How to earn the respect of colleagues at work. How can a young boss gain respect in a team?


Have you ever encountered such a person who behaved badly towards you and did not consider you? How did you feel? Were you outraged? Offended?

5. Treat yourself with respect.

It's funny, but many people expect to be respected by other people, but at the same time they do not respect themselves. Have you ever scolded yourself for no reason? Do you love yourself completely and unconditionally? Are you exhausting yourself with lack of sleep, poor nutrition, or something similar? If you don't respect yourself, you can't count on other people's respect. Start by loving yourself. And after self-love comes the love of others.

6. Behave like a pro.

This includes dressing well, being well-mannered, speaking well, and following the rules of etiquette. If you do not know the rules of etiquette, you need to get acquainted with them. It will be useful to attend classes on the rules of etiquette, even if you have a vague idea of ​​what is taught there. When I was a student, I attended several of these classes on the topics of wine tasting, table manners, first meeting behavior and much more. I believe they have been helpful to me. What is studied there is by no means higher mathematics and what is learned helps in practice, when you know what can and cannot be done in a given situation.

7. Do not slander.

It does not matter in what field of activity - both in professional and social communication, do not speak badly about people. By slandering, you will not earn the respect of other people. If you have any complaints about a certain person or you do not like what he / she does, talk to this person. Don't say bad things about him/her behind your back, because discussion behind your back will lead to further gossip and innuendo. Whether you realize it or not, it will not only make you look bad, but it will hurt that person. Be honest and open with the people you interact with.

8. Stand up for your beliefs.

Have you met people who, without thinking, easily agree with everything, no matter what they are told? I have come across such people, and in the end, their agreement ceases to have any meaning. Personally, I have more respect for someone who (politely) disagrees and stands his ground than someone who always sings along. Only having your own opinion and thinking with your own head, you can achieve the respect of the people around you. Don't be afraid to stand up for your beliefs. At the same time, make sure you do it politely and don't offend those around you.

9. Be yourself.

Continuing with point 8, be yourself. It is always better to be the original of yourself than the exact likeness of someone else. People respect individuals who do not try to imitate anyone. So many people try their best to be what they are not, and in the end they lose their own identity. Find yourself, understand who you are. The world needs people who are themselves, not clones of each other.

10. Be an example for others.

Actions speak louder than words. Are you setting an example for others with your behavior? Are you following established standards of conduct? Do you earn respect by backing up words with deeds? A person who is respected by other people, by his personal example, pushes others to good and right deeds.

And you? Did any of the tips above resonate with you? Do you have any methods you learned from your own experience on how to earn the respect of others? Feel free to write them in the comments to the article.

The crisis in the country has led not only to a deterioration in the financial situation of people, but also problems have arisen in relationships. Simple working relationships escalate literally out of the blue. A trifle is enough to instantly flare up a scandal. And if we consider that a person spends most of his life at work, then nervous breakdowns and numerous diseases are natural.

A conspiracy for respect will help build relationships at work

The subordinate-supervisor relationship deserves special attention. The widespread lack of work and low pay make some executives feel like gods. At the slightest conflict, the offending employee is offered to look for another job. Strong personalities withstand this pressure, and insecure people feel discomfort. This explains the appeal of many to psychics, sorcerers and shamans. They use psychological training aimed at strengthening the human psyche.

ritual for a good relationship

There are many who are trying to improve relations with employees and superiors through prayers and conspiracies. As the saying goes, all means are good to achieve the goal. Every person needs to be loved and respected. And if prayers and conspiracies help him in this, then why not? Moreover, psychologists have proven their effective benefits. Somewhere on a subconscious level, the human psyche is able to give a sense of strength and self-confidence.

If spoiled relations with employees can still somehow be endured, then the nitpicking and constant remarks of the authorities for many become the reason for dismissal. The following ritual will help build relationships at work.

To do this, you need to take one teaspoon of sugar. With the onset of midnight, say the following conspiracy over him:

“Bake, dry on my sugar. As a fly sticks to a sweet syrup with a heart, a skeleton, a brain, all organs, so you, a servant of God (say your name), turn to me, take advice, in the absence of anguish. Appreciate, as they appreciate the most valuable and expensive. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

After this ritual, you should try to come to work early so that you can try to quietly scatter the charmed sugar at the door of your stern boss's office.

Kind words spoken over sugar will charge the product with positive energy

None of the employees should be present and know about it. Otherwise, everything will turn out exactly the opposite. Colleagues will continue to ridicule, and the boss will have no choice but to fire the objectionable employee.

All magical rituals are performed without fuss, everything should be quiet and in complete solitude.

Conspiracy from layoffs at work

A stressful situation at work is caused by a rumor about layoffs. No matter how well a person works, but if one of the two must be left, then no one wants to lose their job. The following prayer will help to keep your job:

“My right hand, my right foot, my right cause. Was, is and will be. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The words of the prayer must be read at the door of the boss or the one who deals with the staffing of the team. If more than one person, but several, deals with the problems of reduction, then this prayer should be read in front of the doors of everyone.

But this must be done invisibly from others.

Such a ritual will also help to stay at work. But its implementation can be difficult for a city dweller. It consists of the following:

  • You need to take a trip to the forest.
  • Collect 36 oak leaves there. They should be collected from the ground or from a tree.
  • Fold the collected leaves in a pile, like a deck of cards.
  • Find a clearing with a stump.
  • A circle should be drawn around this hemp with a stick.
  • Sit at the stump, as if it were an ordinary table.
  • After that, the devil is called, inviting him to play cards with the following words:

    "Damn, bro, go play cards."

  • They take the leaves and distribute them for two, saying the following words of the conspiracy:

    “Damn it, damn it, I’ll lose to you in oaks. And you do to me (you should ask for what you want to receive.

  • Then the leaves that passed the line should be crushed very strongly. Leaves that you have left should be taken with you. Then you need to go to the institution where the work is located, and scatter the leaves at the front door.

A ritual with oak leaves will help you stay at work

The conspiracy has another complication. It is as follows. The one who performs this ritual should never not only play cards, but even just touch them. If there is no confidence in its execution, then in no case should it be carried out. The ban is quite serious and requires a responsible attitude to it.

Conspiracy for the love and respect of colleagues

A person is designed in such a way that he needs to feel not only needed, but also loved. I want to see that you are loved not only by family and friends, but also by colleagues. More often, for some reason, envy and slander flourishes in the team. In order to change the situation, there is an old and very effective conspiracy:

“In the morning I wake up at dawn, cross myself three times at the icon. I bow down to mother earth. I leave the house - there is lightness around me, true beauty comes from me. People are not higher than me, I am not lower in front of people. I will rise above all. Let old old people, young men, young girls, gloomy widowers and widowers appreciate me. To be loved and revered, to be received with honor and joy, to stand up with honor, to give a word everywhere in everything. They would value me, they would be friends with me, they would look at me, look, they would not take their eyes off the slave (his name). Everyone would love and respect. I am to you, people, with Christ's Easter, and you are to me, people, to the last with affection. My head, ore in my veins. Not oak, but iron, flint and fire. Amen".

The words of this prayer are addressed to all the people who are with you at work and in life. These words will not bring evil and trouble, since the message is fulfilled with good.

Before reading this conspiracy, you need to pray at the icons, ask God for what you want, even in simple terms. Ask for a good location, to be loved and respected. And only after that you need to read the words of the conspiracy.

You should know that after reading these conspiracies and prayers, you cannot scandal and get angry yourself. Try to complete all assignments quickly and well. Your decent actions will strengthen the effect of conspiracies. The situation at work will certainly change for the better.

Throughout his life, a person interacts with society in one way or another and builds relationships with people around him. In childhood, friendship, as a rule, is born on the basis of mutual interests and hobbies, however, growing up, we begin to evaluate the people around us by their actions, and they, in turn, evaluate us according to the same principle.

How to earn the respect of others? Every person wants to be respected, and will never knowingly commit acts that spoil his reputation. But, due to various complexes and internal uncertainty, it happens that a person does not know how to “apply” himself correctly, because of which people do not take his words and actions seriously. This creates a lot of difficulties, especially when it comes to relationships in the team. Psychologists working in the field of interpersonal relations have been able to identify several main factors that affect how we are perceived by the people around us.

Do you want to gain respect for yourself and increase your authority in the eyes of the team? Then you need to familiarize yourself with the main tips of the world's leading psychologists and try to immediately start using them in your life.

1. Take up as much free space as possible

An insecure person subconsciously wants to hide, hide and not interfere with others. In real life, this manifests itself in the habit of sitting on the edge of a chair or armchair, as well as staying close to the wall or front door. And even if the people around you do not know the methods of deep psychological analysis, on a subconscious level they perceive this habit as an inability to defend their positions. Therefore, when communicating with colleagues or superiors, psychologists recommend sitting on the entire surface of the chair, while keeping your back straight. If you are talking while standing, try to take a position in the center of the room, opposite the interlocutor.

2. Speak slowly but clearly

Many people, due to their emotionality, like to chatter, proving their point of view to the opponent. Most often, this habit appears in early childhood, when a child tries to attract the attention of busy parents by quickly telling them about exciting events. However, if you are worried about how to gain respect in a team, you need to learn how to convey your idea slowly and clearly, otherwise the interlocutor simply will not be able to fully assimilate your information. To avoid excessive emotionality in your conversation, psychologists recommend always paying attention to breathing. During a conversation, breathing should be even and calm.

3. Don't smile during serious conversations

A sincere smile and a good-natured look are perhaps the most important components for harmonious communication in an informal setting. However, if at the moment you are informing subordinates about new tasks or trying to convey an important idea to the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue without a smile, otherwise your opponents will not be able to appreciate the importance and seriousness of your speech. But, at the same time, in order to gain respect and good human relations, you do not need to constantly play the role of the “snow queen”. Finish your monologue with a good-natured smile and an unobtrusive joke that will relieve your interlocutors of unnecessary tension.

4. Help without getting emotional

Sooner or later, each person may find himself in a difficult situation when he simply needs third-party physical, moral or material assistance. As a rule, the desire to help is almost always accompanied by a great emotional message. Together, with help, we are trying to prove to the person why it happened one way or another, to open his eyes to his mistakes and tell about his own experience. But most often, when in trouble, a person needs only concrete help, whether it be monetary or moral support. Therefore, if you can help a person with a deed, help, but do it without unnecessary emotionality, which will bring negative colors to your good deed.

5. Less gestures - more calmness

How to make yourself respected - perhaps this question is most of all interested in leaders and people whose work is connected with public meetings and speeches. According to psychologists, excessive gestures and unnecessary body movements distract listeners from the main idea that you are trying to convey, and, moreover, betray your doubts and insecurities. During interviews, presentations and reports, try to gesture as little as possible and be sure to get rid of the habit of fiddling with a ring or pen in your hands, straightening clothes and hair.

6. Watch your posture and hands

To gain the respect of others, it is enough to learn one simple psychological trick: never slouch or shrug your shoulders, because. on a subconscious level, this is regarded by others as a sign of weakness and insecurity. In addition, during a serious conversation, you do not need to cross your legs and arms, since these gestures are regarded as a desire to quickly end the conversation and hide.

7. React to the words of the interlocutor

Quite often, having lost the thread of the conversation with the interlocutor, we plunge into our own thoughts, listening to him with half an ear. However, this carelessness can be regarded by a colleague or boss as a sign of disrespect and neglect. Therefore, when conducting a dialogue, even if it turns into a monologue of your opponent, try from time to time to respond to his words with a nod or a smile. But at the same time, keep in mind that this reaction should be appropriate.

8. Maintain an area of ​​personal space

Human psychology is designed in such a way that for a comfortable state of health, he must always be in the zone of personal space. The boundaries of this zone are determined by the degree of proximity of people. Naturally, if relatives or close people are nearby, this does not cause discomfort. However, if the zone of personal space is violated by unfamiliar people or colleagues, most likely, subconsciously this fact will cause anxiety and aggression in a person in relation to the violator. So if you care about gaining respect at work, don't get any closer than an arm's length to your co-workers and bosses.

9. Make eye contact

A person will not be able to believe the words of his interlocutor if at that moment he does not see his gaze. However, at the same time, the gaze is subconsciously regarded as a challenge or threat. It is best to alternate between direct eye contact and unobtrusive looking away during a conversation. However, at the moment of pronunciation of the most important informative points, try to keep the person in direct eye contact.

10. Be sincere

In addition, there is another rule, thanks to which you will surely achieve the location and respect of others. And that rule is sincerity. Try to express your real thoughts and intentions in any, even the most controversial situations.

How often does it happen that people treat each other disrespectfully, “get on their heads”, insult and even humiliate! In every large team, there is always someone who is not respected, whose opinion they are not interested in, they are used in their own interests. At a younger age, such children become outcasts, they are openly mocked, in their youth they become those who are constantly sent to the store for another can of beer, and in maturity such a person is simply ignored.

If that person is you, it's time to make a change! How can you make yourself respected? There are many options that most people resort to. And to declare themselves, to demonstrate their strengths, trying to earn respect from the environment. And learn to stand up for yourself, responding with sharp remarks to their offensive phrases. And pay no attention. But it doesn't work! Why? Because there are several rules that come into play:

  • People treat us the way we allow ourselves to be treated.
  • People treat us the way we treat ourselves.

These two rules work in unison, so it's useless to try to work on the first one alone. And all the options that were listed above relate precisely to trying not to allow people to treat us that way.

Remember, if you consider yourself unworthy, others will consider you unworthy.

If you consider yourself ugly, others will see all kinds of flaws in you and will be blind to your virtues.

If you think and speak badly about yourself, constantly criticize yourself and thereby humiliate yourself in your own eyes, then people will think badly about you, discuss, condemn and respond unflatteringly.

If you hurt yourself, tormented by guilt or a sense of your own inferiority, then others will hurt you, giving you even more opportunities to torment yourself.

If you do not accept yourself for who you are, no one will accept you, people will avoid communicating with you.

If you do not love yourself, do not value and do not respect, others will not be able to love, appreciate and respect you.

Everything that you want to receive from the outer world must first be taken from the inner world. And only when you raise your bar in your own eyes, start to take care of your body and soul, then you will notice changes in relations with people. This applies to peers, and older people, and your gender and the opposite. The answer to the question: "How to make yourself respected?" - Start respecting yourself.

One of my friends was in a relationship with her boyfriend. He was a drug addict, lived in her apartment on her money. And he constantly stole something without admitting it. But she knew that it was him, because she had seen with her own eyes more than once how he takes the gold out of the apartment. And she let him do it. “I love him, only I can help him,” she cried, “He will be lost without me.” Would a girl who had self-respect would endure such humiliation? No. Would a girl who values ​​herself even get involved with a drug addict? No. And the phrase "love is evil - you will love a goat" does not work here. "Goat" can only fall in love with a girl with low self-esteem.

Do you want to argue? Fine. Imagine that you are walking past a trash can where a bum is rummaging. This bum is dirty, smelly, albeit young. Can you fall in love with him? No. And why? Because it would not even occur to you to look at him, to start a dialogue with him. You simply will not give life the opportunity of this meeting. This is below your dignity, this is not your level. Right? The same rule applies in other cases. When a girl respects herself, she will not look at someone who can offend her.

If we are not talking about the relationship between a man and a woman, but about a team where, for example, you are not respected, then the same rule applies here. Fear is born in your soul, people feel it, and you become a “scapegoat” for them. A person who values ​​and respects himself, fear is not born. Fear is just a consequence of dislike and disrespect for yourself. But fear is something that is felt on a non-verbal level.

Why are there such children who become outcasts in any collectives? Because they have fear. And others feel it. Like dogs. You know that you shouldn't be afraid of a dog, otherwise it might attack? Even if outwardly you will not show her that you are afraid. She just feels your fear. It's the same with children. They rush at the one who is afraid, and peck, peck. And here the point is not at all, but in fear.

Fear is born from self-doubt, from low self-esteem. Therefore, you need to respect yourself and then other people will treat you quite differently.

Probably, every person deserves respect, regardless of age, gender and social status. Everyone has some of their own qualities, features, achievements that are worthy of high praise from others. However, it cannot be said that absolutely everyone is respected. Why is this happening? Maybe people simply do not see or do not know about the outstanding abilities of the other, or the person himself keeps to himself, not allowing others to get to know him better.

And how does this happen to you? Are you satisfied with the way colleagues, partners, acquaintances and friends treat you? Or do you want to learn how to behave in order to gain more respect in society? If you really strive for this, get ready to become a person who is in front of everyone and whom other people will look up to.

How to make yourself respected? Become respected

Some try to please everyone, doing only what is expected of them - it seems to them that in this way they can earn universal approval and honor. But by such actions, they are more likely to lose the respect of others, rather than earn it. Because they respect someone who does not try to adapt to someone, but is a self-sufficient mature person. Who firmly knows what he wants, and can support others with advice and his knowledge. Who can you trust and who can you rely on.

Remember that you cannot force others to respect yourself, just as you cannot force another person to love. But you can become someone you love and someone you respect.

Here's how you can earn respect:

  1. Respect yourself. Demonstrate confidence, independence and firmness, have your own opinion and defend it. Appreciate yourself. Otherwise, how will you make people respect yourself if you treat yourself with insufficient respect and love?
  2. Respect others. Others will not be able to respect you if you have a low opinion of them. Discover the best qualities in people, rejoice in their successes with them. listen to them and be kind, attentive and frank in communication. Don't talk bad about people behind their backs.
  3. Be strong and do great things. Take initiative and responsibility. Work hard on difficult tasks, be able to find a way out of the most difficult situations. Back up your words with deeds and go from one achievement to another - people will want to learn from your success and, of course, will begin to respect you.
  4. Admit mistakes. If you are right, defend your case, but if you are wrong, admit it. Only strong people are capable of this, and only they are worthy of respect.
  5. Watch your appearance. For what people think of you and how others treat you, it is important how they perceive you. Therefore, your appearance is no longer just your private affair. Clothing, accessories, demeanor - everything should speak of self-respect and personal dignity.

How to achieve respect in the team?

Follow all the previous recommendations and always remember that there are people working next to you who have their own problems, desires and secrets. Therefore, be able to see in them not only colleagues or subordinates - and you will begin to enjoy their recognition and respect. In addition, be a professional - this is the best way to make sure that you are respected both in your team and in a wide circle of competent professionals.

And most importantly: do not try to make everyone around you respect yourself, since you cannot be an equally worthy person in the eyes of everyone. Some appreciate strength and pressure, others - delicacy and restraint, others - intelligence and quick wits. Therefore, be yourself, and not who they want to see in you, and you will win respect and recognition.

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