How to serve in the army without hazing? How is the service in the Russian army - the pros and cons, what the conscript needs to know.


For some, receiving a summons from the draft board is a joyful event, while for others, military service is presented in a negative light. But both of them tend to experience some stress before being sent to the service. And this is not surprising, because young people can have a lot of all sorts of questions. How to position yourself correctly, how to behave in the army with "grandfathers", what can and cannot be done? The period during which young guys will learn to defend their homeland, they want to live with dignity. And, of course, everyone wants to avoid various problems that a recruit may encounter in the army.

This material is prepared on the basis of the generalized experience of many generations of men who served in the army. Also here you will find some tips from psychologists that will help the recruit to tune in correctly. So, what can you do in the first months of military service, and how should you behave undesirably? Let's start with recommendations for psychological adjustment.

What not to think about

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to behave in the army, first of all, you need to understand one important thing: the right psychological attitude will help to avoid many problems. Going to serve in the army, try to yearn for home as little as possible. Thoughts like “Right now, the relatives sat down to have breakfast at home, soon the father will go to work, and the sister will go to school” should be thrown out of your head. Such thoughts can only spoil the mood, but if you think about it all the time, then you risk becoming more vulnerable both psychologically and physically.

This attitude of yours will sooner or later become noticeable to others. Colleagues and officers will pay attention to your emotions and consider you a weakling, and this is usually where all problems begin.

The right attitude

Have you almost stopped thinking longingly about home and do not remember your last day in civilian life? Amazing! But how do you feel about the army itself? The question of how to behave in the army can be answered as follows: take your service seriously, responsibly. In no case should you think that military service is a waste of time. This should not be taken lightly and with disdain. Team "Rise!" or "Hang up!" should be taken for granted, and not argued as if all this daily routine does not make any sense.

It’s not as easy in the army as in civilian life, but you didn’t come here to rest. The army is a great way for self-improvement, it is a unique school of life. Imagine that you will return home as an adult, stronger and better. Set yourself goals to achieve certain results and follow them. The people around you will notice your purposefulness and will definitely appreciate it.

How to talk

So, you have already tuned in to a positive mood, but still do not understand how to behave in the army - the first days of service are generally the most difficult. One of the recommendations that can be given in this regard concerns the correct staging of speech. In the army, you should never mutter under your breath. Speak clearly and legibly so that your interlocutor understands you the first time, do not force people to ask and clarify. Moreover, slurred speech will be perceived as a sign of your weakness, indecision. People are judged not by their words, but by their deeds, but the way you speak and express your thoughts clearly also means a lot.

Everything is simple - you need to look decent. When talking, never lower your eyes or head, because only potential victims behave like this. Try to look the interlocutor in the eye, only occasionally looking away. Be neat and clean-shaven, don't slouch. Keep your military uniform clean and ironed. Old-timers, ensigns and even officers will notice your efforts, and also appreciate your ability to do everything and always do it.

How to behave in the army, so as not to seem like a sucker? A man should look courageous and dignified in any situation. Especially in the army. The posture is even, the look expresses calmness and confidence, no fuss. A man who behaves appropriately inspires confidence and is treated with great respect.

How to stay in a new team

How to behave in the army for a recruit in the first days of service, how to join a new team and get to know people? It is immediately worth noting that closed people are treated with distrust and apprehension, one might even say that they are not liked. Therefore, be open, go to the contact. Of course, everything needs to know the measure, do not be too intrusive, otherwise you risk earning yourself a reputation as a sycophant or a six.

You should not particularly rely on the fact that colleagues themselves will reach out to you. Look around, see what your comrades are doing, offer someone a cigarette or chewing gum. Even if the person refuses, the dialogue has already begun. If you have some talents, for example, you know how to play the guitar, feel free to use these skills to your advantage, because the army treats creative people in a special way. Try to prove yourself as a good and reliable friend.

Norms of behavior in a conflict situation

Many young guys who are going to serve soon are interested in how to behave in the army so as not to get into conflict situations. All of the above recommendations will certainly help to avoid various troubles, but it should be understood that conflicts cannot be completely avoided. They can occur for various reasons, so it is important to know in advance how to behave in such cases.

Again, the mental attitude is especially important here. Many conflicts begin with banal emotional provocations, then everything may depend on your behavior, on how you will react to them. Try not to get annoyed, not nervous, do not show your confusion and fear. Even if you can stand up for yourself, there is still no need to use your fists every time. Only cold calculation will get you under control.

Solve problems on time

It happens that experiences associated with hardships and deprivation of service, accumulating, begin to put pressure on the psyche, from which being in the army becomes unbearable. But how to behave in the army if you have certain problems, to whom to turn for advice, and to whom you can complain? And is it worth it? You do not need to keep everything in yourself, but in no case should you allow the accumulation of problems, try to resolve them as they arise. In the end, talk to someone - be it your co-worker, commander or psychologist.

Hazing in the army

Many stories have been told about hazing in the army, you probably heard from childhood about formidable "grandfathers" who mock recruits. Nevertheless, they are the same soldiers, except that they have been in the army longer than you. So how to behave in the army in the early days with grandfathers in order to earn their favor and not become a scapegoat? Follow all of the above recommendations, try to make sure that you have nothing to complain about. Of course, the old-timers have their own, somewhat specific methods of education.

Watch your appearance, conscientiously fulfill your duties and the instructions given to you, do not be stunted and do not complain unless absolutely necessary - and then no one should have any reason to mock you. Treat the "grandfathers" with respect, but do not allow yourself to be humiliated either. In the event that you are guilty, you still will not be able to avoid punishment, but if the claims made against you are unfounded, do not lose your dignity. Do not make mistakes, for which you will have to pay for a long time later.

It is good if one of the male relatives tells a young man about army life. Father, grandfather, brother or uncle - one of them will definitely be able to give good advice to a guy who is about to go to the army to serve military service. Perhaps they had already talked about their service before, but now they should have talked in more detail about how a recruit should behave in the army.

In the first months of a young man's service in the army, it will not be superfluous to protect him from all sorts of bad news from home, from a civilian. The guy is already having a hard time, because he has to endure the hardships and hardships of military service. No need to upset him again. Good news from home will lift the recruit's spirits. Confident that everything is fine at home, he will be able to concentrate on the service and his duties, and will not make mistakes that can pretty much ruin his life.


The army is a school of life. It seems that there are some laws and rules of their own, but in fact this is not entirely true. In the army, as elsewhere, cleanliness, decency, honesty, masculinity, diligence and responsibility are valued. This article has listed the main answers to the question of how to behave in the army. We hope that they will help you to serve with dignity!

Once in the army, a soldier is subject to a strict routine: morning and evening formations, group classes and sports equipment classes are regularly held, and even a certain time is allotted for hours of rest with watching television programs. At the beginning of the service, recruits are also worried about such a thing as hazing in the army. But whether it is or not - everyone decides for himself ... All this is the "skeleton" of army life and is strictly controlled by commanders, brought to automatism.

Meanwhile, a soldier is still not a clockwork mechanism, and the character of any fighter is manifested in relations with his own kind. To “settle down” in the army is also to establish understanding with conscripts like you. Those who do not “take root” will become a victim of “ army hazing". What kind of behavior in the barracks is acceptable will be discussed below.

How to join a new team?

First of all, you need to learn: leaders are not liked in any team, and especially the old-timers do not like them. Yes, and leaders are different: someone is too “correct”, someone surpasses the rest in sports training or studies, someone immediately puts a “barrier” between themselves and those around them. Any "barriers" in a relationship separate the individual from the group. In the army, it is necessary to do the opposite - to join the team, to become part of it.

The more friends a soldier has from his conscription, the better. Mutual assistance, revenue, support of comrades - an indispensable condition for the fact that you will be considered one of your own. A separate conversation is eating. If a package has arrived from home, share the products with your friends. Eating canned food alone is the first step towards hazing in the army. If, nevertheless, for some reason it didn’t work out to join the team, or hazing has become a real nightmare, complaining to the higher command, writing about it to relatives, according to the unspoken soldiers’ rules, is by no means possible. They will definitely find out about the complaint, and they can read the letter, and then the situation will become much more complicated. It is better to immediately contact the military prosecutor's office with a complaint about hazing.

However, it must be remembered that there is a difference between complaint and complaint. It is one thing to complain about a presumptuous group of "grandfathers", and quite another - directly to the commander, who exhausts the soldiers with drill. It is the duty of any soldier to timely fulfill the orders of higher command staff. For failure to comply with the order can be severely paid.

Cleanliness and order are sacred

For example, one of the soldiers decides to refuse to clean the barracks: “Why me again?” “Me again” in the case of cleaning does not “roll over”. Each soldier takes part in the cleaning in turn, because the barracks is a common house for conscripts, and both well-being and mood depend on how clean it will be. In addition, most simply will not understand your reluctance to clean up: “We are cleaning, but are you some kind of special one?”

The opposite is true for cleaning toilets. If you mess up, cleaning toilets is a common punishment. But if you were not punished, no one has the right to send a soldier to such cleaning. In general, any assignment that humiliates human dignity is outlawed. If someone considers himself "higher", and enrolled another in "slaves" and teaches him, how to behave in the army, such a person must be put in his place. It is desirable, together with comrades, that the humiliated feel a strong hand of mutual assistance.

What else can you charge for? For slovenliness - first of all. Untidy appearance is the main reason for bullying. Bad foot odor is the same. Weak belt - remark. I didn’t understand the first time - I got it for misunderstanding.

If there are no remarks to the soldier, they do not touch him. Discipline, observance of the charter in the army is valued above all else. A sure way to avoid army hazing- to be a good soldier.

The army is a good school of life, which many men who have not served are advised to take in absentia. We will not rant on whether it is worth going there or not (since every young person must make such a decision himself), but we will only give a few tips from the series “how not to behave in the army if you want to serve well.” Therefore, if you are probably going to “taste army porridge” (or maybe even serve for some time), sit comfortably at the monitor and remember everything that we will tell you now. Let's make a reservation in advance that situations are different, and our advice should not be taken as the only possible behavior, but most often they will help you avoid some problems.

Seriously. Many guys who enter the army begin to believe that since there is no opposite sex here, and no one from relatives / acquaintances can see you, you can not give a damn about your appearance and walk like a “chicken”.

Set aside! You are seen by those around you, and, as you know, they are met precisely by clothes.

In addition, such people are shunned and despised in the army, and often sent to the dirtiest and most “disrespectful” jobs (hello, cleaning the “toilet”). Conclusion? Start respecting yourself (and, accordingly, your appearance) and others will respect you!

Do not agree to dubious "requests" of old-timers

In the army, the order of the authorities is undeniable, however, in addition to the officers, you will also deal with old-timers (“grandfathers”, “demobilizations”, etc.). And if the former are unlikely to give you an order that you should refuse, then the latter from the very first day may try to bend you.

Imagine the situation - on the very first day of service, one of the soldiers comes up to you and asks you to wash his uniform, make his bed, find a cigarette for him, etc. It is strictly contraindicated to do all this, otherwise your reputation will be wetted for all further service. Say a firm "No" and even, despite the likely threats, stand your ground! Of course, the so-called "grandfathers" may subsequently try to arrange a difficult army life for you, begin to put pressure on you morally or even threaten you physically - do not bend!

Remember that having broken down once, you will no longer regain the respect of both old-timers and soldiers of your conscription.

Are they betting on money? Don't give anything. They tease, humiliate or even beat you - beat back or send them to hell. All this will not continue indefinitely and at some point they will leave you behind, realizing that you are a person of principle who does not serve anyone.

Don't be greedy

It would seem to be a common truth. However, there is such a thing as "army greed", which is associated with the fact that it is very, very difficult to get sweets, cigarettes and other joys of life in the army. For this reason, it is not uncommon for you to receive a package and eat only a couple of sweets from it, and the rest is dispersed among your colleagues. After such moments, some begin to hide in every possible way that they have something tasty (or, for example, cigarettes, which sell like hot cakes here) and try to find opportunities to eat it alone. I am ready to give at least 3-5 examples when people were caught eating under the covers after lights out or even in the toilet!

On "hammer" on duties

There is a clear hierarchy in the army, and if you have not learned the charter, then the inspecting officer will ask first of all from the sergeant, who will later remember this for you.

Don't get hung up on thoughts of home

Now let's talk about your state of mind. If you don’t want to “fly off the coils” and feel more or less comfortable, try not to burden yourself with unnecessary memories. Of course, you don’t need to completely forget the house, parents, friends or girlfriend.

But take it right now that the army is now your new home with its own rules and conventions. And the sooner you master them, the better.

Meet people, be interested in the device of the entrusted weapon or tank, occupy yourself with something and your service will pass quickly and interestingly.

Don't be "mumble"

Try to be clear and to the point, and don't mumble under your breath. Keep your posture, do not slouch, behave calmly and confidently, without lowering your eyes.

Remember that lowering your eyes, head or slouching is taking on the role of a “potential victim”.

Don't Be Secretive

“Dark horses” in the army are frankly disliked, so do not move away from the team, make acquaintances, moving in this direction on your own (for example, treat a colleague with something). Show off your talents. Can you play the guitar? Play! Are you into radio electronics? Repair the ensign's favorite radio!

The sooner you prove yourself, the better your relationship with the team will be.

Do not fall for provocations

Try not to succumb to various provocations. In addition, there are many different peculiar jokes in the army, which are aimed at breaking you psychologically. For this reason, try to show restraint and calmness in situations where it is possible (of course, sometimes you can and should prove your case with your fists, but the commander who managed to win without a fight is good).

Weigh all your actions and always think about how well you are behaving.

Many of those who are just about to experience all the hardships and hardships of military service have no idea what awaits them. In anticipation, they simulate situations that they might get into on the first day of service, winding themselves up and experiencing unnecessary excitement. To discard all negative thoughts and understand how to behave in the army in the first days of service, you just need to read this article.

The right mindset for service

An important psychological factor for a recruit is the right attitude to the service. If there is one thing that needs to be done in the army on the first day, it is to discard all negative thoughts. It is worth considering that there is no escape from the service, and there is nothing left but to simply take it for granted. You need to understand that this stage of life is often a turning point, making a real man out of a simple boy. Therefore, immediately set yourself up to overcome the maximum number of difficulties that may arise. As the saying goes, "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst." With the right attitude, even the most difficult situation will seem like a mere trifle.

How to communicate with others

On the first day of service, newly arrived recruits are assigned to platoons and companies, thus forming new teams. Each person has his own character and is accustomed to the amenities that surrounded him before in civilian life. In this regard, conflicts between soldiers often arise in newly created teams. Someone creates conflict situations wanting to assert themselves, while someone is simply infuriated by the new situation. Remember, you should not make enemies for yourself in the early days, since in such a team you have to go through the entire period of service and endure many difficulties.

You can talk about all the problems in the army with an officer

Don't be greedy!

For almost all conscripts, parents collect large bags of food so that they have enough at least for the first time, before the body gets used to army food. Arriving at the unit, there is no need to save or hide food.

  1. Firstly, all perishable food that you brought with you will be removed on the first day, this is done to prevent intestinal diseases that recruits can pick up due to spoiled food.
  2. Secondly, those who hide and eat everything alone do not enjoy the respect of the team and will remember this act until the end of their service.

Don't be provoked

Upon arrival at the service and after the loss of all the charms of civilian life, the positive mood of most soldiers disappears somewhere, and some even fall into depression. Because of this, someone can provoke you into conflicts and clashes, however, you should not be led to them. There is also a certain period of "grinding", when the soldiers get used to each other, studying the characteristics of the character. Whatever mood you are in, you should not be led to provocations, since it is better to keep your ego than to receive a disciplinary sanction for a fight or other hazing, leaving a stigma in your personal file for the entire period of service.

What you don't want to think about

The sooner you ask yourself such a question, the better, since negative thoughts have a very negative effect on the general condition of the recruit. Understand that now you are starting a new life for at least a year, and everything that happened before is left in civilian life.

The most common problem among newly arrived soldiers is homesickness. There is no getting away from this, you will have to forget about home comforts for a while, it is worth understanding on the very first day and try not to think about it anymore.

The second most negative thought is longing for your girlfriend (if you were in a relationship), who promised to wait faithfully. Do not worry. From such a long breakup, you can get a lot of useful things, since any relationship must be tested by time. If a girl really deserves you and truly loves you, then she will definitely wait. Otherwise, such relations were doomed to failure even without an army.

In a word, do not spoil your mood with bad thoughts.

How to stay in a new team

As a recruit will prove himself in the team from the very beginning, so he will be treated throughout the entire period of service. There is no need to withdraw into yourself and avoid dialogue with your comrades, since this kind of behavior often alarms other military personnel. IN first day in the army to behave defiantly not worth it either. For every stubborn fighter, there is an even more stubborn one. Therefore, it is best to be yourself and behave naturally. And by the way, even if a young soldier decides to hide some of his qualities, then over time they will open. This is a feature of the army - here a person can be seen through and through, since no one is able to play a role for 365 days.

The appearance of a soldier

From the first days, officers and senior comrades will let you know that a neat appearance of a soldier is an integral part of military discipline. A soldier must always be clean-shaven, neatly trimmed, and shoes must shine. The uniform of a soldier must be ironed and washed, as soldiers who smell unpleasant are not respected among their comrades. Keep in mind that the habit of monitoring your appearance will come in handy for you in civilian life as well.

Norms of behavior in conflict situations

If you still could not avoid a conflict situation, then behave with dignity, not succumbing to unnecessary emotions. Remember that using your fists is the last resort, and almost any conflict can be resolved with words. As a rule, most conflicts in the initial stages of service can literally take place from scratch, so it’s better to think about a further relationship with a person than to burn all the bridges by insulting him greatly.

Hazing in the army

Every year, the manifestations of the so-called hazing becomes less and less, this is due to the service life and general trends. For example, now you can call the military prosecutor's office from a mobile phone and the punishment will instantly overtake the so-called "grandfather". Of course, in some units there are military personnel who practice these negative traditions (we can judge this from the news that immediately fills the Internet and the information space), but there are few such individuals and they are often sent to places from which hazing came to the army. Now more practiced respect for more experienced military personnel. From childhood, we were taught that elders must be respected, in this case everything is the same. The main thing is to understand the difference in the concepts of "respect" and "sycophancy" and clearly separate them. If you were wrong about something, it’s better to admit it and do it right later, because otherwise the old-timers can remember you for a long time, constantly putting “sticks in the wheels”.

Solve problems as they come

Every day, a soldier may have problems that in no case should be kept in himself. If you can't handle something, share it with your co-worker, officer, or even a psychologist. Remember, any problem is solvable, so do not put it off until later. Understand everything in a timely manner, and there will be no problems in the future.

Letting her son go to the army, every mother or girl will be very worried. There is no need to convey extra negative emotions to the recruit, which he already has enough. Support him as much as you can, and remember that by releasing a boy into the army, in a year you will meet a real man. Be sure to ask for the phone number of the commander of the unit (not part), so that you can call him in case of emergency. Also, you can take the phone number personally during the oath.

IMPORTANT! If you have the commander's number, then you don't need to call him every week or, even worse, daily! You have this number for any emergency or if your son does not get in touch for a month.

The father must definitely choose the right parting words to give his son confidence.

Based on all this, we can conclude that you should not be afraid of military service. Everyone who has gone through this speaks very positively about these times. Be yourself and luck will smile on you.

A few weeks after the call, each soldier takes the oath. You can read more about this event in the articles on our website.


First of all, upon arrival at the unit, do not close in on yourself and in your “grief”. Look around and you will see many great people around you, your colleagues, with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Maybe from the crowd or grandfathers you will find your fellow countrymen who will support you at first. Select for yourself people who can be trusted, and those who are best avoided. You should not run from one company to another, because it is better to have one reliable and faithful friend than a company of acquaintances who will set you up at a crucial moment.

At first, it is better for a young fighter not to stand out from the general crowd. You don't have to immediately declare your incredible talents, such as being a great runner or guitarist. You don’t want to run distances twice as long as the others during exercises, or do you want to play soulful grandfathers all night long? For the first month or two, you'd better blend in with the crowd and stay out of trouble.

During exercise and exercise, do everything that your comrades do. Believe me, it is also difficult for them to run at speed through the forest, but they puff and endure. Do not fall on with cries of exhaustion and hellish pain. Better slow down and move to the tail of the company, but do not show your weakness. Also, do not show your weakness during feeding. Even if you didn’t have enough rations, you shouldn’t demand more, because grandfathers often beat such “lacks” for excessive appetite.

Write letters home. Send letters to your parents and friends regularly, because getting it in armies- it's real. Such psychological support from home to incredibly young soldiers, so it should not be neglected. However, in letters home, mother does not mention all the hardships and hardships of army life. She will not be able to help you with anything, and her pity will only make you feel worse. It is better to write letters in a positive way - tell us some funny things from your army life or describe pleasant moments.

As you know, the army is a harsh school of life from which real men come out. Soldiers during the service pass through fire, water and copper pipes. It is especially difficult for new recruits. There are several ways to help you cope with stress and serve with dignity.


First of all, carefully monitor your appearance. To avoid out-of-order outfits, you must look very neat and tidy. Do not slouch or lower your eyes, remember that this is how potential victims behave. Always maintain your posture and confidence to show those around you that you are in full control of the situation.

Naturally, all soldiers miss home. Do not dwell on this thought, you need to live for today and accept what is happening. Do not think about what your near and dear people are at the moment. Do not lock yourself in, meet new people, because this is your closest environment for the coming year. Be interested in everything you are taught

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