How to express the past tense in English? Irregular English verbs.


Hello friends! The Past Simple tense is used to denote an action that happened at a certain time in the past and the time for which has already expired.

To clarify the moment of an action in the past, when using Past Simple time, words such as five days ago (five days ago), last year (last year), yesterday (yesterday), in 1980 (in 1980), etc. P.

When we use the Past Simple

We use the simple past tense when we say:

1. About events or actions that occurred in the past and the time for which has expired. That is, the action or event is completed. (he bought a car last year, they went on vacation last month, the meeting was last week)

2. About events or actions in the past that were repeated regularly, but do not occur now. (she did dance at school, we went to the gym last year)

3. About events in the past that happened one after the other. (they met, walked in the park, went to the cinema)

  • My brother was born in 1987. - My brother was born in 1987.
  • She moved to the capital 7 years ago. She moved to the capital seven years ago.
  • We saw him last month. - We saw him last month.
  • The Second World War began in 1939. - The Second World War began in 1939.

How is the Past Simple formed?


In order to form the Past Simple, we add the ending to the verb -ed if the verb is correct (work - worked, learn - learned, ask - asked). If the verb is irregular, then we look for the form for Past Simple in the second column of the table. Most likely, at first it will be difficult for you to immediately determine which verb is in front of you.

Past Continuous - long past tense in English

Time Past Continuous indicates a process that lasted at a certain moment or period in the past. Unlike the Past Simple tense, this moment in the past must be named directly (for example, yesterday at 5 o'clock, when you called, when rain started) or be obvious from the context.

  • When you called I was taking a shower.
    When you called, I was taking a shower.
  • Charlie and me were already driving home when the engine suddenly stopped.
    Charlie and I were driving home when the engine suddenly stopped.

Use of Past Continuous

1. An action that took place at a certain moment in the past. Since this moment is still expressed by a long time, a period can also be indicated.

  • From six to seven I was cooking dinner.

The same action can be expressed both through the Past Continuous and through the Past Simple. It depends on whether you want to emphasize the duration of the action or not. Usually, when there is such a choice, the choice of a long tense puts more emphasis on the action being taken.

What did you do last night? — I played cards(more like a fact) or I was playing cards(focusing attention).

2. An action against which another action took place, which must be expressed by Past Simple. The Past Simple is usually inserted into a sentence using when and and conjunctions.

  • He was walking home (background action) when somebody called his name.
  • She was reading a book and suddenly came across an interesting phrase.

3. An action that takes a certain period of time in the past.

  • He told me that he was working at his diploma.

4. A negative evaluation characteristic of a person's constant actions or behavior in an emotionally colored speech. In such sentences, adverbs of frequency are usually used, such as always, constantly, all the time.

  • He was always lying on the sofa and doing nothing.
  • His parents were quarrelling all the time.

5. To express two parallel actions occurring at a certain moment in the past. None of the parallel actions of the proposal is a background for the rest.

  • The boy was reading, and the girl was playing the piano.

6. There are verbs in the present continuous tense ( look, feel, understand etc.), which usually do not have a long form. The same rule applies to these verbs in the past continuous tense.

To express strong emotions or to emphasize the importance of an action, these verbs can be continuous.

  • He couldn't believe in what he was seeing and hearing.

In all types of long tenses, it is possible to use several semantic verbs with one linking verb with one subject

  • She was driving her car and talking on the phone.

How is the Past Continuous Formed?


The predicate in the Past Continuous consists of an auxiliary verb and a main verb. In order to form the Past Continuous, we need the past tense forms to be - was, were. Was is used in the singular, were in the plural. We remove the to particle from the main verb and add the -ing ending.

affirmative sentences:

Negative suggestions:

I was not playing We were not playing
You weren't playing You weren't playing
He/she/it was not playing They were not playing

Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

Perfect and perfect long past tenses in English.

Time past perfect denotes an action that was completed up to some point in the past. The Past Perfect is characterized by the use of adverbs already, yet, ever, never, as for the Present Perfect. These adverbs show which action happened before, which means for which action you need to use the Past Perfect.

  • By the time Mary got to the office, her boss had already left.
  • By the time Mary arrived at the office, her boss had already left.

Using the Past Perfect

1. The action happened before a certain time in the past

  • By 1995, he had become a famous artist.
  • By 1995 he had become a celebrated artist.(i.e. he became a famous artist by a certain time in the past.)

2. The action happened before another time (event) in the past

  • I didn't want to go to the cinema yesterday, because I had already seen the film.
  • I didn't want to go to the cinema yesterday because I had already seen the film.(I.e. I saw this movie before, before yesterday.)


The predicate in the Past Perfect consists of two parts: the auxiliary verb had and the third form of the main verb (we add the ending -ed to the regular verb, and take the form of the wrong one from the third column of the table of irregular verbs).

Past Perfect Continuous - Past Perfect Continuous

Time Past Perfect Continuous indicates an action that started in the past, continued for some time, and either ended just before some point in the past or still not finished by some point in the past.

  • When Jane came home, Martin was very tired, because he had been working hard all day.
  • When Jane came home, Martin was very tired because he had been working hard all day.

Using the Past Perfect Continuous

1. The action took place before a certain time in the past

  • When it was 3:00 p.m. I had been waiting for Bob for two hours.
  • When it was 3 pm, I had been waiting for Bob for two hours.(That is, by the time it was 3 pm, this moment was in the past, I had already waited two hours.)

2. An action happened before another action (event) in the past

  • Yesterday we had been playing for two hours when Tom arrived.
  • Yesterday, when Tom arrived, we had already played for two hours.

Education Past Perfect Continuous

In order to put the verb in the Past Perfect Continuous tense form, the auxiliary verb to be in the Past Perfect tense and the present participle (V-ing form) of the semantic verb are required.

To be in time Past Perfect has a single form had been.

affirmative sentences:

Negative suggestions:

I had not been playing We had not been playing
You had not been playing You had not been playing
He/she/it had not been playing They had not been playing

When you leave the page without liking, one cat is sad in the world.

Simple past tense in English

Everyone who has ever sat down at an English textbook knows about such a phenomenon as a list of irregular English verbs. What is this list? It contains verbs that deviate from the standard rules for the formation of past tense and participle forms. It is believed that about seventy percent of irregular verbs (the English name of the term) is used in daily speech.

From this we can conclude that knowing the list of irregular verbs in English is simply necessary if you want to speak and understand the interlocutor fluently.

The total number of irregular verbs is about 470 words. Is it possible to learn such a volume? Of course, this is quite real. However, in order for you to feel confident when speaking in English, you only need to know 180 verbs.

Before turning directly to the list itself, we will give some tips on how to achieve the desired knowledge as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Mechanical learning

The technique of mechanical memorization of information is one of the most common techniques. But how effective is it?

When memorizing, we often notice that a large number of words are quickly forgotten, and some even flatly refuse to settle in our long-term memory. In order for this technique to show itself only from the best side, it is necessary to use the learned verbs in practice as often as possible. By the way, listening to them in a movie, program or just a song helps a lot.

Be sure to have a list of irregular English verbs with translation

To begin with, you will have to become familiar with the meaning of each new word. Usually all irregular verbs tables include a translation column, so you don't have to worry about many hours of self-study with a dictionary. After the correct associations with the native language fit in the head, you can safely move on to the formed forms.

Irregular Verbs in Poems

Don't worry - you're not the only student trying to master the full list of English irregular verbs, and your hardships have someone to share. And some craftsmen even try to somehow help.

On the Internet, you can easily find all kinds of poems created specifically for such purposes. They contain a number of the most common verbs, skillfully built into the overall rhyme and tone of the work. And there are also many funny associations, so remembering the necessary information will be even easier.

using irregular verbs

Games can be played not only by children, but also by adults. And if it comes to learning a foreign language, then games are one of the most effective ways of memorizing. You can also find ready-made options on the Internet. Usually these are flash cards, various animations or mini-games, accompanied by sound examples. If you don’t really want to play on a computer, then you can easily do something with your own hands, for example, the same cards. If you have an English learning partner, then an analogue of a word game or the creation of dialogues consisting of irregular verbs would be appropriate.

Meet Irregular Verbs

Having told a little about the methods of memorization, we move on to the most important thing. So, we present you a list of irregular English verbs with translation.

Alphabetical verbs (a, b, c, d)

Verbs starting with a:

abide - abode - abided - stay, hold on;

arise - arose - arisen - rise, arise;

awake-awoke-awaked; awoke - wake up, wake up.

For the letter b:

backbite - backbitten - backbitten - slander;

backslide - backslid - backslid - fall off;

be - was (were) - been - to be, to be;

bear - bore - born - carry, be born;

beat - beat - beaten - beat;

become - became - become - become, become;

befall - befell - befallen - happen;

beget - begot (begat) - begotten - generate;

begin - began - begun - begin;

begird - begirt - begirt - encircle;

behold - beheld - beheld - to mature;

bend - bent - bent - bend (sya);

bereave - bereft (bereaved) - bereft (bereaved) - deprive;

beseech - besought (beseeched) - b-esought (beseeched) - beg, beg;

beset - beset - beset - besiege;

bespeak - bespoke - bespoken - order;

bespit - bespat - bespat - spit;

bestride - bestrode - bestridden - sit down, sit on horseback;

bet - bet (betted) - bet (betted) - bet;

betake - betook - betaken - to be accepted, sent;

bid - bad (bade) - bid (bidden) - command, ask;

bind - bound - bound - bind;

bite - bit - bit (bitten) - bite;

bleed - bled - bled - bleed;

bless - blessed - blessed (blest) - bless;

blow - blew - blown (blowed) - blow;

break - broke - broken - (c) break;

breed - bred - bred - grow;

bring - brought - brought - bring;

broadcast - broadcast - broadcast - distribute, scatter;

browbeat - browbeat - browbeaten - scare;

build - built - built - build;

burn - burnt (burned) - burnt (burned) - burn, burn;

burst - burst - burst - burst, explode;

bust - bust (busted) - bust (busted) - split (someone);

buy - bought - bought - buy.

Verbs starting with:

can - could - could - be able, be able;

catch - caught - caught - catch, catch;

choose - chose - chosen - choose;

cleave - clove (cleft, cleaved) - cloven (cleft, cleaved) - dissect;

cling - clung - clung - cling to, cling to;

come - came - come - come;

cost - cost - cost - cost;

creep - crept - crept - crawl;

cut - cut - cut - cut.

Verbs starting with d:

dare - durst (dared) - dared - dare;

deal - dealt - dealt - deal;

dig - dug - dug - dig;

dive - dived (dove) - dived - dive, dive;

do - did - done - do;

draw - drew - drawn - draw, drag;

dream - dream (dreamed) - dream (dreamed) - sleep, dream;

drink - drank - drunk - drink,

drive - drove - driven - drive, drive;

dwell - dwelt - dwelt - dwell, linger.

Alphabet continuation (e, g, f, h)

Verbs starting with e:

eat - ate - eaten - eat, eat.

Verbs starting with f:

fall - fell - fallen - fall;

feed - fed - fed - feed;

feel - felt - felt - feel;

fight - fought - fought - fight;

find - found - found - find;

flee - fled - fled - run away, escape;

floodlight - floodlighted (floodlit) - floodlighted (floodlit) - shine with a spotlight;

fly - flew - flown - fly;

forbear - forbore - forborne - refrain;

forbid - forbad (forbade) - forbidden - to forbid;

forecast - forecast (forecasted) - forecast (forecasted) - predict;

foresee - foresaw - foreseen - to foresee;

forget - forgot - forgotten - forget;

forgive - forgave - forgiven - forgive;

forsake - forsook - forsaken - leave;

forswear - forswore - forsworn - renounce;

freeze - froze - frozen - freeze, freeze.

Verbs starting with g:

gainsay - gainsaid - gainsaid - deny, contradict;

get - got - got - get;

gird - girded (girt) - girded (girt) - encircle;

give - gave - given - give;

go - went - gone - go, leave;

grave - graved - graved (graven) - engrave;

grind - ground - ground - sharpen, grind;

grow - grew - grown - grow.

Verbs starting with h:

hang - hung (hanged) - hung (hanged) - hang;

have - had - had - to have;

hear - heard - heard - hear;

hew - hewed - hewed; hewn - chop, hew;

hide - hid - hidden - hide (sya);

hit - hit - hit - hit, hit;

hold - held - held - hold;

hurt - hurt - hurt - deliver pain, offend.

Second part of the alphabet

Verbs starting with i:

inlay - inlaid - inlaid - invest, line;

input - input (inputted) - input (inputted) - enter;

inset - inset - inset - insert, invest;

interweave - interwove - interwoven - weave, cover with a pattern.

Verbs starting with k:

keep - kept - kept - store;

ken - kenned (kent) - kenned - know, recognize by sight;

kneel - knelt (kneeled) - knelt (kneeled) - kneel;

knit - knit (knitted) - knit (knitted) - knit;

know - knew - known - to know.

Verbs starting with l:

lade - laded - laded (laden) - load;

lay - laid - laid - put, put;

lead - led - led - lead;

lean - lean (leaned) - leant (leaned) - lean, lean;

leap - leapt (leaped) - leapt (leaped) - jump;

learn - learned (learned) - learned (learned) - to teach;

leave - left - left - throw;

lend - lent - lent - lend;

let - let - let - let go, give;

lie - lay - lain - lie;

light - lit (lighted) - lit (lighted) - illuminate;

lose - lost - lost - lose.

m verbs:

make - made - made - create;

may - might - might - be able, be able;

mean - meant - meant - have a meaning;

meet - met - met - meet;

miscast - miscast - miscast - it is wrong to distribute roles;

mishear - misheard - misheard - misheard;

mishit - mishit - mishit - to miss;

mislay - mislaid - mislaid - put in another place;

mislead - misled - misled - confuse;

misread - misread - misread - misinterpret;

misspell - misspelt (misspeled) - misspelt (misspeled) - write with errors;

misspend - misspent - misspent - save;

misunderstand - misunderstood - misunderstood - misunderstand;

mow - mowed - mown (mowed) - cut (lawn).

Verbs starting with r:

rid - rid (ridded) - rid (ridded) - get rid of;

ride - rode - ridden - ride;

ring - rang - rung - call;

rise - rose - risen - rise;

run - ran - run - run, flow.

Verbs starting with s:

saw - sawed - sawn (sawed) - to saw;

say - said - said - to speak, to say;

see - saw - seen - see;

seek - sought - sought - to search;

sell - sold - sold - trade;

send - sent - sent - send;

set - set - set - install;

shake - shook - shaken - shake;

shave - shaved - shaved (shaven) - shave (Xia);

shed - shed - shed - shed;

shine - shone (shined) - shone (shined) - shine, shine;

shoot - shot - shot - shoot, shoot;

show - showed - shown (showed) - show;

shut - shut - shut - slam;

sing - sang - sung - sing;

sink - sank - sunk - sink, sink, sink;

sit - sat - sat - sit;

sleep - slept - slept - sleep;

slide - slide - slide - slide;

slit - slit - slit - tear, cut;

smell - smelt (smelled) - smelt (smelled) - smell, smell;

speak - spoken - spoken - conduct a conversation;

speed - sped (speeded) - sped (speeded) - accelerate, hurry;

spell - spelt (spelled) - spell (spelled) - write or read, pronouncing each letter;

spend - spent - spent - spend;

spill - spilt (spilled) - spilt (spilled) - spill;

spin - spun (span) - spun - spin;

spit - spat (spit) - spat (spit) - spit;

split - split - split - split (Xia);

spoil - spoilt (spoiled) - spoilt (spoiled) - spoil;

spotlight - spotlit (spotlighted) - spotlit (spotlighted) - illuminate;

spread - spread - spread - spread;

stand - stood - stood - stand;

steal - stole - stolen - steal;

stick - stuck - stuck - prick, glue;

sting - stung - stung - sting;

stink-stank; stunk - stunk - smell unpleasant;

strike - struck - struck - to beat, beat, strike;

swear - swore - sworn - swear, take an oath;

swell - swelled - swollen (swelled) - swell;

swim - swam - swum - swim;

swing - swung - swung - swing.

Verbs starting with t:

take - took - taken - take, take;

teach - taught - taught - learn;

tear - tore - torn - break;

tell - told - told - tell, say;

think - thought - thought - think;

throw - threw - thrown - throw.

Verbs starting with w:

wake - woke (waked) - woken (waked) - wake up, wake up;

wear - wore - worn - wear (clothes);

weave - wove (weaved) - woven (weaved) - weave;

wed - wed (wedded) - wed (wedded) - to marry;

weep - wept - wept - cry;

wet - wet (wetted) - wet (wetted) - wet, moisturize;

win - won - won - win;

wind - wound - wound - start (mechanism);

write - wrote - written - write.

We hope that after reading the article, English has become a little clearer for you.

In this article, we will look at the second simple tense form in English - The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense (Past Simple).It is a tense form of a verb that is used to express single actions that took place in the past and the time for which has expired. In certain contexts where the past tense verb is used, you may notice the following marker words:

  • yesterday (yesterday);
  • last week/month/year (last week, last month/year);
  • two days ago (two days ago);
  • in 1917 (in 1917).

For example:

  • I watched my favorite film yesterday. Yesterday I watched my favorite movie.
  • My parents bought a new car last week. My parents bought a new car last week.
  • The First World War began in 1914. The First World War started in 1914.

Marker words can be used both at the end of a sentence and at its beginning. For example:

  • Yesterday I walked with my friends. Yesterday I went out for a walk with my friends.
  • In 988 Christianity was adopted in Russia.- In 988, Christianity was adopted in Rus'.

Pay attention to the fact that in the simple past tense verbs change their form. According to the way the forms of the simple past tense are formed, all verbs are divided into regular and irregular.

Regular verbs- verbs formed by adding the suffix -ed to the infinitive stem. The suffix –ed is pronounced like [d], after voiceless consonants (except t) it is pronounced [t], after t and d it is pronounced . For example:

  • The baby stopped crying. The baby stopped crying.

For irregular verbs there is a special table, which is called the “Table of Irregular Verbs”. You can see it here (). The table of irregular verbs consists of three forms. Let's take some irregular verbs as an example:

  • Our team won the football competition two days ago.– Two days ago our team won the football competition.

We have examined the main features of the affirmative form of simple past tense verbs. The negative form of verbs in The Past Simple Tense is formed using the auxiliary verb did and the negation not, which are placed before the semantic verb in the infinitive form without the particle to. Just like in the form of the simple present tense (The Present Simple Tense), the abbreviated form didn't is used in speech and writing. For example:

  • We didn't go to the sea last summer. We didn't go to the sea last summer.
  • They didn't know anything about that story. They didn't know anything about this story.

The interrogative form of verbs in the simple past tense is formed using the auxiliary verb did, which is placed after the subject, and the subject is followed by a semantic verb in the form of an infinitive without the particle to. At the same time, the tone of voice on the last stressed syllable of the sentence rises. For example:

  • Did you see him yesterday? – Did you see him yesterday?
  • Did the pupils visit the museum last week? Did the students visit the museum last week?

The answers to the questions in these examples are identical, as in the case of the interrogative form of the simple past tense. Answers will look like this: Yes, I did or No, I didn't .

Using The Past Simple Tense

  • designation of events, actions, situations that occurred at a certain time in the past and are not related to the present: Last summer we ofte went to the river.— Last summer we often went to the river;
  • designation of completed actions in the past: Yasterday I wrote you a letter.“Yesterday I wrote you a letter;
  • past habits: My sister liked to play with dolls when she was small.— My sister loved to play with dolls as a child;
  • denoting a fact that happened once in the past: Mary phoned an hour ago. Maria called an hour ago;
  • Description of events in the life of people who have already died: Pushkin wrote lots of stories for children.— Pushkin wrote many fairy tales for children;
  • Formulation of polite questions and requests: I wondered if you could give me a lift(a more polite request than I wonder if…). I wanted to know if you could give me a lift.

Summary table of time formation The Past Simple Tense

Education The Past Simple Tense in Sentences
IspokeIdidn't speakDidIspeak
YouworkedYoudidn't work youwork
We We we
They They they
He He he
She She she
It It it

Summing up, I would like to note that the difference between the simple past tense and the simple present is that actions occur once in the past and are no longer repeated. The time in which these actions were performed has expired, and the actions themselves have nothing to do with the present. In English, the grammatical meaning of verbs in simple past tense coincides with the meaning of verbs in the past tense of both imperfective and perfective form in Russian. Read about the last simple tense form of the verb in English in the next article.

How is formed past tense in english ? How to use regular and irregular verbs? How to determine the verb is correct or irregular?
So, let's look at each category of verbs separately:

Regular verbs(Regular verbs) is a special group of English verbs that easily forms the past tense by adding suffix-ed to the infinitive (the usual form of the verb). Here are some examples of such verbs:
talk - talked (talk - spoke)
jump - jumped (jump - jumped)
check - checked (check - checked)
look - looked (look - looked)
stay - stayed (stop - stayed)
ask - asked (ask - asked)
show -showed (show - showed)
work - worked (work - worked)
Regular verbs ending in -ed do not change for person or number. Consider the example of the verb walk (to walk, walk):
I walked - I walked
you walked - you walked / you walked
he walked - he walked
she walked - she walked
it walked - he / she walked / walked (inanimate)
we walked - we walked
they walked - they walked

I. There are some spelling rules when adding the ending -ed.
1. So, for example, if the verb is already ends with a letter - e, then only -d is added to it. For example:

change - changed (change - changed)
arrive - arrived (arrive - arrived)

2. If the verb ends with a letter - y, then the ending, with rare exceptions, changes to -ied . For example:
study - studied (teach - taught)
tidy - tidied (clean up - cleaned up)
try - tried (try - tried)

Exception make up the verbs: play - played (play), stay - stayed (stop), enjoy - enjoyed (enjoy).

3. In some short verbs (in 1 syllable) when adding the ending -ed the consonant is doubled. This rule applies to verbs that end in one vowel and one consonant. For example:
stop - stopped (stop - stopped)

II. Regarding regular English verbs, there are also several reading rules.
1. So, for example, in verbs, ending in a voiceless consonant(f, k, p, t), the ending -ed reads softly, like /t/ . For example:
walk ed /wɔ:kt/
look ed /lukt/
jump ed /dʒʌmpt/
ask ed /a:skt/

2. In verbs, ending to voiced and all other sounds, the ending -ed is pronounced loudly, like /d/ . For example:
play ed /pleid/
show ed /ʃəud/
arriv ed /ə "raivd /
chang ed /tʃeindʒd/

3. Pronunciation verb endings-ed changes slightly when verbs ending in sounds/t/ or /d/ . Then the ending is pronounced /id/ . For example:
decid ed / di "saidid /
wait ed /"waitid /
land ed /"lændid /
fad ed / "feidid /

Now consider regular verbs in affirmative proposals. Here are some examples:

She walked towards the river. She walked towards the river.
They changed their mind. - They changed their mind.
The woman carried a heavy bag. The woman was carrying a heavy bag.
The plane landed near the village. - The plane landed near the village.
The car stopped next to my house. - The car stopped near my house.
Children played hide-and-seek. - The children were playing hide-and-seek.
We stayed at my grandmother "s. - We stayed at my grandmother's.
I looked around but there was none. I looked around, but there was no one.

As can be seen from the examples, the place of subjects and verbs in affirmative sentences is fixed, and the remaining members of sentences can be used depending on the context. When reading the examples, pay attention to the spelling of regular verbs and their pronunciation.

In contrast to regular verbs, English also has a number of irregular verbs, which do not obey the rule of adding the ending -ed, but are formed completely unexpectedly and in different ways. For example:
find - found (find - found)

take - took (take - took)
sleep - slept (sleep - slept)
get - got (receive - received)
give - gave (give - gave)
buy - bought (buy - bought)
catch - caught (catch - caught)
lose - lost (lose - lost) and many others.

In the simple past tense, verbs from the second column (Past Simple) are used.
In affirmative sentences, irregular verbs are used in the same way as regular ones. The sentence order is fixed: Subject (Subject) - Predicate (Predicate) - Addition (Object) - Circumstance (Adverbial modifier). Let's look at examples:

He lost his key a day ago. - He lost his key a day ago.
I gave her a birthday present. - I gave her a birthday present.

To form negative and interrogative sentences with regular and irregular verbs (except for to be and modal verbs), the auxiliary verb did is required.
So, for example, in interrogative sentences put in the first place auxiliary did, then the subject and the verb, but already in its original form (infinitive), since the auxiliary verb did takes over the function of the past tense.
Let's look at a few examples:

Her watch stopped working. - Her watch stopped working.
Did her watch stop working? Has her watch stopped working?

He caught a big fish. - He caught a big fish.
Did he catch a big fish? - Did he catch a big fish?

His father called him yesterday. - His father called him yesterday.
Did his father call him yesterday? - Did his father call him yesterday?

As you can see from the examples, the auxiliary verb did does not change for persons or numbers, as, for example, the verbs do and does, was and were. Also, these questions are classified as general, and require short answers, which, unlike Russian "yes" and "no", depend largely on the question itself and the auxiliary verb.
Let's take a closer look:
Did you leave early last night? -Yes, I did. -No, I didn't. - Did you leave early last night? -Yes. -No.
Did they like the cake? -Yes, they did. -No, they didn't. - Did they like the cake? -Yes. -No.
Did their children break the remote control? -Yes, they did. -No, they didn't. - Did their children break the remote control? -Yes. -No.e

Special questions with regular and irregular verbs are formed in the same order as common, but with the addition question word at the beginning. For example:

Where did you find the map? - Where did you find the map?
Who did you invite to the party? - Who did you invite to the party?
What did she cook fro dinner? - What did she cook for dinner?

Negative sentences with regular and irregular verbs are also formed using the auxiliary verb did , and the negative particle "not" . The main verbs in such sentences remain in their original form, i.e. in infinitive. Let's look at examples:

He wanted us to go. - He wanted us to leave.
He didn't (did not) want us to go. - He didn't want us to leave.

They enjoyed the concert. - They liked the concert.
They didn't enjoy the concert. - They didn't like the concert.

My friend paid the fine. - My friend paid the fine.
My friend didn't pay the fine. - My friend didn't pay the fine.

It broke after all. - And yet it broke.
It didn't break after all. - And yet it didn't break.

As can be seen from the examples, the word did can be combined with the particle not, and then the abbreviated form is obtained - didn "t.

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