How to serve in the army without hazing? Advice to a recruit, or the difficulties of army life.


Once in the army, a soldier is subject to a strict routine: morning and evening formations, group classes and sports equipment classes are regularly held, and even a certain time is allotted for hours of rest with watching television programs. At the beginning of the service, recruits are also worried about such a thing as hazing in the army. But whether it is or not - everyone decides for himself ... All this is the "skeleton" of army life and is strictly controlled by commanders, brought to automatism.

Meanwhile, a soldier is still not a clockwork mechanism, and the character of any fighter is manifested in relations with his own kind. To “settle down” in the army is also to establish understanding with conscripts like you. Those who do not “take root” will become a victim of “ army hazing". What kind of behavior in the barracks is acceptable will be discussed below.

How to join a new team?

First of all, you need to learn: leaders are not liked in any team, and especially old-timers do not like them. Yes, and leaders are different: someone is too “correct”, someone surpasses the rest in sports training or studies, someone immediately puts a “barrier” between themselves and those around them. Any "barriers" in a relationship separate the individual from the group. In the army, it is necessary to do the opposite - to join the team, to become part of it.

The more friends a soldier has from his conscription, the better. Mutual assistance, revenue, support of comrades - an indispensable condition for the fact that you will be considered one of your own. A separate conversation is eating. If a package has arrived from home, share the products with your friends. Eating canned food alone is the first step towards hazing in the army. If, nevertheless, for some reason it didn’t work out to join the team, or hazing has become a real nightmare, complaining to the higher command, writing about it to relatives, according to the unspoken soldiers’ rules, is by no means possible. They will definitely find out about the complaint, and they can read the letter, and then the situation will become much more complicated. It is better to immediately contact the military prosecutor's office with a complaint about hazing.

However, it must be remembered that there is a difference between complaint and complaint. It is one thing to complain about a presumptuous group of "grandfathers", and quite another - directly to the commander, who exhausts the soldiers with drill. It is the duty of any soldier to timely fulfill the orders of higher command staff. For failure to comply with the order can be severely paid.

Cleanliness and order are sacred

For example, one of the soldiers decides to refuse to clean the barracks: “Why me again?” “Me again” in the case of cleaning does not “roll over”. Each soldier takes part in the cleaning in turn, because the barracks is a common house for conscripts, and both well-being and mood depend on how clean it will be. In addition, most simply will not understand your reluctance to clean up: “We are cleaning, but are you some kind of special one?”

The opposite is true for cleaning toilets. If you mess up, cleaning toilets is a common punishment. But if you were not punished, no one has the right to send a soldier to such cleaning. In general, any assignment that humiliates human dignity is outlawed. If someone considers himself "higher", and enrolled another in "slaves" and teaches him, how to behave in the army, such a person must be put in his place. It is desirable, together with comrades, that the humiliated feel a strong hand of mutual assistance.

What else can you charge for? For slovenliness - first of all. Untidy appearance is the main reason for bullying. Bad foot odor is the same. Weak belt - remark. I didn’t understand the first time - I got it for misunderstanding.

If there are no remarks to the soldier, they do not touch him. Discipline, observance of the charter in the army is valued above all else. A sure way to avoid army hazing- to be a good soldier.


First of all, upon arrival at the unit, do not close in on yourself and in your “grief”. Look around and you will see many great people around you, your colleagues, with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Maybe from the crowd or grandfathers you will find your fellow countrymen who will support you at first. Select for yourself people who can be trusted, and those who are best avoided. You should not run from one company to another, because it is better to have one reliable and faithful friend than a company of acquaintances who will set you up at a crucial moment.

At first, it is better for a young fighter not to stand out from the general crowd. You don't have to immediately declare your incredible talents, such as being a great runner or guitarist. You don’t want to run distances twice as long as the others during exercises, or do you want to play soulful grandfathers all night long? For the first month or two, you'd better blend in with the crowd and stay out of trouble.

During exercise and exercise, do everything that your comrades do. Believe me, it is also difficult for them to run at speed through the forest, but they puff and endure. Do not fall on with cries of exhaustion and hellish pain. Better slow down and move to the tail of the company, but do not show your weakness. Also, do not show your weakness during feeding. Even if you didn’t have enough rations, you shouldn’t demand more, because grandfathers often beat such “lacks” for excessive appetite.

Write letters home. Send letters to your parents and friends regularly, because getting it in armies- it's real. Such psychological support from home to incredibly young soldiers, so it should not be neglected. However, in letters home, mother does not mention all the hardships and hardships of army life. She will not be able to help you with anything, and her pity will only make you feel worse. It is better to write letters in a positive way - tell us some funny things from your army life or describe pleasant moments.

As you know, the army is a harsh school of life from which real men come out. Soldiers during the service pass through fire, water and copper pipes. It is especially difficult for new recruits. There are several ways to help you cope with stress and serve with dignity.


First of all, carefully monitor your appearance. To avoid out-of-order outfits, you must look very neat and tidy. Do not slouch or lower your eyes, remember that this is how potential victims behave. Always maintain your posture and confidence to show those around you that you are in full control of the situation.

Naturally, all soldiers miss home. Do not dwell on this thought, you need to live for today and accept what is happening. Do not think about what your near and dear people are at the moment. Do not lock yourself in, meet new people, because this is your closest environment for the coming year. Be interested in everything you are taught

For many young men, there comes a moment when you need to repay your debt to the Motherland. We will not go into details of what is right and what is not. Ignorance of what will happen next is very oppressive for the future soldier. Questions arise: what to take with you, how to behave in a team, etc.

This article will consider practical answers to questions asked by a conscript in early days of military service.

The first day in the army and here it is the long-awaited military ID, but it will be available only in a year.

What not to take with you in the first days of military service

The most common recruit mistake is taking too much food with him. The fact is that upon arrival at the PPD (point of permanent deployment), all bags are carefully checked for the presence of perishable products, and if they are found, then everything is immediately thrown into the trash - no matter how long your mother stood at the stove.

From this follows the conclusion that it is worth taking food for one day. As for alcoholic beverages, everything is the same here: you should not draw attention to yourself in this way. Knives, brass knuckles and similar things are also not recommended to be put in a backpack, they will be taken away from you, and there is a chance you will never see them at all.

How to behave on the first day in the army. Tactics of behavior in a military team

It is worth noting that any closed male team is difficult from the point of view of psychology. Here the personality is always in sight, any deed, any word, action is evaluated by the team. Proper building of relationships in the team and with superiors is the key to the success of your stay during the entire period of service.

Opinion of the retired: Is it worth it to go?

I recommend not to show yourself from all sides upon arrival, the study of each is the most advantageous tactic. You should study who is the informal leader, who could become your friend, and who could be your sworn enemy.

You should never lie about who you were in civilian life, or about something else, all this can be exposed and the stigma of a “liar” is guaranteed to you. Tell the truth: if she is not entirely partial, then you will get off with a couple of ridicule addressed to you.

It will be useful to study: Soon you will find out how it really looks.

The first serious test in the army for a soldier is taking the military oath

Build trust with your bosses. There is no need to show that you are ready to plow on them day and night, no one will appreciate this, they will only entrust you with work, which will be very much.

Be executive, do not swear and argue: today he is the boss, albeit perhaps not the smartest, but he will serve you for a long time. And you may have to turn to him for help. The main wisdom is to keep the golden mean in everything and always.

Army. The first days of separation from a girl

You leave for a long time, and a question arises that prevents you from sleeping at night - If you do not have a girlfriend, then you are very lucky, and sleep during the period of service will be good. But often girls do not really want to wait. It's a very uncomfortable feeling, for sure.

Remember one thing: the main male weapon is the mind. It is worth cooling down and thinking, why do I need her if she is not able to wait. After all, for us men, the rear is important: if it can’t cope, then you shouldn’t even waste your nerves and your time on it. Don't get emotional and be courageous.


Preliminary preparation is important. There is a completely different world, not the one we are used to. Many failures and falls are possible (especially at first), but this school is definitely worth going through. Be patient, fair and honest. And after many years you will have something to remember pleasant, these memories will warm. Serve Worthy From first days in the service of the Motherland!

And what advice would you personally give to a young soldier for the first time? Write in the comments - forewarned is forearmed!

I didn't sleep the first night in the army. There were thoughts "Where did I get?", "Why am I here?", "I had to think of something." There were many thoughts. And then the weekdays began.
At first it is difficult to get used to food, especially after delicious, homemade. Everything low-fat, unsweetened In the first days, I even malnourished, drank tea without sugar out of habit, but then I realized that the next time they would be fed not when I wanted to eat, but according to the daily routine, and my attitude to food changed dramatically.
There is a need in the army. Moreover, everything that will be put on a plate, otherwise it will be bad for drills. You get used to food over time. Bigus was my favorite dish. I heard about "jelly with a vitamin", but I did not feel it myself. When you come back from work or from duty, you don’t think about sex, but about how to sleep.
Talking about hazing is an empty business. Until you go into the army, you won't be a soldier, you won't understand. There are conventions, there are rules, which, being a civilian, I did not understand, but when I got into those conditions, I understood their necessity and correctness. I can say that force hazing in my unit was suppressed quite harshly.
To be treated normally in a team, you just need to be yourself. It makes no sense to pretend to be something, they see right through you. The army, like a litmus test, reveals all sides of a person, it is difficult to hide, being with the same people for a long time.
There are no personalities in the army, there are soldiers, no one cares who you were in civilian life: the host of a radio program, the director of a company or a student with a red diploma, these are your merits there. Here and now everyone is equal, all soldiers, all serve.
I also advise you not to treat daily work - cleaning, hemming - as a humiliation of personal dignity. It is better to regard them as tests. Yes, they are forced to make a bed according to the ruler and shave every day, and clean boots - those who are not used to keeping them clean. Yes, it's hard, from the rubber polisher corns on the hands. So what?
It is important to live an army life: to go on duty, to be on duty, because if you always think that you will return home soon, time will go slower, and it will be psychologically more difficult. Nobody forbids reading books in their free time either.
It is not worth recruiting a bunch of devices with you into the army - mobile, netbooks. All the same, they will ask you to hand over to the foreman. It also makes no sense to collect tablets for all occasions.
Denis Filipenko, 25 years old

The myth about bromine in tea, which frightens army youth, has been riddled to holes, and there are enough refutations on the Internet. In winter, they give vitamins - the usual "Pikovit", - also taken by some for "magic pills".
Beds, indeed, have to be covered, as they say, under the ruler. And "Panorama" to watch in the evenings. What is all this for? It is impossible to answer this question. In the army they live according to the principle of "square roll, round drag". Common sense does not work here at all! When I came to serve, I was shocked, and this is putting it mildly. Then you get used to everything.
I can’t say anything specific about hazing, in each part in its own way. I didn’t have it as such, there were duties that soldiers of the 1st period perform: clean the barracks in the morning, run somewhere on behalf of the commander or the guys of the older period. You have to get used to the fact that "spirits" first go to any job, and only then all the rest, do not pull the blanket over yourself. The army doesn't like them.
With rations - namely rations, because it's difficult to call it food - the same story: it's different everywhere.
Personally, the army did not give me anything, except for 2 normal friends. For me, it was a waste of time. For all my service, I did not see any benefit that my unit could bring to the state, and there was a negative opinion about the vast majority of the military.
Hall help
Our readers were inspired by the topic of the army to fierce debates: to serve or "mow down"? There was no unequivocal answer to this almost Hamletian question. But some of them tensed up, remembered their army everyday life and gave our newly minted "spirits" some practical advice.
The reader under the nickname Still cheap. Here is a list of his recommendations:
- Do not give money to the foreman to save;
- Do not argue with the elders, even if they are clearly dumber than you, it does not matter in the army;
- Do not sniff transmissions from home, share with everyone. In the first six months, give everything to the 3rd call, the second six months, eat yourself, but be sure to share;
- Do not disdain any work that you are forced to do, do it with enthusiasm and humor, everyone will like you;
- Do not lie down for the first six months on the bed until lights out, only rest while sitting on a stool;
- Do not buy extra food for the first six months, God forbid they find it. The dining room was enough for me;
- Do not stick your hands in your pockets - they will stuff soap or sand and sew it up;
- Be sure to shave, or shave with a towel;
- Always fresh hemming, or they will tear it off and force it to be sewn anew on the parade ground;
- Military greeting - by itself;
- Do not suck up to the officers, the soldiers will not appreciate;
- It is better that there is no money, you are tired of buying cigarettes for your elders, it is better not to smoke at all;
- If you were called up in the winter, and you were given underpants and a shirt, then don’t wear underpants under them, you will sweat (you will definitely), you will rub everything in the world- advises Still cheap. - It is better not to buy expensive machines and cosmetics (soap, paste, foam), something simpler. If a good deodorant or a loom with a floating head appeals to an older draft, you may not find it one day. Some baby soap, smelly foam and disposable machines - that's it.
If it is allowed to wear berets, then it is better to buy simpler tarpaulin ones, because good ones can steal. But this is the first six months. No need to be afraid of tarpaulin boots, the best shoes in the army. In winter, it is warm, especially if you wrap socks with footcloths, in summer it is dry. Checked on myself.
Best advice ever corporal, - "cut off or pay off":
- In general, each part is different., he adds. - You should not be afraid of hazing - you should be afraid of lawlessness, and it can be anything - both from the side of the "jackals" (officers) and from your period or conscript seniors. In general, it’s not worth taking anything to heart and adapting to everything that is offered to you as quickly as possible..
- Never, under any circumstances, wear someone else's shoes in the army, - writes xg, - be it boots, slippers or sports shoes. Guaranteed to catch a fungus that you will not remove with any Swiss creams for the rest of your life!
User Nick_name warns recruits:
- Bullying and beatings is not hazing, but criminality. Do not be afraid to inform commanders about this. But remember at the same time about subordination - in no case should you complain to a senior boss over the head of a junior! I wouldn’t complain to my mother either, it’s not like a man. On the contrary, tell your mother that everything is fine, even if it is not.
And further. Observe the rules for handling firearms, this is not a toy. There were accidents from mischief with weapons.

In the language of the Charter, army everyday life is called "hardships and hardships of military service." What does a young fighter need to know, and how to behave in the new conditions of life?

First Rules

As old-timers say, there are a few simple rules that will help a recruit behave properly in the army and easily integrate into a new environment. And these are not the rules that a recruit will hear in a unit, such as “do not wake up, do not turn over, take out first in case of fire” ... About what to take with you to the army,

First of all, you need to be careful. In no case should you provoke conflicts with other conscripts. It is also not recommended to discuss or ignore the orders of superiors in rank. Any "show off" is severely punished. It must be remembered that soldiers are a monotonous mass, a single mechanism capable of suppressing any less well-coordinated machine.

To make adaptation in the first days easier, it is best for a recruit to try not to constantly think about home and loved ones. Also, a soldier needs to realize that military service is a great opportunity to temper his character, to become physically stronger. Most of the "conscripts" are demobilized in good shape and with a clear understanding of discipline.

It is best to behave in the army with other recruits in a friendly and calm manner. You can try to find some of your fellow countrymen, with whom you will definitely find common topics and it will be easier to communicate. Friendly and sociable guys find it easier to win over their colleagues, and a healthy sense of humor is also welcome.

It is advisable to learn the charter by heart in the early days, to know what your superiors in rank will require of you.

First skills

Be more simple. If you have a professorial education and you got to serve, throw out your "professor stuff" for a while and don't be clever. They don't like them around here. Don't forget that soldiers are a monotonous mass. Communicate the way everyone communicates. Be your own in the company.

Stay in the crowd. They get into trouble from great strength or from a great mind. If at first you are involved in the "mass", then it will do you good. Don't be a gray mouse. Don't be an upstart.

Remember unity. Everyone who surrounds you in the army is the same as you. Don't let yourself be convinced otherwise. Do not be afraid of your fellow soldiers. Try to communicate with them. You have the same rights with them. Is someone acting cool? This is first. The army machine will put everyone in their place.

Look around. You are not alone. The main thing is to understand people. Who can be trusted and who should be shunned. Try to talk to the others until you identify those who are more inclined to talk and who can be trusted. Be with them so you won't be alone.

Be constant. Do not switch in communication from one company to another. They don't like it here. Remember that it is better to have one reliable friend than several unreliable ones.

First days in the army

On the first night in the barracks, consider all the advantages of your stay here. Remember that everything is not so sad. You don't have to worry about clothes - they will give you them. No need to worry about food - you will eat on schedule. Little food? It's like that for everyone in the first days of the army. In fact, food is given out exactly as much as you need. Little sleep? You will sleep eight hours a day, if not on guard or on duty - this is enough for a young organism. Do not oppress yourself with thoughts of home. It will pass.

On charge, be like everyone else. Everyone is running - and you run. In no case do not fall in exhaustion - in most cases, your comrades will pull you along with them. If it’s completely unbearable, slow down, let everyone go ahead, but keep running - you are no worse than everyone else.

Hide talent. If you have talents, don't rush to reveal them. If you're a hairdresser, you can be forced to cut 200 men's hair. If you are an artist, you will draw wall newspapers in order and design stands. And this is when everyone will have free time. If, of course, you really like it, it can help you in your future service. The army loves talent.

Hide money. Don't trust anyone. Remember, you don't know the people around you. Comrades are only after a few months of service. Do not give money to either "demobilizations" who promise a sweet life "under the wing", or to officers who, as a rule, give "fake" receipts. A person who has profited once will want to profit more, and you will be the first victim.

Write letters home. Your parents are worried about you. In letters, do not write to your mother how lonely you are and how harsh life is. It will only upset her. Write how cheerful and rich the service is, and subsequently it will be so if you can find your interest. After all, the reality surrounding a person is a clear reflection of his own thoughts.


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