What girl cheated on Alexei Vorobyov. Biography and personal life of Alexei Vorobyov



When you look at Alexei Vorobyov, it seems that he should not have problems with girls: successful, talented, handsome - why not a dream man? However, in reality, everything is different: last week, the singer shared his personal experiences because of his beloved, who betrayed him. Then Alexey wrote a whole post about his broken heart: “I flew 13 hours, spent only 18 hours in Moscow from the moment I got off the plane and boarded a new flight, where I will now again spend 13 hours in flight. And you know what? It was worth it. Now I know for sure that miracles do not happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend for at least a few hours, and I’m flying away as a bachelor ... The moral of the story is this: if you want to make a surprise and fly across the ocean for a day for someone, it’s better to warn about your intentions, ”Vorobiev wrote on Instagram.

The singer's fans sounded the alarm: what girl dared to offend their idol like that? After all, Alexei did not show the face of his beloved, but hid his name - so as not to jinx it. And finally, the journalists managed to find out who broke the singer's heart: according to Vorobyov's friends, his ex-lover is 21-year-old Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova, the soloist of the Dynama group, with whom Alexei began an affair last year. “Lesha had a lot of girls, but with tenderness he only spoke about Diana,” a friend of the star told StarHit reporters. - Alexey valued this relationship very much and pleased his beloved with gifts and huge bouquets of roses. What happened destroyed everything - they broke up without even remaining friends.


It is noteworthy that at the end of last year, information appeared that Diana Ivanitskaya had an affair with TV presenter Dmitry Khrustalev. Then the couple often appeared together at events and hugged in front of photographers, but did not comment on their relationship.

    He is very worried about the betrayal of his beloved and shares his emotions with fans. The journalists were able to find out that the mysterious girl is the singer Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova. The day before, information appeared on the network that the soloist of the Dinama group Diana Ivanitskaya became the very girl who set the horns to Alexei Vorobyov. ... The identity of this man, with whom Diana cheated on Vorobyov, did not remain a secret for long. Former lover Vorobyov gave a clear answer to all his fans who criticized her for their choice. ... Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova, who is the soloist of the Dynama group, has recently been heavily criticized by Vorobyov's fans.

    Alexei Vorobyov's ex-girlfriend Diana responded to criticism addressed to her

    A flurry of harsh criticism fell upon the soloist of the Dynamo group Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova from fans of the former singer Alexei Vorobyov. They believe that it is Diana who is to blame for the breakup and his suffering.

    Angry fans of Alexei Vorobyov write offensive comments on Diana's Instagram page. ... More than a week ago, Alexey Vorobyov told fans that his girlfriend had cheated on him.

    Former lover Vorobyov gave a clear answer to all his fans who criticized her for their choice. ... Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova, who is the soloist of the Dynama group, has recently been heavily criticized by Vorobyov's fans.

    Yesterday, the name of Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova from the DINAMA group, created in 2013 on the project I Want V VIA Gru, appeared in the press. The girl was accused of breaking the heart of handsome Alexei Vorobyov by cheating on him with another.

    Recently, the actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov, on his page on the social network Instagram, told fans that his beloved had betrayed him. According to the artist, having flown to Moscow for a day, he caught his beloved with another and immediately broke off relations with her. ... By the way, Vorobyov's fans believe that Diana "set the horns" to Alexei with the lead singer of the M Band group Artem Pindyura.

    Tired of the accusations against her, Diana Ivanitskaya answered all the spiteful critics

    The singer found his beloved in bed with another man, and although Alexei did not name the traitor, the paparazzi managed to find out that this girl was Diana, the soloist of the Dynama group. It became known that Vorobyov recently flew to Russia to surprise his beloved, but it turned out that Diana prepared an even bigger surprise for Alexei when the singer found her in bed with another.

    The other day, one of the friends of the singer Alexei Vorobyov nevertheless revealed the name of his beloved, who cheated on the artist. It turned out that the girl is the soloist of the DYNAMA group, and now, they say, she has a new love.

    Recently, one of the close friends of 29-year-old Alexei Vorobyov revealed to journalists the name of a secret lover who betrayed the singer. ... On January 27, Diana Ivanitskaya decided to comment on the numerous accusations against her. “I don’t even want to say anything.

    He is very worried about the betrayal of his beloved and shares his emotions with fans. The journalists were able to find out that the mysterious girl is the singer Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova.

    The singer continues to worry about the breakup It became known the name of the girl who cheated on the singer Alexei Vorobyov. ... The former girlfriend of the singer turned out to be a member of the Dynamo group Diana Ivanitskaya.

    As soon as the secular media reported that it was she who allegedly broke the heart of Alexei Vorobyov, a flurry of criticism and insults from the artist's fans hit her. The day before, reporters sniffed out that it was Diana who betrayed Alexei.

    It became known the name of the girl who broke the heart of the most enviable groom in Russia. ... The journalists came to this conclusion after analyzing the photos of the girl on the social network.

    The day before, information appeared on the network that the soloist of the Dinama group Diana Ivanitskaya became the very girl who set the horns to Alexei Vorobyov. ... The identity of this man, with whom Diana cheated on Vorobyov, did not remain a secret for long.

    Recently it became known the name of the girl who cheated on Alexei Vorobyov. ... Diana is a model and singer from Zaporozhye, she took part in the X-Factor show, as well as “I want to go to VIA Gru”, where she reached the final.

    The former lover of the “bachelor” turned out to be a beauty from Ukraine. The name of the girl Alexei Vorobyov was leaked to the press, who at first seriously fascinated him, and then disappointed him.

Currently, Alexey Vorobyov lives in the USA. He is scheduled to shoot in one American TV series. That is why he rarely manages to come to Moscow to meet relatives and friends. However, this time the artist decided to cross the ocean to make a pleasant surprise for his chosen one. It soon became clear that Alexei's beloved was not ready to meet him. It turned out that during the absence of the musician, she successfully arranged her personal life.

According to the artist, she betrayed him. Obviously, the girl cheated on the man, which is why he could not restrain his emotions and spoke in detail about what had happened. Vorobyov published a picture with his beloved, in the comments under which he wrote that he was going to forget her. He also noted that he would remember only good things about the chosen one, but plans to delete everything else and leave it in the past. Fans went crazy after reading the words of the artist. They were shocked, because they did not suspect that something like this could happen to their idol.

“I flew 13 hours, spent only 18 hours in Moscow from the moment I got off the plane and boarded a new flight, where I will now again spend 13 hours in flight. And you know what? It was worth it. Now I know for sure that miracles do not happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend for at least a few hours, and I'm flying away as a bachelor, ”the artist wrote on Instagram.

Vorobyov warned subscribers that any surprise must be discussed with a loved one, otherwise it leads to unexpected consequences. By the way, he does not regret that he did not notify the girl in advance, because in this case he would not be able to guess what is really happening in his personal life. Alexey posted a photo in which his beloved lies in bed and hugs the dog of the artist Elvis. “Remember us like this, okay? And the rest I'll just erase, as if it never happened. I’ll erase your phone, since I don’t remember it by heart, I’ll erase your photos, and I’ll erase you from my life, ”the performer shared on the social network.

Alexey said that he is ready to write whatever he sees fit in his microblog. Therefore, he is indifferent to the attacks of ill-wishers who began to accuse him of putting his personal life on display. It should be noted that the man rarely talked about his own relationship, so many were extremely surprised that he had a girlfriend. Despite this, they did not suspect that Vorobyov would catch the chosen one for treason just when he himself did not expect it.

Some representatives of the domestic show business did not stand aside and supported the artist. Olga Buzova was one of the first to comment on the situation. She expressed the opinion that betrayal is not forgiven, and people who have ever gone for it will certainly repeat their mistake. It seems to her that Vorobyov would have found out about this sooner or later.

Alexey did not disregard the words of the host "House-2" and confirmed the thought expressed by her.

Judging by the comments under one of the artist's photos, singer Victoria Daineko also reacted to what happened. She left an emoji emoticon that expresses condolences. Most likely, the young mother decided to write words of support to Alexei personally. Recall that Vorobyov and Daineko met for about a year. There were rumors that the couple even planned to get married, but they soon broke up. But this did not prevent them from establishing good, friendly relations.

Fans of the artist did not leave the sensitive issue without attention and expressed their indignation. Most of the followers supported the singer. They asked him not to despair and to hope for the best. In their opinion, any event in life has a certain meaning. It seems to them that this could happen at any moment, so you can’t worry too much. Commentators began to share their opinions about such a frivolous act of the girl. Someone harshly condemned her, and some demanded not to interfere in the situation and let the lovers solve the problem themselves.

"Alexey, don't worry. So she wasn't worth it. You don’t need to let negativity into your life”, “I understand you as a human being. It's a shame, especially for quite a successful man to get in the gut”, ““Everything that is done, everything is for the better. So it was meant to be, I'm sure you deserve better. Hold on!”, “You will be fine! Just not your man, unfortunately, ”followers supported the artist.

The 28-year-old handsome man, actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov, despite his great desire to start a family, cannot find his soul mate.

Yesterday, returning to Moscow, the artist thought that his beloved was waiting for him and decided to surprise her: to come home without warning, but it turned out that in his absence the girl was fully satisfied with her personal life. Alexei was so enraged by the betrayal of his beloved that he immediately broke off relations with her and deleted her from his life. On his page on the social network Instagram, he wrote about this:

“Now I know for sure that miracles do not happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend for at least a few hours, and I'm flying away as a bachelor. I'll remember us like this, okay? I'll just erase the rest as if it didn't exist. I’ll erase your phone, since I don’t remember it by heart, I’ll erase your photos, and I’ll erase you from my life, ”and then added:“ And this is for all the moralists who decided that life should not be put on display. This is my life and my fucking Instagram. So with all due respect, go fuck yourself with that whore."

By the way, one of the first actors was supported by the host of "House-2" Olga Buzova, who herself experienced a divorce not so long ago. She wrote that a betrayer once is able to do it again, so it’s good that Alexei found out about the betrayal now, and not a year later.

The editors of uznayvse.ru recall that at one time Alexei Vorobyov met with Victoria Deineko,

It became known the name of the girl with whom the artist broke off relations. Close friends of Alexei Vorobyov claim that he took her very seriously and was not at all ready for disappointment. Now the director and musician plunged headlong into work in order to quickly forget about what happened to him.

After many high-profile novels, Alexei Vorobyov learned to carefully hide his relationship, believing that happiness loves silence. But the other day, apparently, in a fit of rage, the artist posted a post on Instagram, accusing his beloved of betrayal.

“This girl hurt Lesha,” one of the artist’s friends, Max, told StarHit. - He flew to the USA to shoot for 4 months. I decided to surprise my beloved and returned to Moscow for 15 hours. I flew for almost a day and rushed to her, and she behaved in such a way that this post appeared on Lesha's Instagram ... "

Fans wondered who so hurt the actor and director: music manager Nina, who often posted photos with his dog Elvis, Nastya Dvoryanskaya, whom the artist considers her “goddaughter,” or Miss Russia Zhenya Dravina. But it turned out to be Diana from the Dynama group.

“Lesha had a lot of girls, but with tenderness he only spoke about Diana,” Max shares with StarHit. - The guys liked the atmosphere of mystery, they tried not to appear in public, so as not to get caught. Alexey valued this relationship very much and pleased his beloved with gifts and huge bouquets of roses. But what happened destroyed everything - they broke up without even remaining friends. Diana committed such an act that Lech could not forgive.

When Vorobyov informed the subscribers of his microblog about the betrayal of his beloved, they immediately began to find out what was the matter. However, soon the director and musician himself made it clear that he did not intend to return to this issue. Alexey crossed out everything that connected him with the girl and tried to immerse himself in the work process. It is labor, according to the artist himself, that is able to pull him out of the most severe depression.

Not so long ago it became known that Vorobyov was forced to leave Russia for a long time for the sake of long-term filming in the series, in which he was approved for one of the roles. Alexey keeps the details of the lucrative contract, as well as the name of the popular project, a secret.



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