruments. And they will help to guess our pictures, tasks and poems. Do not rush to tell everything at once! It is quite enough to introduce the baby to 1-2 instruments at a time!

Russian folk musical instruments: riddles, poems, pictures and tasks for children.

Guess the riddle:

She has three strings
They must be pinched by hand,
Can you dance to it?
And squat in Russian. (Balalaika).

What features of this tool are mentioned in the riddle? (The balalaika has three strings, they are plucked by hand, this item is needed to play music).

What instruments does the balalaika belong to - strings, percussion or wind instruments? Yes, it is a stringed instrument. Why? (she has three strings, a melody is played on the strings).

Balika is plucked string instrument. Why "pinch"? Remember with your child how a musician plays the balalaika.

There is another riddle about the balalaika: “It is cut down from a tree, but cries in hands.”> What other musical instruments can we say that they are “cut down from a tree”? (Remember with your child the famous musical instruments made of wood - domra, guitar, violin and others)

Balalaika is a very fun instrument! Legs dance on their own. And it is not in vain that the name of this instrument is similar to the words "joking", "joking", "joking", "talking", "playing around". What kind of person is said to be "joking"? And about whom can you say that he is a "balabolit"? There is an opinion among scientists that the word balalaika comes from the Tatar word "bala" - a child.

Ask your child a riddle about domra:

Plays, not the guitar.
Wooden, not a violin.
Round, not drum.
Three strings, not a balalaika.

What is this musical instrument? We saw it on video. This is domra! Here it is - look at the domra in the picture.

There is another riddle about domra:

Oh, she calls, she calls!
Makes everyone happy with the game
But only three strings
She needs music.

There are several answers to this riddle. Which? It can be a balalaika already familiar to children, and domra - any instrument that has three strings. Domra is a very old musical instrument. Children saw domra in the video above and recognize it in the picture.

Tell the child about domra: “Musicians played domra - buffoons. Epics were told to the game of domra.
Some scientists believe that for a very long time musicians had different domras: from the smallest one - it was called very funny, how would you call it? (Listen to the assumptions of the children) It was called "domrishka" 🙂 Until the largest one called "bass domra". Ask the child what he thinks - what was the sound of the small domra (high), and the bass domra? (short)

Our Russian domra has many relatives. What kind of relatives do we have? List them with your child. But what kind of relatives do Russian domra have - Georgians have chunguri, Ukrainians have a bandura, Kazakhs have a dombra, Kalmyks have a domra, Turkmens have a dutar.

Consider domra with your child. How does she look like a balalaika? (She also has three strings, her body is also wooden). What is the difference between domra and balalaika? (The balalaika has a triangular body, while the domra has a round one - like half a ball)

It turns out that the modest Russian domra has a huge family. Georgians have chunguri, Ukrainians have bandura, Turkmens have dutar, Kirghiz and Tatars have dumra, Kazakhs have dombra, Kalmyks have domra.

On what away, away from home,
Did Sadko play the king of the sea?
That musical instrument
He broke, seizing the moment.

Is your child familiar with the epic about Sadko? If not, then watch a wonderful film based on this epic.

The word "gusli" is similar to the word "buzz", "buzz". And their sound is like a buzz. In many epics, the psaltery is called "spring". Where did such a strange word "Yarovchaty" come from? The fact is that earlier - a long time ago, the body of the harp was made of sycamore wood. That's why they called them "sycophant" or "spider".

And in fairy tales, the psaltery is often called "voiced". Ask the child why? What other musical instruments can be called this beautiful word - "voiced" (for example, sonorous bells).

Who plays the harp? Guslyar.

Make riddles:

Screams without a tongue, sings without a throat,
Pleases and troubles, but the heart does not feel. (Bell)

There is a language, there are no speeches, it gives news. (Bell)

Bells - what kind of musical instrument - string, wind or percussion? What needs to be done to get musical sound? Strike the bell! So it's a percussion instrument.

There are different bells. Some bells have a tongue inside the case, just like in our mouth, only metal. And the body of the bell is also made of special metal. The tongue of the bell strikes the body. It makes a beautiful sound. Find the tongue of the bell in the picture.

And there are bells without a tongue. Ask the child to guess how a bell can sound without a tongue? What needs to be done to make it sound? Yes, you have to hit the body of the bell from the outside, and it will sound. What can hit? Stick - "mallet".

Ask the child where he saw real bells? Definitely the bell tower!

But what if you need to portray the ringing of bells in a theater performance or in music? After all, you won’t bring the bell tower to the theater or to the concert hall? Ask the child to think of something to replace the bells with? It turns out that there are orchestral bells- a special musical instrument. These are small metal tubes or plates that hang on a crossbar. They are made to sound by striking with a mallet covered with leather. And it turns out the bell ringing. This is what orchestral bells look like.

Why does this riddle say that the accordion either gets thinner or gets fatter? Ask the child to depict with his hands how they play the harmonica and how the harmonica stretches - it gets fatter, and how it shrinks - it gets thinner.

Remember with the baby the song “I play the harmonica in front of passers-by. Unfortunately, the birthday is only once a year. What instrument did Crocodile Gena play? Of course, on the accordion - on the harmonica!

She has her whole soul wide open,
And even though there are buttons - not a shirt,
Not a turkey, but puffed up,
And not a bird, but flooded.

The riddle talks about the buttons on the accordion. What kind of buttons does the accordion have? Consider carefully the picture. What are these buttons for?

Invite the child to listen to another riddle about the accordion and say what the accordion is called in this riddle.

You will take it in your hands
You will stretch, then you will squeeze!
loud, elegant,
Russian, two-row.
Will play, just touch,
What is her name?

What is the name of the accordion in this riddle - what is it? (Russian, sonorous, elegant, two-row). Why is the accordion called double-row? Where are those two rows? And if there were three rows, how could we say about the accordion? (Let the child try by analogy to come up with the word "three-row"). And if there was one row, how would we say? (Single row).

The harmonica is a very interesting musical instrument. He is not stringed, and not percussion, and not wind. He keyboard-pneumatic.

Why "key"? Because it has keys - buttons. The musician presses the buttons, and a sound is heard. The musician plays the melody with the right hand, and accompanies with the left hand.

Examine with the child the parts of the accordion in the picture. On the sides of the accordion is a keyboard with buttons or keys. And between them is a chamber into which air is pumped. The air is pumped to the sound bars of the harmonica, and it sounds. That is why the tool "pneumatic", invisibility-air works in it. Remember with your child what other work the invisible air does, how it helps people (you will find interesting material about what work the air does)

It is interesting about the history of the harmonica, beloved by the Russian people, in the TV show “The History of One Thing. Harmonic". This is a show for adults. But by showing the kid separate fragments from it, you will help him see how the accordion works, what buttons are on it, hear how the accordion sounds, its modulations. You will also learn a lot about the history of accordion in Russia.

Zhaleyka, horn, flute - folk wind instruments.

And the shepherd plays on it
And he collects sheep
We go to the shepherd. (Svirel)

A flute is a wooden flute. On one side, she has a sharp beak. There are playing holes in the pipe itself. There is also a double pipe, which consists of two paired pipes. The flute is made of wood with soft wood - buckthorn, hazel, maple or bird cherry, willow, elderberry. The core of the tree was taken out with a thin stick, one end of the pipe was cut off. And in the pipe they usually made 6 holes, but there could be from 4 to 8 holes. So the flute was obtained - a wooden pipe, on which the shepherds played. She was also called in Rus' "pipe"


We have put together a round dance.
All the people were invited
And the shepherd's horn
Completes our circle.

What instrument is a horn: wind, string or percussion? Of course, the wind. Why? Of course, the child will answer that they blow into it to make a sound. Indeed, wind instruments are those musical instruments in which the sound is obtained as a result of vibrations in the air in the tube.

The horn is a straight conical tube. This pipe has five holes at the top and one hole at the bottom for playing. They blow into the pipe, pinch the playing holes with their fingers, and a sound is obtained. And the flute is what kind of instrument - is it also a wind instrument or not?

Horns are different: Vladimir horns were played in the Vladimir region. And what is the name of the horns that were played in Kostroma? (Kostroma - let the child himself form this word from the word "Kostroma"). And in Yaroslavl? (Yaroslavsky). In Kursk? (Kursk).

What can a horn be made of? From birch, maple, juniper. Previously, they were made of two halves and fastened with birch bark. And now lathes have appeared, and the horns are made immediately entirely. The sound of the horn is very piercing, strong.

The tunes are played on the horn. The gains are different. Songs are sung to the tunes of the song, and you can dance to the dance and dance tunes. What are the signals for? What kind of signals can be given with a horn? When can people use these signals? (remind the child that shepherds used to play horns. This means that the shepherd gathered the flock with the sound of the horn, guarded it)

If you want to learn more about horns, you can watch the program of the Craft channel about these folk instruments. This is a video for older children and adults.

Speech exercise "Orchestra"

And now, when the child got acquainted with the most famous Russian folk musical instruments, you can play with words. Ask your child to guess the name of the musician who plays this instrument.

Tasks for the game:

  • The guitarist plays the guitar, but who plays the domra? ... (domrist), and the button accordion -? …(accordionist). And who plays the accordion? ... (Accordionist). On the flute -? ... (flutist)
  • What is the name of the musician who plays the harp? (hussler)
  • And who plays the balalaika? (balalaika player)
  • Playing drums...? (drummer), and on the pity? ... (pity). And on the flute? (pipemaker)

The main thing in this task is to stimulate the word creation of children, their desire to experiment with words, to develop a linguistic flair. All children make mistakes in this task, and this is great! If a child, for example, says “The balalaika plays a balalaika,” answer him: “Such a word could be in Russian, but people agreed to call this musician differently. Guess how." Let the kid try to come up with other words. Children can name such words - “balalaist”, “balalist” and others. Encourage your child to look for the right option, but in no case laugh at the mistakes. After all, these are not mistakes, but the word creation of the child, his active search for the exact word, his experimentation with language. In the end, if the kid didn’t guess, tell me the beginning of the word: “balala-e ...” and name the correct option - “The balalaika player plays the balalaika”. In any case, praise the child for his search for answers.

Once again I want to draw attention to the fact that in this game the main thing is not the child remembering the correct names of the professions of musicians, but the active search for an answer and experimenting with the word.

Riddle - picture for preschoolers.

What instruments do these fairy tale characters play?

So our first acquaintance with Russian folk musical instruments has come to an end. But we don't say goodbye!

At the request of readers of the site for more convenient use of the material I post pictures from this article in high resolution in the form presentations "Russian folk musical instruments" in our Vkontakte group "Child development from birth to school"(You can find them in the "Documents" section of the group - for those who do not know where it is - this is the right column of the group page). This presentation can be edited.

And with children, you can complete tasks and look at the pictures from the article given in the presentation below.

More on the site about musical instruments for children:

Presentation "Russian folk musical instruments" for games and activities with children.

The presentation includes pictures from this article for activities with children. You can download the presentation for free:

  • here at this link:


    "Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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