How to fry potatoes in a pan correctly with a crust and onions. How to cook potatoes with a golden crust in a pan, in the oven and deep-fried


Good day!

Today I decided to give you my most valuable culinary recipe on how to fry the most delicious potatoes :) I have been carrying this recipe under my heart for a long time since childhood, living in the village, eating, like many, often one potato for a bang!

The step-by-step recipe, photos and videos for it, of course, reveal all the secrets of my cooking fried potatoes with a crust! Naturally with golden :) With onion, garlic and dill.

I will tell and show all the subtleties of choosing the right frying pan, the potatoes themselves and the principles of proper frying, otherwise many beginners definitely cannot avoid the incomprehensible “cooking” in a frying pan. But you still want to eat deliciously :) And not just about cutting off what happened ...

Video! How delicious to fry potatoes

I advise you to watch the video until the end, it is not long and contains a lot of my personal life hacks! Visibility, always good + in the video you are good at catching up your appetite :)

You will have to master the recipe right away, especially since it is simple and is described step by step in the article, fry your delicious potatoes and, of course, with a golden crust, you will definitely succeed today!

But now, before the recipe, which I have designed to feed 4 foreheads, I would like to tell you a little about the most amazing facts about potatoes that I learned from secret sources :) to my 46 years.

Amazing Potato Facts

How multifaceted and amazing is the world in which we live! Each face plays with its colors, shades, facts. The world of cuisine, the world of culinary specialists is just one of hundreds of thousands of facets.

Each dish in turn has its own history and flavor. Each seemingly well-known ingredient and product for a long time also has its own history. And it happens that it would seem - well, what could be interesting or exciting here? But no!

Here, take potatoes: it seems to us that from time immemorial it has been part of many dishes with us. And pundits say that from time immemorial it was only on the territory of modern South America, even 7-9 thousand years ago, where modern Bolivia is located, they used wild potatoes for food.

He was then even worshiped as an animated being. And they also said that in the Inca calendar there was such a unit of time determination as the time for cooking a dish of potatoes - about one hour))

On our continent, at first, the potato did not take root well, there were potato riots and skirmishes. They called her darling both the devilish and the damn apple, but that the potato helped defeat hunger in some period of time - this is a fact!

There is such a historical fact: there were times when the peasants in Rus' did not want to plant potatoes in any way. And then such a cunning move was invented: they planted a field with potatoes and put soldiers to guard, they say, the value of this field is growing!

Well, our man is our man - they gradually began to steal potatoes and plant them in their gardens). So, by hook or by crook, the potato has become widespread and deserved recognition. And now it is called the second bread, and this is true)).

I remembered here the story of one of my acquaintances, how he traveled on a ticket to hot overseas countries. At first, nothing - exotic. Bananas are almost lying underfoot, wonderful binturongs lazily climb trees, and then he says that he almost howled like a wolf: he just wanted fried potatoes with onions and dill!

You can understand a person, I myself can hardly last a long time without potatoes. Without bananas - as much as you like, but without potatoes - thank you, I refuse)).

And the first thing my friend, returning from a trip, asked his wife to cook fried potatoes. Of course she cooked, but it didn’t turn out quite right)

My friend dreamed of getting delicious, crispy, fried slices, neatly cut into strips, but it turned out either mashed potatoes with roasts, or stewed potatoes, half fried ...

Of course, he didn’t express any complaints, his wife is golden, but you must admit, friends, there is such a thing - far from everyone and far from always succeed in exactly the “classic of the genre”, namely fried potatoes with a crispy crust!

Although many people think: “Ugh! Potato zabatsat - it's easier than a steamed turnip. But no, my dears, here, too, there are peculiarities, tricks and tricks, their own cooking rules, and if you don’t know and follow them, then it will turn out not quite right or not at all).

These rules are quite simple, they do not require specialized education, and they mainly concern the two most important points: it is to choose the dishes suitable for such a case and to choose the right-buy potatoes that are suitable for frying. Yes, and the third: the process itself, the technique of execution).

Which pan is best for cooking

“Nuu! Surprised! - the impatient reader will think. Like, everyone knows that potatoes are fried in a pan, not in a flask). So it is, but the pan must be correct.

I somehow “bursted” myself, bought a very beautiful frying pan and very useless, because the walls and bottom of that frying pan were thin, and no matter how hard I tried, no matter how I chose the heating of the stove, nothing good came out: it burned on the bottom , the top remained raw.

Therefore, here is the first rule for you: you need to fry potatoes in a thick-walled pan, with a thick bottom. Only in this case, it evenly warms up throughout the volume, and it turns out exactly fried potatoes, and not burnt, unevenly cooked mass.

Personally, I prefer the usual massive cast-iron frying pan, our mothers and grandmothers cooked on such. The result is excellent!

How to choose the “right” potatoes for frying

The next moment is to choose the right potato. You have probably noticed that when cooking, one potato cooks faster, the other for some reason has to be cooked longer. One quickly falls apart, and the other does not.

The thing is that there are a great many varieties of potatoes, agronomists-breeders have done their best, and it turned out that potatoes are different for potatoes.

There are more starchy varieties, and there are less starchy varieties. For frying, we are interested in potatoes with a lower starch content, this one falls apart less, and it is from this that delicious crispy slices are obtained.

And to choose, to calculate just such a potato in the market or in the store is not at all difficult: you need to look, focus on the color of the peel.

Potatoes with red and dark red, brown tubers contain less starch, this is exactly what we need, we buy this for frying.

The tubers are light yellow, yellow ones are more starchy, boil quickly, when frying, the slices quickly fall apart, lose their shape, so it is better to buy such potatoes for mashed potatoes.

The tubers should be even, without large ugly "eyes" and bumps. The tubers should not be damaged and even a hint of a rotted side or cut.

It’s an everyday matter, and it’s a sin to hide - many, having come home and found a spoiled tuber that “quite by accident” a smiling saleswoman in the market put in your bag, think something like this: “Yes, I’ll cut it off quite a bit here, and go. Do not throw such a potato in the trash!

And this is a mistake. Spoiled, even slightly rotten tubers should not be used for food. The fact is that any sore: rot, mold, touching the potato, spreads throughout the tuber. It's like a splinter in the finger - it is there, and the inflammatory process, accordingly, touched the whole organism!

Therefore, do not risk your health, it's not worth it. Also, in no case should tubers that turn green on one side be used. The green peel, even from one side, indicates that there is corned beef in such potatoes - a poison that can cause severe poisoning, so the formula: “I’ll cut a little here and go”, you know, will not lead to anything good.

Don't risk it, it's not worth it! It is forbidden to give green tubers even to livestock feed, I tell you this as a person who passed the test for fodder production at one time).

Delicious fried potato recipe

In general, we figured out the choice of dishes and how to choose the right potatoes, now we can move on to the process of preparing delicious, crispy, fried potatoes.

It’s not superfluous, I think, to know that from 1 kilogram of raw, unpeeled potatoes, about 800 grams of ready-made fried potatoes will turn out. In terms of calories, this is approximately 1500 kcal, 25 grams of protein, 180 grams of carbohydrates.

Estimated cost at the time of writing:

    Potato - 17 rubles per kg

    Sunflower oil - 82 rubles per liter

    Salt - 12 rubles per 1 kg

    Bulb onion - 15 rubles kg

    Dill greens (bunch) - 20 rubles

    Garlic (head) - 10 rubles

As you can see, a set of products at a price is very democratic, accessible to anyone - both students and academicians. The cost of a dish for 4 men according to the recipe described below will be 173 rubles + an almost full bottle of oil, a pack of salt and almost a kilo of onions will remain for further use!

The cooking time is no more than 30 minutes, and this is in a measured, unhurried mode!

You will need:

    Potato - 2000 gr (2 kilograms)

    Sunflower oil - 80 gr (5 tablespoons)

    Medium salt - 10 gr (1 teaspoon)

    Onion - 50 gr (½ medium-sized onion)

    Dill greens - 3, 4 branches

    Garlic - 3 cloves

How to fry potatoes tasty and with a crust

In order to fry and cook potatoes tasty and with everyone's favorite golden crust, so that everything is not only tasty, but also looks beautiful, the onion and garlic do not burn, you need to follow my step-by-step recipe and then everything will be like fire!

And so we went...

We wash the potatoes under running water, on the tubers of even “fashionable” producers, whose potatoes are packaged in beautiful bags, there are still particles of earth that, when peeled, stick to the fingers and, accordingly, then to the already peeled tubers. Then the whole thing is badly laundered).

Washed, then peel the potatoes, for this it is better to use a small knife that fits comfortably in your hand, and with which you can easily and conveniently remove extra eyes right away, and they will be). You can, however, use a special peeler - a housekeeper for vegetables, which removes a very thin peel. Here's how you feel more comfortable.

We immediately put the peeled potato tubers into a saucepan or any other container of a suitable size with cold water. This is done so that the potatoes do not darken in the air. And the second point: this will remove some of the starch we don’t need, which prevents the formation of a ruddy crispy crust).

After we have prepared and cut our potatoes in this way, they must be washed under cold running water in a colander under the tap. Thus, we again remove excess starch, so the pieces will not stick together and fry better.

Washed - spread on a paper towel in a thin layer, blot to remove excess moisture.

Otherwise, the oil heated in the pan may begin to “shoot” in different directions, dirtying your kitchen and getting on your skin and clothes.

While a paper towel (you can also use a clean cloth) towel absorbs moisture, put a frying pan on a strong fire and pour in sunflower oil, heat it well for 3 minutes.

Carefully put the prepared potatoes in a pan so as not to burn yourself. Potatoes in a pan should be 2-3 layers. If you make a full frying pan of potatoes, then fried, with a crispy crust will not work!

It is better to cook as I describe in two passes or cook at the same time in two pans.

We pour the potatoes into the pan "from ourselves"! Not on, but from myself. Do not cover with a lid, reduce the fire to medium. If you want delicious, crispy fried potatoes, never fry them covered. For many, this will be something new, unexpected, but it's true - do not cover!)

So fry the potatoes for 5-7 minutes, without interfering, do not endlessly butter with a spatula, turn it over, as they say - do not interfere with the process. During these 5-7 minutes, the bottom of the potatoes will be browned to a golden color. Now you can flip).

You need to turn over in three or four movements, trying to turn over the entire layer, all this fried, golden “pie” from below.

For convenience, you can and should use two spatulas or a spatula and a spoon, for example.

Everyone has different stoves, pans too, so adjust the degree of roasting and time yourself, based on your taste. Someone likes only lightly browned slices, someone fries quite strongly.

Turned over, fry for another 5-7 minutes on medium or slightly below medium heat. Peel the onion and a couple of cloves of garlic and finely chop on a cutting board.

After the potatoes are turned over a second time and fried for 5-7 minutes, salt and add chopped onion and garlic on top. That is, you need to salt and add onion-garlic at the final stage of cooking!

If this is done at the very beginning or in the middle of cooking, then what is called “give juice” potatoes, moisture will be released and a golden crust may not work.

Separately, onions and garlic. Someone can’t stand onions or garlic, so it’s up to you to decide whether to add what, and how much. I prefer it this way with garlic and onions.

Dill greens, well washed under running water and finely chopped, I add at the very end of frying, or already in a plate with potatoes, immediately before use.

Without dill, I consider the dish not quite complete, but this is my subjective opinion, here again, rely more on your taste.

Such a potato with milk is especially good, this, I will tell you, is just a song without an accordion!). In general, try it, I'm sure you'll like it.

And perhaps the last recommendation: never try to cook something worthwhile if you are in a bad mood. I am far from mysticism, esotericism and other heaped and secret "teachings", but the fact is obvious: I am preparing something in a bad mood, that's all! Put out the light - such a gruel turns out, it’s already ashamed).

Therefore, cook with a light soul, bright thoughts and everything will work out. I hope my article will help you with this, but if something is not entirely clear, watch the step-by-step video filmed specifically for this article, ask questions in the comments.

You may be interested in the description of the process of preparing a particular dish), so I will gladly do it! All the best to you! Your Petrovich.

Now I heard that scientists said that potatoes are very useful for the body. Perhaps this is so, but it’s definitely not worth abusing fried foods!

Fried potatoes are the queen of the table, there is hardly a person who can dispute this.

It’s hard to think of something with which you can’t serve a ruddy, hot potato.

Meat and fish in any form, any salad, or salted, pickled, pickled vegetables.

Dairy products and juices, even pieces of low-fat jelly, will only decorate the taste of potatoes, become an addition, but will not spoil it.

And for sure, if you know some secrets of how to fry potatoes, then setting a modest, but truly homemade table for dinner will not be difficult.

Fried potatoes in a pan, how to fry potatoes with a crust - general cooking principles

For frying in a pan, you need to take varieties of medium-boiled potatoes, with the lowest starch content, the peel of such varieties is usually pinkish in color.

You can fry potatoes in a pan both raw and pre-boiled. Boiled potatoes for frying are taken only chilled.

When frying potatoes, to enhance the taste characteristics of the dish, you can add onions, both onions and feathers, ground white breadcrumbs, spices and various seasonings.

The peel is removed from pre-boiled potatoes and cut into cubes or small slices, sticks, rings, the same cut is used in preparation for frying raw.

To fry potatoes with a crust, you need to take thick-walled cast-iron or steel pans for frying. In Teflon and light aluminum frying pans, potatoes burn with strong heat, and when the temperature drops, they stop frying.

For frying, you can take any type of fat, vegetable or animal, often potatoes are fried on a mixture consisting of 70% vegetable fats and only 30% animal.

In order to get fried potatoes with a golden crust, they put it in a pan only with very hot fat, and so that the slices do not stick together, stir occasionally, but only at the beginning of frying.

Salt fried potatoes in a pan for 2-3 minutes until cooked.

Fried potatoes in a pan with onions


Potato - 7-8 medium-sized tubers;

70 grams of fresh lard;

Three large bulbs.

Cooking method:

1. Heat a deep, preferably cast-iron, frying pan well and put the bacon cut into small pieces into it, melt for three minutes.

2. Add diced potatoes and fry until evenly golden brown.

3. Add the onion chopped into thin half rings and continue to fry the potatoes over low heat until cooked.

How to fry Saber potatoes in a pan


500 grams of potatoes;

60 grams of natural 72% butter;

White wheat flour crackers - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse potato tubers thoroughly under running water, peel and cut into large slices, dip in cold water for three minutes.

2. Rinse the starch off the potato pieces and lay them out on a linen towel, wipe and fry. In a well-heated butter, fry the potatoes in a pan until golden brown.

3. Two minutes before the end of frying, add salt, add breadcrumbs and stir well so that the potatoes roasting in the pan are evenly covered with breadcrumbs crumbs and lightly fried.

How to fry potatoes in a frying pan with a golden crust - Oksanka Potatoes


One kilogram of potatoes, unboiled;

Butter 72% fat - 50 grams;

Corn refined oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

A small pinch of ground nutmeg;


Cooking method:

1. Peeled potatoes, thoroughly washed from starch, cut into thin rings, sprinkle with coarse salt, ground nutmeg and allspice.

2. In a wide deep frying pan, put the butter, pour in the corn and bring to a boil.

3. Add potato rings, spread them evenly over the bottom of the pan and fry the potatoes in the pan without stirring.

4. When the bottom of the potatoes is browned, reduce the heat to the minimum, and, having covered with a lid, hold the potatoes for a quarter of an hour, during which time they will bake into one whole cake.

5. Lift the tortilla with a wide spatula, transfer it to an empty shallow plate, fried side up, and quickly slide the potato tortilla back into the pan.

6. Fry until the bottom is browned.

7. Transfer the finished fried potatoes with a crust to a sieve to remove excess fat.

How to fry potatoes with a crust in a pan from any kind of potato - "Grandma's Tale"

The complexity of choosing the right variety will become unnecessary if the basic principles of how to fry potatoes in a pan are clear. This recipe uses them all at once.


Potatoes - any, the amount based on the size of the pan;

Vegetable oil - any of your choice;

Large garden salt;

Butter, thickened homemade cream is better.

Cooking method:

1. We clean the potatoes by putting the tubers in a spacious bowl with cold water.

2. Thoroughly wash the potatoes in running water and again put them in a saucepan, completely covering them with water.

3. Cut the potatoes. To begin with, we “dissolve” the tuber along the maximum length into layers with a thickness of 1 to 2.5 cm. Then we cut it with a knife with a sharp, narrow and thin blade into plates, 2–3 mm thick. Sliced ​​potatoes, trying not to break the original shape too much, put back into the water.

4. Having cut all the potatoes, put them in a large colander, rinse with a stream of water and let it drain well.

5. We heat a steel or cast-iron pan with a thick bottom and walls at maximum heat until a characteristic smell of hot metal appears. Pour about 1/2 teaspoon of salt (necessarily dry) and, rocking the pan, distribute the salt along the bottom. Let the salt sizzle for about a minute, and pour in the oil. The amount of oil should be enough to cover the bottom of the pan with a layer of 3 millimeters.

6. We heat the oil at maximum heat, carefully watching the surface. As soon as the smallest streams of whitish smoke begin to run against the background of the walls, immediately put the potatoes and quickly level its surface with a flat slotted spoon. Ideally, when the pan has sides 5-7 centimeters high, and the height of the potatoes will be 1.5-2 cm less.

7. Immediately, preventing the potatoes from sticking to the metal, move them slightly away from the walls with a slotted spoon. Also, carefully, in no case turning over, lift the potato layer from different sides and carefully put it back.

8. We fry, still at the maximum, focusing not on time, but in the “grandmother's way” - by smell. When it is already very appetizing, again raise the layer of potatoes with a slotted spoon. Now you need to look and make sure that the crust on the bottom is sufficiently fried. Some "white spots" are not terrible, the main thing is not to burn!

9. As soon as, in your opinion, the crust becomes sufficiently ruddy, immediately turn the potatoes over. You don’t need to stir it, try to turn the whole potato in one layer, a second slotted spoon may come in handy for this. This is very difficult, and if it didn’t work out, it doesn’t matter, turn it over in a few pieces, it’s more important not to leave fried plates on the bottom, they will start to burn and you will have to stir the dish again, which is highly undesirable.

10. After turning the potatoes for the first time, immediately reduce the heat to half and fry until the smell of fried potatoes is even stronger. Salt, remembering that some of the salt was already in the pan.

11. Turn over, or if you have a very thick layer, stir the potatoes, trying to move the lighter parts down. If there are a lot of underdone potatoes, it is worth adding a little vegetable oil, trying to pour it directly onto the surface of the pan. Turn potatoes over if necessary.

12. Once most of the potatoes have reached the desired ruddy, try the lightest pieces. If they are soft, put the potatoes on plates and put cream or butter on top. This will reduce the harsh taste, leaving the crust just as tasty and crispy.

13. Serve with cold homemade milk, or curdled milk, hot homemade bread.

How to fry potatoes with a boiled crust - “Student-style”

Finishing college while living in a hostel and not learning how to fry potatoes, let alone how to fry potatoes in a frying pan? Was it even worth studying?


Potatoes of any variety, boiled "in their uniforms";

Vegetable oil, unrefined;

Large garden salt;


green onion;

Broth seasoning - "Mushroom" or "Chicken", seasoning "Spring herbs".

Cooking method:

1. Boil potatoes "in their uniforms" and cool in cold water. If the potatoes were cooked a day or two ago, only better, you can keep them in the refrigerator, or in a cold place.

2. Peel potatoes, removing all dark spots. Cut into 1.5-2 cm cubes with a sharp thin knife. Moisten the knife, then the potatoes will crumble less. Do not try to separate the cubes, they will fall apart on their own in the hot oil.

3. Heat, as in the previous recipe, first a pan, then salt and oil. Reduce the heat a little from the maximum and lay out the potatoes. This must be done in such a way that the potatoes lie in one layer, a little more can be.

4. We fry the potatoes, from time to time, lifting and shaking the pan from time to time, until the lower part is clearly browned. Then turn over with a slotted spoon and, slightly reducing the heat, continue until cooked.

5. We transfer the finished potatoes to the plates, without abusing them, sprinkle with seasonings, and thinly cut the butter on top. Cut onion feathers and sprinkle generously with potatoes, or serve separately whole.

Fried potatoes in a pan, how to fry potatoes with a crust - tricks and tips

Potatoes fried in a pan will turn out more fragrant if they are fried in a mixture of any vegetable oil and natural butter or homemade cream.

To ensure even frying, the layer of potatoes laid out in the pan should not be thicker than 5 cm. Therefore, it is best to take a fairly large pan.

Salted potatoes ahead of time will absorb a lot of fat and at the same time begin to fall apart.

If you start frying potatoes on high heat, and bring them to readiness on moderate, fried potatoes will turn out with a crust.

Today, fried potatoes are a favorite dish for many, both children and adults adore it, despite the calorie content. This dish can be served as a side dish, or eaten as a main dish without adding anything or fried potatoes with mushrooms, meat or just onions. So, let's cook delicious fried potatoes.

When fried potatoes were invented, it is not known exactly, but the fact that potatoes cooked in this way are a relative of french fries is indisputable, so their history is inextricably linked, and the Belgians can be safely called the creators of the dish.

In our country, potatoes fried in a frying pan or oven with a little oil are considered an everyday dish, but many housewives also cook it for the holidays, garnishing various fish, meat and poultry dishes with ruddy fragrant potato slices.

The main secret of delicious fried potatoes is a crispy golden crust. And this is what often becomes a problem for many cooks - to make potatoes, especially when they are fried in large quantities in a pan, crispy, but at the same time bringing them to readiness is not so easy. To achieve such a result, you need to choose the right potatoes, prepare and observe certain nuances when frying - we will talk about this.

Choice of potatoes - which one will crunch the best?

The best option for frying is potatoes of medium-boiled varieties with a pinkish skin, firm and retaining their shape well.

You can fry both pre-boiled potatoes and raw ones, the latter is tastier and juicier, but it will take more time to bring it to readiness. Boiled potatoes are cut into slices and fried in a pan with oil until browned - in this case, it is easier to achieve a crisp than when frying raw potatoes, which can be called a whole art.

The choice of oil - which one is right?

Most often, potatoes are fried in refined vegetable oil, but butter can also be used, but in this case there is a higher risk that the potatoes will burn - you will need to carefully monitor them, but the potatoes will turn out to be more fragrant and tender. You can also use a mixture of vegetable and butter ghee - this mixture will not burn, and the potatoes will turn out very fragrant. Another option is frying on bacon, animal fat - the crust turns out to be very ruddy, but the calorie content of such a dish is literally prohibitive.

Preparing potatoes for frying

It is better to cut the potatoes as thin as possible, slices, cubes, sticks, straws or slices. If you soak it in cold water for half an hour before frying and then dry it, it is more likely that it will turn out crispy and not stick together in the process, but soaking will also lose most of the nutrients.

You can fry potatoes without additional ingredients, or by adding onions, mushrooms or any meat products to it - any type of meat will do. To ensure that potatoes always turn out well when frying, take note of these tips:

  • Always lay potatoes only on hot oil;
  • The layer of potatoes in the pan should be no more than 5 cm for uniform frying;
  • Do not salt the potatoes before frying - they will absorb a lot of fat, it is better to do this before serving;
  • To make potatoes crispy, fry them first on high, then on moderate heat, never cover them with a lid, otherwise they will turn out stewed, not fried;
  • If you put the potatoes in hot water before frying and dry them after that, they will fry faster;
  • For good browning, potatoes can be lightly sprinkled with flour;
  • Raw potatoes fried in a pan can be brought to readiness in the oven;
  • When frying, potatoes should not be stirred too often, it is better to do this with a wooden or plastic spatula, immersing it from the edge and lifting the lowest layer of potatoes to the top in one easy movement.

Crispy Fried Potato Recipe

You will need: 4 potato tubers, 6 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook fried potatoes. Peel, cut the potatoes into thin circles about 3 mm thick, spread in portions in a frying pan with hot oil in a single layer, fry for about 10-15 minutes until cooked, turning once when it is browned on one side, after frying put on a paper towel. Sprinkle potatoes with salt and chopped dill or green onions before serving.

Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions

You will need: 500 g potatoes, 300 g fresh champignons, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, herbs, black pepper, salt.

Cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms. Cut the potatoes into strips, onions into cubes, chop the garlic. Fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil or its mixture with butter, remove them from the pan. Put in the pan where the onions and garlic were fried (the oil should be hot), stirring, fry until browned, add salt, lower the heat and continue to fry. Separately, fry the mushrooms cut with plastics in oil until browned, chop the greens. In an almost ready potato, add mushrooms with previously fried onions and garlic, herbs, mix, turn off the heat.

Fried potato wedges in the oven

You will need: 900 g potatoes, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. flour, salt.

How to fry potatoes in the oven. Preheat oven to 220 degrees. Peel medium-sized potatoes, cut into quarters, dip in boiling salted water and boil for 15 minutes, uncovered, put in a colander, dry. Next, pour the potatoes with oil, sprinkle with flour and gently mix with your hands so that it is evenly coated with oil and flour. Pour oil into a baking dish or onto a sheet, put in the oven, heat the oil, carefully remove the sheet, put the potatoes, put it in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes until browned. These potatoes are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Recipe for fried potatoes with meat

You will need: 600 g potatoes, 200 g pork tenderloin, 10 g greens, salt, pepper.

Cooking fried potatoes with meat. Cut the meat into small pieces, fry in a pan with heated oil. Cut the potatoes into strips, add to the meat browned on both sides, fry for 10 minutes, pepper and salt, add spices to taste, reduce the heat and fry until tender, stirring every 5 minutes, sprinkle the potatoes with meat with herbs before serving.

For men, crispy fried potatoes with meat will be a real pleasure, it is very appetizing and satisfying. Always please your loved ones with delicious dishes along with!

Video fried potato recipe

They prepared it. Look what happened

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Cooking french fries in the microwave is a matter of 5-7 minutes, especially if you have frozen chopped potatoes in the refrigerator. It's good if you find some sauces there;) Cooking!

French fries can be prepared at home, quickly and without any hassle. I cook french fries in a pan almost every weekend. A very tasty side dish.

If you like spicy Chinese food, then you should definitely try the Chinese potato recipe. Yes, the Chinese also eat potatoes!

Recipe for fried potatoes with garlic and chili sauce, nuts, olive oil and tomatoes.

Oh, well, who can resist fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms? I personally can't. If you are also not indifferent to mushrooms - read the recipe!

Recipe for fried potatoes with onions, bell peppers, bacon and thyme.

If the standard combination of mashed potatoes and fried mushrooms is a little boring, then baked potatoes with champignons will be a great alternative. Crispy crust and tender filling - it's worth a try.

Fried potatoes with bell peppers are a rare dish in our country, but now we are trying more and more vegetables in our diet. Try fried potatoes with bell peppers. I share a simple recipe with you.

I like to make French fries in the oven, as they are much healthier, they do not have that huge amount of oil if you deep-fry them. This recipe is for those who count calories and save their figure!

I especially like the recipe for cooking french fries in an air grill due to the ruddy appetizing crust that forms on the potato. So if there is an air grill on the farm - let's get started!

Recipe for Baked French Fries with Thyme, Basil, Oregano, Parsley and Romano Cheese.

French fries - a thing, of course, very high-calorie and not very healthy, but damn tasty at the same time;). A simple salad recipe with french fries and vegetables is suitable for those who take care of themselves.

Recipe for Baked Sweet Potatoes with Peppers, Garlic Powder and Cayenne Peppers.

We offer you an easy way to cook french fries in a Redmond slow cooker. So if there is this unit in the house, be sure to try it, you have not eaten such delicious potatoes yet.

Recipe for roast beef with garlic, onion powder, french fries and meat broth sauce.

Oven fried potatoes with spices - a very easy to prepare, but very original side dish. I advise you to try it today - you will like it!

Zucchini fries are a delicious appetizer made from such a simple and affordable vegetable as zucchini. Delicious, light, served with a good sauce, a zucchini appetizer is simply irresistible.

Don't know how delicious to fry potatoes? I tell you how to cook fried potatoes - soft, fragrant and tasty. An ideal Russian side dish for many dishes.

Potato wedges in the oven are a great alternative to french fries. It has much fewer calories, and the taste is richer and more varied due to spices. Children love baked potato wedges in the oven.

Properly baked potatoes in the oven are so tasty that they can be served not only as a side dish for something meaty, but also as a very tasty snack (for example, with homemade ketchup).

Greetings my dears! Who doesn't love a delicious fried potato with a crust? Today I will tell you how to fry potatoes in a frying pan deliciously. It would seem such a simple question, but how many options for answering it ... 🙂

I just love this dish! From early childhood. When parents were “conjuring” in the kitchen and the smell of fried potatoes was spreading around the house, it was a holiday! And each family has its own ways and recipes of cooking. But to achieve a golden crust - the rules are the same. I'll start in order. And to make it clearer, I'll add pictures.

Which potato is best?

Two varieties are best suited for frying - pink and yellow. Choose firm-skinned, fresh tubers. Old tubers may not turn out to be potatoes in a crispy shell and the dish will not taste the same.

Fried potatoes are great for a hearty lunch. 100 g fried potatoes 300 kcal. More with fat. But if you eat in moderation and do not fry too much, then it will also retain useful substances!

Oil selection

Take refined sunflower. Deodorized unrefined is definitely not suitable. It will smoke, foam and interrupt the taste of the dish.

Still fried in lard. Then there will be so many calories in food, oh-oh-oh! If you are on a diet, then eating fat with potatoes is better to refuse. You can cook with butter too. Then your dish will come out especially tender. But the potatoes will need to be very carefully monitored. In this oil, the slices burn very quickly. Here experience is needed.

The ideal option is a mixture of vegetable and butter. The amount depends on the serving. On average, for 1 kilogram of potatoes you need 125 ml of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. butter spoons

What pan to cook in?

You can also use a deep fryer, but for me, it’s so soulless somehow. Delicious potatoes “like in childhood” are still better in a frying pan.

From aluminum cookware and with a thin bottom, give up immediately. Two ideal options: cast iron and aluminum with a thick bottom. The dishes should be wide so that it is convenient to mix and not lay the potatoes in several layers. For example, this would work:

Frying pan Vitesse "Le Splendour" with a lid, with a marble coating, with a removable handle, color: burgundy. Diameter 26 cm. VS-2269

To the store

Perfect cut

Straws 5-7 mm thick. Then the dish will come out fried on the outside and soft inside. To save time, I advise you to use a vegetable cutter. This is what I really like:

It turns out much faster than cutting on the board. Especially when you need to cook for a large family or guests will soon catch up. And so I cut it, quickly fried potatoes, made a salad and everyone is happy 🙂

How to fry with a golden crust

The secret to a perfectly cooked dish is to get rid of excess starch. Then it will be easier to get potatoes with a crust. Pour the slices with cold water until they are just covered. Leave on for approximately 15-20 minutes. Next, drain the water and lightly rinse the straw again. Lay the slices on a towel and blot all the pieces.

A very important rule: raw potatoes cannot be sent to a cold frying pan, in unheated oil. It does not fry, but sticks and does not turn out delicious. Therefore, first turn on a strong fire, put the pan and pour the oil. Let it warm up well.

I wrote about the perfect combination of butter and vegetable oil above. You can cook only on vegetable. Everything to your taste 🙂

To check if the pan is hot, add one potato wedge. If the oil sizzles, then you can cook.

Put the pieces on a hot surface and let them fry. We put the fire on medium. You don’t need to mix, check, and generally touch it in any other way. Let it cook for 3-5 minutes. Then, with a deft movement of the spatula, turn the potatoes over. It should roll over with a whole layer. It will work if you did everything right. Fry the dish on the other side for the same time. And do this 1-2 more times.

How long to fry potatoes in a pan in total time - about 20 minutes

The whole process takes place without a lid. Cover - you get not fried, but stewed potatoes, loose and falling apart. Salt, pepper only at the end before the last mixing. You can also add grated garlic “under the curtain” - it turns out very tasty!

To reduce calories, place the potatoes on a paper towel. Excess oil will be absorbed and reduce the fat content of the dish. By the way, when losing weight, you can also eat potatoes.

Now you know the secrets of how to cook fried potatoes in a pan very tasty and with a golden crust. It's time to start experimenting with different flavors. Garlic or onion plus herbs are great options.

Step-by-step recipe with photo of frying potatoes with onions

Potatoes prepared this way are often cooked in my family. The combination of spices with onions makes for a simple yet tasty and nutritious dish.

  • 5 large or 10 small potatoes;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/3 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 1/3 tsp sweet paprika;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • frying oil.

Wash and clean tubers. Cut potatoes into slices or slices like chips.

In a deep bowl, add spices to the chopped slices. If you will be cooking from frozen potatoes, follow the same step-by-step steps.

Break the bay leaf into small pieces. Mix everything together thoroughly.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Pour oil into a frying pan and place it over medium heat. When the oil is hot, put the potatoes in the pan.

Toss with a spatula until each potato wedge is coated with oil. Turn the slices several times while frying to brown on all sides. When you see that the potatoes are half soft, add the onion cubes. Do not do this before, otherwise the onion will burn and there will be coals.

Stir and cover the pan with a lid. Let everything sweat in the pan.

When you see that the onions have softened and the potatoes have become crispy, then the dish is ready. Using a spatula, put everything on a plate. Taste for salt and add spices if needed.

Delicious and fast with mushrooms

To eat the whole family, we take half a kilogram of tubers, 300 g of fresh champignons (well, or any other mushrooms that you like), 4 medium cloves of garlic, 1 medium onion, and herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare the potatoes (see above for how to do this). We cut into strips, wash and so on. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry separately in oil. Finely chop the greens.

Mushrooms cut into slices and fry separately. You can in the same pan where you fried onions and garlic. Brown the mushrooms until crispy. This usually takes about 10 minutes.

Put the potatoes in a very well-heated frying pan and fry according to all the rules approximately. When the potatoes are almost ready, add mushrooms, onion with garlic and greens to it. Salt, pepper, stir and remove from heat. Traditional Russian dish is ready! Serve it to the table with vegetable salad, sour cream.

How to cook with meat

To prepare the dish quickly, let's deal with the meat first. Boil it or bake it in the oven. We will add ready-made meat to the potatoes.

For 4 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4-5 tubers;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3-4 medium cloves;
  • ready-made meat - 300 g (beef, lean pork or bacon slices are suitable).
  • your favorite spices, salt, pepper and herbs to taste.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, send the chopped tubers and fry on one side for 3-5 minutes over high heat. Flip over and add onion. Reduce fire to medium. Stirring occasionally, cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Cut the cooked meat into small cubes. When the potatoes are almost "reached" - add the garlic. Fry for another minute and add the meat. If it comes out dry, add a little water - half a cup. Stir again. While the water is evaporating, salt and pepper. When the water has evaporated, add the chopped herbs. Everyone, food is served! Crispy golden potatoes with meat - a hearty lunch.

Crispy potatoes with lard

This recipe is from my dad. It has one secret ingredient.

Required Ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of tubers;
  • salsa with meat layer - 100 g;
  • bow - 1 pc.;
  • spices to taste;
  • the secret ingredient is half an apple without a core and skin.

Cut the onion as you like, and the apple into thin strips. Salo should be cut into small strips. Heat the frying pan well and add a little vegetable oil so that it does not turn out too greasy. After all, the fat will melt. Already on a very hot frying pan spread the fat. Reduce fire to medium. When you notice that the layers of meat on the fat have turned white - add potatoes. Turn over after 5-7 minutes. We wait another 4-5 minutes and turn over again.

Then add the chopped apple and onion at the same time. Fry for another 10-15 minutes, stirring. Add spices at the end. You can sprinkle with coriander. Salt, pepper, mix. The addition of apple makes the taste awesome! Try it.

Boiled potatoes with onions

The option is unusual in that we will fry the potatoes already cooked in their skins 🙂

Required Ingredients:

  • 900 g potatoes in a peel;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 teaspoons spoons of dried herbs;
  • salt and pepper.

Rinse the tubers and boil in their uniforms. Cook until tender about 10-15 minutes. When potatoes are cool, cut into cubes. If the tubers are fresh, then I do not peel them. And if the harvest is last season, then it is better to clean it.

Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into a heated frying pan. Fry chopped onion and garlic until golden brown. Transfer to a bowl. If you do not like garlic, then you can not add.

Fry the potato cubes in the second part of the oil. During cooking, add pepper and salt to your taste. When the cubes are already browned on all sides, add the fry. Cook for a few more minutes.

Remove from heat and sprinkle with fresh herbs or dried herbs. This side dish is best served immediately.

How to make delicious sauce

Potato dishes cannot be called exquisite. They are prepared as everyday food. But if you add here such a touch as sauce, then you can pleasantly surprise your family and friends. Colored sauce will be a great solution. There is a sauce recipe that fits all three dishes perfectly.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2-3 medium onions;
  • parsley root or celery root;
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • dry wine - 3 tablespoons (red or white - no difference);
  • 1 teaspoon honey. It must be liquid. If you have only candied, then it needs to be melted;
  • 1 pinch of ground red pepper;
  • salt.

Chop onion, parsley root (celery) very finely and put in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Take a glass of water (100 g) and add honey, tomato paste, lemon juice. Mix everything and pour into the pot with vegetables. Add wine to it.

We put the pan on a slow fire and simmer for 30-40 minutes. The mixture must be stirred periodically. Brought to readiness - salt, pepper, mix and remove from heat. Let the sauce cool and serve in a gravy boat.

Look also I found a small video as an instruction to make everything clearer.

If you are satisfied with the information received, do not forget to tell your friends about it on social networks. Subscribe to blog updates. I am always looking for delicious recipes for you. Fantasize and experiment in the kitchen. And you will succeed!

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