How does green tea affect blood pressure (increase or decrease it)? Green tea with high blood pressure: is it possible to drink a drink with hypertension.


Undoubtedly, everyone knows that it has important beneficial properties for a person, because it is not for nothing that it is called a pharmacy in a cup. It has been scientifically proven that green tea lowers blood pressure, and not only in this its effect. The healing and healing properties of the drink were known in ancient times and for a long time this drink was used to prevent and even treat a variety of diseases.

The composition of this wonderful drink includes various minerals, a large number of vitamins and bioactive substances that strengthen the immune system and thus have a beneficial effect on the human body. By the way, of the ten health-promoting and longevity foods, green tea is called the first.

Green tea only with regular use. Also, the use of this drink makes sleep better, the nervous system - stronger, the work of the heart - more active, dilates blood vessels, relieving their spasms and thereby normalizing blood pressure, and also accelerating blood circulation, that is, it acts as an antispasmodic. Japanese scientists have found that in people suffering from hypertension, with a fairly regular use of the drink, blood pressure decreases by ten or even twenty percent. We should not forget that only properly brewed green tea lowers blood pressure.

The birthplace of green tea is the East, and there the preparation of this drink is associated with special traditions and ceremonies. Europeans, in most cases, brew it incorrectly, as a result of which some of the useful properties are lost. A lot depends on the dishes in which tea is brewed. You need to brew it in special cups with lids, because green tea is not additionally diluted with boiling water. But it can be brewed and must be absolutely dry and well warmed up.

One teaspoon of tea leaves is taken per glass of water. It is better to take soft water with a small amount of minerals. It is not necessary to boil it, but only bring it to the state of a “white key”, that is, until bubbles appear. You can brew green tea in many ways, here is one of them.

Two liter containers are taken, one of which has a spout. Tea leaves are poured into it and immediately poured with boiling water. After ten seconds, the tea is poured into another container. With this method of brewing, the aromatic bouquet of tea is not distorted, and the tea itself acquires an amber color. You can pour dry tea leaves up to half the volume of water and let it brew for about three minutes, then add the remaining water and hold for another five minutes.

But you need to remember that only high-quality green tea lowers blood pressure. It cannot be said that low-quality green tea has at least some useful properties, since it does not contain valuable medicinal and dietary substances.
Antihypertensive tea is drunk after meals three times a day and no less. To enhance the effect of tea, you can additionally take ascorbic acid or add lemon to tea. Those people who do not like sour can add currant jam to tea or just currant jam. In hot weather, people suffering from hypertension can drink a weak infusion of green tea instead of water.

Do not forget that this product contains caffeine, so green tea in large quantities increases blood pressure. Therefore, in hypotensive patients, this drink causes a slight increase in pressure. However, people with low blood pressure should also not abuse this medicine, as green tea in large quantities can cause some heart rhythm disturbances. No wonder they say that in everything you need to observe the measure.

So is green tea still or boosts it? The effect of green tea on our body is ambiguous, and even nutritionists have not yet come to a consensus. Obviously, in each case, the individual characteristics of the organism come into play ...

Since ancient times, green tea has been considered a drink that gives a person cheerfulness and good mood. And this statement is absolutely true, since it contains caffeine and other substances - natural biological stimulants.

However, many are interested in whether green tea is really so useful, what is the effect of green tea on a person’s pressure, and whether there are contraindications for its use. So let's talk about the beneficial properties of green tea, pressure, what is the effect of the drink on human blood pressure. I will say right away that tea does not work as straightforwardly as many claim. But first things first.

Biochemical composition of green tea

A very important component in the composition of tea is the polyphenol catechin, which, together with caffeine, tones up, stimulates, normalizes the work of the heart, improves the supply of oxygen to the brain, and affects normal blood clotting.

It also contains:

Tannins (tannin, various catechins, polyphenols, etc.). There are an order of magnitude more of them in green tea than in black.

There are also essential oils that give the drink a unique aroma.

Alkaloids (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine), which, when combined, act much milder on the cardiovascular, central nervous system than caffeine in its pure form. Theophylline and theobromine promote vasodilation and also act as a mild diuretic.

Amino acids (glutamic acid), contributing to the normalization of metabolism in the body, restores the nervous system.

Also, green tea is rich in proteins, minerals (magnesium, manganese, sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine, iodine, copper, gold), vitamins C, A, K, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B 9 (folic acid ), B 12, PP (nicotinic acid).

As you can see, green tea is an invaluable source of substances that determine the beneficial properties of tea in many ways that are still not fully understood by man. But some things are already known and proven.

How does green tea affect a person's blood pressure?

This drink is also valuable because it is versatile. When drinking even one cup of this fragrant drink, the cerebral cortex, blood vessels, heart are toned, and pressure immediately rises.

But after a short period of time, the pressure returns to normal, decreases, to normal levels. Healthy people feel only a surge of vigor and strength. But hypertensive patients immediately feel the positive effect of lowering high blood pressure.

Discomfort from drinking the drink will be felt by hypotensive patients - people with low blood pressure, but only if the drink is strongly brewed. Weakly brewed tea is good for everyone, without exception.

Of course, the pressure will not be constantly normal from one cup drunk. To regulate blood pressure, people with hypertension need to drink green tea (not strong) regularly, 1-2 cups per day.

As we have said, this flavored drink acts as a mild diuretic. This quality of it helps to remove excess fluid from the body, while reducing pressure.

The effect of green tea on pressure leading to its reduction can also be explained by the fact that the ingredients included in it strengthen and dilate blood vessels, which helps blood circulate more freely. In this regard, it eliminates the cause of the disease, and not just its symptoms, which makes it a healing drink.

The pressure reduction is also affected by the fact that green tea improves blood flow, thereby reducing the likelihood of a heart attack, stroke, and also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Therefore, regular consumption of a small amount of this healthy drink will improve the condition of blood vessels, lower cholesterol levels, and normalize blood pressure. Not without reason, among the healthiest nation in the world - the Japanese, green tea is the drink number 1.


Probably, no one will argue that green tea is a healing drink that removes harmful substances, poisons, salts of heavy metals from the body, treats many diseases, including hypertension. But, like many other drugs, this drink has side effects and contraindications.

The main thing is not to abuse this healing agent. Two small cups a day will be enough for it to fully show its medicinal properties.

Do not get carried away with tea for people with severe hypertension. You can not drink it with an exacerbation of any disease.

Remember also that a fragrant tart drink increases the acidity of gastric juice, and this can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Those who suffer from rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis should also use this drink with great care.

You can not drink strongly brewed green tea for those who suffer from tachycardia, nervous irritability, sleep disorders.

Knowing the effect of green tea on a person's blood pressure, carefully monitor your health, measure your blood pressure before drinking a cup of tea. And most importantly, do not leave brewed tea for later. Only a freshly brewed drink will bring benefits. Be healthy!

Green tea helps not only to get rid of various diseases, but also perfectly quenches thirst. However, before you start drinking it, you need to know whether green tea raises or lowers blood pressure, because if you abuse this drink, there is a risk of causing serious harm to your own health.

How does green tea affect blood pressure?

Green tea can be taken to lower or increase blood pressure, which is why it is considered a versatile drink. The main thing is to cook it correctly and use it in small quantities.

It is enough to drink just one cup of this type of tea a day, and a tonic effect on the whole body will be felt, but over time (after 2-3 hours), all indicators return to their previous state.

A perfectly healthy person, having drunk a cup of warm drink, will feel a surge of vigor and strength. However, people suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood pressure) will notice that their blood pressure readings are correcting.

So, the question of whether green tea increases blood pressure or lowers it cannot be answered exactly. Depending on the sensitivity of the human body, as well as how easily the components contained in green tea are tolerated, the drink can increase or decrease blood pressure.

Green tea for high blood pressure

Drinking this tea with high blood pressure, you can feel a slight feeling of discomfort. A weakly brewed drink does not lose its beneficial qualities and is useful for hypertension. To maintain normal blood pressure, it is recommended to drink just one cup of tea a day.

With increased pressure, the therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that green tea contains unique substances that cause vasodilation. As a result, free blood circulation is ensured. Despite the fact that this drink lowers blood pressure, only the symptom is removed, but not the cause that caused the development of hypertension.

How to take green tea to lower blood pressure?

When diagnosing hypertension, it is not recommended to abuse green tea, it will be enough to drink 1-2 cups of the drink a day. At the same time, it is important to monitor the pressure indicators so as not to worsen your own well-being.

Green tea produces a mild diuretic effect. Consequently, slags with harmful toxins, excess fluid are naturally removed from the body, and the heart rhythm is normalized.

What matters is whether the drink is hot or cold. To normalize blood pressure, as well as hormonal balance, you should drink hot and strong tea - 60-80 degrees. It is worth noting that this type of tea is useful for women during menopause.

Green tea under pressure

Properly brewed drink quickly raises blood pressure. However, when diagnosing hypotension, you can use green tea only after consulting a doctor, as it does not always help and there is a risk of worsening your own condition.

If used improperly, this drink can dramatically reduce blood pressure, so it is not recommended to use it for hypotension, vegetative disorders and depression.

How to take green tea to increase blood pressure?

As a rule, with hypotension, it is allowed to consume no more than 1 cup of the drink per day. It should not be strong, but slightly brewed.

If hypertensive patients drink a cup a day of a hot drink, it becomes possible to normalize the pressure. But with the development of an unpleasant feeling of discomfort or headaches, it is necessary to abandon green tea and seek help from a doctor.

Before starting the treatment of hypertension with this drink, first of all, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause that caused the development of the disease. Provided that hypertension was provoked by malfunctions of vegetative functions, green tea will have to be abandoned, as there is a risk of an increase in pressure as a result of exposure to caffeine, which is contained in its composition.

How to brew green tea correctly?

It doesn’t matter whether green tea lowers blood pressure or increases it, so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy, it must be brewed taking into account certain requirements:
  1. Tea leaves are poured only with a dry spoon.
  2. Hot water is poured into the cup and immediately drained, the temperature of which should not be higher than 80 ° C. You need to pour water in the following proportions - take 1 glass of water per 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. The exact dosage should be indicated on the tea package.
  3. Hot water is poured again, after which the teapot or mug is covered with a lid.
  4. The drink is brewed for 3-4 minutes, but not longer than 5 minutes, as the tea will acquire an unpleasant bitter taste.
  5. Tea is drunk after 3 minutes. Instead of sugar, it is useful to add honey.

Hot green tea has a pronounced effect on the human body. But it brings benefits only if it is properly prepared - it is strictly forbidden to use boiling water, because as a result it destroys all useful substances.

Useful properties of green tea with high and low blood pressure

To benefit from green tea, regardless of pressure, it is worth knowing about its qualities and some recommendations:
  • Normalizes blood pressure and has a positive effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • The composition contains a moderate amount of tannin and caffeine, due to which green tea increases blood pressure, but only if consumed in moderation;
  • It is recommended to drink with nervous disorders, as it contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the emotional state;
  • Strong and hot green tea increases blood pressure, and weak brewing is useful for low blood pressure;
  • Contains vitamin B3, which normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • You should not constantly use strong green tea, as there is a risk of deterioration in overall well-being.

It is believed that regular consumption of high-quality unfermented tea is beneficial for strengthening immunity and maintaining health. Fans of this drink are aware of its healing properties. This tea is rich in vitamins, microelements, amino acids, contains caffeine, which tones and invigorates. The question remains how the drink affects the pressure, because it is considered an important indicator of the state of the body. Opinions on this matter differ. Scientists believe that tea can both lower blood pressure and increase it, it depends on individual factors.

What is high blood pressure

Blood pressure (BP) is considered normal at values: 120/80 mm Hg. If the numbers are within 140/90 and above, then this means the presence of hypertension. High blood pressure may not manifest itself for a long time. Symptoms are noticed when the disease has already affected the functioning of the brain and heart. Hypertension increases the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and kidney failure. Experts say that there are many ways to change blood pressure, both worsening and normalizing. Green tea for high blood pressure is one such leverage.

Green tea for pressure

The debate continues about whether green tea is dangerous at slightly elevated blood pressure. Some doctors claim that the drink is effective for hypertension because it lowers blood pressure, while others believe that it is dangerous for this disease. Japanese scientists have tried to put an end to the controversy. They conducted a study that proved that the drink lowers blood pressure. During the experiment, hypertensive patients regularly drank unfermented tea for a couple of months, as a result of which their blood pressure indicators decreased by 10%. An important conclusion is that you can drink green tea with high blood pressure.

How does it affect pressure

The drink contains a lot of elements: amino acids, a mineral complex (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, chromium, zinc, fluorine, selenium), vitamins (A, B, E, F, K (in a small amount), C), theine, antioxidants (polyphenols tannins and catechins), carotenoids, tannins, pectins. Antioxidants promote longevity and health. Fresh leaves contain more ascorbic acid than lemon.

Catechins cleanse the liver, relieve inflammation, make blood more liquid. Thanks to the regular use of the drink during the diet, you can normalize the cholesterol content in the body and reduce weight. Tea leaves have a stimulating effect on the digestive tract. The drink helps stabilize insulin surges and normalizes sugar levels, so it is recommended for diabetics.

Unfermented tea contains more antioxidants than black tea, which allow blood vessels to be elastic, promote their expansion, reduce the risk of blood clots, which helps normalize blood pressure. Useful drink for violations in the cardiovascular system. Tea leaves contain organic compounds that enhance the diuretic properties of the drink. Catechins contribute to the diuretic effect. They tend to combine with free radicals that age the body, and remove them through the urinary system.

Tea leaves are high in potassium, which helps the body get rid of fluids and normalize blood pressure. It is effective for the treatment of asthenic conditions, quickly destroys bacteria in the oral cavity, preventing the development of caries. It is acceptable to take green tea for hypertension, but doctors recommend drinking no more than 4 cups of a weakly brewed drink per day.

Flavonoids have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Moderate and regular consumption of tea will help normalize blood pressure. A healthy person will feel the effect of caffeine. The alkaloid accelerates the heartbeat, which leads to vasodilation. In this case, there is no significant increase in pressure. The presence of caffeine helps relieve headaches with hypertension, but green tea is not recommended for high blood pressure. Hypotension patients should not abuse the drink.

Raises or lowers blood pressure hot green tea

Many lovers of this drink are wondering what is the effect of green tea on blood pressure, whether it lowers it or raises it. There is no single answer. Any hot drink that contains tannins and caffeine permanently slightly raises blood pressure. At the same time, in unfermented tea there is 4 times more alkaloid than in natural coffee. This is important to consider for people suffering from hypertension. Many people believe that a cold drink will lower blood pressure, while a hot drink will increase it. It's a delusion. The temperature is not important, only the concentration matters.

Studies show that in patients with minor fluctuations in blood pressure, with regular, long-term and moderate consumption of the drink, it normalizes. It follows that green tea will not save you from pressure if you drink one or two cups once a week, but it will do it in the long run. For this reason, the drink is an effective preventive measure that prevents diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems.

Proper brewing

The tea is pleasant to the taste, it is slightly sweet, soft and oily. It is important that the drink should not be strong, tart, have bitterness and a rich color, like black. The color after brewing is pale green with a yellow tint, as these varieties are not fermented. It is worth knowing how to brew a drink correctly in order to get the expected effect:

  • You can not pour boiling water over tea leaves, the temperature for brewing: 60-80 degrees.
  • The leaves are infused for 2-3 minutes. It is recommended to brew repeatedly (from 2 to 5 times).

How to drink

Unfermented tea will bring benefits and cause minimal harm if used correctly. There are a number of rules to follow:

  • Do not drink tea on an empty stomach. Enjoy a drink after a meal, an added bonus: it will improve your digestive processes.
  • Don't drink before bed. It tones up, so it will be difficult to fall asleep, fatigue will appear,
  • Do not combine with alcoholic beverages. This practice will result in harm to health: due to the formation of aldehydes, the kidneys will suffer.
  • Keep in mind that unfermented tea will reduce the potency of medications you take.
  • Brew the leaves not with boiling water, but with water at a temperature of 80`C.
  • It is important to buy good quality tea for health and wellness, avoid tea bags.
  • For a positive effect on the body, regularity is important.
  • Unfermented tea should not be consumed with thyroid problems, high fever, pregnancy and low iron levels in the blood.
  • For hypotension, let the leaves brew longer (7-10 minutes): it will have more caffeine.


Does green tea lower or increase blood pressure? How does it affect the body with hypotension? Can I drink it with hypertension? We will answer these questions in the article below. Whether he raises or lowers the pressure - there is no single right answer. But you can be sure - green tea is a healthy product that normalizes blood pressure.

Lowers or raises blood pressure?

An unequivocal answer to this question will not be correct, because green tea improves blood pressure indicators under various conditions and diagnoses. This means that the effect of its use depends on many factors:

  • The degree of deviation of indicators a / d from the norm
  • Individual reaction
  • Raw material quality
  • Brewing method
  • Assimilation of components
  • Duration of use

Many studies of recent decades conducted in the USA, Japan, China claim that regular consumption of at least 600 ml of tea per day reduces the likelihood of developing hypertension in a healthy person by 60-65%, and this, among other things, has a positive effect on the circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous system. And in hypertensive patients, regular consumption of the drink reduces the susceptibility to hypertensive crises by 40%. But some of these studies show that caffeinated green tea can gently raise blood pressure by an average of 10-15 units. for 1-1.5 hours.

Why such a contradiction? Because the change in A / D in the body is triggered by special receptors in the walls of blood vessels. Each person has a different number of such caffeine-responsive and catechin-responsive receptors in the walls of blood vessels. And even under the same conditions for preparing a drink, some subjects will experience a more pronounced decrease in pressure, while others, on the contrary, will experience an increase. But still, research statistics report that the predominant number of people are owners of a larger number of catechin-responsive receptors. This explains why most studies still speak in favor of lowering blood pressure.

How to brew

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of raw materials. Because if you take into account all the other points, but the tea is of poor quality, then, alas, you will not be able to get any positive effect. How to choose high-quality green tea is a topic for a separate article, but to be very brief, here's what you need to pay attention to.

Quality tea is always:

  • Expensive
  • large leaf
  • With a short shelf life
  • Sold in specialized stores, in banks or by weight
  • Never packaged in sachets

How does the method of brewing affect the properties of green tea? The biochemical composition of tea leaves is very rich. Alkaloids caffeine and theine are able to tone up and raise blood pressure, powerful antioxidants catechin and tannin, on the contrary, gently lower and normalize it. When brewing, these active substances behave differently, and penetrate into the solution at different speeds and under different conditions. And it depends on how the tea is brewed, what substances in the drink will be more. Below we consider the conditions for saturating green tea with the main active compounds.

About water quality

Steep boiling water, re-boiled or tap water is not suitable for brewing the right green tea. The best choice would be spring, purified and ionized or, in extreme cases, filtered and settled water. The less unnatural impurities in the water, the easier it is to absorb useful bioactive substances from the finished drink. It is convenient to use a smart electric kettle or thermopot with the function of setting and maintaining the heating temperature at 80-90°C. When heating water in the usual way, after boiling, wait 8-10 minutes.

When green tea lowers blood pressure

So, if you want to lower your blood pressure, then regularly drink 2-3 cups of quality varietal tea per day. Infuse it for several minutes, after which the leaves must be removed from the custard container and then used a second time (but no more). The first minutes of brewing with good quality water and the correct temperature (see table above), the solution is saturated with catechin. With regular use, an accumulation effect is achieved, while blood pressure will drop gently and naturally. Therefore, you will feel the obvious hypotensive effect of green tea after one and a half to two months of regular use. But due to the diuretic effect, you will notice a decrease in pressure from the first days of drinking the drink.

When blood pressure rises

If you need to increase blood pressure and tone up, then brew green tea at the rate of 1 teaspoon of leaves per 200 ml of water (80-90 ° C), for at least 5 minutes, and preferably 7-9 minutes. Wrap the brewing container with a cotton cloth, it is better if it is made of clay or porcelain (to maintain one temperature longer). In this case, you will get green tea, rich in caffeine, which will raise the pressure and relieve headache spasms.

Of course, a significant rise (more than 15-20 units), as studies show, will not occur due to the mild effect of organic caffeine on the receptors of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Nevertheless, in acute hypertension and hypertensive crises, it is better to refrain from strong green tea.

Normalization of blood pressure

Green tea contains hundreds of biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals, which are much more than in black tea. The raw materials for the emerald drink undergo a more gentle and short fermentation, oxidize by only 10-12%. This allows you to save most of its useful components. Acting in a complex manner, they have a tonic and strengthening effect on many organs and systems of the body:

  • Increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Thin the blood and maintain its normal clotting, preventing thrombosis;
  • Promote rejuvenation and weight loss;
  • Remove excess fluid from the body, reduce tissue swelling;
  • Reduce blood sugar levels;
  • Improve oxygenation of brain cells and relieve spasms of its blood vessels, reducing headaches with VVD;
  • Possess vasodilating properties;
  • Protect the inner surface of the arteries from micro-inflammation, thereby lowering "bad" cholesterol;

Caffeine and theine stimulate the heart, while catechin and tannin relieve spasm and dilate blood vessels. Therefore, the pressure may rise slightly, but it usually returns to normal within an hour. Thanks to this, green tea is great for daily consumption by healthy people for the prevention of hypertension and overall health improvement.

It is also important to remember that when milk or sweeteners are added to tea, the action of beneficial components will be blocked, as they react with additives and form complex compounds that will not be absorbed by the body.

Hypertensive and hypotensive patients need to follow the simple rules for brewing and drinking, which we described above. It would be right to measure your pressure several times before and after drinking tea in order to track your well-being and individual reaction.


Green tea is a drink that is beneficial for both healthy people and people with abnormal blood pressure. It normalizes blood pressure in both hypertension and hypotension. Drink high-grade tea, follow the simple rules for its preparation, and listen to your well-being. In any case, if you have a diagnosis, consult your doctor, because tea is not a panacea or medicine, but only one of many ways to improve your health.

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